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Durham Review (1897), 27 Apr 1899, p. 3

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te. Cheese. to. ale-co L. -" On! that. and any BNO»; In I. [In In, 35 1-46 1-20. Good “I! :--D- that m. lil WORLD. T - Wham d, " to * No. 1 hard "o. 2 ul- tt Id I) " At bid. Octo- )I nil-I gins Ind he, 'llrtr BS n ”I! once ft In mun 90¢. In Jul) 110 ea" “I The rainf- )0 on." tta t and q h JO I) " nag web the " hill not tt ll Br. at " lb he lulu "I n me sold not I It Ind 'me Had n \V. m. but N all " " " Mia. _NtttandU--Witr, what in the man! Mia Tottnor-Whr, I didn't discover until I had finished it that l had read It tutors. Choiiy, the idiot. told Ethel that he loved her no he wished there were two of her. [think that rather bright. So did Cholly, but now she is juicin- qtg the imaginary other. The Grow ter-confound them new:- papers! Why ean't they myaman was paralyzed instead of suicken with ”minis! _ - Thi 1tihber-Boeauae the meaninzil totally othorwiu. I did, said the unabashed bngnnst. They are my better two-thirds. You admit, said the Judge. severely thgtuyou max-lied these two women? Have you ever read the articlo on how to tell a bad egg? No, I haven't; but my advice would be, it you have anything important to tell a bad egg, why break it gently. Wife, oatlnutuU,--1 know when you wgge iiststprst1t, sir! A _ - A tiutsuaud,iFriGbtr-msen why don't you toil mel Can't you see l'm in no mood to be kept in suspense? tihe-Did you know that I am In tetra-l nowt Why, no. Ail I heard was that you had [one on the stage. Young Mardltead--l don't see why 1 am not Annual to parties oILeuer. l nun sure I always behave like a gen- tleman. Do Jpn think bachelors ought to be taxed! scum one asked. Kojak. quite sure yet. she nmvered dreamy. Give me another week and muruo I'll be able to laud bun without any outside hem. yer-l really believe Mass Highup tried to out us. These eggs are not so good as the was you aufut last week. 7 '1 he} oushr to be, mum. They're out alum same crate. Clara-d tried to console Sadie for the [use of her from. tooth. Alauu--wttat did you wart I told her ldran't think it would mks ttw slightest difference. she, rival beiie--lt she had tried we would have aucoceded. Did you ever lee such a hatehet-huset Mrs Blinks-Dear me, it's raining. Bow am I to gel; this letter mailed' Frustui-.Haid it to the letter oar- tier. Thor. had beans brilliant company " the home ofasociety leader, a wo- man when: husband, while a very worthy man, was noted rather for his oental attainments. 1. . . _.., Al--- ' " I--. Young Liglulsetul--Thru's the trou- ble. You are so very gentleman], that the girls think you stupid. Mrs. Blmks--Huhl He'd forget all shout it. He's a man. Struggling Minister-There wu a Stranger m cLutch to-day. Wife-What did he look like! I did not use Aim. Then how do you know were was a stranger among _the csngrtttat,iont Mrs. Le Fashion-What perfectly brrrible creatures the Chinese are! 1 mm told that m China the men actual- ly buy their wive.s_. . . _ _ ' yu, Thytnot--bn't it too bad wont I tand a srdod quarter iii the con- tributioa box. Magrstrate-yqu are ”clued of breakmg late a houe.and-- . -iiGoii'isr-it was all an Iceident, judge. t jest [alt a son o' tired-like, nu' leaned "rn A' wal}_fqr__a nag, " it tell in, an' I tumbled through the hole. Magistrate-sont-tel The idea of I side of a house falling in with only a man's weigut resting against it. Prisoaer--Pisasw remember, jedge, It was one o' these are suburban houses wot's put up by contractors by the hundred, " sold on installments. iragiatiate--0hl You may go. - MG. De tityle1-Yet, isn't it horrible? By the way, when 13 your daughter to marry Mr. #ylliorrt 7 Mrs. De Fashion-Just as soon " he recovers from this Aast attack of (out. ii: Gi; -GGnGGiih Ahe bandage wound bis neck. isn't he! - "'itiii, 1TiGTitrenaid. after the last visitor had guns and they had at town to taeit..8."r, it was would“. iiiiiiwasn't itt Sun, untied theatatrbattd. pm you notice Professor Muohmant- .. ---_- -tah. it- L-....l--. mt a-(ish'mg with Dorothy: Ont. May day, “not and (an, ought naught, but she caught me in the meshes ot her hair. HE MIGHT HAVE KNOWN. AN UNGALLANT REPLY. SHADES Oh' MEANING. ms ACKNOWLEDGMENT. A PLEASANT THOUGHT. IT1 E llEA'l'HEN CHINESE. A STHANGBR PRESENT. TUE 1UNAL BELLES OUR LITTLE FAITH Tit-Bits. Nor guru; guit'tl. HOW IO TELL IT. HAD OBSERVED IT. LIK ELY ENOUGH NU DIFD‘EREN CE. IN THE DARK. LA BUR LOST A SUCKER. You. You heard him talk, didn't you! Oh you, I heard him. dp" an astonishing vocabulary he Wall. that may be what it in. said Abner, donbtfully, but from the way he had held his head I should judge it m a carbunole. TIRED Mill LANGUID THE EXPERIENCE OF AN "TIN, ABLE YOUNG LADY. Mer Mood “an ruoraml -rr--r"Mrrr" Fron- Sick Headaches :an FIIIIUII "Hu-now She. Regal-ed Health'- Bloom. The Recorder, Brookville. On one of the finest farms in wor. ford township, Grenville countY- re- sides Mr.and Mrs. Alonzo Smith and family. Mr. Smith is perhaps one of the best known men in the county. as in addition to being a practical farmer he represents several agricultural im- plement companies. His family con- sists of two estimable daughters, the eldest being seventeen years of age. To a correspondent of the Brockville Recorder who recently called at Mr. Smith's, Miss Minnie E. Smith, the eldest daughter, related the following tsttrrt-'lcut two years ago I was taken quite ill. I became pale and languid, and if 1 undertook to do any wml; about the house, would easily Ioortns terribly fatigued. I became The [acts above related are uripoi) tant to parents, as there are many young girls just budding into woman- hood whose condition is, to say the least, more critical than their parents imagine. Their complexion is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled with heart palpitation, headaches, shortness of breath on the elighte‘at exercise, faintnesa and other distress- ing symptoms which invariably lead to a premature grave unless prompt steps are taken to bring about a nat- ural condition of health. In this emer- gt-ncy no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which build anew the blood, strengthen the nerves and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow checks. They are certain cure for all troubles peculiar to the female system, young or on. These Pills also cure such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance. nervous headache, nervous prostration, the after effects of In gtippe, influenza and severe colds diseases depending on hunters in the blood, such as scrotula, chronic trryssi- pelas, etc. Do not be persuaded to no- cept any imitation, no matter what the dealer may say who offers it. Imita- tions never cured any one. See that the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around every box you buy. Suhj ct totertihl: sick headachea,audl my stomach became SO weak that I l athul fool. Myttoubl'e was further) "ggravat"d by weak spells, and my fee-t, winter or summvr. were as cold its ice; in fact it seemed as if there, was no fe, t ng in th m. ltlik'd several kinvts of unrulcine, but instead of help- ing me Iwas gum ing weaker. One dayl in Match. l8£8. my father brought homef a box of IV. Williams' Pink Pills. If immediately di~coutlnuvd the other! medicine and began taking the pills. I found thattlwy helped Int' and four more boxes were, procured and by the. time I had finished them Iwas tan-I tireiy Well. Ihave never had better health in my life than 1am now enjoy- ing. My appetite is now always good and I have increased in weight. All. this is due totha efficacy of Dr. Vil-l linms' Pink Pills, and I would advise; any other yuung girl troubled MI was to use them. and (hay will certainly1 cure it the directions are followed. i.. I FLASH MEASURED. By means of a photograph, made with a vibrating lens, scientist. have cal- ruined the time of a lightnitstrftash. 11 mm“ mm one nineteenth oft-600ml. l he calculation is based upon the mul- tiple image in the photographs and the rate of vibration of thvul. The lime applies, of course. only to the pgrticul-tr flash that was photograph: The children ot the blackest Africans are brown whitish. In a month they become pale yellow; in ayear, brown; 'll 4.k dirty black, and at 6or T, glossy ac . Then get Catarrhozone. which is neither a wash, snuff nor ointment, but odorous gas. which is carried by air directly to the diseased parts. It penetrates wherever air can go, and never fails to cure. Have you slight symptoms of consumption"? Then try Ciinrrlvyzone. Outfit, $1.00. Sample bottle and inhaler, 10 cents. For sale by all drumrists. Manufactured by N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Send 10 cents for sample. The Marquis of Salisbury keeps about seventy indoor servants. not counting dependents of a higher class, such as private secretaries, librarians and chaplains. la Toscana, loo. Billboard advertisemiurts are posted in some places hy machines that reach to the top of a 50-foot wall without ladder or paste pot. Of 302,000 blind persons in Europe, Russia confesses to be responsible for 192,000. Carbollc Disinfectant... to.“ Oint- ment. Tooth Powdon. no" In" boon nut-dad too medial: and diplomas for “no. ior excellence. Tbr r regular me mount, Infecti- on: ans-co. Lat your damn- to chain a supply. Lint- mailed free on app‘lmtion. Iowa Farms for sale, " per acre can, Bat. Ince h. crop um" paid. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, ta. , we. mum & M., CALVERT’S Have You Cztarrh 7 BLACK BABIES. RELIANCE CIGAR FACTORY, Montreal. ENGLAND. For Over Fl!" You. In; 'rtN,tktrtV0oTmRG SYRUP '" ttpres Ot 54,000 adult immigrants admitted to the country in the last three months of 1898, 41,000 had money. 'itll' than 9,000, though, had name than Le2i,iiitlirg Mm; "etiriaitGaiiii.- CGuua ho ht, when the gum. tpp, I” pain. mtrqr.rrtmd was. 1lelrt ',rg'et',ultglh,. tse. tl. tt o. a m war In a! It tee " In 1hutrle'A'd Ian.‘ The number of 'fe., in Massachu- setts has double in twentr-iive you; . To CURE A COLD IN ON! - Tae. Lunch: Bromo Quinn. Tatrleta. AU Dray am round an money A! u [all to can. Me. At present the longest single lub- marine cable is 2,700 miles. Ostriches, when frightened, get over the ground at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. Their strides measure 11 1-2 feet. In.“ Poultry Orlt in the but dinner in the market LLURENTLLN SAND A GBAVEL 00.. Manual. We olfor One Hundred Dollars Reward for on! we of Utttarrh shut ctn not be cured by Mtul'. Untnrrh (Tum. F. J. CHENEY & co., Props., Toledo. o. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Chow-y tor the XML 15 years, and believe him perfoc. 1y Lonumble in all business It‘ll-Action. sud “annually able to can" out; any obligu- lions made " thee ttrm. Wls'ra'l‘ulux. W holy-ale Drutrtrista,Tolesdo,0. WALDIso. KINNAN k MARVIN. Whole-um Druggim. Toledo. Ohm. H-Il‘l tutarrh (Euro h tnkon Intnrnnllu unt- Hotel ohambermaida are unknown In Mexico. Men make the beds and keep the rooms In order. " Pharaoh loo. Kiwi Camrrh Cure " taken Internally. act- ing directly [DOD the blood and muo us our- tnouof the upturn. Price75p. per bottle. Bold by alt Dramas" 'rttmtinttmialri tree. Hall’s Family Pliis If. the but. Ann Maria Grant, who was TI year: a servant in the family of Mr. Hailes, of Chalk Farm, Babrahnm, has died at Lenten at tho age of 87. "a; - Ak / a 'gjt,jttiih,,rii't,l;lcis. One of the most valuable products of the farm is a fine crop of Mangels. To grow the heaviest crops, the very finest selections of seed must be sown. Frm,.rllflltlll, Prize Mammoth or 99'!“qu . " the cutest weight-producer known. Requires doe wall- Ited ”ANGEL eurichg soil, nad will yield enormoul crops ot can, sound, well-formed roots of great weight. Price by mail (post-tmid) per ltr, no.3 5 lb. lots or over, 19c. lb., or. 4c. per lb. less if purchaser pl)! wanna. A Sli5f/ifa, Giant Yelloi Oval-shaped Fit g ttl A grand variety for shallow soils: grows large, hand- some, clean, sound, heavy roots. Price by mail S,',',',"'" . raid) per 1b., Mc.; s-ly. lots or over, 19c. 1b., or 4c. per lb. as: IS f purchaser pays carnage. , tiN I . ‘ STEELE MIM8' Giant Yellow w?" , ' o h 1 ll . i WV" " GLOBE MANGEL f2/ptai.g:.cgh',t',llloh" diillltllillllll M-pnid' If You Wish a . . Good Crop, Use Steele, Briggs'. SEEDS. . . . . A The STEELE, BRIGGS SEED fir), canada’s (,glirtmgidii:eiivilit §eed Eiause How’s This , " Puma. " aranbr, OI." I Ci!" ManMMuror. NEW STYLE or ADDRESS. It is getting to be the tuhion to ad- dress and stamp envelope: on the back. With the directions written across the folds the letter cannot be opened by an unauthorized person without the {not being noted. 1'uoNR'ith A PM! Mé'mow’ mm: tl'li/it'l; tloom-ill/tlt,--,',,', no.“ c. & D. SCHOOL -dTC3GiiiruU.- ONE NiGH"rf,t2fx,'; n""'"“ " 3'"_u new woman new. by mail on receipt of u on. noun, 10. Box Ri, Imam]. Ithtttmtatlsnt----1, 8tammisrers Dr. Arnott, Bum: who will convince you lie Li, can run STEAM”, ONT. We teach mat tmai-tto Inl- buon or non-cm In fair communal our (Mm no and: than shown. lulu-u nun "prottiak out tori. Ben oo-ral - In cm Buter new. FOR SALE-one Slap on Dr, Pre" Buck ruchtne, with "ree". eteoturs, and . luhmon a" Path'. lb. 2 Cornell "Ind run". I I in ood order Ind wry Int-o mid. Apply to Bmcu, Room " Bowl ot Tun-lo. Mannie-l. or OUR STUDENTS luv. recently taken good amnion. all four position. roman amid W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Our. nun-d in M hours. I/ea, ”continua“ who ham (trod to be cardam- yhon. mu to ire. All your tor ik Price 100 30nd for 'tnt- Lead packages Catholic Prayer IT'S A STICKER for quality-remember the name- Religious Pictures, Statuary and CHURCH ORNAIiNTS, Educational Works. D. J. SAD Mt & M., CrlliPClltRt,0llErElllt Ladies!! RN. B.--When replying to this ADV? name of paper and where you saw it. _ gnaw LUDELLA Matt ordm receive prompt “mutton l pmumr MICK? THE VALUE or We give this fine 4-Blade Pearl Handle KNIFE for selling 6 Ladies'Gold Plate Shirt Waist B E A U T Y PINS at IO cents each. Simply send your address and we will forward wicks post-paid. When sold, send the 60 cents and we will send knife, with all charges paid. Address, - - Mm Novelty tltt.,Tttrttnttt, Ont. Nomi-mm“ Books, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Scapulars, 1JRi1llilll " STEELE, BRIGGS' iilliill . . . Famous Garden, iS Flower and Field Root y Seeds are sold by leading . ' . . . . . merchants everywhere CEYLON TEA. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 0“:er on. Li Waited, Wu. B. Norman. TORONTO. Our. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED 'tn----- New Tires 51 - - --- - I - Ilium! run-I3 "My Envo- IuvBlida and man... um 01‘) It." tttW, lulu“. than Allmu uni Dummy In" I. gut, I I I other trout-menu. " dig-u when mt all Food In Mocha. um no “no. In and In "at“. HEALTH M810!!!) 'trt-ttht) iLTiauaiGGu,ui, In}... Leer, BioU, Bladder, Kid-Jen. Brain nu Broom by [In In rm’n 'tetrgtleatta Du Barry's specially mention this ”per, DOUILI 1113:. “0.0 D to up “an. VII “In“. In“. COCOA EPPS'S GRAYE.UL-c0M FORTH“). TH! HOST NUTRITIOUI. BREAKFAST-SUPP" mut Number now in pram. tuad in your subscriptions at one. tee the year 1899 and naive In I and a. No. mom-inn 3. color planes, giving ts.GLirl ariua" and reproducing the stitches l. that many studies. Send age to HOME q " - NEEDLE WORK? OORTIOELLI SILK M, Issued Quarterly. use p. yen. tot Richelieu St., St. Johns, P. Mania. in an it " nah. t Th. T. t'dlhlt, “and. Ton-h TORONTO, Ont. 35, 3533.? $ ii w or pa run. ""t t 30, 40, 508: 60c. i' a J JI "

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