[iii) DYES. Id reen. b) m U; , ss. 9f w W w u: w W m w W «4 w w w ii School Picnics. Uh Friday Tth July the teacher. pupils and friends of the Rocky school will witnic in the Edge Hill picnic grounds. A good time is expected. Life insurance is a good thing but .‘healthinaurauce, by keeping the blood pure with Hoods Sampsrilla. is still Owner. Nate at a Farm ‘\1-n-:a Mrcu 'l’mm'LA'nox. --- We warn to-day. Tuesday, that. Miss Maggie. Adams. Egremont. has passed away. For 10 years hack she has been a great tliough patient. sufferer, and to her, death will be a happy release. She was 1 young lady of great native intelligence and her skill and handiwork was often in evidence at fall shows. The REVIEW , ".xtends sympathy to the bereaved ones. l Examinations. i This week the Entrance and Leaving ‘ Examinations are in progress and a): "uutdiiutes are on hand to struggle with I "papers." About I one third "pf these; ( from Durham School (I) are writing ', for Entrance the remainder for Leaving , .while next week 17 will try the more i serious "exam." of Part 1 of form Ir i lnsp. Campbell presides this week assisted by Messrs Allan and Mills while Mr. J. w. Brown Hanover takes charge next week. Mr. Campbell taking the heavy end of the work at Meaford High 'School. i Judge McCallnm i Ive understand that Mr. A. B. Mc- l a ‘alluni. of Paisley, has been elevated to the bench. although his appointment ', has not been omcially announced. He, as to be the Judge for the newly created '), District of Manitoulin. There is noth. 1 ing going better than a judge-ship, for at carries with it both honor and salary. Length of days is his too for a judge never dies/except occasionally for sheer tack of having nothing else to do. But it is remarkable how well most men can hear up under the strain of doing noth- ing. Well, we extend to Mr. McCallum our most hearty congratulations. If ever a man earned a political appoint- ment that man is A. B. MeCallum. for the last 20 yeamboth in season and out of season. he has always been ready to respond to the call to arms, and he was no mean titthter either. In fact there were few better equipped political speak. era in the Province. and perhaps there is not a county the Province where his voice has not been heard. But his political career is ended " last, and he tan-nothing“ to do but enter into the joys of a well-merited reward.- The Acheson farm on Concession 20, Egremont, was sold on Monday by Auctioneer Parson at a four thptre. Mr. N. Patterson is the lucky buyer and he will now have a nice comma farm. We beg to congratulate Mr. S. Lucas, Wright and Bataan were the Vendor's Solicitors. 4aaerotstre Match but Friday evening Hanover and Durham teams lined up on the grounds here for a friendly game. Both teams were fully manned and an interesting game was put up, though the vitutom made it too interesting for our boys, for they secured only one of the four goals. Our boys have room to improve on eomtrination work. and indeed so little combined practice have they had this season. that defeat is to he looked for till .. practice makes perfect." Boothville school has preparations on mat to have a picnic on Jamal. on a Jame scale. High wire walking. club- swirutinR, em. in J. Campbell's bush. Basket admits family. Admission 10e. TTot Fort THE wgrtm-Three (3) cheap excursions are to be run by the U. P. It. 10 the Northwest. The dates fixed are June 27. July la, and Juiyns. Apply to H. McFarlane. Jr. Agent here, for fur- ther particular“ South G. Prize List We are getting out this widely cir- rulated pamphlet. All who with ads. in its page: are requested to hand them in as soon as possible. Rates on application. â€Yellow, Pink, and Cat dim! Queens m an. a yard " Grant’s was. Wright and Bntattgt.--At Dur- ham once Mondnys and Court. Days. An annually large number of cumi- tien maintain; no being reported this in our exchnnges. Pure English Paris Gnu: we a. lb and Fine Machine Oil at Me6rtane'r Ding Store. The annual picnic of at. John's Church Arthur com on next ThttrAsr. Hon. Ir, C. Fraser, Guysburo. Hon. G. W. Ross J. M. Gibson and Hon. w. Hardy Iâ€: the brilliant galaxy expected. 1atcaiandNttrktNenrtr. "Rr0L.---XX1. tm. M. Is the place to g kindb of Printing. ,,l,-,rt:,.i,b'e21's Barnum Emit. Very best Machine Oil at J. A. Hun- ter's. Try it, I Garden P arty ' A very successful garden party in connection with the Methodist church was held on the patsonage lawn Tues- day night. About a dozen small tables were scattared over the lawn, and at these Ice Cream. Strawberries, Cake and Coffee were served lr P willing helpers. A very sociable all“? pleasant time was passed by all, and it is reck- oned the best they ever had. Varney boclal ton, son of Mr. Ed. Henderson. Egre- mont, to Miss Ferguson, Ihiceviile, and Mr. Jno. A. Benton. Glenelg. to Miss Mary (3. McLachlan, of the same township. To one, and all we offer congratulations and good wishes. The members of the Varney Methw‘ dist church had " pleasant little social on Monday evening. There was a iii)) fair attendance. Mr. Irwin, Editor of the Chronicle, was made (Yh'tirnmn and was in his happiest mood. The en- tertainers were Miss Jessie Laidlaw, Miss Maud Irwin, who sang and recited respectively, and four members of the Orchardville choir. Mr. and Mrs. Bil- ton. Mrs. Tuck and Mr. Wm. Dickson. Miss Meredith accompanied on the organ. The Varney choir of course rendered good service. Rev. Mr. Kitch ng made a few well chosen remarks. Mr " m. Allan made an address expressive of the regret felt at parting with Mr. Kitchiug whose good qualities they all admired. Refreshments were ser- ved by the ladies at the close. To-day, Wednesday, Hymen’a bonds it is reported are being cast around at least four happy couples. Mr. John Milligan, Bentinek, is being united to Miss Maggie Turnbull, Glenelg: Mr. Wm. Aitken, near Holstein, to Miss Mary. daughter of Mr. Wm. Allan, Egremont; Mr. Thos. Henderson, Pro. J une Brides The Lime Juice Stock Co. go to Tees. water on Saturday, July I, and as their fame has preceded them, they will likely have a great success. On Mon- day evening next in Durham they will present a new programme which will be their last for some time. Secure a seat in time. Before] had taken it all‘the swelling left me. I took three bottles of Hood: and have not been troubled with swell. ing since," Bantam Saunas, Chub hoIt,tlpt, A -- -- ___ n "I was taken with a. swelling in my feet and limbs. I was not able to walk for four months. I read shout Hood" __ iiGii'kimh, cure all liver ills. Easy lt? take. to operate; reliable, sure. Saturday Next In Mt. Forest An enterprising committee has trot up an extensive collection of popular sports for the " Pirst." Firemen’n race, Tug-of-war. Acrobatic winning. Blots, etc., etc., form an enticing minus, to he followed at night with a. grand concert at which Mr. Chas. Kelly will Last Thursday's Globe had a timely article reviewing the "year in Banking" which summarizes the reports of three banks whose annual reports appear in that issue. We quote in full its re ference to the Standard Bank of which our local financial institution is a branch and are pleased to see that the "Stand. ami" is up to the standard in all that pertains to a thriving banking business: This week and next are the picnic weeks. We hope to get an account of all. but would ask correspondents to condense. as our space just now it' in much demand. sooo yards Prhtt--good colors-rub- ing out " 6e yd. " J. A. Hunter's. l Condom _ "The Standard Bank managers makes, report that adds another to the unbrok- en record :of prosperity for the year. Anotner branch has been opened at Ailsa Craig. The net profits have been sufticient to pay the usual dividends of ts' per cent.. 8W,000 in all, to transfer the sum of 8t3,000 to the rebate of interest on notes discounted, [to "reduce ofrlce, safes and furniture accounts by 810,000, to write off $10,968 for the loss by burg- lary at the Bowmanville branch, and to bring up the balance carried forward to $101,525. The total current discounts at the end of the year were $5,970,568 and in the list of assets Dominion Gov. ernment and other first-class bonds are recorded at $1,964,411 and loans on call on Government, municipal and other tirst-class bonds at 8811,17l. Deposits aggregate $7,145,268. of which $5,917,651 are interest hearing. In these state- ments there is a reflection of the general prosperity which the Dominion has en‘ I joyed, and the figures will be interesting l to the business community as well as to i the shareholders.†THE STAN DARD BANK. Soon Left Her. i We are pleased to he informed that Architect Ritchie, of Mount Forest, has (ici; employed by the Directors to pre- pare plans for the new factory. On iSatuI-day he will meet with the Direc tors and new Managers on the grounds, and together they will formulate plans and specifications preparatory to ask.. ing for tenders. We are getting there. !The council has been notified to have (the lot bought and a meeting will likely ' he called at once. 500 buys a pound of smoking chacco and a complete Dinner Pail at J. A. Hunter's. l l Don't forget that Dominion Day in ‘Durham means Monday, July 3. Uoun. ‘try callers will find stores open on Saturday as usual. As most cele- brations are being held on Saturday, there is likely to he a. uniting of visitors for Monday, and without doubt the large prizes offered by the Turf Club will draw some good horses to Durham. The Calithumpian pro- cession in the forenoon promises to be something unique. The Lime Juice Stock Co. will give one of their famous entertainments in the Town Hall in the evening. Factory Progress We have received a fine map of oid' Ontario, issued by the Western Fair Management, London. Of course all roads lead to London on September 7th to 19th when 81200 cash is added to the prizes. Hanover Musical Society has an nt. tractive program of sports for Domin- ion Day. Hanover committees have a. reputation for getting up good things. We really wish we could use our com- plimentary ticket. Durham, June 26. Mr. R. Torry, Chief of Fire Brigade. Enclosed you will find the sum‘ol manta dollars, to he applied to Fire Britta e Fund. as a. small recognition of the tsttitsient service of the Brigade at the recent fire " our factory. And in referring to your services, we recognize the fact that you were ably assisted by our citizens, and you can always depend on this assistance when required.' Square Butter Boxes-the latest pack- age for Butter at J. A. Hunter's. Call and get one. 1 Monday, July 3 In reference to the above the Brigade at a meetmlg held on Monday night tr,2,2,e, fol owing motion unanimously t was moved bi John Harhottle second- ed? Wm. Pal ingham. ' hat a heart vote of thanks be tendered the t'll'i'rGf2' Bros, for their recognition of our services at their fire. While we as firemen are in the work from pnhlicfspirited motives, we heatily appreciate. at the same time recognition o our services either by word or deed. We are much pleased to give space to this following letter which explains it. le ' lu MEuoruuc---Last Thursday, the family of Mr. H. MeNab, Con. 5, Glen- elg, were called upon to monrn the loss of another member in the person of daughter, and sister Mary. Deceas- ed has not been in robust health for a long time, and despite careful musing of loving friends her illness has ter. of loving friends her Illness has ter- minated fatally. It is not quite a year since her sister died, and to the aged father and surviving members of the family deep syxl‘napathy goes out. The funeral on Satu ay was very largely attended Rev. Mr. MeGregor con- ducted the services in an appropriate manner. 12, Con. T, Glenelg, containing 100 acres more or less. The farm is m a. good state of cultivation, 80 acres cleared, is syell watered and exteelien.tly adapted for both stock and {rain raising. School on the lot, church i miles distant. Acply on the premises to VM. BANKS, or to proprietor, C. MeAwrmm, Durham. The Bhaumatic $ptillt The Undersigned offers for sale Lot THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET FARM FOR SALE. Kind Deals and Words {ANT PURE IND HEALTHFUL {Dim Guaranteed to cure . Rh eunmtism , tdit Sciatica, Lum bago, C) out and in Neuralgia. DURHAM, THURSDAY, was stir," 1399. Nllllllii) LINE Medicines Firemen Aptrrstriated N. G. & J. Mcchme. A sure cure for Headachemizziness Constipation, Indi- treyi.ot.i,, By.outmess Brights Disease, Diabetes. Paralysis Convulsions, Heart Disease, etc., etc. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner and little daughter, of Brampton. ure visit,- ing the former's parents " week. l Mica Tillie white"eotfrned front ;Priceville Saturday last, after a. three iweeks’ visit among friends. Mr. James Brown, of Minto, was a. guest at Mr. Allan Mrkinnon's on Monday last. Miss Culbertson attended the wed. ding of Miss Moore to Mr. Beatty of Winnipeg in Chesley last week. Mr. T. G. Elwyn, of Toronto, is spending a week's holiday at Mr. Allan McKinnon‘s. Mr. and Mrs. T. Allan attended the former's neice’s wedding in Egremont on Monday. Mrs/it. Torry and family are visiting her father near Burlington Bay for a few months. Mr. Arther McClocklin ofRcuated as gmomsumn at the Beaton-Lachhut wedding near Priceville on Wednesday. Great Clearing . . MILLINERY hgtil ial MINNIE“ Hols Ill te Miss May Cat son leaves on Saturday for Hartney Man. for a lengthy stay. Inspector and Mrs, Campbell and family leave on Saturday for Meaford where they will enjoy lake breezes for a few weeks. ttl. Game illt tt Wills. Miss Susie Gadd is waiting friends in Holstein and Orchard. Mr. Chas. Munshaw, of Flesherton, Sundayed at the Middnugh House. Hull me llSIlllI ttt III At he Messrs. N., G. & J. McKechnie very /le%7routuy recognised the services of the tiretnen by a donation of Twenty dollals to their funds. Mrs. (De.l Gun left for Toronto on Monday to attend the closing exercises of the Presbyterian Ladies' College. Her daughter, Miss Maggie, is gradu~ Ming. Rev. J. L. Campbell brother of Rey. D. L, Campbell Dromore will occupy Presbyterian pulpit on July 2nd and 9th. He is also to be present tat the C. E. Convention on July 6. Mr. J. S. Cameron, lately of Grand Rapids, Mich., Insurance Agent for the Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada re- ceived a notable and creditable promo- tion lately. After three years service he has been appointed manager for the State of Georgia. and moved to Ab. lanta. lately with his family. After a. month's residence there he says they like the town and surroundings very much. His many South Grey friends will be pleased to hear of his success. while we thank him for kind words about THE REVIEW. I Miss Orchard spent aday in Hanover net week the guest of Miss Sutton. pmLLnm--In the Township of Keppel on June 13 to Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips a son. BExros--McLacarLas--At St Columha Church, Priceville, June 28th, by Rev Mr Matheson, Mr John A Beaton to Mliss Mary McLachlan, both of Glen. e g. Arrmrstr--Arais--At the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesdtg June 28th, by Ree, Mr. --.q.--_- r Robt Aitken's to Miss Mary Allan. eldest 11...aughter.of Mr William Allan, all of MCNAB-In Glenelg, Thursday, June 22, Mary McNab, aged w years. ADAmr--At, the home {of her mother, 18th Con. Egremont, onMondcy. June 26. Maggie dams, aged abcut so yrs. Egriimont. i'i'fii)ALliiir WM. LAIDLAW PERSONAL MENTION For 20 Days " Born. Died. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same. N. G. at J. McKechnie. "Large Bales & Small Profits." Durham. Aug. 9th. ’96. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods 2 Wilkingnoqukggys, number Conlter * Sicott Drills, _a_nd HARVESTING- Milk Jae 3% Dem-in?t " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Dohert , Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. "3'l'l1irl,'l?Nhilitl?litl.'l A large stock of New Raymond and Wil- everything for Farmers I WAmmoowr-Upper Town, Durham. -t%rTvaGs, mid and Srade Har- rows, Beuifiers, Ete. A so Scotch Diamond Harrows. 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words ct WILKINSON Pmmn Comm“ " is east each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. CULTIVATING. Cash system We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ADOPTED BY N., ll. & J. McKECHNIE. C. MCKINNON. WHOLE N0. 1111. Has Telephone connec- tion. Call up No. 6.