West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1899, p. 9

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& 4 o p _ t i Z o in Wited s The contmuced rain of last week cansed rapid gr.wth to the root crop, aud prosâ€" pects are bright for a boantifal harvest. Quite a number from this place attendâ€" ed the South Grey Christian Endeavor Convention beld in Durkam last Tharsâ€" day. All report a day well spent. :\lr. Don-.ltl Livin;gston. hceompanied by his mother visited friends at the County Capital and Keppel last week. Miss Kate McKinnuon has been engeged dressâ€"making with Welbeck friends for the past couple of weeks. |, Our esteemed cattle king, A. McKinâ€" nou, returned from Manitoulin Island last week, with quite a number of cattle. Also bringing with him an Indian pony which 1s the centre of attraction. Some fair ones say it is a dandy to go. Our stone mason, Mr. Stinson, is busy rustling up a foundation for a barn which he intends to build next summer. A few from this place took advantage of the cheap rates to Owen Sound on the First returning on Monday and reporting a good time. Mr. Alex McDonald delivered a fancy bunch of fat cattle im your tewn lately, tor which he realized $4.75 per owt. I# envied by a‘l poor dyspeptics who«e Stomach and Liver are out of order, _ All such should know that UDr. King‘s New Life Pills, the wouderfal Stomach and Liver Remedy, giyes a splendid appetite souud digestion ard a regular bodiy kabit that insures perfect health and great energy, â€" Ounly 25¢, at our drug stores, 4 Misses May and Lizzie Taylor, of Chesâ€" ley, attended church here a week last Sunday, being guests of the Milne family. The sawâ€"mill is closed at present but the shingle mill is booming. A number of competent hands being eu:rloyed, Chas. Scott is shingle cutter and turns about 30 bunches a day,. Mr, G. Spariing of Durham occasionâ€" ally visits the gang and finds everyâ€" thing O. K. The ship timber men are still in the Licipity and will be for some time. Mr. Tucker Phillips, of Maxwell, gave us us a call on Saturday, â€" Glad to see him again, § After a long rest we will let the comâ€" munity know that Klondike is still in Bentinek. _ People are yery basy, and some around have started hayihg,. ’QQ“““‘Q‘“QQO‘QQQQ‘G %4@44%408%%404%4% 9 P 6 Eid n en e e o esns e n on nc ar on en eerener n en sn en snn e e n en ns en rer e e on mt enc oo mt es The Appetite of a Goat JULY 12 Now that hot weather has set of new and upâ€"toâ€"date summer goods, such as Prints, Musiins that we are able and do sell at regular wholesale price. Ou do business upon square business principles. We want y« We are always anxious to hear of complaints, and will do our AAAL CAE C butcctudiuted en ie ie s n C watch our advertisement and take advantage of the bargains. When you have Butter and Eggs to sell bring them here and we will pay you all cash. Try one of our new Butter Boxes. We cannot mention oneâ€"tenth of all our Snaps in this advertisement but urge upon you to call and see them. No trouble to show goods Money refunded cheerfully if Goods do not suit. s All the Departmental Store, LOWER TOWN. 100 Ladies‘ Blouses, latest style, reg. £1.25, at 75c each. 24 Women‘s Readyâ€"made Wrappers, reg. $1.00, at 75¢ each. 12 Readyâ€"made Crash and Pique Readyâ€"made Skirts, $1.25 e Another case of 32â€"inch Prints at 7¢ yard, reg. 10c. 2,000 yards of 5¢ Prints leftâ€"â€"it is a seller. 15 Piecces Fancy Blouse Effects at 124¢ yard. 100 Faney Cut Glass Berry Bowls, reg. 20c at 9c each. 5 Dinner Setts, 97 pieces each, reg. $8.00, at £6.15 sctt. 4â€"Piece Bedroom Setts at 81 Crawford. Klondike. odd coppers count at the end of the year. ThE Following spEcirt BareriNs wilt BE OFfERED DURMNG THE NEXT TEN DAYS SAE : Ten Days‘ Midsummer Sale ! 20 sett. Home from Toronto arrived Misses \ Mary and Floe MceCormack for their . holidays. f Mr. James Campbell arrived home from Duluath after a years‘s absence and intends returning shortly, Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Nashâ€" ata, I. T. He writes: _ "Four bottles of \Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of +erofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. _ Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the ! best doctors could give no hbelp, but her cure is complete and her health is excellâ€" ent." _ This shows what thousauds have proved,â€"That Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. _ It‘s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, l ulcers. boils and running sores. _ It stimâ€" ulates liver, kilneys and bowels, expels | pouisons, helps digestion, builds np the | strength. _ Only 50 cents, Sold by our \ Duggist. Gnaranteed. 4 Mr. Geo. Scheurman, accompanied by a lady friend, spent Sunday at Crawâ€" ford. Mr. Harry Simpson engaged at present Fletcher. Miss i\lary Fletcher, teacher offBethel, is spending her holidays at home. Mr. D. Kinnee has treated himself to a fine driver, purchased from J. W. Smith of Aberdeen A number from here attended the Rocky picnic and report a good time, YOUNG PEOPLE EF a preparation for the battle of life. he business Course at this Institution is complete in every detail and emâ€" braces all the subjects which will be of use to you in real life and is far in adâ€" vance of any similiar course in Canada, Also an unequalled Shorthand and Typewriting coutse. If interested write for Catalogue to C. A. FLEMING, Owen Sound, Ont. Should consider the advantage of a Course at the OwWEN soUND, ONT. = = * = JULY 22 . Hunter‘s Big Departmental Store â€"_ _ A&R&AÂ¥.. EXU S TTCTEEE, DURHAM; ONTARID MNORTHER * + <ge e + of Dornoch, is with Mr. A. ; in we are able to show you case arter case Prints, Muslins, Blouses, etc. We buy in such large quantities rle price. Our business is steadily increasing, simply because we We want your trade. Come and see how we do business. and will do our utmost to square matters satisfactorly. 25 each. PRINCIPAL. Died, at the residence of Mr. Jolhn Me:â€" Leod, North Line, Artemesia, on Thursâ€" day the 6th inst., Mr. John Mchean, native of the Isle of Tyrce, Argyleshire, Scotland, aged sixtyâ€"seven yearg. _ Mr. Mclean was an old resideunt of the borth line, Glenelg, being there for 46 years. He moyed with bhis family to Dakota a few years ago, and only cume back to the place where he died about a mouth ago. His remains were buried beside his two wives in Priceville cemmetery, on Saturâ€" day last, His first wife died about 32 years ago, and his last «â€"eyen years ago, and was a member of the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr, Matheson officiated at the home aud the graye, | We have always a fair share of business | done in our town. _ Everybody that is ’ willing to work are getting along well and ; we bear no complaints whatever Iaike | every other place in the country we may | have a few that are slothfu! in business, {who may be bu«y bodies, blaming the slowness of the town, when they only |go forth with hanuds folded day after ‘ day, expecting that the heavens will shower nupon them bread without carnâ€" ‘ing it with the sweat of their brow. The eacrament was dispeunsed in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday last. The day was fine and a large crowd assembled on the occasion. _ About 40 new members were added to the church this last 15 months. We had the pleasure of attending the C. E. Conyeution held in Durham on Thursday of last week, _ It was indeed a pleasant sight to behold so many young and old people assembled, of different denominations Mr, and Mrs. Beaton, of Pomona, ntâ€" tended church here on Sunday last. _ We bad the pleasure to congraculate both on their recent union. ‘They are a pleasant and bappy young couple. _ May they have a loug and pleasant voyage through the jcurney of lite together, Mr, Arch MeCunsig, Mrs, MeCuaig, Mris, MceCannuel, S1., and Miss Maggie MceCannel and Mrs. M.cPhail attended a wedding a* Mr, Donalil McCaunel‘s of Burgoyne, Bruace Comnty. on Wednesday of last week. Miss Kate Mclutyre of Toronto is at her mothers, South Line Glenelg. Miss Mabee, of the Township of Adjala, sister of Mr. Dagald McCormick, of this village, and Mrs. Allazs Melunes D. R.. spent a pleasant week with both brother and sister and other triends, and returned again to her Lo.me ou Saturaay last, We receivel a leiter lately from Mr. Robert McDonald, of Idaho, Montpelier. His many friends in this part will be pleased to hear thut he is keeping weil. His son Donald was laid up for four mouths with a broken arta, His brothe: Donald of the Rockies was »@»lmost at the poiut of death, after a lingering iliness ot mmany mouths, but now they have hopes of hmis rtecovery. â€" Mr, McDonald gets the Review and is always pleased to hear from Priceville, although in his declining years hbe has yet hopes to meet with his tmeuds in and around Priceville, where he spent his bappiest days. Rev. Mr. Matheson is to preach a serie, of sermons tor the next gix weeks. _ Next Suanday morning he will preach on "Infidelity. Our main street has receised a fresh coat of gravel lately, wlich mukes it a little unplessant for driving for the presâ€" ent, bat will add much to the advautage of drivers wher the !all and muddy time of the year comes. Rev. Mr. WhitefielJ], of Meaford, preachâ€" ed in the Disciple church on Sundsy last. Our entire stock of Straw Hats at oneâ€"halt price. Gold Medal Corn Slarch, 5¢ package. 6 Pounds Tapioca for 25¢. Red Herring, 2 boxes for 25c. 3 Cakes Pure Toilet Soap for 8c. 2 Large White Bowls, 19c. Harvest Gloves, 23¢ up, reg. 25c. 2 and 3â€"Ply Yarn, 30 pound. Harvest Boots, 75¢ pair. Jem Jars at 50c¢c, 60c and 75¢ dozen. Seythes at 45¢ each. Ful) stock Harvest Toolsâ€"â€"Hay Rakes, etc. Priceville. TORONTO It wil! pay you to Miss Emma Lee. after visiting the parental home for a month or so has returned to Toronto, Miss Fannie Ditner is also up from the city visiting her parents and friends and will shortâ€" Py Bebut ths : s 200 s o inA mee ied A lot of rain has fallen during the past ten days, which will haye gosa effect on the growth of the crops, exâ€" cept fall wheat, which is more or less rusted. _ Mr,. John Ritchie, Principal of Port Arthur school, has latety arriyed here and is looking after the interests of his farm, which has become wonderfully improved during the past two years, by building, breaking up, fencing, etc. Mr, A. Ditner lately invested in fourâ€" teen head of young cattle, which he purchased from Mr. Geo, Ryan of your town. Mrs, Wim, Stedwell and family haye lately left for Fort Williim, to join Mr. 8. who proceeded them about three months ago. Mr, and Mrs, Neil Livingston now enjoy a comfortable ride in their braw new top buggy lately purchased in your town, ev. Mr. Graham, of Dornoch, preach ed at Townsend‘s Lake on Sunday Jaly 2nd, to a crowded church, His excellâ€" ent discourse was much commented on, and he has made a good impression on the peoplein this part, it being is first appearance. Miss Rachel Beatty has been lying seriously ill for some time under Dr,. Ego‘s careful attention, We hope she will soon be brought back to her usual health and yigor, as she is a particula favorite by all who know her, Mr, Geo, Lamb is for the past few days suffering with sciatica pains in his hip joint, and is somewhat contfined to the house. Master John A. Lumb was up at Owen Sound last week, struggling with examination papers, and will, no doubt like many others, be anxious to know the result. The Keyland and MeLeod bridge will be finished this week. The work wil stand inspection to any party or parties who wish to inspect it, which is good credit to the builders, as well as John A. and Reeve Staples and the ratepayers of the whole township, Mr. and Mrs. John McKay from Toronto were welcome callers in our burg last week. _ Mr. McKay returned to the city, but his wife will svend a few weeks at the old homestead, Rain in abundance, crops are looking fairly well, _ Some are commencing haying this week. Mr. Frank McLellan from Bruce was a caller in the burg a week ago Sunday, He returned to his destination accomâ€" panied by Miss Jessie A. Beaton. _ Mri. Jas, White was in your town on Saturday on special and _ private business Miss Maggie Stewart from Shelburne is visiting with Mrs, Evans, and the Mcâ€" Lellan family at present. Messrs. R. J. Black and John J, Walsh spent. a few duEs in Toronto, and reâ€" turned last week somewhat happier, John 4. Beaton has erected a handâ€" some wire fence around his orchard and residence, and has the well known John Hogan of Pomona in his employ at present, putting in new stabling. A bi{: baby boy causes Alex. McMillen to smile steadily since the 2nd inst. All are doing well, we predict Alex. will name him Alex. Mr. George Blackburn from across the lines. is a welcome visitor with his many fmends in Pomona and Scotchâ€" town this and last week. coues s 0 . pasdine s Seotch Town Glascott, A lew of the youth and beauty of the burg gathered at Mr. T. Melosh‘s on Tuesday evening and spent a yery enjoy able time. While out driving last Sunday N. Melosh‘s horse became frightened and ran away, throwing both occupants out. â€" Mr, Melosh‘s shoulder was slightâ€" ly injured, but the horse and buggy came off yery safe. 0. McDonald spent Saturday and ; perte Sunday with friends in this burg, | the e Mrs MeArthur is ill. _ Hope to hear . 89fe of her speedy recovery. | The previous rains haye put a stop to having, which was just nicely startâ€" ed. The more rain the more rest. We would like to know how the Traverston goat feels after getting such a beating at J. McNally‘s barn raising. Robt. Barclay of Owen Sound yisited here at the beginning of the week. _ Allan Boyd left on Monday for St. Mary‘s to spend the summer months. Miss Kate Henderson, who has been in the States for the past two years, reâ€" turned last week. John Lachlan is hired with John Hunt for haying and harvest while (G. Furneaux has secured the services of Wm, Lachlan for the same purpose. Dugald McKechnie, London, paid a business visit to friends in the burg. . Mt. Forest tax rate is 22 mills on the dollar. 6 W. Ledingham now rides a 60 horse. Who wouldn‘t have a wheel? CALCIVED PLASTER. OIL AND PAINTS $1.00 per 100 pounds. < Pure Paris Green. Buyers of 20 pounds and upwards at wholesale rates. Druggist, Fire Proof Paints. Various colorsâ€"The cheapest and most durable paint you can use, for ordinary painting. Paints mixed to any color wanted. Dyesâ€"â€"Aniline Dyes four of the leading colors, sold by the ounce. DIAMOND & TURKISH DYES, Cements==â€"Portland, Thorold Always bR ns t RecECECECECEECECECcceced In Season with Seasonable goods. the list and let us fill your order. Tea, 25¢, 35¢, 40. Coffee, 35¢, 40. Cocoa, 30c, 40c. French Pickles, 15¢. Salmon, 2 cans for 25c, Sardines, 4 cans for 25c. K. Herring, 2 cans for 25c. F. Haddie. 2 cans for 25c. Corn, 10c, ] Potted Meats, 3 cans for 25c. Pease, 10c. â€"3 f MRS. A. BURNET + 0 4 ASTER. PARIS WHITE. WHITING & GLUES. A Large Assortment of Paint Brushes. IMPROVED POTATO BUG KR We â€" Pay â€" Cash â€" Full line of Staple Groceries, Flour and other Cereals always on hand. Mixed all Colors at Bottom Prices. . _ PARKEFR L urham. joBeses s3 eR e enc es s o Hopevilie. The mcleackh party haye gone to Wo > land wiss Dezell leaying to assist. The 8. 8. Ficuic wae fairly well aitenâ€" ded, â€" Everything went nice. Esplin Pres‘n Church people had a good bee improving the church grouuds. Visitors here:â€"Wm, Dezell, Badjeros, Mr Humphreys, Sr., Priceyille. Jobhn and Miss Minnie Rerd, of Kilsyth, at D, MeArâ€" thur‘s. Mrs, Scarlett, Br., drove to Mr, John Dezell‘s on a visit, and wiule the horse a new one, was being unhitched some» thing scared Ium, causing him to run off with the new huggy, but, after explormg & conjle ot fields he was captured, not mucha | arm being done, Mrs Rowland, of Toronto, and children have left for bhome after visiting mwiends. We have to say to our readers that we migsed one week, but one extra budget rent some weeks ago, did not appear. [We imust honestly shoulder the blame, 4t o r for a week, it inadvertently got destrormes..â€"Ep.] Corn, 10c, Pease, 10c, Tomatoes, 10c. ho in uen Aureth ns 0n For â€" Eggs. 3 for 25c. Look over dotted muslin, mauve and carried a bouquet pink roses, The b from the house to t Miss Nettie Brown pla march, â€" Here the vow made them man and ceiving the congratu partake of the sum breakfast, after which the company adapted pastimes. ‘ ed by his brother As The hbride was attract dress of pink and whi imed with pink silk an carried in her hand a hillies and white satin presenct 0o vend cong couple wh evidenced 1 was assisted by 1 Webber, while the on July 12, pluck Orange celebration Jurhnaim, came 4 tinck lily for a c from the home , Webber, The lily Jennie Webber, a performed by R« sisted by ey. / Durh ht f Owen Sound. sor 'pu)'iug on yrom the al #dering the pushels and a s IÂ¥ a los wias 1st fre, but a 1 rendered the ind granary ongine w sounded f the Brigad went Â¥â€"five dollas _A NoTRER FiRJ Mr, McGowan n near his mill. an water i m NC others nen‘s us â€"â€"Beati svery mail, day s day evening was c day after day l Friday afternoon, up expectancy was Kouth Grey‘s fate As usual our two done well, Messps,. having only two splendid record and amount of hard w pecially, _ Surrou naige been succesof 13 Egt., Collinson, Normanby. W. K. a01 ons Tms awere in town, â€" The c will be let on Au begin forthwith, Tux® First Sop prepmu ation for t The contract for let to our vetera Orchard, who. wi moOre erguson irant Brxessax Pric a number of C nicked in D. Mc some pleasant 1 genuine picnic @Mables, swings, * Bandy " disapp« OPrRaATrONX, â€" moved a tumor prove su« N8 Diamond Cut mennts this wee of this interestin )6 m Tuesda‘y, cernusston we ; Hf a little of our old appearanc« evident . L4 : Local an AA% 4 % 4 4 Egremont YVo en issued fro ns please note, 1 1 Cx Drcok Aa @**%%% % and dry rremeon| duat "Ressuints. mterested i had an anx mail, day an a rous] y VOL. it W ibout M Pt W Te Is t] kind: ssf ul (D, W than it id MA 110 nold and | A d« fl.‘fl‘ hig haut M ud f 1 ch

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