FAa'HIUN AND Foon Muir I w: I incumbrnn. any! h b an h M I IT-BITS. " II l iptop a damn wu -t, Mr. Uoodhem us to you: daugh- l IN Dbl-IX CHANGE. s so tight [could- " e so much utm- tenuous, why d. My my her with " her any " -tLrry LAT10MI nut . to trave relations won! JD on. un tsgainat _ the crnit Tami“, " k lit. 1 tho salt the and. n n't. “0.. the! on will uuickly. MER. tn was ml 31.!†men, it mow" It u LB. M up“. hat :3. ad 2 r tool" ntieh hat “no II. i! thin t be ursg or " t but bl: “a The Wm. Cory and the Rickett Smith Co:1 companies, of London. Eng., have Cnm’dnvd, and now “antral practically the entire coal; supply of London. t n is expecLed in London that Sir Juli-n Pauneefote, Brinsh Amballador to the United States, will be raised to the peerage May 2411.. 1.. u spvech, Lord Rosebery censured dbl Radical members of the House of Ch mmons who oppared the grant to Gen. Lord Kitchener. _ Lord Charles Beresford', book, "The Bunk-up of China," deals minutely M'h -h.u country's political and com- mer ciul questions. tico ch itoumasters have advanced the w"gt", of their employes " per cent. British impors in April were E889,694 leg: (Inn in April, 1858, while the ex- ports were £1,961,485 more. The remaining Phoenix Park mur- derers, now in prison. will be liberated on the Queen's Birthday. Tlte Prince of Wales will receive the freedom of Edinburgh on July 6th. Lord Curzon has been in ill-health ever since he went to India. 1m Amalgamated Bunilzon Blast Funnee t‘umpany and Untario Rolling lels' Company will apply for q, chum-r a: once under the name of Th" Huniltou Steel & Iron Co. In clpnul will be $2,000,W. and it will m-cs A steel plant by October in the vieimisy of the smelting works. GREAT BRITAIN. Lord Rosebery has denied that he m1: rc-enter polities. There is another crusade jn London ugnnst the re-marriage of divoreesa. Ir {Hurt} (nylon and Alexandria Bay and Montreal will not be continued YUM 3641'. The Richelieu Co. will in xevuin withdraw its boats from .tho blinds. 1m Amalgamated Bunilzon Blast Funnee t‘umpany and Untario Rolling lels' Compiny will apply for a er Richelieu & Ontario Navigation lirwl company, by which competition to. has made an agreement with the A mat. of regimental strike is on mung the men od No. If Company ot Hm Prince of Wuloa' Fashion, of Mnm'aal. The men were not attend- 4.4 t, iii, and Col. Cook issued thirty annual: [1383 against them. AS a con- "llilcc, there is great dissatiatae- the: C. P. It. has ordered (or immedi- no use, 50 miles of loo-lb. rails, to be laid on a portion of their line be- tween Montreal and Ottawa. The nil. are the standard section of the American Society of Civil Eat- gamers. 'l'ln- Hudson Bay Company posts In 1lirr Hum-mun and northern uistricls. â€winding Peace River and Athabazca â€Ailing, have been amalgamated, and Mr. Lnuck, appointed manager there- " with headquarters at Edmon- tun. The contract for permanent bridges tr be built on tho 0. P. B. e." of Winnipeg, preliminary to double- tl wkiug the line, have been let to u m. Unison. ot Rat Portage. m maidens in thirteen foundries inw p me out on strike in Montreal, mi (will the present sentiment of mush-r5 and men it looks like the be- ginumg ot a long, stubborn tight. A luxnulo syndicate is laid to have viitred rol75,rOo for the two plants of lhe 5: Hyacinthe Hydraulic Power, & llw‘uic Light Company, and the >1. llyavinthe Gas Works Company, "ud will opernte both works. Queen Victoria returned from her any itt Cimiea to Windsor on Ftiday. Her M Jody was delayed one day at Cherbourtr by rough weather on the Lnxlistt channel. Within the past week there have been shipped from the fish hatcheries at Ott :wn. t,380,000 try to the different KAREN and fishing resorts throughout the pmvince. The new contractors for printing In minion notes have delivered to the Glsettuneatt 1,134,000 sheet: of .8! tae um and 312.000 sheets of " notes alum: Aug., 1897. J H Juuusun, a London pattern tit- lei, numeral a matrimonial ad., and ku " Detroit widow, worth $60,000 fr: In 58 competitors. . l no Calgary by-law to borrow 890,- mm to enable the city to own and upcmto at >ystem of waterworks was LAHie'Il by 11 large majority. The Alumna! police are carrying on u tlewiururcti campaign against gambl- In; The police say they intend shut- t.u,.: up all the gambling places in the xha- Montreal Licensed Victuallers' A».~uc1.uon wishes the Dominion Gov- uumcm to reduce the duties on spir- its and. wines. . lb.- iu-ge.t. estimato at the Klon- ddr. g id yield this season range: from (“wind tu twenty millions. A pirty o{ delegates trom Kansas, Mi m:u"i and Iowa has arrived in iviriuipeg to spy out the land. '. An important. find of coal, said to be no ' ' .iu‘ umcite. has been made at Car- Tpan Evil“, 50 miles from Victoria, Preliminary operations on the up luxgvmnug of the outlet of Lake Man- itulm have fiirgun. _ _ 1trantford Free Library Board whip-1 to buy the Fim Presbyterian Chuzcb tor ita gunmen 3.111.le City Council declines pay ttr, promised '400 for the ty "Ocean to Ocean." Montreal will ask tho Dominion Goverarrvent to pass a law ugainat the sale of diseased meat, Thu 13m band of Hamilton will pm 1ny be engaged for the Winnipeg .~uruu1ur exhibition in July. Pinata Icons in Hamilton's Hospi- tal have been advanced to 'ttand " per wvehr. . Twelve guards, over the use limit, "a to be retired from Kingston Peni- mummy. S. M. Brookfield has scoured the our (' 'Ct tor the new Bantu barracks " £350,000. CANADA. _ Seeding In late in Manitoba. Chatham's assessment is $3,556,623. Hamilton will tax the Hamilton Ths. mmry $2,500 a isar for 10 years. The work on tho Sonlancou can“ win not be completed for song weeks. 'ews Summary. 4llt Recent Happening: BrUfty Told, ing the Baptist Tabernacle ot which he is the pastor. Dr. w. H. Wiley. ChieLChemist of the United States Department of Agri- culture, at]: that fully 90 per cent. The Rev. Dr. L. G. Broughtâ€. of Atlanta, thc, has been most out- spoken in his denunciation of the lynchings which have occurred in that State. The whites resented his words and took revenge-319011 him trr, wet ihe President of the United States has amended the tariff and port rogu- iutions of Cuba and Porto Rico. ad- mitting butter, oleamargarino and vit- rified brick at reduced duty and tr laxing the navigation regulltionl. The President of the United States has amended the tariff and port regu- lations of Cuba and Porto Rico, ad- mining batter, oleomargarine and vitrified brick at reduced duty and re- laxing the navigation regulations. J. W. McAndrews, at one time one of the best known! minislrels in the country. known as "Haverly 5 original watermelon man," has been commit- ted to the insane asylum at Elgin. IL. Capt. 'ihuuus, of the simmer Goya. arrived on Friday in New York, at- ler att lti-utonths' voyage on an Ant- arctic expedition. He had never heard of the war with Spain. Laurence Duffy, 70 years old, of Neu York, died suddenly on Friday, after smoking a pipe of tobacco. from tlw effects of a cancer formed on his lip thruugh excessive smoking, “WW"-.. ... “u. H... "w. i The famous asbestos mine at Sun Mountain, in V» bite County, Ga., has been sold for $300,000 lo Bancroft & keuuick, mining engineers, of London. A consolidation of the peanut indus: try of the United States under the control of a single .company, with a c:Utital of $50,000,000. is about to be (aimed. Another beer brewers' crombinitiou,' is In process for formation. The new company will take in all the largd breweries in New York city. 's, President Minnley iltats handed over the Fd0,000,0thl to M. Cambon, the French Ambassador, to be given to Spain for the Philippines. A 1ho combination in steel interests, said tu have been effected in New York, will have aeapVal of somathing like *500,000,000. . Nearly the whole male population of Wallace, Idaho, has been arrested by United States troops in connection with the recent riots. The forthcoming wedding of Mn. George W. Childs and General Wheeler is furnishing gossip for \\'ashiugton society. . As a result of a demand for an add vunce In wages, the glucose sugar to- fining works at Peoria, ills., have been closed. It is expected at Washinéton that President McKinley will call rape- cial session of Congress early in Octo- her. Mrs. Wm. c. Whitney, wife of the former United Stales Secretary of the Navy, died Saturday. Two thieves held up and robbed a police captain in a sleeping car at a depot in Boston. One is in jail. A coroner's Jury has found that the recent Andrews fire in New York was accidental. A tornado caused great destruction in Southern Oklahomo. Several peopw were killed. and women patronize the stage." (Cries of b'hame.") In fact, he was bound to any. that he felt the need of a Beth. ond relormution. A Lord and Lady Warwick Co., Ltd., theI Earl of Pvosslya, it is rpported. wiiij ttoat the Rosalyn estate as a limited: liability company. i lui. Mr. Howie. speaking in Exeter, Hm, London, upon inuewnt pictures: and Publiuatious, said the literature' ot) tw-day was bad, but the advertise-‘ meats were worse. The stage is the Worst offender. Its pictures are hor-l ribly suggestive and indecent, and 111-? duos fast living; yet Christian men} Following the example of the Earl and L'ounmss of " urwwk, who re- cently converted their properties into Lord and Lady Warwick Uo.. Ltd.. the _ The betrothul ot Princess Margaret o_f Connaught to Prince Frederick Wil- liam, son of Prince Albert of Prus- sia, in announced. The Princess is IT, the eldusL daughter of the Duke of r'yuuaupt, the third son of Queen Victoria. A bicycle funeral took place In Folkesaroiie Sunday. The undertaker carried the coffin, containing the body ot a baby, Strapped to the hantllt- burs at his wheel. The mourners tol- lowed on bicycles. During last year 1,013 hauler ty.t_Ut, were lost in transit betikeeu the United Mates. Canaqta and England, out of a total of 478,695 head, compared with 5,271 lost out of 94,640 in transit from Argentina. Mulctt, O'Hanlon and Fitzharris. the three men in prison ona life sentence for cumplicity in. the Phoenix Park murders, will probably " pardoned on the Queen's birthday. Thu London Daily Mail his _oflered tn n'lnn» .., A.†' . against Sunday papers. The Colonial Office declare: that than: is no foundation for the state- ments that the probabilities of War with the Transvaal have been 5gp- ously regarded by the Government. 'C" --"trqc Thu London Daily Mail has offered, to stop its Sunday issue provided tlte Daily Telegraph will do the same. Tm? is the outcom? of the crusade vuuxuon m Persia, and that 3 British Euuboat has been sent to the Per.. tsian Gulf. ' .... Sir William Reyna“ Anson! warden ot All Soula'CoUege. Oxford, IE to sue. ceed Sir John Mowbray in the seat in the House ot Commons for Oxford Univenity. ,_ M U N ITED STATES. Mules and do“ bud been tho :01. diet at tin men for mks put when tho mail can-hr left. Govern-ell Allied to Send Immediate Re. ller to 200 "ttritt Wen. A deapateh' from Victoria, B.C..eaye: -Mdil Cartier Alex. B. Brinale has made twiloua trip from the Stickine river to urge the Dominion and Pro- vinciel Government: to lend Immedi- ate relief to upwards of 200 men who are_ftusintr sternum on the Alhcrott W. S. Joan. or Km~lnml,a Bern-Ilen- In ""' Extcttt ot 13hâ€). A despatch from Rowland, B.C., says: -w. S. Jones, collector of internal re- venue, is a defaulter, and has left the country. Inspector Millar and Gill are here from 1'amu.mver Investigating the matter. Jones has been absent from Rossland, for about a mouth, but it was understood that he would return. The amount taken will he about 81,000 says the inspectors. Jones' where- abouts is not known to the authorities. The Jul-l "in. Con-Inhale. WI" Probably Abandon ttte .tteettrut Flu-d for Aunt“. A despaich from Washington says t-- All hope of reconvening the Joint American-Canadian Commission in Au- gust has been abandoned. The confer- ence adjourned after having made good headway, in it was thought at the time, towards the drafting of an agree- (idili, owing to an unexpected and in- aurmountarle obstacle in the shape of the lumber. and boundary questions, lhe joint conference adjourned to; meetin August, with} the understand-1‘ ing that meantime the Government“ of the two countries would test pub- lic sentiment. L. was also hoped that some of the difficulties that had pre- sented themselves in the way of mn- sented thcure.elvtrs in the way of a Conculsion of the work of the confer- ence might in the interim be remov- ed by diplomatic negotiations. It his no“ been demonstrated, however, th-It the temper of neither aid:- has yielded sufficiently to warrant the ex- pectation of any successful result at- tending the re0ouveulrur of the, com- mission. it is said thtt the United States commissioners are thoroughly discouraged at the time-consuming; manner in which various propositions} that have been put forward are bandied I back and forth between London and[ Ottawa. l l A severe epidemic of influenza is :Drevailing at Simlu. Lord and Lady iCurzou of Kedleston were attacked. but are convalescent. i Ther'efis an extraordinary increase jot infariticide in Germany. N.o. less sthan 82 bodies of new-born chiidren 1have been found in the Rhine within a few days. l, The sealing steamer Hope is under- ‘goiug repairs at St. Jthlh’s. Nfld., bs- fore proceeding northward with the e!- I pedition for the relief of Lieut. Pear)’. ( the Arctic explorer. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, is su- Ing his father-in-law. the Duke at Par- mfi, for refusing since the death of the farmer's wife, to pay the annuity fixed In the marriage contract. The German press is discussing the proposal of a, militant, clergyman. who urges that Gtsrmany's answer to the powers that humiliated her in Samoa should be the building within three years of 40 new wsrships. . British residents at Lagos, West 'At- rice, are suing Bishop Tugwell, Angli- can Bishop of Jilguatorial Africa, for having stated that 75 per cent. of the deaths of Europeans on the coast of Africa were due to drunkenness. Over 10,000 textile workers are on strike at Brunn to enforce their de- mand for a ten hour day. The Sultan will pay $100,000 for 108595 sustained by Amerioaavrin Turkey dur- ing the Armenian massacres in 1895. A caravan under two Europeans hail been plundered in Nyaasaland, Arman. and 50 porters killed. The Uganda railway has re'ached the 800 mile post of the total dlstanoe to Lake Victoria Nranza. The valet ist the Earl of Strathmore, while bathing near Monte Carlo, was devoured by a. ahuk. Stevedores at Havana have struck for an'advance in wages to $3 a dar, instead of $2.50. Sweden will spend $3,537,600 to in)- prdie her navy. Fresh aggressions by Ruaaia on Per- tia, are reported. The Belgian coal miners' strike is about to collapse. A Chilian warship has been wrecked in the Straits of Magellan. A German paper says that France is inclined to aid the Filininos. The colored people of the United States will set apart Friday, June 2, as a. day of fasting and prayer and devote the sunrise hour of the fol- lowing Sunday, June 4,, to special ex- arises in order that "God the' Father of Menzies. m1y take our deplorable case in His own hands, and that if 'l,t/yrtyyse is t9 be meted out, let God Hiiséli 1e53,." At Erie, Pa., on Friday, Ed. Barty. {Young business man, got up from the dituith table, and, after kissing his two little children. walked into an ad- jOIning room and shot himself through the bend, dying almost instantly. Nor.. tnut Bates; seeing an account. in the evening paper of his friend Harty'a dgath. went to his own room and shot himself though the heart. pf the artioloa of food and drink manu- factured in that country are frauds. All kinds of dairy provisions, as well " hunt-Iv #...rw-- ---i-s, " .. DYING 0N ASHCROFT TRAIL. His, 'ti' " Ell u â€an; J§e;;-;;rrety of cundxmodmls- i"eluding coffee in the berry, are a. u torated. REVENUE COLLECTOR SKIPS. MAY NOT MEET. GENERAL. $9 on Tuesday afternoon. After the usual prayers the Duchess severed a cord and the Tatrisr glided into the wa- iter amidst vociferous cheering. The mane attending the launching was one of the gayest imaginable. The docks, the neighboring buildings and all the vessels in the harbor were elaborately decked with flags sud bunting. Among the spectators were many naval end military officers and members of the civil government in uniform or in their the yards, end the [restest enthusiasm robes of attics. There were an enor- mous concourseot people in end about} was mnltested. lurks» " York ArtoG the Stanly ship Int I II"- Walt-r A may serge. A despatch from London. says-The Duchess of York, accompanied by the Duke of Connaught, Mr. George J. Go-rchen, First Lord of ‘he Admiralty, and others, launched the new royal ,aehcVietoria and Albert at Pembroke The new "pub:," if one may be al- lowed to thu; slyle u stat-s monoply, are to be run by ladies. The grog is to be served in "iny" 11.1gons, eachnno of uhich is se sled and stamped by the Slttle. No one is to obtain more than one drink at each tavern, and O,Lit- terest drop of all! any one who shows the least sign of intoxication is to be pitilessly refused. wayside have Men summarily closed, and 5,000 "ti ,uu" saloon," have helm opened in their steal For the new "pubs" of tit. 'Pnuvrs- burg are very sober affairs indeed; :om: 2rr,000 goal all rtrrimtrks of the ll " rein-dun "en-after on, One Drink In n 'ittiotrn Will he Allowed. ’ The erratic footsteps of the wander.. ing "taper" are to be seen no more-. in St. Petershurg, at all events. Hither. to, one who had strength enough of limb to support his overthirsty body might be supplied with drink, 'provid- ed, of course. such drinks were settled for. But such days are over. T he familiar lurching figure, once web a feature of the streets of the, capilal on the Neva, Wis] have ueparta trl braver. That ufzec .i-rnxtuololure‘ wh ch once tcos >uu'h an indi-_crimiuate dvli,.hn in embracing various lumpposxsi and passersby wili be nipped in the: bud. I ontariofloveriu" Gum-all; Lulu-t the Expert of IA:- try “Ifâ€. n Lumber- Inc-n. Thu Ontario Government has station- ed forest rangers at the mouth of the principal streams flowing into Lake Baron, the Georgian Bay and Parry Soulhi, in order to see that no logs are exported to the United States except those out previously to the prohibition coming into force. The rivera, so watched are the Mississauga. Thessa- lon, White Fish, French, Magnetawan and Sequin. The Grown Lands De- partmnte does not believe that any of the Michigan lumbermen will attempt to export in defiance of the law, but deems it beat to be an the safe side by guarding against such a contin- gency. One of the largest Michigan firms, Eddy Bros. of Bay City, have cut 15,000,000 feet in Ontario limits, during the past winter, and will pro- bably have this all manufactured un- der contract in Ontario. A despatch from Paris tsarr.--Tlt" suicide at Choisy lo Roi, tsix. miles south of Paris, of Dr. Laforpat, a prmn'f inent and wealthy physician, hat causi- ed a sensation. Dr. Laforest was accus- ed of disgraceful conduct, and his ar- rest was impending. He discussed the position with his wife, and they con- cluded that even if he was acquitted he was ruined. The doctor then re- solved' to kill himself. He made his r.illu.b.ad.e farewell to his wife, shut himseli in his bedroom, mpured the cracks of the door and windows and then turned on the gas. For two hours he conversed with his wife through the closed door, and then his voice gradual- ly became feebler and feeblev, until it could not be heard. Madama Latorest then informed the police, who upon en- te.ing the room found Dr. Leforest dead 'row. French Doctor "ethodttuttir Went About the Work at 'hrir-0tmtrqette"t, Several thousands of copies of the circular have been printed, and for- warded to the police authorities in all centres of importance throughout Can- ada and the United Staten, to the var- ious detective agencies, to the. crimin- al departments, of the various prov- inces and States, and. in fact, ‘to every person or official to whom the infor- mation is likely to prove of value, or [he reward an incentive to activity in the search. . ' The circular contains tall descrip- tidgis or tite my men and of tha cloth- ing worn by them at the time of their muinight tinting from the hospitality of Napunee's gaol. 1: gives all infor- mation that might be of assistance in their idwtitioatioa, and offers usub- stantial sum for their arrest. The amounts of the muttered rewards are iffl for either of them and 81,000 for at The Induce-en! Will be one for “the! Pare or Holden. or 01.00. for Both of the III-glare. . A deapatch from Toronto tsara:--" provincial authorities have decided to take another important step in the efforts to recapture Pare and Hold- en. the Napaneo banki burglar! .hnd gaol-breakara. A circular has been ill-l sued from the Attorney General'l dew partment, offering a aubstantinl ‘re- ward for the arrest of either or both of the runaway thieves, and it is" hoped by this means that their ultimate cap- I Lure will be rendered more probable. I 1WEEN'S YACHT LAUNCHED. N0 DRUNKARDS IN RUSSIA. REWARD FOR THEIR CAPTURE. WATCHING THE RIVERS. A DELIBER ATE SUICIDE. Glory or Geld mssroverteis "res- the [kl-en " 'stole-tbeat-te hi. netted. A despalch from San Francisco, says: -The Examiner printa tt ttory regard- ing the new gold discoveries at Point Nemo, in Alalka, which its advices de- chre to exceed in richnee: those of the Klondike. The atrike is on the Snake Rife: and its tributaries. about twenty miles back from Cape Nemo, and 120 miles from St. Michaela. A stampede in expeeted. 9 The result was the dismissal of Petr pina, a sadder and wiser, but not im- poverished woman, her perquisites having been enormous. "'l‘herp'aré Prsypiasa'a.dysa to come out of 1t. Shts always mums on hav- ing, ov_er 59 per cept. fyrmyisaion." a lady in waiting in her stead to buy a gown. The shopkeeper naked 1,000 francs for a plain pique dress, and the lady demurred at the price. The shop- keeper dcelsred that the price was not excessive, suyigg:+ In! Boe- I; “In: " Per Cent. (on-IL»: “an In. Aol Punk-w» for - 'huerrtt. l A despatch from London says-'-An amusing story has been sent lo thei Pall Mall Gazette from its correspond-! em. in Rome. The Queen of Italy had; a trusted maid who did her shoppingf The maid fell jli, and the Queen bent Messages recording the progress of the races will be transmitted from those stations to a. point on the Irish coast in the neighbourhood of Water- ville. The secretary of the Wireless Telegraph Company added that Sir Thouns Lipton and the authorities of the United States and Great Britain had been notified otthe project, and that all had expressed themselves " being intensely interested. The Wlnleu Telegraph (3-me Will Mule the Allen-pl. A despzttch from London, "ya.'--"- cording to a statement wide to the correspondent here of the Associated Press .ou Friday by the Secretary of the Wireless Telegraphy Company, the tint attempt to tunamit trans~ Atlantic messages by the Marconi system will be made during the come: I for the Ametica's cup. Stations will be established at Sandy Hook and else- where along the course laid out for the great yacht race, from which the entire contests will be visible. TO TALK ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. Jew cum “Inâ€! Picked " on the 0.1. I. Track " Eastwood Terribly Injured. A deepetch tram Woodstock, '%rtk-- A Russian Jew. Natein Stem. by name, was brought to Woodswck on an early G.T.R.frtight trein On Thurs- day morning, suffering terrible in- uriee. The man had been picked up by the train hands near Eastwood. where he was found lying by the side ot the track. When taken to the hospital, it was found that his hip and arm were broken, while he was outrw- wise bruised about the head end body. He was also injured intern-telly. und the doctors say that there is not much hope of his recovery. .The man says that he ia a cattle shipper. and that he missed a. train at London on Wednesday night. He intended to go to Monti-eel. end with this purpose he crept into a box our ot a following train. He wee CMNtom- panied by another man. Somewhere along the line be says they were joined by three tramps, who rode with them " for as the Governor's crossing. near Eastwood. Then the tramps fell on him, robbed him arwhaT little money he had, and after stabbing him in the hip, threw him out ot the our. The man's companion could not be found. The doctors do not think from the wound on the hip that the man we: stabbed. , The general opinion. is-that. the f,",',',',,',"),'! has reached the limit of toier- ance 0 00m Paul's diplomacy. ' It'is felt that something must be done to terminate the present unbearable nit- nation. There hare been many enquiries as to why Mr. Chamberlain fixed on the dynamite question instead of raising the whole issue. The reason given in well-informed circles is the dynamite concession makes a good test case, as showing the extreme British xiew at the London convention. Besides, it hit: hard at the pockets of the bdrghers, and especially Krugcr's. It is popularly believed here Kruger profits persunrnl- ly by the dynamite concession. Cer- tain it is Kruger is particularly pug- nacious on the subject. of Commons several weeks ago the negotiations with the Transvaal ite- puhlio had not mched the ultimatum stage. The letter did, however, indi- cate to Kruger in unmistakable terms the Government was seriously in Barn- est in its desire to have the obnoxious concession either revoked or radially modified. There Is no reason to rogaid Joseph Chamberlain's letter to President Kruger as an ultimatum. Mr. Cham- berluin expressly seated in the House A despatoh from London, trartc-Att- other draft at regular troops sailed for Cape Town, Scrutiny. uni other. will sail this week to reinforce the cavalry 't Natal. Jtvjiotrieiau, 'tated than reint.ori%nenti have no bearing on the ,Tranavul crisis. It is interesting lo notbi-hbwever, the transfer of troops to Ca'pe Townyhaa been going'bn stead- fy, (o.r (the but '",trioeuha. Ins Gov- Frnment is evidently dptermined to be on ttteitrtsi.des.. _ i. ." Pr'eéident Kruger; refund to cancel the dynamite concession is likely to to- sut: injengwed discussion in Parlia- menl tluaheesett. , . I. lean-lug on the Ira-"nu (TI-II. in] thr .Irlul-I. MORE REGULARS FOR CAP TOWN. QUEEN'S MAID DISMISSED HITS KRUGER'S POCKET STABBED AND ROBBED. POINT NEMO' NOW. The present guns. though loaded with smokelm powder, still betray their position by the flash and dolom- ation, but the new Allstrilll weapon will be discharged without any that or my report- hours wtttimst it", preciao position] the artillery being about“. t use: With "ae.. “no awn-mun ' “one a you“ I“. ‘A despatch from Sault Ste. Mario. _ Oat., tiars;--Auguat Grant, 22. and resident at the base line. Koro town- ship, voluntarily g;u'e his life on Sat- urday to save that of his little brother. I The boy was (whim,r from a punt in tho River tit. May. when a land trees. threatened to carry uwuy the craft. Young Grunt an“ the danger, and promptly stripped and entered the in. {cold water, at the same time shouting (iryst_ruyiom' to the lad in the punt. He had nearly covered the distance In the punt when cramps seized him. and ‘he went under. Coming again to thc ’surface. he shouted to his {other " iconic to his ha-lp. But before its-int- I Inca reached him he disappeared and“ V the water. how can Tttnt Au-crlu'~ Arum-r: " u Be Armed “In. A despatch from Vienna sars:-Th. new quick-tiring guns with which the entire Austrian artillery in to be arm- ed will be not only smokeless but alu 30inch:- and (hunk-I. rope Appeal“ " “Mb I Mew of Mo.- phu flu-It. A despateh trum London 'sayr--A dospatch from Rome any. that the heads of the religious ordera in tho Philippines have sent an addreu to tho Pope puntnwing' against the atrocities which they â€New the American sol- diers commit on the naliveo. "No-var was there such a brutal war," sayslho address, addintr"hatred of the United States-will live forever in the heart. of the Filipinos." An ueyir might thus_be shelled toe Minneaponis May 12-CIone--Wttetst in sture. No. tNorthern. May, 704-80; July, 711-4 m 713-80; tiesetem_btsr, 687-. to 69e; on trnek. No. 1 hard. 72.1-80; No. 1 Northern, 71 l-8c r No. , Northern, a 580. Flour-First patents. $3.75 a 83.85; second patents, 08.55 to 88.G tint clear, 02.70 to .23); 7 Choice hogs, per cwt. . L'ght 11:233. per owt. .... Heavy urea. per cwt. . . Ewes, per ch. . . Yearling; Pst' owl. Bucks, per cwt. . Spring lambs. each Cows, each. . Calves, each Buffalo May 12--lipring wheat-Dull; No. 1 Northern. spot. 79 "tle. Win- ter wheat-itunes. 2 red, on track. 77c; No. 1 white, local, 76c. Corn-Dull and weak, No. 2 yellow, 89 I-N; No. 8 yellow, 89e; No. 4 yellow, " to 870; No. 2 corn. Me; No. 3 corn, 370. tho --Weak; light demand ; Lair supply. Na'. 2 wth 33 I-le; No. a white. 32 to 32 1-4e; No. 4 white, " ; No. , mixed, Hte.; No. 3mixed. 29e. ltye-Nomutal, Canal frrsitmtrr--Duit; when 2 l-2o; cum 2 Duluth, May Pe-wheat-tlon hard. can, 7558c: July, 7534c; No. 1 Noath. 91111011311. 72 5-8c; No. 2 do., art-tk. Milwaukee, May 12-Wheat-No. I Northern, 781-2c; No. 2 do., Tas. We --Nu. 1, 50t-Se. Burley-No. s, an] sample. no. A A --- 7 . Light hogs are worth from 4 to 4 1-80. per lb. Thick fat hogs fetched trom A to 6 l-Fc, perJ'b. . ' . . Soim fetch in. per lb. . Stags tell " fltt, per lb. Store hogs are not wanted. T Following in. the range of current quotations:- Shipping Bulx'her, Butcher, Butcher, Toledo, May 12--Whi--No. 2 out and May, 75e; July, 74 3-80 hid. Com -No. 2 mixed. 84 1-20. oatu.-.Nu. , mixed, 28c bid. ityo-No. 2 cub. liter. Cloverwed -Prime new, cub. and May. $3.75 asked; Ocmber. C450 asked. if}; can. ttad Flour-Aluiet; Moham- Yearling, sheep, and spring “who are unchanged in price; all are want- ed, if ot good quality, and ymlingi u- pu-ciully are in active demand. -- Hogs are study and unchanged; about one thawed were here, and found a ready sale. Prime "singers" [etched thin morn- ing 4%, per lb. ' Detroit May 12-Wbsat-cloaed--No. 1 white, cash. 740; No. 2 red, cash. and My, Tlie; June, 74 54%. 61-“: per pound. Bulls, (cedars. aad nilkon m un- changed. A few more choke ulna will find a lady sale. . Wys'h'a'd qw’namm4 tor the beat butcher. cage at from .4 (h “.50 per ch,; choice nelectious fetch muon- ally ten cents more. The“ in nth: too much common unit In“. and thin mostly held over. i . . Smokers no 41Ae Dar noun thy inc. activity. and a in"! admin litigating Wu done. but.prims Wei. unchanged attrom "ar no “.85 And “I, I)" on. Still the tone was a III-'0 hed- thy one, and moment; no www‘ Inn. - A ' Toronto, Mar 12.-Betm 'uixty loads came in lo-dny the stock left over In mad. I heavy run for an MARKETS OF THE WURLI]. " can‘- Itriess or Grain, Cattle. chest. " . m the! L‘omm'ums. ms LIFE FOR ‘ms woman's U. s. SOLDIERS' Atft0C1T1ES. mu noun came in 10-day. which. with be stock left over from Tuesday. laid. a heavy run for an ott dar. Ja shipping cattle that. "ti-r mom TORONTO NOISELESS CANNON. tis, Milken and Calves Per " .". . . " Jll'lu",'t. . . 4 med. to gbod. . , inferior . . Sleep and lamb. ELM CATTLE. .. .. .25lll45.00 steady It (non 88-4 to r'.-dutwees» any um . . .435 14.85 . (“I 4.50 . 8.50 3H) 3.75 5.50 2.tl0 .830 3.9 t.etra A.12 1-2 4.12 1-2 5.00 6.75