West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jun 1899, p. 8

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5. Drink - Kincora. - Ceylon z- - TEA. tThe Durham Woollen Mills Mr. Jas. Turnliull had a large gather- ing of his friends and neighbors last Saturday to assist him to raise the frame of hi" new barn. The workman- ship being tirst class everything titted in its place exactly. The size is 45:56 with substantial stone basement. The usual race took place which resulted almost in a tie. "V ,7 - .--.. F... Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Micheal Curtain, Plainfield, Ill. males the tstatement, that she cenght sold. which settled on her lungs; she wee nested for a month by her {easily physic- ien, but grew worse. He told her she was is hopeless victim of consumption end that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. Emi' New Dis- covery for Consnm tion, she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from ttrat dose. She continued its use end efter Ming six bottles. found herself sound end well. now does her own housework. end is es well es she ever wes Free trial bottles of this greet Discovery at our drug stores. Only 500mb end 01.00. Eyery bottle auerenteed. 6 Mrs. Thus. t'orhett, of Sault Ste. Marie. accompanied by her family are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser. cgmowoomcwom Mr. Jas. Corbett, who has been ab. sent twelve years in Washington and California, is a welcome visitor at the old homestead. Our school teacher. Miss Weir, will huld her annual picnic in Mrs. Brat- ton's hush on Saturday. the 17th inst. A good time is expected. Initiated for last week. Miss Janet )lcRonald. who has been residing in Oakville for some time past, is renewing old acquaintance around her old home. F3061 LBS. BUTTER IN lillill e jA_YS Have Jeen opened for the season, the machinery has been overhauled and ready for work. Owing to the very low price of wool many of our patrons prefer to have their wool spun into yarn or made into rolls. We do Spinning at IOC lb. and Roll Carding at 5c 1b. This gives you cheap yarn. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. --WE? PAY-- , an cash to: wool - nu cash (ti Bullet . nu 61131!on , This is Somethin m pairs Men's Plow Hoots, regular price 81.00, at 75c pair. .mpairs 1Vomen's Fine Dongola Okiords, sizes 2.5, 3, 31, 4, regular $1.25. at Wit-Juan Itiult Cloth Snap, a ltr. bar with Towel, regular 25e, at 17c bar. t'lutn Pins. lc , "zen. Ginger Snaps. 5c lb. .3 boxes Corn March at fwxckmc. Canned Peaches, regular" ' at 10c can. Large Tin Baking Powder, 100 size at Gc. 7 pieces Pig-ht Summer h‘luslins, fancy stripe linen effects. regular . PM. .. _..,,__V _ _ price, 10c, at a, yard. _ women's Black Cotton Hose at 10c pair. Pure Wool Yarn at we pound. single at 25c pair. 25c Blue Demin at 19c yard. Departmental Store, LOWER TOWN. 31m. in; In, 7-! S."P F, I is Something you have not seen in the Durham papers before, but we are Leaders. Others follow. The proper way to do business is to Sell for Cash and Buy for Cash. a- “2% iiEy5 Is our latest record. This is the strongest proof we can offer to you that our Cash for Produce System is being appreciated. Vickers. - A. HUNTER i To be bound bend sud foot for years by the chains of disesse is the worst form of slsyery. George D. Williams. of Man. chester, Michigan, tells how such a slave was made free. He says: My wife has been so helpless for tiye yesrs that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work " This supreme remedy for female diseasee quickly cures nervous- ness. sleepleesness. melsneholy, headache. baohaehe, hunting and dizzy spells. This nirecle working medicine is s godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every home unnamed. Only 60 cents. Sold by our linguists. 6 LAsrBs.-Ptuties having lambs to cast: rate can have them done by the under- signed at moderate rates, Enquire at Centrtl Hotel. HUGH MACKAY. Mr John J Black purchased a new Wat- erloo threshing machine. Warden Murchison, a new self-binder too I Success to both. Mr Thus Darby Ins completed his co n- tract with Mr John G. Beaton. Miss Annie McQuanie oi Batcbelor'n Corners, arrived home from the Queen city a fortnight ago. Mr John Murchison of Mnkdalo. spent Sunday Int in this burg. The bridge contractors, an able-bodied gaog. atts)ttrd_tt work. - 7 A - - __ Mrs. Edwin Buns and two children, ot Bochuter, no on a visit to be: parents, Mr and Mrs Hugh McLellau Mr Lachlan McMillan of Dumfries, is ut ptesent visiting old friends here. Since hm arrival we learn ithat he has sold his farm ot 100 acres to Mr Dan McInnis, of Pomona, at a handsome figure. Congrat- ulations. DURHAM, ONIARIU , Glorious News Scotch Town. 00’ ..44 y The Presbytery of Owen Sound met i, at Hornoch on Tuesday of last week. i The occasion Was the induction of the ‘ Rev. Mr. Graham, late of Hayfield in j Huron Presbytery, over the tharger, of i Dornoch and Rocky tsaugeen. There; were present: Rev. Mr. Black, Hoathi Head, who preached the induction set'- i vice taking for his text Mark 9th chap. i last verse. "Have salt in yourselves,) yam] he at peace with one another.": l Rev. Mr. Burnet. Kandy, put the usual i questions to the Minister, and after the induction prayer, Rev. Mr. Hunter, Markdsle, addressed the Minister. Rev. Dr. Somerville, of Owen Sound, ad- dressed the Congregation. Rev. Mr. Little, Moderator, during the vacancy. addressed the people, and narrated the steps taken at Bayf1eld and elsewhere, leading up to the events of that day. Mr. Little bore testimony to the warm feeling entertained for Mr. Graham in his late charge, and the deep regret felt st his removal, though he was followed by the hearty Rood wishes of all. Rev. Burns, Br., unlock. Rev. Mr. Mercer, Williamsford, were also present. The attendance was large from both congregations, and a harmonious spirit prevailed, promising well for the future welfare and work of the two congre- gations. The ladies of the Dornoch congregation, kindly assisted by some from the Rocky, had ample provision made for the inner man. and the manse and grounds for an hour or two was the centre of whole-souled social en- joyment. It was estimated that about 500 were present but there was onough for all and to spare. Rev. Mr. (irnlnun and his estimable wife at this time he- gan many acquaintances which will no doubt ripen into a loving union. At Rocky Saugeen on Sabbath last a large congregation assembled to greet Rev. Mr. Graham on his first appear- ance as their minister. He spoke from Nehemiah, chap t, v. 15. .' And it came to pass when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their, counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every- one unto his Work." The last clause of course was his topic. He spoke. very effectively and there is no doubt Mr. Graham's first pulpit effort has put him in loving touch with the congregation. Already in " pastoral capacity he has been called to weep with them that weep, having omciated at the funeral ‘of Mr. Jas. Hewitson’s child. He has also assisted at a joyful marriage event of one of his members. Thus already one pair of life's extremes have met the new pastor. May his going out and coming in amongst his new charges have the abundant blessing of his Divine Master. After the ten the very valuable preeenlu we“ entrained. They were useful and coetly trrtulee and nearly tilled one room. As the sun eel behind the western hills the old people began to disperse wishing God-speed to the young couple on their journey through life. The young people lingered longer and drunk in been, on- joyment. Me and Mrs Gorlett, from non Hamil. ton, have been whiting their friends. the Banana. hero. Toronto dailies give . liet of successful law students " recent nominations. A- mongst them ie the name of Mr I W Mo. Ardle. who peeled croditably. [Congres- uletione from the Review.] The “about: party are talking of hold. intt teviul Indian. . Out "e'" and council met with the In- spector of School: in Dundalk, Thursday, an lgt int. Tho poople ot tho old annoy who want. to '1me from Dundalk, mood out. won. Mr Hugh A Hudy of Osprey, was over to Swinton Park hwy. The most important event of the season was the gathering on the 3lst at Mr and Mrs. John Itichardson's of about one hundred guests. to witness the marriage of their youngest daught» or Miss Mary Levine. to Jeremiah Cranston a prosperous young farmer of Bruce Uo. At six o'clock in the even- ing the marriage ceremonies were per- formed by the Rev. Mr. Matheson el Prieeville, on the beautilul lawn in the front of the residence. The day was all that .could be desired. The bride was robed in the best of silk, white chiffon trimmings. with bridal veil and looked charming as she took her place beside the groom, She was assisted by her cousin. Miss Rancimsn. of Egremont. After the wedding some select music from the organ was given in the parlor by MissRuneiman and others, ably assisted by the Haw brothers. The tea-table was sheet the grandest affair ever seen at s farmer's house. The Rocky people have erected two conunodious stands, one on each side of the road as "jumping cm and off" places, which is a common-sense im- provement. of great value. The Methodist church people held a grand picnic in MissUampbell’s Orchard and was carried out under the watch. ful eyes of Rev. Mr. Humphrey's of Priceville. and everything went well, (See also Dornoch I)ovrespondence) INDUCTION SERVICES. Intended for last week. Hopeville. TORONTO Mr.B McKinnon of Queen Hill, was for a few days last week the welcome guest of her cousins, the Stewart family. _ Rev Finlay, of Bruce Co. spout. a few days here lately while en route to Mt bam to fill the Pres. pulpit. Miss Susie McIntosh is at present en- joviug, and intends for the summer to en- joy the healthful breezes of our village John Hodgson arrived home last week from a. visit to his tanner home near Hol- stein. He enjoyed the vacation. Much sympathy is tell: for Mr. and :Mrs. Jas Hewitsou in the loss of their young- est boy, a bright little fellow of12 months from blood poisoning the result of . bad Mulch with a. rusty nail, Mosm Orierson" a ucLean. Mull Cot- nen. put through here duilv with gum. loads of Ship timber for ChuuWonh. John H-y returned laat week from Or- lngevnlle when ho had been visiting . la- dy friend. While any he invented m . huudtom; new bike and wheeled homo. A McDonuld and Jan Hay are this week In Nugam cnmp for the timt time on- rolled u volunteers, Thelludios ny they looked land-owe in uniform nod Captain Galbraith any wall be proud of his Dor- noel, contingent. Mr: J Milk left over a week ago for " letu, Kent Co., to spend two month with her son Robert. Emka's gang of lively masons last Sat- urday completed the foundation of A, Josksou's barn. It is a splendid piece of masonwork. For the tirst time in 6 years George Mc- Intosh is enjoying the comforts of the parental home. He has spent the inter. vening Lime principally in Uloquet. Wis. He looks well and m the recipient ot 11MV " handshakes. joy I" Miss Annie Code” has fun the last week been a guest of friends in she Queen City. She is expected home shortly. We extend congratulations to Ur .V Mrs Edward Walsh on their matrimonial ven- ture. Both are formerly from these parts where Elm happy groom owns considera- ble property. Robert Currie, 7th con.. raised his barn last week. The usual sideu were chosen. cnphius being J no McDonnld and A Hob- lark, the latter being the winner by . close shun. " Reebum, u: tttnetive young men from Brent. visited at he Footer- " the beginning of the week. Mile Aggie Boyce. Toronto, m e pu- tieipant in the weddxu festiyitiee of her brother Edwud lest week. She hoe e two-weeke' holiday and will no doubt en- We were pleased to meet Mr George A Corlett, C. E. of Calumet, Mick, who was for a. few days the beginning of the week on a viuitto his parents here. Geo 109k; well and w pronpering in the Wolv- enuo “use. Mr and Mrs Edvard Boyce “tended church hero Sundry evening end received nanny ettngratu1.ttoith Mn. Jno McGilhvny and her daughter Mrs Wm Fulton, visited Glenolg friends lut week. Bismarck: Iron Nerve. Wu the result of hie aplendid health. Indomitable will end tremendous energy are not found where Stomach. Liver, Eid. neyI and Bowel: are out of order. If you went these quelitiee and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only Mtt at our drug stores. 6, On the evening June 7, on the veranda]: and lawn before the handsome resi- dence of Mrs W Lediughum, surrounded by a large nomber of relatives and invi- ted guests the solemn words were spoken that proclaimed Mr. Edward Boyce and Miss Mary E Lediughnm. man and Wife. Mm Jean Ledinghun arrived home last week from But Portage when she bu spent the last tive months, LOur correspondent here relates the pert taken by the various elergymenltuad as this is embodied in a. report. elsewhere it is omitted here. He closes this part by saying that Rev. Dr. Sommerville gave the congregation msny good and whole- some truths to reflect on. He then refers to the happy scene round the sumptuous mouse tables, where were spoken " glad words of welcome to their pastor and his family, who, by the way. resembles his predecessor in his esrness. kind and so- ciable msnner and bids fair to be as pop- ular as he was. which was by some con. sidered impotoibu."-Ed.] llev Mr Little, Chutswornh. wasted by Rev m Mather, Elmwood, and Rev. Mr. Graham. Dornoeh, tied the nuptial knot. The bride looked charming in n eream cashmere, carrying a bouquet of white roses. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Elsie, who looked handsome in white dotted mueliu. A like duty was performed the groom by his brother Heu- ry, Congratulations and a sumptuous re- past followed after which a very enjoyable time was spent in popular games. The preterm; were costly and numerous and 1t,'i,tif.i" to the eswem in which both were a . Ou June 6th, the anniversary of the ordination and induction of Rev Mr. Lit- le 6 years ago. the Bev, Mr. Graham. of Bayfield and Bethany was inducted into the charges of Dornoch and Rocky San- geen. Although cloudy and showery, which no douht kept many from being present, the commodioul church was packed to the door and it can comfort- ably seat 400. Rev. Mr Barnet, Kandy. presided. and expressed the groat pleu- ure in having a former schoolmate and friend placed so noar him. We extend congratulations for a long and happy life. Dornoch. J uno Nlptinll. Induction. lulock. - SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS Sugar Beet \Vhite Top Silesia". grows to a. good size. rrknish Rod Ily; the largest Sugar Beet grown. MANGEL WORT2EL-- latrter’s Mammoth Lung Rod. the hest of all. Carter’s Norfolk Yellow Globe, adapted for light soil, urmw a good size and at good keeper. THE GATE POST-A vet'Y pvoiitahle variety. FIELD ta1ti1pTs--Manttuorlt Intermediate White, " grout yviltlt-r and easily Carter's Elephant. a huge swede and of good quality. Carte" Impel ial Hardy, an average size turnip. solid and nutritious. Sutton’s Champion, an excellent tunnp. King of the Swedes, one of the best. BANGHOLI. " favorite. Hartley'! Bronze Top, rich in quality and a good keeper. London Purple Top. tb handsome turnip. large and a heavy rropper. Yellow and White Fleshed Tttpnips, Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen, Im- proved Grey Stone and Lincoln Red Globe. Catter's Dwarf Essex Broad Leaved Sowing Rape, the only Rape suited for feeding purposes. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MILLET, HUNGARIAN. LAWN GRASS, BUCKWHEAT, TARES, BEANS, LINSEED. ETC. FIELli iiiiitCrAaing's, Improved King of Earliest. Angel of Midnight.. Giant Cuban, Mammoth Southern Sweet. t6 GARDEN CORN."- first of all. IT--- In Heavy and Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Ete. OUR LINE OF VALISI‘B, GRIPS, ETC. ARE OF THE POPULAR KINDS. SEED HyraTOEs-.Eah London, Early Vaughan. Rose'nf the North. Fan-mun No. 2. 'adgos"1"lo"a't Sets, English Potato Onions, Etc. PLANTS --Torttato, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Celery. want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. Home" (let; in tit M hm (fligfgllg (g twa Mat mrge \hlile 'vossres, a tipst. class crapper and good feeding qualities. White and Yellow Belgian, well known varieties. mug Orange and Red Altringlnun. good for general crop. 4%W; gl) That Touches the Spot-c---" lh q, EEFROY McCAUL. BARRIO YER. SOLICI TORI IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS pulled, White Vnsg WE SUPPLY IT--- In He Thirty-eigth annual import of Staple Field and Garden Seeds from one of the largest Growers of seeds in Britain per s. S. St. John City. on't Be In The tr Too Late Class'o These Wares have got to be cleared out in fourteen days, and in order to do so we sell at cost. We offer you These Prices at See for yourself. MRS. A BURNET 'CLEA VENS H. PARKER Thorough- pred Leg- horns. Eggs! a:a:a:a.'a.sar.9.9.S:S'.i99a1 Colored Bedroom saw from $1.75 to Dinner Sets, $5.50 to 89.00 Ten Sens from Ir2.00 m 83.75. Glass Tumblers 40c per dozen. Egg Cups from 190 m 500 per dozen. ity SWEDE TURNIP #1899 Residenee-aropmrruai. Terms moderate. Arran e: sales. as to dates. a. must. in The Review once. Durham. E.o,hdettadd.eiGi theme or irille Dinner S iled--Hasband Mad-- Servant 8f,1 Ugly. The ancient; clock did its best-Lit is old enough to rest. Its going utilities have gone, you want a (ll1lel Clock & em r Saver. We have them for 83:50. You can save time and worry by buying one. We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Full Line of WATCHE. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIBS. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. W. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank. of (Isl Tint. (f 9L,ROUnd 1..s., I.” are mertly indicative. nuance manned there or to It??? lie P. o. will be pinupuy atten ed ' Terms on Initiation: to D. He'll“. Emilie P. O. or to C. "A“ Durham. I. McPHA IL " JTTTTO ”canned Auctioneer fot the County of Gmy. " for The Carson Case Judo: Came to hand thi, week and Cargon in Pumpic-N-ly '-levtrv.d ( charges an all pninh. nu "vide ing found on which to lum- reprimand. The admission an Mr. Carson that he had cc - Mo before knowing of - is mania! in the Jud but ”.mt EDNA“ to this. ttave l all dech 1 M truth is going n Grand Trunk itaiiwas Salim ll Elwyn.“ titced upon of local sun I ht ' h Dundnlk mm it": its council I lighting plant. 2 to I. This is control of put/ ample of Glas civic coutml of the tievvice 'lalk Herald ln-i wh alili ll said it 'l " “I" M ll Blarknmitll Moran tttushed off an cotttisli Le Ivy-law and Inn] "ttttttint and comma! The Plyn" is what Cato ll Hurm tdvett IV” REVI " P..-. ' Local and “is “““\$v All th tietttettt VOL.-~XX m‘s f pulp] " II " tttt

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