is that In“. Gathered. In it's the tut's “an. tahe I big lot 1. to can. li- that is appear- t to all who tof the ily burden it hout Pl " is a won- all Sorts of Growers v, C itr. “hot harm, t“ lief only, “N. and bet V. lln‘ _ 33333 'ut. be cleared hr to do so M:.A \‘rildrn - North M"'. h'tr “Iowa &c Ml icld and ad Celery "M ‘EEDS was“? LAWN GRASag h 1211'. '0R w A herdeen. lup- indicative. TUE/VIP Midnight. Gutnt '.", tirst of "ll. Mo! {003 W dorm-l o" tet Seeds a (no. Me "urirtr. and Uni), t63.iltl, 'tNtittt MI! GAVE IT UP. -Aftet. baring for (ll lad? feet. at an expense of $2.01). some prospectors nem- Guelph have given up. We remember of a (use somewhere near Eden Mills were boring “as done the indications being: good. It was guheamemly discovered that a drunken man had spilt a jar of coal oil on his way home and of course there were indications. Hayward's Falls Big Picnic, Walker, mu. and a wedding are chief attrac- umh- "attracting" from Durham this 24th. Hut wait, the attractions will be All the other way on the 3rd of Julv. long The Toronto conference of the Metho- dist church will meet in Owen Sound m the 7th June next. Wiarton has carried a bylaw grant- '..ngaid in the erection ofa beet snub" factory.' here FRESH Ptsrc--jway.s on hand at the residence of Miles Wilson, Lower town. “unwanted good, because kept in a refrigerator. Salmon 7 cm a lb. ONLY 10 Crs.--Any tvespassers your way? Get a set of cards Prohibiting Fishing and hunting. In stock at the THE REVIEW to January I. 1900 toI P"rctttvc--rt is with t'tt that Atty address for 50 cents. Let your,““8 week ,1', have to chronicle the "eighhor' kn ow. death of Mrs. Busan Campbell, relief. of Ithe deceased Mr. Hector Campbell, who Ayton Trusts-ea have added l hand- died at, his home at Whitemouth, Man., some new 1 mon Jack to the equipment 1 a few years ago. Mrs. Campbell was a of their school. A commendable moralmmwr resident of Glenelg, having The Toronto conference of the Metho-; elnigranted with her parents. Mr. and .list church will meet in Owen Sound j Mrs. Donald Kennedy of Bunessan, to suthe7th Junenext. “America over fifty years ago, from Wiarton has carried a bylaw grantiTirogitc, Rossmull. Argyluhire, Scot- ;ng aid in the erection of a beet sin. a"; land. Mrs. Campbell was first married factory.' l to Me, Duncan Cameron, of King Tp., Snnun-lidepcmk "Wm the purity U“by whom she had one daughter, Lili' blood thut by taking Hood's Mars ', Mrs. McTasornet, of Toronto. Choosing ".‘lp:ll'lliil many dim-rent diseases arel for her second husband Mr. Hector, cttved. i Campbell, of Greenock Tp., Bruce Co., I 1llurksruith Moran kindled the fire by whom she had seven Children three: m his tttew forge ittl Monday, and is:s"'l.s and four daughters, only seine.ofi MN)- moving at present. He has Y""?'".' her. The remains: l lightwmc. 1mm“, shots. lat-rived by train on Monday lath and; . . i, was mien-ed in Paisley cemetery. g Furs“ FISH.- anon-H's on hand at, thel . I residence of Milc< Wilson, Lower. town. i A"rrr' IDEAZQ' A plant support for; Unarantcd prod, “WNW“ kept in a l tlowcrs especially potted plants was! .thimuator. salmon 7 MS a lb. (patented January 23 by Peter Dolph, I . _ of Marquette, Mich. perforated spring i “SLY lit CTS. -An.v ttvsrrvistts .vour,)eavs. are attachable to the sides of the) xv:ty? Gvt a tits? “f ("â€115 P'MIH'iting. pot, and into the perforations arein-i Fishing and himtitis,r. In stock ttt tlu'iserred the stems of the wire or slat) “mum “lbw. Only Ititvnts, 'supports. A machina that weavesai, "mum-l- Yr:r. Mr. F. Pvel last wvvk I continuous wire fence as it moves along l .. got onto .. the, lti,ur,rrst trout caught yside is the invention of John JV. Allen i here so far this year. it Weighed 2llvs. :‘0FSiPOSminxs Tex. The value of this 9 oz. and must ian been over ls inches i invention will be appreciated in sections in"): and 5 m. " Irroad. inf the country where the fencing of , , __ . . . [large tracts of land AS an important Hayward s hallablg Plcnlc. II alker- ' element. Patented January Ei. " lull. and a wedding: are chief attrac-rgmin shocking .machine in which the (mm "attracting trmn [)nl'hnln n.:.. _ Mo much depends upon the purity of the Mood that hy taking Hood's Har. 4aparilla many ditt'tsrvnt diseases are cttred. Blacksmith Moran kmdled the fire 'm his new forge nn Monday. and is “my moving at present. He has got .l lightsomo. nmlny shop. Cheese is opening at9 cts (0916cts ‘m the cheese market, Walkerton is to have an all night rah-phone service foe 8100 a year extra. The British Empire will long have oecasion to remember the nineteenth century, when under Queen Victoria’s sovereignty, expansion and growth, materially and intellectually, greater than ever seen before, took place. Who shall say that the fervent pray- ers of millions of her subjects more siren sung than said have not had an influence in prolonging u useful and! beneiicent life, and to-day as everl before millions will yet use the song- prayer in which all our readers CII) heartly join: God save our Gracious Queen, I Long live our Noble Qneen, I OZ ps.s~“s‘.a““s1 t Local and Distria News. t "---'t A long reign is continually stnttteist- ing comparisons between the past and the present, and it is occasionally startling to realize that some events which have passed into history tram spired in our Queen's reign. of the present generation have any vivid recollection of former monarchs. The Queen to-day "by reason of strength" has reached to the patri- archal age of tourscore years. Throughout the bounds of her world- wide empire the heartiest recognition will be ukcn ofthe fact. Few indeed '?itthty Years old Today-"Sixty- two Years tt Queen. Queen Victoria The Review God save the Queen. Send her victorious, Long to reign over us, Happy and Glorious, “10L. ---XXI. N0. 21 God save the Queen. Is the place to get all kinds of Printing. "" cLr, aSfirt: ' . r-K sheaveszu-e received, as cut intoa tilt- ing through or frame which is semi- circular in shape so that the bundles ux-v held compactly in the form ofa shock. When a sufficient number of sheaves have "vcumuhued the frame is tilted outward depositinglhe entire alluvk erect in regnhr rows. Patented January 25 by George S. Bingham, Hamilton, Canada. (Lommunication from Messrs. Marion & Marion, Solid: urs of patents and experts, New York} Life Building, Montreal.) season. He has found that by planting onions and potatoes in alternate rowsthe onionsbecome so strong that they bring tears to the eyes of the potatoes Ill such vast volumes that the roots of the vines are kept wet and a crop raised in spite of drought. The same farmer has a scheme for raising custard pie by crossing the egg plant with the milk weed. I CosvALturcvso.--Mr. Wm. Harrie. along finely “tel his late serious illness. ‘who six or seven weeks lay in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Haslett u-rived on ‘almost. at death's door, came home Pri. 'iWednetsday evening of last week at day night last. His mother and auntlthe home of Mrs. Hasleet’s father. accompanied him. The transference Registran- Luider. and have since then from train to home had to he done renewed many old friendships. They very carefully as he is still weak, but have just returned from Cleveland now, amid old surroundings. in the where they left Dr. Edward and Mrs. midst of hie family. he bids (stir to Lauder well. Mr. Haslett. " hut soon recover his old strength -tqtttitt, week's REVIEW showed, has just re- which his many fridnds will rejoice turned fromutrip to British Columbia. to hear. "nd he was also taking stock of Mani- A favtrteetelinan exchange that he toha and the territories “nth. which has made adiscoverrthat WI" be of vast :19 has been lone. famillmr. It "ill???" impm-tancetolhe farmer during the dry y nupreiseed the pmgreas “.1 season. He has found that by planting conntry I. making. and at the tbostn- onions andpotatoesinattevnato, rowsthe Irilities of development all "ver the onionslwcome so strong that they bring ', west. Mr. H:ytrt y'.'.'.'.. 1,"i, w,",',',',',", house tears to the eyes of the potatoes Ht such i to London, England, will "." W to o vast volumes that the. tRaots of the vines a great dead for pounds. as he " a .wnlk- are kept wet audacro l'ai‘sedini I,U, ing encyclopedia of her. cra.p"yiliries drought. The same 1',l',2,Tl,,"l'l1t,',2', I a'"lytsotyces, and enthnsmstlc m P."" for Jiri,:',', t' ' 'l . l . I; ',sentmg them. They intend leaving _ g .'?.'s a" P}. ' t'rotmutit the this week for Boston enroute to Eng-l egg plant. with the milk weed. I land for their home. . I Palmerston Town Council made It grant of $50 to their Public Llhrnry. The Hoard had been unfortunate in one of their entertainments for "it had been repmled the performer Was in league with the devil. and therefore they could sell no tickets to the Maho- distal†It in well that one of our re- ligiuus hodieu dare dare the devil. F Domslox "Ar-lands-tme Prizes are lwing offered toe the sports in Dur- ham: on Dominion Day. Judicious ad. vu-tising. an energetic committee, and a. reputation for. carrying out, what, is promised will make Monday, July 3rd, one of 1899 lug days. Rumpus“ mr.oUN.--lirem_ and Calder have the masons at, Wolk on found» ations walls, of their new stores. Excavations for the Mckechnie and Mc- CYacken new buildings are about. com- pleted. Brick and mnrtur will tty this summer in Durham town. Rev. Mr. Gordomrmith conduetrd the Christian Endeavor service on Monday night and did tt very nhly. He is I pleasing and erudite speaker. He takes both services next Ssbhuth in the Pnuhyterinn church. wstnraocar.---To-day, Wednesdiy, Mr. John A. Graham, will pass from single blessedness. in company with Hill- A. Burgess. We wish them health and prosperity and many happy return. of the day. f Puties indebted to the Estate of Jae. rBurne-t me invited to call and'leule. Rev. Mr. Ferguson preached at Land. osbom last. Sunday, and is spending part of the week visiting old tRena. His pulpit was supplied by Mr. Gilpln, of Hanover, n son of Rev. Mr. Gilpin of the Methodist church. 50 cents will take THE REVIEW toany address on this continent up till Jan. l, 1900. Send it to your friend. Lucas, Wright and Batson.---At Thus ham office Mondays and Court Days. tr 'iiittttrtt, i('nmpboll, always a pleasing speaker, Will give a talk on “Rumbles in the Old _ Sod." Musical selections of a varied , character. wdl be rendered. Admission E Len cents. Come a1 8 o’clock and bring i', your friends. Proceeds for Superannu- ’atirm Fund.--M. H. Orchatd, VictrPr'es, 3 of Literary Dept. i The tent, caterpillar i, on deck and L rapidly destroying the foliage on fruit, iornzuncntnl and forest trees. With ithese on forest trevs nothing can be idone, but active measures should be taken to destroy the pests on fruit and ornamental trees. Remedies are mun- erous, hut the simplest and most inex- pensive are.' Hard soap, halt pound; boiling water, one gallon; coal oil, two gallons. Dissolve the soap in the water, add the coal oil and mix by stirring for ten minutes. Before using dilute the mixture with water twelve times the bulk of the mixture to be used. Another remedy is: Coal oil, 1 pint: soft soap. 1 quart, in pail of water. Apply with rag or whitewash brush or spray pump.--Ex. Asocial evening under the auspices of the Epworth League will he held in the basement of the Methodist church next Monday, May 20th. After a short time spent in a thoroughly sot'iable way a program will be given. Inspector Peg-leg Brown the negro who shot policrunanToohy of London, was hanged last, Thursday. The execution, very prop" erly was a very quiet affair. He had been a model prieonep and died without a Statment. Our readers will not blame us for the omission of.Lhe gruesome de- tetails of hislast how's". Bm Excvrttmrs.--we have just ite sued 500 hills for the big excursion under the auspices of the Farmers’ Institute. The trip is to Guelph and Model Farm and costs only w, cents on the longest. day in the year, June 21. GEO. BINNIB, Secretary. Mr. Thomas Milligan was a wel- come cnller at our office to day Monday. no in a little weak yet but getting along finely Ute, his late serious illness. Mrs. Huluert Hulliway. of New York City. in viniting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Innis. and her many other friends in town. Mrs, Mathews. of Markdale, accom- panied by a. lady friend, Miss ----spent Sunday with the fortuer's parents Mr. and Mrs. J uhn WI ight. J. Penrcy McBeath, of Woodstock, has secured the munugership of the Canadian Bent Chair and Manutactur. ing Company of Elmwood. Mr. Porteons. of Stratford, an ex- pert in furniture factory umnagement came up on Tuesday night’s train and spent a day in town. Mr. James Allan spent the 24th at his home in Thorntturr. He was ac- companied by Miss Jessie and Master Allan Robertson. Miss Tenn Rose left for Toronto Tun- day morning to visit relatives there for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John White, of the 10th Con, Glenelg. have moved into their residence opposite Mr. C. McDougall. ' Mr. Edgar Wenger, of Ayton has completed his studies and when hit degree from McGill. Mr. B. H. Townsend in holiduying with " little boys. Bertie and Frankie. at the old homestead in Gunman. Mrs. Ross, of Toronto, is at present a guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Cameron. Mrs. Wright, of Seattle, sister of Mrs. Harris is at present visiting her. Miss Blanche Hunter left Satmday morning to visit Toronto friends. Miss Lydia Swallow is the guest of Toronto friends this week. PERSONAL MENTION DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 25.717355 na‘ lil ï¬lm: 'iitti- '"" I ' Ems LAseBs,---Par ties having lambs to cast- rate can have them done by the under- signed at moderate rates. Enquire at Centrtl Hotel. HUGH MACKAY. l 1icsawaY---Mr. '1'. Corlett, wlile re- turuingirom Williamsford one day last week, got thrown from his buggy, owing ‘tohia luuse running away [mm some sudden scare. He was knocked senseless. and lay untilhelp arrived, when he was carried to Mr. Jae, Robertson's house near by, 3nd was able to be taken home nexzdny. Very fortunately no serious results no lik ely to follow. ( Snows DEArn.-.A week ago last Sun- lday Mr, Owen McGnnn went to see a it'riend. and having put his horse in the istuhle. Went into the house. and “bilo Iengaged in conversation, he suddenly have a sigh and without a moment's warn- Inst fell off the chair and was dead. A i doctor was sent for but of course he could invail nothing. m was a son of the late Timothy MoGann. who died abeut a year ago, one of the oldest settlers in that section. and there remain to mourn ha sudden taking off his mother. two brothers and one meter. He was to have bean married in about two weeks, so there is one other to whomhis tragic death briusos, grief. Mr. McGann was M years of age and Very highly respected, and his family‘ and friends have the sincere sympathy of the public in their and bereavement. His remains were interred in Dornoch cemetery. l REVIEW readers will confer a favor (mentioning-when occasion offers-our golfer of THE REVIEW from now till {December 31, 1899 for only GO cents. You SHOULD ksow-N hat Hood's Sarsapnrillu has power to do for those who have impure and impoverished blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures serofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, ner- vousness. If you are troubled with any ailment caused or promoted by impure blood, take Hood's butsaparilla at once. Hoou’s PILLS are prompt and eMcient, easy to take, easy to operate. Seaforth is bound to boom manu- factories. A few days ago it voted and carried three by-laws by which 847,000 will he loaned to tht ee industries, a pork packing factory, a foundry and a wool- len mill. Mt. Forest people are revelling in bread at Sets a 4-H) loaf. and full weight hum and mke- at 5 cts a dozen, fresh every day at 11.45 a. m. Panel: Fauna-JIM purse advertised in the Review the last 2 weeks has turn. ed up. Mr. Alex McLean. Bentinck, found it on the lane between the tend and his house where it upper-may had been placed. opened up, papers all in. tact, but the little hit ol'money gone. We are indebted to Mr. Geo, Binnie for the timely article on our last page on ‘The Agricultural Outlook.' Mr. Binnie has many opportunities for oh- servation, and at our request has kind. ty consented to write on on similar top. ics occasionally. A FULL STOCK of Sun.. dries on hand; Repairing done on shortest notice. WM. LAIDLAW \w’é} ism 'li1l,li!,,,l!t!,l, 'L, Ihili lltrt Ile flat! Ihtl t ll ilal We I lille t ll GM Beam? A bicycle with poor bearings and poor tires. The world's greatest Bicycle--- the "cievehuoit." BICYCLE ' new " Ball and Roller.“ Dornoch. is: . -.r , _ ._-._..... w..- "v. nu “luau: w A luau auu UlVUAA“. SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil- liams Sewing Machines and supplies. Tha"amoaoc....tT.,., 'r-.. n._L--. c. M CKI u u on . Warmtooses---Upper Town, Durham. HARVESTING- ESQ r2159 Pei: Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony tt Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words " Wrurrssox I’LOL'GH COMPANY " is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller‘made in three sections. CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scott Drills and We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : var thin or armers / if, y g We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. Durham. Aug. 9th. q "Large Sales & Small Profits." Cultivators, Disc and Spade Har- rows,Seaffiers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Harrows. 1lt,1,u1gl.,1tr.t.h,',v,t,e,ets artdJtsriitt makes 91: _Pl Alf o and ORGA NS'.' Cash system We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generallK that we have adopted the Gas System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ADOPTED BY eg,, McKechnie. " G. & J. McKECHNIE. mom TORONTO The Review WHOLE N0. 1106. Has Telephone connec- tion. Call up No. 6. 3&4 “ A..> lt,) tl'