West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1899, p. 1

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33* 'S ttd Seeds Wine P. o. I. Dalian. W N ad Clue ti t 'Dgements for ov ELTI l Cele: Ting. "ctioneer fm ' of Grey. RLA NE he made -ili llll. Cartog- or to tty ”Lem yoursen RNIP we to Bank. m M " h ll :av lg ll w w w tit em w if "I m Came to hand this week and Bailiff Carson is completely cleared of the charges on all points, no evidencehe. ing found on which to base even a reprimand. The admission made by Mr. Carson that he had collected year. ago before knowing of its il- Reality is recorded-in the Judgment but nooreitdrt, “MW to thu. The Carson Case Judgment Sena? our last issue this strike has on declared on and off several times. tc truth seems to he that the railway is going to give an increase but hates to have it said it is forced to. Grand Trunk Railway Strike Notice All parties indebted to D kindly call before the 10th l settle their accounts either by ens]; or note, as he intends leaving for England about that date. the The In from tin of havin ths Mil "" Ill Mox ltA Y ti xed upon Pl lighting plant, by a majority of almost 2 to I. This is only a beginning in civic mutrul of public franchises. The ex- uan of Glasgow. Scotland. where civic control of public works is in vogue. n by its success loading many munici. _ alities to consult-r it, " nruu-grmnu or th re-pnrts be true W the service of at dull; "ernld. " I! brim wh it ll fri, Il um Dumlulk carried the By “ " h SI its "ttttet 5“s“‘ss“‘ss‘§v ' Local and District News. t "---" Luca. Wright and Batson. Sr, Dm- "Ill ll will draw th mr fine HI'OII ttttT tl Ir; u-nvsln to consider it trupden " w W Ifnrn n Ill HIIH'II to insml a civic electric. HIV tal t Irl VOL-XXI. N0 25 " ll w I JVLY by tm Ice Mondays an nu I " ll n " kinds Is in it ht h " l('.\'l( ll) .. . mm... M" " it. j ao Years Ago. Y 2:. -This is the date? Talking about caterpillars {he . idaywith the veteran Jouraa1is', u- Ihwham committee; . ', .tree agent and pruner, S. L. M. " tho animal Dnmmumv . _ *honssures us that In 1849 a pin; t, and those who (any . . . t.. . . would nuke up:",".","""?"' anlieted this Jistrh my ' l . ' ,. Said serious damage. Teamsters qwml it hvl'v. [HRH _ ll Ht “In H'o-nin It uuds' mum last we Honda: n I W I" " m- in Mr. Marshall‘s Boys" Brigade the Srhunl “use on um, m _ ' .. th' A tew church tlu trand nuke last year g completion, we having is l ld n been mistaken. esced Us. The receipt in full, ,r not knowing gmumlt of his ut place .unon to the o. Sound and Double change Ian was that " t Pt h “'ll h ti dd lie form in lit ll wan the " It competitor . the best, mting. A', Gills law. authoriz- h " m liming: ll mutton md tl \\ rt o‘llt " ourt noon-t W " ll Ill 's',,'-::,-,:,),"-:-.':--",.,. ittittliti, ttf IT up mung l Tim' pupils Owen Leit h a not of th; tn l and ml It " " l" wh sub urn tlu " m in m my ll Du ss. In whose W has I. and In Int mg "ver to in - . __ n, 'W.'"Br' ,..\,<.r...‘ :..=': v-iii/r,"': 1h:- livit lining up took it pts.sitnirth “mint. Hillitlix has (-11- i,l,irr ir'; llu- Allnlllil'lgll llunw. New “+ch tlt'W Luildiu,o:nml is still "up in l mum I'rnllnr,uith ilmnkwl the crowd 5 its usual hrghstanclapd," {W 1lrvir iutervrr. "nd related a fowl The question as to whether lay mem- "“-l"“"“ ot' mm experience. Theilwrsmn act as moderators of church tables ot tnine host Gunn were thelllcourts was introduced by Toronto “HY““UNlml and ample justice done tolpresbytery and the matter is referred a splendid supper. The Captain Clllled1t0 a committee to hung in a report YI Dr. Jamieson, li'. P. P., at the eloselnext year, fop an address, which he gave in a; A very painful state of affairs exists hearty and appropriate manner, as an', t Indor I 1.. 'h t' . He . \Ir old soldier of three years' experience. a . '. . e, m ya, “ 9e a v. * . Mr. C. Rmnuge also made some con- “labels at variance with the reef. r'!, . 'et . _ t , . the Presbytery there on educational; grandam!) remarks. Cap.Galbrairh, . . Lient. Snider and Staff-Serge. Wm. matters. P- Wilkie yPessetl y Hamage spoke from and forthe ranks, Assemuor m a. mahner to prelim-Ice the latter singing acouple of patriotic 1i"c,'rt case} by usmg personalities. songs. which were loudly applauded. ne examp eto set to the heathen. Cheers for the Captain were then pro- In a discussion on & 8, Literature, posed by Corp. Black butasthere wag strong ground was taken on the pre- adanger of raising the roof an adjourn- veiling practice of taking, American meat was made outside to do them full publications and neglecting their own.l justice. And the end had come. Ham" a. on- a...» -i, _. .. Micrs we heard one private remark the; The, mun-l) "was like driving the cows to (312mm pastuve in the back field." On another I blow l) occasion we hope the band will beithe elm fottndlending to the tnilieat'ydisplay the J pot'tatv fim- accompaniment. of martial music. (is in ., Arrangomonts had been made in the}"mure :nl'lm'mmn by Mayor Calder's sugsres-lPtvs.C Hun. to give the volunteers a supper. fperity.’ Saturday night last as the train drew in to the station n large crowd were as- .wmhlod to greet, the returning soldiers. A very hearty chm-r was given as they stopped on tha plathwm. Cap. Gal- braith and Limit. Snider got the men linml up, and put through a few evolu- lions. before marching over town, ac- companied by the crowd, but not, as many regretted, headed by the hand. This over sight was seriously felt for H g At It! it. tit. the procession headed hyi . . - .. tlie hand will parade the streets, This) GENERAL ASSEMBLY lil'trt't'ssinll will he worth going miles to ', . SW” “Ir Iltt lunitatiml is placed on the i This grmtmeetnw of the Preqhvtel- style of the turnout ot' the manner of 3 ian hotly Is HI “him" this y‘e-‘fr in hrvoutotion. It is even supposed that l,, Hamiltun and is reported to hen, very the hotels will lose money at a quarter! , . . ' , , - . T . . I successful one. li mm a report pt ment- llullara head for dinner, so yf"iktnylici'ci"ii,i'c' then- are 53 Presbyteries‘ will be the appetites after the hearty iover 1100 Ministers, 1050 pastoral charg- laughter sun-o "l Tte. H\Vc date, l, es, '5tht, of which are self supporting. "m "give away any .lf the turnouts i212,000 members with a S. S. attendant-e hut anyone "f".' by with a talent for the i, " 160.000, and a membership in Young mutesqne is invited to contribute to the _ Pvoples Societies of over 30000 Iu'ocvssiiou. Apply to Sec'y Black. i . . The Turf Association in the afternoon; The Contributions for the year were, will flunk-ll the entertainment. : roy Salaries t"r1,012,17tt,00; for other con- I . . ' - ' ym'egatinnal pui‘pOses 8013,27l,00; for l olunteels Honored _('lllll‘('h schemes 847'30'l0,14; for other Saturday night last as the train drew ': benevolent put-noses, 8lll,789,00, making in to the station a large crowd were. as- F a total of over 21 million dollars. ‘f Brick And Mortar . l The walls of the new Kress and Cal- flil‘l‘ buildings are now up one story high, iwhile aim-oar: the road the new 100 ft, 'stores, of Mckechnie and McCracken (ave shaping themselves, the masons (having completed the collar walls and H'urpenter Vollot is now placing fioor _ timbers. In a few months this part of l the town will present a tine appearance. l caterpillars anrteted this district and didseriocu damage. Teamsters found that their horses would slip on Corning up some of the hills to the south of Durham, owing to the thickness of the wat (m theroad. They disappeared al. nmst. in a night and neiT't. came back, Durham on July At l0 it. tit. the-1mm Card of Thanks “Iv Utlltvr.s, Non.: livers and mm of No llattalion wish hovel) thanks In the Mayor Durham for the supp their return from can June 17. Signed A. D Committees are actively at work pre- " paring for the big Convention of I, Leaguvvs and Emlmvm-crs in Durham In on July (3. Rev. Mr. Courting, Walk. l' 1'r'toit, Editor, of the Endeavor Herald is I! to lw " Intuttimmt speaker, at the meet- [L ing. All clergyalml Hum-h workers in g South (in-y are esprtted as well 215;!) [hp nu-mbul-ship of tlw Sociclies. If; Card of Thanks in. heard one Lenguors and on July 6. H prion, Editor to be a trpornit July 6th Edge Hdl people have taken the lead I in getting this important accessory mi farm operations erected in their neigh- i 1rorhood. This has been secured by! the proceeds of several picnics and ai good deal voluntary labor. , Country Weigh Scales. The Toronto CoritTtvnce of the Me- thmlist ('hurch at its late meeting in “we” Snund disapproved of the Boys' Brigades in connection with the Me. thodist Churches. After. the picnic in McGirr's grove, hi. S. No. I), Glmwlg, on Friday June 30, a grand school concert will be held, at which the host town and local talent will In; veptvsented. Admission only 100. School Cancer (nlh'vrs, Nonwtuumi,sioned 0f- uul mm) of No. -lCotupany,31st on wish hereby It) express their to the Mayor and Citizens of n for the supper given them on “lll'll from camp on Saturday, . Signed A. D. Gallsvahh, Cap. Mayor C the volunt :ly the last that in 1840 a plague of anrteted this district and teran journalist, no“ Captain called P., at the close he gave in a o). H...“ ..... m. l beds" alum” m ms successor H an im. u'ydisplny the j portant business of tho “writing. Knmi martial music. (is in "good condition." Queens needs made in the; "more ttc'cotutnmlatiou." Montreal tldev's snggvs- l Fri-s. College has had "continui-il prox- 't't'N a supper. fperity." Mun-In College alone prvsents lining up took Eu. pessimistic report, Halifax has en- House. Here ‘ tered a new buildimr nn'l ic mm mm in S. L. M. Luke, other The question as to whether lay mem- fbers can act as moderators of church courts was introduced by Toronto fpresbyterynnd the matter is referred to a committee to bring in a report [next year, In a discussion on S. S. Literature, strong ground was taken on the pre- vailing practice of taking American publications and neglecting their own. Halifax is the next place of meeting. A very painful state of affairs exists at Indore, India, where a Rev. Mr. Wilkie is at variance with the rest of the Presbytery there on educational matters. Mr. Wilkie addressed the Assembloy. in a manner to prejudice his own case, by using personalities. A fine example to set to the heathen. The "olleqes at'e all doing good l Manitoba college ufcmu-se got, u s blowhy thodenth of Prim. King the election ot' his successor is al portant business of the “mating. 1 is in "good condition." Queens t gt" mnre ttc'comtnodation. " Men This strongzmd wealthy church has taken up the idea of raising a 20th century fund of a million dollars for gospel purposes. and has carried it. The dotailsas to the method of tuaisinsr it, Will be forthcoming shortly. and no doubt, much discussion Will be held as to its uppliculion. This great meeting of the l’reshyt Pt - inn body is HI session this yew in Hamilton and is repm-tc-d to he a very successful mm. From a report, [ii-mont- ed we learn their are 53 Pt'eslrytrties, over 1100 Ministers, 1050 pastoral charg- From our C'otuwtpontlenee. Early Sunday morning the Igth Mr Andrew Riddell's Mill was seen to he on fire an alarm was given the people turn- ed out prompt, hut the building was soon ienveloped Ill flames and nothing could Ibo saved. The building contained the {saw-mill shingle mill and chopper with 75 siuates of good shingles ready foe the Illiukci, BO cords shingle bolts and some lumber. Theimvn worked hard and made srpamtinns in the log yard so tosavethe timber and lumber in the yard. We undvrstund tluwe was no in- surnncv This Mr. Riddoll is the sunn- whom "Y' lll('lllilllll‘li in prorimw pain-rs as havihg his thigh broken and is not yet able, to go around llw has the sym- lwlllyul'um' penguin in his double mi~~‘- I l‘mtnno. I Lizzie and Miss \Vintringluuu, while the i ;grootn was helped through the ordeuli {by Charles Petty. Clutter. A vvt'etotnon i [was given at the family residence of thei I bride after the ceremony. A very l'trgei 5 number of presents Were in evidence. i itestifying to the popularity of the bride. l [Among others a benutitul Bible from ll {the session of the church, her late filth-i or M I', James Davidson blaring been l a. much respected member of that court. The young couple have taken up their ' residence in Souris. [The Review extends hearty congratulations t.o an old Nor-I( mauby friend --Edl I Brandon Times: Au event of more ithan usual local interest took place at, iZion Church on \Vettnesday last, when l Miss Maggie Davidson, of Poplar Hill, I formerly of Nichol township, Welling. lton County. Out and Mr. David Petty, lCarriage maker. Solu~is,were united in ( nmrriuge by the Pastor. of the church. i Rev. John Ferry, before a large number [of friends. Miss Annie Grey presided jut the organ and played the wedding imureb in her usual good style. The :brule was assisted by her sister. Miss "avidson---vvtty The overt-(mt, advertised by Dr. Freol ‘, in the Iteview found its owner throught , the little notice. Thats what. our friends} do and it pays them t "use and peruse; its columns.” Found Burglary in whestey The Post of'siee safe in that village was blown open) last Thursday night, evidently by experts. They only got a few toppers. his thigh ln-okr-n and is not go around tho has the sym- it'pooph' in his (Inuhlu mis. FIRE IN HOPEVILLE DURHAM, THURSDAY, JEINF 22.771895 Pino" of raism shortly, and n will he held a Ml Wot k vex-o and Vepdor’s Solicitors, LUCAS BLOCK, MARKDALE. Dated at Durham, May 25th. 1800. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. LOCKS, WRIGHT & BATSON L MONDAY, JUNE 26. 1899 Ten per cent. down at time of sale; balance in fourteen days with interest at six per cent. cultivation. The West half of lot number threei in the twentieth concession of .the! Township of Egremont, containing! about .firty acres more ovless, On this i property IS erected a ll, stcry concrete: dwelling house 20x29 feet, a log barn 28x48 feet, and a log stable 24x32 feet, i Fa‘rm nearly all cleared and under] At the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon, the following property. namely : U Houuw of Sale Cont; Iain mortgage whit ducml at time of Sale, offered for sale by pul, the M1ddaugh Honsv, in Durham, on Valuable Farm Property in the Pownship of Egrcmont. Mortgage SALE Rev. Jas. Binnie, McDonald's Corners, near Ottawa, venue homo last week foe a brief visit. He was on his wheel and made the chuutit of his relatives in Glcnelg and Egrmnonr, He left, last week forthe meeting of Assembly in Hamilton. veall‘s left, n. few weeks charge of a conduct,ov1 Palmetston. We com Ililligan on his pmnmtion Durham P Mr. and Ihs, John family left Monday for to Mrs. ll. parents in brother is having a big those days. ael t __ ___ -a, t 777 - 7* ___ --____ w,l PERSONAL MENTION t 's-"-----------------,,-, hi Mrs. Mclhm leftTuesday to visit her e. ' . . m “laughter Ill ovangeville. pl Mr. John McCaul, of Tovouto, is holi- Sorry to hour that Mr. Jnn. McArthur, of the Glen, is not impmwng in health. We mm. ho may stunt take a turn and bu around again in his usual health. Mrs. Marshall, Ottawa. has been stay- ing with her father, Mr. John Rohortson for a week and left, Wednesday for her home taking hey sun Archibald with luw. Miss Jane Hutton leaves this week for Rochester where she will pursue her studies residing with a relative. Mrs Neal, Kiucardino, is at present visiting horln-other Mr. D. Nevin who is seriously ill, thought somewhat improv- ed for a fowdays hack. Mr. A. Browning left, Saturday for Algoma for a twn weeks' visit to his fa- thvramlntlu-r relatives. His place at the mill is taken by WV. Janus Lloyd, Sorry to hear that I'll» Jun. McArthur, I of tlw(ilm1, is nut improving in health.I We mm lu- may 5mm takc a turn amLI NDER AND BY V'IIITL'E ol, Mr. Geopge, and Miss Belle McKenzie of Flesherton spent Sunday at Mr. J. A, Black's. Mr. Ed Mesa-s. Garner and Lyons, of Mount, Forest, spent Saturday in town an their way to visit Owen Sound friends. i Mrs. Ali-lino lt'rtTuesday tov/sit her Idzu‘ughlcr in ovuivgeville, ( Mr. John Mctlaul, of Torunln, is holi- iduying at his home here. ‘ Mr. Norman Molina, of Mnrkdale, Sunduyed with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Greenwuod visited Collingwood friends last week. I Mr. Geo, Aijoe, visited his old friend and neighbor Mr. Matthew Scott of Artemesia, last week. 2 1iii'c1'iii'i")'i('"LiE Cash system Irimmeu (jilrltlha © [H (ht H0” .l)rllgl.1 FUEL MIMUEIJF 80m. some 11rlg_tmh Great Clearing . . . TERMS OF SALE.. W. co, I. Milligan Itrakernan on the Palmerston branch for some t n. few weeks ago to take rf a conduct,ov's: positiunut on, We congratulate Mr. mortgagewhich will he pm- time of Sale, there will he I' sale by tu!lolicratution, at Ut.s.es.s. . .\. ‘.‘. . Tr2'S.e"t.9SS':a2.'e.e.a-.e,. of Sale con tnim Ihs, John A. Black and Monday for a fvw days visit parents in Sullivan Her mm For 20 Days (H . LAIDLAW ESWW [In mixing one of has been stay- )lm Robertson m a cer- 'own at of ! f ON WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil- liams Sewing Machines and supplies. "r----. n____ m_ n 0. McKlNNON. WAmmoons -Upper Town, Durham. Deerini " Ideal " and ti Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Wilkin§9n J'loughs, number Coulter d; Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Har- rows, SetWers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Harrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : everything for Farmers! Dlu'halu. (\ug. "th. ‘96 l to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words “WILKINsox PLOL’MI COMPANY " is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in three sections. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same. We " CULT/VA TING, CLOTHING HARVESTING- arge Sal - 'rgr, "Att,tp"t,p,"ir"osst"r"ua"us"nst, '-WlMMMh've,e'e,1eyeteettv, C Come to us for your Clothin Hats, Shirts, ctc., etc. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO We Have Had a Good Season 15 :uulurvslill “as” ass-011ml in sizv,c MV, I We beg to inform our Custom. ers and the Public generally that We have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto 1,vill ht. i WWW ltiGGiGGGiiiiaiiiiii an. ie in dire: :uularcstill trcll nwul'lml in ltavcNem's Light Calm-ml Nu A good looking- suit and " g for the moms); You vim up high as $10. il'vou wish. We ales & Small Profits." We have still a few F' ren's Clothing that we cost. Don't delay if suit in 1ien's and Bow ADOPTED BY 'rd. McKechnie. Ready-to-Wear. . . . " G. 86 J. McKECHNIE. . L.. GRAN T BEVIEW J." _ WHOLE No.1110. Has Telephone an tion. Call up No. m in sizvs. We Suits”! 81.00. t great “rarer suit an! t " Suit as have them! 1116C-

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