West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1899, p. 1

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IN '93 Mal) stoma) ”an“ Hum Ina-haw “it No: into-Illa... ttt {Mo-om FRAMING A SPECIAUY i “I sum“). -3. tc bat 'artte Nun nun: Ibo. "In. {if that n! In Ibo In: day l I- "edit to Soul A. loan-1;! m tho “duty-ski I one. attribute the" mun Kldno Ctaro- m buddu- Airman“. “nap; OPLE , ts SHEWELL Itll of Ike llivit Jtate is] ret S SHEWEI iai W In“ Ivar-oh. g ed rich ii, iai ry day testimon’ treat Curative on: lithe day I. I.” tt Ammu- " nlw In". South a his notice, it tO his r nndgr u. it look“ “all can ho of it. Test. " disclosed tttt throuzh “in gig“. cue emu by certain I as mucus. dust. acid circulation while eiog 1 them so organs are his made ng with its P WP" “been It hand " les as is Jill thinks Durham " in n splendid vatuousrlttittgr'. ",1,C, "re pointed out, pusilinn to hc-lp “W” lry tlw '""'il't1 t.,,,l',.1rst'e"Jiyiy,,rivll',.'i.. “in: 3:31:53:- loutt. I'"."'." Suuml outsiders their. done hy the Corutttercia'4 class nude! inn-ms Wood Inve-stlm-nt~ and the gunr- Mv. Hart. We were pleased last, week mum-i they have nt' rc-pnynu-nt (no in rum-in- at type-weitterx letter from lwttc-I' than Ulll"l haw Prom-(l (Illitt- A:.R.. Ihunt.vi'iy. "He of his pupils. . t; . . which in exeeutiott is fully equal lo . 'IIs ill ttuy. the awn-age business letter. Mr. Hart Linu'rXIxu's “Hum. Huwinyo-vcning In presenting tts with .the. letter states taut t'rouititos'o'chu.k this ili~trirt “w that the pl'ogl't’ss made " Very corn- mr . F ' . . ' ‘ nwmlnhle, and the summit: lottrr hefot e iill' tuurtrt' "hm active "hitrh. "riplay. llm'. taken down in shorthnml, "Jill m - \ Ilo-Itso'ly itlovk cloud formed in llw ”minced Ott the typewritttw hy the “us! ~42h';lkul at inn-Huh hy vivid t"/,'ei'ils.cnilt,r"j/'ei: t,',i'),tte/'j.)i,n,tu', Mal-ant: . l * tit' i itltl PV I l Lillllllllg and an Y'"""""' "ll"'"""?"' l'lr"1'C1(','d.',re"ff/i's.tld,'hf t',l,",ri/el,' lwvmm} "..vt"1vlhi."sr sug!.,'tstittit the typvwritiug. business correspondence ,ljllil'tml’ll nt " 1cyclout.. It lll‘tlkl' at and hunk keeping, and the math-r of itsnt,.rthutulittvrtvshhi:.,r ruin tTll. H'). “ff" yt,',' J’WSNNH A",: 'ff/ll,",',',',',.: l’v'gl‘o’l to my hmn-u-r I In: the light Mini: 'cuJ"'o)'t"t"ill,t,eT,?ig.'a,f,"g,'i" “Funk: rinsed the loss til Mr. John Hewuson's "ientnl tleveloluuettt, produced In); theh. tstint, 'Aron. lttmiinck. It was inmueJ 'rtctice. Anyunc wishing ty. no this t'ovitt'0t. N.” m't5 ful'lluldh- Wits Mv. It. h-tter may be gtatified 'g calling. Ivy t . _ F . .. wish space would perm: us tn publish (jietson,who,e M‘lml'dlttl “.u In the it in full l:-.;i tlreitirriusurvd,isatoial . 't n l! n” mug. 'fl'.'..".", N l y.' t Honor Roll of Durham Schnnl for loss. Wt'rs.vttutittltize with Mr. G'vitus April Sr Gtlv--Ailie Blackburn w“. A heuvy Man" to him. We lent" ' Hannah Lawrence. waltee Willis, Inn-r that 1lv.Hesvitsu,u lust also n Frnm; Davidson anti Iva y.yiylura.n, (,rirult'r, top lutggy,ottw, tsake, fanuiug i,ltt1hi'lulTivdii,i1li,-.,Nes1lid.ih,uit,: mill. irnn havvows and about tett inns I I'anv Laura: Hutton and 'Fled Ander. ,.t' hay. sun (up Mr. 4th---Jessie Laidlaw, Maud MAitiilrAt.r: Summit“: The tihel. Irwin. ilergr,itidetton.i Grief Egg“. 1,. h, .; ~--. '.us'1cr' ‘. _ Susie McCloc in. ar. th- sun 1"r" l l ”lull "P" tly. "?'lct'd .rot out Wolfe, NutlmnSwallow. Jas. Williams, sidetcmltus Gu. tts Pirtitirig tlu. 18WO. Audv Williams Allie Gun. Sr. 3rd-- Thereart. two well “minim! and alilyjlariv McKay, levyitl Moran. ly.yy managed ttt'wspuIretoirtrvsirt Shelhurne "Pllfl Shiver: ~Willie Buch‘an, Willie uni the Standard rumulvrs it " rutsall I 't'lfe'y.1ui'Ji, 'it(2idQt.d't)i'iiti.?etg. pin-0 of husim-ssc-Ilher tosulicit outside ' and iiit 'E'lt',h'tff'd ',',' Jean iiiiiiilit' suruspetition sohmg M the work can/ii..' '2nd-F'rosvavd 'fliail"f, Arthur Eu-ilnno properly a: home, Ot' for an , Kinsley. John Lloyd, Toe I,aai,tl,l,t,t.t, outside ottlce to submit, a teudet. inéAhster Mchnnld. J" 2,r"ic-hh.id.ie . . . . ulnnvs. John Benton, Annie Daniels, n-plv to such tuvilittiott. The following Bnthn Gadd, Ellen Brtsithwatte and settttttit'tttsare. sounder -"The late Hon. Hahn Nedignr eq. 8r. A. (pt 2)--Altevt lhvul Davis wrote," "Each your every; Md'rlockliu. Fannie Moran, Bowie Tel- i,rcal paper gives from $50!) to 8ii000 in 1gtitii, 'i'le,'dBt".chg. iq. Elly.“ f2.fd free lines for tlte hem-lit of the muunun- I 'l/y/del,?,',",.: akin: mism- 2.?itlJig? ity, No other agency can or will d"lJus. iiiid1ii7n", Pearl 'Murdock. Jr. i', this. The editor in proportion to his (pt 2 Ella. Kinn Marion Currie. inn-ans. does mule tor his tou u than any I Tourny "tlf 100’?! ,'l."ia'l'e.euN,','llit otirer ten linen. and in all fairness. man I 1A'tilt"io,fN',td-i arid Me td' Misting with um). he WEN to he supported, eq. Hazel Guthrie. Ruby Enid” and lm'ausenlocal .risthe heat invest- Geo. Park ' "terinediaur-iwime Pape. ' . , . "tentaeomtuunitycantnake. Editors f2tLt,','.d yPMifdatt: John do more Work for less pay than '""liit'r"r1' Le‘wis t'lseh'll"'aT. "r/halted "man on earth. .. . lam", Loni. an”. I 'in' rum-rail of a relative in Kenilworth, \Vo had the pleasure of a (will from him in (-mulmny with a cumin, Mr. Frost. Mr. Gurtlml is an enthusiast on the "uvstiott of municipal still to "ulusttjes, va-t and west eleiic railway wilt ho built for sllrt‘. A duiyesossr', Pmm,--rtar.riston had a. <rstvirttioo last Week. The dead body ,ghg man wan found at the end of a. 'uttvtu:t about”? milm east, of the town. It sou-mod to have lain there most of the winter. hie snnW-drifts preventing inhaling S90" "efore. It is that Of a Balm: laimt'imz "nun, 'tptttarontl.v having inn-n in Rood health. An inquest was bold but theeviUonco gave no clue a: to mum- of death. Foul play is suspect ml. and Hartiston people thunk the bod INN been hr'mght there. 1Vurde" Chau. Gordan. Owen Swami. pas in town last week. having been at TOOK Finest?" LIAN-I. -h" inmate of “rum- "uuna- of Refuge uaIn-d ture to tro to (-hurrh M'Onlly. It was granted, and the had had inmate has not return- "d. Now there will be a watch for him tut her) in compel the acceptoutee of vetier. Elmmuul in advertising in the Glnhe-l‘ fun-n t-lmil fm-tnry nmnugo-r who will :zuvmt. from 81.50! to *t.000 in the “mim‘s‘ hitmwlf. The tutizens prnlnisn N50“). No question about Elmwood uninunlwnd. Wilt Durham r-ut thrir awn throat y \Vill theve he a man vote uluinet Durhmn‘s [‘I'Jgre‘ss on Monday? The Guelph "vi-"M entrants '" the prov-mum oftlw Elm-tric- Railway he. tweett Humiltnu and Guelph to t-nntimw it to Mt. Povost. The company would Le wise in 'ts own into-rests if it o,ue/i! ' ol it to Durham where lots of anerf mullcl be had. and where some duv an o-:1~t and west "leiie rmhxny win ho, Fun-um: till do well to Ink. notice that American buyers of Canadian limbs "will only take buck lumb- nt a “wanton of at hunt 01.0) per owl. less than for ewe and wethvr lambs," 'rr.sttmros., -The t'heitstu" Endeavor had a Tonnyum night last Monday, and it! amt-pas hae prompted them to hare Another literary night tsefotw long. James Wylie. the {mums checker player. known the world over as the ""le lmldie” died in Glasgow recently. alum-nu. $urow.--T'he Lime Juice Stock Co. in the Town Hull. Friday night. Nomi-on to he entirely Inn-ru- ful. Heats have mid rapidly. Naming like it "n- in Durham. 1mm "ttlee Mondays and Court Days. Remember the unmml meeting of the Public Library cm Friday (to-morrow) night. The Review £19:- ' Local and District News. ' i“s§.‘st~.s..so Two dippers far Gc at w. Black% Lucas. Wright and Batsott.-At Dur- PW..-......" 1r0h.---XXI. N 0. 18 Is the place to get all kinds of Printing. _...., .. 'i".'."' . '" i limes. John Itenton, m. The following Buthn Gadd. Ellen ..1 ”The late Hon. Hahn Nedigar Pq. Sr. "Each your every '; McC4ockrm, Fannie h 3 ( the lvltrr )resems able urgmnvnh of tlu, benefit accruing from u kuow- ledge of these ftrancliee, and of tlus uwnlnl tleveloluuettt, produced In); their PHoxoonArnY.» Ave have before rel. ferred to the good work done and being done by the Commercial class nude! Mr. Hart. We Were pleased last week to rem-ire " type-weitterx letter from] A. It. Mrlntyre. one of his pupils. I which in execution is fully equal lo, the average business letter. Mr. Hm-tl in presenting us with the letter states, that the progress made is Very com-' mrmlulile, and the sumle letter hrfol e tlm', taken down in shorthnml, mnl m ", produced on the typewritter hy the' pupils coins, hii statement, sec-in " the school only begun on January Huh last. The course cousists.of shorthand. 1 typewriting. business correspondence; and hook keeping, and "the matter of! “Report on the Prohibition PubiTite' just received at Our oif.ee, can he treaki. Red by milling. It is a volume of 312 pages and contains the vote for and against. at every polling place in the Dominion. The total nmjorily we may repeat, was 13,916 but there was ' double, vote in the city of SI. Joht5 N.B. of 1530 which makes the true total P2.att. _ The vote in Quebec. except in the Eastern Townships. with their Anglo Saxon population, shows a lieggm-ly' Ieattness in the "Fop"votuum. A strung» commentary on race ideals: Only at 3 polling places in the whole Co. of Grey. was there not, a vote against prohibition. two of them in E. Grey. the other. was] Hutton's Hill. Bentinck. It is surpri:~-' ing how nuiny erlors in addition lmvel been made by returning omcets of the) various tidings. Trece are pointed out, l Tue Pramrtscrrre.--an.v one Innate-tad in the "was of furitres contained in tho The elvctiou of oMcera in the ttpworth [ Lemgueot the Methodist ChIN'lI. lon- dny night resulted " fetlhhtft Pies. Rev. Me Ferguson; Ut, Vice AU.. J P Whebut ' 2nd V P, "In Amy Wriuht. t 3rd V P, Miss Orchard t 4th v tt, A Me. (llm-klin l Set-y. "is. Fox t This w A MstarlnIm. l Beecrrscx Asuzesunx-r Rum. run itB0. l ~er. Black, Assessor, return-Ml his roll it" the Clerk on Saturday. the and day lot April inst. The following is a summary of it, r-Nun' of ratepayers 1,MO, number of acres assessed 74,136. assessuwnt of lands $1,238.31), asses-a. men! of personal property NZWL total f assessment alumni). nunlwr of persons, in family 4,521, number of cattle 6.367. number of hugs 3.083, number of sheep 4,107, number of horses 1.675. were; of Woodland 13.359, acres of orchard 422, acres of swamp and waste land MAST, i news of fall wheat 4,647. number of I children between 5 and 16 years 1143. number of children between and “I years tW2, number of (hildreu Itll,.',', r, and 21 years 277,---Hanoyer Hm. , Mr. Atthue Laidlaw Um litre-eat, our Int-rum- dab in [humor Wm (Friday) and arrange the “Mink of “an”. The league will be mum of Wulkortm. Che-Icy. Hanover. Dur- ham and Wiurtou. Thecovevingof It sin-d water tank RAve way but week in Hamilton, huppily Without, accident. Iitdpevtion of supporting timber-s of our min {mm tiuw to lime would not he “In. It you have canal-I h, don't dor with local remedies, but purity and enrich Your blood with Hood'. thtrst+arttta, Mr. J. w. Brown late teavher in Han. over. succulent in passing "hees'alty his examination at Queen's Uhivenity. J UtgT' ARRIVED. -One czulomd of wire nails, half carload of axle grease and tinwure at w. Black's. First meeting of the Court of Revision for Arlemesin Township will he held on Satin-Cay June 3, 1899, A CHAPTER ovAcctDrrsms.--0n Tues- day Muster Arthur. Allan while out fishing made a slip on a. log and had his eyelid seriously cut. Master Lloyd Benn was attacked by a dog near the Bakery, Tuesday and getting him down made a gash in the calf of his leg which had to be sewed up. He will be a. prisoner for a while. The dog has been shot. Mr. Parker had a nasty slip " the sidevnlk a. few dar, ago which he yet feels. Thistown has come to the parting of the ways ' let us take the fm ward way, With the lighttlmt has been shed on all the proceedings, all the promises, all the prospects, it vote against the hy-law on Monday next would seem an impossihitity except by an enemy of the town, A divided Durham in the past has worked no small harm to the place and now with unanimity so practically with us, it would he an omen of a bright future if it could he con- sunnuated. his not. simply n umjurily that is wanted. it is unanimity. Some any the retired farmers will xoteugttittst it. We fail to see how they will Irertefit, by opposing a progvessive policy, and mu- not believe it till we tlee it. As for business men It would indeed be an vxtrnordiunry position for them to oppose it and we have no such ex pectation. But this supposes that the assessment of the town remains as at present while the fact is that. with a factory arguing many new buildings would he elected. and a general progressiveness ensue that assessment would be bound to go up, and practically the town would not be in one, whit wome position than to- day with the added advantage of a live industry amongst them. distributing about one thousand dollars per month in wagl-s. Mr. N. Mcliu.sweltatipulrlicly t,tuted that he will inn-ease the assess- ment by Whit. least in new buildings, while Mr. Laidlaw and others announce their intention of building should the Industry go on. The annual that of the luau: to the lawn it was clea"ly show" would nu! be $31). The average mu- Hem-ssm'y to met-t the interest. would he alum! three- qum-lvrs of " will nu the dullur. which would mean "never'y $100 :lSSQ‘NSIIIEHt. Tl, cts, (ll'Ull $101101me 75 ctte. " these five directors chose in maki, such all offer public more would not, he lacking many municipalities that would at uncerluse with them. Will Durham. that. knows them. can tute vote against thv "y-law, which is "will! an good security to i'urtlwr its heat interests , Besides this which the tnwn will have f ti' security the ""upauy when fut-med will give a lirst lien nu building and plant so that tlie town 194 doubly secured, But it-is the interest of the town ul are anxious to safeguard. and the five men, who have stepped into the breach gum-muted, and they are sate in doing an. that hefm-e one rout of [own money 'usaccepreU. the stock sheets will show '10,000tutywa.v. We believe tt will he. more. [thus been asserted that. then men are in it for speculation. So one of the speakers alleged on Friday night. Surely this is a most unueneroun charge. They are men of ourselves, having a property Make here. They have He pointedly decluied their motive to be the good of the town. and have offered to retire in favor of anyone. who will take the same stand. They have only, it is [tunn'mlmm-ilwd $9500. and they wlll.he denied the privilege of voting became they have when ihed. Here is the reason rmore has not been placed on the paper. ‘Inateml of live there could have been 50 nuniea. but it would then have been impossible or diMeult to secure the requisite proportion of the voting power to fulfil the law. Instead of aspen-sinus, the tive men should. it Remus to us. be. honored by their fellows for the stand they have taken in the interest of the town, Hard. Each of then}- have nil-m I .5“) in the mmntimo. The tire townsmen who at present form the. Company and who have Secured a than" are Messrs. Dr. Jumieson. M. P. P.. Wm. Laidhtw. N. Mclutyre. Con. Knapp and J. w. (inw- i On Finlay night last a public meeting was held in the Town Hall to discma the By-law now before the people. _Uunnimily was the. watchword of the hour, all who spoke not only supporting It. but doing so most. warmly. There (an be no doubt that the. evidence of the success of the venture is beyond question. unless all faith in the integrity and veracity of our fellow townsnmn who have elven the matter careful enn- nidemtion is to be abandoned. A Turning Day for Durham. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY A, 1899. Mr. Luidluw “he week calls attention to the excellence of Crescent. and Cleveland wheels. 3) models in stock. However the time has come when We are about to lose. your valuable, services, We therefore consider the present occasion a fit and proper time to express to you in a. way more tangible than words, our esteem of you as a man. a citizen and a Forested We would now request you to accept this watch chain and charm as n memento of the many true and kind brethren in Court Dur- lmm, who have known you and tspptpciated your noble (humour and gitittletuan1y department. and who hcpe you may belong spared to wield such an infbience for odd in your new tieid of labor. as you have always. both as a citizen and u Forester exerted in the Not long after you were received into the ranks at" the l. 0. F., the members of Court Durham showed their Colt. lideuce In your Integrity and their appreciation of your executive ability by appointing you to the very respon- sible position in the Court of Financial Secretary. This oMee you filled for the past, nine years with credit to yourself and with honor to the society. It was with sincere rvgrm that. we heard of your intended departure from ottt'towtt, tlwrefore before you leave us- we lake the present oppot1atyit.v of uxpre-ssiug to you. in some slight way our npprerintiun of your valuable ser- vices to our uuhloOrder, and to Cottet Durham in particular. I Mia's S. A. Coleridge, of Dmmuré, {paid a! brief visit to her sister, Mrs. .R-unnge, this Week. I Mr. J. G. 1h'cltard, coal and wood (ee of Landon. spent. u. day bust week, .'rtt his lunch-’3. Mr. S. Orchavd'ti. The following is the address presented to Me R. Meredith by his brethren uflhe I. U, F, before hisderutrtupefoe Regina: DeavSir and Brother: a I'eveintinn as to nontlwss and exart- new. Lettering. and every dietaal is almost perfect. Next. Hessian his course is entirely in electricity. Our ymmg annsnmn is showing nmrkvd iptitude foe higher study, and slum-ass must follow his push Mr. Arthur Luidlaw is home frum his examination, at, the Selma] of Ap- plied Science. Tun-onto. We had the pleasure of seeing some of the work dune Inert-z intricate "ridge drawings, strength of timbers. and elnlmmte um- stluctn'v drawings of various kinds required in prau-tiral Work, which me Mrs, McRae and daughter. Mist, Georgie, are home from 11atuiltou, and have taken up their residence here again. Mr. and Mm. U. A. Baum). of Mark. dale. spent, Monday pleasantly with friends in town. Mr. B. H. Townsend and Wall Leg. spent. Sunday in Owen Sound. "Wal!" now wears a broad smile. Yours fraternally in L. B. t C, Signed on hehnlf of Court Durham. Rev. J. G. Little, of Guelph. will of- ficiute in the Pt'eo,.vierian church here next HlUIIlay. N iss Lena Wolfe was home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Chm-lee Ryan. of Mount Forest. Sundayed at his home here. Miss (hula-rum" spent Sunday nt Mr, Leesson's, Vurm-y. PERSONAL MetttrgOttt . o. F. FAREWELL. SEWLVG MACHINE. 4 llama Sewing Machines and supplies. Womtato--Uppee Town. Durham. 2epht " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHE E LS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Pnlmorsoou Buggies. Buggies fmm Campbell of London Bell, Dohert Thomas and Berlin mum of PIANO and 'omms. " ft. ,s,ts.'i'itiiil,'l1'lp.litii'lliilr A lug. nook of New layman and Win. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods '. Wilkingpn J'loughs, number CULTIVATING. Coulter d; Scott Drills and gerything for Farmers I We take this opportunity ot thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same. Dun-Inn“. .;&ug'. 9t It. . "Large Sales & Small Profits." Nobby Shirts ' ADOPTED BY N,; e. at J. McKechnie. l to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, 8olepltitets, Eta. Not _ genuine unless the words " WILKIxsox l’wcun COMPANY " is cast each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. Cultivators. Disc and Srade Har- ngs, 8911111913, Etc. A so Scotch Dia niond Ilari.ows. §NOBBY TIES HARVESTING. f""'"- -- - 'Cash system _--- ... “; are and the Public generallg that we have adopted the Gas System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be. We beg to_infqrm our Custom- To suit everybody of taste at 26c each. Call and inspect them. For Nobby people just in stock at Grant's/n from 60c up. with ‘. L GRANT ., G. d; J. MCKECHNIE. G. MCKIINOI. The Review a?! WHOLE N0. 1103. IE4“; but Has Telephone conm tion. Call up No. 6. on in: ti Fi

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