(III; PSON. nu“ ’CITORS, ’CIRS. " BATSO Ill. 'ttrt Days; mos hoax. ASY Tamas bl. rates Tower. an and, artal our. E Licenses machines, tt Bo n k Il It] H tune W and mm the Eh! ies For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. I have tried "everal remedies (m rheu- matism. some of which did me a certain "mount of good, but nothing that I have taken has done so much for me as Four Phtvnoline, and I have much plea: }:an in recommending it mother suf- ers. It also cured nteor dysgepsigs. from which! was suffering att e time, so what I feel now like a new man. GesrLrotr:s.--on the advice of a friend tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic vemedy. Phrenoline, and to ‘my surprise it cured "w of rheumatism, hum which! have sutrered for many Years. Rheumatism & Dyspepsia Band. 571 St. PATRICK B'rnrarr, OTTAWA. July 31st, 1806. To th" Pin-mount Methane Co., Ltd. ()thum, (not. lie, each. Granite- Wash Bowls, we each. Large Granite Spoons, 80 each. mum kvep a full line at. lowest prices. 1'ull and .%t'ta our Men's and Womeu's Ihxfords. Jmt the thing for hot wea- thm. "FY SHOE DRESSING. 10c and 20(- a bottle. IO-in Granite Pie Plates Men's Undershirts and Drawers. 25c rm-h. Men's Ruhherine Collars (stand up) lot. each. Mon's Ruhborine (Huh. 2th. pair. ak. yard. Best. Table Oil Uloth, tshi wide. 20(- yard ', M-in wide, the yard. with iaci. fringe, 37x70. mounted on spring rollers, (-mnplete toe. Maiden-51f -centre, the up. '."inch I'ashmere in navy blue and black, 12len yard. 30-inch Black and Colored All-wool Hon-gm. 2.a. yard. Tarte" Dre-us (iinghums. Tc and 8c " yard. Nee them l New Goods Ocean and Railway Tickets at Lowest Rates. Come to Us for Any Iniormation I l The Big 4 Yours very truly. (Signed) JAM ES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau canal. Millet and Hungarian. . . . "l'CliWHEAT and FLAX SEEDS . . . . . . Linseed Meal and Fine Ground OU, CAKE, old prwess, lowest prices. MacFARLANE t CO FIE D CORNS ALSO Grey Stone, and Boots * Shoes. Buggy Busters with em- Opaque Window Shades .M'DON'T FORGET TO CALL. Is the hardiest and heaviest Swede in cultivation, and for weight, size and quality it is unequalled. Try a pound of it and compare result with your favorite. We keep most of the leading varieties includ- in;r Elephant or Monarch tiartley's Bronze Top Bangholm Sutton's Champion l King of Kings l FLOUR 911.131.0111, G ft. wide. Evan's We have Improved Leans- ing, Mammoth Southern Sweet, Mammoth Cuban, and Compton's Early. Bean dl So. and Green Top Yellow Aber- deen. The best varieties for early feeding. IrRUtiGIN'rt4 up "EE0NMEN, I'l’PI-IR TOWN DURHAM. NEW ONTARIO SWEDE All PRIME HWORIIES Durham,. Ont al.. tir. 5th clams-Allie Blackburn. Iva llymlman, Walter Willis, Franc David.. son. Thos. McDonald. Jr. 3th--Nellie Moran. Annie Lawrence, Peter Hamage, Lam-n Hutton, Arthur Smith. Sr. 4th _-Grace Everilt. Maggie Hutton. Reggie- Kelly, James Lavelle. Nellie Watt, Jr. 4th-Fhuhm Wolfe, Clara Aljoe, Allie Guts, Thos. McClocklin, Clayton l’mrman. Sr. 3rd--Lloywn Moran, Myrtle Sihlry. Violet Willis and Mary McKay ow, Bella Camevmr, Murray Smith. Jr. 3rd - Hugh Mctyie, Arthur Young. Lottie Hnrhottle, Thos. Barclay. Jas. McClocklin, Sr. 2nd-Johu Lloyd, Arthur Knisley, Charlie Moore, Alister McDonald. Frossard Benton and Reta Irwin eq. Jr. 2nd--John Benton, Arch Davidson, Winme Lauder, Bea Mc. I Chacken, Stella Jack. Br. Pt. 2nd--i Islay Campbell, Fannie Moran, Albert Met'locklin, Pearl Warner and Marion Gun eq. Willie Lawrence. Jr A. Pt. 2n(l_l{ohlrie Laidlaw. Beatrice Willis, Charlie Crawford. Flora McKinnon. Pearl Murdock and Lynn Grant eq. Jr. B. pt. 2mr--EiU Kinnie. Lannie Park Honor Hull of Durham Public School for May. led a fact which will be gladly ac- cepted by the country, namely that the iarmei' is not responsible for the hand which has been doing so much injury to the reputation oi'the Domin- ion: and it is only iair that the same publicity should be given to this state- ment that was given to the original accusation. This fact however only emphasises the more strongly, the necessity of devising some means for stopping the present methods, for an- I other season or two of such unsatisfac- itor_v shipping will just about kill Canadian trade in the British markets. 1 It is too bad that the iarmers, wliol are the principal sufferers, and the country generally which suffers Just as. actually though less directly, should pay the penalty for the dis- honesty of the comparative few who are the guilty parties. There is good reason to believe however, that the Jiiiiister of Agriculture, who has shown himself so thoroughly ative, to ‘the serious importance oi the matter, will be able to devise some practical means of stopping trouble in tuture. Note. The decision oi the Grand Orange Lodge ot British America, in annual convention assembled. to exclude tor the future all persons engaged in the manufacture or sale of spirituous liquors from becoming members oi the Order is a most significant indi- cation ot the growth of temperance sentiment in the country. It is strong evidence of the educational. work wnich is going on, a work which Till do tar more to make the community sober and check the evil effects. of the liquor trattie that all marchin- tion laws that could be plae on the statute books. Commissioner Ogilvie’s report of his l ,inVOStigation into the charges so im- - ',sparingly and recklessly brought against his oftieial staff has been re- ceived and laid before parliament. The full details of the evidence taken aeeompanies the report, and a perusal thereof makes it very apparent that the inquiry has been as exhaustive as t it was possible within the limits re- , quested in the Miners' petition Which ; originally led to the investigation ber .' ing ordered, and the sum total ot the i i result is to prove that a dog~driveri . who had been employed as door- ' keeper at the Commissioner', ottiii,1, . had accepted a bribe to admit people out, of their turn. and some of the clerks in the government oftiees had worked over time, and accepted pay tor the same. Not the slightest eei. deuce was discoverable of any crook- eduess on the part of the oftieials, nor could it be shown that any of them had personally benefited in the slightest degree in any dealings with the miners. The inquiry in fact isa complete vindication of the officials and, (as the Opposition insists upon the personal responsibility of the Ministers), it is a complete vindication of the Minister of the Interior and of the government also. The Alien Labor Law. The government, in reply to gtrio. I tures by the Opposition, has this week repeated the statement often made be- fore that an agreement was reached , at Washington to let this law be in- operative on both sides till the Corn, mission had risen. Only at Buffalo has the law been entorced by De Barry but hundreds of other Canadr. i ans are crossing daily at other points, i and these would at once be stopped should Canada put this disgraceful I act in force. 'l'hat De Barry is not eall, , ed in is certainly surprising. i The Export Apple Trade. The discussion started the other day t by Mr. McMillan, (Liberal South : Huron), on the question of packing apples for the British market develop- I n OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Honor Roll. AN lxcuncx'r ox THF. 24rH.--At ahout ten o'clock. in an excess of patriotic zeal, " number of boys let off a huge rocket. Instead. however. of soaring heavenward, the naughty rocket. made a. bee-line for the fine sheet of plate glass window in Mr. Rnnkin’s west show window. tt went through the heavy glass like. a shot and landed in a heap of fireworks which were. piled up behind, For " moment there was silence, then-- mppl hang! hung! rippl hang! hang! ad infinituiu, The store was filled with smoke, while in the front portion Catherine. wheels, hunches of firemuu.ks I ers, Roman Candles, rockets huge and l small, chased each other playfully i round and round, whizzing, whirring, cracking and hanging-a very pande- monium. The ice cream Parlors tin the rear were full at the time. a mag‘ority of the occupants being ladies. f course they were much frightened, and for al Inlet space there was almost a. panic. Most of thtm. made their escape y way ofa hack stews, but in a few minutes the stock was exhausted, and things settled hack into their usual eaImc--EE NEW CnteAMtute-The Flasher-ton Advance says: -We visited Mr. \Vilson's new cr eamery on Tuesday and found the workmen busy putting on the finish. ing touches. The building isa commod- iozw and well equipped affair. 30x46 feet. It contains G cream vats and Will have a capacity of WWW. per day. The churn has a capacity of 400 gallons of cream and the proprietor Intends to add a sec‘ ond of like capacity. The necessary power is supplied by an 8-horsepower engine. Mr. Wilson will have five wag- ons on the road gathering cream, two of which started on Tuesday. The first churning was made yesterday. \Vednes- dar. l A s'4os"rANrrtAr, (any " was: very weak and hardly able to walk. My hlood was thin and I was as pale. as death. Being told about. Hood's Sar- ( saparilla I began taking it, and in a few lnlontlH I had gained twenty pounds 'in weight. I kept on with it until I was an well u" ever." Arthur Mills, Dresden. Ontario. Hoon's PILLS cure nausea, headache. With the opening of the fishing season the inevitable fish stories come in, and of course they are. pretty near the same from year to year. A com-1 mercial traveler. however, tellsone that l isalittle out of the ordinary-and he vows that. it is a truiytrue one, too, At the earliest moment the law would allow. three men of \Vingham went to Durham equipped for a few days' sport. For three days they angled faithfully, and the result, of their labors was one lonely trout. Their expenses were " apiece. Fifty-four dollars per fish is rather a fancy prire. even on a reserve. -Npecttttor. l The Ednvaliun Dvpmlnwnt has tut" nonm-od the dates for the high whoa] and university "tntriculation exumiua- Lions. l mnlidntes in Form 1 will begin on July 3rd. candidates in Foo" 2 and Cmtunercial Specialists, on July 5th. and candidates in Forms 3 and 4 on July 7th. When you are nervous and sleepless, take Hood's s'arsapnvilla. It makes the nerves strong and gives refreshing sleep. Miss Nettie Brawn and MI A McDan- gall of the Review staff. in (-nmprmy with 2 loads of other young people. are picnirking at 11aywatd's Falls 10-day. Postmaster C'hislett, of Ceylon, was in Durham, Wednesday, and gave the REVIEW a pleasant cttll. Mr. Ed. Mottley has moved into the house near Mrs Burnet's store. 4th olass--Lizzie Smith. '3vd--3hunie McKnight. MayUmnm-nn. Sr. 2nd-- Albert Twaluloy, Hazel Dal-gavel. Je. 2nd-Wm. Smith. Neil Campbell. Pt. 2nd, tsY.-jella McAllan, Bryce Damnw el, Pt, 2nd Jv.-Hazel Marshall, Frank Twamley. lst class -Annie Stewart. Judge Morrison has given his decision in the Burnet case awarding $22.50 and costs to the plaintiff. Report of U. S, S. No. 3, Ilentittck and Glenelg. Report based on weekly ex- animations. i V Class-Lizzie Srhtt. Jr. IVClass-. Sterling Murmurs. Sr. III Class-W. McNally. Jr. III Class-Edith Wil- Hams. Kate McNally, Bessie Atkinson, Willie \Villaughan, May Aljoe. Sr. 11 t-'lass--Mtuatie McGirr, James Ector, Dan. McFadden, Murray Ritchie. Jr. IIUlass---Ethel Weir, Arthur Weir, Martha Lawrence and Ida Wilson equal, Fred Ritchie. Pt. II t'latus--. Stanley Mc-Nally. Susan Lawrence Pilllili, Annie McGiI-r. Elna Aline, Ellie Ector. Sr. [Class -Henry \Villaughan, Sadie Whitmore, Alex. Aline. Bella ltletoe and Aggie MoGii-r equal. Jr. B C'lass-Floren% MrGirr, John Mat.- lhews. Ada Aljoe, katie Rilchir, Jas. f‘rutphlry. Jr. A Class-Willie-Att,.; Honor Ibull of S. H. No, for the month of May. Marion Currie, Tommy Holt, Nellie Becker. Sr. 1rit--H3ututev Havtfovd, MPllmIn-u McKay, John anlt-t, Annie Alinenml Foster Saunders a... Herbie Murdock. Intermediate-Brock Grant, Louie Telfuml. Jr, A-Willie ('nnwmn, Ernest Everitt, Jv.B, Willie Brown- ing. Ruby Mills. ADDITION AL LOCALS '. GRANT. Teacher. -rWillie (“HILL-h: I. 9, Glenelg, R. MacFARLANE, Jr. or C. RAMAGE, For Painting at the Presbyter- ian Church. For particulars app] y to 'ar'rhe, only up" Undertaking and Embaiming on latest prin- ciples at reasonable when. would Intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business samb- llnhed by her father in Durham in "" and will endeavor to give all old and new custom on! the same entire satisfaction. Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY 1rty,1 fntirn.atp, that she At, 1 o'clock p. m. For receiving ofrleers' reports, the. election of otrleerif, making preparation for meetings of the ensuing year. and transacting the usual business of the Institute. All interested invited to be present. W. J. YOUNG. GEO. BlNNlE. President. Secretary. South Grey I FARMERS’ INSTITUTE Saturday, June toth, THE ANNUAL MEETING oy THE :Sngth fr'vey Funnel-x" Justin-m. wall - - -- -‘r-'-- _.... I'II" glur with undisguised cunit‘mpt and laugh him lo scorn.~Ex. The burglar continues to demonstrate his superiority over the safe maker. There does not appear to he any com- bination of chilled steel, time locks or other contr'ivance that the skilled bank robber cannot m'ercmne in short order if undisturbed The printer is about the only man who can look upon the bur- -" 7 .. . -- LUCAS Brarcs, MARKDALE. Dated at Durham, May 25th. IMD, Flor {unlaw- particulars apply to the um ersuzno . LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON Ton per cent. down at time of sale; balance Ill fourteen days with interest at six per cent. ,,V_.V, .‘.,.. ...... CW lug nun-Ir .2110; leer, Faran nearly all cleared and uudvr cultivation. At the hour. of two o'clock in the after- noon, the following property. namely t The west half of lot number three in the twentieth concession of the Township of Egrelnont, containing "lrout fifty :u'l't's more or less. On this property is erected at ll, sh ry concrete dwelling house 20x29 feet, a log lmrn taix48 feet, Ind :t_log stable 24x.T2 feet, Remember: _the U Power of Sale 0 tail-mi in a cor- lain mortgage ',18lir'?l, will he pro- duced at time of Sale. there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the Middungh House, in the Town of Durham. on ~(DF7 Valuable Farm Property in the iownship of Egremont. Eggs, per ttor, ... . Hides. per owl .., Calfskins ... .., Sheepskins ... ..t Hay, per ton .., Slrnw, " ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag .. Mortgage SALE I Flour per ewt .......... Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ewt ... Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, " Peas, hh Oats, " Dr'd Hogs, per cwt Hugs, live weight ... Lard perll» ... Tallow' per ll: ... Batter per ttr, Tub ... MISS SHEWEL MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1899 - --_ -.-....--Anu VI: 1111) Smith Grey Faruwrs' Institute will he held in the Town Hall, Durham, Nprut AND BY VIR'I‘UE 0F Hood’s Pills TENDERS WANTED. aiamte. Solubnummaum Constipation, Headache, Biiiousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, MISS SHE WE Ll r the tttyndropposite the Market. Durham, remws OF SALE.. DURHAM MARKET. Becy. Bd. of Managers, best medicine to rouse the liver and cure tut these ills. is found in Indicate that your liver ll out ot order. The -et an I! â€no In Vendor's Solicitors 6180:0921?) 200to 226 500to o00to 90 to 65 to 0 45 k 0 62 to 0 28 to 4 75 to 4 10 to 10 to 04 to 10 to 10 to 11 to 7 00 to ' 1899 " to " to 700 they us 30 to live " our fore 6 00 low. 0 00 tor me l? disease. o l2 l2 l2 Manufactured in stock. All people of knowledge buy the "Perfect," "Garden" and " Dominion." 70 Tools'. Cur stock of Section Guards and Heads is worth in- specting. We lead in FISHING TACKLE and received a fresh supply to-day. Just Received a large shipment 66 GO 62 10 Our Weekly Supply of Ready-mixed PAINTS for Hcuse, Buggy, and 1m lament use just to hand, as we†as a large shipment of BJGGY TOP DRESSING. we will receive this year. as well as your trees. ll MV "IM oo lilo “UUBJ â€1611': I We have received a shippent of EIGHT SPRAMOTORS, and this is the last who Will _llirll')t Lucky Eight :2 Elf your dealer does not handle our Twine write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto. "gg ii Wins: Mom. Want GOOD Binder Twine, and are willin to pay a fair price for it. Sen- sible farmers know GOOD twine is the cheapest; and poor twine is dear at any price. It is not what we pay, but what you get, that constitutes a bargain. " Plymouth" make and sell GOOD twine as low as GOOD twine can be sold. " Plymouth" does not make or sell POOR twine at any price. .9519: run IN SUPREME COURT ' ' JSAVINGS BANK. Interest "Unwed rm Norm" Paula canmscmuzn, ETC. wavings bank deposits of $1.00 and up. MONEY To LOAN ,‘wards. Prompt, attention and every :fm-ility afforded (-uslmm-rs living at " Office, over Grant's store. Lower Town, (distance. DURHAM. I J. KELLY. Agent. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUILIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. THOUSANDS OF 'Tuz::,aae:ruz,e, A - "$693313“ OUR SUPPLY OF WHIPS IS SOMETHING MORE THAN USUAL. (ltih't (ht J as, R, Gun Small Pill 1 Small Dose ! Small Price! LIVER PILLS May seem like a peculiar adage for a druggist to quote, but these are days when people think more than they used to, and they are beginning to live out some ot the proverbs which our forefathers quoted, but did not fol- low. Now-a-days poorle are looking tor medicines that will "stave off†disuse. Have you tried our little POUND Of CURE .l', J. P. TELFORD, All DUNGE 0f PRE- VENIION , WURIH ll A Few More of the Best Bicycles anfnrpd" h, cfmlr All mnnlp n; L'HIIH'IPAO’P huv thro PUT UP BY HARDWARE. DRUGGIST They will not only stave off disease, but will cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Torpid Liver, Etc. Mll)llll(ll (F PARIS (lllEll IND illllf " IN 8106K (le - l)gtlit 0m. TORONTO II WM. BL ACK / Do_n_ot lose JPtlr crop of fruit l A general Banking business transacted. {Drafts issued and collections made on gall points. Deposits received and inter. I, est allowed at current rates. 1rllil)lllil) BANK AA CANADA CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . Jamaal) CAPITAL. Paid up. ... ..... Luau") RESERVE FUND .. 'ro .... “0.000 W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. {may say it hit Itt an ttlt AGENTS in all principal poittis in Ontario. Quebec. Mnnilulm. United States and England. “Always Promi,t." kever Negligent.’ All business Strictly Private. A Hundred Rood Farms for sale- Also a number of fine Hanover Properties. Go to him If you wunt to sell; Go to him if you want to buy. He collects notes and accounts, and it. heats overv- thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. Bl'SlNESS Tnngles. Knurle- und Difticulties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling,' by the use of a little tact and good judgment. If you are unable to [my loo cents on the 8 he will assist you to art-mum with your. creditors. Insolvent. Estates sub isfactorilv wound up. Deeds. Mortgages, Wills, and other \Vritings carefully prenatal. ll. H. MILLttR wilt haw bee" :11 ymuw of Mr (maxim-ax "a" XMAS DA I', and he KNOWS [10 IV In tre'f ',h"/f'h, u! louvw! pomu'hk' rate»: and wtth u! ptftvilegeic Thot is uh the whole country you fo him. (I: he (Hiding a! 5 pm- n'nl. and on Iurgr loam; at 4.1-1. ALI. DURHAM AGENCY. Head Office, Toronto. catch lit I rish ! PR0TESTANTs and CATHOLICS. ltieh Men, Poor "I! Grits, Tories od 1 DEAL WITH.... of Farm and Garden J. KELLY, Agent. i - - - . The} Hanover l 'onveva n C 7. Miller HANOVER. c.. MILLER, On Hilary Tug. See That You Got It! This Trade lurk Is w, Poor Mm, , . , _ arms and f tttvote, /2At ii. / it