West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1899, p. 1

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(ta- tho Eel 'ut '9'" My vith at ml My eds ar"titrt Giattt all. {ASS ttitee IP '45 * tit W W m W ttf it) A “DRY CANT-EN." fhving to ir- regularities on the first night of the London Camp Gen. Hut'on gave orders "hoiishing the canteen in all summer wannpments. Some complaints have been heard, but surely when Lord \Vulseley abolished liquor-drink- gng'm the army in Egypt, finding it a detriment to discipline and stamina, Gen. Hutton should not be blamed. It is a step in advance. All praise to him. f'roPPRrr THE TrtArs.--Papers both past and west of us recmd the stop- page of twins by multitudes of cater- pillars on the rails. In a run through the country a few days ago their raw- ages on the forest are plainly apparent. ,and ot course all hope of checking them there is futile. lncessant care of arch lard and ether valunhle trees must he .exercised, tor a few years of foliage _denttdintr in early summer will likely bill the trees. ()ATMEAI. MtLL.-ls the latest indus- try talked of. A gentleman from Til. mnhurq was here a few days ago and mtorviewed Mr. James Edge as to the free site the Edge Estate offers. Mr. Knapp showed him around and he likes the locality. We understand Mr. Parker offers a free site with d dam privilege on his property at the Park. A Sun Hyutv.AvestExT,--Last Satur- day Me and Mrs John Wilson, Dromore were called upon to endure a. very heav- y "ttition in the loss of their youngest daughter. Bella, at the early age of 20 years. Three weeks ago she took hem- T .irrhage of the lungs and this continued and so weakened her that death has followed. we extend to the mourners heartfelt uympnthy. VottxTEtttttt ATTEsTtos.-A mem- ber of Mount Forest Company refused to respond to the call of his captain and country to turn out for summer practice at London. He had refused to Captain Coyne rather ungraciously. and the latter used the power placed in him to compel him. Consequently two constables made his arrest as he was on duty with " cream 'IN,',',',". and he was t,'"g'tltd, to go to In an, hear the costs o the arrest And pay his own railway fare too. It psys to he civil_and to understand fully omN ob. BAan-s A-Brat.--; Sound Baptist Association is holding its an- nual meeting this week in Daywood. North Grey. Quite a number of the Baptist laity from Mulock, Gleneltt and Durham are in attendance as well as the Clelgy. Among those who are in- tending to be present from Mulock are Miss K. McKinnon and her brother Duncan. Miss Flora and Mr. D. Mc- Donald, Mr. Neil McCallum, Pastor Burns and Mrs. Burns. From Durham there is present. Rev. Mr. McGregor. Rev. Mr. Stunt-t. Mr. Chas. Brown and Miss Nettie Brown. Mont.” JI'l." 3.-This, is the date tixed upon by the Durham committee of local sports for the annual Dominion Day Celebration. and those who can span- only one day should make up their minds to spend it here. Bitt wiles will draw the best competitors, while our tine grounds are the best in the county for a dny's outing. See hills for particulars. t Mo.' Fun Tue WEST. Threei3)cheap nxcursium are to he run by the C. P. H. lo the Northwest. The dates tized are June 27. July 13, and Juiy:]8. Apply to It, McFarlane. Jr. Agent here, for fur. ther plum-"lam. Strnwlwrry Festival-On the Meth- “dist church lawn. 0n the 27th inst. A norm of willing workers are making ex- tensn'o- preparations. Admission 10c, Dundalk voted on Monday last on the question of Municipal ownership of a proposed Electric Light Plant. We have not, henrd the result yet. Mrs. N. H. Allin, of Shrigley, com- "titted suicide by firing her clothes after i; had heen saturated with coal oil. Sh? was snhjet't. to tits of insanity. The Big Convention. Sunth Grey Local Union of Christian Emlc-avur meets in Annual Cenvention in Durham on Thursday. July 6th. A great meeting is expected. Shelhurnv and Malkdnle met in u. crosse for the tlmt time this sewn hut Friday week. Result: Shelhume I, Harkdale 3. Mount Forest is organizimz h Chil- dren's Aid Societv. Butt Killer. 81 per 100 lbs. at Mac. Fnriane's Drug Store. Egremont minutes and othe. matter unavoidably held over. d---" Lucas. Wright and Batson. At Dur- h.un oftice Mondays and (hurt Days. N. N. No, l, Nommuby. picnic on Bat- urday. 24th inst. REVIEW i=3?- J.-....- I BonNo-vis Camp meets on Friday . . June 23rd next, , Local and District News. t , a , p E li h P . ' , ergers: nre .ngls urns Gteen, ----d 20(- 1h. at MacFavlane's Drug Store. VOL.----) N0. 24. Is the place to get all kinds of Printing. A NOVEL CATERPILLAR REMEDY.-- Mr. John Smith. of the tannery, hit upon a novel and effective plan to pre- vent caterpillar destruction. He pro- cured some of the usual 66 tanglefoot" tiy paper. and circled five or six of his fine shade trees with it, sticky side out, then getting at the tree with a broom he brought them to the ground. In an gum or two they commenced to swarm up the tree, but could not cross the tanglefoot. and we saw hundreds around the lower fringe, vainly trying to cross the Rubicon. This remedy, applied early in spring would surely be effectual. Make a note of it. Th E Law: WALTER HAsrrE.-Monday evening a well known representative of a Durham that is past, passed over to the mentor number. Until within a few weeks ago his familiar form was occa- sionallyseen on our streets, but a partial stroke of paralysis has since confined him to his room at Mr, Wm. Blatcher's, where he died. Deceased was long a prominent figure in the commercial life of Durham, as an employee of MrDalg- lish and otheis and also as a merchant on hie own behalf. His fellow citizens at one time honored him with the posit. ion of Mayor. Mr. Hastie was born in Edinburgh, and was a great reader and a more than ordinarily intelligent man. He had reached the great use of 85. A. nephew. Mr. Collins, Walkerton is over to make funeral arrangements. A ran and daughter of deceased are the! mourners. His daughter is here from Toronto. His son is in But. Columbia. Are you going ? Where ? Why '. to Guelph o, A. C. by the Farmers' In stitute Excursion, on Jane 2lst( next Wednesday). This is a very common style oi talk and the Farmers' Institute seem to be in for a big success. They will have one passenger anywav: Mr C C McFayden, who has secured his ticket, (the first one sold) on Monday night, Jane 12. Nothing like being on time. Mrs. George Mighton of town met with an accident on Friday that might have been even more serious, at the home of her son-in-law Mr. James Watson. Normanby. While they were about to leave for Durham, she became frightened Jry a fractious horse and jumped from the rig, and was run aye r. and also tramped by the horse. A broken collar bone and several bruises will take some tune to mend. Amrtrt CATARRH.u-lt is caused hy a cold or a succession of colds. combined withMm-e blood. I is symptoms we pain in the head, discharge from the nose, ringing noises in the ears. It is cured by Hood's A'arsaparillm which pur- ities and enriches the blood, and soothes and rebuilds the tissues and 'relieves all the disagreeable sensations. OWEN s'ovstx--We beg to acknow- ledge a, complimentary Press Ridge for the oMcia1 opening of McLauchlan Park and Balmy Beach Summer Resort in Owen Bound, on Saturday, July 1, 1899. The Governor General has ten- dered the services of his famous Body Guard, one of the finest organizations in Canada, and some of the leading political stars of the Dominion are to be present. It will be a great day. Axxru. Picxtc.-/1'lte Allan .Pnrk school plL’llN' is to he held this year on Friday, June 30, on the usual fine grounds near the river. Teacher' D. McDonald is making all due prepar- ation, and us- he is as well-supported as ever success is again assured. wooc--Nearl.v every waggnn. hungry or' horse-drawn country vehicle con- tains n bundle of wool these days. The hoarse, steam boat whistle, of J. A. Hunter's woollen mills indicates activity, and though wool is cheap, large quantities are being offered. SCHOOL mcNrc.--Tettchev. pupils and friends of S. S. No. 9, Glenelg, Miss Large, teacher, have picked upon Fli- day, June 30. as the date of their annual picnic. A grand concerth to he given in the evening. COAL TAm-Coal Tar, 2a5c It won at Parker’s Drug Store. " MONDAY. July 3rd, 19 the date of the Durham Races and other sports. No day was ever worked up as this is being done, Ask Secy. Black, .. Ham: and Hyde," is the mod ap- propriate firtn name we have men for some time. Paisley owns them, and they buy cattle, hogs, etc. F Laidlaw has sold 30 wheels this “In. Intending purehmsers qhould Mi 1his large stock. 1 7 It, is said that the soldiers whtt had taken Hood's Samparglla stood the long marches in Cuba much better than the others. .4 F ii?ttrtttii, Dated " Durham, Mir 25th, 1800. HTEtetE---To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Steele. Toronto. on Sunday, June llt,li, a daughter. McAnTrrrut--At Minneapolis, on May 24, to Mr. and Mrs. N. J. McArthur, a son. Ten per cent. down at time of sale; balance in fourteen days with interest at six per cent. U Power of Sale contained in a. cer- tain mortgage which will he lpro- duced at time of Bale, there wil be offered for sale by public auction, at the Middaugh House; in the Town of Durham, on The west half of lot number three in the twentieth concession of the Township of Egremont, containing about fifty acres more or less. On this groperty ls erected a. " story concrete welling house 20x29 eat, tdg barn 28x48 feet, and a. log stable 24: feet. Farm nearly all cleared and under cultivation. l'g, {urteléer particulars apply to the un emlgn . LUCAS, WRIGHT a- arson PASSED HosusrtABLv.---Many in Thus ham will remender Archie Smith grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter. He has lately passed for his B. A. degree at Winnipeg University standing rat in the general course thus securing the coyeted sclIpiatship, The Review' con- gratulates him warmly, The Brandon un of June 2nd has this to say of him l "One of the cleverest and most suc- cessful students who graduated this year at the University of Manitoba, is A, w. Hunter Smith son of Mr, John It, Smith. Archie has taken a. tritium}: course throughout winning high honors ' each year. and this ear he gmdnntes with the bronze meiihl in the general t course, ' Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Egremont. At the hour of two o'cloek in the after- noon, the following property, namely t BOYCE -Lrr,DrrmHArr,--At/the residence of the bride's mother, on June 7th, h ' Rey. J. Little. assisied by the Rey 'it; Graham, of Dornoch. Mr, Ed. Boyce, Crawford, to Miss May E.. second daughter of Mrs 1Vrk, Ledingham, Beutinck. 1vrrgurs---At Dromore. on June 10th, Bella, youngest daughter of Mr, John Wilson, aged 20 years, BURROWS-At Holstein, J unemh, Mrs. Wm. Burrows, aged - WELLS- at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mre.D. McTavish. nor th Bruce on Sabbath, May 28th, 1899, Elizabeth, wife of Mr, John R. Wells. aged 20 years and 5 months.-lDeeeased's fa- ther ign cousin of Mr. Alex McLachlan and Mr Thos. Smith of town, and the late Mrs. Ferguson at the Rocky.] HAtrrrE--In Durham, on Monday. June 12, 1899, Walter Hastie, aged 85 years. Nine thousand persons witnessed and we suppose nine million persons read about the great prize fight last, week, when Jeffriea, an American " knocked out " Fitzsinnnons in eleven rounds, thus winning the world’s heavy-weight championship. Mortgage SALE! Our lacrosse boys will cross Hanover to-morrow (Friday) club of that town. The Durham stage and horses came to grief on Tuesday. Driver Elliot stopped in front of the post offlcennd was de- livering the mail bag. The horses starb- ed for the Campbell House stable and in turning upset the rig and becoming frightened ran away, their course being north to Little,s hardware, where they separated from the rig and turned south taking the sidewalk at Taylor‘s stumbl- ing several times on the way, before be- ing caught near John Collins', One fell and was trampled on by the other. Onehad a bone in the hip broken and the other was internally injured,and both were cut and bruised. It is questionoble if the animals will over again be of much use. The stage was somewhat worse of the mishap.- Chatsworth Banner. BY-LAWS lhr.AD.--At a. meeting of Council held on Saturday night the Furniture Co. By-laws were read a 3rd time and a conf1rmatary meeting to be held to-day, Wednesday. Success to the concern. A very interesting ev.nt took place at the residence of Mrs.Wm. Ledinghnm in Bentinek, on Wednesday when her second daughter Miss May E. was unit- ed inman iage to Edward Boyce of Ben tinck, by Rev. John Little, of Chats worth. assisted by Rev, William G rahnm. The guests numberedseventy flve. The REVIEW extends felicitntiom, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1899 NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE. 15, 1899. I Vendor's Solidbors, LUCAS BLOCK, MARKDALE. TURNS OF SALE: m MARRIED. BORN. DIED. st icks in with the We were pleased to have a. call Tues- day. from an old Egremont friend, Mrs, J no. Smnil. who was in Durham for medical advice. Mrs S. was one of the very ftrst settlers in the new survey of Egremont. and though years are telling on her physically she is hearty as ever. She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs Calder (Janet,) Mr Calder. and her son William, Mr. H. Caldwell. of Urchin-mm, came home last Friday from Manitoba. He is impressed with the new country and its possibilities, and it is within the possibilities that he may yet test it as a. business field. Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of Baltimore, Peterboro' Presbytery, preached the preparatory sermon last Friday, while Moderator D. L. Campbell, Dromore, administered the ordinance of Baptism. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was dispensed on Sunday to about two hun- dred eomtmicanta. IO Crescent! the gem of the wheclwuy, t The wheel of each rider's delight l The bicycle mounted in fl','.,')'; l The cyclists' ideal model hi '0. Your price is the talk of the people, And makes your competitors kneel l Your rider's the peer of his fellows, l‘Vhen borne on a new Crescent wheel. Councillor Geo. Sparling came home from his Manitoba trip Saturday lust. He was iu the Dauphin district, and was greatly pleased with its appearance. He fell in with quite a. number of South Grey people, Messrs. Fred Tucker, Chas. Munshaw and Arthur \Vurdl-nhe, of Fleshertun. spent Sunday in town pleasantly. Miss Katherine Baird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baird, of Winnipeg, accompanied by Miss Mary Baird, re- turned to the west, Wednesday. Mr, Patrick Morrison and sister Bella were in Toronto last week, The former was called. there in connection with his recent success in his examinations. Miss Bella remains for a while. Mrs. Sudden and Miss Maggie Sudden are guests of Mes. McClncklin, at Durhto.---CGtswovth Banner. Mr. and Mrs. Leeson, Varney, visited Mr. Dowling of Holland the beginning of the week. Helms been quite ill. Mrs. McLean, of Toronto, came home to her old residence in town last Fri- day, and will make a brief stay. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson visited Mrs. Lawson's muther, Mrs. Alexander, in walkertou over last, week end. Miss Amy Brown, of Owen Sound, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown and family. We beg to congratulate M r. P. Morri. son, Glenelg, on passing examinations entitling him to full standing as a druggist. Miss Nettie Brown, of THE REVIEW staff is attending a Baptist convention in Daywood this week, and is visiting Owen Bound friends. Dr. Park performed a successful operation in removing a. cataract from the eye of Mrs. Ray, Egretnont,.--Mt. Forest Representative. Rev. M P. Sum", of Kecwatin, will oc- cupy the Presbyterian pulpit. on the 18th and 25th inst. Mr, R. 800%:ka 2nd place in the Mo trot at Arthur. He was beaten by "Batty Boy" a horse he lately owned. Mr. Will Cameron came home from Toronto last week and is renewing old associations. Mrs. (Rem) D. LC'atnptrell, Dromore, was the guest of Miss Bull from Frlaay till Sunday. Miss Millie and Theodore Leeson visit- ed Grand Valley relatives last week. Miss Large and J. P. Whelan spent Sunday in Markdale. Miss Nora. Chadwick. teacher', of Ceylon, was home last week. A FULL STOCK of Sundries on hand. TIRES vulcanized, and repairing on shortest notice. We Have them In many different Models. Call and inspect them. WM. LAIDLAW PERSONAL MENTION , "ci)' tn ' p' jug“? o WN _',,sq, _1. ' REVIEW oksk') ",'. IltyFijj, T a"--------------- ji'ii"ijj't, Has Tdcphunc comm-o ' tion. Call up No. ('. ON WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and OBGANS. SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil- liams Sewing Machines and supplies. n A O. McKINNON. Wilkinson _Ploughs,_ gupgbgr Deal-mi " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also 1lGxwe11 Binders, Mowers and Rakes. CULTIVA TING. '., 001111: er as Scott Drills and f, Cultivators. Disc and Srade Har.. (4 .. rows. Seamus, Etc. A so Scotch L - Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Wsrurrtooretr--Upper Town. Durham. averyéhing for Farmers ! Durhanl. Aug. 9th. q We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. " Hanson Hangs, number 1 to 20, and rape. of all kinds. Shares. Bolepttitea, Eta Not genuine unless the words " Wluuxsox PLocGH Comm“ " is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. arge Sales & Small Profits." HA WESTING- ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Publgg gemrally that we have adop ed the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash system ADOPTED BY kJ,, McKechnie. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. WHOLE N0. 1109. it

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