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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jun 1899, p. 4

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o' Cm "ct gr Ah no 'a The arrangements made for feeding the multitude- have been brought toa science. When the big doors of the gymnasium swung open. a hungry mob. with more celerity than dignity. rushed in, and in a twinkling the long rows of double plank seats were Blled, the big doors closing on another crowd who had to wait their turn. A scorn The G. T. R. ofth for the ahihty show crowd. The regain: 1mm], and a special followed and before reached these Were , inn Guelph alum ll time for an inspectk to "do" the city " I To Guelph and the o. A. c. was on Wednesday of last week the rallying cry of several hundreds within easy reach of the Durham Branch, G. T. R. It was an ideal day for an outing. no better could have heen ordered. and ticket agent Gun informs us that about 13ro on this branch took advantage of it. In addition to these were contin. gents from Elmwood, Hanover and Senstmlt. and us the l'. P. H. moan ran-union mim- day from Owen Sound .outhwards there was cwtinmtt-d to l e over 2“)" _ isitols in (hwlph that day I n pic-ailin- bent. -The Peace Conference has voted against "Dumdum" bullets, bullets that flatten in the human body, ex- plosive bullets, and several other kinds of barbarous ideas in bullets, in civilized warfare. So far so good I But when they use guns that throw several hundred bullets a minute, will the expiring soldier or savage be grateiul enough to return thanks ? Past Master General Mulock gives an encouraging statement as to the buoyancy of the Post Oftiee Revenue. The adoption of a 2-cent rate was ex- pected to produce a shortage of menu», but six months’ trial has proved that not more than $501).- 1XJO will be lacking, with the prospect that three years " most will see an equilibrium again established, so great is the increase of business. Ten more regiments for the Philip- pines, shiploads of sick and tired volunteers coming home, soldiers sleeping on their arms to prevent sur- prise. Such are some of the troubles of our weary big neighbor to the south (l as in getting his 820,0a/00o bargain into shape for civilized gov~ ernment. E , tfs' --South African troubles are likely at present to end in war. The stub born Kruger will bend not at all, and the massing ot troops and military preparations indicate a eonfliet that will have n speedy termination unless Germany puts her finger in the pie to assist Kruger. HIM!!! INSIIIIHE MINI --Narehand, the explorer, won't take the money present offered to him, but has turned it over to the Navy league, at body whose purpose in life is to make the French tieet as strong as the British'. They have n big contract. -'I‘he Khaliia, whose forces were routed by Kitchener, escaped him- Belt, and latterly has been gathering a force around him. Word now comes that he has been badly defeat. ed by natives friendly to Britain. --rnrt Elgin is vacant. The judg- " taking only 80 minutes to find that “gross irregularities" had taken place andithat Mr. McNish must be unseat ed, though there is no evidence to disqualify him. --itttaita wants the Peace Confer- . f, ' Hub- Qrtett , tf W8 mg: Ri" (monies. ' 2trantternent for Russia, more . “half of whose vast empire is the my of Siberia '. Uh: gum gwim. --A French Cabinet has been form. ed with Senator Waldeck-Roumu at its head. He is a "revisionist" in Dreyfus politics. Volunteer Camp was $340,111). --Dewey was warmly welcomed try British residents of Ceylon on hf. way home. Thursday, June 29, . T. R. ofticiols deserve credit Minty shown in handling the The regular left Durham as ml " special of nine coaches Was a Great Success. I before Palmerston was . Were well tilled. Rem-h- Iluut ll there was ample nspeuion of the farm and 1-in " well. t feeding ugh! ton 'g of the [ hungry 'ycor'e “1.qu rum”: n! his splendid health. indomitable will and tremendous energy Ire not found where Stomach. Liver. Kidneys and Bowels are out of order, If you Want these qualities we! the success they bring. use King‘s New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body, Only 25e at the drug: storm. 2 Sacrament was held on the I Rev. Mr. Miller. preached the :torfv sermon to a huge cont ' am 12 more were added to th ; making the membership about l Titvsmith Drum tindie busim ins: and has engaged an appre ankle-.1 to Ina stock. Mill munis tttut bury just mu ready a shipment ei square sun manufacture ol Paleley spool Jinnah market, Mr. John McKenzie went m on Monday to commit hospital mr. .mnu .ucneuzle weut to Toronto on Monday to Consult hospital author> ties about h,.s foot which has been Hou- bling but. tor some tune. um Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Campbell left Mon. day for a 5 weeks' visiting. Mr Wm. Young will omcitue. on Sunday. July 2, the pastor‘s brother, Rev. J, h, of Chi. x-nntilni. the 3 Huhhaths following, The Managers have a ' her ' this week In impruyv the cmuelery. ('mnnwndzl- Ln. m ir Irie. Mrs (‘oleridge. after a lengthy visit to he: sou Frank and other relative», re- turned last week. Her nephew, Walter (Weave, lately from England, and later from N mum-a Umnp. arrived the week following' and Is staying 2 weeks before returning to Balm-lava, in Svdenhmn, The funeral of the late Miss Bella Wil- son, took place from her fatluu's pesi-. dence, Monday. 12th inst., to the family '; plot in Ebenezer cemetery. A large 1 turned out to pay the last tribute of re- spect to one universally beloved by all for het amiable and sociable character and for her uprightness in all relations. She was an actively active member of the c. E. Society an occupied positions of honor among her associates which she filled with marked ability and with credit to her self. An honored and val. ued member of the choir her loss will be keenly felt by leader and members with whom she has so often blended her excellent voice now silent on earth. Being totally free from bigotry. she willingly assisted any church or Society in need of her talent. Rev. Mr, Ciyufr. _ hell in the absence of Rey. Mr. Hum-i phreys, conducted the service andts nuke yery feelinfly of the many excellent qualities o the deceased. being confi. dent that her feet was upon the rock. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in thus being be. reared of n second tender, loving and Virtuous daughter. Mine Host Kenny of the Royal Hotel welcomed many of his old townsmen in his old hearty manner while in turn they were glml to see that his shadow doesn't grow less. I'lose to the farm can be seen the prettiest, fUld of wild mustmd. The weed is also in evidence north and south of Fergus. The stop-over privilege of the Rail. way ('ompnuy was taken ndvantngeuf by nmny. Some went to Toronto and other places. Guelph is a busy city, and June ex- cut-moms to the college must conuihute a good deal to its prosperity. There was time enough left for a good look at Guelph, one of the chief attractions being the large and elnhm- ate Roman Catholic. Chureh, on an admirable site, and whose interior, apart from its devotional attractions. is well worth seeing. NOTES. The poultry depmtment found nmny admirers. the museum was worthy of more examination than time permitted, the fine view of the lovely grounds. and surrounding country from the roof of the college was enjoyed by many. and no irritating footlvoards warned the visitor to .. keep off the grass.” The cheese and butter-making de. pnrtments were in operation, and the provision made to show the. actual w process of working and packing butter was excellent. The -dairynmids, in spotless white. Were continually sur- rounded by interested farmers, their wives and daughters. and surely no more practical expert and entertaining lecturer was ever employed than Miss Laura Rose, Lady-instructor in Dairy. ing, who packed the gilt-edged article as deftly an her silver. tongue explained the process. _ The value to the large proportion of the farmers of the province. of seeing those tests in operating. of reading the results of them in bulletins, of stock r0049 -" t . 'J"'e -nt etc. Mtor h-4 very considerable 2lrw'lffa fl','. more to the province than the victuals cun- stunned. of volunteer waiters pun-ed round has- kelluls ot sul-utnntinl provision. and the way it disappeared must have con» veiled a higher reaped for the miracle of feeding am with 5 barley loaves. Before retiring by another door " brief address was made hy one of the staff, explaining the prdgramme of the day so that. everything might be seen to best advantage and most profit. Accordingly in change of one or other of the professors, the greater part of each table company were conducted through the experimental tields, and a running lecture of much value and in. terest was delivered on the way. tr tiueatL IMO Taylor Bismark‘s Iron Nerve. ands am bury just now making shipment at square stuff for the 5...... l h l ' luh’ndul fur lot week. n Ihthtchiva,-in 'tvdenhaitT." and Mrs, Campbell left Mon. weeks' visiting. Mr Wm. "Mnln‘, ,, lt ' ‘ tr Mrs Snell is indispuse'l iu altendauce. 0.. t Pom ore. arts a new whee mum: copgieOtion i.t . I I A . V _ to ttia criaiii," about ato. business booiu. apprentice and spools In the rly 18t h inst. prepara- a- Fa.vs--Prms,rle, Brigham. McKinnon, [Schema Allan. Watkou, Preston, Mc- l Donald, and Williscroft.-9 (‘ouncil adjourned till 7 p. m. on Thursday. Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICE- Wtltt.vve Itloek, (3mm GRANT! ALL Rump Atlast night's session the following grants were made: Hospital 8300: Poult, ry Assoeiation. 830; IV alters' Falls show,$50; Children',, Aid Fs'ociety,.ri.5. ‘()n Tote being taken it resulted inn majority being given in favor of not, establishing a House 91" J3efuge-, Teas, -Gordon, Frost, TI son, McCuleman. Palvrso Mr. Pringle saidthat he would vote against it. Me. Brown then spoke Irriefy to the effect that the reason of Mr. Ptiterson's small majority was on account ofa let- ter published the day before the elect- ion In Meaford written by Mr. C. R. Sing counselling the (-ouuty to be careful how they dealt with the matter Of'the House of Refuge. Mr. Brown mud he WM in favor of a House of Refuge on general principles. The committee. ruse and reported and the Conneil resumed. LAMBm--Ptu ties having lambs to cast rate can have them done by the under. signed at moderate rates. Enquire at Central Hotel. HUGH MACKAY. County Cottttei1.-Cont'd from page o" A feeling of 'cronfidence hus been created in town by the splendid work done. Let's Et up an excursion in aid of the Fire rigade and put it on a civic holiday. Honor to, whom honor civic holidaz. Honor to ivh th, due. w o says excursion? Levelled " pumping stations at, sev- eral points on the river should be provided, Off1cevs and men of the Fire Brigade ---the town is delighted With you. There can not live the mean wretch who wouid sneer at those who voluntar- ily take upon them a. dangerous duty and sometimes». thankless' one. Our Ronald engine is H. daisy, there wasn't a single burst in the hose, and hut for this 'i11te,"itt and the amiable boys who hum le it, there would ave been left only smoking ruins of several build. if,” and perhaps' a large part of Lower own. Tanks would have been of this fire. The engine has paid for itself several times over. The Messrs. McKechnie have been very seriouslosers by fire, and loss to them has meant loss to many employees. The town and country too, will be pleased to learn that this loss is largely covered by insurance. and that it is theiruttent.ion to at once put every- thing in shape to resume work. The interruption of the work at " very busy season will he in itself at loss, but we hope that soon the wheels will be running as before. Nota particle of the. thousands of dollars worth of machinery and stock in the ground ttat was injured, the walls are intact to the first story, and though the roof is burned off, the plates and posts are still in position. Of course much of the machinery and stock of the upper ttat is destroyed, but when the loss, that is, is compared with what might haye been, there. is reason to feel gratified. The ftatues by this time were career- _ ing over the roof and dense volumes of i smokv bespoke the destruction going on. Scarcely one in a hundred but thought that the building, a frame one, filled wtth dry ittfhuumalrle material was doomed. There was no moralizing however, the fireman got to work, and with many willing helpers from the crowd soon began to show that all hope wasn't gone. Some effective pail work Was done in spots. For about half an hour the chances of the tire and the fighters seemed about even, but at last. the fioods of well directed water began a t) tell, and victory was assured. l And they were equal to the occasion, for engine and reels were out with praiseworthy (elerity and in 12 minutes from the tirst alum water was playing on the flames. To do this travelling the distance, with some awkwardness in settn'rur m) the “aver bank was very 'gnod work. Mention should be made ofthe wild race of Campbell’s team driven by John Schulz. He was at the stable when the hell rang. the harness was on in a jittey, and clinging to this he Went up the street at breakneck speed to the wonder and admiration of spectators. Once hitched on an equally wild rush was made with the heavy engine tothe river hank. where hose was soon in position and the work begun. Friday last a few minutes before s p. m., smoke and fume were seen is- suing from the B. w. corner of Me. Kechnie’s wood working factory, plow- Ising, with n breeze that was blowing to develop Into a disastrous are. The whistle was sounded. the cannery hell lung. and in a few minutes the clung of the big hell let all the town know that the tiremen had a run before them. arrister, Jiatazrg, vegancer, ate” etc W. S. DAVIDSON. (Co ttt in um] AV The Brides Good Work. FACTORY " FIRE. DC-.. Frost, Totttin, Richard- Patvrson, and Brown. Nc.vt IVt‘t’k. ) TORONTO (an. ' . . 21, (Over. the Rank. : Dated at Durham, June a at Ts.; as; ’~ 3’23 JAS. CARSON. J. P. TELFORD, The Third Division of Lot number ten, and the First Division of Lot number eleven both in the h'pst Concession east of the Garafpaxa Road. in the Town. ship of Glenelg. in the ()0!an of Grey, Containing 100 acres more or ess. At the hour of two o'cloek in the after- noon, the following property, namely t NDER AND Br VIRTUE OF A if Power of Sale contained in two certain mortgages which will he' Produced at time of Sale, there. will‘ N' offered for sale by public auction, at. the Middangh House,' in the Town of Durham, on _ Owen Sound. Ont. Mortgage SALE ! as a. preparation for the battle of life. The business Course at this Institution is complete in every detail and em- braces all the subjects which will he of use to you in real life and is far in ad. vance of any similiar course in Canada. Also an unequalled Shorthand and Typewriting course. If interested write for Catalogue to C. A. FLEMING, YOUNG PEOPLE All kinds of Harvesting Ma- chinery, Buggies, Waggons, &c John Livingstone MW, a nli, IN, Humble, Farm Property in the Township of Glenelg. Binder Twine Wise Farmers Should consider the advantage of a Course at the Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor OWEN SOUND, And they decide that, the host is the Famous " USE THE BEST 1:: At the Old Foundry .IJIIIIIQ Plymouth Brand And go to secure it from Pm Nctp.t L. Turnip Bowers, fieumem, Pl all in stock. Attend to 1 the old established London other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at Ir". LOWER TOWN M Implement Warerooms. are the ceieiGiGi' iiiiiii7 A Full Line of the Best D: "e - __ - new rise but our stock was bought earl y, alone. Prices from moo upwards WAGONS 'at all! tttled pqselect from. HUGHES All) llllili)ltl-iliiiii,, know what these Goods are Spring and Summér Goods - THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL will be for service at the Central Hotel, Durham, for the season of 1899. J20. GEO. RYAN, Prop. We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! As Usual a Full Line egjiwy-Harris #indeIp, Mowers. . . Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Waltham or Elgin \Vntch in Nickle Screw Case. We have Seven- teen Jeweled Walthtuns at, prices never offered lwfow. Bull For Service. $5 BILL! g of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines DURHAM. ONT, leumem, Ploughs. Barrows, Hay Forks, etc. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have ed London Mutual Insurance Company, and Combining. m lunacy-Harris Binders, Mowers. "I Y'?? Disc Barrows, Rakes, Etc. You -the beat In the market. Buy mother! wOFFlCE FIRST DOOR EAST (J l the Durham PhurInm-y Caldetc Iplock. Residem-e first door. west of (In. l Post. OMce, Durham. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days Duncan cruel. Gamers .LOCK. Eutuuoe next door to lion's Dental (min- oPPICEB-at Owen Sound. Mnrkdule aw" Durham LUCAS, WRIGHT J BATSON. MONEY To LOAN~LOW RATE. earloads of Tudhope BUGGll-B u . We have very nice Buggies and cuts. Prices of rigs are on thts i2 and a good pmllt saved in freight DENTISTRY. See our Farm TRUCK. They lARRISTERs. SOLICITORS ”crawls. convnmucmu. a A wombat of the ttrut will attend Issuer of IARRIAGE Licenses V T. G. HOLT L. D. S. - EASY TERMS CARRISTEI? "ttice. "Tet COLICITOR w SUPRE new" PUBLIC. commas beoidetwd rum-v. "h. up. Me"'s Fade-whirls aw SK much. Men', Rubin (stand at “k och. 3le PM“. . pair. "Iv I each '1! s keeo " full liun- .11 h (M1,; and ld, mu Mus " Oxfords. Just thr. thing I am. IH'Y sllul': mu and Sh. " bottlv. with ' rritstre, 37x70. 'tpeitste "rlierts, rnmplo-lr It FLOOR Ull. (‘LUTIL tite ynrd. "mil Tablo- Oi wide, at yard : M-in wide, UH "ch therttes " Tau-t HI I yam The Big New Goods Furnl' titoteri. will et atrstite ."l'ln- on” “In Furuiiuw of My Woui' Und We (lf We l0 it If your vision " defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it. GM t illl ttl (lf Sign! Restored Science points out the my to the restoration ot Slat mon Homesee Excursio: To The Northwe: IO-in Buggy Dusters Boots * Shoes. Opaque Windo Ron MacFARLAN 8trineh human". in IN 4:. 12l,c n yurd. “Much "Int-k and Cok you. mc yard. Tau-ten lbw-us Gingham M“. Nee thet" '. PICTURE FRAM'N MISS SHE MONEY TO I " MUN JUL MISS tif11 " We now is tickets to without cl Durham or point. y l3 Granits Pi (ha-mi” W,ust1 M car. FHIN H cF

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