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Durham Review (1897), 27 Apr 1899, p. 2

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" u " G R. Bin, the defaulting manager at the Millwall Dock Conway, London. iv been committed for trial, bail boo In. alhwn'x SH SGMMI. Mr. A} tt (613151000, sun It the m- tith) hh, W. E. mummy has tr. s. Gladstone his been appointed Governor and Augustus Provo-t De puty Governor of the Bank of Eng- Ind. tate" It“? tru, W. E. Madam-é. tiG an: appoiated Chief Whip of the Lib- The Duke of Devonshire at a meeting on Smurday hinted that be my soon reiire from politieal lite. The late Hiram F. lnglrhurt, of Ham- than. left an estate of 810,158,0f which tfffll you to the Centenary church, 2.000 to the Y.M.C.A., $8,000 to the Missionary Society at the Mammals: church. SL500 to Vietoria University, and 81.00!) to the Superannuated Min- lateral Fund of the Methodist church. GREAT BRITAIN. It is reported in London that Lord Ember! will rumor political lite. A London syndicate is reported to be after wireless telegraphy rights .t'roe" the ocean. Ar Mower Baden, professor u Sans- krit It Oxford University, in dead M London. Bd'r0eM, the ocean. - '7' ,__,~ Remington Palnoo will be opened by the Queen on her eightieth birthday u I gift to the nation. The King-ton City Councnl will “I. the 'uunimpuruiea throughout Ontario to petition aha Assembly to repeal the not mental); commissioner. of the Court of Reunion. It was Kingston .3!) for this union, and the work ls not In, better done than formerly. Dr Smith, inspector at leprosy, in his report Lu the Government. says there are now 21 leper: in the Trncadio. N. B., humane. representing alt stages of the disease. Be my: that "trunnion tor mall-pox is a Ira- quenl cause of prupatration of the dis- A prediction. made at Winnipeg by n cantlclnm who claims to know the situation, says that this year will we 75,000 settlers so into Manitoba and the Territories, and that within the next six rears there will be a million inhabitants between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains. A Wmdglublc put at Ontario, es- prouuy the cities aud towns of the West, ares Varying upon a wood am- ine, and dealers in wood all ova: tho province are casting about for supplie- ot dry hardWood, but in vain. Mayor Iceuel of Hamilton has re- ocned a Letter from the Deputy Min- ute: of Murine. luiouniug hun that the department has decided to have e range light put up on the west end of tttc new piers, as requested by the lawman deputation. At a meeting of the general council ot the bar at gun-bro, it was decided to Coleman: we mum: uuuivetrtsury of the regular ortpuiicatiou oi the bar by a Ounvouliun in Montreal on Sept. Sti, 2.7 and 28. Thu numb-act for campus the Domin- ion mail has been awarded to the Al- Ln uud Dominion Line: up to Juty 1. After that date it is expected arrangen gems will be made tor a Inter tter- "00. .m-sw The Minister oi Militia in: decided to make a change An his proposed re- tuit ot' tise regular; at Dawson, and Fun. Selkirk, and wilt leave no of them at. the gum fields. The Putin-um General has decided to grant inoreusea ot “lanes, not. to the well-paid oititiala, but to those letter carriers and others who are in receipt of small pay. \Hnmpcgis awning an Dummies: (immanent. tor better equipmeuL at the East t'seikirk immiratiou building tor Winn u undeutwd to be a check quarantine. It in announced that tho main line ot the Northern Putgitig in Vuntotra is to be extended noun-ester” to Birds, with spur linen to Rapid City and Brandon. Kingston City (Sound has» increased Ute mining ot the Uny (Junk, Areas- Il‘el‘ and Assistant 1ruaaurttr by 8100 ouch per unnum. It is expected that the Canadian l'u- emu mu mum a new Lime card about May lo, by which the running Lime new» tho Comment Will be greatly reduced. we Alanna!» Lesbian“ has " puAucd until June 15, one: a debate upon the adminuu'auon at tho school uyaLem. the thalamus: bewan the mount.- ed pohce and me Axum-wan cunwms authorities on the White Pm trail have been amicably “ranged. lhe iticttelitsu a. Unurio Nuvngauon Co. has declared a halt-yearly divi- dend ot 'd per cent., payablo May 2. Kingston will invite LuAloi. m- at», 1soVttgnot' of New York State. to spend we Queen’s Birthday in that any. kitructstorward we navAgaLIon of the Bnuah portion: at the Yukon will be reserved for British vessels with Brit.. m: “than. intensive additions are being and: to we ruihutg stock of the Grand hunk, Canada Atlantic and Intercol- unmt Hallways. 1lt. Liverpool, London tad Globe will pun. up a [use Mince building on Place d'Armu Squire, Manual. we vacuum: anchor Company but "new“: an upon order for England at ten can; at chateau iron. the” are about seven million dol- Lus north at 85.000 bills tn circula- uou, ohm“, among banks. It u said that Ill) per cent, at we.- tem Unmxio peach use: have been killed by the trust. cm: ot Ponce Hughes of Montreal bs, recommend hm tuignation and will any in ottie.. - Quinn; iiULrior the now sold} tieiO mu be iatmed by the Gunman; custom Mfuser at Allin. _ Aiwmor party ot about 1,000 Donk- howls are uprated to teach Mont- nal In May. CANADA. Kingnon'l tax nus is 18 1-2 mills. Montreal pence no 508133198 a crusade walnut gambling dens. Vesavumn are anticipating good, freight rates onthe lake: ‘th Ina-on” ------cta7.'rr. ‘9;‘»‘ 2/205 Sutn ma ty tlt tlt Recent Happening: Briefly T old. The Albatross, a 15w type of tor- "'fl'lt.""' d!pedtvboat destroyer, just built It the . ood, yards of Thornnycrott & Company at ”W?“ 3 Chiswick, has attained a speed of " his To"ll'r, knots on her trio! trip. . W"? 31;! Mary Ansell is charged at London "uw, I with the murder of her insane mater. 'Caroline Any“. Poison was sent to ent, ot wea- her in a cake, her life having been i have "t previously insured by the accused- : At important engineering firm at "3 new guld Sheffield has just placed a large or_der tge Cugtaauut for heavy machinery in the United States, th, British makers being un- of Montreal able to promise sufficiently quick do- “men aud, livery. _ 4&2- Tcz, I Three fishing smacks were wrecked and twentroue members of their crews last their lives during tho re- cent sale of! the French coast. It is estimated that 1.500.000 ton: at wheat will be available for the next The Argentine Republic last year imported 4.500 bicycles, ot which Moo were of American and 500 of British manufacture. Vienna courts are trying Michael Saoory. a former millionaire And lud- lng financier in Budapest, for but- glary. sped or endurance. wherein one or more persuns shill be a contestant, or contestants. it shall be unlawful for my contvstnm to continue in such rum or mate‘s! for a longer time than 1: hours during any 24 hours." GENERAL. tiovernor Roosevelt of New York has sign-HI the bill prohibiting six-day bi- cyvln and Omar races In that slate. Th" provisions of th" bill are: "In a bicycls- race. or other content of skill, bl, An exodus of Finns I beginning. TIM, King and Queen visiting Sardinia. At Birmingham, Ala., James LiggerS. assayed to play ghost to frighten a superstitious friend, B. H. Bell. L'ell Crime In the window, pistol in hand, and when he beheld the white figure he let bis pistol drop, and it struck "tt the window sill and exploded. The Luflel “NH through Liggers' lung, in- f'ivnng a wound from which he died. An order has been prepared at the War Department tor a re-organization of the army on a peace basis. Most of the general officers of the volun- teer establishment will be mustered out and radical changes will be made in the staff departments. A leading and wealthy Baptist church in Louisville. Ky., has adopt- ed resolutions practically dismissing from the eongregation all members "ho have any connection whatever with the manufacture or sale of in- toxicating liquors. Directors of the Maurice.Grau Opera Company at New York have ratified tho dividend of 35 per cent. The com- pany's profits for the year were 8100.- 000, on a capital of $125,000. Arrangvmunts have just been oom- plated for the consolidation of all the hoop iron and cotton tie interests in the United States. The capital of the new company will be "83,NO,0'c0. Claude A. Thumpson. an Englishman, gave himself up to the police authori- ties at New York last night, charging himself with the embezzlement of 82,- Cyst) from a company in London. He had spent the money. Wednesday morning James Doyle, a detective, shot and killed Martin Carey, and slightly wounded August Miller, in a Brooklyn bar-room. Daniel Kelly, of Hill County, Geor- gia, has just married his third wife in ten months, the first two dying a few weeks after the weddings. It is sud at Niagara Falls that the Gorge Road may be abandoned this summer, owing to the landslides. The Great Northern and the North- ern Pacific Railways have been badly damaged by floods. North Dakota courts are said to be granting divorces at the rate of about three per day. The, Home of Commons on WednetF day by a vote of 167 to 69 rejected the bill introduced by William O'Malley. anti-Parnellito. providing tor the com- pulsory re-iasststerment of Irish ten- ants evicted since 1879. Mr. Gerald Balfour, chief secretary for Ireland, described the bill as being "bad in principle and mischievous in prac- tice." UNITED STATES. Prairie fires are raging in Nebraska. Mr. Bellamy Storrer has been ap- pointed United States Minister to Spain. At a meeting in London on T11139- day in celebnation ot the Church Yi.t- sionary Society's centenary. the J.tit.rht Rev. Geo. Rodney Eden, D.D., .Bish.or of Wakefield, created a sensation by attacking the Sunday newspapers ltr. sued for the first time here on Sun- day last. The report of the decision of the Canadian Government to contribute to the cont of the Pacific cable has been Very well received in London. Im- perialiqts are now impatiently await- mg action by the Home Government. England's delegates to the disar- mament conference will be Sir Julian Pauncefote and Henry Howard, Min- ister at The Hague, with Vice-Ad- miral Sir John Fisher and Major-Gen- eral Sir John Ardagh as naval and military experts. The complete returns of the Irish County Council elections are now to hand, and show an overwhelming vio- tory for Nationalism. the Nationalist: having elected 544 candidates. as against 119 Unionists. eral Opposition, in successxon to the late Mr. T. E. Ellie. to America is of Italy are Ban-ms “Int-Ink Sui-Ir. Including Thai " llrr Ltte Husband. sworn " In Vienna in "row. A despateh frrm Vienna says:--), estate. of the late Baroness Hirsch, in- cluding that of her husband, the late Baron, has been sworn at 520,000,000 francs, about $100,000,000. Relatives receive 1c0,L'00,000 francs. The Baroness bequeaths 46.700,00o francs to charity, including 6,000,000 tram tothe Hirsch foundation in New York, aro,003 francs to the Hirsch insti- tute in Montreal, and 13,000,100 francs to_irewitAsfharitiets in London. The reud' us of the oi,a,iiiriiancs, is bequeathed to various European Jew- ish benevolent funds. First Citizen - Are triendt .Socond C'ttiren: Yo I iun tie. The Elder-Dempster Co. Beaver line mtearnitsip Lake Superior sailed from Larnaca, Island of Cyprus, to-day with about 1.0.)" 1Joukholrors, and is due at Quebec about May 7. Pom: tumult-en Frum Fmtruotat and Banks From ("pl-In. A despatch from Montreal, mysz-The immigration season is naming in well, and several large parties of immi- grants are on their way to Canada. The Dominiun line sleamsship Domin- ion, 0!) her first visit to this port,will bring out upwards of 200 immigrants under the auspices of the English Pm- igration societies. of this number 15.0 are farm labourers. The Self-Help Society also has a number of pus- sengers on hoard under the immediate churgean» Rev. Mr. Wood. The pest-house long ago proud ut- terly inadequate to hold patients al5- signed to it, and a large annex is being constructed. An idea of the extent of the disease can be gathered from the fact that, although to-day's record for new cases is the largest thus far, every day for more than two months has seen from two to nine new cases reported. Numerou rue. Reported Fro-I live" Pttrt " the "tr. A despatch from Cleveland st5r'r.-- Smnllpux has increased in this city to such an extent that the Health De- partment officials confess themselves unable to cope with it under the pres- ent conditions. Three of the Public schools have been closed, and Health Officer Leick has asked the City Coun- oil to immediately place $15,001) at his disposal, in addition to the regular de- partment funds. Up to three o'clock this afternoon 11 new cases of the die- eaae had been reported to the depart- ment. Seven cases were reported af- ter that hour. They are widely scat- tered, every part of the city being TO- presented. T ' ( 'the Aseizea in Toronto open May 15 and continue until May 29. The Judges on the rota are Robertson, Street, Falconbridge. It is likely that the case will be heard by Mr, Justice Street. His Lordship consulted with eight of his brother judges and found all but one in tavor of changing the venue to Toronto. Counsel for the Crown and for the accused were both opposed to Toronto as the place of trial. In order- ing a change of venue his Lordship recommends the Crown to pay the expenses ol the. Ponton witnesael.__ The judgment goes on to state that no such case has ever been adjudi- cated upon before, and lhil, therefore, precedents do not count. It was not a question of an impartial jury only, for he thought. a good Jury could be ob- tained, but the main thing was to axggdiato tho ends of justicg. _ _ - The luring of This “In Celeb" In. Been Removed From Nuance. A despatch from Toronto stiyts.s-Mr. Justice Robertson handed out his judg- ment on Saturday morning changing the venue of the Pentax: trial from Napanee to Toronto. in his written Judgment his Lord- ship practically recites the remarks he made on the bench when the motion was being heard. He says that not- withstanding the affidavits tor the de- fence he cannot divest himself of the opinion that the people who were gathered in the street on that cold December night were not there for any harmless or inoffensive purpose. In fact the Sheriff acted wisely in reading the Riot Act, for there was) no knowing what might happen. i It is the opinion of army men in Manila that it will require the pres- ence of 50,000 American troops to oe- cupy the territory taken and to keep open communication. The Germans are anticipating a pro- hibition by the United States of the importatidn of German-made toys, JP the ground that the paint with which they are decorated is poisonous. The University of Tomsk. Western Siberia, has decided to send three of its professors to search for the re- mains of the Andree balloon expedi- tion. Argentine export. Harvesting has be- British steamer Kingswell ff." p032): at Malta having cqlhded 22. the Greek coaster Maria 1.n the Me - iterranean, sinking her, with the loss of 45 lives. Li PONTON TRIAL FOR TORONTO. SMALLPOX IN CLEVELAND. SETTLERS FOR CANADA. “ N -es.----yrserGemtt-es..-e.e--, IN Ah LEFT 8t00,000,000. x" ANCIENT ATHEN S. a dyspep- " is described by physicians who have treated patients tor it as " grim novelty, almost without parallel." The taste for petroleum, it is said, grows upon the tippler until it develops i to an ifresintrb'e, union. “plans who devote thruieivts In the vaiiGs torav, of dipsomania have 'tut-gre-lt" opportunity to study the tall, 45.95 of petrolism. and their view 35%“ pure and future are Stlnl':\\jial diver- gent. But the consrnius of ',f,fP/?!;?,t thar tho victim of this new ha 'fat' is sad and meuasrlwl.v. The miner-M on and! nut iemporarily stimulate wnvl enm-ur- age like alcohol or morphine. Tm lime-worn vices of murphomania and almhnlism have been to some de- gzee superseded by "petrolism," which ”luau-mu Fire on the bland of “unle- hunk. A despatch from St. Thomas D.w.r., says:---, fire destroyed 500 houses at La Pointe a Pine, Island of Guade- loupe, Monday night. La Puinte a Pitre was nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 18:3, but ban m‘eaxlv earthquake in 18f3, but has srreatis". prospered since that time. Its popu- lation numbers about 16,000. Walker's tum-ml took blâ€"fice yester- day, and was la rgely attended. The most intense excitement pro: railed all along. The County Court. which was in session, adjourned, and everybody either went to the rpm-We or secured places on tho tops of build- Lugs where thr-y mum see every movement. Over 1,r0s rev-p19. followed the vehicle containing the prisoner to the gao1, and when the doors closed behind Casimir Hwy gn'e a cheer and dispersed. Cayisruir will he tried at the tvasize.s here next week. A later despateh trom Kamloops, says t--Caiunir Baptiste, the Indian who murdered Philip Walker here Sat- urday evening, is now behind the bars in Kamloope gaol. About nine o'clock this morning word was brought to town that the murderer was in Chief Louis’ house on the reserve, just across the river from the city. Immediately about thirty armed men started for the reserve. followed by nearly half the citizens. On reaching the reserve Alex McLean. a half-breed, was sent to interview the murderer. In a few minutes McLean returned with word that Casimir was willing to give him- lself up to his chief, but that he would (shoot the first white man who up- 'proached the house. The chief being absent, McLean was again sent to tell Cesimir that it he did not surrender by one o'clock the pullt'e would open fire on him. Time drugged on, and still the murderer, rifle in hand, paced, up out! down the room, passing and repasUng the open window in full view of all present. Shortly after twelve, women and children were removed from the adjacent houses, and all ar- rangemeuts made to open fire. Mc- Lean again interviewed Casimir, with the result that Casimir promised to surrender if he were allowed to fire off all his ammunition. This was granted, and a few minutes later Cast- mir appeared at an upper window and fired ten shots, the last two coming dangerously close to two citizens. Case/mir then throw down his rifle, .nll promptly at one o'clock opened the door, walked out, and quietly step- ped into a rig which was waiting to convey him to gaol. Fifteen minutes late, he was safely behind thel Lars an ante-mortem statement similar to _the details given above. After firing the shots Pecheesle jumped over the fence and made for the river, crossing the long bridge to the reserve. He was immediately pursued by a posse ot police. but no trace of him could be found after he reached the reserve. The search was kept up ell night, and Sun- }du)’ men were out in all directions. (but up to -six o'clock, Peoheesle ‘had not been arrested. A brother ot Pecheesie's and another Indian and a Klootchman were arrested Sunday night, as they were in company with the murderer just before the shooting.; Pecheesie is an adopted son of Chief‘ Louie. Fourteen years ago Pecheesie was convicted and sentenced to seven years in penitentiary for shooting at Constable Smith. He is also suspect- ed of having murdered another Indian. Pecheesie cannot escape, and it is only a matter of time when he will bear- rested. Walker leaves a young widow to mourn his death. She is a daugh- ter of J. T. Edwards, J.P.. of this city. The murder was the most cold- blooded ever perpetrated in this province. There was no provocation tor t. TORONTO Aaanaall all" " Large " lndlnn Dell- berau-ly Kills a “ell-Known CHIR- wt"""" Any Provoraxlon. A despatch from Kamliopa. B.C.. says: -u terrible murder was committed here on Saturday evening about seven oclock. the victim being Philip Walker, a well-known and respected citizen. Walker had Just reached home after his day’s work. and was engaged in splitting his Sunday's wood, when an Indian, Casimire Pecheesie. came along, carrying a Winchester rifle. Walker asked the Indian what he was going to shoot, and Pecheesie replied "Geese." Walker then stooped to pick up some wood, but as he did BO, Pecheesie opened fire. The first but- let passed through Walker's left shoulder, and as he straightened up he received a second one in his body. The last bullet entered just below the right breast, and came out near the left hip. Walker tell against the verandah of the house, where he was picked up by eye-witnesses of the horrible Ufairi and carried into the Royal Inland‘ hospital, which is about so yards from the scene at the shooting. Medical aid was summoned, but the unfortunate man, although able to talk, was be- yond earthly aid, and died about an hour after the shooting. Walker. made TERRIBLE MURDER AT “141.0093 BRITISH COLUMBIA. PETROLISM, THE NEW VICE, SHUT DOWN IN GOLD BLUUI] THE MURDERER CAPT! 'RED. 500 HOUSES DESTROYED. .....- guy's oer. and I did. Now stand a“; as iiri?)'iyF,'it and mm. and he runs oi vhat diver; A I maxing“: paralyze hirtcwi, f yl',tii/?ryhsei1,sieiiii. .. . _ . " M " lubit, is sad A' dttah.nes"ef reasons fallen rut at 'i"ii'ilriu"r' a?! "his. A I ‘brdon tori "rBrBr_..., . . . . ' Please stand to the right of the Irartsmittmr and talk. he directed, and I did. Now to the left, and I did. Now kindly talk directly into the Human, ter, ind I did. Now stand on your bad and mm and he rung off before I hgdwion paralyze him.rivb-a.tow 'phrmu out fn-ide M remove it with an IIXA, a certain section, as such a guo hor. Just ordered it hat-k Hg mad and cut my acme off to Fi face. Deep voiced man with ficial tone called me up and wanted to test the instruml right, I called back, go ahead “I _ _ " . ' A The prisoner is changed with high treason, in furnixhiug Runsiun agenls with detailed plans of German forti- ficuiom and plans for mubilizing the German army. Had my telephone taken out week, tid the mm who is Knox, Len-nun 0.1-" Annual for Viral-Mm: Baum WI". “Ilium-y wen-n. A despatets from Berlin, says: - b'eurt.-Major Albrecht. of the 129111 Rpgiment. has been arrested al Brvmberg. Prussia, about 70 miles from Posen, and has been taken in chains m Sp,.nddu. nine mites from here, “hue th.. Sung prison is situated. t The police were jeered, and the mob demolished the doors and windows, ending up with firing the building, which was quickly in flames at every point. Col. Freeman ordered out several troops of cavalry. with instructions to round up all the recruits and others in camp, and keep them under guard. pending an investigation. CHARGED WITH HISH TREASON. Sunday night a crowd of privates, King’s friends. went to the saloon, threw out the barkeeper and made a complete wreck of the place. By this time 300 or 400 soldiers had surround- ed; the place. , The trouble began Saturday evening. Charles King, a recruit for Manila, became involved in a row with some soldier/in a saloon, and was so Be- verely beaten that he was taken to the hospital. lit-dude ef‘l'le- in “I I‘m-due not All Law " helium-o. A despatch from San Francisco, says: -Thert, was a riot It the gates of the Presidio on Sunday evening, where all the troops are quartered. as the result of which e saloon was wrecked and burned, and one hundred soldiers of the regular infantry are under arrest. It in considered lucky that the fire occurred in daylight, or otherwise it would have resulted in loss of life. All the floor. were supposed to be tire-proof. The defective arrangement: of the London fire brigade were again de- monetrated, as the tire escapee were too short to reach the people in the Upper atoriea, who only escaped with the greateet difficulty. while the fash- ionable residents of the lower storiee streamed out of the building carry ins what they could of their belong- mge. The flame. were not under control until one o'clock, when the upper pay .of uus.ytrutsttyrt wag trutttsd, peat nine Monday morning. The build- ing, which in eleven stories high, was built by the notorioun Jabez Spencer Balfour. The fire broke out in the lower part and spread up the eleva- tot ehaft with great rapidity. The flames involved the upper storeys be- fore their oocupunta were aware of the danger and when the alarm was raised the affrighted servants dropped from the top window: to a veran- dah on the ninth atory. mscoxu'lxuuu his new re In I [Hide-Ila] "at lulldlng Eleve- Marlo» In menu. A despatch from London sm_tttt British metropolis nerrowly escaped from a calamity on Monday, which might have rivalled the horrors at the Windsor Hotel fire in New York. Hyde Park Court, Albert Gate, one of the finest and most fashionable blocks of residential flats, overlook- ing Rotten Row, caught fire " half “W.” "T/dede wee".'r lead. A Watch from Banbay, tset-hes- cording to statistics gathered regard- ing the bubonic plague, it is establish- ed that there have been 250,000 deaths recorded in India since its beginning. These figures, however, are undoubt- edly far below the actual total. as the natives are known to have concealed quite a number of deaths. Bombay presidency suffered the most, being re- ‘Bponsible for 134,000 deaths. without counting those which occurred in the city of Bombay, wtrwh.withKurraeltee, werethe chief hotbeds of the disease. The deaths in Bombay presidency are still about 1,000 Weekly. With the return of hot weather, the plague. which is now the third epidemic, Is again rapidly disappearing, The mortality which was 250 daily in the city of Bombay five weeks ago. lay; p?w sunk to 100 per day. The Half-t lune fluid has been very successful. SPREADING IN FORMOSA. The plague still prevails on the Le land of Formosa, and is causing the death of hundreds of persons. The Singapore authorities have declared Bong Kong to be infected with the disease, and have established a quar- antine of vessels from that port. A tire at Kakazuaka, China, on March 22, destroyed more than three hundred residences. Awful Ian-ca " It. - In RIOTOUS U. S. TROOPS. CAUSED 250,000 DEATHS. BIO BLAZE IN LONDON u: u hat-k again. Got name off In Spile my rd man with an of- me up and said he 11:: instrument. All ck, go ahead. _ to age right of the! "at Vin hen out last is known in 'ct (r'soci. neigh- JM, --- - S'd, hare iU/ m:- PLAGUE SPREADING. - luau-c ma, Renewal [Ir-Iona- to II- Pull-IL A d-ttstr from London. -.-.Deqe ”who. In. tho But the" tin plunge bu spread “to . EOE; (tet.' is raging yith _i'd'u"a')1'e2ff,'.t Oh- n.._:__L - - Yrs. air, replied the su-W'Ard, wilt grave importanee. I did find it, .uu. 'ere it is. And ity, woil for You, sir " none of the mt-mhvrs 'ad been is before 1 saw it! -- -_ ‘_...v.. a “(ll-kllUWl Landon club at a e1anparatively earl. hour. Ott. steward. said he, did you find I five-poutvinote on the writing subl- I'll night? I wrote a INLW‘ intenviin; to incluse the Mote and I find thi, morning that 1 did nu! "tclose it, he must have lull it on hr mixing table. A Sew Irvine [Iv-d In London fer Henl- 'o"" the Ina-nee I.- In». London he: " lest risen again-t the cubby. A machine lately invented wi:l register every clrcutndtence in connec- tion. with e ride in e cab. end no uni- verut is the cry tor these, and en pointed the mennei in which cebs that have them ere patronized in preference to cebe that have not. that the owner- end managers ot the various cub eye- ttuns. ere speedily putting them in. The machine. which is known es the ten- metei, registers when you get in whether you have e .alise or not; directs, your attention to the fact that you have ridden a mile by the loud ring on e belt, and at every halt mile thereafter. It you wait in front " a store the charge is just the same. a: e device under the control of the driv- er shifts the regulator from the wheel to e clock. Un lighting for the last time n spring is touched to show u; on a card the amount of your tee. The drivers of the cmnpeny which put the machines in first wear a distinauialr mg badge, and are doing all the busi nese. They ere well and regularly paid, in consequence of which they are uniformly polite end clinging. It looks as if London were to get rid ri' one of her greatest nuisances. tive; cull, 74 1.40. May " 8-40. July 74 TAKS. Corn, cub 860. Mar 85 1-40 Oats. cub 280. Mar 27 1-20. Seed cub 88.42 bid, April 08.65 bid, Octo. ber 34.85 bid. Oswego. April St., 1 p.m. - When market. steed]: No. 2 red, 84 to 8' 1-2c; No. 1 northern, 800; No. 1 hard 89 " to Me. Corn needy; No. 2 rel. low, Mo; No. 8 yellow. 410; No. 2 mix- ed, 41 to 41 1-20. on- show mun strength; No. 2 white sold at 87 Ma No. a white, 86 $4 to We. Barley mar. ket ehawa‘no change; Canede nonhu- ally " to Me; western " to 60e; an entire sheen“ of transactione; price: therefore nominal. Rail (nights tc New York-wheat, pone. rye. and bars ley. 10 1-2c per ewt. Choice hugs, per cwt... 4.00 4.50 Light hogs, per ttwt...... 8.75 '.00 Heavy hogs. percwt... 5.00 3.76 MONTREAL Montreal, April 81.-There we” about I25 head of butchers’ cattle, " cults, 40 sheep. and 20 spring lam!» offered for sale at the out end abut. toir to-day, The butchers were pres- ent in large numbers, and trade up tair It unchanged prices. Prime been: sold at (run 41-20 to a limb. over 5c per lb; pretty good stock ttt trom 38-h: to nearly 41-30; ('ummuu dry cows and milkmeu's strippers, at from 28-4 to 81-2c per lb. 1lulls ot varying degrees of texture Hold it! trom , to 4c per ll). Calves sold at from $1 to .7 each. Sheep, with thin fleeces still on, sold up to " per lb and yearling: up to near tir do. Spring lambs, sold at trom 82.50 to 85 "ach Straight iota ot fat hogs, just off the can. sold It about 4 Lac per lb. Cows. each ...........U...d Calves, etch "................ Hogs. Sheep and Lambs. Ewes, per ttwt............... £5.50 Yearling; per cwl...... 6.Uit Buck. per ttwt............ 2.75 Spring lambs, eaeh...... 2.00 Shipping. per ch......$ 4.25 ' 5.00 Butcher. choice. do...... 4hl1t 4.30 Butcher. m 'd. to pad... G.00 3.1-0 Buxcher. Interior ......... 3.0lt 8.40 Following il the range at current quotations'.-- From ail appearances we shall not have much of a market here to-tnor. row, and should receipt. of cattle In heavy, prices are likely to com down. ‘scarcely any trade was done. up drov. ere and dealers were far apart in then views an KO values. The cattle in" were almost entirely shipping cattle end between the difficulty in obtain. ing we on the steamers and the low prices prevailing for cattle in England, exporters ere not at ell anxious to buy. It present prices especially ; hence we had no shipping trade to-day, and no lone! demand worth speaking of. Prices are nominally unchanged. We had about Mio sheep, yenrlings. and spring lambs; these also were quiet and unchanged. Slackers and feeders alone show a rather timer tendency. About four hundred hogs were here. and the prices of Tuesday still hold good. spread?” Prices of Grain. Cattle, Choc». " . m the Leading Karts. Toronto. April 2i.-.We had a total receipt. of 40 loads of offerings at the western cattle yards this morning. but Toledo._ April, 2t.-Ctotso-Wheat an miter enu- red CAB TAXAM ETERS. Milken: and Cal vets MONEY SAV Ell tyi'; vietset. G Ki a tti, TIME mm. Cattle. tt lPilwr inlenviin; and I find thit I”! "tclose it, tit on hr unhin- wel I-know, 45.00 3.12 1-2 mum In. T'ornot-. lnlu I had (ml it More. Wife, (“the were “at am “alumni. m you an met loud to be k Cholly, (he to loved hum two of her. [mink mm So did Cttuil d [In imagin; The Grou In papers! " my 0 paralyled In; "mum He [rind til" I dist. can! The)! un- uu' t These a“ “103 you “H '1 hey until i the blue l In Hilber- lolully whom tha I.) not qum (runny. Gs may“ t " be t any outmdc ht um mu tlematt, tier . hors " tsho-it acum- u had Jos Bee an M “M Ito [on tIra tamd' home I be tell Cum-a tri “us [on of the toutw LI Me. You: the girls ll nu ty ‘ B IL It at lowu ' .tgree.'. " Ema his M u M Young “uni n not mu: Man Wd M bl N l but the all! I m r In! I In. mend-Jinn mm t (in M rug!“ 1. Hm HT tst I Moot: hook! BE maul gidrtlh’ Lug into h you In AN [LU “at His At SHAH] ll A PLEA] Ill haunt h B (JUN ttol TU! " “All Noi HAL HOW .0“ Ti " " IN the no: Hg {I "

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