West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jun 1899, p. 3

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st-Ciass Hearse. I' Factory. sun to be found in bi. Old I“ opposite the Durban Bag", yry we are now prepared 3 PROMPTLY. quantity of Bash, ng and the dirar. EB'X‘AIUNG Promptly tutersded b. SAX. m... " possible. A) tor outside sheeting. me Medical Discovery Aklil KRESS f 2.. ® mi ts "T . MC KECHNIE IC urniture Best Qualit ()th THAN EVEg. p. FAILED if u so that all oram C,vd,h alway: il 3“!” t Hi1 ”Jig:- 54.538”- (j)'itet . . we uni . “new 9}... dun "crib “in"! a” v,rC' cm... " t :n». at," I tr. grim .'-‘ and L.- up pawn 7th Ii: yc.:t. supp]! .'" unit“ " Sign“ in. my ' not be” 'rt the a). the urn. d ”View“. " In” a. overi.ha no the " new. 3 IliiJI’ [f Rial. 5.13;": P dor that ELL? s done. In a week after commencing: the pills I was able to get out of bedi and dress myself and afew weeks later' when I had gained strength enough, li was able to attend to all my household duties and I )we ever since enjoyed the best of health. Friends and neighbors who were conversant with my case can also tell you of my terrible suffering and the remarkable cure effected br Dr. Williams' Pink Puln." MRS. SUSIE PALMER. Taken and declared before me " Fenelon Falls, in the County of Vie- gods. this tith day of May, A. D. 1898. JAMES DICKSON’, J. P. it. The closing or opening of a door or anyone entering or moving about in my room, seemed to increase the pain. For weeksl could not move my part olmy body and had to lie in one position MI the time. My brother was cured of rheumatism after every other remedy had failed, by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.” I thought as s last resort I would try them. As the directions said that in severe cases three pills tsouldbeoaeu'ly taken at a dose, I took this number three times a day for about a week although I got the relief I so longed and prayed for in three days after taking the first dose. Then I kept on tahi'q the pills two. at I kept up for several weeks although suffering the most intense pain, freely using hniments and many other in- ternal and external preparations that Iympathizing friends would suggest, I was then compelled to stay in bed as I got so weak and run down that I could sit up no longer. I received several courses of medical treatment such as electric batteries, poulticing, etc., but got no ease from the excru- ciating pains which would shoot down through my leg into my very heel where it caused It bursting feeling Often I prayed that my heel would burst thinking this might give relief. The limb st last became so numb that . hot iron could be placed upon it without my having any knowledge of MODERN RIFLE BULLETS. l These theories were based on experi- ments with fresh and dry bones, cada-l Vere and tin cans filled with water or" wet and dry sawdust. It was found) that the small army bullet in striking l them, obdttsrts displayed considerable, expansive or explosive effect, a tin can filled with water, tor instance, boa-l ins torn to pieces, This gave rise to: what was called the hydrodynamic} thsory. based on the proposition the” force applied to a fluid was exerted squaily in all directions, from which it was reasoned that a bullet striking the liver or perforating the brain or, any organ containing an excessive: amount of moisture would produce} similar effects. It was also thought‘ that the impact of a bullet at shortl range would be so powerful as to drive’ portions of tissue, either soft or lee) or pieces of clothing out of the track: Only those who have felt the agon- lzing pains of sciatica. can form, any conception of the torture which the victim undergoes. The case of Mrs. Job. Palmer, of Fenelon Falls, was one of unusual obatinaey and severity, end she inakes the following affidavit in reference to her cure, for the good of humanity. "I am 29 years of age and have lived in this vicinity all my life. I had always enjoyed the best of health until November. 1897, when I took a stinging pain in my right hip which seemed to be in my very marrow es_it enacted every muscle and Joint, Studies of the effect of gunshot his wouri.d may Wounds inflicted during the Spanish-EN0t so wi.th tt " . idan warmer, l Amerittan war made by Drs. La Garde, r’mortully won Munson and others, demonstrate ttvar.bre.a.th is gone experience has completely overthrown/i? his boak th all the theories held by army ottievrWh"gel'.Titit'i' prior to the late war respeoting ‘he‘bring the sold nature of the wounds which would be nearer and_ cm caused by . The efficient: IRS. PALMER, 0F FENELON FALLS. TELLS HOW SHE SUFFERED. Cal-nod to Mer Red [or “vein-[hr Mmtm Inn-e " Numb That a In! Mot Il‘ull Could be fined Upon " “Ilium "er Knowledge. THE PANGS (ll? SUIATIUA. harms-g Observe“..- - During the War With "am- Pal-less Death or Ab “OMI- ald Psi-lea louver, the ”to HeMysel’IIe - We. '0.- e- [be Insole-ell. Painless death or almost ceruln and painless recovery from his wounds is the alternative late of the soldier stricken down on the field of battle by th. modern tagrutl-eaiibre bullet, saysa Washington letter. It a soldier is not killed outright his wounds almost invariably heal under antiseptic treat- ment. Of nearly 1,400 wounded men, for example, who passed through the hospital at Siboney during the Santiago campaign but three died of their Wounds. a fact which speaks volumes for the efficiency of the army surgeons. Anrisepsisrhe smill sized, steel jacket.- ed bullet and the great velocity im- parted to it by high-power guns com- bine to make a present-day battle humane compared with the fighting of tht, past: Modern surgery and mod- ern ordnumse have together minimized In a remurlraias degree the suffering of the wounded; in tact, wounds receiv- ed in war may be said to have been almost entirely robbed of the horrible character commonly imputed to them. Bullets go through a man's muscles, leaving a clean wound which heals inn low days, or even penetrate his Vitals Without giving him any great distress. And you are just as sate within close range of the enemy as you are a mile or more ttwtty--it' you are not safer. num HURT BUT LITTLE HUMANE EFFECTS or USING THE MODERN SHALL-BORE RIFLE. If women stayed out all night and came home in cabs just before break- fast they would make much better ex- cuses and much less trouble than the men. The efficiency of modern firearms in battle can be largely counteracted by open-order formation and the use of liitrenehGealds. A thin skirmish line liiiiiiiii.j,iri' by rushes under covering (fire will sustain small injury as com- pared with the casutlties which would he suffered by a steady advance in close formation. Thirty inches of loose dirt, which bayonet and meat can, constitute ample protection against in- fantry fire. Chances of death appear tto have no relation to the distance (from the enemy. The ratio of killed to the wounded seems, in the tight of .experience, to depend on whether a ‘vital point ls struck, the range figur- ing as a very small and unimportant factor. Wounds caused by Mauser bullets caused lesions in the soft tissue al- most subcutaneous in their nature and the wounds healed quickly and kindly. Frequently repair went on under a scab. In many cases it: was found unnecessary even to change the first-aid dressings. Not over 8 per cent. of the wounds went on to sup- puration. In these results antisepsis and surgical skill played an important part, reflecting great credit on the medical department of the army, which observed every requirement of modern arriseptie surgery in the face of serious obstacles. Mortality among the wounded is considered almost en- tirely dependent upon antiseptic treat- ment, and this, even more than the humane modern missile, has mitigated the horrors of warfare. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. Old maids are not all unmarried. When a man is homesick he is so ashamed of it he makes himself believe it is business worry. Lots of women who are too honorable to read letters which don't belong to them would risk their souls to discov- er who wrote them. Nothing makes a woman so auspici- ous as to have her husband announce that hereafter be is going to let her have her own way in everr_thiptr, Withers-Well, yea, min, I did think of It; now I’ve trot the money Pre changed m mind, and I'm going to buy myself one of them are bicycle. instead! Vicar’a dtuurhtar--0h, Withers, you: mistress tell: no that you no sav- ing up to take a little shop and look that your mother. I think it is such . sweet Mel 77 - _ tmd- h. prnjcttlo- actually pressing th,, bloodvessvls to one side without puncturing them; ligation of arteries was rare, and no cases of death from primla'y hemorrhage occurred. Move remarkable still is the (not that per- forating wounds of the brain, lung or abdominal viscera, it not immediately filiil. were rvoovered from without operation in a large number of in- stanc-s. No amputations were per- formed at Santiago. Compound frac- tures were relatively scarce, the bul- lots as a rule drilling a hole through the bone without producing fracture or extensive communication. The number of major operations was there- fore small, being less than 4 per cent. as compared with 9.87 per cent. dur- ing the civil war. It is hardly neces- wary to say that these results com- pletely overturned preconceived thror- ies oi the “hot of modern gunshot wounds. ilhrough the animal without causing miterial shock, loss of blood or lacera- ition of tissue. To meet their needs a tsptcial soft-point bullet, which "mush- (rooms" on impact and inflicts a seri- “ous wound, has been devised; and the use of a similar deforming bullet-the iDum Dum-has been recognized by the British Government as necessary inits India and Soudan campaigns againsta ‘savage foe. The Springfield rifle bul- let answers the same purpose, How.. ever, the small calibre bullet is con- isidered amply effective against civiliz- ed soldiers, inasmuch as a slight ’wound renders them here de com- lhat. Ignorant of the gIOVity of his ihurt, the white soldier when struck al- ‘most invariably falls out and goes to 'the rear, no matter how insignificant his wound may afterward prove to be. Not so with the Dervish or Mohamme- dan warrior, who fights even when mortally wounded until the last TEIE PAIN AND DISCOMFORT following a modern gun-hut wound is singularly small. 'lhe sensation felt on the impact of a small-calibre bul- let in soft tissue is said to be very much like that of being struck ashurp blow with a rattan cane. It a bone is struck the sensation resembles that experivnced on receiving a smashing blow with a crowbzir or a similar won- on. Unless a nerve is injured or lac- eration is extensive, the subsequent diroomfort is trifling. At Santiago the medical officers found that the h morrhnge from gunshot wounds was breath is gone. Prof. Worcester cites in his book the case of a Moro who when baroneted pulled the weapon further into his wound in order to bring the soldier at the other and nearer and cut him down. ' of the projectile with such force in to make them secondnry missiles. In antral battle, however, the theore- tically anticipated explosive action of the small bullet was not observed. It was discovered that the full mantled service bullet when underformed has but slight explosive effect " any range, and that it rarely distinte- grates on impact with human tissues. Nor does it, as a rule, carry with it into the wound portions ot the cloth- ing and equipment. For these rea- sons the modern tsteel-Nad bullet of small calibre is less destructive and more humane that the old lead missile, rarely crippling permanently those wounded by it. s, small, in reality, is the stopping power of the small calibre steel-clad bullet that army officers do not think it would be effective against a fanatic- al enemy; nor would it be effective in stopping a cavalry charge, in which horses and not men are the motive power, Hunters have found the army bullet ineffective in bringing down big game, the projx-czile merely drilling; A SMALL HOLE CHANGED INTENTIONS. Illlol Poultry cm " the best muster In the trtttrUt LAURENTIAN SAND A GRAVEL 00.. Montre.l. While the number of children and youth in the United States is 21,082,472 the total enrollment of American Sun- day schools is but 9,718,432. It is stated that 90 per cent of the common contagious diseases are car- ried from house to house by the dom- estic pets of the world. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty cents a box, SIX boxes 82.50, or will be. sent. on receipt of price, by Tho Dodd’s Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. Mrs. Peter O'Brien, of Smith's Falls, whose cure is the latest reported, has many friends in Kilmarnock, and her complete recovery amazes, while it de.. lights them. Her case was a severe one of Kidney Disease, and Dodd's Kid- ney Pills worked a wonderfully quick and complete cure. The latest estimate of the population of England and Wales is 31,000,000, the women being in a majority of 960,- " Pharaoh 100. A still further claim is made by those who have used Dodd's Kidney 'Pills. They assert empathieal1y, and to speak the truth, they bring convinc- ing proof, that Jlrirrht's Discus" and Diabetes are as easily cured, if Dodd'a Kildney Pills are used, as is a common co d. Ponies have an average weight of 440 pounds; that of horses varies from 600 pounds to 1,540 pounds. LU BY'S Frequent moisteniug of the broom adds to its usefulness and also saves the carpet. . nu iiiJG"trriarGri.iG"riiGG. All mu (In. refund tho mono, sf n. has to on". Me. Ion-ark County People Know Tim-11m.- lixperle-c: In“ Proved "-aFomt'. IM- ney Pull Cured In. Peter O'Brien of Ind-e: Complaint. Kilm:urnoclr, May 22.-The people of this section are among the shrewdest and must level-headed people in Can- ada. They know a good thing whvn they meet it. And when they "run up against" a good thing they make use of it. That is why Dodd's Kidney Pills have such an enormous sale in this district. That's the mansion Dodd's Kidney Pills are used in nearly every hoyathold in the county. _ A It is nothing unusual to hear of sev- era' cures of Kidney Disease, every day, by Dodd'a Kidney Pills, in this neighborhood. The medicine is in universal use. It has the record of having completely cured every case of Bxight's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Lumhupr, Rheumatism. Paralysis, Heart Failure. Urinary Disease, Dia- eases of Women, or Blood Impurity, in which it has been used. Our people claim that it is the only medicine on earth that will cure these diseases. Are Positively Cured by Dodd'tt Kidney Pills. London Coroners are sticklers for their rights. A box held " a rail road station recently, owing to the railroad officials having lost the way bill, was opened, though it was con- signed to a Hamburg museum, and the body of a young woman and two skulls were found inside. The young woman was a mummified Peruvian and the skulls were prehistoric, yet the Coroner of the district insists on hold- ing inquests on both mummy and skulls unless the museum people have them removed. Is it true, darling, that you gave the minister 820 for marrying us? Yea, but keep it to yourself, I was never so swindled in my life. Tux: Fiturifi, A single drop of poison blood will, unless checked in time, make the whole lmpare. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great leader In blood purifiers. It cute no Ihedow, but bring- eun- Ihine end health into every household. 21,'g?M Son-“My mother we: troubled w rtteumatimi in her knee for a number of yearn. And it broke out Into a running lore. She took three bottles ot Hood's Burlap-rule end Is now well. Bood‘l Ollve Ointment helped to hen] the eruption." Mn. Jon Fun. Cloverltorna, Aneaster, Ont. 'th-ttttthm-ul wee badly "lieted with eel-tic rttettstutigtn. Con-ulted doc- tors wlthout relief. Wu persuaded to try Hood's Sane "il1tt,ttttd the bowel gave no relief emf> enabled me to so to work." WILL!“ B. Roma. Merceretvllle. N. B. "The Least Hair "ry Casts a Shadow." KIDNEY DISEASES AJ ts Y b roman-x: L212? Sold by all dru‘gists. Soc. a bottle. £1900. Pull cg" It"! LriLTrr, iky7kLiiiii)T; In! wwmzww/Mw ':de,yhtea,juff't',t/' To con: A com IN on: tax LONDON, CORONERS. COLrNr3LoODED. 751K? " Psyno. of anal". Que“ 91!", Mnnuhcturu. Oin- new lilo to the Hoof. Willi; The " ttatmoiii,"riu In: Wanted ONE NIGHT can be nude by my won» thorn. "Ideal Bat Fauna." It doe. twa{ with bacterium. bu Mas, he I the hat "u on t "' he“. prevanu it am or gain “Rev. A jun-led to but. tn't be loot. WI,' in“. (were-0mm all dimdnnmuof oltt,.nattioned but gins. " ynn don't want. to all. Iat|ul for your self ' Mailed wish full winning 25 coma. Adar-I MIC. . L LINCOLN, " mm:- "ste Toronto. CUTTING SCHOOL-'1 OI" uncured in " hours. 'ttttttttttation-'.' not was cent by mu: " and» u " pa. noun. no. no. 'ili Manual muggy 'iiidiTiij'ic'rirr"r"ir"r1"into, can. rad tt mothorl for their elm 'm boning. It sooth- ho oh ld, at... no (I'll. t'At all grain, in. will talk. “I In t . bent "and: {at “Th-l. 'H. . ha 1. Sold by " Caught through“! the world, U.Tiad 'bi'ili iii; Inn an! Ad for " In -..‘... ...... ....., u! an”, n. "U"""h, Elf. Eyory town can have a band. "v “1! V5! manta, from a . fer u . Opts (1T3. Bunion. Manual. Ge 1. Cull-sh l Co., grep I. carbollc blolnfoctanto. Conn Olnt» meat, Tooth Pandora, Ice" have been urardod'ioo medal: and diplomas for superior "reliance. Ttwir result: use prevent Int-cu- oua Manson. Ask your dearer to obtain a Inpply. “an; mailed nee on application. For Out PM; Your: MM, wxxpwmrsootrm a sum- _m by: A Louisiana woman supportl her- self by raising mint. RELIANCE CIGAR La Totmna, loo. FAU'I‘ORY.MontreAL Oatmeal is good for cleansing the teeth It gives them a tine, glossy ap- pearance and is awaet to the taste. Only one man in 208 is over six feet in height ll,!,'..'?),."!'-?, In Turkey they can the bicycla the "deviVl chariot." tron nun cuTntlng natun G doing In work. The proprietors In" so much ttrttt in me n the run". thin they otter One Hundred 1 fr lur- or an? on». that it fails bo cure. Bend AV Inn of todnmnlull. Adam", P. J. CHENEY a co.. Tobie. o. Sold by Dru, I "ta, 75c. Hall's Funny PM: In the but. Blow strong since Nerviline is in the market. Nerviline is the greet nerve- pain cure. Ita penetrating and pain subduing power is such that relief is almost instantaneous. Try It end be convinced. The radon of thir papa-will be (flamed to turn that were u " loan one dren ttd “an. that acielm han been ublu In can: In all in stages. and that u Cnurrh. Inn'- 0.09er Cur. lt, the only poli'ivo cure known to the medical fll'n'l'nlly. Cnurrh boll; n constitu- than! “some. "quire. u constitutional tron» mom. Hull's Cabal-1h Out. I: when hut-ally. noun; directly upon the blood and mucous-ur- fucea of the ”Item. thereby dutroylug the foundation of the dim-u. sud giving the pun-Mural “h by bulld1n1 up ch. con-titu- Lon and ”usual namro n (loin: In work. The Japanese diet has voted 817,500,- 000 for public improvements in For- mosa. Moat of the money will be ex- pended in railway and harbor work. Examine her feet, and if the his coma buy her Putmun's Painless Corn Extractor. Home will then be- come an Eden. Much of the misery of married life is due to come. Putnam's Extractor is sure. painleu. and prompt. BRASS BAND In your new clerk untamobue or t parnmbutatort I don't understand you. You're dull; an automobllo in full at push. _ and I pttrtunbalator has to b. The value of the fruit consumed in Great Britain every year in estimated at £10.ooo.ooo. There were 249,145 marriages In Eng- land and Wales last year. more than In any year since WN. O'KE EFE'S 1ilfirrlh M ALT Instrumettts, Drums, Uniforms, etc Lowen'prvcu ch-r voted. Ptn oauiii, 500 Illu- tramunu. mailed res. Write In for Anything In - YA.etMyyal Inntmmenu. - - - if F,araa,."p, Ind iiiautiau. W. LLOYD w D, Toronto, GENERAL AGE“. I VEHICULAR PERSII‘LAGI. Bountiful u a roret-leU; clear, to". Bud vol we” no " infant's. can be obtained. Bent [m on “mutation. The Talisman ot Beauty 'ep. THE TALISMAN oo. " woman It, mantra. F. 0. CALVERT a M., gunman“. - . ENGLAND. $25.00 PER MONTH. It Your Wife Ill-Temper“ , CALVERT'tit $100 Reward, $100. Boul n11 Bdrm: men cannot "ord to ho without the Autom me F-uoet Attach. ment, u it 'IT, fur me]! in on. week draw- ing hour. No rip, no Inu- You only and ”no bud to dror beer mth the Automatic F bum no. of null you an hold [Mu-uh ouch land. a the Automatk il . 51'": mod}. 11.. Amount“: ' an" the mm (In. ot but Ind , h used tor Any trade, “it puts . an kind ofbud on the beer that you In“. Price .1 50 pee-paid- money; rolundeq ft not gm!»- The Trude Winds MONTRIAL me rotunda! it not. and» 'l.7L"f/il'IS, ?fupt.iortu? Jai'. European Pua. Mom. tiiii!jtopp_ri 1gtrittttltttr 't'm Cure. All you! if!” 'orit.Pricq Mtc W. P. C. 978 Am. PM; .150 t up ai was. naicbgggr'c' m; roronto,%uL Vllll keep your chm soft " velvet MADE IN ALL COLORS. SOLD EVERYWHERE. but of "a... 2-H"! f2thtr; upvudl. Scoot 0min. us; News”. ”250 "ad , so For tanker interaction in ply to loud mu. at DAVID TORRANCI t tv, Gem-n! Anna. tt " We“ 51.. Imus-I. with I: tad any can secure titlfffi',','h' woman. waldo.- " our admin» dale-n. nu. annual "tttrind o In" utmbllshd out no you“ an In Lt'.tt bui- you" of that own. And I. m rem y to do ' a lune for you. Inummln‘ manhunt tho represent u. . It peofit to theme!"- and “comm Stu-notion to an ir natal-m Writ. II My tor full Micah" You an: . be!” 'mrtrerAroryy?1te9 thin from nnygxher Cormanln on 00.. m In on, tomato Ideal Leather Polish unmet Emma IHCUIBB Dynamo Dominlon Line Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver Dominion, Scotsman, Cnmbromln. . ot (um-ouch; {lit “Ionian to work II In oittoe for the Vo‘orintly 540nm Association; 8 00 r: mu Hr. "m. inurv'cw moans-n; nun. b. uver g you " Age, Ind uble to do. ml .300 m out an ace-urn]. Apply In writing, giving In}! punculm Bend l may. Vounnuy Scum Angel-mu. London. Out Aunt [Bu y Rod or Oreo a 1ye itLACKitoAl, Pub“: “In "hi . ch00}: Torn-WI Nu no.1 ttrt, we. Rnorm’u Tt LE tht: an. wrath“, don. by mutiny). qtt nic .. one mum-s {unwind Mr Ivor! mum}. tripped to n. “a." n... m... "trr'lt'd'drltt Stammerers mama: wig“. rm. to Dr. Anon. Mn 'M'uhonvtuuuu has. mogul. V -___-__ .. m. "an“ nu warn can-Non or tor 'ttttt 1:1ng to " rm t or thr canal” Rall:: a. not I“ " in IIdO‘WIUMN‘ It... mu. I‘ll". rvnuvl . tuurod, "Mit and. It In“ out. Equal to the but Formal: sun. (at no. in Mr . WINNIE. " Ueorer Bt., loam-00L An "-ttirtg Phoohau, one!!!“ dunner for tire, kidney “d launch. “in the Nick at can t u [we unh- ziom in let ot 1eeer,,1t nylon iyyyedee al by - All duals“. in "uuil,%lfiairii, ;A:hag:;“ "l nun-Illu- mm 0a.. "i tum-x ton-u.i.,roronto Tho 1tyteLt.ymi'tytsn tl!', limited Ioolu, low-In. In. thtthttiltt Prayer .mxu, Malta. Million- Pictures. litmus”. um Chum. Oman-mun. [AMI wtaros Yeeers: rre'r [Eu-lulu at}.- Baking Powdar. $150 - ___ ---"" ---.-... .uwu vv.. ""'t'" “In. 'dt",:,'.?,','.?,,', 100mm. It. Loo-onto. get you a“ price: or your Apples. utter. it. Poultry, an! other Mum. if you any It to the. In TEMPLE 'UILDING, . . TUIONN. hum. hum-m, on. fur Inland and mu “was. and Water “only may" DIAU‘MII AND IIPKUVKDH h'xn. Bride. Found-don. Conant. Conukuclxun. Eto, HARRIS R 0 0 F I N G 1'3,W1.tttcet,tttt.rtt. “lilo, "I". a NM... terstt,tg"it. . removed to SrlN 1tt Eloh- nond Bo. .. 0mm. tiaoet?5 AMBITIOUS MEN LU DlliilLILA 150 will, IF TAKEN atONCE, -- buy a PATENT MEDICINE BUSINISS, stock sufficient to make $3,000 worth No other pill like it on market. Fortune tor energetic man. Box I], TRUTH Omen. m Shannon ",'.'a%rh",d'S IARRIS “W" '°""" LEAD, COPPER. BRASS was...» only. bu Disunoo Telephone WI HILL“. 07.. TORONTO. XYLT: Afit1r1moaE, oa., Lend packages, WHITE’S IROMO 860A Everyone appreciate: a cup of good TEA. UlLS l 'uratiitjiiiiiditE' THE VAL'uz or an. Mun. orders menu- prim“ 32:..- 'ra, J. noun & u, hymn. .. loormu Sign: In Blunt ATE BLACKBOA DI We MRI. , hook Torn-u) tturhtuq an, P h ‘ormu was “on ttoi an, mm W our (inn). gtal tkitiris, C A" a {unwind “I work can-lion ottor PMmmKNOWs Mull to In“. it LIT!!! ”LEO and "an: " CASIO ROYAL ”All .YEAIOMPS CEYLON if by GG; tllgllt tum lemslom tair 1?ti,it.tt.tr. & tht., Ji'!??, . .. “I. 'ik'ehhtir,ttist'iyk't 'ii!,liiiitijii ",'.itiiii,i.iiiffii'ioit?.'t' “In. but“. and chlldme, ma no I." no ttg.'tet'giet no. LII-nu we I». n- " at.” " dig-un- on - melhd-umoalh“ I [rubble II- mom our. Alum! Ouc- d 'oGiiliC Mn 'dtNtgallitTftt PaTttttt'dt,'tt"ii 1 an Ant... ' “has. Hurt-cs E'lta ' It.” W. tgtgtyt'aWr,ttheau't'tT faear, I... ALLAN LINE HEAlTII RESTOR Ell Du Barry's mo me TORONTO P THE P"""P* Elmo-non tle,! _ A 10...”, (L a PETERBOIIOUGN. ONTARIO, CANADA. -.. - W FREE]! Domlnlon Lino Montreal and and»: to “W- Lere and foul Ste-men Vnnmvoo. ominlon. Scan-nu. Gunman. I. m: ; “$7555.. rdr2iua"g't,hrlt'"' "t - .__ t““““ mm: Tun-"Tad '6 chukka. tor an!“ i don. d in" 2llett ar- m" out: I . Omit-(Inter Womb for ”Him £470} Rom.- [leuotrgm i-itiii t-tiii-ikiiio"ri'riiih. "e.. ' l.’ Lac-{d - Gr. -- GCGiG ,'lllt. 1.5224 33.13.“. “I! lp t.tttff,lrttvt,ratt. ”and. Ion inn; Min of: -atrd . up! an?” 21295?! 'A'.",")':',',")),', a A Ium‘u-u Ian at In“ In!“ NEON“). WT. ham In" to” I. 0»!- Hobbs Hardware 00. mlmlu- J io, J 16. can Max:514» 'Ill/dd tl,' July I '?,tldealtr _'td",t 'N. WIODONG w I, n, July I. Wu P“ ito Md UM hound atk-4gb.at Mn .66... tt.eeer9ete London. on". In!“ lummoumto L corral & co. -daEicjbi,riq “All A" OOIIIIIIOI BINDER I. new“. " "Min 01.. Toronto. or ti. A A. MIMI. lam-cal. noun mm In. W,T,' smunas 1mm; 80mm: sAqucs. ”an!rmrmgvfifiéxzm‘ ". " luau-.1 St ' Eli-E HI. IT’S THIS Best . LOWEST PRICES. Ontario Canoe Co EPPS'S GRAYErUL-CoM FOITING. TH! HOST NUTR "100.. 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