xx' Mr. Neil McKinnon spotts a new top bum now. Look oat ladies, Miss Bella Graham in at present visiting friends in thin burg. All are pleas d to no her plans.“ smile. So an N. Mr.Normnn McDouglll is at present oatrel with [rumor John McDonald m Arturo-in. They no trauma a barn for Mr. cus )chumon just now. Meal". D. )IcDougall and N. McIntyre ,isiterd Manda " Faint." Corners, on. owning lately. Min; Pbooln Livingntou of Misc Tenn NeDonald week. Mr. David [links wears n two by fonr smile now over the arrival of a young you. It is n bouncing baby boy and has come to any. Congratulations Dave. Miss Christina McDonald “ha returned from the Queen City some time Igo is at present learning dreammking with Miss Simpwn of Prieeville. ‘.a*n 46nd Muir Maggie )lcCannol accompanied by Mr. Malcolm Meintns, spent Sunday " Mt. Dunnld Graham's d Ulenelg Centre. Mnuud biry. Neil McLeod of Booth, vnlle “sited at Mr. David Hinks' one any last week. Hurrah In: Topeiimt once again. The 24th passed off quietly in our burg. Quite a number of our lads and lusien took In the picnic at Haywnnl's Falls that day, and judging by the tune some of them returned home, we think they had a very pleasant time. One man was seen wendmg his way along forty sideroml Hilly the next forenoou. Wonder who it was Jack , wooxowoomowom Mr. Angus Hooper is building a strsight This is Something you have not seen in f the Durham papers before, but we are f _ Leaders. Others follow. The proper wav to do business is to Sell for Cash and a Bu} for Cash. Cir', cjbC-lt. 3.3% , (l 3061 LBS. BUTTER IN lillill DAYS , Drink " Kincora - Ceylon z..- "at?"ClllE1lL%. --""' , --WE? PAY-- t. 9mmmmrmmmm«mmmw9 tThe Durham Woollen Mills . 81.2.5, at MR. pair. Dish Hath Kemp, c, "s. bar with Towel, regular 250, at 17c bar. Hum Pius, lc "ozen. Ginger Snaps. a. lit. h boxes Corn Starch at i'.c.gtc1"pg; Caoned Peaches, n-gular . Je, at We can. Large Tin Baking Powder. 10c size at BC. 7 pieces Light Summer Muslim. fancy stripe linen effects, regular price We, at Gc yard. Women's Black Cotton Home at lor. pair. Pure Wool Yarn at an: pound, single at 25c pair. we Blue Deluin at 19c yard. Departmental Store, LOWER TOW'N. m pairs Meu's Plow Bums. regular price ttt.00, at 75c pair. :Inmim Women's Fine Dungnl-I Oxfords, sizes 2h, 3, 3.5, . Have been opened for the season, the machinery has been overhauled and ready for work. Owing to the very low price of wool many of our patrons prefer to have their wool spun into yarn or made into rolls. We do Spinning at IOC 1b. and Roll Carding at 5c 1b. This gives you cheap yarn. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. U. A. HUNTER Topclitre. Is our latest record. This is the strongest proof we can offer to you that our Cash for Produce System is being appreciated. was the guest one day last Commissioners Bruno sud Reilly were out buying timber last week, and work will probably soon be commenced on a job which has already been left far too long. LAsurs.--Pruties having lambs to cast“ rate can have them done by the under- signed at moderate rates. Enquire at Centrtl Hotel. Hum MacKay. There was no service In the church here Sunday. It being Sacrament Sun- day in Hanover. Leiut. o. M. Snider left Monday for Durham en route for Niagara Camp. Misses Mable Snider and Maggie Geddes were the guests of Mrs. Jas. Park of Bentiuck one any last week. Miss Nellie Derby is home for afew weeks. We. regret to my that Mr. Mu . Byers who has been on the sick list for some tima, is not Humming M quickly as might be hoped fur. Ili-s Jessie Devi-y returned home from Louisa last week. Mr. Alfred [links bought a tide team of homes from Mr, A. McCunig. ----+ o _-------- Hampden. Mr, John McPhuil lost a valuable barge lately from the effects of distemper. Mr. Norman McIntyre accompanied by his sister Mrs. Cocker of Victoria B. C, Visited friends in Balsam Valley Saturday Miss Flora McIntyre who has been laid up for some lune past is not improving much, we are sorry to relate, bat We hope to hear of her recovery soon. fence along the trout of his hun makes quite an improvement as looks of it. Angus is n hustler. DURHAM, [MARIO , 3,31,, l, regular his farm which "tf to the Bert Marshall now walks the floor occasionally singing sweet lullabya to his Locum; baby boy. Mm. John Monica and Mrs. Watson, Sn. we no my to but are both under Miss B. and Mr. R. Robinson Visited It Mr Fee‘s Sand“ week. Thecopions showers of the last two weeks have somewhat. delayed seeding opertstiomr,trnd those having low fUlih, are but just through, while u few may hove to up“: on low land, Mr. Editor, owing to the rush of spring work we have found it ditlieult to chronicle the doings of our tranquil burg, and as week after week passed we fully expected to lose our sit, but as no one has stepped into the breach, why here goes again. , Robbed The Crave. A startling Incident, of which Mr. John Uhyer of Philadelphia. was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dreadful condition, My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken. tongue coated. pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, gradually growing weaker day by day, Three physrcinns had given me up. Fottuuately it friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise the tirst bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only Mk., guaranteed " our drug stores o l Mr. Duncan, of Mt. Forest, preached in the school house Sunday evening. Mr. Wm, Allan took charge of the Varney Methodist service Sunday morn- ing in the absence of the. pastor, Rev. Mr. Kitching at coufereuce. Mr. Alex, Allan raised his new Imrn Thursday "fun-noun. Mr. Geo. Pollock left Monday morning fur Allenl'ord, In complem- his unn‘mt-t of burn musings. Mr. D. Campbell lawn ed his barn on Saturday afternoon prevmus to the erect mm of a new mu- lnu-r 1m. A little. boy Cattle iu the home of Geo. Pollock's " week ago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John (‘Impnmn of Mark- dale spent a tre.w days last" week visiting Murdoch reltrtives, Mr. G. Sharp, urcmnpamied by his little girl, visited his mother on Sunday. Misses Rebeca and Minnie Hall mums to visit their sister Mrs. Pollock. Miss Minnie intends roimiining for a few weeks. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if yon used Dr, King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their umtchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build upyour health. Busy to take. Try them, Only 25c. Money backif not cmed. Sch] by our druury,vsts. 5 We are sorry to chvorncle this week the death of one of Proton's pioneers in the person of Mrs. John Knox, who died on May 23 Her husband died in 1.887. and her only daughter in 1881. She was born in Edinburgh. Seotlnnd in 1829. was married in Lower (humid. and came to Proton 37 years ago. Mrs. Knox wasn faithful worshiper at the house of God, and in early years took anactivepart in every good work to advance the Lord’s muse here. The Swinton Park Pres. church and cemet- ery is on the farm which was her home. Four sons mourn their mother’s death, Thus. and Robert here, Wm and John now residing in Manitoba, A large number of friends and neighlxn 5 follow. ed the remains to the grave. She was highly respected hynll who knew her. This week the Cheese Factory is running at full speed. “he more Lenin this year than last. We expects to see A, NCL. calling at. Balsam Valley soon. Archie Calder was seen driving with his best girl Monday. In this section the spring crops look well. The frost of the 14 and 15 did not do any harm. MI. Tom Wilson, from Singhmuplnu, visited his parents here a week ago, he was accompanied by Mrs, McKinnon of the same place. Tom is working his way .ueadil.vito the top rung of the ladder. We have much pleasure this week in announcing the nmrringe of our genial school teacher, Mr, John A, Graham. to Miss Burgess of Durham, on May 2Ith, We extendto them (DUI warmest con- gratulations. and welcome Mrs. Graham to our neighborhood. We honestly believe an unarmed teacher would get on better in this neighborhood. John wore a happy smile while driving through on_r hunt. with .1?is lovely bride by his Miss Eva Booth and Mrs. McQueen were in Durham Inst week. Miss Celiea McLean visited our town last, Saturday. There will he a large wedding at Mr. John Richardson’s on May 31st, on the occasion of the marriage of his youngest daughter Vina to Mr. Cranston of Goderich. We wish the young couple hon voyage through life. Mrs. 1Vilder visited her daughter Mrs. Callsert, in com ttnywith Mrs. J. Clump- hell, last sf7/2"l!', while J. t'atuplrell attended to business at the Court of revision at Holstein. A number of our young people went to the icnic at the falls By the looks of o. ill'. load he would have a good tune, as he would not get there till near time to come home. We are sorry that Miss Gertie Wilson had the misfortune to have he: ankle sprained, and hope she will soon he on her feet again. side. We would suggest: to the telche, east of us to follow "a example. North East Normanby. bdrm/HI for Ins! INT/f. Intended for last tceek. ---- 9.. -- -.-..A Murdoch. Boothville. -. * . rung H'I\vrlli no“ m" , Mr. HORN" n lowest mm of fauna. vaiaidiii made by u competent 3nd careful anuuor. iig'gtxr Ind prince Fund. Pyhegftt.! Itrett - 91 huge-t. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. “ma. Deeds, Mortgages. Lanes. Agreements, kc. f,"g,'tthuTg'tPe, Estates of downed persons look after. and Executon‘ and Ad- tuinigtmtom' Accouan prepared and mused. Surrogate Court Business. Probate ot Willy, Letter. ot Administmtioti Ind 2"gftg"Sd' Obtained. Benches madam Registry Once u; Titles nported on. BARR/875R, SOL/Ciro; UOAVRV PulLlc. CONYIVAHCIR, " ometr---LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. We Sell all kinds at all prices Also a Full Line of WATCHES, JEWELRY, ' SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. flt:t_Round M (Farllane's The Wheels was“ All Prize Winning Stock; want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater annount of work he will do. IT--- In Heavy and Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Etc. Dinner Spoiled-Husband 1lad-. Servant Girl Ugly. The anment clock did its best-LIt is old enough wrest. Its gonng qualities have gone you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them "s.. oo Kl‘ ‘7," - - f'or f'or 93:3..50 You can save time and worry by buying one. That there is a wrong to put right is generally admitted by all except, those sr'lfishly interested. Are the great Church Conferences this month doing anything to try to remedy the wrong? it is peculiarly' their tield to do some thing for the. oppressed wherever. found and interference at such a, juneture. though it might he met with snubs from certain quarters. would do a great. deal to strengthen its hold on a claw which ic, admittedly slipping away from it, Later The men returned to work on Monday last with, It, Would seem. tacit understanding that a. raise of Wages is to follow '-Latet' Still. Jl‘he strike is on again union men claiming Hays has hroken faith. Spring: Need tho weather at present. The b'au,ceen oveutlowed its banks last week, and submerged the flat lazuli. tiuceptvaihase is now the or,ler ol the day, and the boys report the water plemi- ful Lu! cool. “Hem†Mmuusox _At lt. C. Church, Durham, an Monday, June G, hy the Rev. Father Hauch, Miss Jane Morri- son, daughter. of Mr. Samuel Morri- tout, Egremout, to Mr. Edward P. Welsh, sun of the late Patrick Welsh, Bentinck. Our annual school picnic will be held June 16th on the old camp grounds (Rei- Iey's Lush.) The various; committees and teacher are hustling to make the event a. success, and agoodtime ls asrared. Come one, come all. Mrs. Moore and grataddtuurhter, Bella. Petty, spent. Sunday with Normauby nml Bentinck friends, The red waggnn of the gypsy scaveng- ers passed through our neighborhood Sn tun-day. swnpping worthless tiuware for the year's accumulation of rags, bones etc. At date of writing the strike is still unsettled. Neither have We heard of any accident to trains or travelling public. This latte, fact speaks volumes in the menu favor, for among 1800 men it was to be expected there would he some hot-headed enough to cause an accident to draw public attention more forcibly. Everywhere sympatay is being ex- pressed for the men. and merchants " points where pompetition is 'available, are Jyi.t..hdyprwitw their business from the G. T. R. . LEFROY McCAUL. TORONTO OUR LINES (or' VAHISI‘F, GRIPS, ETC. ARE OF THE POPULAR KINDS. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We '. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank. WE SUPPLY IT--- THE TRACKHEN. ‘. LEA VENS MARRIED. of Mime. ii'! M, '." --t 'is-cel' to, Low on From Thorough- bred Leg- horns. Eggs! met hi - -_r.e -v.--“ GGrrGii""iWi'll, Illa: lotions lam-n mu “Iago ecu": had. by [in Maui's Ointment, the deetded to try It. The In: ytrpBmtion .111de the Irritate- and - continued Ida. 't--eu dunno “My dis. puted-aduwhttwo year-then bu Dunno tttl of . Min ont. Ointment allays the ais- -.rdi massing itching, burn- Bill P, ing, stinging sensa- t rad tions which are part r, I 0,11“ and parcel of such " A troubles, and in I “I iii thousand can: I ', l where internal treat- g i,,T) ments have failed to rT heal and eradicate El Rg , . them it has worked :\ - x - wonderful and pennan- tihN. ent cures-and no skin dis- ‘ case, no matter of how long 1rtanding.has baffled its curative qualities. In cases of chronic eczema it has proved its great worth, and cases are on record where this dread "ection has been the birthright of its patient and constant com- A lady living In a northern County town write: that for seventeen yem she was troubled with “It rheum. Shite?! itâ€. nutmeg! and need In" lotion: an rneum. running sores, ire quickly, cured by Pye. “new: ointment-fs Cents. Who doe-hot envy a baby its soft velvety panion skin? How may suffer from distressing Agnew' skin diseases-Do you suffer? Have you perm "tter-salt rheummld head--riag worm because -eemrtsa-ttkers-blotches on the akin- head A: chronic erripetar--liver spots and what panime: not else of there distasteful and aggravating driven t disorders which dislhrure and A cLovtili,_11yp'Irn', ,, MILLET, (liglg (lat "I Blllk al h)gi, UhUVl‘jli. TIMOTHY, MILLET, HUNGARIAN, LAWN GRASS, BLTKWI IFIAT, TA It FIS, I IEA NS, LI NS F, ED, ETC. SEED PoThTohS--EaHv London, Early Vaughan. lluse'nf the North. (Eu-man No. 2. ONIONS~Dutch Sets, English Potato Onions, Etc. . PLANTS ~Tomato. Cabbage, Cauliflower and Celery. t'artev's Elephant. n huge swede and of good quality. Cattet's lmpminl Hardy. an average size turnip. solid and nutritious. Sultan‘s (‘rlnunpimn an vxcelleut tunup. King of the Swedes, one of the host. BANGHOLH. a favorite. Hattley's Bronze Top, rich in quality and u good keeper. Luuduu Purple Top. a lmudsmue turnip. large and " heavy ('ruppvr. Yellow and White Fleshed Tmytips, Purple Top leluw Alrevdeen, lul- ptoved Urey Smile and Lincoln Hed Glohe. Carter's Dwarf Essex Brand Lenved Sawing Rap». the only Rape suited for feeding purposes. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS “I. I n Jun-n. - _ - - FthD tl0ltN--Leatuinw'rs llnprovaKin; u: 'Em-liesl. Angel of Midnight. Giant Cuhan, Mammoth Southern Nweet. " GARDEN CORN." tivst of all. Sugar Beet, \Vhite Toll) b'ilesian. grows to a good size. Danish fled Top, the urges! Sugar Beet grown. MANGEL W0RTzEL-Chwtev's Mammoth Long Red. the host ofnll. Cacter's Norfolk Yellow Globe, adapted fol light soil, arr-MW " good size and at good keeper. nlhl n n: aunt-In n: .u I A THi,e.tihrCP.0ST- A vePy Irtypytulrh' yavit't y. - -- _-___ - --- .. .. "? ,........... .....n,. FIELD CARROTS --Mauutsoth Intermediate white, " great yeiltler and coiily pulled. Large White Vosges, u thst class (Topper and good feeding qualities. White and Yellow Belgian, well known varieties. Lung Orange and Red Altritrs,rhattr, good for general crop. FIELD SEEDS -- --." - v Sldn diseases Iron the more“ trim les to th “It rheum, running notes. are ugh-Ida dill?! ottttnate eczema. SEEDS 'i' ftlllf) N LIKE BABY'S Thirty-eigth annual import of Staple Field and Garden Seeds from one of the largest Growers of seeds in Britain per S. S. St. John City. L - _ - i _ w on't Be In The tr Too Late Class'. These Wares have got to be cleared out in fourteen days, and in order to do so we sell at cost. We offer you . 1'oloped Bedroom Sens frum $1.75 to $3.00. Dinner Sets, $5.50 to $9.1†Ten Sells from 82.00 to $3.75. Glass Tumblers 400 per dozen. Egg Cops from 190 In Mc per dozen. MRS. A. BURNE T These Prices are merely indicative. See for yourself. §3ij lip: 1itsitR5%stSkustShustSssatgiastigsiuatgs '-'-2-th'iutmau"aiiiEiirisGilkr--i-, H. PARKER ig'te,c9.99eca2/.99S.99S.9'99s, panton until past middle life, and Dr," . Agnew's Ointment has cured speedily 1nd Permanently. It is I. boon to mothers because it is I boon to babyland--scau head end its irritations. which on Accom- paniment: to the teething period,are quickly driven " And restlessness passes Away-- - end where torture reigned with -. - x HT baby this balm brought rest ' . ' " and I cure-it “lords in.. Iilllll _ stunt relief from the . itching distress. . . . 1 I’ ’3‘ Do you suffer from F V K piles- itching, blind, it I bleeding or ulcer- ated t--No remedy SD, I , haabrought soquick ' " , wr relief.spsred painful ' r ,7' f surgical operations u MINI tN Dr. Agnew's Ointment A ' . .--it has proved itself no Mil ’ absolute cure for piles h nil forms 1nd at all "ages- panion until past (lhtat , SWINE] hggg. 1899 S WEDE TURNIP Pleasantly In; CTTTTTO permanently '..- w--_ A "DRY (“ANT-r1515 "qruiarstier nu tlt" tivst London Camp Gen. Hutt :lmiishiug the tutttteett l "etrutmpntetttm Nome have been heard, but tword \Volseley ttttOlin-he iotgr'is the unny in Hz†detriment to discipline Gen. Hutton ulmuld um I Vor.t'STrittttri A'r'rHNT her of Mount Forest (in: m mpmnd to the will 4 and country In mm " practice at London. I,',',) (Win Coyne tuber and the has: and the‘ in him to rompel him. l two constable- made hii was an duty with his a otd he was oquFdIed to hear the mate o the an own runway hue too. civil and to undeuund 1 Shelltunw and Markd (man for the first tim tart Friday week. “an O. lukdnle 3. Dundnlk voted an . the question of Nunicl is a 3141) In Advance. All #'tT0PPR0 nu: TRAIN.- ..z-ul. omd west, of us rm 't'Mre of "all“ by mullil pillars on the rails. In the country a few days as“ on the forest nn- pl: ,aod at course all hope on fJIcmia futile. Int-9mm lard and cther valuable ,oxen‘ioed. tor a few yel deciding in early Rum“ kill the trees. third upon by the hurl at lord sports fur the an my Celebration. and *ttsre only am- day nl their mindu to tspettd prized will draw the IA while our line grounds ( the county for a day} bills for particuhus. I OATMEAL MILL. " I try talked M. A “will: sonhurq was hete a t19 itttorviewed Mr. hum-pl free site the Edm- Halal BAan A--'.., Baptist Amintion is h and meeting this week North Grey. Ituite n tl Baptist llity from Madam Durham m in unendm the Clergy. Among than tending m be prevent. fm Miss K. McKimmn and Duucw. Miss Flam m Donald. Mr. Neil MC†Bums and Mrs. Burns. I that is pun-em. Rev. M Rev. Mr. Stewart. Mr. and Mina Nettie Brown. Eigntions. n3X1'UI'HInIM ttpe let tre in the Novthwest. l Juno 27. July l3. and It. MoFu-Imw. Jr. f ther -tthtts. J' "ttvt i, daughter years. 'I orrhaget and so , (allowed. is a sum in advance Mount PM“: ir "t% dmn’n Aid Soeiete. ' Local and Dislrh --- Lucas. Wright and Ba: trutttott'u-es.tlorul- .m-l S. R. No. t, Nummuhy. "May. 2m. inst. Bug Killer. 61 per la Fulme's Drug Store. Strnwherry Festival odim chutch lawn. on t can»: of willing worker (than. preparru inns. MN. N. It. Allin. of mil t l aft er wet't ngmnn! minulms an: unavoidably held over, of a. proposed Electric We have um ha-anl tho REVIE M'INIMT J tisod upon by fotlowed. We ext, heartfelt sympathy A "met. CANT, Knapp sl likes the l Parker off The Big: " 5»th Gr Endq-nvm- I in Durham urea! nun-l lar Mr and M 'pl l' o........., t SA" Bram Sh VOL. XXI. re of Thu Wt'tt k ha tMt " the iuds of u. M the TI w nu h st ll rl" ttttt ttttt 1C All