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Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1899, p. 3

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"I ha q tum "ref of the" _ “‘21! wr-r 'try its". Dream. "'tto u t.er has“ the UK!" a. -t eminent ,nyaunlnnl. DOC-U3. "morman Nsrvzn: h" "ay"' 'w" s and “um there. '03 o8 the “Grid hum not - m»! u "te “wan Into the - 5mm Amoern NONI!" P, " lt 1| um. n m- “MUM gum... but they in" Bel qt-tttttt that it to” tak' t In - {at tt " m. on. "on m 'iiiMl of the thou-nun “'0- snmo Mu uncut-m H. M l.- " yer tor outside sheeting. N pm {A u so Promptly and; ii." an an“, story we are now prepared RS PROMPTLY. ge quantity of Sash, ring and the differ- ttld Lath alwayl rttific Principl... that mposalble. irstrf?l.es Hearse. South Ameri. whee. "" . I" “MN '0 trest the out! ‘Y "Funnel" F-rum Amorl.‘ . Finn " tho own». And - .., arpl'.mr All curative 90"” "9". entree from which I” of 'ho body non-We than my”! - y, d 7hr run-v. an". and of netussizy the or“. us mtto,ra tne outward "mm faerarretivt " hPalod. 1“. net .d ,.sr)-;.,. iiiairee '_ver “"747" it' III m in o A deranzi'acn! of the 3.". Thousands bout “CHEW“! .u. cy Luge so that all onion MW {IN and oe m A. show. th donnxomen newsman: t Medical Discovor? It mode-u! treatmout a ". Win nearlv I12 vnadlelnu. I! J. MC KECHNIE HE JAKE KRESS Furniture "l" Factory. wrll to be found in bi. Old h.‘ upped“ the Durham Bauer. . Eiiflfllfl r" mm" U at ualit C om 25A82:ll{ h I FAILED n CURE 'iia7i'iiw N“ 72. m Ill MERRY (lhll ENGLAND. A - of the Ive-In TORI-x Pho- " It. land " we lobed-mum“ my PetteeB. The Queen has accepted a ample 01 Nyaasaland coffee gruwn by the Zam- bem Industrial Mission in Brita]: Con. tral Attics After long Consideration and much tvsitauey about. having tr. r name mad" public, Mrs. John A. Copland, wife of tno editor and proprietor of the Barriston Tribune, has resolved that. the World should know how won- derfully her health was restored by the timely use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Our represen- taiiv, interviewed Mr. Copland and the folzotsing is his statement of the ease: "Whilst w" were living in Toronto at No. 99 Moduli street, my wife took ill inthe autumn of 1894, and had such racking pains that she could hardly stir. One of the, best specialists; in Toronto was called in and he trog- no-ed the case one of acute inflammat- tory thummirm. Bis preseripuons were given and he said that th, case was in severe one and it would. be a wonder if her joints did Lot become misshapen. What this runwnt phy- sician predicted came truv. At the end ole month my wife was worse than ever, and her wusts and knuckles were twisted greatly out of shape. the was so disheartened thatshewould weep at the slightest provocation. She was loath to stay in hed,andhad to be assisted to arise and dress, every movement giving her intense pain. During all the ensuing winter this state of things continued, she gradually becoming worse in spite of the strong medicines and the lo- tions that the dfxstoryrreseribed tor DOINGS or THE ENGLISH PEOPLE REPORTED BY MAIL. Prom the, Ilarrlston Tribune Mr. Slum, Arnold, . former prun- dem of the British Chamber of Call- merce at Paris. died recently at tr- phoid (ever. . Lord Salisbury Ina declined the p- quest of the Birmingham Gunmakm' Union that he would receive adam- tauon with [Harem-u to the seizuro of arms in the Persian Gulf. . For selling as butter a substance containing 98 per cent. of foreign fat, Thomas Jones Davis, a grocer, of 105 Chrisp street. Poplar, was fined E20, will. ga. costs, at the Thames Police Court. This is the defendant's third conviction. . l'ni'onulogiats Lad in Lord Bulking}. head the bumps of self-esteem. "ud- tlumneaa, imagination, perceptionpnd wagon tstrongly developed. (lost."' personal ambition are small, but tinn- 08.35 is vary large. Violin makers report that aluminum when and (in stringed instruments, produces I richer sound than wood, especially with the high notes, and (hit experiments with the new ma- terial luvs Ueea entirely successful. Two children, the sons of a dock labourer named Webb, were suffocated in bed during a. fire in Southampton. Superintendent Johnson gallautly as- cended the burning staircase, but was too late to rescue them alive. The total amount. subscribed to the memorial to the late Baron Pollock is £111 IU. Arrangements have been made to execute a brass, in raised let- ters, to be placed in the north wall of the Church of St. Juhn's Putuey. A Cornish fishing hugger, the M11- pals, was driven on to Plymouth Break- water in a gain and had to be aban- doned by the crew, who round shelter her. We tried in vain the massage treatment and the electrical treat- ment. My wife would moan nearly all night with the pain. She was un- able to hold the baby, and even could not bear to have a person point a fin- ger at her. l feared that the spring wouldsee my wife under the sod, and you may beaure l was terribly affected by it. All this time we continued to give her the doctoru treatment and!, medicines, until finally my wife stout-Q ly refund to take any more of the| drugs. From that out she began to, mmrove, and one evening 1 was "s-l toniahed to see her coming to meet mei when tarrived home from the office: "W by," 1 said, “the doctor is doing you good after all." "Not at all," she[ said and smiled. l'hen she produced al little round wooden box and held it up. "1 have a great secret to tell you," she laughed. "Unknown to you lhave been taking 1pr.Wiiliamey Pink Bills, and this is the seventh box. They are rapidly curing me. Naturally 1 wet overjoyed- and " most wept at the thought of how very near I came to losing her. She continued taking Dr. William' Pink Pills, and before she had finished the eleventh box, she was quite well again and to-day her wrists and knuckles! aaotsanhav1rUtsatsttrr, . .-" y l Mr. Copeland has been laughed at for the enthusiasm with whish he has sung the praises of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. but he believes that eny_Lhing so valuable to mankind should iota“ the praise it deserves. , Mrs. Copland was seen at he: assid- once on King street, Barrister; end she ootroboratod - word her hus- band has said. She reluctantly gave com: to have her name published, but add that she thought it. proper that the 'tttie- of the“ pills should be made known. She was led to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through see- ing the accounts of cum in the news- THIS LADY SUFFERED TERRIBLY FROM RHEUMATISH. A Several of our neighbors in Tdronto knew how sick she was, and can can: roborane every word I have said. Either myself or my wife are willing to uncut to the truth of these state- ments. - ', - _ _t In Join“ legu- to tiwett and Twin oat " "I Shape ".eath Would lave Been a $tettarr--Br. Willis-1' Pt" rttu Io- oun I" to Health. THE fllllf'ilfl'8 WIF W; Arrangements are being made for k- the erection of a tablet to the mem- n- I my of Gladstone on the house in Rod- e' I nay street, Liverpool, in which be was om. The work is being undertaken f i J the Historic L' ciely of Lancashire ', xnd tJhetiliiro,,ttt whom the new .'? armissiun has been granted" by LE: S.': ;u~'sessur of the residence. A supper of the Eavalhhtim named Weston iell over and; 911“; 'near the ablation huspital at. Gibraltar lam week, and was killed. Weston was 1.. Patient. in the lunatic ward of the box-spit“. and escaped from custody by pr'rtsrvowering an orderly. r in the lighthouse. The weasel was car- ripd over the breakwater and went to mecca. Lord Tennyson. who started for South Australia, March 8rd, make up his dutiets as Governor, has appointed Capt. Wswngwn to be his private scarcity}: ..-....,.._ __ _, _.._ ____,___ - and Mr. Alfred Tenrusaru.tsgnprt the, late Hun. Lame! Tennyson, to be un- The otturial tigures arm Channel, tame between Dover and the Contig- ent tor the past yqar show that “3.102 passengers embaiked ox" disembarked from ttte Channel boats at Dover, be- ing an mortgage of 50,000 as. compared with the previous yam; A L A late Hon. Lionel Tennyson, (lax-secretary, Col. Lockwood, M.P., having offer- ed to give ,as usual, a prize " the Essex. Eng., Agricultural Society's show, but on condition that the com- petition for the prize should be open only to those farmers who have no barbed wire on their farms, the coun- cit of the society refused to accept the condition. l Thls Old Game Is one. Played Br the Suites of the World. The pursuit of Cervera's fleet is not without its parallels in history. ihe search for Sir John Franklin was a great deal like trying to find aneedle in a heystack. His expedition was last spoken in July, 1845, and there. after disappeared without trace into the then unknown maze of sounds and islands, between Baffinland and Bri- tish North America, comprising 60 de- grees of lonnitude and nearly 25 of latitude, hidden in Arotkdarknean, bound in ice and covered with snow for the greater part ot every year. More than 20 expeditions searched that im- mense area, first for the explorers, and then for documents telling of their fate, but it was not until 1859 that Sir Francis McClintock, in command of Lady Franklin's forlorn hope, the lit- tle Fox, succeeded where so many had failed. Nelson's celebrated quest " ter the French fleet, previous to the Battle of the Nile, throughout the Mediterranean, and to the West Indies, is another notable historical example of hunting for a man who had just left. STE; irfiii,%, Elia Bmdpwne's suggestion as to the remodelling of the Channel Islands militia. A private in the West. Riding Regi- ment, named Joseph Chapman, W89 charged at Dover recently with caus- ing the death of a sauna, supposed to be named John Walpole, at. the quay a short time ago. He was remanded until after the adjourned utqueat. _ 'Mr. J; W. Lother,.M.P.._ ..ha.s, been unanimously elected to, and has ac- cepted, the office of president of the Mit'matUHtetail -Jewellerts' Association of Great Brittuiipd Wad, in suc- cession to the late Baron f de Roths- child. The Hon. Walter Rothschild, M.P., has accepmd the position of V100- president of the mmiation. 7 Some comers out on strike min Burnley, Laneauhire, have been fined for intimidating a non-striker. They met him a he was returning from work with a, band. three of delendanm having a drum, bagpipes and kettle- drum, and played bun home. The States of Jersey are to take in hand the defence of the inland. The preamble of a bill was adopted re- cently dealing with, the; matte? This Mr. Vernon, wrio has “waived the appointment of bailiff of Jersey. was born in 1832. Be was admitted to the Inner Temple, in 1871, tsndheeame At- .torntGenertu, of Jersey in 1885. He Is a keen yachtsman and commodore ti £113 Royal Channel Islands Yacht N u . He that will watch providenoar shall never want providence: to watch.- Flavol. V {and , mother. for their chll'm nothing. It no. he oh M, no“. than". tltr, I" ”In. in!" ”Us. Bard " the but "mod: for Inn”; Ere. I " 34 by All drum-u tttro" be. It. world_. an - - In. WWI “I I'll. Better be three hours too soon than one minute too 1tite.-Amus-. The retleetittna on lb day well spent furnish as with joys more pleasing than ten thousand triumpha.--Thom" ttG Kempis. Here is the atanlineas of manhood. that a man has a good reason for 'trltet he does and has a will in doing it.--A: Miclartut.' . g., To read this advertisement and then give Pu:nam's Painless Corn Extract- or a trial. It never tails to cure. Acts in twenty-four hours and causes neith- er pain not discomfort. Putnam's Corn Extractor extracts coma. It In the best. The man who procrastinate. snug gles with rain.--mstsiod. ', r D All that is humarremmr-retrr-d' if it do not tuivanee.-Gibbon. The Indian population of the United States is 325,464._ a decrease in fifty years of calf 62365. President ”Loubet, of France. randy is seen without a piptrin ttttt molth. , b ' I " Pharaoh loo." Pa')rig2lelied For Over Pttty Your: WINSLOW’I SOOTHING SYRUP In! b... y pothan ttttttMr chili!" “933191. 17:33.33 GRIINS OF'GOLD. Pr-" ' ‘ Active Man Wanted HIDE AND SEEK. " Pane. cf (imply. QM" WOMAN'S HAND. _ It is certainly not true that small hands are bred by choice descent. for in one family the hands of both women and men are found different in size and in every other quality. The indi- vidual woman of the people stretches and hardens her hand and batters her nails on her own account, so that months of care would riot retrieve it; but doubtless her baby hand was murh the same as a rich woman's in her own babyhood. English women, with their blonde hands, are edmired deliri- ously for this one beauty by the dark- er races. But, at any rate, to English eyes, there is loveliness also in the fine hand that has clear brown color in place of white arare beauty, for the blonde woman has usually the finer form of hand; but somewhat dark must have been the "tender inward of the hand"that played on the virgin- ais for Shakespeare. "A Word to the Wise is Sufficient." But some stubborn people 1t_ttai.tat1ttirf1dotvty skh " he- fore trying to ward off illness create & The wise recog- hhre in the word “Hood's " assurance of health. toronto. -'rriodli'siji"idne, Pills are worth their wgight in_ipo1d."_., __ . _ . .. Dold’s Kidney Pills are sold by gall druggists at fifty cents a box, mix boxes $2.50, or Bent, on receipt of price, ltr The Doddq Medicine Co., Limited, A Severe Sulfcrergl'nn 'uadR" Mun-ea Could ma No gtettermtt lo and half» Kidney "tta-hte, Cured Ill. Montreal, April 24.-There are few people in Montreal who have not known the agony of blade!” troubie, "I suffered more than I can tell, till I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used only a. few boxes, but they made mo 8. strong and healthy man. gig; "ifjij-,_-iU.eirs,:-r-j-l, d,eGA, T tiid,. This complaint attacks four out of every five persons. and unless it is checked in time, it leads to more ser- ious, and dangerous ponditions, such as inflammation of the bladder, stric- Lure. ete. , Weak or defective kidneys are the: cause of bladder troubles. Tho'hsands tsash, proved this fact by expetxencmi _ - _ . . ‘_ All who have done So, speak in the same terms as Mr. John H. Barber, of this city, who says: " suffered for two years with bladder and kidney give me relief. . - .. ... Within six months Venezuela, as the result of North American enterprise, will begin the manufacture of cotton. MR. llu,lllilfl,'fl ESJAPE A Montreal Citizen Barnes 3. Danger ous Enemy. This, like everything else, is easy to do, it you take the right way, for there is only one way to do it. 1&6 Dodd's Kidney Pills. llodd's Kidney Pills are the only known remedy that can restore the kidneys to complete health. - _ The only two great European capi- tala that ever have been occupied hr a foreign too are London tind St. Petersburg. For all blood troubles, Icrofulu, pim- Flel, AB well an disuse! of the kiskem Iveflnd 1rowelrc:'Hed't Satuparina u tttr%feetiie and hultle- cute. Blood munch-w I hive and Hood'- Slrupuml. Ind find it trenlci9tor my. Ielt and baby. It purifier the blood and Itrengtheun the system." Mn. Hun Warm, Clinton, Ont. strong]!!! BuBeNtr--" line". wile tad children an: when Hood‘l Snrnparilla We 01hr Ono Hundred Dal)": Round for In! one of Gout-m that can not be cured by Bur- Comrrb Cur,- F. J. CHENEY a co., Props, Toledo. o. We the 'uuiornitpusd, have known F. J. Chewy for the luv. 15 yum. and hollow. him perfoov tr nonanblo m on basin”: trunnion: And tinaiteiullr able to can out, any obliga- lions made " that I1rm. wllT&TRUAX. Wholeule Drugtruta,Tolado,0. WAumm. KINNAN & MARVIN. Whole-ale DEE-gist). hairdo. Oh.io: ', . , true; 'st is'leas difficult to be" mis- gortq-nen than; to, remain incorruptod by pleasure r--Ther1ttttr. children Tune when Hooth Sara-purul- lad it strengthened us. It mlcved me ot a lune back." DAVID Manny“. caretaker, Colt Ingtltnte. (mt, QM. 7 The one way to get rig! of bladder troubles, to cure them for all time, therefore, is to strengthen and heal the kidneys. _ -rinWiihUhii%r, t'rtaktsrs Internally. tutt. ins directly u pou we binod and .muo'1u_(ur- t1tlthhirttg',tttri C'i',,ci'2'gig'g' bottle. Bold y _ $ts [new a no. Hull's XMI Piibs no tints. T léod'n Pttm an liver "In: the 'sort-irritating nag Prosperity, it tht_tehrto'ys of vir- athiriiiii to ”Sf/'39"! How's This , EFF ohg/toti(syy.trcru, tt Traari LTgSSrTHi There are three Bonaparte: left - Prince Roland, e widower. with one aughter, and the Prince View: and we. China has begun the manhoturo of smokeless powder. Wu. B. NORTHAM. TORONTO, ONT. Capital punishment Is not inflicted in five tstate-Colorado, Maine, Michigan, Rhoda Island and Wiscomin. One way to get anything on tut ‘L to put your watch under it. YO OUR! A OOLD IN ONE - Tu. Lat-tin Bron-o Quluino Ttsbiata. All Butt um "tttad the no." a u lulu to own. In. OHIO! Poultry M In the but dint“! In the with“ LAURENT” SAND . GBAVEL Oo.. Honk-d. The father of thirty-two children has died in a poorhouae of Indiana. WE Mr Lns_terrtrlo1ippr) ro aux run of an 2ountry Phone-1931 I. INIYHIElOONB. Ado Ilde‘Vlmmu' “Infantile. n V V . . " " ROUF‘ING SLATE in "luck. Red or Gm n. SLATE BLACKBoARDs 9V0 supply Puh'ic and High 1ttu.t?.ttt1'tyy:." Rootiutr elt,Pitisti, Coal Tur, “a. ROOFING TILE tiiat, New City Build- Ines Toronto. done by our tirsu), eral Ceiling; Cor- nices. m. Eltimabes furnished for Work complete or tor Petp2lt 1112;111:110 Y? ptr! 01-1111: :uumpg. Plume me Five hundred persons are buried ev- ery year in Boston’s potter'a field. _ REL ANC I la Toscana, 100. 1',t,fhkWir.,,f,1,if,e, "or'ci ..M l‘nmu. “union. and S: tdholre, . TIRIQI‘IQ‘ a unmet lull Ii-mry of the yum” and "In! ot Cordell. V an nod Bun Pirs ... hm mull-d nu rental 0161:. Agent.- Ind Bummer. tale', " SI 50 t hundred. [gunman . “WQ 6 Notre Dani Montreal. Carbollo Molnfoocnnto. Iona. Ola!- moot. Tooth Powdoro, .10.. luv. hem: Awarded 100 medal. and diplamu for nupvlu oxrellenoo. Their regular use mount Infect!- om discuu. Ask your demol- to obtain I apply. Liam mulled free on upplloatlon. 517mm New Tlresww 9.. DOUBLE was: ttr. Mo-o. D, to u] Adams! t mmmou m m rer who but lulled to be ourcd em. where, write " Dr. Arno", Be rlin who will com inns you he on on" you ROOFING Kaiser Wilhelm's tactics of expelling foreigners from Germany ere being ap- plied to Germans by some of his neigh- bors. Prof. Leo Meyer, for " you'- Professor of Comparative Philology " the University of Dorpat. in Livonia, has been dismissed and a Russian ap- pointed in his place. Now enters upon pursuits formerly monopohaed by men. But the fauna- imy nerves are still hers and she Inf- fers from toothache. To her we re- commend _Nervilitte--neripaia cure-7 cures toothache in a moment. Neru- line, the most marvellous pain remedy known to science. Nerviline may be used effimseiuusly for all nerve pain. Farm-l. to nuke it Baking Potttttttr. young". "altr nude " still] can, Rams] to ttte but. Formula tent for We tn Mumps. A, LAPIERRK. " Lemur It. Hound. L U BY'S Give. new In. to the Hnir. It Inku it grow sud restores the color. Sold by all druggists. 5oc. a bottle. Tair th"trr0onttttisityt ths., Limited, Best. satin: Agents m, am torr 5nd hou ROWELL & BURY ONE NIGHT The " Baimoidi,'"rriU Bus 23.521 dome. c. A D. SCHOOL Cki.iouiftruu." n“"‘"““ ll'lIl-‘. new 3mm), not. by mail on mint. of 8t DR. ROUBY, P.O. Box 365, Manual comm: Jl0itt10l.r4,,til, Garment '"T,tNom9drgg,y,y2t,'t - Gutters I c. w. sum 'fo'tt.,rttrttrtte. l' nn "I lbip of 8.1 that. 9 miltl can of um- mou. on hue of H. G. l B. RIUVI’; In fruit district. below mountain; immodi-Lc l1'lrPfhi C'Brr tor-n. J. A. CU HA3; [human FOR SALE-one Slaw on Dry Pr". Brick Hachinc. with screen. elm-non. and I John-cu dry mm: alxo‘JComnll Htoui Pros-u. [I In 'Pgdnume'r up}! My '33“. utd. Apply to Brutu, Rue-a 1thtttmtatitrm---/ HARRIS 8“" ”an LEAD, COPPER, muss. Wholqah onlyu you}. Dianne: Telephone I720. FARMS U Bum; RuiiGiirGTiLiiir',Ti" Drugglul, or Mt Queen W. Toronto. LAW COIIUI SENSE KlllS Ranches. Bed -- Butts; Rata and Mice. Bald by all " Board ut tram;, iiLhai If you nut, to either Lu: can” t on led ot Tan Ammu’hb PRODUCE Co., 88 Front St. E., Toronto. M eo. D, to my Iddrcll Mit all noun II no“. F. c. CALVERT & M., IAIN-01011... - . sumac. EXPELLING FOREIGN BBS. ts Beast, seUtng amino-nu the unar- ' ken Selln in (War) store, Inc- topey1l1oyes. Elulgplva "rritpryc CALVERT'S mm“ bt., Tomato. ' " BEAVER IIANI " Kantian“! The New Woman tron-on to. never hurling A ix (unnamed Water. proof. Ask fur imam no other. Bey ver Rubber Clothing 00.. Manual. E95! AAVr-tra Acres s-Tears" MONTREAL new _ "any. "rs Prop-co. apt! ghgot Mogul Works. (sei" any»? oiiqisoto Lai Mil... Met" I Hal... Barrisbel'm Iv . removed to Wewley "My” Rich- mond at. W., , cream. POTATOES, Wsd,niiitWMGTiGT, pun wand in " hours. Chimp Ind gtorttreU, W. P. C. 989 'Oorn Gm. All your drunk tor it. Price We Tailors Md Wanted ynd for 'st- if»; a... i, gonna 'lf,"lr'tt much“. r nblo in Vanda or Hui-ml. nonm- In ‘nuzvu or. Author hod by luv to hand in “I. Datum"- of m. t1rtt .ONN AUVAXTIII on loll Emu: security " - ate- and on fumble condition: " to ro- aeaTl'd"duse i ' own-d on on on onturu put . J. 33333:" MASO Man-(In; Director. TGoiyMifhrtfrFrlr Yee 7' 'V - PrrtPEtyPf.ley.hie. gun-remain Hurling.“ _ h‘u‘ --.t-.-.s_ A. ‘1- - .--.. g in 1‘." IA A. $150 IIOORPOIATID 1855 I‘M-up Clplwu .. . . . £2,000,000 angry. Fund. ......... I.IGo.ooo it.“ Woo-Toronto it" Toronto. ”all "Hm “IIIIDQI, an... Vancouver. " hero-gr! qr, rewind a In“ 3584 or to- ALLAN LINE Lead packages CANADA PERMANENT IT'S A STICKER for quality-remember the mutte- ti!,,,!.?"),?,??,:!),,,:?.'??, Cabin P---650m ad upturn. 8mm! CINn».3.'-.M Ell',',' ”6 5.. Imp Liver h London. (Hunt. undo-dun "Quorum". 8;?“ . For further intern-ao- upply to LUDELLA “IIDI‘N"".’ 6 June IO, Jul 13. gulmnxus- m, 13 June 'd My . ALLiA--Mrty so June“. 003000564 _ my f My 1. GIN-I I'ere--A01l0 1nd seedy, ll. IOUILIER, " You“ 't., Toronto. or II. a A. ALLAN, Iontrul. Rom. mu. (1'i YI',',',', “mums "gum: SUMMER SAILINGS. Loan and Savings Company. 150 will, IF TAKEN " ONCE, -- buy. a PATENT MEDlClNl BUSINESS. stock sufficient to make $3,000 worth. No other pill like it on market. Fortune for energetic man. Box 17, Tau-m Onxcn. -mf --.=---.' MW "an not: won“:- J. I. auosnsoul _ On Trial WE SEND THE AYLMER 's. SPRAY PUMP, "ANDERSON FORCE PUMP, ". umuucu noun, mourn“. To LIvnMOL. 1753A- -- - CEYLON ' to a.1 durum dimming n tHem'" h angling ml [min Mao-'0 m B. J. SADLIII I 00.. Tere. 0m - ole-I gold Lo '.l (In-hun- " “all!" I a“... h [name . mums tngn Germain: on 00.. 134 In 81., CIVIC“ autumn". sis-n-t tieeasd Cathollc Puma: L COFFEE & 00., -r'" --- - I - ”In“ - - In. hand: wl mum. Ind Mao [an no 2-19“; Ittett, fttAd!meet Lttlltt:iltrtr Wt." hot“! In" alltP5EtClllaIlE)llr, Ideal leather Pollen MAIN-D. ONT. '0 but: In] EM“ imb Wotan-In In tall ”ammo. out will)“. no mun,- about lulu- no. wu- on tty Barry’s - In All Colon m -rtreret Winch. with Land of 1'fdhuh".Mi'tlurl of on: Nllatsed Linn 'd'gll'tttlt' “an; ht.' I In!“ [IvorWueh on. I do; By“: i|__muni FREE! Rt, I'm Winch! my ‘Jth _ a 'iiiirWrTiiTa iGaiu $1..“ an, M'JJ, I. '" m .._.. a»: an; Ittl,tti.; iiiiiiifteiia2'iiagJrrhi ‘2'?- -tgtV UNENDO'L 0mm. t, I“ 'rt,%eht.t,'.".L'tt,t In" no. '1. " h " and favor that other In” " r" 3.13:"?! 3m; " . n . 3]... {an 'ftht, be». be trtttd .n " . ti'hn'hd Jun L'tttt!"' Th (Jo-ho Rollo:- " no " - 'qos t. atmol apgg 1t1 nuho = When 0rd . . with "o'dtu'l'g 'iiiilih?.eiaE . genuine 00050 I. . " no - " Mutual and Out“ " LIQupul. Large" and fut Steamers Vancouver million, Scotsman, Cambroman. Run of m '.-- Hut. ()0th um“ My“ "th'rr't 1dyga,'ieh2Wo'eili (a or ur " (Of-Bil“ " I on .0! DAt 'h'Atath'"r?,rttgr, ttl :ll Ago-u. " It. WI. 'ltt Ito-uni Domlnlon Line BOOTS AND SHOES. 3.1!“qu PM My, - COCOA EPPS'S Giaiamaus. but“. than. io.., M be. Kid-on lab at In.» by or OUR mum have new“: ' - ammo-n. and [on .oettte In“. ain‘t GRAYErUL-CoM FORT! NO. Ins-0004! my nu. ”an. TORONTO. ONT. '2Mt'ft not. Allme mud nobility h». I. , wr-m 'l'0?l'iltG"t'dlG'l) - In tho but for I“! wont)" AND CHILDREN’I GRAIN All WINS"! HERONAII'I. IBM-chumm law-OW THE MOST NUTRITIOUI. tlitny's Improved arriage Tops 'Gil-d-ho-at-g... " RESTORE) "EAKrrAST-.SU PPER. same we ilialtlt (htitl meg-own... laud-um.- III In. [and and Ant. "r., Ilndlu tet “on It! in.” no "In '.eet'teq In. a, um. In a! 190 Bun-t. mun Do an! m ”(on Ot Montreal and Winnipeg I M Am ter “I“. We give this fine 4-Blade Pearl Handle KNIFE for selling6 Ladies'Gold Plate Shirt Waist B E A U T Y PINS at to cents each. Simply send your addres- nnd we will forward wick. post-paid. When sold, send the 60 can. and we will send knife, with all charges paid. Address, com lovolty co..Tmnto. Ont. ALNh----naam an all; SHIN“ DIM tllMf tt., "IV" VII am "a. " VII ION-I'D I”. "" as, 30. 40, so%6ee. m "up a: ny- mu m Jon L. Corn or “poi-:31: ROYAL MAtk ITIAIIIIIPI

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