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Durham Review (1897), 27 Apr 1899, p. 8

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A5 3? " _ . . . . . l we nun: river gunk were hustlers Mr. 'lates. Hanna. while KW"!!! Ills, this year and did not take lonx to tioat heat girl a drive the other My.. cut one. their] into the Saw n rivnr. of his horse so had/y that it " unable! Eli-3mm McDonald plea-ant] spent to be my, of the stable for a few weeks. ' acouple of weeks Vilillllg Roczy and Death has visited our burg twice Domoch friends. siatee writing Mm. carrying on the Mean. H_.and w. Emke were guests auu nud nearly the youngest Uni-I, of In. Snuth ot the 9th lately. What We would like to know t Who mu- the couple that wo-rv we" mwing :u-rnw Luke Erie un a mil ? l Wuuld "dvi,," you '0 take " raft ttext time, Jack. w. McArthur had the mis . give his {not a slash with 't'ti,1",rC:t' week. wt!i.ie w. Smldard thought iii,',. were too lug so took a slice " the . llh of one of them. They are both c J'" P mg around. rippt- Mr. 1'harles McKinnon intends leav- ing for Greenwood. B. I', Charlie will he "such "tissed as he " " general tavorite "mung all. Mr. Peter Mclllnis had a wood-hee on wmluesdn.v. but as he had not time to ask the hands. the amount of wood cut was small. Mr. ('nlin McArthur was mule suc- oeosful with the tree on Saturday. Jack with his home-made saw thought he knew how to do it. Miss (flu'islina H. McPhail was the gnu-st of Misc 1'hristina b'tonehouse one day law! week. Mires San-ah Livingstone is at present working fur Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton of Pviveville. Inn-nu! hmm- fun” .‘lil'hiknn. when. he Duh mpt'tst lht' lust couple of yvars. Miss Small J. Stmwhmw- has relurn- ml lmlm- frnm Hamilton. where she has ~pvnl the lath-r purl " the wintct. x idling her. stale-rs. Mr. Charles, hleKiruton "pettt Monday with SwinNm I’m-k frivmls. Mv. 'l‘hnnms MI-l)mlgalll. of Nahum Valley, is c-ngngc-d with his uncle. Mr. hum-am Mrlhnfull of Maple Grove. for the spring won". The distance is futs ther now. Tout. Mr. Jack McPhail, of Yellow Valley, , isited Topclifre friends on Sunday last. farm Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McDonald. of Prim-ville. were the guests of Mr. Hugh Mcthmnld on Sunday Inst. Mr. lnngl turnml humo- ltau slwnl llu Miss Snrah lgmghlalu NcLnughlun has re Inh'mll'd for (as! wow-k. Smoky Hollow. Topelifre , MrIAngiis tudijLizan has heen iven I the oftice of librarian in 1"('iu"i','Uil2's". I ‘L .......L um "mu rwer gang were hustlers this year and did not take long to tioat their] into the Sun can rivur. 1h'id%'d'l it'ii'2,ii'ifii2ri,i,'ii, spent amplify?“ visiting Roe y and How grand it is to our good old earth once mow clothed with the green ver- dure, to heat. the sweet mug of the bird nod to know that spring is at, hand. Those tine April days H'eiyhody is as busy as a bee cultivating the land and sowing the set-(l and we hope their labor will he rewaeded by a bountiful harvest. . ' l'ulnm. Mummulll Nuutlwrn Swot-l. .. GARDEN CORN." first of all. The annual "tveting of the (‘rmvfunl - ' . ' ' , P" !yyy'tt..tsurit: SUNNY WM held at the CLOVER, TI1loTll11 1lILLET, HL'NGAltlAN, LAWN (GRASS, Slothndlst .clytrtrh, CYawfordon April BUCKWHEAT, TAKES, BEANS, LlNSlClil), FylT'. lathul which Rev, Mr. Mathews was elected Pres., Mr. Duncan McKinnon gSEED P0Th'r0ES-Earlv London. Early Vaughan. “use of the Nurih. ('nrnmn Trens.. Mr. Thus. Boyle Soc. No. 2. ogroNs-D/steh Nels. English Potato Uninns, En; v.. 11.....I. \I,,Iv I . _ Mr. Hugh McKet-l'mie was one d, last week making the frames for N Alex. McDonald‘s building. Mr. Wm. Irrr has been trading ltotses and got a tine bargain of which he. is well 'uvtisfied. Mes. Jas Wilson and how mot her Mrs. Morrison of Hanover attended (Tm! ford church on Sunday last. We extend sympathy to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Burns of Muhwk in the death of ol..1h‘_ --- . I u. Robbed The Grave. A Martin-g Incidc-nL. of which Mr. John (Nu-er of Philadelphia was the huijct, in narrated ly him as follows: I wan-x in n mast. dreadful condition, My skin was llmost yellow, eyes sunken. tongue coated. pain continually in back and sides, no Ippetite, gradually growing weaker day by day, Three physicians had given me up. Fontunncely tt friend advised trying Electric Bitters. and to my ureatjoy and nurprise the first bottle wade u decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks. and mu now a well man. I know may saved my life and robhtul the grnw- of .notlsor victim." So mn- rhonld fail to trt thens. Only 500., guaranteed at our drug stores, o Mr. Mercer the Presbyterian student made his pastoral call on the 8th con. last. week. don“ "Ire ohlvst, being Mrs. Campbell, a mutin- of Scotland. who innuigrnted to (‘ammlo many years ago. Nhe was Inn-in! beside hm“ husand who proved- wl hm sumo few yours. Dun-r5011 was SH yours of ago. Tue other. hung the inhnt son of Mr. and Ihs. Joseph Young. Mr. and Mrs. Young have the sympnlhy of the omin- neighborhood :.. AI. 5. , I Young. Mr. and Mrs. l sympnlhy of the emin- in theit sad hurmu‘e-Im-nl McKinnrn is busily engaged C.._A 1..-», n . .n . Crawford innLuu has.enmred 11r. n. As Allan is an man we have no spring" Gonthid , were hustlers at Mr, M ti. ay t Mr. P. licKocl-nio ham secured . whool down country and but left for hie duties. ‘We know one will miss him. Mr. John NcKochme and sister Cam-no "not Sunduy It Cation]. A number of our young men rlwnl an enjmahle evening " the home M Mr. ll. Watson, last Friday and report a good time. Intended for lut week. Miss K, McDonald, Crawford. ssh, has been visiting at McLean's and McKocunio‘a returned home "t Suwhu’. Minn Ada Bunk, vi,rtrd with Mn. Middleton one day hut, week. (ligig (let; H] Mi [HIE] I)itei, Ilgt& tl tggt 'igigg. DRUGGIST AND SEEDSMAN Carter’s Elephant, n large swede mu] of good quality. C'arter's Imperial Hardy, an average size Inn-nip, solid and llllll'll ions. Sntton’s Champion. an excellent to: mp. King of the Swedes, one of the best. BANGHOLM. n favorite. Hartley’s Bronze Top, rich in quality at d " good keeper. London Purple Top. u handsome turnip. large and a heavy eropper. Yellow and White Ineshed Turnip.» Purple Top Yellow Allen-doe". Im- proved Grey Stone and Lincoln Red (ilolne. ' ' .l'urler‘s Dwarf Essex Bowl heaved Sowing Rape, Ihnonly Itupe suited foe ftzmling purpuses. FIELD C0RN-leauriug's' Imprnved Kingnf Earliest. Angel of Midnight. (Hum Cuban. Mummnlll Nuntlwrn Sweet. .. GARDEN CORN." lipst of all. Sugar Beet White Top Silesia”. gums to n gmul size. Danish Ited Top, the largest Sugar Beet grown. MANGEL W0RTZEL-Currtev's annmth lamp: lol. the best ofall. Uatter's Norfolk Yellow Globe, adapted for light soil, zmww a good size and a good keeper. THE GATE POST " very pvoh'tal' variety. FIELD f,eetfrs --Mattmsoth Intermediate White. " great yeilnlvr mid etsily ml et . Large slit/l,'; Vosgtlsi. a ttest, class (Topper and good feeding qualities. wt White and vlruoiirilsi/ridti,' Ghi MES-S Gil-i5! il/C." Long Orange and Red Altvingham, good for geueval crop. FIELD SEEDS SEEDS AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS Thirty-eigth annual import of Staple Field and Garden Seeds from one of the largest Growers of seeds in Britain per S. S. St. John City. Rocky. - -r-_-.ree, Fl PARKER 'ONTARIO ARCH, TORONTO . . .. DURHAM, ONTARIO. Mr. W. Dun-mule, Jr. MI. inet for o. Sound. hire, Middleton. who was visiting III town Int. week, had to he brought home, heiug hunch“! with I. "vor. touch of rheumatism. We lore to hear of but rocm'ery. Mr. Walter aul Miss Ada spent Suntlnyhht with Mr. I Glenelg Centre. MLJalues-s [3min spent inst his Proton Iartn. Mesrrs. A. and N. McLean ku- at n5 partv " Hm Inna-e of Mrs. N. Meliecltoir,,, of Glenrodcln) nu Friday mum. null cl: itni, the, h:vl n better time Hum th m- who] went numb. ' 1899 SWEDE TURN/P [IID l Miihuptn" H. Firth n Seeds Week on 'urumn OFF]! Us'- Jll'l "i.yrr Him-k ()FHUE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pha-nmu'y Caldee's Itlovk. Readout-0 fivst dour mast of the Post Oftive, Durham. . “min: "are" u I. 1pluti2iCiiiii 23:: t tot a n Inn's ft t ',h's1th1,rltttgtti2,i, with 'IT, 'tGSU', ttt would Jan “other kidney Victim. When u Its', , ',',,','2'fie MeRvttqr-u a no". hula, wile m manna mou- 8httit sou-nu AIM“! IMIA 6Uttq-4ta, ll Tat.' ram 'tttr'ktijia, Part than . can. an at». u m. " arrister, A'otar , Gon- b vegancer, etc” 5a“... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. . ,,__ -..w..... “mu. mes on kidney diseases them as the surest and safest cure for all diseases of the purifier-a healer-a health builder-em/alicia .m-- on _ . - _ claims tested by eminent medical authorities on kidney diseases, them as the sun-d null emE-,s -..__ I _ .. .. KIDNEY-SICK PEOPLE I 'hiidi'to'yr7i'irt4 (i'i'hrAa"l? “mm" irx’érrn-“mmmfl 'ara Buchw- alllhlr'iutt m“. Cum th' hm.- 'glr2e.et ,,__-. u... Good News from the North Country- A young machinist in a Large manufacturing eon- arm in Northern Ontario, fell I victim to the dropsical form of kidney disease through " mospherlc elsenges in followl his daily labors-’- he continued his work until Emmi commanded to quit by the Physician from whom he had been "calving treatment. He visited Toronto and multe In eminent authority on kidney dis. uuu. The doctoral“ yieP/yituitkTiiilriii .ttory_ofhtrnsetta. hawking“. M Um Pttattir to a). you; man's "Us. a... " Dr. T. (l. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. W. S. DAVIDSON. 8gld by Munoz}: (Uw'r tle [fun/u sun-whale. Cum “AMA-lulu“ New. 'ge.es um .- auuocpu. uncut-van' Mad, Madly-3M uh: Into-Ila. In HTIe only Inn Undertaking and Emhalminn on tatost ciploa a! rot-tttttble. _ Would intimate that she willeontintw Hm Furniture and Undertaking Burinv- enab- Iiuhed try hvr father in Durham in "" and will ondmu'or to give all old and new mum" on; the «me qrnrire In t,irtactioet. Furnituro of the Best Maln- MISS SHEWELL so} Remember the V _ 7-..- "all" nine“ cunts it is generally indiuted by certain changes in the urine, such " mucus. 'ed.ir.tt.ettttaiGmetr, brick dust, acid and blood-main is not amen-vik- -- power. Htdrever, day tdiiuGFi'l piled up for its great curative qunli- .tle.s. When k.idr.t.er disease exists .Kidney diseases Ire the l sidious of all diseases com humnity; within the pa years medical mince his wonderful skids in coping , ravages. South American ALWM s ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPEOMUY MISS SHE W E l l r the '9ndrorspotitw the Market. Durhnln. --'ULL LINE OF ._ within the past few lical science his nude wise; in cqping Ititt? its vl-n Iran.“- In“ " {hm VEémmon to most in- Kluge, In an "ettt l‘l'iul wall I he! ith _ " Na M

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