" " In a widespread and vehement pub. lie diacnsaion of the iniquity of Sun- day newspapers now proceeding in Frtglarri, ort" prominent English eo- clqsias-ic. the Dean at Norwich. stands none in commending the movement. The Emperor of Germany issaid to be working to secure the election of Cardinal Vaughan so next Pope. The Cardinal has denied that he has of- tered himself as a candidate. The British Government In interest- ed in Dr. Felix Borton'n airship, which it is claimed, will have a speed of 120 miles an hour. A finished ship will be constructed utter supervision by the British military authorities. Thr. Governments of Great Britain and Russia have chosen Prof. Ben- ning Mstzen‘, proleowr of law At the University of Copenhagen, to arbitrate on Canada's claim for dance: for the uizure of eight vessels by Rania in Behring Son in 189.3. It is said that Princess Victmia George of Greece normed. Thu saute ot the late Sir William Junner. physician~-in-ordinary to the Queen andthe Prince of Wales, in valuad at E885,000. the pussenkefs aid crew‘QIiéigs'i'Eie; 1iostt by the sinking of the Channel steamboat Stella. The Queen has um a manage of sort- row and sympath to the relatives of A' iiie annual [naming of the Can- mi.†Pacific Railway in Montreal, the old board and officers were re-eltsttrd, and Il was decided to spend in im- provements of 1rermanent way $1,150,- 9.9 or additional station yard and Ler- miual facilities at Montreal, Vancou- bet' and other points, 8788.187 ior the cumplellun " air brake and automatic coupler eqaipurust, 8:10.),ii10. for branch line.» to mini-s in counrotii-n with the Crow's Nest Pans tine, 8310.000. and rolling stick, 8t,tAa,000, as the traffic od the company may require. GREAT BRITAIN. The Duke and Duchess of York are about to iieit inland. Mr. T. E. Ellis, M.P.. chief whip of the British Liberal party, is dead. Emperor Williem and family intend pinging a lengthy holiday in England and Scotland. The; estate of the late John M. Cook, the head of Couk's tourist agency, is valued at Allin“). Mr. Francis Marion Crawford is said to have u-nnneuced to write tho bio- graphy of Pope Leo XIII. During the past year the, Depart- new oi' the secretary of State i.,suud 93 pampona to Canadians juumuying to foreign lands where such (Lou- nenls are rcuuired. W' tins number 13 were for Cniuvsc, who were natur- Ill/13d British Bulge“; For the pun [an seasons the auidey of the amu- gh-n Uoing hummus trom tbe. lrvurh l-‘liluda of St. Pierre and Ni lt l 'n has hero rcdouhled, and the oHi era of thu preventive branch of the Ca toam Doparun n1 amicipirealsettr, .easua'tg Work on the Gulf oi tit. Law- tom-e. It is said that negotiations are pen 1- ing tur the amalgamation of ihe Haut.. ilton Must Furnace Company and the, Ontario Railing Mills C'ornirmy, and that in addition the new company may uslaihlish a steel plant in “amnion, Mr. William Mackenzie, of 1orouto, no“ in “innipvg, muted mu the Dauphin line Would bu extended this mason, to traskutchcian. As Lu ihe Rainy Rivet extt'uAtou, the cumulus are being let {mm Manhunt! wea- By the bursting of a bleam saw wtrie cutting wood new Aeepawa, John Mel'hznl was instantly killed and Jas Stephens' right arm was severqd IX the shoulder Gui the fingers of his left hand were taken off. Winnipeg butchers have advanced prices oi nearly all staple lines of was. The advance will vary from le, to ll-ec per pound on beef. veal and mutton, and is caused by the high price prevailing for cattle. Mr Alexander Robinson, principal of the High School In. Vancouver, has been appointed superintendent ot Ed- ucation of British Columbia, in suc- cemiun to Dr. Pope, resigned. Zoltan Van Raps, an Hungarian, now at Ottawa, says he has concluded arrangemanw with the Interior De- partment by “Inch 50.: or tiou families of Nuns wilt be brought out this year. In the Winnipeg police court a Galician who had purchased a neigh- bor's wife and had um. got her, want- ed to enter an action for obtaining money under (also pretences. The Montreal Lircuned Vietuallera' Aluminium has passed a strong re- solution against lotteries and other (arm of gambling said to be rite in the city. Mr. John A. MacMillan, u "ell-knoun' curler we; caught in 3 belt at the) Samar. Dundas & “tulle Mills at] Lindsay and fatally injured on Fri- aay. i Dr. Good, writing from Dawson to . Winnipeg paper says there will be In much gold taken out of the Kiogr. ditto this you: us last, The Manual City Hospital is said to ha in danger of collapsing. The in- mctor has recommended the removal I all the patina. Hon. Sidney Fisher. Minister of Ag- rieulture, denies that he is to succeed Lord Sunbeam as High Commission- c to England. Major-General Hutton has nsked the Mayor of Montreal to assist in a " ulcbntion od the 24th. The Aldermen of Toronto by a large majority refused to vote for the uno- tition of the annual salary of 8310. Friday, May 5, will be Arbor Day In Manitoba. ' The Bumilton Harbor Commilme will uh the Government for '150,000 lor harbor improvements. Lord Sumhcona In: givon 8100 to the Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition. ‘l'mny-five per cent, of the gas nolu in Montreal is tor cooking pur- Ar. Poachland. B.C., In attempt is to be made to hatch ostrichs and start an attic]: tum. Afgws Sarrn ma 'y. CAN ADA ihe cngugnncm of of Wales to Prince will shortly be an- Recent Happening: Briefly Told. It is reported that there will be 3 meeting of .the Czar. the German Emperor, and Emperor Franci- Joseph 11 tkiesrmsvioe, Russia, up†the occasion of a great hunting party next fell. m sets will and an 'urpuit.on to Spitzberirem at a cost of 8150,000 to measure a parallel of latitude, ir order to test the theory that the earth in Humming at the poles and expanding aâ€. the equator Emin Pasha, senior surgeon to Sul- tan Abdul Hamid, has been banished for life. The pasha was betrayed by his wife as being implicated in a con- spiracy against the Sultan's life. A Berlin marriage bureau has sent drummers throughout the country to increase its business. The agents re- port favorable receptions everywhere. and the novelty is proving success- ful. German medical students in Berlin are showing their opposition to the admission of women to the medical pmtesaion by ailing with brutality to- wards girl students. The Egyptian Government is report- ed to be contemplating the building of a railway from Khartoum to Suakim. via Kassaln, so as to tap the Abyssin- ian trade. . Tin. Hiksdag has voted 2.388.000 crowns for the purchase of rifles, and 2,200,000 crowns for the impro'vo- ment of the Swedish fortifications. The dowuger Empress of China has issued a pt'trrlum,at'ton forbidding at- tacks on missionaries. A shell accidentally exploded in the Belgian. furtreas, of Buy. Friday, kill- ing two and wounding seweral persons and doing great damage. The village of Nabonne. near Yoko- hama, Japan, was burned and over 70 lives were lost. Serious labor troubles and strikes are spreading in the manufacturing districts of Russia. It is reported that Montenegro, one of th" most able of the Filipino lead- ers, has been killed. Invitations have been issued to .23 powers to be represented at the Dis- armament Conference. ihe Cvmmiltce un Civie Parade for the Peace Jubilee to be held in Wash- ington in May, has taken action look- ing to a. formal recognition of Queen Victoria's birthday. The big parade is to be held on May 24, and acornmittee was appointed to wait on Ambassador Pauncefote and arrange for some ap- propriate ceremony. Vessels with enurmous eatehes of seals are arriving at St. John's, Nfld. culling for an "meruinwnc to the cun- sliluxion fun-var prohibijng the prac- tive of pwlyggamy. and 'litstrarushisintt anyone guilty of it. A bili, whuh has passed the prelim- inary any†til the, New York senate, and and; for final passage, provides for the examination before sale, of all mule entering New York State, from Catrada or el:,ewhere. three thousand bricklaytsra are on strike m i'h.latlelishia; id,r00 iron ore, mlners are out in Alabama; and the cotrluctors and mutormen of the trol- ley line, at Wheeling, Va., refuse to work until their grievances are ar- tended to. , I The Roam of Trade returns for "rorctt show that British imports de- ionised A'1,920,400 and British exports 'iinUieaaed £1,474,100 over March, 1898. with it. W The New England Merhodiat Con- fefgm-e _hns piss‘d a strong resolution is in New York on a vitsir to Cecil Baring, his brother, the New York agent of :he firm. At Chicago, on Saturday, Frank Liudermuu. it milkman, was standing In the office of the Illinois Swings Bank. with $4300 in his hand, when a strgnger seized the roll and escaped Chas. Fruhman hast engaged _ the Earl of Roslyn who recently adopted the stage as a profession, to appear in New York, in 'His Excellent: the Governor." Lord 1levelsuslre, head of the bank- ing, bugrse otllhriug Bros. ot London, The bodies ot the 25 unidentified dead, taken from the ruins ot the Windsor Hotel fire, have twen placed in a vault at Kensico cemetery, at Yonkers, N.Y. Mr. C. N. B. Eliot, C.B., I. distin- guished young diplumat on Sir Julian l'auncefote's staff, has been appoint.- ed British commissiuner in the Samoan matter. A donation from Juneau, Alaska, reports the murder of w prospectors from Kentucky, while asleep, by In- dians, who wanted their kits and sup- plies. The death of Dr. Wallace McMillan, of Dorchester, Mass., at the 1aserttintr table was due to blood-poiyminctrorn a scratch on the mouth by B finger nail. Heavy chartering for the iron ore trade will result in a shortage of Veaaels for the grain trade of the lakea. . . The Standard on Company Is said to have bought the Copper interests in Montana of F. A, Heinze, formerly of Rosslaml. The ext'hange of ratification of the peace treaty between Spain and the United States is expected to takepltttsts this week in Washington. An insane Italian, who ran amuck wi: h a .211,th in East Haddam, Conn, was pursued and shot dead byamob. The American Government has up- pointed delegates to the Czars die armxmcm Cf, ugzess. The American casualties in the Phil- ipplnw to date unauut to: killed, 184; wounded, 976: total, 1,160. Mr. Warren Leland, proprietor of the Windsor Hotel in New York, recently destrryed by tire, is dead. The Archbishop of Canterbury lent}: the clerical chorus of disapproval m a curt notes. “In my opinion," says he, "the fewer Sunday newspaper: there no the better." UNITED STATES. Mr. Justice Field, ex-membor of the United States Supreme Court, in dead. Rear Admiral C. C. Carpenter, re- tired, commuted suicide in a Bank torium in Huston. GENERAL English Admiralty Arranged for a In carne- nl Dentin-pun. A despatch from New York, MVS:-- It has been arranged that Admiral Sampson shall during the coming sum- mer take a fleet of United States warships to Southampton where the English Admiralty authorities have arranged a reception under the super- intendence of the Duke of York. U. S. FLEET GOING TO ENGLAND A proclamation also announces that after fifteen years from this date the English language shall be substituted for the Italian in all the Maltese courts. . Hitherto Italian only was used, and the grievance under which English- men labored reached a culminating point when Colonel Hewson was sen- tenced to three days†imprisonment for refusing to sign his deposition, which was drawn up_ in Italian. Inhabitants “In. Fifteen Iran to learn " A despatch from Vulett. Malta, says: -An order-in-Cuuncil has been issued allowing the use of the English lan- guage in the oral and written proceed- ings in all the courts of Malta in all cases where Englishmen are plaintiffs or defendants, or witnesses. This angered the animal, and he grabbed Fisher's arm in his mouth, crushing it. Then the elephant threw Fisher down with his trunk and tried to gore him with his tasks. His tasks were so short, however, having been sawed off, that he could not reach his victim with them. Rajah then delib- erately Jumped upon Fisher's cheat, breaking every rib and crushing the life out of him. prove his prowess he visited in turn the lions' cage and the bears' den, com- ing out each time uninjured, and then went over and began to play with Rajah. The elephant was in a par- ticularly bad mood, and refused to obey his orders. When the brute re- fused to open his muuth Fisher struck him on the trunk with his fist. Fisher was intoxicated when he was killed. He staggered into the winter quarters of am circus at Argentine on Monday Ill-swing, boasting of his prowess as an animal tamer. To A despatch from Kansas City, Mo., sa.vsr.-iuuen Brothers' man-killing elephant Rajah, added unulher to his list of victims un linmlay morning, when he killed his keeper, Frank Fish< er, who is the ninth man that Rajah has killed during the seven years he has been in captivity. He will pro- bably not kill any more men, for there is n movement on foot to have him slain. Frank Him-r " "up Ninth t Evil " of [tutah. The circumstances of the sad affair will be remembered. Mr. Struthtlee and his son were travelling alone, via the Edmonton route, into the Peace River district in Search of gold. One morning in September last the son got up before-his lather, took his gun, left the tent in search of sour! small game. and never returned. The distracted father spent ten days all alone in searching, then stacied for help, fall- ing in with two men on the trail, who (Assisted him ten days longer in the ":waith, but without success. Mr. Szrmhlpe, an, w.:s zh~n forved to re- turn hwme ere the winter closed in, leaving his lost sun br-hind. Sirwe. then nothing has been heard of him. The Body on: Brannon! Wan Discovered on “non Trail. A despatch from Brantford, Ont., says:--Wr. A. C. Strathdee, for anum- ber of years G.T.R. agent ht re, on Tuesday, received a. letter from Mr. F. -D. Wilson, agent of the Hudson's Bay post at Vermillion, in the Peace Riv- er district, saying that a body has been found supposed to be that of his son Harvey Strathdee, whn was lost in that region last fall. "rhe body is 'reirorted to have been fTund by In- dians, and to have bet-n partially de- voured by wild beasts. Mr. Straahdee is making an effort to have it identi- fied it possible and brought home for burial. The King of Siam has issued a de- Cree that no children who are entirely naked will be henceforth allowed to play in the streets of Bangkok, and that every person over the age of ten must be clothed from the knee to the neck. It is also made a rule that all persons entering the palace must wear mks. Non-compliance with this order is to be punished by fine. The decree insists especially in girls and women wearing jackets, but as this is not the mode there it is anticipated that there will be considerable trouble with the fair on“. A tax of 25 francs has been levied by France upon unmarried natives of Madagascar, since January last. Wo. men of 21 years of age who are not mothers of children are taxed 15 francs. Each legitimate child is sub- ject to a tax of seven francs, and for every illegitimate childatax of 50 francs is required. All the Anglo-Egyptian troops have been removed from Omdurman owing to the persistence of the disease of cerebro spinal meningitis, due to the former insanitary condition of the town. It is intended to ailow Omdur- man to become waste. The tint Itreet our in Europe to be propelled by liquid air was tested in Zurich Monday. If the reports of the experts are satisfactory the city will remodel the entire municipal traction gystem sons to employ the new motive The 140 delegates present at the Stockholm Trades Congress, repre- senting 20,000 workmen in various trades, decided that it the employers refused to better the condition of the men, a general strike would be or- dared. MALTA TO SPEAK ENGLISH DIED SEEK!NG HIS FORFUNE. KILLED BY AN ELEPHANT. TORONTO hold it for rum. The AuaG, ii; Company have sent on a thousand dob lars to recover the remains. The body is hole by Indians from the coast. In- diam in the employ M the Hudson's Bay Company are going to try and re- t'ovet the body by force in order to claim the reward. lulu-u In" the item.utt" of Mr Arthur :(‘IPIIIO and lkrllnc to lint-render Them. A despatch from Seattle, Wash..aaym News has reached Dawson from the Hudson's Bay posts in the Mud River country that there is some prospeet of recovering the body of the unfortu- ate Sir Arthur Curtis, who perished in the timber while trying to reach Daw- son over “the Ashcyott_ tggil. Wus, Ar" levy Will Have the “the" Mann Quirk-I‘lrlnx G'tatt. A despatch from London, tsays:-The War Office has finally decided on the Viekers-Maxim quick-firing gun for the rearmument of the horse and field artillery. The characteristic feature of the system is the gradual absorption of the recoil by an hydraulic. buffer. The rate of fire is reckoned at twelve aimed rounds per minute, while the weight, including mounting, umber, and forty rounds of ammunil ion, is ex- actly thirty hundred weight. The, gun in question is regarded as in everyl way equal to the new quick-firing gun of the French and German army, and inasmuch as the present quick-tiring gun of the English army has a maxi- mum of six rounds per minute, the adoption of _the Viekers-Mixim gun will be equivalent to doubling the fighting force of the British Royal Artillery. The frivudlies carried one head through Apia, which made Captain Stuart so furious that he went to the King and threatened to shoot any man found taking heads. The King then issued a proclamation forbidding the practice. 1n a previous engage-went 27 of Ma- tanCt's walnuts were killed, and there wow no casualties among the Euro- pean force. Un the arrival of the British cruiser Tauranga at Apia thn Briiish and United States Consuls issued a pro- clumation to give Mataafa a last chance, and the French priests also used their influence, but all efforts Failed, and the rebels continued their depredations. Property was destroyed and bridges and roads were barricad- ed. On March 29 the enemy was sight- ed at Muguigi, and machine guns and a seven-Pounder were med. The friendliesaLso attacked the enemy dur- ing the latter'a retreat, and neveral rebels We‘re killed or wounded. Captain Sturdee, of the Porpoise, WAS away on an expedition with his cruiser, and Gaunt's brigade was also absent on duty. Th; manager of the German planta- tion has been arrested and detained on board the Tauranga, on affidavits de- claring he was seen during the fight The Sumrmns say Mataata, on three occasions, had resolved to surrender, but the German Consul, Herr R043, advised him not to do so, and he now says he will never give In, but will fight to the death. Lieutenants Freeman and Lundadale were capublv and popular officers. l tw former was single, but the latter had been married last June. Seaman Hunt, of the British oruiser Pomuisn. had an extraordinary rs- cape. Ila remained with Lieutenant Lindsdaic until clubbed over the head and knocked uens.~la-ss. The biuejuck- et revived as the natives were cutting off his right ear, and were turning him over in order locut oithislett ear. At this juncture a mm from the British truiser ltoyulist burst on the battle- ii-ld, searing the rebels, and Hunt suc- etwded in escaping to the beach, al- 1hyygh severely stabbed in one tool. Amuicxm and British were practically at the mercy of the rebels. "Retreat" was sounded three times before the marines and bluejuoketa retired. SHOULDER TO SHOULDER. The Cult uutomalic gun with the land- ing party became jammed, and the The rebel force opened fire on the rear, left rank, and frontof the Anglo- American force. The friendlies lurked. but the marines and bluejaukets aloud their ground splendidly, Americans and British tars firing It is estimated that about eight hun- dred warriors attacked the Anglo-Am- erican party from ambush. Ensign Monaghan remained to tIB- sist Lieut. Landsdale, and was shot in retiring. Two British and two United States sailors were also killed. The natives engaged were some of Mata- afa's warriors, and they severed the heads of the dead officers. The natives lost 40 killed. ' ' etly hating bass their a:sai‘ants. who tsought to overwhelm them by force of numbers. The expedition was led by Lieut. Freeman, " the. British cruiser Tauranga, and he and Lirui. Landsdale and Ensign Monaghan. of the U. s., cruiser Philadelphia, were left dead on the field. Were Forced to .etreat-rtrree m!" up“ on a German flu-usual. the Hanger " Which Is Held for Cou- pllclly. A despatch from Apia, Samoa, says: -A party of 105 British and United States sailors were forced to retreat to the beach, after having been caught in an ambush on a German plantation, on April 1. The fighting was terrrtio/ the British and American tare repeat-1 FELL INTI] AN AMBUSH. BRITISH AND U. S. SAILORS AT. TACKED BY SAMOA REBELS. HOLD BODY FOR RANSOM. was lierrtred...yr -ryitiiG, ai; A AIUNG TH E N ATIVES BRITAIN'S NEW ARM. Ftf .53“; In. Ion-owed "rule-re I. the Punk-b. A despatch from London, 'sartst-Deo. patches from the East show that tho plague has spread throughout Asia. It in raging with renewed virulence In the Punjanb. In Hong Kong there have been forty-three deaths, and (every precaution is being taken to prevent it spreading by vessels to Manila. Senator Ambler moved to recom- mit the bill with instructions to strike out the enacting clause, Which was carried by a vote of 28 to 10, thus killing the bill. not“: efe 'tentrtrttsr, Ila-are In I. Y [caudal-re. A deapatch from Albany. N.Y., says: In the Senate to-night Senator Willis' bill, providing that cattle imported in.. to the State shall be examined and passed by a veterinary created an ex- tended diaeasaion, it being attacked by Senator Mackey, who said it would kill an important industry in the western part of, the State. Tho yacht will be launched May 8 and christened by the Duchess of York but will not he completed for unother year. The yacht in being constructed of steel sheathed in four-inch leak and covered with solid brass. All the fit- tings and decorations will be of the costliest and handsomest description. By the Queen's special desire all the furniture now in use on the yacht Os- borne will be transferred to the new Victoria and Albert, as the Queen hates: to heve new things about I., her. The building will hen total loss, and the extent cf,he damuge is estimated at about 830,000. “Ill Coal Nearly 335.003.... and be human-d â€a, tr, A despateh from London, says:- Queen Victoria's new steam yacht be- ing built in the Pembroke Govern- ment dockyerd will cost little short of 85,000,000. The dimensions are: Length, 380 feet; breadth, 50; depth, 28; displacement, 4,700 tons; indicated house-power, 11,000; weed. 20 knots. 'lhere was a large stock of flour and pro-.isiuns inthe upper flats. and the heavy weight cum d th, floors to col- lapse, andtlw Contents were carried down upon Lulude, who was working in the DOUGH] (Ln. Ile was buried be.. neath the debris, and had both arms broken,betsides sustaining severe in- ternal injuries. A Malta-I 'mvlultm “humane " Indus. A despnlcb from Montreal, says: -A building on Commissioner street. oe- cupied by Benoit and Company as a pcoiision warehousa wllaspml on Mon.. day evening, and one of the rmphryeu, Philippe Dulude, lt store-mun in charge of the. building, was buried in the ruins, and will pruhahly die from in- Julins sustained. His lordship insisted that a change of venue depended entirely upon the Crown's willingness to supply the funds for the procurement and pay- ment of all the witnesses for the de- fence. Counsel said that the Crown would abide by any order made by the court. The learned judge hinted that i' was his intention to make a change nud asked for suggestions as to the place of trial. The Crown "mentioned Perth and Whitby and .Ihe defence Kingston, but as they could not agree his Lord- ship said he would confer with his brethren on the lynch as to tho best place to try the case. He added that Toronto, which had been mentioned lt; him by Mr. B. B. Osler, Q.C., would lw the probable location. " At least a fair trial can be obtain- ed here," observed the court. Mr, Wallace Nesbitt. who appeared for Ponton. argued that his client ted an inherent right to be tried In Napanee and that the demonstration of the last. trial, which he minimized eunsiderablr, was not It all likely to occur again. The main point, “he thought, for the judge's consideration was the effect on the jury and the defence had affidavits from all who had served, saying that they had not been intimidated by the noise of the crowd. It would be a stain on the fair name of Napunee to change the venue. Mr. Leighton McCarthy. MW., for tAe Crown spoke on the line of the atti- davits tiled, showing that it “as im- possible to obtain a fair trial in the towns The mob evidently tried to in- timidate the jury, but whether they suceeeded or not will never be known. The Crown did not desire the court to go through a similar experience to that of the presiding judge on that occasion. Mr. Justice b‘ergueon. ". The Judtrr laid it down It the com- mencemeni of proceedings that argu- ment was not neceuaxy on the ques- tion of the selzsciion of a fair and hon- et" jury either from the town at Napa- nee or the county ot Lennox and Add- ington. That was admitted. He ad- vised counsel to wane on the effect of the riotous demonstration that Look iriaadrtTctiairLviGink of the my trig] 3; tittotutets, _ _ _-.. - ,AL,, 'er.metrttee Intertw- In!“ M the Trial I'll! be It“ In Mlle. A deepetch from Toronto. "rest--Mr. Justice Robertson heard emollient at Osgoode hell on Saturday morning in connection with the application ot the Crown to have the venue changed in the Ponton case from Napunee, and when counsel had concluded his Lord- ship intimated that he would grant the request and that Toronto would likely be the location of the second trial of the young man for the alleged robbery of $30,000 from the Dominion Bank branch at Napenee. VICTORIA'S NEW YACHT. CATTLE BILL KILLED. PLAGUE SPREADING BUILDING COLLAPSED. THE PONTON CASE. to Main} III: -___ -. “I In! I few "ttrs Mo, W1 gentleman. It is " money in the safe aud " has never old safe standing in a back k in his house, and long mince disc Mr. Acret intended selling the Hi! old iron, but thought he won] what was in it baton doing a ucoordingly trot an on 3nd broke the locked door. when, to his sun the money rolled out. The cul nearly all in English our", six. Ind shillings. Mrs. Acrel'l tether, who ttttt 1h, house up to the ' of hi- A despatch from Branttord, says:- Mr. Worthy Acret. u farmer resid. ing about a mile east of this city, an Wodnudny found 8li00 in silver in an "Dear ture-I returned this morning from St. Catharina, whither I had born, at the requclt of the Minimal of this departnuust, to personally look into the nutter ofthe beat means to adopt to carry out the work of repair: to the Welland canal in the most ew. tpoditlons manner, with the view a :having ths canal opened tor traffic at ‘the audit-at mime date this wring, and mutton an now so arranged as to ensure the canal being ready to luck "rsaeia through on the 24th ins!., . week earlier than was originally in eonurmpiation, which I know will ha a swung of great satisfaction to the Minister, and will. I trucst, meet with tho View. of the. Montreal Corn Ex. chango Annotation. Muff Writin- tryt In! "ra'mrer MINI†I. Valli-ml Board at Trad». A despatch trom sr ni rent, Bays.'-"" following letter from Mr. Collingwood Scureiber. chief engineer of the De partment of Railways 3nd Cumin. wu road at I meeting at the Bond ul Trade on Thuradar.- Choitto hogs,per cwt. 4 00 4 Wt-t Light hugs, per cwt. 3 75 4 00 Heavy tturs, percwt. 8 00 8 75 Toledo, Aptil 14..-Wheat - Cash, " I-N; May, Ths. nge-No. 2, cash, 560. Mid. C1orrerwed--Prinut, calla. old, 88.40t new: cash. and April, 83:67 1-2. __ J Milken and Calves. Calves, each. . . 200 Ewes, per t'WI. . Yearlings. per cm. Bucks, per cwt. . Spring lambs, em. ' Cows, each. . .. The top prim of "singer!" ia 4%. per Ib.; light are bringing Ae, Ind heavy {at hogs sell u not more than "ao. Saws are fetching ac per lb. Slugs sell at A. per lb Surfers are not wanted. Following ls the range of eurretat0 quotations:-- Shipping, per cm. s Butcher, choice. (in. Buhher. m-‘d.tng od. Butcher. tn'vriur. . #1159. unsound and warmer weather has also a depressing effect on tho meat trade. -ukpiiGGtead.v and unchanqu, with 51111100 many light hogs coming Lo Sucker- ure quoted easy Kl from "e Mt to '8.90 per om. Yearling lambs an n shade weaker. at from .5 to 85.40 per cwt. The roo- son for the wuknw in that at tho granola high prices [number- will not uy. The continued had condition of lb. English markets. poor trade at Monte real. and w-nkusu iu the market! norm the line, are. of oourare,tbs unitp ed causes of the dulneu here. Quotations for cattle are. nominally unchanged, but Lo-day no one wk buying. Export bulls. syringe". milk cowl. eta, um unchanged. day. Tips price: which have been rulinl here [not] for cattle wore being naked Io-duy, but burern would not pay them, and in consequence we had III trading of any cansequenoe, both buy- ers and seller- painting to hold over .or the rrgular market to-tttor- Fri- CANALS WILL OPEN APRIL 24 Prim of Grain. Cattle. Choc». n tn the “will! Marts. Toronto April 14.--TtMt receipt: at itte Western cattle market hero to-dny were just forty loads, including Bil hugs, 100 sheep and lambs. and ate. milkeu and calves. FOUND 8600 IN AN OLD SAFE. MARKETS OF T. WORLD. Treasure Box Wu. Sheep and l for INOI Iran. l father. who occupied o the tins of his death o. wu an eccentric old is supposed he left the p..f.. -_- u long since discardn-d. ded selling the safe for bought he would so. _ More doing BO. He In .10 and broke open Mwhen. tennis surprine. Cattl Hugs nun, yen: gig: an opened lino. .2500 “you! " he in silver in " 1 tmek kitchen oamhs, 8 (M 4 " 4 co ' tro on tft Spencq 05m hold on U the nun-s “joining (JAM use the custo {or the practio ther OCR in [-1 use us than th - young dinaw with hi, roduvns from walk and Little, it i to manual ti to“ us room m Bgtd a!†In. Amhibald â€I. who lived “veil yarn say his mtimem a oripph’ng the " Engiish I in ttriaf annual known women the ownexulm “Autumnal; u sing! and un tale" us a t, the Punt-um: of of File in a gu-a rice in Very we dialed to enfnul he." to her wt r-Leland map] 0 (rm-em: was! Tree has mun) ml. Mrs. Cu conscious, uh Churchill lake: Contemporary n timc" Wh American w" moat tsplendid j Goorce Valued that rope of WIT], if nut thing is and a Paarhs, Whirl) 1 .ltborultl) (Ad John Jacob A: “loud cumu, d diner has a not (iamundu. Mu. Ills Jewels, ma and one of am My pascal rings which huh M. The mag: “other. um u . upstate lint worn it once. cold and Conn“! Orddl and tw H uninte- I drag “on. belwecm .irla are r [In ('hignun during [he vents do I for tire Home cut off whe Iing-le Pun\e more than I mo. An In: Very him: I uverngv, ll nor-ding lo lnlcrcsdn An lawman lien is to he I Th0 Durban 0 od Sutton-d a on Hospitality luncuun on J; Lady Bauer-a Old the lulluu wit, be enLeru given by Lin slate. lull an drawn in the bud bu qret a} Paul I Insult of of Oahu; dresses u, bum and l . Jour Ila She dun“ oonw. NI Bustnn of nurse tween L Inuit " gadunh . 4. WW demand tor t treat Hui tho all“ to fill are now in 1 Nahum theie h .eliina pros oolors bl in†Jr “Amp the Qur tbe Qua .oclurm during . Chum ‘IIU Utr, pupuln t than an (an: of (h perm: Wunu Gourm- A: lectures e Inc about The pupil children a III! lean Work, pie: Five In ally by 1 modin. and Italy menus try 'iasts call " Mini which . "ll otueu duo Magpie Dru m tut an Aunt h h Ml n M u un, um hi h m h n " win In n u ll ll BIC m m