West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1899, p. 7

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Grain the Le 'S OF THE WORLD- " " OLD SAFE mule. Cheese. " n ", my ope- ""Irprise. c uh wag sixpe- )ccupioq is death “Tic old left tho mm row Fri. ll ki'chun nel uding morning he hum id A will " [lg lk an". n3 n 11ro at spring, red at h: st is, wt: Billie] a had I. both buy- hold ovet [IS (uni-ally n ruling m4 asked “maker. ihe to.- t at tho " Mont- mark." the unit- ovipts " are Urdu, a 4380. Ic, and re than woa that .41 lb. not l, " see He Ex. Jul In” s3.;0t 00 00 ar ll) 50 I ule' H Ihr If. In be he l0 " 0 rent In it W, h. cec " about the size of her foot. The engaged young Chinaman when he is dining with his friends, often proudly pro lures from the recesses of his cep- nuivus sleeves 3 shoe to prove the xmmlness of his future wife's foot. Women with these crippled feet can walk and run, but according to Mrs. Little, it is “most impouible for them to stand stil When they try it, they hold an to whatever human! to be the newest, to them end my beck- ruum meetings to discuss, the subject. ant about 2o0 of the best. [amines In Shungkiug and 1,500 families in the adjoining district agreed to disequ- 330 the custom. Men ire ruponublo for the practice for the first question they ask in regard to a possible figu- Mrs. Archibald Little, In English wo- man, who lived in Western China for eleven years says that there is egrow- ing sentiment against the practice of erippling the native Women's feet. While she was there she held drawmg An English paper has been telling in brief sentences how certain well- known women talk. It says that "in the conversation of the Duchess of Marlborough there is something on- ginal and uncommon. Mrs. H. M. Stanley is n fluent speaker. Neither the Princess of Wales nor the Duchess of Fife is a great talker. Princess Beat- rive is very silent. Ellen Terry is ad- dicted to enthusiasm over all that up- peals to her warm heart. Lady Nay- lor-Leland emphasizes her words with a graceful gesture. Mrs Beerbohm Tree has many interests, chiefly per- sonal. Mrs. Craigie is distinctly self- conscious. while Lady Randolph Churchill takes foremost rank among Contemporary mistresses of conversa- tion." Mm Jacob Astor has a famous dia-iod Btr0ntr 'rruvl clown. and Mrs. Stnniey Mor- world has Amer has a coronet of emeralds and 'YP?' yf. Int dmuunda. Mrs. George Gould has stun- Pink Pills mug jewels, including a rope of pearls iwihl.do tor and one of diamonds. Mrs. ClarenceI Misa Ella Mack“! Possess“ a curious trio irbor, NS., , rings which belonged to a Hindoo ra- mend Dr. Jan. The rings are nttnched to one person sail ”other. and though each one is “weakness, g A separate finger they must all be u my own worn at once. The rings are of dull Iuun.embe gold and contain a fine ruby, two em- Elm Jars, 9131113 and two diamonds. The setting tboxes that. imitates a dragon's head holding the "Dr. Will] stones between it. open in". POOple” _ “""'E"~ “fir lul'reuses In Price ao- "_""'" _.e-H__'e_ . cording to its length. l Some people have pimples, a little -- eczema, or irritation of the akin; others American women own some of wedged easily tired and depressed tgl Rum! splendid ie . ave a poor appetite. A tonic is ne - Gerrrge V'andeibleiu; 9’": tworld. Mrs. ‘ed, and the beat tonic--the best spring L . . an 'l have the :medicme for man, woman or child is tttttgt rope of solitaire rubies in the "Ir. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale peo- enunll‘y, if not in the world. The same Pie. Thelma pills do no: purge and mm is said . , weaken 'tige other me icines. T ey CII',, which 'l :13” 2,tt,? Top, of make rich, red blood, build up the t , r 3 on of wearing nerves and make weak, depressed and en merely over a velvet corsage. Mrs. easily tired people feel cheerful, active I hu Jacob Astor has a famous dia- [and strong. No other medicine in the mum] Clown, and Mrs. Stnnley Mor- world has offered such undoubted inner has a coronet of emeralds and proof of merit, and what Dr. Williams' tirnruondss. Mrs. Gun-on mum hum..- Pink Pills have .done for Otters. they Wins min a pretty good trade in hair, {Hi xhv treaties of the novice are always out. “If when she takes the veil. A sing!» ("Unvent is reported to have sold mwre thart a ton of hair for about 820,- mu An English girl's hair brings a very high pri-trout 820 being the (“Origin Hair increases in price ac- cording to its length. rnd a pound in only about $4.50. The girls are [waging for the return of (no (bignon, as prices were doubled during the reign of that fashion. Con- wn's [In a pretty Rood trade in hair. Lmriges there is an annual hair mar- kuv. anl peasant girls from the coun- try rnund dispose of their locks to the h pliers! bidder. They do not wait tor the“ hair to grow very long before s'ilyig it agpip. Sq the a"rrture price mmliry. Must of it comes from France and Italy, although there are consign- memx from all over the world. At Boston has a school for the training of uurstuuaida. Applicants must be be- twucn is and 30 years of age and mus‘f agree to wear a uniform utter g: ulununn ,und to be content with 5:. a w::--k during their first year. The owns:- is of one year's length, with lt"'llll't}\‘ every day and practical teach- ing about diet, bathing and clothing. lh" pupils learn stories to be told to (lulillt'll and games to be played. They aw learn something about laundry w wk. plain sewmg and mending. The driuaml for these trained girls 13 so gx mi tint there are not enough grad- uuu to [ill the places. Thirty girls uze tlots" in the school. Fixe was of hair is required annu- t ly by London dealers in that com- An International Congre- ol Wo. men is to be held in London In June. The Duchess of Sutherland In; attor- ed Stafford House to the'Committoo on Humanity, to be used foe some function on June a. Two darn later Lady Datum will hold 3 reception an: the following day the congress wm be entertained a: 3 garden party glue“ by Mrs. Creighton " Fulham Value. Interesting for Women. oviil do for you it given stair trial. I Miss Ella M. Kelly, North-West Bar- bor, N.S., says: "I can oheortully recom- mend Dr. William! Pink Pills to any pal-son suffering trom any form of weakness, an I have proved their worth Sin my own case." _ - ..- . A live copper. said the Cheerful Idiot Just before the other boarders escap- ed, an often prevent a. dead steal. After which he leashed metalli- Watur-I don't believe this nonsense about whiake_y_ magipg f IP",', brave. a “The lime contained in Thorns- Phosphate Powder has proved it- self the most efficient form of phos- phate for the top-dressing purpose, therefore, I again unreservedly say that you will be on perfectly sound lines, and on the direct road to profit, in at once treating every acre ot gru- with 5 owt. of Alberta' Thoma-Phos- phate; and the only possible thing you could do better than this, would be to apply 10 owt. per acre." "iriiais'iiii7h Tpda, if it wasn't far the whiskey, I would not have the courage to so In. Funafu- an, upon-moon. mt" no. -tmttt.'tia. J.ummu,0mxom.u- Remember that pink colored' pills in glass jars, or in any loose form or in boxes that do not bear the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" are not; Dr. Williams'. No one was ever cured byasubstitute. Sold by all dealers or direct from the Dr. William: Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 500. abox or six boxes for 02.50. years ago. One of the best agricultural author- ities in England, lecturing recently on the relationship between the soil, crop and manure concluded a very ex- haustive consideration of the subject as follows-- The Bishop of Manchester declares that religious services are not nearly so well attended as they were twenty It In Absolulely Necessary to Give Home At- tention to lie. Blood " um New“. In the springtime the, blood needs attention. Ihe change of the your pruducss in everyone, whether cun- sciuus of it, or not, some little heating of the btodi. f The late Empress Elizabeth of Aus- tria did many things which appeal to the unconventionality of women more than they did to the formalism by whom she was surrounded. At the first State dinner after her marriage ”he horrified the court ladies by tak- ving off her gloves. One of them rep- onstrated because it was a deviation from the rules. But the Empress Promptly settled that objection by saying that the deviation should henceforth be the rule. The court ia.. dies had another blow when the Fan- press insisted on wearing a. pair of boots a month or more. The rules had re- quired an Empress to wear her shoes only once. "Just think," teeiingl, exclaimed a girl, "of being always m a state of breaking in a new Pair of Shueel No wonder the poor lady re- belied." Some time ago the Louisville Com- mercial published an article headed: "Found at Last! The Search for the Meanest Man on Earth Has Been Busi- ly 1_lrosecuttsd tor Years, but I Claim the Proud Distinction of Having Locat- ed Him. He Lives at Owensboro'." The paper was thereupon sued for libel by J. ll. Tennelly, of Owensboro', Ky., who, although he was not named, as- sertetf. that he was the man referred to. The Commercial admitted this, and attempted to prove that the state- ment concerning Tennelly was true. The latter has just obtained judgment for the return tide of fashion. An Eng- lish woman says that the Queen of Holland has only recently had her eers pierced. "This," writes the English woman, "was attributed to the [act that her ears, be it said, with bated breath, are neither small nor beau- tiful. In fact, their lobes are distress- ingly large and thiek." The new ear- rings are not of the elaborate pend- ant variety and many people think they relieve the monotony, as it were, of too expensive ears. the good cooking of the average Wife. Among matrimonial statistics the_fol- lowing" French ones are interesting: Thirteen out bt 100 young women mar- ry between the ages of 15 and 20; between 20 and 25 the average is 60 out of 100; between 25 and 30, 22 out of 100; between M and 35, 12 out of 100; from 85 to 40, 6 out of 100; from 40 to 45, only 5 and from 45 to 50 just one solitary woman out of the hun- dred. of the men who die, commit suicide, or become insane or seriously ill in tsarly life, the greater number are bochelors. He says that diseases of the digestive organs are the ones which cause the most trouble to unmarried yp. This is , distinct compliment _to Lsryiewing insurance companies. and Visiting hospitals and insane asylum 9nd he has now promulgated the pleas- Ing fault of his labors. He finds that Man-its. in not a failure, for the ma, " least, if a German investiga- tor may be believed. He has been in- .e.Ttyyruyr igsugance _compame8. and ward 3nd forward with n rockinc mo- tion. THE SUPERLATIVE DEGREE! Earrings seem to be coming in SPRING MEDIUINE. THE CHEERFUL IDIOT. DUTCH COI 'RAGE, tied "f mother. for their chi] nu Nothing. It IootheI he eh Id, Inna»): the gums. guns! I" "In. mn- wild folio. Ind " tho but remedy tor l-rrhm 250. I bat. 10. Salt! by all (Imam: throughout the world. Be I!" sad at me " Mn. Winslow“ 800mm Symn' Aht chuckled the waiter, when he reached home. I struck luck to-day. A rich old fellow gave me a 85 tip. How nice! remarked his wife. A 85 tip will Just make my old hat look like new. Fat Over mm You" NF}. megww-s. . spojrqu mm? _hu by. The War Office has decided that brown leggings instead of black shall in future be supplied to all foot aol.. diers of the regular army. Mlle. Poultry tirtt is the but dine-tor in the market LAURENT” BAND U GRAVEL 00.. Montreal, -- - -----_Nr. cu. a.“ - Hullv Zola is said to have Go7a'Gilii; con- fyibuted large sums to London chan- ties. Toronto, April 12th, 1899. The fol- lowing Canadians, as reported Ar Charles H. Riches, solicitor of patents, Canada Life Building, Toronto, have this week obtained patents: A. L. McLaren, needle threader; F. A. Cote, apparatus for locating concealed live wires; Robbins 4 Musgrove, pump- rod; Stagg & Noble, bung cutting and forming machine; H. Alymer, miner's drill; F. J. Harbridge, printing-press; J. A. Harvey, puzzle; W. W. Horr, yell-boring device; T. Shaw, pressure- door ; W3 The highest price ever paid for a racehorse was $150,000 for the famous Ormondo. We offer our readers a new remedy for “turn, bronchitis. irritable throat. colds in the head, droppings in the throat, and kindred affections in Cat- urrhozune. There is no mystery about it, but the effect is magical. Oint- ments, washes, and suits cannot reach the diseased parts, and have been prov- worse than useless, but Catarrhorone ia carried directly by air to the dis- eased parts, and is like a breeze from the pine woods. Outfit, $1.00. Send 10 cents tar sample bottle and inhal- Sings his. rgsiqence in England Emilé . C. POLSON & co., Kingston. Ont CANADIAN PATENTEES. A Boon for “tam: Victim "ilt,s,,at,,ucJudi-i',4 MNADA’S GREATEST SEED HOUSE” OSTRICB TIPS. , _V.M, a” unaw, plwaul '. Walsh, hot-water heater. Durham: Disinfootnnto. 80-9.. Oint- ment. Tooth Powdoro. etc" have boon awarded 100 mods]. and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular mm prev.“ Infecti- oua disease; Ask sour dealer to obtain I lupply. Lists mane free on applicatlon. will be sent this year from iaG England and Scotland for spools. WV v gnu unuvl. m.uw. "an IIIIIWII r ". Chouey tor the last. is years. and believe him p The iy honorable in ill bunineu inasmuch- und tinartrfusll, 5qu to curry out; any obliga- tions made by ciga- firm. wntrr&T'rtuaE. holesaloDru.tristo Toledo.0. waning, KINNAN Sc Manvrs, Wholoulo Dmggism. Toledo, Ohio. Hdil'q Cutarrh Cure is taken internally. tot- ing directly upon the blood sud muoonn ar- faoel of the "hum. Price 150. per bottle. d by all Duncan. ,TOxumonials tree. Hall's Family Pills Me the best. We offer Ono Hundred Dov»: Inward tor In] use of “tiarrh that can not be cured by Ball's t)atarrh Pure. F. J, CHENEY & 00., Props., Toledo. o. -...m' up ts.ruitrrti!ityd, have Jrporn P, A. The British Museum is to have a photograph section in which will be stored in cylinder form the "women" of eminent people. London publishers ere bringing out sixpenny books of poetry and prose by standard tumors. It is generally pre- dicted the experiment will be a success. The Duke ot Portland has noeepted the presidency of the Sunday Concerts Society. RELIANCE CIGAR " To"t"tt.t, 100. FAtJ'r0RY,Mttutrw. NOT YET DECIDED. , We have a new watcher! said an» ens. I How do you like him? ' asked omr. cu: _ _ I can’t say; my wife haan't met hig wife yet. .- 7-..- a va-U .." v..- u." Tum Lax-mo Brown 8httt 1'5qu; All It.“ "(and the money a! ' (uh to can. lie. Abqut 10,000,000 tr.at or lurch wood MANOHEITIR. . - manila. yo OUR! A GOLD IN ON. DAV r. c. CALVERT & 00., CALVERT'S How's This , Stammerers . a lo Dr. Anon. Berlin who 'rimtoars-'i'l'l'.t, my”. The Steele, BriggsSeed Gels CUTTING SCHOOL-“h" - Dr-., " V Ink- and! ee. o. C o. sutuot. 'u'W,'hTIftr"iit" lie. in "ape. Baking Powder. U'I‘III. I VIIU'I n mum". on“, tread. n "gull Font. Ban-l to the but. Formul- unl for Montreal and Quebec to uGGaT."" - Lar e and fast Steamers Vancouver, K,m'l'l/l,,,, Scotsman, Cambroman. R te.ttftty-.-FArytfuhir,tsou-r, long! on}... no: 3mm. 3.21.50 “4 " so. '" ""rohai%r, i'A'h'hriiitt'tM?t'tl,at'tg'a, V ., cum I N. Summon. 8t... tttttta. MONTRIAL The " tl"trnoral," Pros In. game: Gun wound in It hours, “haumatl s m = n" Ipocll “at by uni! on mi» of u " Emmy. no. :3on Manual. Lead packages. ONE NIGHT ANDOTHER awn Maple Syrup has. MAERIttr 'hVr"r'I'M Addn-u. G. M. mun mm. CO., 11mm], Dominlon Line IT’S A STICKER for quality-note the lam: Write for our Catalogue, conuim descriptions and prices of the newest and best Field Ind Garden Seeds. M Please mention this pupa. A remarkably heavy-yielding vnriety. reduces strong, "if straw. plump, heavy, bright grain with thin ha l, and adapted to 1 ye“ d of will; withotandn stormy "other without lodging or shel ing. PLEASE 'i0TE.--As I safe-guard to growers, we supply the genuine “Im- proved Short White"Cnrrot in sealed packages only, printed in colors and bearing our name and trade mark " shown in the illustration. If your resident merchant cannot supply you, write to us for it. Refuse imitaiions of our packages and varieties said to be "just es good." DiGlih White Oats Ill,,,,,,,,!,) DE L LA no STEELE, BRIGGS SEED M, 'ftSteele,Briggs' EPPS’S GRAYErUL--cotg FORT! NG. It may be properly culled “Little Giant." Scldom exceeds six- teen inches in length, and has been grown to met-sure twenty- 'even inches in circumkrence" . stands neatly one-fourth out of ground, with a strong, handsome top. broad Ind heavy at the shnulder. tuttering evenly to I point, ."rdgit, as if turned in a lathe. he color is pale green above ground, And I light creamy white under ground . flesh rich white, solid. meet and very nutritious. Under Ot d cultivation has rd,'1'ieli"l/u'e' thousand bushels per acre. Exhibition Prize Winner it is the Peer THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Enormous annual trade in Form and Garden Seeds has been nt- tained by 2r,,tr,',', at constant vigilance 3nd care, Ind in supp! ing merchants an growers with the very highest standard of quilt; that can be procured, and at most favorable prices consistent wi " Good Seeds," which is the first essential for a good crop. "cfaprttttgtE, " bunt It. noun-l. ttgutAKrAsT--sUPPER. pm. by mil (Embpdd) per lb., TSC.; 4 lbsftor 50c. or' by freight ‘ror express (pure use: paging carriage) peck MC.', bush ' 8oe.; ro bush. lots or over, Mc. per bus . Cotton bags, holding " bush.. " ISC. each. "Canada's Greatest Seed House” Improved Short White 000A Pom-In to I.“ n 'Nmthrrs “your drum [alumna EBQNTO, ONT. CEVL0N7EAT [OVAL HAIL STEAIMIIPS upmmnnou who in. "iid Inbound mu- ybcn. In“ to W561}; CARROT Price (post-paid) per lb., Mc.; “h, Me.', tlb., 15c.; 01., 10c. World's Champion The Handsomest Shaped Roots And the Very Best Field Carrot Because it Is the Surat Cropper The Heaviest Yielder I Invmgblo Cum Mn, ears Alum-l Car- ot Conn. I Oo gm. Flume-my. Dupe! " “not! mummiun hm. Minn. n a... oe, . I. Atqt.u", . 'thiTrTtTCi'tiiiF, Blurb-g a ul'om-n. JattLt2tt bl auto":- " (,u,,ttdob," tn eve .. im b, "e. CI:I 59..qu. Pe" g-rrlgnjfoo. . " iieii.il, IRESGWJJ l {i ELIE; "iLTiiairitriicG incl Iothee Omtlnonu h (“a who. Ill 01 - h "but“. an: 50 “In. it: and In ”dict-o. uirtritih; Luau. (hunk. HIV-iiiili! k'TGra%'iutr, Singlet-nan. Duo-duo]. IRATloRD. ONT. '0 knob lid bum-no Id “- or non-nu In M -tttion our malt on and: II“). ohm Bull-n- In i'crfi'i? rock. Bet Ooh-emu - In M Rotor 0W In; W. J. ELLIOTT. ”and. IhRarrt , Jhp,, tl'i) oudlootdond Ite; Lu , I rv Lust. II and“. Kidney; min 2tltfidlt in? [In In rru'n Ramona mels-z-J-y-Hé- ml. mm. 4-4 its} nel, MI 'tivntuta him“; in tln an. M In , " - In 0...“: 'rTl"rtk'lll'lhdtrL1l'fi.' Toma HEALTH RESTORZD Du Barry's Was B. Non-um. TORONTO, Out. New 'rlrtttth're'lr -ii1aiTt/1rtl5TFiiiRiitrtii"i - - 1grpWotrs in existence “.003wa.- “mun-ital“. ARCHIVES as. 30, 40, 50h 60c. " [lLliri t Limlm Arnie. F men. and .150 In" " ud Mum have hm who. I” all. in a“ In ”mm ruth Once... MW, “I Cun- of 00M. Plums-n]. Dyan. "dim,

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