West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 May 1899, p. 8

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'fs s' iy new. Hoopla-nurse. melnneholy. herodaehe, back-chm tuning and dim, walls. This miracle worklug medicine is I god-cud to uni. tickly. run down people. Every bottle gnmntoed. Only ao cont... Sold by on angina. 6 To be bound hand Ill-l foot C r years bv the chains of dtsrertre in the worst form of savory. George D. Williams. of Man- cbester. Michigan, tollu how Mich a slave was made free. He saws: My wife has bunloholploulor tive years that she could not turn over in bed alone. Alter using two bottles of Electric Bitters the is wonderfullv improved and nl-lo to do her own work" Thin Impromc rem-6y for [can]. dis-mien qnitgkly Page: nervous. ailing more or less tor the rust numb" ot yours, but was in Iwr usual healur, nlrle to lo. "In In. it h urn previous b, her .lrulh. whenan but; :uilclenl) ill wi.h "Mammalian of the lungs. Dr. Jamieson “In cmllo-d on but ull Was M no avail, The accessed mm a lnul and loving uimer and was highly ompeeted by the whole community. Her "mains were laid to res-Lin the Roman Catholic cemetery. out Glrnelg on ThursOy April 27th 1899. The Rev. lather Hauck conducted the service at chum: and grave A very huge numbei turned out to pay the last him“. of Import. Our sympathy goes out to tiso bereaved ones. Mr. and Mn. Mike llenrizk and Mr. It. McMillan all troto 'l'orunto attended the luneral of mm sub-r Miss McMillan In} wok. “Car”. 3leMillrn and llennck n-tunml to llu- city on Fridav. Mm.I iIo-nrlrk aud Iit'm hnv Ilurt will Mummy with lur brother Mr. A. MCMHI‘ u int 'il fr“ xsecks, ', ti, min»: is in full Mom" aud the wertthert in delrittful. _ Little Janie and Mary l’vtrrd Iron) ml. ppm". "a ‘rw darn with litei.,r cvr.rtit:8 bere laid. sxerh, _ .." hiss Flora Benton "turned to the' Quoen City after spending a year thh' her brotha: Mr, M. K. on the old home- l a Mr. Month in Potisoms, . Mr. It )‘arlm wns a caller in this burg on Sunday eveumg. t Mr. Heck 5lekiuuon spent a few days m the pettitentioy here last. would and enioed the (nu iuuuervely. mtead ' MI: “I. H. Arrowsutitlt's little boy F Willie John in quit. ill " present. Hope I he may aoon recover. The three bridges " Bachelor's Corners audmher watrrlnrenks are all more at less daumuul with the recent tfoods, (‘3nnciller Jnhn A. will want. quite a few our» yu, in his wnrd before all an re. paired, The roads m that burg are " present impnssible. " IN with mac-h reu'ret, thut we thi, week chmnwlv llw tic.,th hf Miss Mnrv McMiulo-u wlm departed this like at tun own-k tt.ttt. on We,lttendsw Aprsl'26tt. nod 35 you". Mia. McMillan had be; u ailing more nl less tor um pus: numb" of you“. but. Wu" m Iu-r usual heullh. “bl- 3fr. It. " Cash for Produce. Big r)epalimental Store. Story ofa Slave Black went Sunday With Scotch Town. J. A. HUNTER I Av. Ferguson id trying his strength ,nl ploughing this spving, hut is far ”rum his old volrust self as yet. Baum of that life insurance ngent. If. . wlle ha u looking for and the girl that holds the highest immune policy in the one In mil try to win. Mr. Heetor McKnhnio bought t in a drive: for the mm of I“. Wonder how new» likod riding him when be lit on n Min Ruth Johnston of Durham is visit, ing friends Hound tho Hollow. Miss T. Wilson “bu has been yt.itiue " J. McKechnie's for the past, few weeks returned to her home in Ltsnritston on Tuesday. Some one will have a little further lo wal now. Mr. John Ellison Jr, has purchased what was Ionuerly kmprn u the Ile. Dougnll farm. We are enacting a wlmo shut and a half holidny any time now Mun McDougul lost a tine cow Int week. While unloading a set of hurrom tl Watson huddle misfortune to have hm tiugetm badly smashed. H says it was the worn. trap he evu- put. his hand in. W. Waiter-on " engaged musoniug with Mr. Ed. Bray of Bentinck. \\'.Langhlan is engaged with Sandy Ellison for I few dun. _ Mr. P. Robertson is employed: near Stuyuer tor the summer months. . Bismarck's Iron Nerve. Wa, the remit of hie splendid health Imlmuitahle will tttrl tremendous energy are non-mud where Stomach. Liver, kid. neys and liowels are out of, order, If you. want these qualities and the nuccess they bring, use Dr. King's Row Life Pills, They duVelop every pawn of brim uni! bod.). Only 25e at our drum 'ttorten. 6 Geo. Henry has treated himself to n new buggy [weight through Jno. Moore, agent fur I'. McKinnun. _ Moore, agent fur P. McKinnb-l. _ John Johtrsttm hm purchased a an of new disc harrows. John is hound w be up {with the times Improvements t 1Vm. Hunter has got a tine driving shed u :3. Pattersim, to meet the growing 1ri'ai for hogs has erected a new pig )en; R. M/it- theus is building an midition to his house while R. Henry is at it hammer and lungs at his new Imni, both "axons and carpenters being at, work at once. While Andrew Henry was hustling his [was in last week he stepped on a rusty nail which pierce-d his foot and he is now moving around with some difficulty. Fred Foote's , mt has so far vecovered [mm the rut he gave it, as to allow him In he avound again. Harding is nnw in full swing. and with dry weather good progress is be. Ing made. Smoky Hollow. Henry's Corner. DURHAM, ()l0llllll Durham, May l, 1m. CLERK. The Assessment Holt is now in the hands of the Clerk, and according’vo statute all complaints against the Ase sessment must he in Che hands of the undersigned before May u. All parties will govern ttemseives accordingly. Town of Durham Council wilt, Inert “grain on. Saturday, 27th May, in the town hall as u Conrt of culvarve nmI Inhlgq-c: (Tua"rillots, for sor‘irm at "".ewtint.: Hf may “2.40. T . Clerk "nanny/y! I0 notify We eouncil u-f Umrick to deepen (l'tch four, culvert (jointly built Irv the m” townshipi Mt liiemuus comer) “out to u pmpuv full. us a cull'ar i,, flooded with water mrth.e Nor. umnlw side caused by the west-'11! mm- of the din-h. thunmiviuirum CJTleilly an! “who to impact "In! ropurt to Mraiglnumug road sideline heaven) lots 15 and 16, emu-main" 17. C Stein" the nwnnr of south part lot 1,5 threatens to put knee on proper line. n,,vuiouhuui for general business. GEO. Herr, clerk. , The {allowing orders imrued on the treasurer I Fisher & Sclmwfer new double door town hall audlock repaired M.70; Q Pamigrew 28 yards gran] 81.40; Cr Ringel 9 Weeks keep of Willow “Vim-1 $9.55; Municipal World acme-uncut rolls, statute lumbar list. etc 811.60; M B Flynn nu printing contract 8‘30. tttWert" n and Jipiitirend notices extras $5; Tumult-er South Gr'ey Spring Sh,w t.runt $25; It Lippert repairing Hmzlm-ger- ln'idgo fl ; John and "Villmm Hopi.rvutovin,s,r Cris. "riueuons (mm I-Iivlga tnwnline luequ-vn lots c, thl ti. unwoulul: 7, MM: P Skelly rupzm- human-ll u-nulmv: 50; (‘..mmi.~a- sinners l)ww.(‘)‘lh-1llv and Hcipel respir- tively " $2 aml ‘33 for. impacting Guitar": and lsriilswc: (‘vumillnh for senirm at rum-I‘m; “l date H2140. T i pila of “MN-I in tho tome rower and the home "mm: d home. to and tur mid. door ci" n and to 3% an extra unllou or two of I Ma. T. Laughlm- is engaged with Mr, M. Cameron for the summer mouths, while Mr. G. Fumes: has secured one help of N. Duchy for the seeding. Potur4keeperr--H Bietuan, F "chm. W Narnia, C' Corley, It Owns. J Haney. w Crawford. J Halliduy. C Balm. H Rin- gel, J Himmler. G Wagner, J Flynn, W Rehkopf. H Byers. We huvo fine growing m “be: now. Mr. M. Kells has had a. Visit ham his Miller and mother lapely, - - ...é;.,p,wwr Allan In? rammed from Edge Hill where he has bee t doing some extra work. _ - _ -iian Mkuthur is still sick. Dr, "tuietsonorUurltsutt was u: lo we him on Sunday lfemseviewers--G Johnston, E Ryan. P Each. T Duignan, J Robertson. J Soho. en. H S Miller. M Doyle, J Edwards, D Widmeyer, J \Vidmeyer. Mi“ Dr.zei',V" (u'y ,.ov..chor of rl" Mn LAim-n pd” hm n !.l..x;. i.. Mn; ts. tat'trt.tttut. Ins; Sunny. mm oit, “an” Allan had minke Ike pulpit and ti"ish tl e Minn-Iv. He did u w "d We hrhl'u church umu mm ti,hiue in Glenrle land In}: “It o tishitiur Han-uh. nmi mm the cnlhlnlvh- is at.” him [-1 braking the law. -_---- o o - ~- - Sous LEFT HEK.~“I was with u swelling in my feet and Ilium. l Wtty' notable to walk for four months. I read about Hood's Summit-ills and pro- curedn hottle. Before] had taken it All the swelling left me. I took three bottles at Hood's and lune not, horn troubled with uwelling aim-e." Rebecca Scent-u, ()hnthun. Ont. Psthmasipr-1) 1ieCrle, Tho, “My. It I'rtsis,rrew, Q Pcttierew, J lhurslus, W bit-1mm, 'i' Rogers. IN Cameron, w Mc- Farlnn, b' Campbell, G Hunt. L Wclmr, ‘W Gardiner, i' Hum“, D Mammuin, u Petty, E Fee, W Marshall, A Mulnlmil, A Mellvride, J Peter, W Stewart. J Corn. ish, E BogIe, M O'Douoghnr, W Moore, J Taylor, A McPhee, J Robertson, It Ovens, T Robertson, 11 Miller, M Lewis, J Schoen. W Long, M Kenna, N Car- muuut, A Ammerman, J F Black, J ht. tlwrc, J Herzloegg,ow, A I'll-emu. J Yuern, J Eh“, w Ellis, J 1trist, ll Khw, J Dreier, tl Herb“, J Kreuzer, J Anderson, D McKinnon, F Oebm. G Leibolt, H Ruedking, L Bcbreibor. J Mort, M Doyle, G Fisher, C Kraft Jr, A Balm. I Lnetke, F Groin, N Wenger, J Saline”. G Mobnn, " Cr Pusher, W Kenna. J Edwards. C Kraft Sr, V Greiu, J Leno, A Weppler, G Lauz. P Hollmger, W Ividmeyer, P Lynch, V Kraft, G Fueluer. W Meyer, E Widmoyer. G Wagoner, S Weppler, J Wash, W Kain, G H Bnetz, L Wett- laufer, C Hafermehl, W Relpkopf. c, Har- mel, D Robinson, W Eidt, C Bin, J Grab, D Lippen. H Balm. J Hiilis, J Lcrtreiuger, It Whiteford. J Watt, " Nichol. J Kerr, L McNaughton. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Easy to “to. pnMr to operate: reliable, mm. ah.. The Noun-uh, Township Council met on Hominy. April Wth. Member. I" present. Minutes ot ' men-nu we" read and posed. Rewlulinu Inning u- loronee to the 025 stunted to the South Grey Spring Show "lei-dad, mid grant to be paid out from tho graze-n1 fund. Comuusuioner 0'ileilly w meet. Cum- miusiouer of Bantinck to investigate cowl-him ofJamrs llllliu re tittttioueuing ru-ud ut, lot 8, cuuceuion l8 and hp)” to this cuuncii. Cotctrtioiiouer Helprl to inspect wtttereottrse at lot M, ounce-14m) T, and uotiO tenant ut lot 25 w 'pen diieh to a. mop» fall Charla Rowing ailotsed to pertorut this your. gamma lalre on road between lots It) and 20, ounces-ion 11. The fall‘miu: puma.»- tern. fruee viewers and lmumtkeepcn were 'tppoiuted. (From As tou Advance» NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS. NOIIANBY COUNCIL. GEORGE RUSSELL Hopevme. ----_ -tyN'rATtTt5' ARCHI TORONTO 0Fti'WE--Me1uigre Biggie. ' COLIN ALEXANDEI IGVW. Collections and Agency [DI‘Illlplh attended to. “ills. Deeds, Mal-tumult. Lawns. Aureemnu, &e, "ovroetly prepared. Estates at (lu‘HxM [whom looked "tter, "ltd lixeclm-rb‘ mu} Act- miuistmturs' Ave-nub prz-rnrvl mu! inskml. Suvmgaw Court "whim“. Prn'nlle ot Inn, Letters of \dminin'th-y. um] Guardimmhip Ohmim-d. Rumours mud- "t Rash-My Oittree “mi Tim» reported on. (”mummy and mi 'atre Film"; to 1.. long u; s at low at Its-4w ot bib-rust Vain We I y 1 c"utpetetrtrtu 'truvroful Vulunlnr BARRISTER. SOLICIT-CHI uwnv PUBLIC, wvsnucrn, " ofttee-- LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. I After his wanderings Mr. McVean returned to his native counsvy and {isettlcd down at Kilfiniehen, Isle of “Hull, which he rents trom the Duke of Argyll. Helms represented his native parish in the County Council of Amy” since 188tr, and is a J. P. " the County, and last year receivul the Diamond Jubilee Medal from Her Majesty for servieein the Royal Body ( “In rd for Scotland. Nf the Durham Phat-i/duff/id/iris, Block. Resident-e fiest dom- wust of the. Post Office, Durham. . () Mr. Alexander McCormick. Rocky Sagan. has handed us 1 copy of the “Celtic Monthly " published in Glas- Bow, Scotland, from which we make the following extracts. The subject of the notice was , friend of Mr. Me- Cormick’s and is not unknown to quite a number in South Grey. Mr. McVenn’s oldest sun Donald is now "nohieep in the Indian army and received a medal and bar for dis- mlguished services in the. late war. His eldest daughter is married to the Secremryof the British Legation in Tokio, Alexander is in "he, lludson‘ Bay Company's service in Labrador and his youngest son is still a student., arrister, otar , eon- veyamcr, cc. , ten... lousy to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. Colin Alexander MeVean, eldest sen of the late Rev. Donald Mevean, minister of Iona and Ross, and his wife, nee Susan McLean, ot the family of the McLean's of Ross, passed his childhood at his tather's manse in Iona. He was educated in Edin- burgh, and choosing the profession of a Civil Engineer, h-ceivvd in 13qu an appninunem under the Hydmgraphic (Mice. and served some years on the Admiralty Survey of the Hebrides un- der the orders of the late Admiral Otter. C. B., latterly having charge M a detached portion of the Survey. l Mr. McVean has thrice visited the lUnited States and Canada, where he [ has many relations, and travelled ex. tensively in these countries, visiting among other places the district in Ontario where the majority of ch= grants from his father's parish had settled, and meeting there many old friends; he Was greatly pleased to tind nearly all ot these people. in a fituwishing and prosperous eontlitiov. He also visited the great Sioux Indian reservation in anotah and spent some weeks with the Indians, after, wards furnishing sketches and an no count of the tribe to the London Graphic at the time of the Indian ris- ing which occurred on this reservation shortly after his visit, when some severe fitthting took place between these Indians and the United States troops. On the completion of this work he proceeded to Turkey, having received an apmintmcnt_on the engineering staff of the Varna and Rustchuck Rail- way in Bulgaria, and was also on- gaged for a short time on Government railway surveys in Wallachia, and was present in Bucharest during the revolution in 1861, when the line- podsr, Prince Couzs. was removed iron: the throne, and the present ruler -now King Charles I-invited to occupy it. Serious disturbnnces oc- curred in the espitsl " this time, and sketches of street scenes were so pied to the London Times by Mr. Meaghan On " return from Turkey Mr. " Vesn was appointed in 1868 by the Bond of Tride, acting on behalf of the Government ot Japan, one of the three engineers(Messrs. Brunton, Me. Vesn and Blundell) to go out to that interesting country to superintcnd the erection ot lighthouses, and generally to instruct the Japanese in engineer- ing and surveying operations. in W70 he was appointe Surveyor-in- Chief of Japan, and was engaged during the rest of his stay in the coun» try in organizing the Government Survey Department; and carrying out detail surveys oi Kiota and Tokio, the ancient and modern capitals. A revolution being in progress travelling and residence was veI'V unsafe for foreigners and during his sta y a immanent giltirii Was furnished his house and walking and riding two mounted guardsmen accompanied him. He also had charge for a time of the Public Works department and estab- lished a complete meteorological oftiee containing many tine instruments. On leavin apan he received the thanks of the government for his services. Dr. t. G. HOLT L. ll/S. VENT? FIRSTIXXHC EAST (Ll DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY MCCAUL. W. l DAVIDSON. Charges Moderate. pirate .P‘qulsA to, Loan on (Ovir fhe Bank. ittrrrrry, _ vdtlidiidiiii ~-.u-- 'll If You See he Ladies Lrllllgl 'ill, IF YOU ARE " COME ill AND SEE OUR STOCK. ftt FIELD SEEDS Danish Red Ills. the In?!“ Sumn- lieel grow". [ANGEL WUITZIL mum’s . ummolh Lung Real. the In! of ull. Carter's Norfolk Yellow Globe, adapt"! In: light mil. mm" A “and Arr und 3 good keeper. THE GATE POST-A very protftattie van-iv“. HELD seltt" -Mummoth tntermedusto White, u gum yrildc-r and easily a . Large \glglitfe Vostety f, tirs.r,+ts (1-1)me and good feeditttt qualilie-s. CIDVER. TIMOTHY, MILLE’I‘, HUNGARIAN, LAWN GRASS, BUC KW " EAT, T A RPS. BEA NS, I J N SI", F', D, E“ f. ---.,,- "iiitite ani" haiow Belgian. Gilt knuwii varieties. Long Orange and Red Altvintttuuu, good fur treneral ”my. Carter's Elephant. n huge swede :uul of good quality. (Voter’s lmpeninl Hardy. no m'emge size turnip. solid and nun-it ions. Sultml’s Chmnpion. an excellent Hump. King of the Swedes. one of the best. BANGHOLI. n favorite. Mattie/s, Bronte Top, rich in quality ard a good keeper. London Purple Top. a handsome turni D. large and a heavy (Topper. Yellow and White Fleshed Tlurnips. Purple Top Yellow Alu-nleeu, lm» moved Grey Stone and Lincoln Red Globe. Carter's Dwarf Essex Btp.y.td heaved Naming Ru. e, the only "up.- when! SEED P0ThT0h'S---Ertvlv London, Early Vaughan. “use of the North. ('al'nmn No, 2. otltota--thhosas, Ellglish Potatot9ttiotoi, Etc. Gunien Seeds In kt and Panels. Unemiwls lir tntg tgal SEEDS for feeding pnrpnses FIELD CortN---Leatuiuw'N lmpmved King of Earliest. Ange-l uf Mitlmghl. Giaut Cuban. Mmmumll hunlheru Nweet. .. GARDEN CORN." Iipst of all. 'j,i,-/sritijsllSlyi'lsrslSkrsallMatil6i tgirlie ttiiEiit gliimRI a! We have mad . '" P AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS ... V ~.< -.'"9'-. _....-- -. ...- a“. " nuns-u In 30 minutes. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are at one. 1 mild cathartic Ind In ipvigorutor, system renovator and blood maker and 'mrt'tier. soc. for 40 dares. Dr. Agnew: Ointment relieves in a day and cu- """"e"tttsraadallskittdimna.- St"mpi1esuourrUitiii." 354; 0 -gg-------.-" ___V. .. -..‘.. nun-r ' write: '.--" While m Revert. N. r, conduclin religion: str- M t w“ troubled ta taunt and mod Dr. Agnew's Cmrrh-l pain. tt gave me Mlle! and I have recommended It to many unon‘ whom I have labored." “on. Sth' Mills, Minute: of Juulee of Cumin. has med this remedy and highly - M“ our " on simian. At ali dries. Dr. Agnew“: Cure for the Heart cum all use: of mic Ind s mpuhet'u disease of the heart. Relieves in 3omimnes. Dr. Agnew'l Liver T'i'li' are " one I. mild cathartic and an invigorntor, "stem renovator and blood maker and Ptariiier. too. for 4odaees. Dr. Agnew} 0mm... ...n...._:_ - ' - l Is the most wonderfully efftttive d I? \ remedy ever compounded. ll re. lievesthe most seven use in from ' " to Go minutes ; it effects a full "hs, C," cumin " short time. The most eminent nose and throat special. istsin the world havegiven it their unqutuitied endorsement. In all use: of catarrh, colds, mn- throat, asthma, hay {our Ina Intlm-mu it acts like magic. It is mm to '"e. it never fails to (in pro-(m ly “In! lh chimed for it, In l, st it. will prove its worth if you will but gut it a chance. A protuuw ‘wea testimony : Rev. Warren annual, writes 2-" While m ' Vb... t w“ troubled Wit nurrh and mod Dr, relief and I have recommended It to may, Ktl) Mills, "IMO!“ of lumen of (hm-d: 5- No matter what your ups-i- ence. has been with so-called caturh " remedies. " your ulti- mate. complete recovery can surely and positively be alerted. Don't suffer any longs. Don't trifle with a distressing' and din, gerous disease when a sure cure is within your grasp. Thousands of slererk whose condition was worse than yours have been cured we! are now in pufect hbalth. Their enthusiastic and unsolicited testimonies show beyond the shadow of a doubt that Sugar Beet White Tor Silesinn. grams to a good 'iize. Danish MATH“ the _ any“! Sugar: Beet gram-n, . . A SURE GATARBII (HIRE. Thirty-eigth annual import of Staple Field and Garden Seeds from one of the largest Growers of seeds in Britain per S. S. St. John City. Dr. Agnew’s Datarrhal Powder iii, MRS. A. auRNETiit, l u". Sold by MacmRLAm-t PLANTS -ronttuo, Cabbage. Caulmower and Celery. series ut'Quick Sale Prices like this : H. PARKER, ', y.ettce',tv1ti1.e [[1 Newark. N I inner Sm. regular mm. 11n'let Sen. lwgular $2th " TN: Nett, regular m:'. J}. ot . . ......Going lmnw, yo" may be sure that they have been Excu- making a putrhatcyt Okinawan. To char out caramel: of TOILET, TEA AND DINNERWARE gt."- O... 1899 " " Seeds SWE DE TURN/P l., Durham, Ort. :0. nt man‘an no; , tt _nanecliat vIl htw lent “wit. a.“ "ith mun. he oaq* 'u'rnum' a local - mom a ruuuuW1 ‘In nun-(- w," " . n us: our! ls. ”ammo-Ills "r" an. Inna] "axi, wrote, mull [lulu-r gin-II ' ties. “In-s for tho h 'ty. No othet - thir. The edito: . mmms. does mm! I h um. um! nut Orin Ioro.. Iv,, >310th "o". A he.“ y Ma LJvr that Mr. I. hinder, top lung", will. in": hurl-n- u! hay. Griews m. who- nzumuml Ina-u for mm, N murmur“ ot hunt": and a “and to any cam-mil the In [WIN 'ui, iaetw urn [WI ml isIm-lvry qua-slim: of muni and think, Ilul'i "whim: to lwlp “AKKIHIJ M, t.he fum-rnl " " We had the pl: an!" I'll. hid h maven alum", " til-mum! to the wink-r. M 1h: lit-ION: who" hm “mm: A mecrsoui A Mum-dim: lam of a mm was old-m- ”In guild: "head. awn tttmot , again»! "when The Hewlpll "Hanan-rt of ll q we". Numilm it In Mt. Fun-n hr win» in in: a rd " to "orhm u-mlltl he luul. n was! and west built for sum. L"urrsrsrN W deetrsels Klmwooet in turn vlmiv G "tve" from mmiuws Ilium '6.5fttttt. No u "" u-mlm w IS in n-lifi Haul Ame-rim lam.“ “will 01 t "humid" " a thet" for ewe a cettt n Munruu Shirk Cer. in Ilium. mum“! ful. Swath h! like it PVPI' in 1%“me Ina-1 n THIN and in mm have 'tttother film Us” Mt 1 WI! 'r Get t Fishing and ttr:vrew "In. n in "a VI l but the ‘JHIN‘ " do " ave y. n Page ti Win "ttttported F J mm»: W "In yrr. hum "New! ladd h “mm-ml“ I'ulolir him ttitrht. ~l01 are" lu-wuu'l: "Him ‘IN 1‘1"] d... The ttrt,' . Local ml um. nun-i! " Lucas. W VITIIM'I'R “\ Auterit usllu than um th ' " t dit " I ou "" luluu'in "HIM-d "" wit "ve't'yt um: itsvit, lh-uli wrly OH ist, ' wei V0 " land HIV! hm NJ I d hem TO

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