t h MB“. tune wen You Ocean and Railway Tickets at Lowest Rates. Come to [Is ior Any Information I t. ALSO Grey Stone, and and Green Top Yellow Aber- deen. The best varieties tor early feeding. Is the hardiest and heaviest Swede in cultivation, and for weight, Size and quality it is unequalled. Try a pound of it and compare result with your favorite. We keep most of the leading varieties includ- ingr Elephant or Monarch tiartley's Bronze Top Bangholm Sutton’s Champion King of Kings . . . . . . Linseed Meal and Fine Ground ()IL CAKE, old process, lowest prices. Millet and Hungarian. . .. BUCKWHEAT and FLAX SEEDS 1iitdlhflLhllll 81 Ci) The Big 4 FIELD CORNS New Goods Evan's, " m BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUILIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. Omce, over Giant’s store. 1a"rerTown, Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and 'ie.d,.'T,t,'tiad,',',"t,'h"l' ogtab- lished by her father in Dur am in 1.58 and will endmvor to give all old and new custom on the mmeontlre satisfactlon. Furniture of the Best Make Undertaking um Embumlngon hast prin ciples " reasonable - ll'l‘hc only Irv-dun Heine!- I9“- ch lO-in Granite Pie Plates Remember the stand-opposite the Market. Durban. MISS SHEWEL ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY We have Improved Learn- ing, Mammoth _Soritllern, Sweet, Mammoth Cuban and Compton's Early. "ltiy?i'T YONG?†TO CAM MONEY TO LOAN DRUGGHTS AN D SEEDSMEN, NEW ONTARIO SWEDE Bean Vl'Plill TOWN DI'RlIAM. MISS SHEW'E L L . TELFORD, --ru LL 1.!!! OP-- All PRIME flllli)llll0 ttl tt nite Wash Bowls, 2.ik ranite Spoons, bk each, indow Shad Durham, Ont in navy n‘s and Wouum's ing foe, hot Wea- IHHCSSINU. 10(- M ll " tt d Drawers: rinv t'olluv, " H ll ll " [ml ‘f'l'lllt md 11 In the first of these the House and country has been put into possession of a vast amount of official information as to the progress' of the negotiations up to the time of the last adjournment ot the High Joint Commission, and since that date up to the present time. From the documents brought down, and from the statements accompany- ing them, in both the Imperial and Canadian Houses, it appears that the British Commissioners had, from the first desired a reference of the dispute to a board of arbitration constituted in accordance with the principles ac- cepted in the Venezuelan dispute. The Americans, however, wanted a different system adopted, and requir- ed moreover as a sine qua non, that certain concessions should be made by Britain which both the Imperial and Canadian Governments considered were matters for arbitration. The Outlook is Brighter. This was the insurmountable diffi- culty which caused the break in the progress of the work of the Commis- sion, and it has frequently been de. clared by all parties that ifthis were removed the discussion of all other points had so far advanced, and with such excellent effect that a satisfac- tory settlement on almost every ques- tion was practically assured if' only the Alaskan boundary diftiolty could be got out of the way. The business of parliament has not progressed very rapidly this week in spite of the fact that the proceedings have been marked by the longest con. tinnous sitting since the memorable six days anti-remedial session of 1896. The week has however been occupied bv several matters of more than ordin. ary interest as for example the boundary controversy and the Grand Trunk trackmen's strike. Since the announcement by Sir Wil. frid Laurier at the beginning of the week, cable despatches from [nation have been most encouraging, indeed the latest advices announce with an murance almost oNeial, that a settle- ment has been arrived at between Lord Salisbury and Mr. Choate, the American Ambassador, and that the long-standing obstacle exists no long- er. This being the case the Canadian Commissioners will go back to com- plete their labors with the eouh'dent expectation of realizing to the fall the bright anticipations which so many feared were too sanguine, and which some sections of politicans ridiculed as impossible and absurd. The Traekmen's Strike. The trouble l)etween the Grand Trunk Railway, and their striking trackmon still Continues, though it is generally admitted that a satislucttory settlelilmit would have been zu'l‘li'ed zit before this lint tor the ill advised though doubtless Wellintentioned in- tei'ierenee ml amateur median-rs. Some. Interesting Hatters Spieilr Treated. Long before, the matter came up in Parliament at all, Sir Wilfrid Laurier was exerting bis strong; personal intltt- ence in an effort to bring the disput- ants together, while the Minister oi Railways was giving proper attention to that aspect ot the situation which came under his special notice, and was taking awry necessar) step to protect the lives and property of the travelling public. All this was being done without any parade, or public announcement, but .t was being done none the loss oli’uomully. and a happy termination ol tho tlii"iicutity appeared to ho in slain, wlum Messrs. Taxi! 1' eidtmtall N An Unforturuti, Interthrnnec. Their services Were not sought after by either the company or the men, but the sv!f-eonsstitutcd tnechator's doubtless hit that the. situation Was too serious " their movements to he limnpei-ed by " close observance of the strict runs of ordinary procedure. I'nhappily their conduct of the negoti- n'ions throughout was equally hasty and ill-considered, with the result that they advised the men to termin. ate their strike. without having fipst obtained a perfectly clear understand- ing with, the, Railway authorities. As a consequence the _whole husiness has been hmllr bungled, and the men placed in ll tar Worse position than they Were til', the start. The govern- ment, hon-cur, has not relaxed its efforts to secure better terms for the unfortunate trackmen, and there is good reason to hope that these efforts will yet result in a permanent im. provement in existing conditions. KPRW'r --Dreyitls, who has been for several years a close political prisoner on Devil‘s Island. French Guiana. is now on his way home. He has suffer- ed in health and honor solely as a scape-gpat tor some rascally military authorities, who swore to his guilt, and now that he is proved innocent of the charge of supplying information to Germany, proved that certain damaging payers were forged to ae- complish his ownfall, the army sulks and the civil power is straining every nerve to prevent an uprising of sym- pathizers. The present appearances of unrest render it doubtful i the great exhibition year of 1900 will be allow- ed to pass peaeeially. At any rate their big show once over and their pockets swelled with a world’s holi, . M_.__, ---- Inna“! ' Inf A war- MRI!†'np..--'"'- _"--" day spending, We may look for a war- like time notwithstanding the Peace Conference. ll OUR OTTAWA LETTER. It nt with tti H tl lory lat-11 members of id ea try L" y',' _ e IllCll ill trti' -Premier Laurier has offered to mediate between the Striking work- men and the G. T. R. tutthonties. Annual Meeting on Saturday last. On Saturday last the annual meet- ing of the Farmers' Institute was held in the Town Hall. It was not largely attended, but was quite represent- ative in character. The coming excursion was discuss- ed, and all were gratified at the pros- Peet ot the good support it was likely to receive. Mr. Gorsline introduced the subject ot "Testing Experiments " carried out by the, Agricultural colleges, and it was found that quite a number pre- sent had tried some test or other, though opinions differed as to their value. The election of otfieers followed. Mr. Wm. Young is the retiring Presi- dent and his successor is Reeve Morice ofNormanby. We congratulate Mr. Notice on his elevation. LIST or OFFICERS l Pi'esidtsnt--R. Morice, Normanby. Viee.President--JaB. Allan, Fgremont. See.-Treagarer--Cr. Binnie, Glenelg. DIRECTORS: Bentinek---W. Irvine and A, Derby. NtrtInont--Jas. Swanston and W. Secretary Binnie sent. oat large numbers of bills and dodgers announc- ing the excursion, and has ordered more coaches for the 21st, so great is the promise of a crowd. Ramage. Glenelg-Jais. Staples, Wm. Smith. Normanby--Thos Gadd, J. IIoefrm. Darhtun---Jais. Calvert and Wm. Gorsline. Hanover-H, Stone, P. Poehlmau. AUDITORS: Geo. Russell and Arch. Davidson. A proposal by Mr. Wm. Irvine, Bentiniek, that a competent lady speaker should be asked to address their public meetings seemed to be received with favor, and was com tudered by the Board. OWIug to the busy seed time we have not hrul time to send any news for some time but hope to do better in tho future, Barn musings are the events of this sea- sou and our stalwart young men have had opportunities to allow their strength and skill. The first burn raised was for Mr NeilMcLo-an on Muy 20th. Alex Ilub. kirk and John McDonald were anything and the lads worked with n will and won the lmilllmg was can-Nell the race being it very elose one and hence wry exciting. Ivlcllouzllll's side Malling by only a few ",coriils. The barn is 45 by (it) teet "ml Manner McKinnmx tlecrwvvs to be com- memlw’ ll-r the sllCCtHaol tll, his {inc Buyer MaoKiunou is on his route again buying up hve stuck. SI In t0tHict M U tum Wltll at Mr Alex, nicuomuu b, um: tht? l')’ pact, the Plowing raising: nf the season wrll 3 ~01) tube place. (Mr gonomu~ friend Akx. Hol'klrk IX as drawing and for Alex. McDonald last week. We extend hearty eongtattnlatious to Mr and Mrs Edward Boyce null wish them a. happy and prosperous time as they jour- ney through life. and als Minn Aggie Boyce. Toronto, came home to attend her brother's wedding. We are pleased to see Mrs. Dugald Me. Donald around again after a long illness this spring but are sorry io say that Mrs. Hobkirk is " present on the sick list. We hope she may soon recovel. Quite a number from this nelghbour- hood attended the induction of Paw. Mr. Gxaham,at Doruoch last Tuesday, and speak of bavmg had a good time. - Mrs Alex Bobbie and Miss Taylor spent Sunday at Mr A. Milne’s Miss Jennie Contts is learning milhn- cry in Durham. Wm Boyd lost a valuable horse about 2 weeks ago. He valued it at t100. 0113er Rim 1osT-0n the road between Durham and Clark’s school on Friday Jane the 2. Finder will oblige by leaving at the REVIEW Office. trn rttt lit d buil I) I‘heu n CA) also Miss sira, whu spent the winter 'thr, in Owen Sound. _ [like Bras. have completed the stone 1 at Mr Airs. McDonald's, and “e ' ' the cloning raising of the season wrll smug. Wm Mamie and duo Noun vrw appointed cuptuins and Mastic was: adjudgul the winner. )6 last on June 8th was unoilmr ba d by harm-r Mcchhnie at Mr Bob“ his of .'siulrrek, 40 by co, Alex IL, Mil ‘ll FARMERS' INSTITUTE. l'l Id mg tl met ll uniImu gs they have stoma-J. 1vely, of Clteslvy mm the ' my ichDunuld last week. w of Mr Dougnld McDoua ( Mi 70f enliwu and NN tl " Crawford Ha D " Keehn gob tl iulate " ml), there was tt mind fur Mr 1) rue crowd Was I l and on by th U] tl , is a tir...t class: I timber in slmpc md Jnu MeDou. lat twc Ll id m-euce of hor barn Cl] h on the you“, largo (‘illu Hot CHI Id a m. the â€91.11% Flour per tnrt ..........r Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per owl; ... ... Shorts per ewt ... Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, " Peas. " Oats. F". Dr'd Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight ... Lard per ll, ... Tallow' per ll, ... Batter per tty, Tub_ ... Eggs, per doz ... .. Hides. per ewt ... Calfskius ... ... Sheepskins ... .., Hay, per ton ... Straw. " ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bog .. Couet of Revision for the Township of Bentiuck for the year 1890 was held at Allan Park on Thursday the 25th of May. Members of the council all pre- sent. Court was constituted by appoint- ing the Reeve as chairman, when the following appeals where heard: George Bailey, assessment reduced $l00; Henry Miller, awsessmeut conftrmedriwillinm Willis, assessment on lot 38, con. 1 S. D. R. reduced $150; Jacob Kuechtel, assm’c reduced $50: Scaefe Bros. assessed for lot 48, con. 3, W. G. R.; Thomas Tompkin assessed for lots l of 42 and 43 con. 1, N. D. ll. Their being no further appeals to deal with, Court adjourned and coun- cil met for general business. Minutes of February meeting read and passed. The assessment roll as revised by the Court of Revislon was ordered to be received and the assessor paid his salary of $8M!) Petition received from w. J. Derby undpthers asking aid to improve S. L. Gl add 61, con. 3, W. G. It. i-et‘mn-d to Commissioner Brown "l" plication received from the Kiwchtel Furniture Co. for pevniission to build an overhead hridgeon Victoria St. Ham. over, was granted. The application of Henry lluplu-nthul and others for exem- tiou from tzixos for In years on " chair factory to be built in Elmwood “us gratin-d. Mex-rs Brown and .\lcl)oug;il. :1 com- lnitlm- appointed 'ul lthl session. on deviation at llutlonk llill reported: mittee appointed at I deviation at Hutton‘e Thut Mr. Hutton would th, in: Referred to Commissioner for joint action with Nurumnl)y eil. Road Cotntnissiouers rrpnrtenl having exprndutl money on rmuls as follows: Mr. Atllznn, $0.00. in road divlsinn No. I Mr. Brown $1.50, in R. D. Nu- 2: Mr. Leslie 80.50, in It. D. No. 3: and Mr. Has- tie, $10.50 m It. D. No. 4. The following accounts were passed and Urdu-ml to he paid: Arch. Park 4..50, lillhu.r, washout on S. ls. 50, can. '3, S. D. It.', Alex. Grierson, 400. forclovis broken at Statute Labor; Rnlwrt Kennedy $1.00 fm waggnn axle broken at Statute Labor Win. Hearth. $1.50 for trimming drift, Wood from Stineon's bridge; Dr. Gun $11.75 fur nwtlical attendance on widow Fawcett; J ohn Walker $25.00.fovynaking road on can. 14 lots 22 and 23; the Reeve $2.00 ilwexpenses m the Brydem's suit way MI against. Township of Bontim-k and Brant and the "Post" printing otfice $30 pinna- ing account. Mr. Leslie was appointed to purchase four road scrapers for use in the town- ship. The chat k was ovdevcd to give the tte" (-essm'y notice of the intention of cunn- cil to pass a lry-law at, next meeting closing the original road allowance on 2nd and 3111 cons., B. D. It, from town- lineto sidomad No. 10. No gravel for roads to be paid for by council unless by order of the commissioner for the divi sion. The treasuier WM instructed to bor- row money sufficient to pay Hanover eommuted statute laborand railway cou- pons maturing Ist, August next. The sum of $150 each was appropriated to the 5 road divisions of the township for the improvement of roads. Dillon-nus. sick handle)“. jaundice. meet. ind ttom etc. They are in- uluuble to prevent a cold or bred up I fever. Mild. gentle, certain, they are worthy your etyntituttt= Purely vegetable. they can be taken ttl/tedit, or delicate women. Price, 25c. " I 1 medicine dealers or hymen ot C. I. Boon A Co., Lowell. Mun. The commissioners of division No. 6, out of their appropriation, are required to drain the water from Mr. Deutsch. man's and neighboring premises in Me- M urrieh's survey, Hanover. The village of Elmwood was granted 815.00 for road improvements. Mrs. Holmes and family were granted aid to the amout of $10. Council adjourned to meet at Dornoch on the seventh day of August next at 10 a. m. r. James Hillis “me npplivntiun for imprm'enwnt of the townlino Ben- ', and Nnrnmnby at lots S andâ€. Bentlnck Court of Revision. DURHAM MARKET. ' ............ sack ...... ... Wt ... ... per bushel... per cwt .'.". weight ... ... h '"... I. t. Tub ... ... Roll ... oz... ... ... wt ... ... I ... ... ... 0 00 to ... " to not so $1 80 to 82 Ir, 2 00 to 2 25 80 to 80 90 to 90 w, to 66 0 45 tt 0 50 0 62 to 62 0 28 to 80 4 75 to 4 80 t 10 to 00 10 to 10 04 to 04 10 to 0 12 10 to 12 11 to 12 7 00 to T 00 " to 80 500to ’SSIOH. Ol reported " vight " " (Hill slit " 70 of 9tR5N, Guelph FARMERS EXCURSION J as. R, Gun Fare 95c==Return ttlift Bit - - - thit tl The PLEASANT. PURE AND HEALTHFUL magnum}: li".')';';',?;':'));',;:'" llhuadh 1 "'i"t,iiiiit,lii)i?."'"'o' . . ivura gin. flpoillo ' . -'rr.,..., c.... ?llflfllrhllifl PILLS Manufactu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. Want GOOD Binder Twine, and are willing to pay a fair price for it. Sen- sible farmers know GOOD twine is the chepest; and poor twine is dear at any price. It is not what we pay, but what you get, that constitutes a bargain. " Plymouth" make and sell GOOD twine as low as GOOD twine can he sold. "Plymouth" does not make or sell POOR twine at any price. Who Will Be The Lucky Four? FOUR SPRAM0TORS, left in stock. 1lllllil Tlllll DU illtl [Allin] Il0llf f ur hasc (July FOUR SPRAMOTORS, left in stock. ficcurc (mo and save your trees as well as your fruit. J ust. to hand, which we are selling very " THOUSANDS OF Our Week?! Supply of Ready-mixed PAINTS came to hand today or House, Buggy, \Vaggou, Implements, Etc. You will save money by painting your buggy. tee," If pour dealer does not handle our Twiuc “rin- Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 5-! Ma.s Stu-M. 'rorottto. Best Churn in the Market. THE. ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET JUSI ii 'ii'iir'wii Ismmoum. rottl," tucWdT,?i'rhrHT:g," sNAluik', ('nA‘Dans. IIA “as, If“: Another consignment of ---__ _----- _-'-- - __ Just Received l Tools. such as SCYTHES, Sys' A FRESH ARRIVAL cf Cream Cans. which are !g'le, off rapidly on account of the price. Every pot son admits we ave the ARMERS 3 O Nnlllii)Lllill Tickets Now On Sale, Get them early and Avoid the Rush that morning. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO TIBKET AGENT. JUNE fll HARDWARE. Medicines TO ON Guaranteed to cure Rheututttistn, Sciatica. Lumbago, Gout and Neuralgin. A sure cure for Headturhe,rrizziness Constipatipn, Indi- gettioy Hiliousness Brights Diwase. Diabetes. Paralysis 1'ouxudsions, Heart Disease, run. our. INN}! Sill ll hr, flg (ill Sill 80 H. H. MILLER trill have ber" :0 years at the business new! XMAS JAI", and he KNOWS HOW In tret 1r,'it"Ugt lmrmt possiblv will»: and trtth " privuegric That is trh the whole country you to him. (If a lending of f, per (ml. and on lorge 10mm ttf 4 J4, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL DEAL WITH.... A Hundred good Farms for sale-Also a number of fine Hanover Properties. Go to him If you want to sell: Go to him if you want to buy. He collects notes and accounts. and it beats every- thing how he gets'money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tungles. Sharla and DiMcnlties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling, by the use of a little tact and good judgment. If ro" are unable to pay 100 cents on the . he wilt assist you to mange with your creditors. Insolvent. Estates sut- isfactorilv wound up. Jf. J14. Miller HANOVER. “Always Prompt. Never Negligent.' All business Strictly Private. ltrge shimnent of Harvest cheap. Every farmer should have one. Deeds, Mom: es, Wills. Writings 'l,2,'J/hry' prepared. (0llil)llllll BANK AA CANADA CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . . . .62,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up. . . . . .. . . .. 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND ........... 1t00,000 W. F. OOWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hunger. Ontario, Quuhm'. - States and England. A general Banking business transm'tml. Drafts issued and couectious tuade on all paints. llegmsits verwived and inter. est allowed at current rules. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed rm savings bank deposits of t'til.00 and up- wards. Prompt attention and evety facility afforded cttsttuttttit living at " distance. DURHAM AGENCY. AGls"NTs1itsym ttttitwi.pa) ttoi.t,tis1it,t catch & Irish ., H. H. MILLER. Head Office, Toronto. . BL ACK The} Hanover (‘onvevan c PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. "I KELLY. A gent . IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. :, Willa, and other This Trade Mark is On Every Tag. See That You Get it'. anilulm Siiitjijit l'nited ll