N axt "But that there is a public interest apart altogether from the interest of the rival candidates there is no room to doubt. It Is the interest of nine-tenths of the people of this country no matter to which The Globe ot Friday last in an arti- cle under the above caption has some very pertinent remarks, suggested by a correspondent writing on the subject so painlull y brought before the public by recent election trials. The Globe agrees with him that voiding an election is aninadequnte remedy and points out that an election trial is a pri. Fate and not a public proceeding peti- tioner in most cases being satistied when he ousts his opponent not being prepared to do further terreting at his own expense. We quote in tall the concluding paragraphs whose ring tor purity of election should sound the knell of unscrupulous partizans no matter on what side found : France is sxoiling for a tight. It was not acci entaily Marehand 'ap- peared Delete the pepple, between the minister of War and the minister ct Marine. The interpretation of the wild elamors, the enthusiasm. and the receptions, it put into words is "Lead us somewhere to victory and glory." li'.\lar:hand will now say some nice warlike words, sSeak nicely of "La Belle France", an can keep his head in the doing so, he will easili be taken by this excitable people as t e making ol'asccond Napoleon,' and his school days will be ransacked for proofs oi military precoicty. Mari-hand has come as a godsend to a country not quite prepared the throw nil decency aside by saeriticing Drey- tus-- now proved to be alruost certainly innocent-to satisfy the military chiets of the Republic, 3tarvhand, at least is a hero, he has crossed a continent, and in doing so stayed a while in Fashoda, and though he had to ' 'move on" there was enough in the incident to make Frenchmen think, they had accom- plished something against Britain. The arrival of Marchand in Paris last week was the occasion of a great ebullitiun ot patriotism, and the em thusiasm has to be described as "de, lerions," "frantie," "storms of cheer. ing" etc., etc. " When the In: drum than»: no longer mm! the battle nag: um fm'led In the Pulimueul of Mum. tho Ftv.'ertttiot, ortho "orlet, There the common Mme ot most mull hold . trettal nun: in awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber. km in uninrul law." -The Peace Conference is really making progress and ifnothing comes of it but discussion on mediation, arbitration, and the rules of civilized warfare, mach good will be done, and the Czar should be thankful. The herrty way in which proposals are being made by the more enlight- ened nations must be an education in itself to the others. If these proposals result in the establishment of an in- ternational Court of Arbitrtitiou, we are approaching the time spoken oi by Tennyson in Locksley "all I --ilev. B. F. Austin, formerly Prim cipal oi Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, was deposed trom the Me. thodist ministry by the London Con- ference last week for holding heretical opinions. The Rev. gentleman seems to have expected it, and tirmly ho!ds to the alleged heresy. The most glaring charge, which is fully ad, mitted, is that he believes in clair- voyanee, spiritualism, and such like new and fantastic, and sometimes criminal practices. Clark Wallace is again elected Grand Master, and made ringing speeches in the Usual loyal and patriotic view. The city tendered the Grand Lodge a banquet on Thursday night. We notice amongst other constructive legislation, that membership in future is to be denied to all persons engaged in the manttfactate and sale of intoxi- I eating l it [nor l - 00. - - l ~Last week the Grand Lodge of: British America met in Toronto, and the report's showed a successful year in the matter of growth. The Hon. N. --Chaneellor Boyd, of the High Court of the Province of Ontario re- ceived the honor cf Krtighthood as a Queen's Birthday honor. All agree to his worthiness. “The British House I made a grant of " Kitchener of khartown tingaished services. CORRUPTION IN ELECTIONS Elm i'iurltmu Enrica: W1 - o o o -.. FRANCE IN A FEVER. Jun e ol Commons has Emu» to Lord m for recent dis- 1699 1 Miss Lizzie Simpson, our popular 'dreasmnker, spent a week enjoying I herself with friends in Toronto, and I returned again on Wednesday last. i on Tuesday afternoon the 30th ult., l the house and some of its contents of iMr Malcolm Cameron ot this village , was destroyed by tire. The origin of I the tire must have been from the stove (pipes. This is a loss to Mr. Camer- I on whose circumstances are not of the l, best and no insurance on the building '; either, bat thronght the assistance of Igood and kind neighbors it is to be I’ hoped some assistance will be given i the family in getting place of shelter. I Miss Flora McIntyre is getting along (slowly. She is attended to by Dr. I Boyle of this place. We hope to hear _ of the young lady's recovery soon. Miss Christena McDonald, of the South Line, Glenelg, is at present at the dress making With srisrisiiGJn" Mrs. Rae andUtr. Jyu0ieGyre, of Brace, paid a visit to Mrs. McIn- tyre on the 24th May. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next the 11th inst. in the gaelie language. Preparatory services at 2.3) in the afternoon on Friday and on Sunday at 10.30 in the morning. The Rev. Mr. Morrison, of Cedarville, was expected to assist the pastor. but owing to sickness he can- not be present. The Rev. Mr. McConnel delivered a good lecture on the life of the Rev. Dr. J. G. Paton, Missionary to the Hebrides, accompanied with views and graphaphone. A good audience was present and appreciated the lee- turer immensely. n _,V_.. ‘vlrrvul(.|lw its far east as our town, and swarms of them can be seen now, especially on the cherry and apple trees. Fall wheat in most places is not half a crop, but some good fields can be seen which promises to give a good yield. Meadows are looking tine, and by all appearance a good crop may be look- ed tor by the middle of July. Everything has a beautiful appear- ance, and this Monday morning as We hurriedly write down a few items We, can hardly begin to describe the beauties of nature after the heavy showers and the warmth following". Low lands oi course suffer more or less from the recent rains, but if it dries up now it will cause the land to yield abundantly, so we hope there, will he no complaints. The cater- pillars are making their appearance as far east as our mun. and au'nI-mn Before what, is. railed popular govern- ment was achieved there Were long and philosophic disrusslons on the question whether a country should he ruled by numbers or by Intelligence. Where (-or- ruption prevails these discussions are Idle. The many are ruled by the few. but it is not the uninstrurted many ruled hy the few wise, but the great body of honest and intelligent people tilled by the few who are willing to give and take bribes. Laws may be devised to make the putti.Aluuettt for these otfences i more and mole stringent. hut at, root the the remedy lies in the t'esumption of power by the people, in the nine-tenths , coming together and saying that what- l, ever eke may he the re~'ult. of their run- ( fhcts they will no longer by ruled by the l cm-rnpting and cen-upted tenth. ly e do not quite approve ofonr t'or'rvsptrtidvnt's suggestion that South Ontario should be dvrfvanchised. The people of Mouth Ori. tat-in are probably very murh like those ( of any other cotts4tituettey in Ontario. There Is no doubt a small puvcharuUrie. element vvetywheve, and its power de. pends largely on the keenness and close. ness of the COHIPSL Whenever the elec. tors choose to say that a fair election is more :important than the succem of either party they have the remedy in their own hands." _ and decided on the tnetits of teen and _' [ measures. But of this nine-tentlh‘. Ui- 3 _ ing that titturens a matter of unwell-i ier.ce. a large number are keen politi-; i ciuns, who, while they would scorn to _ Xiveot'rereiu- a bribe. are somewhat i _ disposed to condone corruption on their i l own side. They are so busily engaged I I in lighting one another that theydo not I , perceive that they are really being gov- i _erned by the corrupt and (-orruptmg' I tenth. Politics are continuallv exhtbit- I i ing phenomenon of the tail wagging the I dog. The corrupt margin will continue to rule just so long as men regard the , stht'fss of their own party as nmre im- i portant than fair elections. It will i come to an end just ma soon as the nine- _ tenth unite and declare that they will [no longer he governed by the tenth, I This is a mutter on which a Liberal has i no right to preach to a "on.servative" nor an t‘onservntive to a Liberal nor any I man to his neighbor. because hurdlynny i man in the community is free from re- i pioueh of allowing government to the} generate into it farce through electoral! l (fullltptllnt. For. whuta farce it is to talk of the country being ruled by the people, when the votes of "tte-halfofthe people neutralize those of the other half and the question is decided by " minor- ity not only insignitieant in public spirit, but also insignificant in numbers, a minol itywhieh despises the arguments I ofthe platform and the press, and there gnrds thesens useful only for keeping 1 the honest yoters within the party ring , fence. _ v Priceville. 90.7 ----. npson, our popular I a week enjoying ds in Toronto, and Wednesday last. the 30th tllt., its contents of t this village "I‘he origin of election is snares: of rmnmly in " WWW“- long and quest ion puled by 0. Reilly, Brussn. and Helpel, respectively " M, " and 96, the reeve 87, for let- ting and inspecting jobs, Councillors ser- vices at meeting of date $12 80, The late treasure: to hand over to the town- ship clerk any township property in his possession and the reeve to issue an order for the seine. Council will meet again on Tuesday 27th of June. i The Nornmuby council met on Saturday , May 27th as a. Court of Ilevisiou and for genera-l business. Members all present. Tue minutes of former meeting were read and eouiirmed. There was only five con:- pleints against the assessor's valuation. The assessor was sustained in the assess- ment of v, Dickert, V. ltoeder. P. Farrellv. end N. Weber. P. E. Weltz assessment was reduced $50, court adjourned and assessment roll passed as tiually revised. The offer of J. Heipel to build culvert " lot 74 con. 2 for 025 accepted. The sum of 015 be granted to improve sideline be. tween lots 20 and 21 con. 12, the clerk to notify J. N. Weber to remove stones put 1 on said road the resolution allowing C. , Koenig to perform this years statute labor on his reed between lots 19 and 20 con 11 is rescinded,snid road is s priiste road and the work is to be performed under the ptttlsmaster on public roads. The following acc'ts were paid: Wm. Cameron repairing culvert at lot 23 con 1 " GO, Egreuiont to pay hall, J. A. Lambert printing notices to closing road " Pteffer'e bridge 50c. J. Herzberger filhug washout at bridge int 5 con. 17 " H. 1'teifer inproving mad side- line betwreu lots 70, and 71 con. 3 " G Baetz filling washout at Derbeekor's bridge 75e. L. Demmerling removing obsti notions twin said bridge 75c.Chas. Adair washout at east end of bridge lot 20 con. 5 and6 " Win. Umback balunee in full building ice, break to Ileid's bridge 517 Dr. McLean, Medical Health Offieer visit of inspection diphtheria cases at C. Montage place " G _ Binge] " weeks keep of widow Weigel 66- I Me, J, Drumm spikes 66 30e, Binkle Bios I lumber for repair sidewalks ln Neustadt, . 62 We, the clrrk relundl'or postage and " express charges $2 M, M. Murray, towards 1 salary as assessor $00. Commissioner Drier i F j A Thousand Tongues 3 Could not express the ruplulc ol Annie ‘1 F., Springer. of 1125 Howard St" Phila- idelphm, Pa., when: she iouud that Dr. King's New Discoyery fur Coumuuptmn had eotupletcly cured her of a. hocking _ cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and (lnctnrr. could give her no help, but she so†of this Royal Umtr-"it noon renmved the pain in my chest and I cnn now sleep soundly, something: I can scarcely w- meniber doing before, I feel like sound, ing its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Dr, King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or hinge. Price ak. and 31,00 Trial bottles free u our drug Stores; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Miss Bella Graham, of Toronto, at- tended the Baptist church here on Sunday last. speI A mischevious wood-peeker caused some annoyance in our school here one day lately by continually picking at the tin around the stove pipe. Some thought at hyst that the old "ghost" was making its appearance in Priceville and felt a little irritated over the affair but on close examin- ation the cause was l'cund. The Rev. Mr. Matheson will be away to the General Assembly the week atternext. The Rev. Mr. Car. lyle, of Proton Station, will preach Sunday after next in the pastor's absent at the usual hour. ot th is place. NORMANBY COUNCIL. ---- 9 o o -----.-- GEO. HOPF, Clerk. I iTo'idt.lgtg"l,xg v I 1“! \IV A Frightful Blunder Willoften cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. L'neklen's Arnlca Salve. the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly llealit. Cures old sore». fever sores, ulcers. boilu, felons, coma. nll skin eruptions, Best Pile cure on earth. Only 2Ge a by. Cure guaranteed. Sold Class 4-George Reid. C'lass'd--EavIe Matthews, Mary Patterson. Sr. 2nd-- Doward Henry, Bella Patterson, Joseph Nelson, 2nd Inter nurdiate--3raud Ham- ilton. Annie Nelson. Sarah Brown. Jr. 2nd-(irace Reid, Mavy Brown. Pt. 2nd --- Maggie Hamilton, Bert Lawrence. TictcwAdams, Sr. lst-Aggie Adams. Fanny Patterson and John Ferguson my, Ethel McKenzie. MARGARET Srm'r. Tun-hm. Report of S. for May, TORONTO are3se6ei4eeiygeeaetitsguiiseiygsii'e . ' in any style done Trlmmlngs I to order on short- ' est notice. As I have lately visited the city mil- linery establishments in the interest of my patrons, I am prepared to give the Latest Styles at Lowest Living Prices, my expenses being light. See my Specialties in VElLINGS and CHILDREN'S HEADWEAR. l Smmnomts: over S. Seott's Store.‘ A CALL SOLICI'I‘ED. jiis,i5it,"t""1"i"i"""'"'t, 'l,,) ttyas mum... :5 to intimate to the ladies oi Durham and surrounding country that she is prepared to supply them with the latest in UV-To-DATE MILLIxmn‘. MISS CULBERTSON begs M 191.1355! Owen Hound. ‘) - -_ _._,.,. In. U'IlI'w'l. Cotppare nur cmuse of study with that of any other. If interested send fur Catalogue containing full particular/s to Prepares young melt and wo. men to take a. successful part in life. This Institution tea. ches nun-v business and better husines than any other Col. loge or Schnul in Canada. OWEN SOUND, ONT. CZ. A. .FLERQNG! MILLINERY Spring and .....Summer .o-.. S. No. 12, Egremont. 'ulbertson trgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iiiiiii1"i"iii "iiihiiiiitiiiiit, SN "t Teacher. Principal. 1899 HIGH-CLASS..... 'ir jLowl-m Tows. tc"""'"""'-";"--"'""""';",;""-'"')" _ __-.4. uUUll nADf UP U the Durham Pharmacy Calder',, Block. Resident-e fiest dom. west. of the Post Office, Durham. These Prices will very long. Ir _ - Jeweled Waltham or Nickle Screw Case. teen Jeweled Waltl newr nth-red heforo Turnip Sowers, set1tfiers, l’lougl all in stock. Attend to your the old established London Mm other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at IV, [DWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. WA A Full Line of DENTISTRY; Dr. T. G. iiiiih, L. D. s. rise bat our stock was bought early, alone. Prices from 850.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full eapload toselect from. are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. llljllllifil AND mE-. RENE FIRST Spring and Summer Goods A _ "Va. FPTT Hill! Jeweled Waltham, at, 1' offered before. $5 BILL! Will now buy a Seven Unlike-u. .._ 15le u.. _ _ D URHA M, ONT. the Best Pianos, EIgi'n when in We have Sew-u- Two carloads ot 'rudhope III'UHHCS t, ICONS-u-select. We have very nice Buggies _ Democrats. Prices of rigs are un H†was bought early, and a good prom saved in “right In em ftft .‘.\.......,3\ EAST CF not last uric-es Plough; Jughs, Narrows, Hay Forks, etc. 'our Fire Insurance. We have Mutual Insurance Company, and ()FFI t W-ut C f " f " Block, At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days aunmw craves. 041.0301 34.0ch Entrance next door to “HIV: Donal mu: Pt 9FFrcFm--at Owen Durham LUCAS, WRIGHT d orsok arristor, otar , Son- voyancor, te., 5nâ€... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. MONEY To LOAN-, Organs and Sewing Machines. W. S. DAVIDSON. A member ot the IA mus TENS. non-mes, co; See our Farm TRUCK. Them Issuer of lARRlAGE Licenses CALDER as, soucrrons, couvsnncens. a: mow nun-EABY TERMS Sound. Mark dale I W (Over the Bunk Will attend tight - ALSO I For sale by H. PARKER I Imn-lriml u nudism. Null“ “1 amount of ,1: Ft) have lake“ ho, your I'hwnulim lure in I'm-mum (ens. G ENTt.r:.tt lu'N friend trim! u rheumatir n-u tny surw-im- it (mm whirl: I years. ll HIV which I what I 1' Rheumatism & Dyspep To th tot, each ouch. ways keep " full In: co and m-c- um M Oxfords. Jud llu- I than. HI'Y SHIN and 21k. a bottle. 'texudes-ed Men',. Bic mach. (“and "I" Cutrs 2th, with Inc:- {ring spring Millers. t't Nh. yard. " wide, ah. yurd A ya H ill-inch Mark. " [4' “Hm-II Serum. 2.31 Tut-ten Ocean and Railway at Lowest Rates. C Us for Any Informa The Big New Goods Yours very tvttly, (signed) JA M r Form-mu ol " (ML f'Alil, MacFARLANE Bl'CKWHEA'l Millet FIE o co Is the h Swede in weight, si unequallc it and c your far; n of the 1cm ittsy Elem lO-in Granite P Boots d: Shoes Buggy Dusters Opaque Windo td'lMDN'T IN HM FLOUR nu. t'Lu‘I‘H Eva mg We ha 1'!" Wm "" Bear. dean Atl Ian-genus†Alli-5'0. AND sl-ll ret u'l y " 1 Pair cettt I Monarch [ Hartley's M Banghnlm Sutton's CM King of King So I 'PPF.lt Ttut' ill In Ot l‘mshm a vanl, NEH ONTA SWE " Me" " Mal tll "rut ll All hl lit l r VIM .\l ll tl At M