West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1899, p. 4

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tilts gamma gwim uneventful, n slight tiatter being caused at Guelph where Cook Saun- ders and he Black missed the train, alter an exciting race in which they showed themselves good sprinters. The Battalion Band is finely or- ganized, over twenty pieces, costing it is said, over WOO. The two drums alone cost $111). On the large one is a beautiful painting which is a work. of art. Moth on train and boat many old acuuairtaneeships were renewed, and once more the plain is covered with white tents, tlags are tiattering in the breeze, which our boys these opening days wish was a little stronger. The bands seek the shade and can throw The annual massing of the Canadian Volunteer Militia always attracts at- tention, and this year the interest is larger than ever. This is owing, amongst other reasons, to the increas- ed number in the field and to the awakening that seems to have reach- ed all ranks since the advent to power ot Major-General Hutton. There may perusibly be another reason for this "growing" feature. The spectacle of Uncle Sam's growth in affairs mili- tary during the last year, may be inducing in our Canadian jingoes a desire to keep in sight (f him'. The trip down was comparatively " sapertiaoas dry goods, but the boys at drill have to smother as the manoeuvre in regulation regimental; Pte. Phillips, No. 4 Company, was incapacited tor a short time, and quite a number of prustrations from heat have occurred. The music in the camp is really ex- cellent when heard not under the condition set forth in the following item lrom at Toronto paper: "lt in- cludes every air (excepting cool air) from a soft, sacred selection to the latest ragtime coon ditty. It is right up todatc, and helps along the camp immensely. There are numerous bugle bands, and when they, as well as n'l the brass bands, are playing tum-Hm: each on a dim-rent air, Staff Sergt. Ramage had a runs on Monday to Toronto from Co . Otter on private affairs. tt A brvtherof Dr. Sue-nth, Honore, is here, captain of a company in the 35th Battalion. Many have renewed old ammuint- ences and made a good many new ones. It is wondertul what a friendly feeling exists between the boys at camp. every one willing that each should help himself to what he pos~ sesses in the matter of any little necessaries. w tl the holcs counted, and of conrscnnt many being tound in them, a good many not being perhaps ready on the word "tire" the bullets go every- where but the right place. It is prac- tice in volley tiring, the competition in it is between half companies or sections. It is not known who strikes ottt We are in possession of a good band, pt; strong, all a good even lot in point ot size, a point lacking in the past, some sMemlid instruments, and a tine lot of tellows. agreeablc and sociable. Bandmaster lleinicke can show both quality and quantity as a musieian. Thursday, June. 15, 1899. -"Fiiirii' "i'iiEFiiiriii FIELD. Historic Niagara Brilliant With Military Display. section Ah' llaDCC armony th :1) by the l weft li tu. um Ix " l " n 1d ran forward ive and tired I: .I' enmmaml an ll) rounds heir At the tinish I taken down ar 1nd of course n mparative state l verttgt Avm'agt Averagt \vcrum w a s repent air mild not b yes (l mpleted uctorily. all 1w The Regiments paraded for divine service on Smithy, a ugh: ever to be remembered by all who saw it. Our own Battalion takes second place to none. They are grouped in one great square, tive Battalions looking north, five looking east, Cavalry Regiments looking west, the bands all being massed on the north side behind the preacher. Several excursions are on to the Falls, by boat to Claeenstonthen by electric cars. A great many are tak- ing advantage of them. An excur- sion from Buffalo came in Sunday. Oar camp is quite cl? to Paradise Grove. Oar men's dril ng ground is under the trees, so they have shade a good part of the time. The Mst Battalion Band have a tent of their own for their mess and a cook. The Queenston road is continually dotted with bicycles. We had frost on Friday and Satur- day night last which no doubt will do more or less damage tocrops. The weather is getting fair now, after so much rains during the last iew weeks --bt1t has the appearance ot another fall ot rain soon. The grabs or eater- pillars are alter stripping some orch- ards in the neighborhood west of this village. A large assembly of the Highland race assembled in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last at the celebra- tion of the Lord's Supper in Gaelic. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Matheson, of- ticiated alone as it is a hard matter now-a-days to tind any assistance in that ancient tongue. We still cling to the old Psalms in the Presbyterian church here (not by any means that we despise the good old Psalms and Parapluuses,) but we would suggest that the Book of Praise should be im trodaeed as it would add greatly to the improvement of the singing as the young people are more accustomed to hymns than the old time tunes which were sung by our grandfathers and g't grandfathers centuries ago. Faster music is tar easier sung than the ild slow tunes which Wit are accuswmcd to generally in our church and Would add much to the service of praise. We haw two organs in our church, and when we are up to the times in part .. why not he in the whole." Queengton Heights is to be re-taken on Thursday. Some of the Ottieers were out viewing the ground to-day. Are gnaw]. but Skin Eruptions rob hie of 10y. Buckleu's Aruica Salve cures Hm", also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons. earth, warts, cuts. bruises, burns, amide, chapped hands, chitblaina. Best Pile cure on can}: Drives out pains and aches. Only 25.” a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by our droughts. 6 The new stable at the mansc is near tinished, also a fine Wire tence around the manse is nearly completed. Miss Flora McIntyre is somewhat on the mend and We hope to see her around before long. Mr. Maleolm Cameron and family, who had their dwelling burnt last Week. moved into Mr. 1larshall's " V c t' y we Wc. tl with Miss With JIM ll right ot (In; place: The tlt'Wri of the 1lcath of Neil Mum. rule trt' this place, was received a tow days up! by sumo of his friends here. llis _ aged mother feels the severity" the sud news as he was the ouly son. She is living alone in this villnge. Ile has been ailing for inure. than a year hack (mm a combin- ntiun ot diseases. Mr. Hubert Conkey was fixing up 5mm: graves in our cemetery last week. His charges are moderate for the work he generally has to do. We hope to see all who have interest in the Crave yard taking example in fixing up the graves of their friends. Fifty cents is Mr. 1Jonkey's charge. We am: sorry to hear of the illness ol Mr. John McArtlmr in the Glen. We lmpc to hear ot him soon being all right again. A fine new sign board has been rrcctml at the Commercial hotel by Mrs. Batters lately. English Communion in the Presby- terian church on the second Sabbath ot July, (the 9th). . Mr. Alex. McMillan is after finish- mg a lengthy tence around his lot on Glenelg side lately. Mr. Chas. Mekinnon, .of the South Line, expects to be raising his barn this week. Mr. James Atkinson, Dentist, of Mt. Forest, is spending a tew days with his mother, Mrs. Butters, of the Com- mercial hotel, of this place. leLi l If "I Y 1'tt Y Me h " Volcanic Eruptions run MeMi n tlndn Wrighto -__ o o o -- Pricevllle. the lm Cameron and family, cir dwelling burnt last Ml into Mr. 1larshall's townline. {105 and ur local eMilian tICtil 111101 time High .0. It Ilel)o' w hu IT'l' md in' agility. th n, of the South making business cpuplc I IA) yezu ll mast N , 1mm be; inn-uduc ham i m om weeks. ot' am the ion oul The meeting of the Toronto Confer- ence of the Methodist Church in Owen Sound last week was an event of im. portance in Grey County. The Hamilton Conference met in St, Catherines, and enacted a piece of leg- islation that has elicited much com- mendation, viz: the abolishing of the practice of billeting. Dr Potts' idea for a twentieth century million dollar Fund has been aired and advanced a stage, and may yet go through. Following is a statement of the chief stations where the changes will be no- ted: EXCURSION , GRUCERIES Rev. Dr. Williamson goes to Berlin Rev. J. W. Kirehing, Varney, to Oxen den in \Viarton district; Rev, W. E. (jilroy, L', A., Arkwright, goes to college; Rev. C. M. Marshall, of Conn, goes to South Cayuga in Welland district. And the Ontario Agricultural College and Farm will he held under the auspices of the South Grey Farmers' Institute, on The Excursion will start by regular morning trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations. and Tickets can Le had nt the following rates for the round trip, good to return on the 22. DURHAM 80 95 HANOVER 80 95 VARNEY 95 NEL’STADT 95 HOLSTEIN 90 AYTON 90 MT. FOREST 90 ALSFELDT 90 Children, from each of the Stations . named above, 50 cents. WEDNESDAY, JUNE let, I899. Mount Forest District-- Mount Forest-Wm Kettiewell. Dar. ham-James Ferguson, Holstein- Wesley J. Magwood. Kenilworth-F. W Thompson. Varney--Dixtm Sharpe, Cedarville-G. Francis Morris. The chairman of Mount Forest dis- trict wtllbe Rev. W, KettleWell, of Mount Forest, Rev. A. E. Smith, of Clifford, will be tinaneial secretary. Gwen Sound District. Fleshcrton, Joseph Ward, B. sr., B. D.; Dundalk, TlymmsCim1pb_el I; Chats- 1svrth, Thotpat Scott, H. T. L. Price.. ville, John b” Humphreys. I?siItp:Asi.NC, HTotui-A special meeting of the shaveholdvrs Mount Forest Woollen Mills 1'o ed, “us hold in the town hall i Saturday ttittwnoon. 'ilseve was atterulauce and President Junws of Gletuls,r, occupied tho chair. items of hnsim-is brought Ill llmruughl)’ 1listussiul by Hm sh; All are invited and should take this opportunity of visiting the Farm, which is well worthy of inspection in all its departments. Bring your wives and daughters and give them " pleasant and profitable holi ay. W. J. YOUNG, GEO. BINNIE, HINGH Wlll E PROVIDED 0" fllill President. Durham, June 13. 1899. A Fleshy -.- - Consumptive GUELPH ...0llhh'0.. In Methodist Circles. itis'Lt. To li-A special general hnvehohlvrs of the rllen Mills (in. Llmit, town hall here on . There was a large sident Janna Staples lthe chair. All the brought up were "l by Hm shun-IMH- Int-Ming (lw-idml to hrs lo Innkt- appli- wm- 5n tho capital 's' by $10.00”. it was prvscm system 1 550mb -CrV to tor to tho gonoml and McDowell. vice-president ot liils Co. Limited' "mm-x dvlivored Secretary. ii'li'iiif (; WOOL TORONTO MILLINERY to intimate to the ladies ot Durham and surrounding country that she is prepared to supply them with the latest in L‘r-To-DATE MILLIXERY. We {13K Insneclion 01 our was. til SCOTT. MISS CULBERTSON begs I ' in any style done; Trlmmlngs I to order on short-, ' est notice. _ As I have lately visited the city mil-" linery establishments in the inn-real, oi my patrons, I am prepared to aim: the Latest Styles at Lowest Living, Prices, my expenses being light. I See my Specialties in VElLlNGS and CHILDRENS HEADWEAR. ' ?.?E§EPRUHT8 TWEEDS d YARNS This week it is our sad duty to chron- icle the death of Mrs. Burrows, widow of the late Wm, Burrows. Her grandson, who stayed with her, on rising Friday morning, found the old lady dead in her bed, It is supposed she died in her sleep and the body when found was quite warm Ten children mourn her luau: Pe. ter. Nelson and Mrs Hoffman, Lumaden, N W T. Marshali and Mrs Hunt Riv- erview. Mrs H Tucker, Ceylon. George at Conn, Jacob at Paisley, John in Chic- Mo, and Mrs Seaman in Holstein, The bereaved have the sympathy d all. Mrs Tanner, widow of the late Dr Tan- ner, now of Toronto, 15 in the "Huge " present. Smm'nmms: over S Scott's Store Mrs Wm Amos. Mt Forest, WIS the guest of Mrs Wm Main. Miss Nellie Williamson, Mt. Forest, vis- ited Mrs Magwood oyer Sabbath. Dr Brown is in Toronto this week. His motheris at her old home in Beecbvxlle. Miss Emily Grout. Mt, Forest. visited her mother over Sabbnih. We can give you Bargains DRY GOODS, CR0CKERY, BOOTS & SHOES. he., We are prowl rod to han- dlv your WOOL & other. produce to your entire satisfaction. Of best quality. Spring and .....Summer A CALL sr)LICITED, Holstein. uZ-Zaert 1899 son Spring and Summer Goods Orrin: FIRST DOOR EAST ICE and on terms to suit ht - the Durham Plvavmacv Cal; N’s . " ' , . !llock., J.testdyturo first door. ivest of i'i/ Ol I " I;~.'|I(‘lnf3/rv Bind. A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Jewvled Waltham Nivkle Screw Cast tut-n Jeweled hh' never' offered lsefo know what these Goods are-the best in Two cnrloads oi Tt1dhope BI'GHll-b‘ ts llll(l(lilfl AND WA (Ill unselect. We have veryniee Buggiwnm‘ Democrats. Prices ol rigs are n11 tl" rise but our stock was bought early, and a good profit saved in irriglr alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full carload toselcet, 1mm. Soc our Farm TI'dTk. Tl tf are the Celebrated Adums' Wagons. As Usual a Full Line LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 51. LOWER TOWN Implement Wareromns. 'ost Oftice, Durham. I1.'i'rCiCili'iiT,'.rl"f1tR55. W. S. DAVIDSON. $5 BILL] 'uJgAs,WRmiTe EWr'cifif, Turnip Bowers, seuitlets, Ploughs, Barrows, Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. thu'% rod 1sefove Will 110w bux We have been moving lately and hive not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! ‘ELT L. B, S. arrister, .tharg, Sc: "iff?-? vegancer, (tte., eta... Money to Loan at reasonable mu r DOOR EAST m7 and on terms to suit boppouit' wif llllmms IH'RUAM. ONT Fyrr,in WM CALDER of Massey-Harris Binders, Mowers. Disc Harrows, Rakes, Etc. Yor the market. Buy no other'. MONEY ro LOAN’LOM BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS. sf ICES Issuer of MARRIAGE License, W13 v Own-1 "Iver Mr Ht EASY ALSO iirrr. f and hl‘m-l; 'l‘ni. 1lecn. 'l‘lH’ “vi carly 1t-I'Il,!;L' your 1 of the ins: f Swede in weight, si unequallu Ocean and Railway It Lowest Rates. Us for Any Inform Evan FIELD CO Millet MM Hm BUCliWills'Al :Hul l ...-liisruul “v.11 mm OIL (Ah E, old. l'ro1"'"_ MacFARLANE The Bi New UM tl: at .‘RRISTER. _ OOLICIron m ','d Norm" PulLlc. can Woe. "Vet' (ham Would inn Furniturr a lllhud h) In will chum hu W the smut Furniture d' l Undertaking and limb!“ ciplovi ct "an: l'Tho ugly in TI..- tllc ttlt J. P. TE We have Impr ing, Mammof Sweet, Manm and Compton' Member the Itll Nnrkot. D MISS S mum mmmcl MONEY lt le Monarch Hartley's [in Bangholm _ Sultan's Chat King oi Kings NEW) ONTAIT SWED Iult Dear. d MISS S Ill PRI ICE! NM EN

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