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Durham Review (1897), 18 May 1899, p. 1

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1JmVErril 3 M tttsttrs" IATOR LAWN GRASP“ Tt KIT. (iii. North. “In“! ions EH. and Celery. t.NO ses, tr, &c " Midnight '-"""ta. " SEEDS MW. TURN/P " tit Seeds W W ill W w W ilt u, it) " ‘o-xprewimr thair high appreciation ot' the faithful services of then Pastov over I period at fifteen years. and regretting -. he severance of the tie. The Hunting devotion of Mrs. Crozier in the several .lepartments of church Work was also acknowledged." Notwithstanding these "t'ttrttt expressions at attachment, Mr. :'roaiet' pressed his resignation. which was accepted by the Presbytery. to take effect on the third day of July- "he completion of A Mteen yesrs' pas? torate." Mr, Cmier has still my‘ friends in ligament where for 10 yes"! 'he did pioneer work. CCI To “new" Asn Mom-st. FARM. -Ar. to he a mum-menu have heel made to run a nine d "rooster excursion t: Guelph and the from t Model Farm on June 21. The fare frr In conntr] Durham. Varne.r, Hanover and Neura- pletely, tadt hath}. from Holstein. Mt. Forest, other I Aytott and Aleeltlt a». t‘hildren "tOnce ot tlllmintsHk. Tickets good to return D. L. nu 23ml. Lunch is provided on theta-0mm farm. l'Ixcursionists go hy t'esrttlar'ence ht; morning trains. The energetic Sec‘yjm-io. h. “I: Geo. Binnie and Press. Mr. “'ttl.'AR,-ic‘] Young have the matter in hunt], and ', tvre kit: they will make every arrangement for I the RM. " successful and 'rrotitahle days outing. icertainl Rev. Ms. Crozier. Gtutvl Valley and;adding Ninth Luther resigned his charges istorage lately. Lust Week'stlrangeville Preshy- added, wry accepted very reluctantly Mr.;'any wen l'rotier's t'es'.mtattott, us delegations How 38 1 from both congregations were present), lure tal "exprewiuu their high appreciation of!' kept on the faithful services of the" pastor over I to Otta ”RATIFYISH IMvuovr.o:.vr. "My face mu covered with pimples um; him-kheads when l lit-gun taking Hood's Sarmlmrilln. but after the use of this medicine n short time I was entirely Mind. I cannot recommend it too highly sinn- it has done am much for me.” May Ryan. North tit. Oungah, 'ontario. Ham‘s PILLS are prnmpt and efficient vuauy to take, may to operate. Ptunsu an m) rlunxu. . _ Last weekh palm-H tell of u "ovum adopted in Quebec province tn tight the enter- plllur pent A llmmm ('atlmlic rial-gy- man and 150 of his followers matched tlrrouinthe infected tliutrirtn praying for deliverance, " each "ne had as) prayed as they prayed it would have been a tine exmuple of faith and works. and Wouldn't, have detracted from the ammo-v of the prayers. Tn E TENT Cu'rortra.stt,-The m use: of this peat are widely in "vldenee thi- vear. again. andwa seen" to he no rmnwdy except spraying. Mr. John ”nudism. Heutitsck, mfnrmu us that News he sprayed but year are free or almost hee frmu the pests. and this, should he vlu'uurugeuwnt l0 tro into it cxlemivrlv. "hr on the I'aterpilhus hm been go- ing on for two weeks back. Whether the frost will assist in then destruction we do not know. but hope no. Though the fruit rrop is likely to be slim no pains should be spared to keep down the pent, hy spraying or otherwise. Fun: Faun-ms. Chief Tottyoithe Fire Bridudr infurms us that. already these nuisance, are appearing in the hands of the boys in the slreelu In the damn-r of property, r mummy; etc The Chief emu-ct C,ouucil and Citizens to hack him up in an attempt to compel! he huyu to Ko In "tUlu urlmck ytsrd) for this fun if they must have it I Mr. James Dillon one of the pinueel’n "t Glenelg died nu Sulurda) lust and Was Inuiml nu Mumluy in the lt. C. "eluelt-Iy. 1hchurdville. He “as in his 7m. year and was greatly respeeted. number ufnld Glenelg Ineighlmn hum the 2nd (Yum-HMO" attendant he funeral. Hi,, aged Wife am wives him, Allan-Day in l’wlmersltm was kept free {rum business. the More: being Plowman“! tree planting indulged in. This luwn wan Mn wrapped up in its Hy-luw that scant allrntiun WAS paid to 'lteday here. Our public schmnl Mun olrsorvvd it, Hy advertisement in this issue The Durham Furniture Co. Limited, it will he been, culls their first meeting (m Mon. day evening next. Let there he a full attertdance. addresn on this continent up till Jan. l, 1900. Send it to your friend. ONLY 10 Crs.--Any tronpnmrs your way? (in a set. of cards Prohibiting Fishing and hunting. In stock at the ,nEvrew omce. Only 10 cents,." Fulani Fmm---Alwayt, on hand at the residence of Miles Wilson, Lower town. Guavanted gum]. became- kept in a refrigerator. Salmon 7 as u lb. I .Wcentn will take Till-3 REVIEW than)" addrenn on this continent um till Jan, I Lucas, wright and Batson.- At Dur- ham ottice Mondays and ('mn-l Days. Division Court ttteett, here on Thurs- day 'A5th Inst. M r. J ' Local and District News. The Review t‘sssu‘“~ss@ Lucas, Wright and Batson. / p““““““““ VOL. ls th kinds . _ teview a»; ="-"rr-"--- the place to get all ds of Printing. N0. 20 ws ' ' _ l At “Hr-f Agric'l College, Guelph. Mr. Mcin-, tyre kindly to showed us around," and the sample of his butter we tested was certainly of the best. Improvements” adding to the "mcieucy of the cold) storage room, have this yea! been! added, enabling the temperature in; any Weather to he kept down to or Ire. low 38 degrees. A record of 't,,e,'Y,',',"',: tupe taken n. tit. and p. m. has to be: kept on govermuent blanks and sent", in: Ottawa monthly, for the best or) most uniform record a prize is given. ‘ 'Othcr improvements made, or in con- templation, are some new vats, and idle placing of tanks instead of cans on the route wagons. The first day's [ intake last Thursday was over a5001tm.. hut as more routes are now added and 5 more cream will soon he available a i very much larger make is assured. 1 We congratulote the ttrm on the pros- l pect ot s successful season. and slso ' eontrratulate the country on having 1 such . useful indium-y in their Ildst. ' ant-9 of the uhliging hutter-umker. Mr. D. L. McIntyre. whose home is at ('rmswell. Mich., but whose experi- enrehas, lwen chiefly gained in Ont. ario. he living a graduate of Ontario dehted to Dr. Gun of the observatory here for the fort-going titptres. Three.. quartets of an inch "my sound “null. but thatdvpth oi-er an more would till a cistern 15 ft. square and 12 ft. deep. THE McKr:tacsue CRIAXERYriTlIlS institution. as nmny of our farmer. readers will know. comtuenced oper- Frtorrr.- This section was visited by sharp fronts on Sunday and Monday last. On Sunday the thermometer dropped to 26degreus, 6 below fleeting point, while on Monday morning it was 7 degrees below. Needless to my this is u serious check to vegetation and in many cases will cause, a emuplete fail- ure of fruit for which there want abun- promise. Tender garden Muff of course. was cut down. RAIN! Since the ahove was written nature has redeemed her. self and given u numb copious vain with a promise of warm weather following which will mitigate the effects of the. frost. in PA hours there fell .78. or over 'l of an inch of min “n. m... I.., i 3.! t'anmliau patriotism. to rouse enthu- , Siam: foeand attachment to tbttt' World _ wide Empire. To point. out the prin. ‘ ciplers of justice and truth which have ' generally (though not always) guided British Empire builders. To call at. tention to thew builders, their success- es, their mistakes. their work. To lmake the boys and girls feel they are. a part of this empire, have or will have a share in carrying it on; to hoist the school Union Jack-to: of course every 'school and room has otte---atul if it can I the greeted with three cheers, or Rule! Britannia. or God Save the Queen, it!, will only be tepeating what millions have done. and got inspiration Ivy tin-i ing. We hope our teachers will spine. a little time in the crush of preparation for oxamlnut ion to "opropriatelyauark the passing of the day, ttrst observed on the eve of the tl0th hirthday of the hth queen that ever lived. EMPIRE l).u'.~Next 'i'uesuny is Ent. pire Day. A day intended to stimulate Ar'rr:siry:" 1scrr.sutarutcu. _ IASt week five wus placed inside the window of Triml-Iv'n millinery mum, Flesh-r- ton, with the pluin pmpmeof destruc- tion. Fun-taint. and a few other small articles were all that. suffered Irefoee tliseoveeeu. We have not, at date of writing heard whether. the "list-remit lmu been disvoveved, i I Vm.l:s1'mcnu Ansxnnx. The 3M. Battalion is ordered into can” at, Niagara on June 6. No. 4 (humanly is rallwsted to ussemhle M the Drill tihed fur pron-lim- nn Saturday evening. May 20th. Hy order, A. GAlJmAlTH, I'rupraitt, I Hm Tuna trtrLv, Boy. ---- Mute-r Arthur Allan is the sun of his father. He caught I trout 0n Saturday 15 inches long and weighing 1 lb. 2 b2. and with one oyv um! The wounded "ne in recovering nicely. AT Ctra'rrovowrrr.--The Lime Juice Stock Ihr. held forth in Chatsworth on Friday night last. The audience was not buqte but they were well pie-used with the entertainment. In Paisley the council Was petitioned " tn repeal their cow hy-law. but u fauna ter petitioned was stranger and it has C to be retained. I k - --- -----.-_, "-u-'-r--e--e-----e-----P-e-ee"ee, Tara girls are forming a lime-hall] w. s. Hotshurgh, Issuer nf Marriage team far the summer. iLiremws, Holstein, Ont. 1 . ' The population of Owrn Sound is .._ . . .. it "ved u n [he woMs "(pulse Ill' po ’3‘)?» The "city" is not tar off. Hood's Snrmparllln by those yb) haves . takenit proveth" meritofthe medicine.,' THAT Doo.-Just m: wen if you ab . . ' tend tn the matter of tags at once. In Paislev the council wart Dentin-uni I in PA hours theve fell .78. or of an inch of ruin. We are in. I BURGLARY IN LOWER Tows., Be. (tween Tuesday night and “'minesduy morning the stores of A. McLachlah and Wm. Black were forcibly entered and money and other articles removed. McLachlah'g fine cash register was wrenched open. and all the cash-ex. ‘cept the coppers-extracted. As it happens the cash in both stores was ittkikruticant, not amounting to a. dollar, butasum of about 85 left over night In McLachlan's by Mr. L, Elvidge. dig. appeared. Some goods were taken from both stores. r. Black missing 'itt'f,tliayot" No clue so far a obtainnl) e, l [The following item was untitled in. advertently from last week's REVIEW] l A Sl'vassH'L s"rvtres'r.--Lmrt, Fri- "la.v's Tun-unto papers had the results in full of the exttminutious at tho Schnnl ior Practical Science. We are pleased 'to notice that Mr. Arthur Laidlaw has come through musl. ctedirahly, even though, as the repurt says, "some l mourn u total plucking. There were 75 'candidates in all and only 10 of the 27 who passed got through without " 'rrtppletuotavy" Arthur being one. In the subject of Electricity. wlm-h he will pursue further next year. he takes second place, and in neavlv all the branches his name m well to the frunt. We coturratttlate our ynung lownsluun an his success." and predict for him a brilliMIt scientific career. ,7 "HANGKD LA"et.--we have acuity gonna-ted nur Mullins: sheet ttp-to-date. i and Milk as n favor that all snlwcl'iln-rs ‘notivinsz any error nr omission will 'kindly let us know and it will he vecti. _fied. There uro- quite n numhm' who .haw- allowed the year to slip round :willmut a. remit.tnnre. These we now funk respectfully to rememhee that [ sum" duty at onceand ttr'eatl.vohlige us. A Smusa Cott.wrRT.-Ltt<t, Saturday we had the pleasure of a m-mile drive through Glam-lg. and have seldom seen the country looking better at at similar Mu) date. We hope the fronts since have not greatly injured the prospect. We are indehted to Mr. John A. Black for the heat. afforded by the drive he- hind his swift. grey volt, which with proper training might rem-h his sire"; record of 2.15. PrtRcAvTtoss.--The hunk authorities here have Mr. w. B. Valle" employed in making such 'tt't'anCetttertts to the hank premises as will prevent the possibility of "holding up" the ths at night. Windows are to ho strenglhpnml and next week an etmuent burglar alarm is to be placed on the premises. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon from nem- Chestey, visited their daughttw Mrs. John A. Black and Glenelg friends ovet' the week end. Miss K. McKinnon ar- omnpanied them and will roman: " week or two Mount, Forest Council and Chief of Police are gning to stop the tt gcorcher." The using of lwll~ (m bicycles and at night, lanterns, will he insisted on. Rev. Chas. and Mrs. Cameron mum home from 'l‘omnto on SutlIl-tlny. Miss Maggie Cameron is also home, we regret to my notiu good health. Rev. Mr. Garvev, of Hun-war, u very aged tutpetrtttuttntml minister, pt'eached in the Methodist church mnrning and evening last Sabin-uh 1'hffomi is pl'l'pulllH: fur a First of} July celetuuution. Durham has nul' .A POLL STOCK. .of in“ spent all its o'lwrgies (m the hy-Iuw {dries on hand; .Repairing one welmpv. .on shortest notice. Blavkslllllh Guthrie trelieves in light and lots of it, so has had Mr. John Byron pm thvee skylighls in the roof of Ink shop. Miss E, McFurhuw came home last Fl May from a viiit. (if sow-ml weeks to friends in Bramford and elsewhere Mr. Jas. Canon. formerly with J. t J. Hunter. And latterly of Hamilton ennu- home lax: Thursday an a visit. Mr. Chas. Ryan came up from Mount, Forest Saturday night, mad Mpent, Run. day at. home here, returning Monday. wooL.-The ttemand for Caundian wool is this your sum", and prices are likely to range low. Tm: REVIEW and weekly (Robe till Jnnunry I. 1900 for 31.00. Tm; annzw and Weekry Mail to unnu- date. 'thr. tend to the "mm of tags at one}. Purim: indebted to the Earl." of Jas. Barnet we invited to call and settle. Mr. H. D. Legate. Ceylon. visited ftiendt, in Durham Friday and Sntnniay last. . DURHAM, Tmriiiihrriiiiirii' 1899 tt jiiilttiittt. I‘hiof of REVIEW romlm will confer n tutor ovcher." I mentionimt--whrn occasion offers-our 4 and at 'ntfc-r of THE REVIEW from now till I on. Dectunber IM, It“) for only 50 con“. un new! huts-rutu.r:.--It mttyhe come mn-nl-tion Pi' Mrs. in) those who have been trying in vain mls over to convince theiverrunt noighlmrs that. mon aw- the 19th century will and Dec.8tut, 1000. l, n a week (not, nee. "dist, 1800. to know that their” 1 fot'efathem, in other centuries have had l :the some clit'fir'ulty. Scraps from the lay 'the ', perlmliml literature of the your 1800 or nd to go gtlwmmtmntn are occasionly brought to nd staff I light. which show that ehe widen-res of V‘s 80th {that le ,diecurred tl"'. question M (Jammy and private hands to Loan on Rom“ u love " run of ham“. Valuation- mm by a compact: "Id eagarftt1 anustor. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Villa. Deeds, Manual”. Leann. Agreements. ac. correctly “prepared. 1-33th at acre-nod person. look after. and Exoeutonp and Ad- tuittitstratora' Accnnnts prepared and [mm]. Burrogato Conn Baum-u. Prohato of Willa. has" of Admiuintmtiori mud It"age,,it' Chained. Sancho- mudein Registry o co sud Titian reported on. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. noun" PUBLIC, convcnuctl, do 0mee- -LOWER TOWN. DURHA'. OFFH'E FIRST DOOR EAST CF - the Dun-hum PhnI-nmcy Calder's Block. Result-m1- first dom. wnst of the Post, Office, Durham. On Saturday may the 6th in the vicinity of' Abodeen or on the way to Crawford and Lamlash a purse con- taininga small sum of money and a note. Any one finding this purse will confer a favor by leaving it at the lirrrryt: 361%..“ The purse bears the name of Hugh Firth in; ir. Durham. May 17, Q The first General Meeting of J the shareholders of the Durham lFurniture Company, Limited, !for the purpose of organizing [the Company, appointing Dir- ectors, adopting By- laws, etc., for the commencement of busi- ness, will be held at the Town Hall, Durham, on Monday. 22 of May next, at the hour of ii) p. m. By order. All invited. Mlllllll Mlllllllil WY. Milli), ' warmly and ahant out wisely!” those of Ithe present day. One rhymer puts the omnnmn-wnne vivwrathor neatly. Wrtt- ing on the warning of January mum he says: l’I-m-visely at, twelve o'clock last night. The eighteenth walnut-y took its flight. Full many 'Ut ant-hing head Hm: rucked it! brain. its ink has shed To prnvv by metaphysics fine Thtttont, hundrt-d means but ninot y-nino While others at, such wisdom: wondered, And took one mare to make a hundred ----, o . o .4... DENTISTRY. Dr. T. C. HOST L. D. s. Mr.Thos. Milligan has hem] passing through a severe "miction lately. but, we ape glad to say is Imw rm-uvnring. We hope sum: tosee him amuml. Rev. Gnrdur-Smith will ",;eurfTiii, Presbyterian pulpit. next Sunday. me Amman 1V's WIN]! Bicycle llig "ESE ! lht is il 6000 Ile! 'llllltilllallligtip. DURHAM FURNITURE CO. A bicycle with poor bearings and poor tires. . LEFROY McCAUL. What is a Poor The wurld's “11%th Bicycle the " Clevehudi." The .. Dunlap" m- BICYCLE? PURSE LOST new .. Ball and Roller." . LAIDLAW (Limited.) Graham." Bell, ptherty, Thomas am SEWING MACHINES. Hams Sewing [whines Ind apples. W-oo.- Palmerston Buggies. Bearing " Ideal " and " Pony " Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Ri, Wilkingpn Plough s, number CULTIVATING. Coulter & Scott Drills and We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : everything for Farmers f Dul'luuu. Aug. "t In. '96 l to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words "Wm each piece. Wilkinson Famous Caltivatdrs, ”lingo-11nd Spade Ila: rows, seuttietns, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Harrmvs. "Large Sales & Small Profits." Factory Suits We take this opportunity of ahanking our customers for past patronage, and we are zonvinced that the new system #7111 merit a continuance of the same. HARVESTING. V O "-----f P"""----, A Size , Upper To". Dal-hum. Ieal ,, and " Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, ties. Buggies from Campbell of London. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash .eVstem, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be We bet tpfntppm our Custom- Cash system won't take much moneytsay from $4.00 upwards. sigFit, 3')- iitWcf. the words " Wmrussos Plum" COMPANY " is cast on Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. And suit yourself so come at GRANTS. n m Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. IT!..?.?:,, A large stock of New Raymond and Wil. 33, 34 and ADOPTED BY tJ. McKechnie. ‘. L. GRANT " G. & J. McKECHNIE. Cement Work Suits, Every Day Suits, Sunday Suits, and TORONTO " _. MCKINNOI. The Review a WHOLE N 0. 1105. Has Telephone connec- tion. Call up No. 6. :53 Q t: M

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