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Durham Review (1897), 13 Jul 1899, p. 6

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etc. have . and LICITORS, ANCERS. &c Court Davse nacy â€" Calder‘s vor west of the BUGGIES to e Buggies and s are on the ved in treight g Machines, &2)X* R EAST CF CK. These per‘s Bi0ocKk, : Dental Office.) AGE Licenses EASY TERMS other BATSON. M h cods Mowers, You time broidered centre, 6c up. Men‘s Undershirts and Drawers, Z« ench. Men‘s Rubberine: Collars (stand up) 10c each,. _ Men‘s Rubberine OCunifs, 20e pair. with â€" Ince fringe, 37x70, mounted on spring rollers, complete 40c. FLOOR OIL CLOTH. 5 ft. wide, e yard. Best Table Oil Cloth, 4%+>in wide, 20¢ yard ; 54â€"in wide, 3De yard. and 2 a bottle. ways keep a full line at lowest prices. Call and see our Men‘s and Women‘s Oxfords,. Just the thing for hot wearâ€" ther. BUY SHOEK DRESSINt, 10° 10c each, Granite Wash Rowls, c each,. _ Large Granite Spoons, 8e each, Tarten Dre a vard. Nee bl Ser BARRISTER. SoLICITOR iN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. New Goods Office, over Grant‘s store, LowerTown, The Big 4 Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estabâ€" lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endenvor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satiafaction. 222 more Homeseekers‘ Excursions To The Northwest Gome 0 Wile io Us dor Iniomalion. Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY Undertaking and Embalming on latest prinâ€" ciples at reasonable ratess Good by d Rol or loke roule. 4Â¥ Â¥ he only Aravâ€"clasa Dearsein tâ€" i 10â€"in Granite Pie Plates J. P. TELFORD, Boots & Shoes. Opaque Window Shades Buggy Dusters with emâ€" T DON‘T FORGET TO CALL Reomember the standâ€"opposite the Market. Durham, MacFARLANE & 060 Wâ€"inch MISS SHEWEL j MONEY TO LOAN JULY inch Cashmere in navy blue and *94 Dean & o. We now issue through tickets to destination without â€" change from Durham or any C.P.R. point. sz ~3°f MISS SHEWELL 13 & 18 UPPER TOWN DURHAM. Dress Ginghams, 7¢â€" and 8e See them ! <€ a yard. i Black and Colored Allâ€"wool vard. a* Is alâ€" Prayer being oifered Rev. Mr, Ferâ€" guson gaye the address of welcome to the visitors, conched in warm, eloquent and appropriate words. The Presidem‘s address followed, the topic being "*What the Church expects from Christian En deayorers," _ Some of the points being increased interest in all church services, a better Satbbath observance, a greatly increased knowledge of the bible, and decorous conduct in the House of God, active members to be church members, the growth of a missionary spitit and tne cultiyation of the social nature on lines guided by the pledge, The Reports of the Sec‘y and the Treas. were read and showed that during che year the Union had held its own well.. The yarious local societies contributed very generaliy to the cenâ€" tral funds, and some had given a good deal to Mission work, _ The retiing Sec‘y was Miss N. Steyenson, Holstein, Treas., Miss Cmuispbell, Hopeville both proved efficient ofticers, * Rev. Mr,. Comnning, Pres, Minister of Walkerton, and Editor of the Endeayor Herald, Toronto, was present as the chief speaker of the day, and warmed up all hearts by his presence and counsel and striking ability, _ He paid the decorators a very high compliment, being the best he had seen. _ He opened by a brief reference to the C, E, organiâ€" zition, which he termed the best in existence, if Endeavorers were true to their principles, and were not, like Mrs, Jellaby in Bleak House, aiming to beneâ€" fit the heathen while neglecting her own home, _ The greatest need of eyery society was the deepening of its spiritual life, this must be attaimned by prayer and earnest faithful bible study. He remmded them that Young People‘s Societies existed to strengthen their respectiv. churches and care must be taken not to mistake the means for the end. _ Some of the important things necessary to growth in these societies were a knowledge of their opportunities and a knowledge of the possibilities before thein, while system in all and The Library building alongside was kindly granted for the day as a ladies reception room, and it was made acâ€" cessible _ by _ rewoving a _ basement window and a part of the fence, a few steps being built insige and out,. Tusr FomrExooX®. It was nearly 11, when the chair was taken by President C. Ramage and delegates at that time were beginuing to arrive. After opening _ religious exercises, a Counsecration service was held, led by Rey. Mr. Graham, of Dorâ€" noch and Rocky Saugeen, who spoke very warmly and appropriately on the necessity of spirituality in the members of a society if progress was to be made. Quite a large number took part, many feeling that it was a good beginning to the day‘s work, and regretting that more were not present, THu® ArTERNOON. The union Choir opened the afternoon proceedings, and at intervals, afternoon anud evening they led in â€"appropriate bymng. Several yoluntaries they sang were appreciated much, and a duet by Misses Burnet and MeFarlane was a pleasant number, Tus DecoraTIONs. These were on an elaborate scale and the designers and workers have a right to feel gratified at their success as they will be by the many gludl expressions of pleasure at their handiwork. Festoons of evergreens adorned the walls and these were crossed by red, white and blue bunting, giving a very pretty effect, _A false alcove was formed on wall fronting the congregation, and in this, near the bottom were portraits of Knox and Wesiey, linked by eyergreens. In the centre above these was a large picture of the Queen and over this a large gilt "C. E." monogram, the work of Mr. Jno. Darling. The front of the platform had on it a bank of lovely fHowers, while on a stand on each front corner was a patm plant, _ The electric light â€" brackets and posts and every point of vantage were utilized to add to the general effect, _ Nearly every merâ€" chant in town lent bunting, and much credit is due Miss Bull, who as convener of the decoration commuttee called to her aid a band of arcistie workers. Last Thursday, after several days of showery broken weather, broke into a beautiful day, jost the kind to tempt nany to take to the dustless roads and enjoy a drive in our pure atmosphere cleâ€"nsed by heavy rainfalls. _ At the forenoon session in the Presbyterian Church, the bnilding was about half full, but at afternoon and evening sessions is seating ceapaciiy Wits inâ€" adequate and the aisles were crowded., It is estimated that about 400 were present, not quite so large as last year, in Priceville, _ The difference is partly accounted for by 8. Egremont, many from there no doubt waiting to attend the Convention in Mt. Forest, Tuesday of this week, _ But there was as many as the church would hold, and the exâ€" ecntive was rejorced to see the maiâ€" tained interest. i sipet [HE 6. E. CONNTIO Large Attendance in Splendid Weather. imD c We The arrangements of the entertaining c ommittee were yvery effectively carried out, tne furnaces being removed ample table room was secured, Needless to say the supplies were abundant and o? a high character, NoTtEs, The evening session was notably favored by two fine solos by a new musical star, wnich has risen in Durâ€" bam, Mrs, L, Morlock, _ We hope the future may yet bring opportumities of hearing Mrs. M. who has a finely madulated voice of great compass, Besides the Rev. Gentlemen named in the foregoing there were present Rev‘s Ryin, Stewart, McGregor, of town, Humphreys of Priceville, and Mercer of Crawford, all of whom led in prayer,. _ Neyer before have the four denominations been represented at one Convention. Rev, J, L. Campbell, conducted the Closing Consecration Service at the c‘ose of sessions markedly devotional in characier, and. with auditors subdued and yet enthused with many fine truths a vl aspirations. _ at the close the wel‘â€" known "God be with you till we meet ayain" was heartily sung, and the Conâ€" vention of 1899 was over and ranks not the least successful among â€"its â€" preâ€" decessors. The officers for next yenr are: Presid. ent, Mr. Blakeston, Priceville, Vice. Pres. R. Isaac, Dromore, Secy., Miss A, Gun, Durham, _ Treas., Miss Mickleâ€" boro, Hoistein. These with the Presidâ€" ents of the local societies ferm the Executive. Rev, Mr, Comning spoke again, and just as effectively on the suggestive topic *"The Power of the Umt." All mighty masses and movements conâ€" sisted of units, and every individual Endeavor should consider himself or herself as a necessary part of aâ€" great organism and work accordingly. Next meeting place is not arranged for, Who will speak for 1900 2 Write to the Sec‘y The Executive desires to thank hear.â€" ily all who lent fHowers or hbunting, all who gaye their services for the dscoraâ€" t‘ons. the managers of the Puablc Library for the use of the building ns a rececption room, and all who in any way assisted to make the meeling the success that it was. Evexixa SEssiox. After| devotional exercises Rev, Mr, Ferguson gave a earefally prepared paper and an exhaustive one on *"*Wesâ€" ley" from whose life and work he deâ€" duced many irteresting â€" incidents of general interest and protit, _ He instanâ€" ced in a fine comparison how the judgment of posterity had exalted Wesâ€" ley while it had degraded such men as Voltame. Mr. R. MacFarlane, J1., as orgaunizer of the musical part, and genermd over seer in every department | deserves mention, and others who took prominâ€" ent parts were J. R. Gun, T. Allin, W. 8. Davidson, T. G. Lauder, N. Melntyre, And the Ladies, "God bless ‘em" were every whoere. 7 The Question BHox is an mteresting feasure of C. E. Conventions, and this time markedly so, Rev, Mr. Magwood, Holstein, handling is large array of questions in a racy and capable manner. As usual, some of them showed that Endeayorers are struggling with the questions of dancing, cardplaying, etc., and would like something definite, either to sanction or condem completcs ly these practices which are to many on the debateable ground between right and wrong, _ Endeavorers should study the pledge. ey, Mr. Matheson, Priceville, had the topic "St, Paul as anEndeavorer," and made an able address â€" Though no formal society existed in Paul‘s dar, the arims and objects of the Endleavor socwety were such as Paul nad, and though societies rise and fall "principles are eternal and change not." A review of i‘mwult‘s life and work was eloquentâ€" l)’ reull Mr. Blakeston, Priceville gave an address on "Success" which was brimâ€" ful of useful things finely arranged and forcibly presented. Prayer Meeting, the Lookout and the Missionary Committee, while the others were taken up by AMr. Cooper, who very truthfully said any committee might be reckoned an important one if it was the means of drawing in some one, The discussion was not well taken up and this was regretted atter the exâ€" Cellent opening. There followed the "open Parliament on Scope and Methods in Committee work", Messrs, T. Allan and J. Cooper introduced the matter, the former at some length, taking up the work of the careful adaptation of new methods were always necessary . The Queen‘s Park, Fair Grounds, have been greatly beautified by the above alterations and additions. The special attractions are being arâ€" ranged for, and it is safe to say that only the very best will be engaged, and plenty of them. A new Secretary, Mr. Jno. A. Nelles, has been appointed to fill the position vacated by Mr. Browne, after ten years of service, and as the adage goes, " new brooms sweep clean," great things may te looked forward to. We wish the inâ€" coming officer every success. Also a new permanent public office building over one hundred and fifty feet long is being erected at the King Sireet entrance, for Express, Tele: hone, 'l‘ele'g-uph. Barber Shop, Parcel Yu.u... and Press Offices, and to crown all two large open stands, 340 feet by 40 feetâ€"up to date in every particular for the comfort of the publicâ€"with adâ€" ditional refreshment booths and dining halls underneath. The prizes offered have heen increasâ€" ed by a little over $1,500,00, one thouâ€" sand of the amount going to the Live Stock Classeg, The Prize List book itself is greatly improved, being very much condensed in size, but containing more informâ€" ation, put up in better form than any other we have yet seen. The entry forms ara most complete and labor savâ€" ing, a separate form being provided for each department, the exhibitors having only to make a mark or cross opposite the section they may wish to enter in, all details and necessary information being fully set forth on each, and deâ€" priving even the most procmslinat,in% individual from any excuse or lack o time, as any entry paper can be filled out in less than two minutes. The directors of this ever progressive institution find themselves facing their annual difficulty, of providing sufficient accommodation _ for _ exinbitors and visitors at the great Live Stock and Agricultural Show of Western Canada, but now as in the past they are equal to the occasion, having plenty money and hard earned experience, _ An exâ€" teusive addition is in course of conâ€" struction to the Machinery Hal!, nearly doubling its eapacity. The Agricultural, Horticualtural and Dairy Buildings have been moved and reset, 10 as to form one immense exâ€" hibition hall, and one hundred and fift feet of an addition has been Inlilyt thereto. THE WESTERN FAR London, Sept. 7th to 16th, 1899 J. LIVINGSTONE, Rev, Hâ€" Crozier preached his farewell sermon in Grand Valley on Sunday last. He then completed exactly a 15 years pastorate, and leaves deeply regretted, â€"Shelburne Eceonomist. Should call at once and examine it, and they will be convinced that it is the best and cheapest twine sold. PLNMOUTH BINDER TWINE! For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. FARMERS FROST & WOOD Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Mer i PHRENCLINE The THH OXLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS OX THE MARKET There is one little maxim That now I will name, Which may bring what is better Than riches or fame. All those who will heed it Good appetite find, Strong nerves, rosy cheeks, And vigor of mind, It will banish dyspepsia, Rheumatics and gout, That Tired Feeling conquer, Drive scrofula ount, And here is the maximâ€" â€" Its wisdom is sureâ€" Take Hood‘s Satsapitilla And keep your blood pure. No. 8 Mowers are selling very fast. Also our Steel Wheel Tiger Rake and our No. 2 Binder is pronounced a favorâ€" ite wherever it goes. At the Old Durham Foundry. PHRENOLINE Medicines Who have not yet seen the A sure cure for Hendache, pizziness Constipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness Brights Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis |Convulsions, Heart | Disease, etc., etc. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout and Neuralgia, Is of extra size and quality. For WHIPS we lead the market. _ Don‘t forget that we keep the best Coal Oil in both Canadian and American samples. Our Stock of Harvest Tools is of superior quality. Another shipment of Screen Doors and Windows just arrived. Our weekly shipment of Readyâ€"Mixed Paints arrived toâ€"day. An immense shipment of Granite and Tinware received lately. Preserving Kettles in abundance. If you want to get the worth of your money, do drop in, and inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. A fresh supply of Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Churns, Carpet Sweepâ€" ers, Clothes Wringers, etc. just to hand. _ On Every Tag. _ See That You Get it! KS If your dealer does not handle our Twine write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto. This Trade Mark is It produces a delightful sense of comâ€" fort to the feet. _ It prevents sweating of the feet and its many disagreeable consequences, as, soreness of the toes and feet, tired and burning feeling, curling up and hardening of the lining of the shoes, and that disgusting odor, which is so embarrassing to those afâ€" flicted with it. _ It preserves the hose and shoes. Try it and be convineed of the wonderfal curative properties of this powder. IT PAYS TO_ BUY THE BEST. Jas. R. Gun, Exgs, per doz ... . Hides, per ewt _ ... Calffkits?."" ... _<>>s Sheepskins ... .. Hay, per ton Straw, * res : "wh Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag Calder‘s Block Flont per crt .......... Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, ** Peas. ** Qats, * Dr‘d Hogs, per ewt Hogs, live weight ... Lard per lb Tallow* per Ib Butter per 1b, Tub ... ** Roll P‘ rspiration Powder . FARMERS Gun‘s .. A â€" Perfumed â€" Powder for the Relief and Cure of TirED, BurxiInc, SwEary or TENDER FEET. Put u P only y b y DURKHAM MARKET. Our Stock of Silverware HAFPRPDWAPE. DRUGGIST, 0 gae sae es aa% W 2 KRCE 21110 s« :R wi per bushel ... d en i O +* se Q ** iss Q per ewb ... 4 GHg Mb (aes ces .. ve . . s uy 4., / 4+. Roll $ ser: . wer _ sys WE 8. ns > sn i T er bag LE c hss 10e‘ TORONTO £1 80 to $2 15 2 00 to 2 25 65 0 45 0 62 0 28 4 75 0 00 to 15 to JS AS 6000" AS AYMOUI Will not be persuaded into purchasing the unreliabe Binder Twine which some dealers wish to sell for the sake of the additional profit derived therefrom. Cruâ€" dely made from lowâ€"grade fibresâ€"such twine «ontains but a fraction of the qualâ€" ity, strength and uniform evenness of the highly constructed Plymouth Brands, 8U to 90 to 04 to 10 to 10 to 11 to 00 to 25 to 00 to 45 to 62 to 23 Lo 15 to 10 to 10 to to WHO AR E 0 O0 10 04 0 12 WM. BLACK 80 70 62 15 12 esmm zh.( s NO OTHER TWINE 18 A Hundred good Farms for saleâ€"AIso a number of fine Hanover Properties, H. H. MILLER will have been 20 %’urx at the business nexrt XMAS AY, and he KNOW®S HOW to get money at lowest possible rates and with i«‘af privileges, â€" That is why the whole country goes to him. Il‘ is lending at 5 per cent. and on large loans at 4 34. Go to him if you want to sell; Go to him if you want to buy. _ He collects notes and accounts, and it beats everyâ€" thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as wort hless. â€" BUSINESS Tangles, Snarls and Difficulties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits or il feeling. by the use of a little tact and good judgment. They Soy it Poys, They oll Soy So If you are unable to pay 100 cents on the ghe will assist you to arrange with your creditors. _ Insolvent Estates satâ€" isfactorily wound up, I£° IL. [YNiUer HANQVER . "Always Prompt. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, and cther Writings cur«fulfv prepared, [ _ d PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL DEAL WITH.... STANDARD BANK OF CANADI CAPITAL, CAPITAL, RESERVE SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings hank deposits of $1.00 and upâ€" wards, â€" Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers Lving at a distance, J. KELLY, Agent. AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, _ Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England, A general Banking business transacted, Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at curreat rates. DURMHAM AGENCY. cotch & Irish ! H. H. MILLER, Head Office, Toronto. VE FUXNXD Fik i ## d W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. The Hanover Conveyancer, Authorized . . . . . . . $2,000,000 Paid up. ... ... ... 1,000,000 FUXD xxx‘ as»s 30000000 w oo dimmeizecidiegs.. WISE !

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