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Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1899, p. 5

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his money back. us at The Review,,, ".".": d with all kinds of and get your pick iiiiitiisititiihh, s “in-n in Town h garment makes CALDER. code " m -lIurri.-c pm; "In "I I Hut» to bug me n To mow! 'his l" um! cyuotpe, u hh _ 1."!er "f tes. /'.1'1'r'd'P2' Huh-n and. ot No dittieulty in supplying your WALL Punt}: from nu. stock. Larger, Bet- ter, Premier. Cheaper Patterns than ever before offered. That descrilxa "em. and remember we TRIM and de- liver them without extra charge. WHEN HERE MacFARLANE 5’1 Ci) YOUR WM". OUR PLEASURE l, SPRING is here, so is House- cleaning time and you will Elm-(1 New Lace Curtains. Just mad the following prices : AH Cv.viuins "xuwpt 25¢: our-s "tu.. Taped Edges. lh-vumtml oil Opaque \VINIHHV .ull \lll‘IS. 2:7x71). "louutvd nu Spring HUN-H. Iurittplt'tt', 351'. The very best valttes at M, 'Ae, like and 1."le yard. American "vess GINGHAMN at " and lik. yard. FLANNELETTES from 50 up tn loc yard nur hast. Ottt. 7c F'lannelette is " sump. Men's TOP SHIRTS from 2.5c upwanls. Men's under Shirts and Ittnwers frnm 2.30 upwards. Men's RI'BBERINB COLLARN (stand-up) Ilka Men's Ruhherine Collars (turn- down) 1.5c. Men's Rphheliue CUFFS ”Min _ ", ', _ Is' _ -M"‘W .1" T" W -Ar.iV mm Boers AND sHoES We nlsmys Kee ' a full line M the Very L0\VEST PRIICES. You want. to see- our wotuan's $111) and $1.25 Oxford Slums hefore buying. THEY CANT BE BEAT! P. Tev u Pound. SALADA TEA in lead packets. Bhu. M 2tic, 'dle and toe Pound. OUR NEW MEI ARE MI IN! y THE BIG Vl'Prilt TOWN DI'RIIAM. Iltt N lim It!!! in M! " ols Oulu "mls unis ttals The new Wall Papers are making friends as soon as seen. They are Bright, Har- n'nnious and pleasing. Ask to see our stock of Window Shades. We know it will please you. hRL’t :HIS'I‘S A NU sFirmsMEh', BEAN & co. Aesthetic, Pleasing, Harmonious. lung. lung. lung. lung. lung. 27-in 28 in y.", Hit-in Ill-in Iti-in S tLADA CEYxm ts Black or Mixed. Durham, Ont w 'ulv, wide. wide. wide, wide. 2.V tuc 65;" $1 pail [mil pail [mil [mil 2. For that purpose it shall be lawful for the Mayor of tl.e and Town of Durham to bon'ow Ten Thousand Dullars and tn hsne l).‘l)r'lttll|'t‘8 of the send municipality to sand amount. in sumsul not less than One Hundred Dollars oath payable at the end often years fr, m the date on which tins Bylaw takes effect, and to bear interest at u rule not exceeding four per centum per annum, payable yearly on the first day of January 'luring the currency of S'tltl Debentures. it. The mud Debentures shall bear date on the (lay In-winnfuer appointed. fur the coming into tome ot this Itrlaw, shall be sealed with the Corpm'ate Sun! of the Town of Durham, tr, signed by the Mayor thereof and bear interest at the rate of four per centum per mmum tram the date theteuf, until respectixoly due as hereinbelure spttufied, which Interest shall be payable yearly, on the first day of January III each year, at the Standard Bank, In the Town of Durham, where also the said Denvrturvs shall be pa; able. 4. The send ihbeutures almll have attached thcreto Coupons for llw payment of the interest then-0n. 5. During the currency of the said debt while any of the said Debentures remain unpaid. there shall be raised. “cooled and levied )eurly upon the whole rot-cble property in the Town of Durham the sum of $1282.90. and tho amounts to be raised tor principsl tduf"inttrimt in much your shnll be as follows '. Yum. _ PRINCIPAL. A.' INTER an. TOTAL. 1901 8832 90 . 1400,00 ' $1232 90 1902 866 27, _ o '366 63 l 1232 90 1903 91) 92 _ . 331 98 . 1232 90 PAM 936 95 _ 295' 95 1232 90 1905 974 43 F 258 47 1232 SK) 1906 1013 41 . 219 59 1232 90 1907 1053 23 17s 97 1232 no THEREFORE. the Corporation of the Town of Durham, by the Council thereof, enacts as follows: 1. It shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Council of the. sun] Cor. poration of the Town of Dti'ham to aid the said .. The Durham Furniture Company Limited." in the erection and completion of a Factory. for the manu- facture of Formture WIHIIII the limits of the said Corporation, by lending the said Company the sum of $10,000. repayable without inirrest in eight con- secutive annual instalments, the first seven of $1.000 eol, at the ends of the third, fourth, fiah, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth yam, and a final instal- ment of $3,000 at the end of the tenth year, in acuutrdauee. With the terms of an agreement to be entcrtd into betwtcn the said "llr: Durham Furniture Company Limited, and the Corporation of the Town of Diwirim, 1909 1140 Lit, 92 b5 1232 90 1910 1185 tit', 47 " 1232 El.) 6. This hy-law ahall"'c'6me into _toree on the (lug ml (in fntal [unsung thereof by this Council. , 7. The votes of the electors of tie Municipality ml the l‘uu-n m Durhuu shall be tnkun nu this Bylaw on Monday, the Eighth day of ll I). 1800, mm- mencing at. -m- hon; of Nun: of the clock in the nun-”mu. .m I closmg at the Imnr of Five of the cluvk in the afternoon of the same may "i I'uhuwa: In North Ward at the house of Norman Kelsey, by Ulll'tml l‘ilriilge tim l) 'ruO' Returning (Mice-r; in East Ward at the Town 11:: l, by W. ll. Valli-it ','rt J).-puty Returning Ollie-er. and in West Ward at Mrs. Iblheary's hose. i.) .L-lm Smith as Deputy Brim-mug Officer. A. On Saturday, the Sixth day of May, 1899, at the hour of ten o'clock in the tiorenoon, the Mayor of the Town of Durham, will attend at the otliee of the Town Clerk, in the Town ot Durham, for the purpose of appointing in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing,r up by the Town Clerk, of the votes polled on th‘s By-law, and also of upwinting one pitl‘sull to attend at each polling place on behalf of the pcrsuns interested in, and tlesirious of promoting' the passing of this By-law, and " like number on behalf of the persons interested in, and desiriousof npposingthe passing of this lhwlaw And WHEREAS. it is deemed expedirm and desirable, to loan the said sum of 810,000, to the said Company for said purpose. And WHEREAS. the unoum of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham, according to the last revised Assessment. Roll thereof, being the Assessment, Roll for the year 1898, is 8800,782. And WHEREAS. the "xuting Debenture debt of the aid Town of Dur. ham amounts to the sum of $21,128. No principal and no interest being in arrests. A BY-LAW to alfl and assist " The Durham Furniture Company, Limited," In building and operating a Furniture Factory in the Town of Durham. WHEREAS. a joint Mod: company has been organized in the Town of Durham, known as .. The Durham Furniture Cttntpnny. Limited." fur the Fur- pose of mtohurturing furnaure in thw Town ot Durimn; and windows the and Company is desirous of building a Factory and of haw-1;: the same eompleted and III running order during the year 169:) ; and whereas the Company has ap- plied to the Municipal Council oi the Corporation at the Town of Durham for aid by way of loan. of the sum of $10,000, to the (hung-my. In accordance with .l,.......m ' g' -_- __----- --- A ' . - - _ r 7 - v" v- v.u,uuu. u: uur' _ the. nuns of an agreement. herein ttltrt r. [cured to. It On Tuesday, the' Ninth day ot'May, 1899, at ten o'clock in the fore» Ilium, at the Town Hall, in the Town ot Durham, the Clerk of the Town mt Dun-mum will proceed to sum up the number of votes given tul‘aml against .his Bylaw. (“-I'xq'll. CHAMBERS l. Mayor. April A. D. 181M! Clerk. 'l‘m-retore the Cop ration of the Tom] 1 1'lft,')Ltl'llrtlfl') Counqu therein- n'aets as follows l _ . _ That the Assessment " Taxes to be levied on the land, buildings and Ma- chinery of the Durham Furniture Co. Limited, and also their stock Mann- factured and in process ofmanafaetttre Said land and building being situate on Lots5and 6 on the north Side of Lambton St., composed of 6 acres, shall not exceed the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty dollars fur a term of ten years from the passing of this By-Law. And the Votes of the electors ot the Municipality in the Town of Durham shall be taken on this By-Law on Mons day the 8th day ot May, commencing at the hour of9 of the clock in the morning and closing at the hour of 5 o'eloek the same day as follows - \\ HEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Dur- ham has resolved to grant aid by way of partial exemp- tion from taxation for the promotion of the Industry of the Manufacture of Chairs and Furniture in the Town of Durham. 1:7:th Ward ii the House of Nor- man Kelsey, by Clifton Elvidge, Deputy Returning Officer. In East Ward at the Town Hall by W. B. Vollet " Deputy Returning i. ' l'meguing m-py («I BY LAW No Mi, of tho Corporation of the Town m lmrlmm. is n trm T mm of u prupuswl lly Law Mulch has been “than into eottsuletwiott an. “M. h nut Le Ii .',t) ' Inward“) the l umuuHiu All? event ot the consent of the Blue-turn balm: nhlulnu lu-n ll .) ::|n'l‘ 'Filta mum]: mun the ftrst puhlimllon thereof h: the DURHAM lmvuw n: my: 1n r. the um- ut , mu . tlrst publit'nlinll will ly- the 20th any of April, A,D. 1599, umlthut at the MRI) LIM‘ luuu' "ml l' are! tlxeu therein fur tuhtiug the votes at the 'l"""'""!,),'?,?', will be held. lulu-(I lbislmb day of April, A.D. 1899. G io. RUSSr1LL, Town Clerk. BY-LAW N0. 355. -L AW NO. 354 866 27, DJ) 92 936 95 974 43 1013 41 1?itl NOTICE. On Saturday the lith tiny of May minnitthc hour often/lock in the lore-noon the Mayor of the Town of Durham will attend at the ofliee, oftne Town Clerk in the Town of Durham for the purpose otappointing in writing signed by himself two persons to attend at the final summoning up by the Town Clerk ot the votes pulled on this By-lnw, and also appointing one per- son to attend at each piling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of. promoting the pissing pf tthrhw, a‘mlalike number on banal! ot the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this Bruw. In the West Ward at the Housed? Mrs. McCreary, by John Smith as; Deputy Returning Oftieer. i On Tuesday the 9th day of May 1899 " 10 o’clock in the lorenoon at the Town Hall in Town of Durham the Clerk of the Town ot Durham will pro- ceed to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-Law. Passed this day of 1890. Mayor. Clerk. The foregoing copy of By-an numlmr 355. n the Cournrntion rtttye Tywn ot. '.':rlstun, in u truocopy of a proposed I'M-Law “high hm been Men into eotmidrratiettt,eto which will brtltttdlv passed by the Council tin the event. ot the conwut of the Elecwn helm: obtained ammo.) all»: "no; month trom the out publication thereof in tho. ptnyuy_.Rew .teetre.rtttr2.ttyt any!!! yhicj- ttrttt publivntlon will be the 20th day of April, A. D new. and that n the any and hour 3nd place- and therein for “king the vote of the Electoral, Potts will be held. mud this 19th hy of April A. D. pm. . GEO. 308881.. Clert '306 63 331 98 295 95 258 47 219 59 178 J7 137 82 92 b5 47 " NOTICE 232 90 1k) AlATitiyioNAI., The residence of Mr. Il.Tuvkerat (“h-slivrlon Station, soy" the Advance. was the sumo of a happy hut quiet Mon! at 4 o'clock Wednesday running. 13): h inst. The occasion wan the "mm-mg.- of Mrs. Tucker's daughter. Mie Anniet'ttshnie, to Mr. Urnikshnnks of Wiattou, The knot w m tied by the hridu’s pamor. Rev. J. Ward. in the presume of about twenly of the bride's relutivvs and flivluls, The hrid# wui givon away by her brother. Mr. Gvo. Una-huh. while Miss Marie Chi-don us- oislvd the bride and Mr, willUruieahank we groom. The wide was: attired in cumin imlford cord trimmed with chiffon. satin and law. and carried. a tttttRm/tt ttunch of white bridal away. The hridc-umm-I Wm Incomingly ultirvd in swim: "muslin. nod carried it Ian-gi- honuet of pink rows. Th" pawn-um were mum-runs and well Mum-n. Which Flour per mat ............ Oatmenl p" sack ...... ., Bran per cwt ... ... " Shark per out ... .. Fall Wheat par huslwl .. Barley, . " .. PM“. 40 .. Oate, " .. Dr'd Hogs. per ewt .. Ho". live weight ... .. Lard perl" ... .. Tallow. par lu ... .. Butler per ltr, TO ... .. Esturst, war II"! . . . Hides. per ewt .. tJalfrtRirv: ... ... SIIPo-pskinu ... .., Hay, per um ... Straw. '. ... .. Potatoes, nor has: Apple per log .. Volcanic Eruptions Ar,. L'lnll", Int Skin ICrulntin-url r. I. In!» of ioy. IIm-klo-IV- Arr-um Salve curt-s than. also old, running and fever sures, Meow. bril“. feel-mu. emu-g Wan-ts. cum. 'hrniilw, burns. amide, chunpeul lulu-ls. ehi'olvius. lie-t. ".lt- cure on Huh. Driver, out, [Nina and :Irllt's. Only 25015 n hm. Cur" sr,uartnteel. Syn] by our drnygists. " .'e,stitied to the hiuh "Mttittt in which the bride wrt.. ho-hl. When the new" nmny was uw-r the guests pal-tum; of Fr u amuplmuw guppc-r. :Iflnr which n uni-l "tir.v.ulrle"vetrirtsr Wm spent, in lmrlur gamma jam] "tho-r munsmno-mu. Th" lmmifrmn Flmhvrluu added llllll'll In the pie-:mn-c- of the evettittR " in - t Alrmnsund Was murh upprvvinh-u by all. The happy (ample left fur Ihmr new hmne Ill Wiavtoit nu the 9:30 p. tr. train amidst ~hnwms of NW Mn. t'ruikshunk will helnusml in '.ltvtitutiott Sabbath tiel"tol, “hm-.- she “an an mum“! and ttciive worker.. Mr. and Mrs I', mur)‘ with Ilwm lllvlwnl wislus of tln- unlin- (-mnmuuny. The m-w Fisheries hill pruhihih net- ling in sttuNtttts' frvqnunlml by speckled trout. Every pruvim-inl (“nimble is math- tttt "x-officio "Vt'PytN't'. The find- IIH.’ of ttets ot' ptuthiltited devices in We pnssrssinn of :uIymw is to he prim" facie "vidence :Iguind him. Every lit-Haw nr lesee of timing privilvges is nhligml to suhmil :le :unuml slalmm-nt of weight and vuvietv of all lid: (“light by him during llu- yum Ex. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Pays DURHAM OFFIC‘. ell-DI". BLOCK: BARRIS TER. SOLICITOR IN CUPR‘H‘ COURT: NOTARY PUBLIC. COHNICNONI’R. ETC. on s:,,,,,,,,:,,,),,,!,,:),:'.,)'::,,,:' 'tFF'tCE,%--ttt Owen Sound. Mnrlulnle um Darla-m T omce. over Grant’s stone. Lower Town, DURHAM. Mum. “ck botanic. Mia. _ lulu“ that, on. my "I h- vslu-bh to want n cold or but! up I fever. Mild. "tttte, certain. "to, no W your can“ Pauly "pubic. M an be s't'sa')."i'i'ii1tifsii?, or Seiteete - Price. Me. " Indiana and." a - d C. I. no» t Co., Lovell. In“. LUCAS, WRIGHT a BATSON. MONEY TO LOAN Would intimate trot she will cumin! 0 t I Furniture and lelurtuL-inu Imam-”- maul-- linlmd by her father in Durham in an and will emit-n vor Io give all old at d new curt" m an: the 'wart"' emin- satin! notion MONEY TO LOAN-cow nun'EAOY TERMB Furniture of the Best MM ETD: only "o-et- Ian.“ " r i Undertaking and Embn'wing on latest civics n romnuhln 'sta.e Entrance my Joor to Ho't'n “out-II (min ) MISS SHEWELL J; P. TELFO RD, Remember the IMnd-opposllv tin Market. Durhntstl ALWAYS ON HAND. PIOTIIRE FRAMINB A SPECIALTY I‘RRISTERS. SOLICITORS. N°7ARIIS. t2otrtfgrratiteMrtPI. dc. A ummlm of the tirttt will nth-n4 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Tom tNTI t. (Hee insults page.) DU RHA M MARKET. MISS SHEWEL x --rrul.L LINE OF-- " 80to62 15 200m 218 30 70 if!” ivitsiod, Bert LWvrenee. tat-L "2gt'2St"E; Ethel McKensie, Bum Reid. Mneqtaettgcott.taacher. and other valuable. . . . In liquid and pill form. Just what is required to tone and build up the system and take away that tired feeling. (iHERY AND IRON PIllS! The beet on the market. We can recommcrd these PILLS' as we know what they contain, (which we cannot do with some largely ml- vertised patent medicines). Try a box and test their value. ("Mel's Block . - . Durham. tt J as. R. Gun Sarsaparilla. D. ‘McPHAIL Termé tuoderate. .\xumgvnu-ul.~ fur sales, as to dates. Ac. must he made at Tho 1toview omce, Dmhum. Cotter tromlettce addressed there m- In II: ville-P. o. will he promptly nth-m ed In. Town“ ull applications to D. IcPHAlL. llupmillu P. tr. . trt' m C. RA'AGE. Hmlmm. 1ttyiideitce--H OI’EVI LLE. Try our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Lin. Arie, I HE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know m- lmndle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse cum- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. I Tu-. In tlea l' v and Light. Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits. Blankets Etc. Re ttt MS N. No. 12 Egrmmmt. fur Aplir Class 4--Geoqre Bud. Sr. 344' - Arthur Lawrence. Jr. 3rd-Mury Pat. “mum. Charlie Reid Willie McFadden. fir. 2nd--Ooward Henry, Bella Path-r- um. Gladys Lovrrnce. Jr. 2nd A- Maud Hamilmn. Sarah Brown. Annie Nelson. Jr. and B.--Gmee Reid. In ' Brown,m_Ph 'rtd---Mymfes Humi!-ou. “ti-‘3“ horns. All Prize Winning Stock. . OUR 1.131301“ \‘ALISI'S, 4011193; ETC. ARE . _ OF THE POPULAR KINDS. Price 25c a Box. ....Try. a box of... TONI C) Take the lead un-rywlu-w. We ure working day and night In supply the dwmnml. Our c1,rttetipoudettce shows that hundreds upon hutr.lredsof pum- suttrevevs urn lwing H'slul‘ml to health and happimm daily, They aw "lrsoltttely pure and healthful. Gu,urautessd In run-v Ithemuatism, Sviulic-I. Neill-nigh: Lumlmgn. and all fm'mx of Kidney and Livrr lmuldw. Spring Need SUPPLY IT--- I BEEF, IRON AND WINE. C. LEA VENS DRUGGIST Licensed Auctioneer for the 1'ounty of Grey. tDNTAth From Thorough _ bred Leg- Eggs! TORONTO IMMUNE”. Illtullttllt DJ l', and he KNOWS HO IV fo yd "outwit"! lmowal pauilolr "I!" and "tth of prive'tegr/i. Tim! in win the whole e'ott'ttry guru in him. P, ir Irmli'ng of 5 per and. mud on large (mum at 4 3-4. A Hundred Rood Farms for sale» Also a number of tine Hanover. Properties. Riek Meta, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patron, ALI. DEAL wrru.... Go to him If yum “an! In all; Go to him if you want to buy. ll. collects nut»: and "ctotttttts, and it heals overv- Ihinxlmw he gels money out of old claims that have lm-n Illmwn "rside as worthless. Ill'SlNESS T'nlgltm'. NIMI'IH ulul 1Jitticulties "trnightetted out settled and adjusted without lawsuits 0r ill feeling. by the "soul a little In” and good jmlgIm-nl If you are tumble to [my loo cents on the tt he wtit assist you to arrangi- with your creditors. Inmlw-nt Estates mt- isfm‘lorilv wound up. A?. Al. Miller Deeds. Mortgages. Wills, and other Wvitintrs carefully preptuwd. “Always Prompt. Never Negligent.‘ All business Ntricrly Private. I . Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Wnltham or Elxiu Wntch in Nickle Screw (an, We hun- Seven- "on Jeweled Wattham. at prim Mower "Herod hetore. rr. If. MILLER will haw In?" ht 'f"'?', a! flu lmm'urnu no.” XMAS very long. MtFariane's The Wheels 4.133% A m-nvrul Bankin lamina. (unnamed. Drafts issued to: collections made on all points. [Wu received and inter on! uttered ttt rum! rules. Lawn: Town. CA PlTA L. 1'A PITA lo, " ESI‘IR YE “Call and Sec for yourself “Prices are aight. (0llll)lllll) BANK AA AANAAA AGENTS in all principal [minus in Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United mum and England. SAVINGS IAIK. qntatewat mowed on JGoirf lmiik deposits of 31.0” and up; wards. Prompt, Attention and every facility palm-dad ctttetotttetug living at I din-lumen. . J. KELLY, Age-t. Go Round Sr. IVCtaro. - Hurry Snydet". Mult'olm Mckechnie. Jr. IV Clams Will He . ham Sr. Ill (Tlnwiblzzie ,7vi'lld1'.'T. McGillivmy. Jr. III (Thaw Annie Mc. Gillivrn.v.Geo. Collinson. Rosie Ewen, tir. ll Clans -Tenn Nowell, James ve.. sin, Alfred Mckechnie. Jr. " Clans- Man-v Ritchie. Allhnr Ritchie. tgr. Pt. II Ct-r-armor. Veocie. Ella Ed . Eu. "magi-an. Jr. Pt. II /i1'IM1'E Nerd]. Neil Mcfrttliemr, Sh! Ch. Dunsmoor. “smith It; . I . 11175;: George Nowell on r I CAI-ll: rtamomm. tender. R0130" of U. S. N. No. 2, Rentinck and ilrpebr, fnermtlgrof -April. _ - Newell. Neil McGiIliw-an. Sal u... :Eliu W. "htdyee opogknmt. We Sell all kinds at all prices. WATCI l ES, J E W ELK Y, tiILviutwAltFi, and sTEllitNG SILVER NOVICL'I‘II'H DURHAM AGENCY. Dinner BpolleA-Hmrlytnd Mad--. Servant Girl Ugly. The ancient clock did its beat-It is old enough tun-st. Its 20mg qualities have gone you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them in ic', .%. You can save time and Worry in buying one. Man a Full Line of' H. H. MILLER. catch & Irish I $5 BILL I Head Office, Toronto. W A. McFARLANE {YE FUN" .. ... .... 1 W. F. COWAN. President GEO. P. REID. Inner. The Hnnover Converkneer. 1nd -chtrr6Les, HONOR ROLLS. Authovized Paid up. . . HANOVER. A. GORDON, of Him. Dt' RNA M, 1t.NT. Next to Bank. will not last “see $2.¢Iln,(lln Lulu". . "to,(ot

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