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Durham Review (1897), 25 May 1899, p. 8

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LT Lt 3‘3: , a“ Drink Kincora. TEA. Drink Kincora TE (yam-woomcwom , 2,200 000008 tl 00100 0080800008 is il 0000 00000010 Ex. Councillor D. McMillan bu elected . new kitchen to his dwelling house recently. What has become of the Pros, choir of late? Have thoy all got married and ammo: sit up to the front, or is there any other came , Rev, Mr, Matheson will have prayer menu); on Thursday evening next at Currit/s, south lme, Artcmesia. Miss Bella McLuchluu of Buffalo is Lame at present aud well remain all $0. Ou the evening of the 12m hum, theta died in the village John Coekburn, at the :30 0t twenty-tutu yours. all" it long illnou which he Contracted [mm a Maven cold end which lerluinntetl in cumump- lion. .hlr, Cuckhuru was a )mmg man that wan highiy resptccicd " all who hunted his acquaintance, and bis death is much regretted in this place. He was thc will) hull. ili, parents died years 830, and he and his sister lived together in the “Huge. He was buried in the Pres. cemetery here on Monday the 15th. A large number attended the funeral. Rev. Mr. 1latheson preached the funeral ther- aran,assiited by Rev. Mr. Humphroyl. This piece wee visited by frost lately bat on “coon! at of the weather keeping cold end wet it did not do much hum u yet. Some ete not done ending yet and won't be for another week. Chas. McKinnou, of the south line. is busy building this summer. The muons an :1 work now at the foundation of the large inane barn he is putting up. Tho McAnlmr's are also building, Ind have tho (tune up already, t We [Lay CashE 1liss Bertha James, daughter of c. C. James,is sutferiug with inihuumation of the bowels, but we are pleased to hear that she is getting better. summer. A tine monument has been erected comly to the memory of the late Rev Mr. David McIntyre of Balsam Valleyl had a narrow escape the other day from , uswiuga fatal accnlvznt While he wael tsking home a load ot i, v from Mr. Hew'sl place and while in the act of getting on l the load on the front and C the wagon. I his horses started off on tlu full gallop, l throwing Dare under the wheels. The furious animals jumped clean over the gete with wmon and load and 'tnrned into his own place when Mrs, Monty" happened to stop them by some meme " other. Mr.Meutr" emped with atiabt bruises. A McLeod Rev. Mr, McConnol will locum in the for Wool and sell our Goods for Cash. Sell in the early markets is good advice, and by all means adopt the only proper system of dealing on a Cash basis. We could give you a long price for Produce if we choose to do so, by simply adding the difference to the selling price of our Gdods---This idea is out of date now. We commenced the Cash for Produce idea in Durham and have proved it to be a success. Departmental Store, LOWER TOWN. We have made extensive purchases in every depart- ment of this large store ready for a heavy wool trade. The month of June last year was our largest month, and we intend to make this June a record beaker. Our own make Single Yarn, 2501b. in grease. Seoured and Twisted Yarn, 2 or 3 ply, 2 lbs. for $1.00. Pure Wool Blankets, from $2.50 pair. Wool Socks. 2 pair for 25e. Women's Summer Underveata, 50 each. Women's Corsets, 35c pair, Cotton Hose, 12e pair. J. A. HUNTER Pricevme. Wanted for Cash at The Cash Store. re D 1 New subscribers can get THE REVIEW :from now till the end of the year for i50 cents. Miss Flora McIntyre who was in Toronto for some time for treatment. is getting on slowly, but gaining it little every any. Words fail her to express her tlmnkfuhwss to Mrs. Mathews. the lady who mkimlly received lun' to her home and administered it het wants during her stay there of will? five Mama" with free will and without the "xpvctariou of a pecuniary reward. Weave told that a cup of cold water given In the right spirit shall not go un- rewarded, St) in like manner how much more will the aetions of this t'liristian lady deserve a nobler teward than silyor ur gold. Brave Men Fall. _ Victims to stomach. liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in [can ofappetite, poisons in the blood, bickachs, IICl'VullSlleSs', headache and tired, listless. run-down feeling. But. there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J, W, Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says! Mines Magma McLeln and Christina McDonald of the South Line, Glenelg. are enjoying themselves at that old home: after npeuding a couple of years wall the citilens of Toronto. Miss Susan McKinnon of Durham attended church here on Sunday even- inglaat. Mr. Dan McQueen and family, of Stayner, are visiting Mr, Neil McUannel of Top Cliff. "Electric Bitters are Just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and dou't care whether he lives or (has. It all run down, and don't. care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new _utrtstogtlt and good appetite than anything 1 could take. I can now out anything and have . new lease on life," Only 50 cents at our drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. 8 Pros. Church on the evening of 81st May. He will also give tome views, plionognph selections etc. A silver collection taken up in aid of the Christian linden-or Society. The effective results of spraying may he seen by an examination of Mr. Con. KoehletG otchard. It was one of the worst pested orchards in town last year, being stripped of every vestiges of foliage by caterpillars. They were about to repeat their devastation, this year but a. timely spraying with a mix- ture of paris green, copperas and lime brought their progress to a sudden stop and rid the orchard of the pest com- pletelr.--Ay ton Advance, DURHAM, OMAR"); ------+- He gem-musly told me how I ought to plant my seeds, he gave nu». pointers un the way to uyercmne the weeds: while I was setting out my plants, he came and stood around and gave me information as how totill the ground, he told me much concerning how n gauden should he run what vegetables fhuurished in the shade or in thesuu, while at. home he had " garden which 'twas patent at a glance had been regularly left to do the best, it could by chance. The spring was somewhat late in opening up, winter staying right on until after the middle of April. But spring, as it to make amends " her appearance, came smiling, genial and warm. Work progressed rapidly, without an hour‘s delay, and veget- ation sprang into life as if by magic; and now everything is as far advanc- ed as in other years when spring opens much earlier. Elmwood has named their. new In. dustry "The Canadian BontClmir and Manufacturing Company of Ellnwood. Limited," and at a tecent meeting ap- pointed M mars. Bohlander, Sullivan. Emke. Rupuvmlml and De. Beau, directors. The cltnrtew is to Inc applied fovitntuediatvly and " ('ummillue are looking up n site to rts,riu mwmtinns. Last summer the "eateh" of' grass and clover was poor, and nek mea- dows this spring are patchy and will not give a full crop of hay, Indeed in some parts of the dlstrict much of last year’s seeding has been plowed up. Old meadows are in excellent con. dition, and the rapid growth with the late rains give assumnce ot In abun~ dant hay crop. Grass is in a forward stage, and pastures afford a good bite for stock, though perhaps yet somewhat soft. Altogether the outlook for the agri- culturist is promising, and farmers should take advantage of favorable times to lay solid foundations for future prosperity. Red Hot From The Gun. Was the hall that hit G. B. Steadman of Newark, Mich" in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no '.reatment helped tor 20 years. Then Buoklen‘a Ar- nica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruisns. Burns, Boils. Felons. Corns, Skin Emmi; us. Best. Pile cure on enrtlt. 25cabox. Cure guaranteed. Sold lny our (imagine. 3 Fruit bloom does not seem to have been injured by the frost, and the prospects are fair for a. good crop. un- less perhaps some ot the late fruit. Stock of all kinds sre in very good condition and healthy. The number of young stock being above the aver- age, and strong and vigorous. Fall wheat may be described " patchy. Thaw: and rains in March leit water on the level exposed por- tions of the fields, and freezing. des- troyed the wheat. The dry weather too, after spring came in, had . tendency to dwindle the weakened plants, and wheat has been thinned out to some extent. Some fields have been plowed up, especially in the southern part of the riding; the north- ern part snifering less severely, owing perhaps to the more rolling nature of the land and a greater depth of snow. In the north the crop promises an average of something better than a half; in the south it will not come up to that. For spring grains the soil was in splendid condition for seeding, and grain is giving promise of a good start. On the 14th and 15th there was a heavy frost, but the cool, cloudy weather following, somewhat miti- gated its effects and not much injury has been done, except to garden tstaff, currents, gooseberries, grapes. etc. rs AVE ii'ii'iiE jtiltti)(,'ilii')ijii THE AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK. . . lf" ".-rc:/rr'c'r't., so "D " 1cr"k. _ -' f ff, J /\:>. , l /,,f,i.r,-:_,; , (: f £9 u, 4’3 O D qij,i-,i,i.(is,,ii,ii) £2125- m4 r , pa... ONTARIO Aiiei:ti9tttt . TORONTO Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Villa. Deeds. Mortgages. Leases. Agreements. &c. correctly u"f/grrr',: Estates of damned persons took after. and Exocutors‘ and Ad- tuiniqtrators' Accounts prepared 1nd pulled. Surreal.” Court Butane-s. Prob“. of Willa, Letters of Admittigtmtiott sud (“azimuths Obtained. Slouch“ mulch Registry 0 no And Title. reported on. Compwy cud prince Funds to Lona on Mon-(gum st Iowa: rules of inter-st. Vsluntionl made hr 300131th and careful Vunuor. omee--L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. Ol9'fCh'--Jfltytw ftlor/c. ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durhmu Pharmacy Caldev's Block. Residence fiest door. West of the Post Office, Durham. .--Hon. C F Fraser was a man of such capacity that we learned to forget that l he was supposed to be the Cabinet pe. l ptesentutive an Ontario " a church but _ since his death it has been pretty “ell understood that Mr. Harty represents the church of which Mr. Fraser was a member. That in making up a ('nltiuet the religious taith of any member be considered seems to us to be utterly wrong and that the prance should be '0 general in Canada is an evidence of national weakness. But hitherto the right of Roman Catholic tvperent ntives in the Cabinet while unfortunate- ly admitted by the leaders of both parties has not been offensively asserted. Religion should neither assist nor lt- tard man's political career and we think that this committee IS playing with fire when it undertakes to name a man for a Cabinet position be cause. he is a Roumn Catholic. There may he a Methodtst. tonnmittee to choose suc- cessor to Mr Davis, $1 Baptist committee to appoint. Mr, Dryden‘s successor. and so on. When the zeal of those church delegates falls under suspicion the up- pointmeut of priests and preachers ought to be expected to follow, and there in no telling when this backward road would lead to. The action of that Roman Catholic committee looks very much like an impel tinence and it may prove it dangerous one unless fttUngly checked by the Goverment. The Municipality of the Town of Dur- ham will hold its Coupt of lkuviainn nu its Assessment. on Munday. May 29th at 7.30 p. m. in the Town Hall. All parties interested must govern llwm- selves accordingly. it is a. movement which wenre cou- vinced will meet with little sympathy unmng u very large element of our Ro. man) Catholic pnpulation.~\Veekly Sun. FATHER or ALI. STEAM ENGINEH. - There was released from active service in England the other day the oldest working engine of the world: it had literally been 120 years in the harness. It, was made by James Watt and Boult- on in Birmingham in 1777 for Birming. hum (‘ranul Navigation Company. It had a thirty-two-inch cylinder and am eight- foot stroke and Wits by no means small. but. a low l"e"'rttt'e of steam was used. The enginehns been pumping water ever since, but is now released. and will go into a museum. The Municipality of Egremonb will hold its Court of Revision on Its Assess:- ment, on Monday, May 29th. at lon. III. in the Village of Holstein. All parties interested must Rover" themselves ac- vovdingly. _ _ - -.. - . Mm, M 'N.ur-'I went, (hm-o aunt berrin' if you please. Nhopkeeptw--l dimm keep them, In: woman. Ye see I'm a temper- ance mam mysel. and I dinua want to draw my customers into tet"ptat ion. At 10 o'clock in the furenoon. And notice is hereby further given (hat the Council will meet, fur nineral business at 2 o'clock in the “autumn of the same day, of which all parties interest. ed will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. MUNICIPALITY OF EGREMUNT. The tirtst sitting of the Court of Revi- sion for the. Township of (Hench: for the Fear 1899, will he held at the Town Hal in said township on Wednesday, 3lst Day of May Pomona, May P2th, Mr,to. Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borroww. Gourt of Revision. 3iUNiCl PALITY OF' l)1'RH.\ M. Dr. T. G. BOLT L. D. S. Court or Revision. Court of Revision. NOATRV FUSLIC. CONVEYANCER. IO. MUNICIPALITY OF GLENELG. DENTISTRY. _, G. LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. arrister, A'etarlr, Gem} vegancer, etc” etc”... (, Ill, l DAVIDSON. GEO. RUSSELL, Clerk co- J. S. BLACK, Clerk. D. ALLAN, Clerk. (Otuwfltcfhzttlc FIELD SEEDS Sugnr Beet 1Vhite Tolp Silmiau. grows to a good size. Danish Red Tog). the nrgest Sumo Beet grown. IANGEL WUitTTEL--- Euler’s Mammoth Long Red. the best ofull. thuter's Norfolk Yellow Globe, adapted fol lighl soil, qrowe " good size and a good keeper. THE GATE POST-A very protittthio variety. FIELD f,f2ho.Ts-"'""""'th Intermediate 1Vhite. u groan yeildet. and 0“in ml IN . Large \l’hjle Voso.ety l first (114353 ct'"t'thet.' and good fouling "until. Carter’s Elephant, " huge swede and ct gum] quality. Carter's Impetial Hardy. an awn-ram- size turnip. solid and tuttHtious. Suttml'u Champion. an excellent Nu m t. King of_t_.he gwagg. one ef the ytst, fll'la'iosa. n fawn-it». CLOVER. TIMOTHY, MILLET, ll UNGARIAN. LAWN G BUCKWHEAT, TAKES. BEANS, LINSE ED, ETC. (liglg tet; ill th gil hm. (hitittt fir tmt PWNSBS. SEEDS ') if -e White auif Y'elluw Belgian, Gin knowii vaeietieri. Long Orange and Red Allringlmm. good for Weutsval (Top. U Huntley‘s Bronze Top, rich in quality and a good keeper. London Purple Top. A handsome Ptttitp. [urge and a limwy rmpper. Yellow and White Flex-shed 'llu‘nipu. Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen. Im- proved Una-y Stone and Lincoln Red Globe. CavtetN Dwarf Essex Brutal Leave-d Sowing "ape. the only Rape suited for feeding purposes. SEED P0ThT0kS--Enrl London, Early Vaughan. Ruse of the North. ('m-umn No. 2. 'ao'g"s"fG'id?, 8018. English Potato Onions, Etc. PLANTS --romnto, can“, Cauliflower and Celery. FIELD COW-Lean/mir'" Improved King of Earliest, Angel of Midnight. Giant Culum. Mammoth Southern Sweet. .. GARDEN CORN."- _tirst of all. f- , 7 , "r-ere. 7 - -, , r--"-' '77 I" ’1 1'---tgta!NSIT in: 'Ya8%lllgltl 2%. RSUE ~43? 'wtr-1- L+MW42 El That Touches the Spot------" [a AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS Every sufferer from catarrh who reads these lines will find in them . men age est hope. No matter how severely he may Le aMicted, no matter how many ,0. called remedies he may have tried, no matter how many physiei have experi- mented upon him in vain. no matter how completely he may have donning] of ever ridding himself of his disgusting and Musing malasry--he can be cured l Hundreds upon hundreds of cases as bad as his have been fully and Permanently cured by " mm cum rowan. This wonderful remedy never fails if taken before (1th has developed into other necessarily fatal diseasqs. Dont put it '*r--prat.t once to your d ist and get 3 bottle. h will relieve won in In "tir--'" mm .-i--- --- !' "(I This wonderful remedy never fails if taken he other necessarily fatal diseases. Dont put it off- and get a bottle. It will relieve on in to minutes to full recovery immediately. I' cures cold in u asthma, hay fever, loss of smell and deafness. H, the Rm Jain? vs..f.tt.Itxt of ytErisbem, N. : Thirty-eigth annual import of Staple Field and Garden Seeds from one of the largest Growers of seeds in Britain per S. S. St. John City. Ask UruggisL. or write direct to Sold by H. PARKER. Dulhum. ---0r----- Weak & Impure Blood, Liver d; Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, &c gti)Lli()l)'f) SYSTEM flllli()lljm)ll Every !rt.ttferer from cat oit Be In The j Too Late Class'. -These Wares have got to be cleared out in fourteen days, and m order to do so we sell at cost. We offer you Colored Bedroom Setlsfroul 8i.'iGtoF3.00. Dinnel Sets. $5.50 to 8911) Ten Sens from '2.00 to 33.75. Glass Tumblers 400 per dozen Egg Cups from "to In 500 per dozen. MRS. A BURNE T These Prices are merely indicative. See for yourself. QR);- my” Sold by MacFARLANE & 00. I, Wu _vr,-yu' ,EL!Er!N 19 MINUTES! H. PARKER aa:a:a:a:e,a:9:ie4P-'ec'us ion In to minutes-dit will place - aa, iii; t Pres, cold in_t_he head, sore J,',','.',". tons 3' rFemninsu_tioa, 000000 1899 " " Seeds SWEDE T URN/P Here J. M. MscLEOD. I., Durham, ont. (an, sore throat, tonsilitis. m An interesting letter in. Goderieh, Ont road J RASS, F) ”mun-k arrived ttive hid mg. M1 heard th Tum-ml. Mrlntyl tho tttw mot hm yumng In! Ttw lung Weqlur {0‘1”- a " "ttte NI" rm " Mu Altewd M Am peel MN I ttut 'etr

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