ctory. arm V I‘\ l V 'i, 9.4 _ “HUI I BESS ARE KRISS w prepared ot tiMIt, (lr?i,_l,.i, I an“ _, K: di EPISO- ner- it " at per iii The longest tunnel in the world in that of St. Gothard. on tho line of the milroac between Milan and Luau-no, It is nine and a quarter mile. in lengt't and cost over $45,000,000. The largest cathedral in the world is tit. Peter's, at Rome. The total length of the interior in 6121-2 Eng- lish feet; tranaept, 4461-2 feet; diame- ter of eupola, 193 feet; height ofdome from pavement to top of the areal. 448 feet. It was begun in 1450 A. D., dedicated in 1626, but not finished till 1880. Forty-three Popes lived and died during the prooeu of building. The oust is not down an 88o,000,000. The largest dwelling house in the world is the Freihaus, in a suburb of Vienna, Austria, containing in all be- tween 1,200 and 1,500 room, divided in- to upwards of 400 separate suits. This immense house, wherein a whole city lives. works, ante and sleeps, has 18 courtyards-tive open and eight cover- "d-and a garden within its walls. The largest history ever published is '* lhe War of the Rebellion," issued by [he I'nited States, in 120 huge octave wiumes of 1,000 pages each, with a gigantic atlas in 30 parts. The books occupy 30 feet of shelf room, and weigh one quarter of a ton. The series oust 825,000,000, is limited to 11,- W) sets, and has been in course of puby “cation for over 20 years. i, Ihe deepest hole in the earth is at 1cehladebuch, near Ketschau, Germany. It is 5,335 (eat in depth, and is for geologic research only. The drilling was begun in 1880, and stopped six years later because, the engineers “are unable with their instruments to go deeper. This hole was expensive, as its cost was WAN. 'lhe largest sundial in the world is Ilnyuu Home, a large promontory ex- truding 3,000 feet above the Aegean Pseit. As the sun swings round the sivtdow of this mountain it touches one by one a circle of islands, which act as hour marks. The largest library in the world is the National Library of Paris, which wnmins 40 miles of Shaina-holding 1,400,000 books. Them are also 175,- 600 manuscripts, 800,000 maps and charts and 150,000 wins Ind medals. The hottest region on earth is the southeastern part of Persia, where it borders the gulf. For 40 consecutive days in July and August the tempera- tare has been known not to fall lower than 100 degrees, night or day. t, one tenth of an inch to the mile. Mn- details are so minute that maps 'utvirtit a scale of 25 inches show every bulge, fence, wall, building, and even may isolated tree in the country. The Mans show not only the exact shape of every building, but every porch, no.1, doorstep, lamppost, railway and fire plug. 'ltr. urged map in the world is the Ordnance Survey map of England, con- taining over 108.000 sheets and costing 'l,0th),o00 3 year for 20 years. The mule varies trom one tenth of a foot 'l he greatest structure ever raised by the hand of nun is the Great Pyramid of Clheops, in Egypt, founded 4,000 years ago, and measuring 746 feet square on the base and 449 feet high. It took twenty years in construction; 100,000 men worked for three months, arm, being then relieved, were suc- ceeded by an equally large corps. The urnsslve stem-s were brought from Ara- bin, 700 miles away. Tfie ooat ot the wmk in estimated at '14't5,000,000. lhe greatest canal in the world is the Sun, npened on November 16, 1869. Its length is 95 miles, its depth is 26 feet, its annual revenue is 815,000,000, Its cost Was 8l00,000,000. The liver- uge time taken to pass through it is 20 hours, has eight minutes. The down of the canal is being increased, at a we: of 'i0,000,000. The world's longest canal is the Imperial Canal of China, with a length of 1,000 miles. The largest advertising sign in the world is mid to be on the hillside of an ialot off the Grand Canary, north- west of Africa. It is several hundred feet above the, level of the sea, and con- tains the Words, "Grand Canary Im- frmemenl Company," in letters each 5 feet wide and bo feet high, each bar yf the lam-rs being llleet , inches broad. The sign is 750 feet long The lowest room in the world, under one root and unbroken by pillars, is at St. Potersburg. It is 620 feet long by 150 feet in breadth. By day- light it is used for military displays, Ind 1 whole battalion can completely manouux in it. My night 20,000 wax tapers give it a beautiful appearance. The roof is a single mob of iron. Pounds, and is four times greater than the great bell at Moscow, whose lar- Olunference at the rim is nearly 68 ft. and whose height is 21 feet. The hietuset monument in the world In in Washington, America. It was erected in honor of George Washing- ton. It is 550 feet high, 5.) feet square it the base, end. contains 18,000 [Hooks of marble two feet thick. In _the in- terior is an elevator, and 50 tlights of stairs, 18 steps each. The greatest bell in the world is in In edifiee before the great temple of Buddha, It Tokyo. It weighs 1,700,000 B. C. It ia 20 feet high, 27 feet thick " the base, and stretches for 1,280 miles over hills, valleys and rivers. lone lulu-nu.- About the use†In!"- Inzs, Ion-lulu. tannin. ete., at. The largest insect known to entomo- logLals is a Central American moth, called the Erebus atrix, which expands its wings from 11 to 18 inches. Thu longest wall in the world is the famous none uefense made by the Chinese against the Tartan about an The largest cask in the world is the Blatner cask of Nuremberg, Germany. " is 105 feet in diameter and 51 feet deep, and its mmpletion a few yegra ago was celebrated by a ball. at which over 500 persons were on the floor of the cask. GREATEST THINGS m THE WORLD. an," .. r." ___ m, V is no other medicine "just as good." See that the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is on every package you buy. If your dealer does not have them, they will be tent post iiiii"iitryriGiti a'box. or six bins. for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Modicigo So" ywvillo, " Pharaoh 100i The tramcijitiiireu was introduced into Europe by the Knights Tem- These pills cure not by purging the system as do ordinary medicines, but by enriching the blood and strength- ening the nerves. They cure rheuma- tism, sciatic, locomotor ataxia, park lysis, heart troubles, erysipelas and all forms of weakness. Ladies will find them an unrivalled medicine for all ailments peculiar to the sex. restoring health and vigor, and bringing a rosy glow to pale ami..tallotr cheeks. There Run. McKendry, a gentleman of tk? years of age, has tor. 28 years been a respected citizen of I'enelon Falls, Ont. For twenty-two years' he has held the position of section foreman for the G.T.lt., which position he fills to-day, and judging from his present robust appearance will be capable of doing so for many years to come. During his residence at Fenelon Fails Mr McKendry has taken an active part in educational matters, being an efficient member of the school hoard on different IX'cusions. Many times he has been nominated as councillor, but owing to the position he held with an outside corporation felt it his duty to withdraw, although much against the wishes of the representative rate- payers. As the public Well know the duties devolving on a railway section C,.iit,iiii,i,i,ji, expose him to all kinds of inclement weather, and it takes a man lwitli a strong constitution to success- fully fill the position. Mr. McKendry had no illness until about 3 years ago, when, to use his own words, he says :-"I was taken down with severe rheumatic pains in the right knee and the muscles of the leg. I could ‘ not sleep or rest night or day. I could not begin to tell you what I suffered. I took many remedies, both internal and external prescribed by doctors and friends, but instead of improving twas steadily going from bad to worse. One day while reading the Presbyter- ian Review I read of a cure through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in the case of a man’ who had not been expected to recover and this prompted me to give thismedioine a trial. The) action in my case did not seem to be speedy and I was using my fifth box before any decided improvement was noted, but by the timeI had used eight boxes lwas a thoroughly well man. Since that time my general health has been the very best and Ihave no signs of the old trouble. I make this state- ment voluntarily, because I think it the. duty of those cured to put others in the possession of the means of ob- taining renewed health andIam sat- isfied Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do all that is claimed for them if given a trial. [Kin-umnhm and Kindred MIN“ the Frequent Beam" ~0ne Who Ila» Been a Great Sntrcrer Speaks For tttr Begtrttt of Others From the Watchman, Lindsay, Ont. l SECTION F UBEMAN HIS LIFE ONE OF FXPOSURE AND MUCH HARDSHXP. The greatest empire of the world is the British Empire, extending over one continent, 100 peninsulas, 500 promon- tunes, 1,000 lakes, 2,000 rivers and IO,-. 500 islands. It surpasses the Atsyr- ian Empire in wenun, the Roman Em- pin in population, the Spanish Em- pire in power, and the Persian Em- pire in area-all of which empires have passml away. The population of the Iimpire-40e,515,800---is 27 per cent, of the population of the world; the 11,- 339,316 square miles of imperial ter- ritory i521 per cent of the land of the World. The largest flower in the world is the Rafflesia Arnoldi, of Sumatra. Its size is fully three feet in diameter-- about the size of a carriage wheel. The five petals of this immense (lower are oval and creamy white, growmg round a center filled With Countless lung, violet-hued stamens. lhe flower weighs about 15 pounds, and is Capable of containing nearly two gell'ons 9f water. The buds are like gigantic brown cabbage heads. Tho most magnificent tomb in the world is the Tag' Muhal, in Ate, Hin- dustan. It was erected by Shah Jehan to the memory of his favorite Quegn- it is cctagonal in form, of pure white marble, inlaid with jasper, carnelmn, turquoims, agate, amelhysts and pe-, phires. The work took 22,000 men 20 Years to complete, and though there were free gifts and the labor was free, the cost. was $17,000,000. 50 miles of feeding troughs, and 75 miles of water and draining troughs. lhe yards are capable of receiving and accommodating daily 20,000 cattle, 20,- 000 sheep and 120,000 hogs. and»: m fie 'K/A'théCbtziin _ 20 nines 9t streets, 20 miles of water trout.rhey The greatest suspension bridge in the world is the Brooklyn bridge, which also leads the world in the num- ber of its daily passengers. Its length- ihcluding approaches, is 5,989 {sebum listanee. between the towers 930 feet, the vymght of the structure 15 6.470 tops; us cost was over '15,0o0,000. Ihty bridge cars carry about 45,000,000 peo- ple every year. The largest stock yards in the world are in Chicago. The combined plants represent an investment of over $1.0.- The greatest distance that e shot has been tired is a few yards over 15 miles. which was the range of Krupp'ts well- known monster 130-ton steel gun, fir- ing a shot which weighed over a tan and a quarter. The greatest sea depth known to man is in the South Atlantic Ocean, mid- way between the Island of Tristan de Cuba and the mauth of the Rio de la Plata, the bottom being here reached at a depth of 40,236 teec, or eight and three quarters miles. u "i,r%GGaidi, in; York. " m 9! MES: ftp" __ '".F't.t V W" n. Fb.Pl u. on. mod tt moan-n for their chil ran newâ€; " loath-o the ch Id, whom the mm. was: Al! pairs, mm wind rolls. and " 1h beat remedy for Iarrhmn. 250 . bob " and by All druxgilu throu haul the worm I. In. Ind at It! " In. Win-luv" £0“.th Eynp' “FLUX: P, GIG.†La Toaoana, loo. FAt TtHtV "fy/hy" The wise man who profits by his mistakes invests his profits in some other line of business. Women are employed as bricklayers in Finland. Mlle: Poultry Grlt ir the but d‘gutor In the market LAUREN'I‘IAN SAN“ & GRAY rLL f'-., Montreal. For Over Fun Venn Mnglymgmyrs awry-11x6 SYRUP '" boos Violins made of aluminum peared in Paris. ered a. new way to make money. Farmers cannot any longer close their eyes to the fact that. something tmore than ordinary farm-yard man- ures is necessary to the production of paying crops. The phosphate is ab- 801utely nee -ssary and there is now no room to doubt that large quantities of good manure are absolutely wasted for the want of phocphate to balance the food for the plants. I have had much experience in phoephating lands and I have examined many phosphated crops and I am convinced that double and treble crops of all kinds of pro- duce. may be obtained by the use of a proper pbo phate such as the Thomas- Phosphate, made by the Alberts. I have seen old lands brought up to a wonderful condition of fertility by its; aid.--strootuser, in Farm Topics. Some men spend half their time in making promises and the other halt in making excuses. LU. tity' s The first time a mu: goes to a race- track he imagines that he has discov- To OUR! A COLD IN ON! - In. hum: Bromo quinine Tame". AU I“! "I'M the mono] Al it mm to can. ’30. A man seeks his ideal; n woman seeks the ideal of another. sa by-ilu d-ru ggivsl s. ""su'r.'"i'"ijif 1 It" Some men go when duty tyaila-but : the opposite direction. Steele, Briggs' Seeds First Prize VEGETABLES and FLOWERS The Steele, Briggs Seed Go. bop, Ile. each Mammoth Cuban The tevirt car. prodgcmg Yollow Bent Gorn pm"- with a a v o r n b l a lemon has yielded " tom cl cars per Acre, ml 1peseit' .mos-t_ paras-of paw-go. Pre, k.tsath., FAMOUS '1flirit,C'jttt,r1, Mt am.at. Ganada's Ghrtisaibesil: Seed Flouit,irste ; Imsh., tyrii.; a bush. and Over, soc? bush.:, ENSILAGE CORN '.iUrdiW.NaTrisiii, Garden, Giers new We to the Hair. lt makes it. an“ Ind retrurtrs th . color URGEST STOCKS OF BEST KNOWN VARIETIES have ap- art, If you i"! not nook“ one. lend you use and it will balm.†nu. lando- this yam. When “de please Ind money by h"._ Money Order," ed Note or R and Uttar. All orde- “abated". You can go! Stale, Briggs' Futons “In and Flower M: In. your lulu-l Mani, or out for than dlroct. WE BEST SEEDS THAT now. won A «In!!! LID? or Newest 3. Best Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Flowering Roots, Vines, Roses, Small Fruits, etc. gfal'l'lu. Stammerers Dr. Arnott, Bum: who will combo. rouiiiriG; c1535: CUTTING SCHOOL-1' um... c. a 0. SCHOOL 'cvir.7hTi't'r'a".' The Dawson Qupnpljsjion tro., Limited _ r _ _, -V., v.1..." cor West-Market a onlbnmo at, Toronto, ' gov, y n bent wit-v- f r your Amulrx. Hull". FLT Poultry, uni] other produce, if you sh:p ir, to them. """""'“3'°'"7n nowlpecni s. mu! by uni on receipt. ot 81 " Rt WHY, P.0. Box 365. Montreal 'tt " Iuhnoiiii,u"ii% Bus 3,"; ONENlGHT, ttheurt1atisrtr--e - __ - ,Wv-... --.., "no uvrru aw“ fol loo medal. and diploman tor sup. ior endlenco. Th irreguluriuo, prove timeou- ou. div-nuns". Ad: sour donor to obtain I supply. Lute mane free on npp'icauon. Carbollo '?is.trretasrat..UoG", Oint- ment Tttttth ‘Ppwdpgp,_ otet.._hnre horn Love is all right as an Illusion, but as a fact matrimony is the real thing. Hal: I Catarrn Cure in taken lubernslly, Lot- in directly t pan the bland ind mac In nur- lacuo! the lynum. Price 76e. per Ironic. Bold by All manna 'N,timtrniat. the. Hall's Funny Pills m the but. We of†thte Hundred Dull." Reward tor any use of (‘nurrn that can not. be cured by Hull's Gama-r]: Page. F. J. UH mm a; CO., Prop... Toledo. o. We the utlucrmqrned. have known F. J. c- tor tho “I". 1) yeah. and uglievo him p r100 lyuonumblu mun humus; Iranucdoul and nuancnauy able to carry out. say obliga- uunn mud. my they ttrm. wtttrr&'i'ttu'Ax, " howmle Drugltts.'roledo,o, Wanna. human ac luuvm. Whole-me "ryyrgi+. Tturd.e. Utpo _ v -- -_-__ - --'1-"""J - _ in drawing u line of conduct for others. top-. Too many cushions " the bottom par account for the room at the The telders rule ls {requently u ed r. c. “was? aio., â€ANOHEOTEI. - . ENGLAND. (3ALVERT'S Flower.,!,,,;,,!,-?!,,] How’s This , One of the earliest dent varieties in animation. a strong grower, stalks and ears of good the. srnatl cob with deep grain, productive. Price, l bush, foe.: push. 99c. ; 2 bush. and out. “a. a but; EARLY HURON YELLOW DENT CORN MONTREAL 1ISC. each. Our. Bs.ured in " noun 'Corn Cur. Ask your drunk- forit.Price 10c Tsilo" and Drew 5931“"!de for pl P. C. 870 â€poem", “on who have hi ed to hemmed e."- Tltrrr, "it. to n. Pun. 50 u up “I! love!) at! . . . FREE! um. Ltd) a Eh " ; "r, = Wash, with and or 'ar, 3&3 " tty . ohm-mm "llrMllflu,ol. 'li, r.rre.N' of our full-dud Luann "' _ - .. 1,, I DoyI-unlhuohzludy I ‘ ii N tsr, u' N t3toriinq8iherwstist, forum»: " 1“ \J ‘ I dos. new“ In ISM†rk I: 'al " . i " prom-I dam. They on†u , n M lulu. WritaGd wound Lhas- , i% V ,7. â€wold. 'Hllthttrrt,reterr, our , L 'cerdit .0113de we promp'ly [-Irwud " , _ , El lourumhtue. Untold damn ' N mun. UN£NDD‘.I,V00., Npt., ' l.’ Tom-ta. BOOTS AND SHOES â€Mud. IDA†Colon. "Sam r'-..... ideal Leather polish n. J. suntan & 00., DEIIIOIIG t'ralNriiiiili,ira. Religious Pictures, Sunny, 0nd hapulm, CHURCH â€KAREN“. Educational Works. MW 77" A too. unluc- wih vuln- tl cup: Fr “I. tr .1] “morn. Ask fur it. Ara-ts- wanted. "rtd lb. ftte s.i:v-iha1flet.t"e1ri we tout, new: em: M., Toronto, cum. Catholic Praye? PANTS SYSTEM Rukco- Health-Brink gmung Powds’n ,r',C'/,i'e1:"i, st until one: Inns! to tho teiCFGiGiTGUiCiii" tN. in sun-pg. _ ---.-_..- -- - _ -- COIN)" SENSE KILLS Ranches. Bed Bugs. Ram and Mic, trid by ali Drum-u, or 881 Queen W. Toronto. L. U llC1jiiiiii, L Ljk EPPS’ GRAYErUL--ct 1M FORT! NG, ii the but fur “In woman: AND a THE MOST NUTRITIOUS men. use. mean. iiuirarC" whims. Lead packages. CUREH DY‘PEI‘SIA. gL'trh'trU9T.'rl TEA AND COFFEE. BREAKFAST-SU PPER. In“ order, roocivo prompt “union RTf,AmFatttr.. " mm. on. Ito-aux Write lli for hm rm t on: an the M Ptuttn Cuttmg Fyctott in the Wort We- (such ynn be vex] hula. I. Tailors lhW.Btmt&ta-trr.nt. thet this out I and rat II BULB PLATED to m with our name LN “Mn-u. I“ w- in: Laud am an. i In Pl by CW for "mm-t: B, n . ml. tttrg",",,",',?,":',)'.'.":' upon hm. tum Mm an not. [aid plum hunky-.MV a. grunt h. horn mu . and T od _ h and will I '-jowulm2 Alumn- In-dnl Mormon that ‘0 VII-Int to u nod nMActsaIJad II Fan 5.3.9. ftr'tttri.rt' pur- Torry Um C... fauna. Oat. Ah D CHILDREN'S _ ___ - -eieeN.e ___.... y...- mel. " mm eurerul cum. in nu Bad um tun-h to be .3031 " Inn-mud, 'M a. "In hh', mm m an“ and it nun F0 R Cl B I. E Whatever crop you grow, success or failure in largely governed by the seed used. POINTERS Successful grow-n always use the beet seed- obtainable. All needs have u Vibe, which varies accord in to the care and selection of stack in pmdeo- ing them ; 21sllhl,"dt,'tr'2', seedscost less to ptoduce end permit of being sold It like low, "cheap" price-Lt" produce! “kc. The labor necesnry to (row a crop with "cheap " seed is the same as when using the best seed-tturi, why _ uni-Incl unlng “cheap" was? .50“ toerr '11 erg OA urn-uh. " all: it BE SURE THAT YOU GET THEN WREI BUYING Steele, Briggs' Seeds THE BEST 0R0" ARI CROWN FROM CEV LON TEA. mourn“, nus. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tio Years’ W, W.. “to in'PDrll. " Run (in laugh)“. Jia a I" Giomi% “all“. and Ito"! our" be". m 11.. .. t, ' tr, IIh.. IO Nat NIHâ€. true A.†D. Inn‘- Iknu Blmrulta, in “NI. a. " “‘16- - Ont-In: rm. T. Mn tht., “In!“ Tomato momma“! What-I. amaém'uf Gilt. TXI "eh'lll"l"hd'l'l'l, Plum]. "u, Keno. bill". Mandamus. [Rwanda-0y. W33"! "lt. -00» 'ii D lliAlTH RESTOR ClE"aEe,atigaigt con. 'ttNO A Ono-nu. TORONTO is so well known it t,tgtL't quires advertising. Every dy in the Und knows in "he. Q5eaufifiere FRECKLES FRECKLE DESTROYER FRECKLES A. J. TRrMl,Chetnlat, Bott. PER BOTTLE Toronto. " LIMITED ladam larqund's Simply send your addreu and we will forward wirkn pout- id. When sold, send the Krem- and we willund knife, with all charges paid. Address, Com loveltv 00..1'oronto. Ont. We give this fine 4-Blade Pearl Handle KNIFE tor selling6 Ladies'Goid Plate Shirt Waist B E A U T Y PINS at " cents each. " luvuhbl “on... 100,. Anmnl sum of Collar. Etta.. r)totruttr, " (treel. ry‘rlok by 30, 40, so & 60c. to “than. COMM" 5 av “penny m0 “In aa. D" :4