West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jun 1899, p. 3

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”KRISTEN -ros, m garmPusuc, c WM Call oo thet and (slut hm 10c “Th bro an . on W U nder wid Furréi " Wool In rni “5th wit trpr bl: New Goods uh Thrcshers pronounce our best. A wry superior oil. Try it for mower and reaper. Machine Oil Our Own. ' Bug Killer Buggy Dusters with em- PIS Irry; Paris Green . P. TELFORD, " f‘v’laCFARLANE t Ci) piquc Window Shades Berger's Pure English No Water to carry 2:18 Big 4 'r'-'. m--.,', SHEWEL Strengthens the vines. Increases the yield. 30c & 400 Call. 'tte Shoes. We al- KEY TO LOAN St Per IOO Lbs. " AHEWEL L Fine - - H e avy ”ng-. 37360. Immntml on . I'HInph-tt' lik.. HI, 1'lArTH. 5 ft. wide. 'rcst Table oil Find]. 47rin l '. 3H” wide, 3th. yard. 20c a Lb. ll Pl tl rlnu "mar-tin " w " SUPREME COURT. OMMISSIONER. ETC. GIN-J Isurtrui, tO store, Lower Town, yn N' HAND "s' aunl Drawers. lhlhhvl'ille I'olhtrs Mutt',,. Ruhherilw "chums. 7c and 80 l't nvN DIRHAM. "in: on In this rates; h SPECMLTY "t lowest prices. In and Women's irrur for. hot, wan- lnmsslxu. we in navy blue and up Host ”an 1'90! Pie Plates ll H1 M'r no the \Ll 1858 an Sli-w t grin 3h h no] gcslion at crookudness in one single oxpunhturo under the present ad- ministration, the proposition I am cuntentling for is immeasurably strengthened. There is all the differ- rnco in the world between proper expenditure and reckless extravag- ance, and the country is not going to be, fooled by the sophistries of speak- ers and writers who Would have us believe that the Liberal party to-day is guilty of the very offence which they so strenuously criticized when in Op- position. l'l1'slrcriscir cv-nilition with the bigger outlay than With the snmllcr. it is not likely that any exeeptiou will be tulwn to this argument even as it stands, but when in udilitien it is borne in mind that the old expendi- lure: so strenuously opposed by the Liberals when in Opposition were tre- mendously augmented by scandalous inis-appropriations, ruinous prices paid to partisan contractors, deliberate stalls in this department and that, all ot which was proved before the Public Account Jnnniittee, while on the other hand there is not even a sug- gestion oi erookedness in one single larger business, and in the same way the country looks to the Government to take advantage of like favorable opportunities. Because t38,U00,0L0 was an extravagant and excessive expenditure three or four years ago that tact is not in itself a proof that $s3,UOO,U_l) is an exeessive expendi- ture today. A man with an income or rjl,UCh) would not be justified in spending t.11C1), Lut it his business dowloped till he was making $1,500, he would be fully justitied in increas- ing his oun'ay to 61,400 it the growth of his Misha->5 demanded it and Ile, Would he M'UCI' on" and in a mortal i'l't'eslrtu1 Gr t' ~ihliiimi with the higgcri 'h A sudden but has taken possess - an, --\I‘IIKIMV Jun-Arum your: tour mummy. " Sold bra] mum t Comm -__-J _-..- - A handsomely mmrtktG glam]: of any acienmlc vvrv - l I -6- Anyone sending a new: and e,r,'2gp, my quiokly woe-nun our opinion free w ether an mrention is prohably untenable. Communica- tions strictly tlontittmitfal. Handbook on Patents Bent free. “Mes! agency for 'lllfl'"i'"'d,'.'"ggg; Patents taken thrnunh Mann & 0. receive "t"'2"' notice, without. charge. tn the - - - --, -- _ .muusnmczr Illustrated weekly. Luzon eir. ttlation of any acientinc jlournal. Terms. " A 'ttttr', mar month]. " So a by an 'pemsdtsalern. Ill-nu A A -- (v,rt,'iiii't)ti'ii"uJ"iii'ii"ifitatt. .v---~ - w .. IIG" I Brunch Mafia F 32.. WWW}. D, OUR OTTAWA LETTER "NYSE ,ngton. D. c. I'wrTv-DAvmsos. At Zion C'hurth, Brandon. nu June 7, hy Rev. John Terry. Mr. David Petty, I'araiage- maker.. Soul-is. to Miss Maggie David, sum, Poplar Hill. fornuwly of Nichol. \Vvllington thr. Ont. ll, McF1uvlane, Jr ther purlu-ulnrs] Ho'. Fun Tiii/ ww.sT.--Thrve (Shelu‘np exotsims urn to be tun by the c. P. ll. to the Novthwest, The dates fixuul are June 27 Julle and Juiyjh’. Apply to ll, McF1uvlatus, Jr. .\gvnl here, for fur- V _ . a W. r"'""" “.b~.~..u.- “nu aa- riini'citiorr. Wy promise permanent cure. and that ',rro1uptls; and safely where cure is, at all yawning . At drug store: or by mail at soc. pct hos, or 5 boxes for $2. . . & w. HOWARD, 71 Victona St, Toronto. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL will be for service at the (‘enlml Hotel, Durham. foe the season of 1899. J20. G KO. RYAN. Prnn. The PleasuorFeLs|;E Otutannual Irish Lake picnic will be held in the usual place -Mr. Sullivan's Gt'ove--on Thursday. 22nd inst. The present appearances indicate a suc- cessful picnic. There died on Thursday. Julie lst, Miss Tenn. Wilson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Wilson, aged about 19 P'itts. Deceased contracted n cold some time ago, to which, despite kind and loving cure and the best of lucdimll attention she succumbed. Tenn. was of " quiet, unassuming disposition and was beloved by all, while her prema. cure death is sincerely mourned by all who knew her. The beautiful cotfin was strewn with tlowers-a cross com- posed of Shaun-mks being especially pretty. Six cousins acted as pallbear- ers, while Rev. P. H. Hauck conducted the services at. church and grace. The funeral cot-tege was a very large one To the heart-broken parents and sor/ rowing brother we tender our deepest sympathy. W E CORE, VARECOCELE irii ‘l Miss Maggie Butler returned home on Friday, after speudine one and a half years with hey aunt at Little Current. Mr. James Nash and Mr. Alex. Cami.. bell have each purchased a new cart. Miss Kate. Mellae, of Toronto, is spending a few Weeks vacation at her home at the Lake. Little Norman Henderson, of Toronto Junction. came with her, and will spend the sunnmr with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. t amplwll. Miss Hannah Sullivan paid a two- week visit to her sister, Mrs. Thos, Cantlon, in Mount Forest. Mrs. Cant- Ion drove. her home Friday, returning the same evening. Bull For Service. um “luau-a au'wu up: pallbear- le Rev. P. H. llauck conducted ices at church and grace. The cortex" was a wry large one heart-broken parents and mm: brother we tender unrdoepest Intended for last tceck. Maggie Butler returned home any, after speudine one and a ms with hey aunt at Little {SFIAEi‘w rs. Alex, Wilson, aged almut Deceased cunll'arled n cold ago, to which, despite kind can! and the best of Inn-dim] O . O MARRIED no Ncltae, of Toronto, is l few Weeks vacation at her the Lake. Little Norman I, of Toronto Junction. came and will spend the SlllllllHI‘ " H b; m jCELia', snail" my”; AND i,"i'r'it '.r:..ii.c'.ULCl'o.'IlIfrpit snug._ chtshhd'E'tib AREAS??? ER“; 19* IS css" Irish Lake. l srisiiiiFs,ictj, I,Nj?,miyj,',Y,il' 15 mm. sum. m il's, AND Jilfrs #1 hummus?“ ke picnic. will be e -Mr. Sullivan's 22nd inst. The indicate a suc- R YA N, Pmp. anLs'r. is: Will olten cause a horrible Burn. Scam. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best In the world, will kill the pair, andpromptly heal it. Cures Ola Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcerr, Balls, Felons, Corns, all Slim Eruptions. Bert Pile cure on earth. Only 25 clan box. Cure guaran- teed, Sold by our Druggists. l Jeweled Waltham or Elgin Watch in Nickle Scrmv Case. We have Seven- loen Jeweled IVitlthunss Ill prim-s nt'VE't' offered hefoiv. DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOCK OFFICES-at Owen Durham l I the Durham Ph/tvi/duff/Uri.',; Block. Resident-9 first door West, of the Post. Office, Durham. LUCAS, WRIGHT if BATSON. it Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Davs OFF” 72373101"!er Rind: MONEY TO LOAN-cow RATFS- EASY TERMS {QLILLivingstone Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. urnuce next Binder Twine Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. FFH‘E FIRST DOOR EAST Wise Farmers Egan. per doz. Hides, per ewt Calfskius ... Sheepskins ... Hay, per ton Straw, " ... Potatoes, per Apples, per bag Flour per cwt ....... Oatmeal per sack ... Bran per ewt ... ..t Shurts per ewt ... Fall Wheat per bush Barley, FK Peas, ii Oats, " Dr'd Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight .. Lard peril, ... Tallow" per lb ... Butter per tb, Tab ... - tk Roll iii" Hoodies, Piils DENTISTRY. Stiii BILL I BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS, ac. arrister, Jrotary, ( vegancer, tlee., ate. A membm W. S. DAVIDSON. A Frightful Blunder Toniitiht And they decide that the best is the Famous tf.' USE THE BEST in Will now buy a Seven g I On retiring, and tomorrow your di- gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, active and ready for anv kind of work. This has been the expericnce of others; it will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cu. If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart- burn, or Constipation, take a dose of At the Old Foutulry DURHAM MARKET. Plymouth Brand Ivy ............ $1 ' sack ...... ... 2 we ... ... ... :wt ... ... per bushel ... bk ... 0 il ... 0 " ... 0 per cwt ... 4 "sight ... ... 4 lb I.. ... 5, Tab ... ... Roll ... oz ... ... ... wt ... ... 7 1'" If .'.'.' 5 be? bag ... I mg ... ... And go to secure it front the than will attend D L'RHA ll, ONT, olt's Damn l "ml. Markdale and (U " r fh t' Bu n k .5180tor.?, 200to 2 80 to 00to 05to 045k 0 002to 02rtto 475 to 4 410 to 10to 04 to low 0 mm 11 to 700to 7 25to 50to 600to 6; 000to OI 76to I 50 to g ()0 10 04 0 12 illlllllr---t----,-'," GRANITE and TINWARE "kc-ay . . . . is Something Extra. trli1 ftl IU (le Wil R Have "I llt WI] Ile. OUR STOCK 0F SILVERWARE I , " - _ " Pm . " _ ' a / , I t, - I -= . A i , ‘ Another Shipmept Ready-Mixed 80 70 Do 75 Our _parload of Harvest I l " This Trade Mark is MI H6 6000 llil WW OnEveryTag, ' See That You Get it.' ts"rt' “Eur dealer does not lulmllt- nur Tnine tttite Plymouth lilmlvr Twine Auvtsry, Jrt Ba) Slum-t. Tun-mun. 50 60' 80 "gg ii 'ii'iirii lun, 1,5 Want GOOD Binder Twine, and are willing to pay a fair price for it. Sen- sible farmers' know GOOD twine is the chepest; and poor twine is dear at any price. It is not what we pay, but what you get, that constitutes a bargain. "Plymouth" make and sell GOOD twine as low as GOOD twine can be sold. " Plymouth" does not make or sell POOR twine at any price. It tt For sale by H. PARKER, Durham Manuraetu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit PHRBN[LINE PILLS Rheumatic boiiio THY. ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIA "LE PRRPAttATioXN "h' THE MAltKET PLEASANT. PURE AND HEALTHFUL 'fflfifulLllffl l (inumntm‘d to cure I'L.,.... a' THOUSANDS OF The (ltih'g Block Jas. R Gun June 27. July 13. July 18. [IND llflljlllt CHEAP Excursions Not Quit §praying Just to hand ARMERS . O Thursday. best tools to Mot gun Spraying if yum w; We have two Spramotors left in stock. Manitoba, Minnesota, and N. Dakota FULL PARTICULARS AS TO RATES, ETC. APPLY TO .--- - - PHRENOLINE Medicines f.:'..-:;!.,?,.!,,!)?:)..,.?):), WA FREE. T041 TICKET AGENT A sure cure for Hvudache.uizziness t'tmttipation. ludi- goslion, liiliuuslwss Brights lyistuase, Diabetes. Paralysis f'onvulsions, Heart Disease, elm, etc. -'ee _..__ .._m_p6SA.r III llll P Itheumatitsns, {Ontarim Qty-her. s'ciatiea, Lumhagu, States and huglund. Gout and ', ____ Neuralgin. I A . ' - . . - - - Good for two Months going Callas soon as ae had anywhere. l)gta, ihl. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO not neglect painting yotir buggy I Head Office, Toronto. EPAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .82,000,00u ,(‘APITAL Paidup. ._. ..r.. LWIMJUU HtEhiEitTE FUNIt .. T.. .... awn: illlllll)llil) BANK AA CANADA SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed m savings hunk deposits of 8l.ou and up- wards. l’rmnpt, attention and "vety' facility afforded ostouuap.u living at a distance. A gmwml Banking business tvattsacted. Drafts issued and collections made ml all points. Deposits received and into - est allowed at current ratvs. _ .-‘ ....‘.4nn I angles. Blltll‘ls and Ditticuities straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling, hy the use of a little tact and good judgment If you are unable to [my 1(Ileellts hn the it he. wtll assist. you to arrange with your creditors. Insolvent, Estates sat. isfactorilv wound up. Deeds. Mortgages. Wills and other. Writinsis carefully prepared. “Always Prompt. Never Negligent.‘ All business Strictly Private. a Hundred good Farms fur sale-Also a number of fine limmvvr Properties. Go to him if.vou mun to sell.. Go to him if you want to buy. He collects notes and accounts. and it lands ewl'v- thing how he gets mom-y out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. Bl'SlNESS Tangle»; Snails and rtiftt....t.r,, ., . . _ _ DURHAM AGENCY. "'""TRPE I truth box! pl'il‘ilcgml. whole (mum-g gov» lending at o" per CCI (mum (If .5 -‘-..5 AGENTS in all p.rthrcijm) poiyir in yawn at thc In 1);! Y. and hr JC' ""y."If u! Iowa-I W tt ll PMS. "my all $0180 ILI Nllu,ndreri g '. BL ACK II. " . 111111-71: Tools arrived fast possible and secure thc W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DEAL WITH llivh Mo, Grits. Tul‘ catch & Irish I J. KELLY. A thc huh-Mom: The: Hanov, PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS ttttttttterm marl XMAS , KNOWS ”DIV In gr! W's! punuihh' rules and rilcgm. Thot ism-h thr y goes to him. 'lf, ie [Mr crut. and on lurgr ant good fruit c'. Miller HANOVER. C,. MILLER, IT PAYS TO BOY THE BEST. III'II Mani'lulm mill paints '(I()I Tangles, Hmu'ls mud out settled lawsuits or ill little tact and (UH h u l m’.. " I P on Teva llc 'a.tettt United bro 'tttroos u. l Iso

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