West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Apr 1899, p. 4

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g Re=0pened. w . 191mm m in»! nah-1x" it'. 1"ka Imam prices. il A mil m, (rled hum- purchuaing. t R. MacFARLANE, SR. 4 , {J43 04304 nu/n 'sv-iv-a", My Wurcrooms are Ilow fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of Clinicc goods and secure bargains. . . . Cutters a Robes blunt” ’11in H: Mur'rir the the cnumrv is able to rccngniZc 5.1 when they see it, a elination to tire of tht has M'l'lislt'adliy growing, front the 3:5 of the first party division of this pal" liament in September 1mm, and the Man the Frunchise Bill in 1898. Al, ready 1 tpposition papers are appealing tbrsympathy having apparently east aside all the ultlstock-in-trade, in the "only ofdespair. "To an impartial mind," says the Ottawa Citizen for installer, "it [mint In: apparent that this majority i, too largo fur the sai'cn’ than and tiles thi. HovermuL-L gsruight party vote is a ll 'tlt mu” I M H i"t"ht ilurlmm iicriru: I'l s at lt- be (In WIGGONS. (lllillulft llllil(llft (lllllpl, HG The undersigned begs to announce that he has rc-opcncd his old establishment with a complete line of the justly celebrated PETER HAMILTON im.. _, A,A ___ . . ------, plemcnts, comprising EVERYTHING that is needed for the farm work. t, In". nmlau has been in Very nanny y t is sigtnitieant how that may 'evnstt'adily growing, front the first party _uivission of this debate length h "tit (OTA " A Lli'l'l ER ‘I mun Conte in ', evidence has abundantly ml totestit'y to the fact that man is upmrently quite 'ognize gout Government see it, and shows no in- , tire ot the same. tres From The Debate ate on the Address which tth Come tuan end, is said mgestin the history ot the ,PVUHF’ERS. _.' ‘iulh'r u m run u! .7 " Hf "ll ki, 'l'l Also 'LPERS " III/"qr stork "f MrtsNr.q-llurwvis """I I’M/I h'rtrristy Prlsers. Priccs h'cttxotuthtr. N"”""'/ Mttrhiors, rI/u/ Org/111m III" row/l has! tin" 1trHor, "" -"""‘illll Mochi,rc ix [Us] III-fury Yum... Q "HI ttt ll "'r ttttt on Good Sa'cnrily. "ds, prumpfly nth-ml”! to. mm, cithri. during day or running w ymu's with IN. t has nhumlanzlv and sm- our Goods when in Town. " lllIH W "rn party am: tttces on botl majority on tl G without Mr. ulster majirity " m-Ium‘s 11ml Org/um the I'I'I'” hext 'wtritty MoOiue in Jot before Xmax. will "rtlttce [Wire's It? pm" H'nffm' the ‘ll inter Goods practical Dominion. v country y l cars, majority vinciul l: ich said the ll well tl gh HT ll t'tV't' "hose" in "ttr/tum.---: prom-s from a; 3.2.110 "pm: "hr, A. .. .. _ - - Willofim, can-=0 a horrible burn, 1 out or bruise. I‘m-Men's Armcn l the but in the world, will kill the and promptly heal it. Cures Ultl ', fever sores. ulcers, lluil-. felons, con skin eruptions, “est Pite cum all ' only 25¢ a box. Cure guaranteed. by our druw.,itsi. 5 1u'ltilllt by clutrgin glupliciLy in Samoa. in mine c. untrics he would iewer occasions to vent his maliee Inuit-n t frantic] strengthening the hands" of Bryan, who is dead agamst expansion idea. ------_- -----. ~lil‘itain is increasing her army at the Cape, and it appears that the Tmnsvtial is being hemmed in. zln the British House of Commons Mr. Cham. herlnin explained that this was being tlotus, as an ofr.set, to the tremendotts turn-s the 'l‘runsmzil is massing on the -1lichael Davin Irish Anglophohes, In rouse the ire of . CALDER. tin-rgh tin-011mm“ "retired," it is illliLO) cviilvnt " depressed feeling or ists over the situation in the American mind. Can you hear the average Spaniard chuckle? livery disaster is tht till --The, American army continues to have trouble in the Phillipines. On Sunday last in a battle, they lost 7 killed and (Mar 40 wounded, andl one f Minis the Ct lkrgcrun, 48 pa seven longest spa the Opposition side Wiltred Laurier h which" I sal't Dav uucmlm It? lwr 1:ctrt for the mar! ill, (IQ/x. e hm em, W PM tw ll 'pposition side of the house. Sh. ml Lauricr himself required but gas in which to compress an effort " has been freely recognized as 4 the ablcst expositions of a twin] policy ever placed before lumrv. mm; daysuml a half to deliver. “n The Government Side e, Minimmot thr. Interiordelivered ldrcss, filling N.", pages oft.w, Han- the my in ruler being Messrs. n, 033 pages: Mater, 59 (e speech. linden vllalitax) 52 pages; and w $5.00 "wrotnts.----t'utt ttf ()I'rrrnufs um? h'obrs null u! A Frightful Blunder H,... Maine“) I": pages; and pages. Thus ot the speeches, 51x came from al It. (urea; I 4, huil-. felons, “as! l'ilc cure Cure guarantee my fu m: six II amcut. e tlo vs t horrible burn, scald. the most bitten. of has been trying Hcrmuny against g' England with It Michael was w would have thru, Inzhuy an. To mm‘! thir two spec. UPS t Lures! styles daV L115 eltQ momb Arman Salve. Tum M 11 The session d when the 050d of 4 pages, an L) f, is ld sun-h. corms. all on (earth. rulim actual dclivr w Jet ween Sold “I ll ad m“ Company and private Funds to Lonu on Mortgages at lowest rate: ot interest. Valuations made hy a competent Ind careful \‘nluutor. " Collections and Agency prnmptly attended to. It ills. Deeds, Mortgages. lie-macs, Agreements. &c. correctly prepared. Estates of deceased pen-on: looked after. and Exeeutorw and Ad- tuiuistmtortt' Accuuuts prepared and passed. Surroglte Court Business, Probate of Wills, Letters of Admittistrntiori and Guttplittmrttip' Obtained. Searches madam Registry Omco and Title: reported on. omee- - LOWER TOWN. DURHAM IV Mr. Dugald McLean',, service is con- stantlv called fur these times, for everyiuuly that mines to town has a hunt or a shoe under their. arm asking for Dugnld if he is not in the shop. He can hardly get time to rend bt Mae'l‘aliu" these times. Old Mr. Ginn, who was sick for a tinm, is again able to be out and enjoy- ing the rays of the warm sun. Our doctors were kept busy fur the last few months, and although we don't, wish them any havm we hope they will get a Pest for awhile wluin the warm weather mum-s. Rev. Mr. Matheson visited on the South Line oneday last week and took tht' old cunwynm-e with hinr-on foot, trtt account ot' Ind wads. He again footed to the Station on Saturday evening while going to Dundalk. Miss Stunt-house, of Hamilton, wine home on Saturday last to her father's residence, Mr. S'tonvhcusv, Glenelg. Me. John ('ockhnrn keeps poorly. Mr. Mathew Scott left our village and is now u resident of the South Line, Artenwsin. Mr. Alex. McLean comes in his place in this village. Mr. and Mrs. David Hinks will moving this week to their own house “7. The McLachtin hays, of the North Line, are making preparations fur a large tianu, haunt eatly in the summer "K.. .l... |,. I -- - We ill'(' surry to hem- of Miss Maggie McDonald's illness as she is woun- in- [brim-(l In the Turonm hospital. Miss McDonald until revvnlly was a resident. of this village. but now of Torunln. We hope to hear of her l‘L't'UVt‘l‘y. Mr. Thus. Nichol lmught the JO-acre fartn "lougsiue of his own from Lin- executors of the late Wm. Watson's "state, at little west of this village. “‘1'" .v.... "I""""'".' zulnrm-zi n-wmly by tho arrival of " lim- big 51‘”. Just in good spasm“ when his ;Ih>l.~l:llu‘(' is rmluin-(l lo lu-lp hi, fulln-r in with [hr spring ."l'ups. We are ph-uwnl to hear that all (-nlu'orm-tl are getting along well. Tlu, timber and hunlu-r ill't' all on the grmuulsut the l‘rvshytvriun Mmm- for " New stable fur tlu, puslnr's conveni- vm-v. Much ctvtlit is due to Mr. Dugald Mttt‘m'mlck fur the trouble he has tuken in gt-lllng trams to haul the timlu-r to the mounds. Miss Flam McIntyre, of the South Line, is spending awLile in Toronto at present. She intends lo hr hawk in a short time. tvtulut slid whim. "ssid/,.lidi, is Tlur home of Mr. and Mrs. Durham “H.111 Gltuwlu, Was I: NOATRV PUBLIC, CONVEY‘NCER. " Pon. Mr. “wrath. hf tlu. L'uptist (‘1!lll't'h. hud sin-rial "itvtiiwie, during lln- lust vttulrle of weeks. and an " “will no heat. " [MV luur idvnlilivd [Imm- svlve,, with that hody. lhw. Mv. 5littlua.son, of the [Hm-shy- lrrlzm chutvli, [H‘mu'hwl for Ilvv. Mr. Hui-rim” at Dunelulk on Sabbath last as Mr. llnl'riaun has nut bet-n "lrle to prom-h fur lln- last couple of Inuulhs nu :u-umnt of sickness. Nev. Mr. Humph- reys m-vupiml Mr. Matheson's pulpit on Sunday lust as he often did an pl'm'iuus occasions. Ut', Humphn-ys ls n gentle- man who is always ready to t'etuiet. us- si.stutice whenevo. it. is required. tlavs urn The ti, went w BARR/STEP, SOLICITOR The slum und in " fun + w, ' LEFROY McCAUL. well unclu- tht 'I hugnltl Ilct' Imu- complui i not tumult]; we hope to " will}: u tutu] fa l] ls mill slain. ll Ilr. Waite, ww- assistance is n-qIIiH-(l. tf Mr. and Mrs. )lle-nn, d (Mom-lg, Wits Iti'urrtifully mly by the arrival of a Just in good season wlwn ml Jlloptntck. complaints [mule that ll" "mung good this spring. we to lteut. of it in u few tutu] failure. [Mu-Inch. of tlu, Hamid Priceville Madman dutiful mutlu of South Lim- tluugltttw, Mrs HM. Mm. Mc (ll of the Smith in Toronto at Ue lmck in a f thr. I'rushy- fur HAW. Mr. Sabbath last lree" uhlu to of months nu . Mr. Humph- ml Saturday IIA‘I' of Aut.. 'ii.,.,':. x Trimmings ! lw to he ' ' in any style done Trlmmmgs I to onler on short, ' est notice. As I have lately visited the city mil- linery establishments in the interest or my patrons, I am prepared mgive the Latest Styles at Lowest living Prices, my expenses being tight. See my Specialties in VEILINGS and CHILDRENS HEADWEAR. Sumucomls: over S. t"x:ott's store) A CALL SOLICITED. I to intimate to the ladies ot Durham and surrounding country that she is prepared to supply than) with the latest in hum-Inn: Muuxmv. MISS CI'LBERTSON begs MILLINERY allow/(MM; (Cr' . 5 gym/“11W" d 'r9rrrtr/:e-t-i,t-crs.raeasereriiii, 'tir/i-wick-ir-try-ii-ite TORONTO W 1ilyEeu't! Clothing wears well. It holds it shape until the garments are worn out. There is no stinginess of materials. There is no u Skimping " in its wor ship. Thousands of the best dressed men and boys in Canada wear Shorey's Clothin g. The Gulr.nt.. Card '" the Pocket moan. SATIQEAn-u--. -- It will cost you less by the be better dressed in the b: wear any other make. Shorev's Clothing wen Money for You Owen Sound Prvputv,, yunllg Int-n and wo- nmn to take a successful part in life. This Institution tea- rhw llllll‘t' business and better Inns-inn than any other Col- lege 0r St-html in Canada. (‘ununrt- nnr runlst- of study with that of any other. If intorosted send for Catalogue containing full particulars to Ave largely due to the lack of know- lmlgv of pmpm- husinos; HIP- thods, A PtusinessCourswat - ....-a.--..- OWEN SOUND. ONT. BUSINESS fllill8i1 Cr, A . ELEM] NGr, Spring and .....Summer There is 'uZBertson -," Ready Tailored Clothing SHOREY’S money for you in buying I’rincilial. 1899 ay the year, a? I you will the bargain than if you W... "an”,each.................[00. Bring along your Butter d, Eggs and get your wants supplied Just "ceired, Call and see them Before you bu y' (oo not forgot to see our Mauufacturd that will equal the Chums we have in stock Pocket moan. There is no 100tt (‘umm Fans. each 7-fl. Trace Chains. each . 5!) Tin Dippers. each Be, Horse Buckles, each. .. . Butter Dishes. each. ... We are handling the only reliable SATISFACTION OR HON " Special Bribes f SPRAYMOTORS '.tor2rorsc) The " Welland Vale" , another large shipment of Axle Greaseiiv Scrub Brushes, Whips, each... Wire Pinchem, each 100 Pie Rings. - _ _ -_BLACK TIIE 8itEititntr.. WILL/Ans WAGON MANY THINK The color and the var- nish are applied together. Saves varnishing. 1'm"'.e, per box That a farm wagon nev- er needs paint after it leaves the factory. . . That’s poor economy. Wagons cost money. A can of . . . . . Bicycles, viz. l RETURNED. Mo INPLEUEHT cost is nothing Gyn- PAINT 10v, oxfovd Slum-5 CANT INC Ill D), yum mn' In a sump. or . .. . l -x "l"""" Drawn” I' BOOTS AN MUttitEItiNt tuc. .‘lv‘l.'~ TI) tt TEA in SH A l" Ih-Ilm %. " yard. wide. 21k M-in wid, Anwri and " lit-in (in ot All Curtains ext are Taped l-chgq ban“ mvh. "HI y u cleanix need New read the in The vch h ever In liver them wit Mac“? WHEN HE MI " OUR FLA NN F.l.ryl"l Cottte and See of Tittwatse. "' 011R lift Mild tn, and t't'ttt1'tt Al'l'll methods meat the defect and supply the necessary gla to restore It. Sight Restor defec Science r out the y the resto Ify, PRING is ht " FUND” (HI THE "ecorateu n [INVEST Intl, ' mll' \\'mn:m‘: MI ht ttil Hi IM'Hit 'D DW WI l'uuml. loud [In " and " MIA Odes unis atxt, WArill NH“ WI BEAN complete II ll M Aes Plea Har “In“ mu nu: (imyl Lace LAN nu li sses o "

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