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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1899, p. 4

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a¢ TL What does this mean ? Simply that a widening horizon calls for new exâ€" penditures, and a larger population will increase receipts without finding the burden greater. It is well that Canada bhas men at the helm who can " take occasion by the hand " But what of the 43 millons ? This is still a large sum : larger than any previous government ever spent or even contemplated, nearly twice as much as Alexander McKenzie found necessary to run Canada of his day, and some millions more than was necessary in the days of our Conserâ€" vative friends, and yet the same tory papers which claim to bave their breath taken away by the size of the expenditure can point out delightedly the expansion going on in the country, the brightened prospect for all classes of inhabitants the absence ot any black flags denoting workmen looking for bread, and the heavy increase taking place in immigration. The supplementary estimates have been brought down, and as they amount to over $5,000,000 have exâ€" cited no little attention. ‘The main estimates amounted to over $46,000,â€" (XX), so that taking both we have an expenditure planned for the coming year of over $51,000,000. This is an enormous sum, but it should be reâ€" membered that over $8,000,000 of this is charged to capital account, that is for expenditures which are reckoned national assets such as canal and harbor improvements, etc. True a contest for the Commons here without Dr. Landerkin would be a novelty to this generation, but we hope his mantle will fall on some other champion, who will worthily follow in bis steps. shown through it all. We have confidence these claims will not be overlooked by the governâ€" ment, and they may be assured that the appointment of Dr. Landerkin to the vacancy will be popular nos only with his friends but with those who have gone down before him in the political fray. From a party stand point his claims are far above Mr. Janes, or any possible candidate from the Western district. He has held for the Liberal party a riding with a very strong Conâ€" servative vote. He had to fight the Gerrymander of 1882 when Artemesia was thrown in to turn him out. The sinister intention of this act we know brought him supporters from fair fightâ€" ing members of the Conservative party, but all the same it was an added burden. The ballot frauds in West Elgin and elsewhere were long antedated in Dr. Landerkin‘s experiâ€" ence, and to his cost, and he has been fought with a bitterness only less reâ€" markable than the equanimity, the suavity and the good nature he has shown through it all. We do not know if he would wish to retire in this way. Some men wear out, others rust out, and the Doctor we believe belongs to the former class. Certain we are he would never seek the position, and this in itself is & strong reason why merit should be rewarded, always supposing he would consider it a reward. | This constituency is not tired of the worthy doctor. It has no reason to be. For over a quarter of a century he has been before this riding and only once was deteated. lHe has taithfully represented Conservatives as well as Liberals, and now in the evening of life, he might well be spared the fighting of such battles as he has had to fight, and given a posiâ€" tion where his services would still be of use to the country in a body which would be honored by his admission into it. Ehe Burham Review. The unfortunate death of Senator Sanford has made speculation rife as to his successor. We notice in a Torâ€" onto paper an item professing to know that Mr. Janes is likely to be apâ€" pointed. _ Mr. Janes is a worthy member of the Liberal party, reputed to be wealthy, and no doubt would make a capable Senator. We beliieve however that whatever honor is in the position can be more worthily bestowâ€" ed by giving it to our worthy repreâ€" sentative in the Commons Dr. Landerâ€" kin, M. P., and we are sure this idea will present itself to many minds in this riding, and to thoughtful public men throughout the country. SHALL IT BE SENATOR LANDERKIN ? July z0 and 27, sOME MONEY. 4 ®@ ) United States Secretary of War, Alger, has resigned, and his resigâ€" nation accepted by the President. All very politely of course, but pres sure of public opinion that he is misâ€" | managing the war, is the cause. â€"The War correspondents in the Philippines haye published a united protest against the way their despatchâ€" es have been garbled to hide the truth as to operations there. _ (Gen. Otis has acted with a high band, and begins to appear as if Alger and Otis were both playing for effect in the Presidential election next year while 25 per cent of American troops are in the hospital and the insurgents as defi ant as ever. others, Mr. Mulock ‘cruelly crushed the whole contention by reading a letter from the Duke of Devonshire denying he had ever made such an offer, or that he had authority to make such an offer! This of course ended the matter, but the Mail has discovered that the letter was a snub to Mr. Mulock! â€"Mr. A. MeNeill, M.P., has long been nursing a motion condemnatory of Sir Wiifrid for not accepting the alleged trade preference offered by the Duke of Devonshire and others in the Jubilee year. Mr. McNeill sent it out last week and after a characterâ€" istic speech by Sir Chas. and a few *‘*masters," the Conservative majority in the Senate, who yet rule this counâ€" try by destructive votes. The nod of Sir MacKenzie Bowell is at this momâ€" ent supreme in Canada whether we like it or not. "Has been and gone and done it." Done what? Killed the repeal of the Gerrymander. This body which supâ€" ported two iniquitous gerrymanders, whose chief Conservative leader, Sir MacKenzie Bowell, had a hand in the framing of them, has voted down the Liberal measure whereby the juadges of the land were to delimit the conâ€" stituencies. _ This irresponsible body has refused to sanction a measure which concerns only the Commons The Commons got a mandate from the country three years ago to legislate for it ; the Senate‘s mandate, if it can be said to have one, will average about 20 years old, but the partizan majority of the body has declared that the Commons knows not how to regulate its own representation : that it cannot trust the Judiciary, and has confirmed an iniquity which Mr. Dalton McCarthy and many other Conservatives lived to acknowledge was a barefaced piece otf political trickery. The (Globe predicts with the utmost coolness, that at the averâ€" age rate of dying of Conservative Senators, this body will . be Liberal about 1904. What then? Why, with human nature as it is the Liberals may be found doing the same thing. It is surely time some change was inaugurated or representation of the people is a farce. The proposal of the Premier that on a difference between the houses, a JjJoint vote of the two bodies should deâ€" cide is certainly moderately conceived but will certainly be throw out by our } Toronto gets $50,000 for her harbor, and several. appropriations for eleâ€" vators some might think should have been left for private enterprise. Canals, Public Baildings, Harbors, Dredging, etc. take very large sums, and the only thing we kick about is the modest little sum of $2, 200 for "‘"leather trunks for new members. £5,364 to pay for Bremner‘s furs conâ€" fiscated and used by Gen. Middleton in the 1885 rebellion in the Northâ€" west. $700,000 to the Intercolonial railway. (Capital acconnt). We notice that items for 1,000 miles of telegraph lines, for trails, road and bridges, for public buildings, for line from Bennet to Dawson, for military contingent, for salaries and contingâ€" ences, all in the Yukon amonnts to over $1,000,000, and this amount the Yukon will pay. There is also $5,000 to enforce the Alien Labor law, Paris Exhibition $175,000, arms, ammunition and detence equipment $203,000, the total militia vote being $280,199. and make the bounds of prosperity wider than * has been," who, though they spend millions more than their predecessors have not disgraced themâ€" selves by Curran bridge scandals, etc. No use now for either side to reter to anteâ€"election promises of retrenchâ€" ment, which Liberals have no way of answering except by pointing to a relatively larger revenae. They can point too to a few other things : they bhave secured a larger revenue with a 20 per cent. British preference, provâ€" ing their loyalty at the same time ; they bhave given us very great postal advantages, they have given cheaper raw material for the manufacturer, they have brought Canada into notice as never was done before, thus atâ€" tracting capital and capitalists to carry on further development. ~â€"â€"#%# %â€"â€"â€"â€".._.. THE SENATE. Auclionc;‘r. 'i';ndnr's Molicitor Dated at Durham, June 21, 1899,. JAS. CARSON, â€" ~J. P. TELFORD For further particulars apply to the undersigned. ‘ The Third Division of Lot number ten, and the First Division of Lot number eleven both in the first Concession east of _ the Garafraxa Road, in the Townâ€" ship of Glenelg, in the (,‘mml{ of Grey, containing 100 acres more or less, TERMS OF SALE : Ten per cent. Cash at time of sale; balance in thirty days, without interest. h At the hour of two o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon, the following property, namely : u Power of Sale contained in two cértain mortgages which will be roduced at time of Sale, there will I)(- offered for sale by public auction, at the Middaugh House, in the Town of Durham, on THURSDAY, JULY 27h, 1899, Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Glenelg. MORTGAGE SALE The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Oanads. Only reliâ€" able medicine dlloo'z,ere(i. ifi gueranteed to cure forms of Sexua Weacueso. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Toâ€" bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one *kme $1, six, $5. One will please, siz will cure. ‘Pamphlets free to any address. The Woed Company, wIndlor, Ont London, Sept. 7th to l6th THE WESTERN FAR Owen Sound, Ont as a preparation for the battle of life, The business Course at this Institution is complete in every detail and emâ€" braces all the subjecis which will be of use to you in real life and is far in adâ€" vance of any similiar course in Canada. Also an unequalledShorthand _ and Typewriting course. If interested write for Catalogue to « â€"Dominion Parliament now meets in morning sessions and the beginning of the end is in sight. â€"The Peace Conference has frownâ€" ed upon the practice of dropping explosives from balloons as a war measure. YOUNG PEOPLE â€"W.CL, R. Preston has cabled his solicitor from London to enter action for criminal libel against the ‘Toronto World for defamatory articles. â€"Adimiral Dewey is now in Austria, getting home slowly. He is suing for increased salvage on Spanish vessels sunk or captured by him at Manilla. There‘s a business side to the glory of it all. â€"The South Atrican troubles, owing to Boer Concessions seems <to be vanishing. _ Extraordinary war preâ€" parations are going on on both sides howeyer. NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A â€"The Globe of Saturday Jaly 15, has over four columns devoted to the speech made by Landerkin on the keâ€" distribution bill, and gives in full the Dr‘s table of changes made in 1882 which it calls ‘"the most complete and detailed statement yet presented ot the effect of the gerrymander of 1882," mriking has been the removal ot three prominent parliamentarians of late. _ Following the drowning of Senator Santord, came the collapse of Mr. Ives in a railway car, trom which ho never recovered, â€"then Hon. Mr. (Geoffrion on the Liberal side died from a hopeless maladay, both the latter since our last issue. Premier Laurier and bis government have got many compliments, but surely the gieatest they have receryed is from Sir Chas. Tupper. This worthy now finds that a railway to Dawson from a Canadian point is necessity, . Liberals thought this more than a year ago but the plaguey Benate didwt, and threw the bill out, _ Beartle will feel like ereot: ing monumenta to them all, Away with an itresponsible Renate who fHout the people‘a representativea in the face,. Should consider the Wood‘s Phosphodive is sold in Drrham Jus. K. Gun MacFarlane & Co., and Parker, Druggists. OwWEN soOUND, ONT of a * "‘Wood‘s Phosphodine, NORTHERKy! 77 _ HIIELJ @'/&e’ 7 & A. FLEMING, TORONTO sider the advantage Course at the â€"OFâ€" Pruxcirarn, Mes. [! sons in this state to ma»age our businesa ‘in their ewar anrd nearby coumies. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Salary s tra igle t $900 a yearand expersesâ€"definate, bonnfde, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. Reforonces. Ruc.ere selfâ€"addressed stan.ped enyelope, Herbert X.Heat, Fiest., Dopt. M. Chicago. \\;ANTI[)â€"â€"SI"BRAL TRUSTWORTAYT PR knvaim thie abere $e en ere wlew lc qi o en ie BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, ac. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Wills, Deeds, Mortgiages, Leascs, Agreements, &c, correctly prepared. _ Estates of decéased persons looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and passed. Burrogate Court Business, Probme of Wills, Letters of Administration @aud Guaardiunship Obtained. Searches made in Registry Othce and Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuations made by a competent and careful Valuator. OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, ill Charges Moderate Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. Reader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may havo werkened you. Exposure mgr have diseased you. &ou are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. NO CURE~â€" NO PAY 250,000 CURED G. LEFROY McCAUL. arrister, NYotary, Gonâ€" veyancer, Qtc., étc..... W. S. DAVIDSON. (Over the Bank, | Tuarnip Sowers, Scuffiers, Ploug! | all in stock. Attend to your | the old established London Mut | other good Stock Companies. | LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. LOwWER Towx Implement Warerooms. WA f know what these Gcols areâ€"the best BDGGIES AND WACONS As Usual a Full Line Dpring and Sunfi.merv Qoods: THOROUGHBRED DURH A A will be for service at the Centr; Durham, for the season af 1800 Jeweled Waltham or Elgi.l,n Watch in Nickle Screw Case. _ We have Sevenâ€" teen â€"Jeweled _ Walthams â€" avâ€" prices never offered before. Eym 4+ > 4+ C>o€~ m« oo« > >e C Bull For Service. rise but our stock â€" alone. _ Prices frm $5 B/ILL ! y For several good Fire and Life Insurance Agent Companies.. Money to loan at lowest rates. Mowers, Horse Rakes, Seed Drills, %;)ring Tooth Cultivators, Gang Ploughs, â€" Seu ers, â€" Long Ploughs and Harrows. HAVING NO TRAVELLERS the farmer gets the benefit The The Busy Farmer 8 Will now buy a Seven vice at the Central Hote] the season of 1899, GEO. RYAXN, Prop Peter Hamilton Implements : pur stock was bought e}\';"l‘_'\:,. Prices from $50.00 upwards of the saving of expenses. OARRIAGES of every dese . MacFARLANE, 8r Wants the best and wants it at once these two conditions he will exami DURMHAM, Oxr. M BULL en ul l C PCeld es PDLOGNTILSAC 4 ~~â€"â€"select, . We have very nice Buggies and Democrats. _ Prices of rigs are on th« jlngl,),&?,_r_l‘f: and a good profit saved in ftreight ugns, Marrows, Hay Forks, cetc. our Fire Insurarce. We have Mutual Insurance Company, and Two earloads of Tudhope BUG: anlaas aar s P ’ nses. BUGGIES and description at fine prices, |_Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8 At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE, Caiper‘s Biock, Entrance mnext door to HKolt‘s Deutal Office. OFFICESâ€"at Owen 8 Durham (‘)FFI(‘E FIRST DOOR the Durham â€" Pharma« Block.> Residence first door Post Office, Durham. LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATsSON. Organs and Sewing Machines. MONEY TO LOANâ€"Low raresâ€"EA8Y TERMS s it at once. _ To meet will : examine and buy, DENTISTRY. See our Farm TRUCK BARRISTERS, soLcmcirors, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS, ac A member of the firimm will utte Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses CALDER Binders and mind, Mark EAST CJ y Calder‘s west of the 1] Thes / SoOoLICITOR in SUF NOTaRYy PUBLIC. COMM BARRISTER 10c each each. men‘s in 25¢ each. ] {stand up) 10c . Culffs, 20¢ pail way e kw"l a 1 (‘I" and see . Oxfords, _ Jus: the . BUY .“d Zk' A lro with dace fring spring rollers, c© FLOOR «11 De yard. Bes wide, 20¢ yard : broidered cent: A vanrl 36â€"inch black, 12%¢ 40â€"inch Berges, Zx The Bi New Good Undertaking an Gome 0 Wil 10 @rs the same en Would intima:t Furniture and lished by her t« Will endeavor t« Furniture of th Homese Excursi( To The North w Remember the «tand! # Market. J'nr* ##"The only firsâ€"cla>s 6 Good by O Rd Science points out the way to the restoration of sight. If your vision is defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it. Sight Restored J. P. TEL 10â€"in Boots & Shoe Opague Buggy Duste WÂ¥ DONT Fol MacFARLA PICTURE FRAMINC MISS SH MONEY To witen over Giant‘s sto Bean BUY sHo ciple® at reasor We no tickets without Durhar point. MITISS =I 1J Lt A L W A \ UPP Bla D) Granits Mer U Wind Now EJ M

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