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Durham Review (1897), 20 Jul 1899, p. 6

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&R n During _ a _ neavy _ thunderstorm|__Roy Terry is at Jamestow! yround Welband lightning struck Geo.| Hospital in a serious condition It is said that the Quebec Governâ€" ment intends to give effect to the scheme suggested by Lord Dufferin duriog bis term of office in Canada for the beautifying of Quebec. A promenâ€" ade is to be built from Dufferin terâ€" race around the foot of the bill, comâ€" letely around to the Parliament Kmldings. It is also proposed to conâ€" tinue the promenads â€" along the wa‘ll. bridging St. Jobn, MeMabon and other places. Canada is «he sixth maritime power on the globe. Great Britain is first witkh oneâ€"balf the total sbhipping tonâ€" nage existing amounting to 9,760,043;: United States, 1,837,729 ; Germany, 1,â€" 572,665 ; Norway, 1,545,8&2 ; France. 801;â€" 1641; Italy, 730,958; Canada, 693,783. The total number of Canadian vessels is 6,043, of which steamers number 1,â€" P09, witb an aggregate value of $20,â€" 13.460. British Columbia bas just floaled.l successfully in London a loan of | £310,000, $1,700,000, at a fraction over | 96. . (his is most satisfactory, being | more thao 1 per cent. higher than the | best price obtained for any previuus‘ i0oan. _ The Province‘s credit is very | sius & The St. Ursale Dals, of nonge River, Quebec, are f some United States capital runanng for the purchase ndustrial Society of the Maskinonge. The falls are power purposes. A boy named Fectean, of Levis, Quebec, on Sunday night averted what might have been a bad accident to an Intereolonial train by giving timely warning that some large stones were lying on the track. The failure of the steamer Portia‘s patent log to register the full distance run is said to have been the chief sause of the wreck of that vessel on Big Fish Shoal, west of Hualifax barâ€" bor. Monday night. gating the disappearance of a letter containing $1,000, sent by W. F. Tidâ€" marsh of Charlottetown, P.E.L, to his brother in the Magdalen Islands. The new Nova Scotia loan of $800,â€" 000 at 3 per cent. has been successfully floated in London. the average of tha 000 at 3 per cent. has been successfully floated in London, the average of the tenders being 95 3â€"4, and nearly twice as much being offered as required. Dr. Nellie Skimmin, a graduate of Queen‘s and a qualified practitioner, was fined $30 by the Police Magistrate at H«milton for neglecting to register, Burglars on Monday bilew open the safe in the London House Hotel, Chabvilley street, Montreal, and got $35 in money, $800 in notes and $50,000 in mining shares. Because his leg was broken in three places while working for Richardson & Song, Kingston, Jeseph Cummings is suing them for $7,000 damages. The melanoiestes picipes, or kissing bug, which has been causing trouble in the Southern States, is said to have made its appearance in Hamilton. The drivers and conductors of the busses run by the London street car atrikers have been summoned for negâ€" lecting to take out licenses. The remains of the late Henry T. Shibley of Kingston have been found in Saimon Lake, in which be was drowned last autumn. Quebec farmers are generally jubilâ€" ant over the recent raing, as it will probably give them fine weather to harvest their hay L McNeil, Paisley, has been elected one of the Viceâ€"Presidents of the Young People‘s Baptist Union of Amâ€" erica at Richmond. Menier, to quiet the agitation over the Anticosti question, has ~aised the Britisly flag over the public quare at Bay St. Claire. Pare and Holden sit in their cells at Napanee sullen, gloomy and brooding. Holden says he will not be locked up long. | Thomas Warde‘s skeleton bas been found at Ninga, Man., in a gravel pit. He disappeared five years ago. An attempt will be made by Mr. H. G. Bryant to ascend Mount Assiniâ€" boine of the Canadian Rockies. Mr. Campbeli Reaves of Montreal has purchased a controlling interest in the Kingston locomotive works. A G. T. R. sectionman named Loveâ€" less was seriously woundsd by an enâ€" gine at Aultsville, Friday Two freight trains collided on the Intersolonial at Springhill Junction, N. S., on Saturday night, Henry Weldon Duggan, aged 7, Otâ€" tawa, was drowned in the Ottawa Rivâ€" er on Thursday afternoon. The sion br.dge will be formally opened on July 21. General Hutton says that mili\ary Instructors down in Quebec shouil be able to teach in French. Mrs. Bone, wife of Rev. Thomas Bone of St. Catharines, died yesterâ€" day morning. The Montreal City vouncil has voted to borrow $3,000,000 from the Bank of Montreal. William Sarles of Stirling was killâ€" ed Friday by falling from a load of bay. John Klein, a laborer, was killed by a freight train at Berlin Friday. _ The population of Hull is 18,457, an increase of 1,080 in the past year. The steamer Spartan was got off ahompson's island on Thursday evenâ€" &. Warden Platt has introduced a numâ€" ber of reforms in the eastern penitenâ€" tiary. 4 ® } The twoâ€"yearâ€"old son of Goorge Haimer of Louth was drowned in a well, The Government will build an imâ€" mense elevator at Montreal. Brooklyun. L4¢ / About $6,000,000 in gold is the Kionâ€" dike output so far. Vancouver Island, BC., is rapidly developing as amining centre. Chatham‘s tax rate is 23 1â€"2 mills, and Weedstock‘s 20 mills. CANADA. s A great trolley strike bhas started in postal authorities are investiâ€" new Queenston Lewiston suspenâ€" ews Summary. ile Dals, of the Maskâ€" uebec, are for sale and tates capitalists are neâ€" the purchase from the of the _(-oiVmTy;;ly $# iÂ¥ Recent Happenings Briefly Told. desired for The Distillery Company of America, with an authorized capital of _ $125,â€" 000,000, was incorporated at Trenton, N. J., to manufacture and deal in whisky, spirits, alcohol, gin and _ all distillery products and byeâ€"products. Roy Terry is at Jamestown, N.Y., William Waldorf Astor, now resiâ€" deni in London, is fighting a personal assessment of $2,000,000, levied in New York, on the plea that be is a monâ€" resident. Comptroller William J. Morgan bas mad> charges against the management of New York reformatories for women which are sure to result in an invesâ€" tigation by the State Board of Chariâ€" ties. Advicea received at San Francisco from Maniia report that about twenâ€" tyâ€"five per cent. of the United States volunteers are on the sick list. Thousands of tons of iron ore bave been purchased in Newfoundland by local capitalists for shipment to Philâ€" adelphia to be manufactured into sateel. A mob on Saturday gained admitâ€" tance to the jail at Cainesville, Georgia and killed a white man named Smith, who was imprisoned on aâ€"charge of murder. 6 uxc !_ ‘The ammagnificent sword, â€" enameijed [and set with brilliants, with the inâ€" | seription, " England expects every man | to do his duiy," and on the reverse, J« Trafaigar," which was presented by |the City of Lendon to Admiral Lord ‘(‘ollingwood, who was secomd in comâ€" mind at the battle of Trafaigar, was sold at auction in London for £240. | ~The whole permanent staff of mountâ€" [ed irfantry stationed in the bayrracks \at Aldermnot. which is among _ the ‘largest army headquarters in the !United Kingdom, has been ordered to | hoid itself in readiness to depart for South Africa at a mement‘s notice. Two battalions of mounted infantry _ staâ€" tioncd at other military centers, and |several officers of the Medical Departâ€" ment, have also received word to place themselves in readiness for active serâ€" vice, A stroke of lightning restored the use of his arm, which had been useâ€" less for 18 years, to Eli Forbes, a farmâ€" er living at East Brookiield, Mass. A negro who murdered two white men, was hanged by a mob at Alma, Kansas, but came to life afterwards; but he cannot live. A giue trust has been formed in New York, which threatens to iuvade the Canadian market. it has §25,000,000 gapital. The handsome stavles of Willi Whitney, at Rosslyn, L. L., es stroyed by fire Thursday night. Trade between the U. S. and Braâ€" zil is falling off, both in export{s and imports. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Davis bave left New York on an automobile trip across the contipent. The Brooklyn Navy Yard Dock No. 2 has collapsed. A steel, iron and tube trust has been formed at New York. General Wheeler bhas saiied for the Philippines. Capt. Frederick Watkins, of the stranded steamer Paris, whose license was suspended for two years, was to have left the sea of his own volitiont at the end of the present season. At Southampton he hbas a quiet bhome, where he intends to rest from his laâ€" bors and enjoy the retrospect of a long and usefui career. °C The syndicate fund for carrying on the case of Mrs. Anna Maria Druce, who is endeavoring to prove that ber fatherâ€"inâ€"law, T. C¢. Druce, was the rightful Duke of Portland, which bas been raised by private subscription, now amounts to £10,000. lhe House of Lords passed the secâ€" ond reading of the bill requiring shopâ€" keepers to provide seats lor their asâ€" sistants by a vote of 73 in favor to 28 opposed. _ The Marquis of Salisbury Prime Minister, spoke and voted against the measure. Australasia is to bear eightâ€"eighâ€" teenths of the cost of the Pacific cable and Great Britain and Canada â€" each liveâ€"eighteenths. A copy of the first folio of Shakeâ€" speare was sold at auction in Lonuon for £1,700, a record price. _ The bighâ€" est previous prisse for a c py was £715. The historical estate of Imbercourt was sold at auction for £15,000. It was a favorite regort of Charles I. Almtral‘asna is to bear eightâ€"eighâ€" anwir . _ w ts 1 & D C : The Dominion Government‘s steamer Minto has been successfully launched from Gourley‘s yard London. | Anger‘s residence at Sherkston and \killed Mr. Anger and rendering Mrs. |Angex and Miss Jennie Beam both unâ€" conscious. The lightning ran down the stove pipe through the stove and through the wall into the next room, where Mt. Anger was sleeping. Enerâ€" ing one foot, it ran up to his bead 'and down again. He was killed inâ€" |etantly. York and Canterbury Archbishope have deciared the use of candles and incense illegal. the smaller companies on the river. A trip to Thurso and return, a~ distance of 6v miles, may be made for 5¢. The sieamboat Princess Louise, owned by a rival concern, charges 25¢, for. the reâ€" turn trip from Ottawa to Thurso. Mcanwhile the good people of Ottawa are enjoying almost free trips down the river. One hundred and eighteen warships will take part in the British naval manoeuvres. Stcamboat travel on the Oltawa Rivâ€" er is decidedly cheap at present, in consequence of the rate war between th: Oltawa River Navigation Co., and There is considerable anxiety in Hamilton over the numerous parties of Klondikers who left there a year ago last spring, none of whom had been beard from since last fall till Monday‘s despatches were published. These were very meagre as to the Hamiltonians, staiing that Daniel Mcâ€" Auliffe had reached Dawson City and that Ed. Harrme had been frozen so severely as to lose a leg by amputaâ€" tion, he being at Wind City. UNITED STATES GREAT BRITAIN avles of William C , were deâ€" , the reâ€" _ The Duke of Cambridge competition, at 900 yards, commenced toâ€"day. There were several scores of 45 out of a posâ€" sible 50. _ The Canadian scores were as follows:â€"Lieut. Buckley, Bnd; led the Canadicns with a score of 44; Surgeonâ€" Lieuat. Bertram, 77th, and Capt. Rennie, 13th, 43; Capt. Wilson, 3@rd, 41; Lieut. Robertson, Q. 0. R.. 3Â¥:~Staff Sergt. Bayles, R. G., 28; Major Ross, 13th, 15. The shooting at 500 yards for the St, George Challenge Vase was completed toâ€"day. _ About seventy of the marksâ€" men made the highest possible scores, inclading Pte. Fleming, B. I. Coempany, of the Canadian team. The scores of the other Canadians were:â€"Lieut. Buckley and Sergt, Graham, 48th, 4; Surgeonâ€" Lieut. Bertram, 77th, and Pte. Simpâ€" son. RG_ ar rich ! EPA AiK lads Small Farmer, â€"justly a You‘re a liarl It‘s me own Labor Agitatorâ€"Up and down that field you toil, poor slave, so your hardâ€" hearted master may fatten and grew stik + Ctichrist and Flemiag Le.d in the Preâ€" mier Competition, * A despatch from Bisley, says:â€"Lieut. Gilchrist, Ist _ BF.A., the Canadian riflemaa, won in the tie in the Premier compe.i.ion, defeating Fleming, Wayne and Pattison, and taking first prize, a bicycle., Pte. Fleming, Brandon inâ€" fantry Company, took second prize, £10. h ogs hB e td i B i i d CC a bicycle accident, _ While wheeling over ihe hilly country about _ Abbas Tuman, in the Causasus, a mishap caused him such loss of blood that th» Grand Duke died on the spot _ of the occurrence. It is said that the death .of the Czarewitch, Grand Duke George, ‘who passed away on July 10, was due _ to mm y on 9m e 20 m Peseseyy EPVE . ABC civil list of $1,400,000 enjoyed by the King of Spain, exclusive of allowâ€" ances to members of the Royal family, A manifesto by the Czar says : "lienceforth, and so long as it may not please"God to bless us with a son, the right of :succession to the throne devoives, according to the precise deâ€" finition of the law of ‘tuccession, upon our beloved brother, the Grand Duke Michae Al xandrovitch." ib> Spanish Cabinet has accepted th» offer of the Queenâ€"Regent to asâ€" sist the finances of the country â€" by g_iv.i.ng up another $400,000 _ from the An imperial edict has been issued in speculation in the collection of _ the revenue, and appealing for a cessaâ€" tion of malpractices, which are â€" inâ€" cr asing the country‘s financial straits. +rof, Meiighi, in Au tri.n aeronaut, white making an ascent in his balloon on bunday at vienna, s.ashed the silk of the bailson and threw himself{ oun! of the car,. mne is now in a precarious condition. The Itappel of Paris publishes a reâ€" port that the Czar will visit Paris, Vienna and Berlin in August to "conâ€" fer with the respective Governments regarding the work of the Peace Conâ€" frerence. Germany‘s exports to the United States for the quarter ended with June last were $21,000,000, as comâ€" pared with $24,500,000 for the corresâ€" ponding quarter last year. 500 infantry and cavairy into the reâ€" bellious district. The British ship Cdrliâ€"le Castle is reported to have foundered off Rockâ€" ingham, western Australia. All hands on board were lost. The Separatist uprising in ‘the southern provinces of Peru is spreadâ€" ing, ans the Government bas sent The celebrated Rindoo ascetic, Swaâ€" mi Bhaskarâ€"nandn, who was visited by the Prince of Wales and all Indian tourist is dead. The connection of General de Pelâ€" lieux with the Dreyfus case is to be investigated, and his disgrace seems imminent. Three Cannonieres of the French arâ€" lilery have been arrested on the fronâ€" tier of Italy and taken to an Italian prison,. It is announced in Rome that the Vatican has decided to esiablish an apostolic delegateship in Canada. Newfoundland had a deficit of $33,â€" 000 last year, but there will be a $30,000 surplus this year, There wi.l be three montbs of court mourninz for the death of the Czaroâ€" witch, brother of the Czar. Dreg{(us refuses to seek damages from the State for false imprisonment, but for forms sake will enter suit for one franc or 206. Three more cases of bubonic plague are reported at Alexandria, _ Almost complete returns to the Buâ€" rean of Immigration of immigrants arâ€" riving in the United States, for the fiscal year ending June 30, show an inâ€" crease of 82,57J over, the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898, _ The number of immigrants arriving in 189 was 311,878, as against 229,209 for the previous year. Immigration in 1808 was the smallest for 10 years. GENERAL. Tasmania favours the â€" Australian federation scheme. English capital is taking the place of Spanish in Cuba. Gen. Otis, the United States comâ€" mander in (he Philippines, has asked for 2,500 horses. Chas. Grabam, the ballad writer, whose songs have been sung, played and whistled everywhere, is dead in New York,. In spite of the great popâ€" ularity of his songs, he is said to have died penniless, _ For most of his work be was poorly paid, One of his greatâ€" est successes, " Two Little Girls in Blue," brought him only $10. An order has been issued extending the privileges and production of the American flag to the shipping of Porto Rico and the Philippines. All ships owned by residents of these islands at the time of the exchange of the ratiâ€" fi.:'don of treaties are included in the order. sult, it is alleged, of injuries received while being initiated into Jamestown Tent, Knights of the Maccabees. Terry has placed the matter in the hands of an attorney, and demands financial satisfaction for his injurâ€" TWO CANADIAN WINNERS. TORONTO NOT QUITE ng as it may us with a son, _ to the throne the precise deâ€" uccession, upon annoyed â€" n land! ed to small farm wagors. It is a common sight, in â€" the rural districts ol‘ C‘h_il_l:, to see pigs harne«sâ€" uw c A Laborer Who Swam the River Twice to Flag Trains, A despatch from? Vancouver, says:â€" A spark from a freight train set fire to and completely destroyed the railâ€" way bridge n:{hirteen miles west of Kamloops, a just east of Cherry Creek. The bridge spanned an arm of Kamloops Lake, and was a Howe truss structure, 125 feet in length. The inciâ€" !dant was attended by an exhibition of | pluck on the part of a railway laborer |that is much oftener seen in meloâ€" drama than in real life, But for him the westgoing express would probably bave been precipitated into the water, This C.P.R., watchman discovered the: fire just in time for him to flag two. trains that were east and west bound respectively. It was late at night, and in order to make sure of stopping the eastbound train the watchman heroicâ€" ally swam across the stream at its junction with the lake and flagged the train. He made the trip back _ and flagged the westbound train. The pasâ€" sengers on both are warm in praise of his action. Eruption of Etna and When the party were safely landed the girls were very exbausted. _ Dr. Davies, of Chelsea, was sent for. Forâ€" tunately he was at bome, and was soon on the spot, when bhe administered reâ€" storatives. In the morning all five were reported as boing all right again. Mr. W. J. Christie, whose daughter was saved, says that while every credit must be given to Mrs. Garrow and Mrs. Cox for their splendid efforts to save, all five must have been drowned had it not been for the cooiness of young Heron. It is supposed the girls sink into one of the many holes â€" or basins that make the Gatineau so dangerous. Young Heron, with great coolness, swam out with the plank. He first caught Hazel Christie and pulled her on to the plank. Then one by one he managed with the help of Mrs. Garâ€" row and Mrs. Cox who were just keeping themselves afloat, to get the other two girls to hold on to the plank. As soon as he hbad all five holding the plank Heron tied the end of the rope around the plank, swam to whore and pulled the plank in. To get to shore was no easy matter, as the current was very strong. In fact, be was obliged to land on the oppoâ€" site shore. ALL SAFELY LANDED. ‘Ohp dute it rediihert Ratticatt ce i 2B > 49 On this island there are several camping parties, including Mr. _ and Mrs. James F. Garrow, Mr. and Mrs. ‘\John E. Cox, and Master Gordon Herâ€" on, son of the late Major Heron, who is camping with the Coxes, Mrs. Garâ€" row and Mrs. Cox heard the screams and ran to the shore. Without any hesitation they bravely waded right into the stream. Suddenly they, too, sank. These two ladies could swim a little, but had not help arrived when it did it is certain all five would have perish>d, as the two ladies were weight. ed down with their clothes, SWAM OUT WITH A PLANK. The continued cries for belip brought t ) the shore Mrs. Christie and hes sisâ€" er, who is staying with bher, and a Frenchwoman, who lives near by.. Gordon Heron, who bad been to the vilâ€" lage store, reiurned just as Mrs. Chriâ€" stie arrived. He quickly secured a rope from the camp, threw off his clothes, and with the aid of the Frenchwoman, whose name cou‘d not be ascertained, pusbhed into the water a beavy piank that lay on the shore. By this timei two of the giris had sunk twice, They had also been swept backwards and | forwards by the eddics. | Mrs. Behan stayed near the shore, but the girls, joining hands, waded out, laughing and splashing each other. Suddenly there was a scream, and one of the Kirby girls disappeared. _ Miss Beban shouted to her mother. When Mis. Bebhan looked Hazel Christie and the two Kirby girls were being carâ€" ried away by the current. Mrs. Behan “n:? h.eLr. da.ugme_r shouted for help. to, is credited with a heroic act the other day. In the course of the afterâ€" noon, at Chelsea, Miss Hazel Christie, aged 15, daughter of Mr. W. J. Chrisâ€" tie, of the Bank of Ottawa, who is summering at Chelsea; Georgina Kirâ€" by, aged 17, and Hilda Kirby, aged 15, daughters, of Mr. Wm. Kirby, agent of the Gilmour _ Lumber Comprny â€"at Chelsea; Mrs. D. Behan and Miss Agnes Behan, of 380 Rideau street, also sumâ€" mer residents, went in to bathe on tho‘ sandy beach of an island in the river,‘ just off the village. The beach had always been considered safe, and probâ€"» | ably would have been had the bathers | not ventured too far out. | When the Swam Out With a Plank and Saved the Lives of Five Ladies Who Were in a Perilous Position, A despatch from Ottawa, says:â€"Gorâ€" don Heron, the 15â€"yearâ€"old son of the late Major Heron, and grandnephew of the late Mr. Gordon Brown, of Toronâ€" MANY HOUSES COLLAPSED. A GALLANT WATCHMAN. A BRAVE LAD‘S DARING. Etna and Alarming Earth quake Shocks. Falls From His Airship n Presence of Oze Thousind Peopte. A despatch from Cleveland, says:â€"S, H. Hawkins, an aeronaut, was killed in a balloon ascension at Euclid Beach park this evening, After ascending 800 feet he was knocked from the traâ€" peze, and fell to the ground, receiving injuries from which he died an bour later. The qccident was witnessed by aearly 1,000 pcople. What is believed to be a bomb was found near the down track of the Secâ€" ond avenue line, at 79th street, about baitâ€"past ongâ€"<closk this afternoun. Wires protruding from each end had been fixed unier the track, evidently with the inten ion of baving the charge set off by the electric current when a car passed over the #pot, )&w York Strikers Resorting to Further Acts of Violence, A despatch from New York, saysâ€" Notwithstanding the claims of the officials of the various lines on scheâ€" dule time, General Master Werkman Parsons issued a statement toâ€"day in which be declared that the strike is practically won,. He says that 1.60 men are out, and more are going out bonrly, "/_._‘:. » ‘ Brantford Lineman i xpe. fences a Narrow Escape Fro.o @eath, _ _A despatch from Brantford says:â€" George Lowe, a lineman for the Street Railway Company, was nearly electroâ€" cuted by a live wire last night. Lowe was engaged in repairing a broken troiley wire at the corner of Arthur and Brock streets, and was on top of a high waggon used for that purpose, ana while putting the two‘ends of the wire together in some manner his body formed a circuit, and in a moment the uniortunate man was doubied up wiih the full voltage of the wire. Had it not been for ms tTimely rescue by an eyeâ€"witness, Lowe â€" woulid â€" assuredly. have been killed. He was _ released from the wire with qiificulty, and for a time suffered convuisions caused by the shock. His bands were ailso terâ€" ribly burned. The ijoss will be heavy, thouch figâ€" ures are not yet obtainable. All the owners and occupants are weil inâ€" sured, however. * Mr, Hunter, who had lately bougbt the livery, insured it only a day preâ€" vious to the fire. The fire orginated from the oven in the bakery. The village hbhas no proâ€" tection, an old engine having fallen inâ€" to disuse, but the residents joined themseives into a bucket brigade, and saved whatt they cou d. D. Reids barp caught fire, but the flames were extinâ€" guished before much barm was donâ€". Mr. Howells nouse was also slighdy burn=d. Ad the sucrounding buildings were covered with wet blankets, which beiped to save them. darge Portion of the Village Wiped Outâ€" K nik and Several Business Mouss Totally Destroyed. A despatch from Brantford, says :â€" A bad fire visited the village of St. George at 6 o Clock this mo:ining, and in an incredibly short time a great portion of the business .part of the place, known as the Lawrason block, was wiped out. The premises destroyâ€" ed are J. P. Lawrasons private bank, Hazard s boot and shoe store, W. A. Sass bakery shop and adjoining conâ€" fectionery store, A. Croziers butcher shop, W. T. Hunters livery stable, and the old public bali. Doll was going through 125th street when be beard a noise behind him. Turning around be says bhe saw eleven policemen. They were discussing wheâ€" ther they shouid arrest him or not. They decided that there were enough of them to do so and seized him. When he reached the station he denied to Captain Steinkamp that he had rung up any fares, but was hbheld in $500 bail. Frank Moss, former Police Comâ€" missioner of New York, went bail for Doll ‘lpulled the bell to attract the conductor‘s attention, and the woman, jumping up, pulled the cord which reâ€" gisiers fares, thus making the official responsible to his employers for an adâ€" ditional sum. _ This, the conductor asâ€" serted Doll advised bher to do, so be ordered the man off the car. BONMB ON STREET CAR TRACK. Lt to'ok eleven of the breed of policeâ€" men they bave in the American meâ€" tropolis to do the deed, so Mr. Doll states. The circumstances were these: Doll lives at No. 3,610 Broadway, and was riding down Eighth acenue on an electric car at nine o‘clock on Wednesâ€" day nigbht, when a woman passenger, who bhad three children with her, comâ€" plained that the conductor bad not given proper change to her. â€" w T 6 . t rew Wemcuion> wfi MANY SEE BALLOONIST DIE. Ai despatch from New York, says:â€" Wm. F. Doll, who a few years ago, when a resident of Winnipeg, gained notoriety througbout Canada on acâ€" count of bis suits with the Americarm Watch Case Company, and various other litigations which he indulged in, ia now in trouble in New York. In that city his love for law suits did not cease, and be gained much pubâ€" licity, by a fight in the courls for the right to ride a wheel and drive any sort of carriage on the Speedway, a roadway specially set apart for drivâ€" ers of trotting horses. ‘ His latest public appearance, howâ€" ever, is in connection with a new grievâ€" ance, and it culminated in his arrest. WAS NEARLY ELECTROCUTED. A Former Canadian Litigantâ€"Took Eleven of New York‘s Policcmen to Perform SERIOUS FIRE AT ST. GEORGE. . F. DOLL UNDER ARREST. i mwortnern, cash, 72¢; July 72¢ ; Sep tember, 71 7â€"8¢ ; December, 52 1â€"2¢ ; No. 8, spring wheat, 65. Milwaukee, July 21.1â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, 71â€"2¢; No. 2 Nortberm, 1â€"2¢. Ryeâ€"No. 1, 56c. Barleyâ€"No. 1 42 1â€"2¢ ; sample, 38 to 420. Duluth, Minn., July 21.â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 hard, cash, 74 3â€"4 ; July, 74 3â€"4¢ ; No. 1 Northern, cash, 72¢ ; .iyuly 72¢ ; Sepâ€" tember, 71 7â€"8¢ ; December, 52 1â€"2¢ ; No. 3, spring wheat, 65e. 1 ,, 3| j ‘P ®*i~.Wheatâ€"No. 2, cash, 78 3â€"4¢c bid ; July, 72 3â€"4¢ bid ; Septemâ€" ber, 74 3â€"4¢c bid. Cornâ€"No. 2 mixed, 36 1â€"4c. Oatsâ€"No. 2 mixed, 25¢. Ryeâ€"No. 2, cash, $5.70 ; Clover seedâ€"Frimg, cash new, $4; October, $4.65." * P on ym e s ces dR COs . PC UCG, Capal freights â€" Weak. Flour Weak. Detroit, July 21.1â€"Wheat closed:â€"No, 1, white, cash, 74 Iâ€"i¢c ; No. 2 red, cash, and July 74 1â€"4¢ ; September, 75 3â€"4. m.l o9 a o (an Soe" _ Buffaio, July 21.â€"Spring â€" wheatâ€" Dull but steady; No. i Nortbern, spot, 77 1â€"8¢c; No. 2 Northern, 72 7â€"6c. Winter wheatâ€"Dull and weak; No. 2 red olferâ€" ed at 75 1â€"2¢; No. 1 white quoted at 75¢, on track. _ Corn â€" Unsettled; No. 3 yellow, 39 1â€"4¢c; No. 3 yellow 89¢; No. $ corn, 3J¢;, No. 3 corn, 38 34¢. Oats â€" Firm, No. 2 white, 30 1â€"2 to 80 3â€"4¢c; No. 8 white, 29 1â€"2¢; No. 4 white, 28¢; No. 2 mixed, 28 1â€"2c; No. 3 mixed, 27 1â€"2¢, Ryeâ€"Sales of No. 1. in store o+ 1.0. 5 3â€"4¢ per lb.; hams, 12 to 18 1â€"2¢ ; and bacon, 11 12 :o 12 0 1<%¢, per ib. Cheese is firm at 8 34 â€"to 9e for Westerns; and 8 5# to 8384c for EBastern. ° Butter is also strong at 17 1â€"2 to 18¢, for creamery; Western dairy is quoted at 13 1â€"2 to J4c. Exge are steady; choice stock is quoted at 14¢c; ordinary, at 12¢; and No. 2 at 9 to 10¢, per dozen. The market for ma ple product is dull; syrup is wood, 6 1â€"2 to 7¢, per lb; and at 85 to 90c, per tin, Sugar at 81â€"2 to 9¢, per 1b. Honey continues quiet; white clover comb in 10â€"lb sections, 9 to 10¢; dark, 7 to Re; white extracted, 712 to 8c; and dark, at 4 1â€"2 to 5¢. _ Beans are steady at H5¢, to $1 a bushel. Buffaio, July 21.â€"Spring â€" wheatâ€" M LCE " T se 12 L uL. 1 C visions are steady ; beavy Canadian, short cut, mess pork ; $16 ; short cut. back, $15.59; selected beavy short cut boneless mess, $16.50 ; and beavy long cut mess, $15, per barrel ; pure Canaâ€" dian _ lard, in pails, 7 to 7 1â€"4¢ per Ib.; and compound refined at 5 1â€"2 to _ Montreal, July 21.â€"Special â€" The !grain market coniinues dul)} ; oats are Aquoted at 33 1â€"2¢, exâ€"store; pear at To¢ ; and buckwheat at 59 1â€"2%¢. Flour is dull and steady ; winter wheat patâ€" ents, $8.75 to $4; straight rollers, $3.40 to $3.50; in bags, $1.65 to $1.70 ; Manitoba patents, $4.10 to $4.30 ; strong bakers‘, $8.70 to $38.90. Meal is quiet ; rolled oats, in a jobbing way are quoted at $3.70 per barrel, and at $1.75 per bag. Feed is in fair deâ€" mand; the tone of the market is steady ; Ontario bran, in bulk, $13 te $13.50; and shorts, $14,50 per ton: Manitoba bran, $12.50 to $13; short $15 to $16; mouillie, $18 to $25 per ton, including bags. The demand for baled hay is still good for shipmenis to American and English markets, and prices are firm ; choice No. 1, $7.50 tc y8; No. 2, $5.50 to $6; and clover at §$4.75 to $5.25 per ton, on track. Proâ€" Lardâ€"iierces, 68â€"4¢; tubs, 7¢; pails 7¢ ; compound, 5 1â€"2 to 5 3â€"4ec. © 1â€"4¢; roll bacon, 8 1â€"2 to 8 3â€"4¢e. All meats out of piekle l¢ less than prices quoted for smoked meats. Quotations for provisions are as folâ€" lows:â€"Dry salted shoulders, 6 1â€"2¢; long clean bacon, car lots, 7¢ ; ton lots and caso lots, 7 l1â€"4¢; and backs, 7 34 to #e. Emoked meatsâ€"Hams, bheavy, 10 1â€"2¢ medium, 11 1â€"2¢; light, 12¢; breakfast bacon, 11 1â€"2 to 12¢ ; picnic bams, 8 1e kKingston, July 21.â€"Specialâ€"At the Frontenac Cheese Board toâ€"day there were 1,212 boxes colored, and 230 white registered; 840 were sold at 8 15160 and‘ 145 at 8 7â€"8c. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVI=ION®S, Trading in provisions active, and ckers bere are firmer and a little z‘;lgher in some lines of smoked meats to«lay. Dressed bhogs steady. Light bhogs, on the street market, sell at §6.0J to butchers. Choice hogs, per cwt. . 475 51214 Light hogs, per owt. . 425 48714 Heavy hogs, per owt. . 425 4 37 1â€"4 DAIRY PRODUCE, Butterâ€"Steady market. The receipte are free and demand fairly good. Quotâ€" ations are:â€"Dairy, tubs, strictly choice, 13 to 14¢c; smalil dairy, Ib. prints, about 14 to 15¢; creamery, tubs and boxes, 17 to 18¢; pounds, 18 to 18 1â€"2c. Cows, each, Calves, each. Cheese â€" Unchanged. _ Quotations are:â€"New, 8 1â€"2 to 9¢; old, nominal, at 11 to 12¢. f Ewes, per ecwt. . . . 825 Bucks, per cwt, . . 250 Spring lambs, each . . 300 Shippers, per cwt. . . Butcher, choice do. Butcher, m«d, to good Butcher, inferior, _ . quotations Prime hogs, scaling from 100 to ©00 Ibs., 5 1â€"8¢ per Ib. was paid , for light fat and heavy fat the price is 43â€"8¢ per lb.; but poor lean hogs are not fetching more than 4c. per Ib. Sows are fetching 8¢ per Ib. Stags sell at 2¢ per Ib. Store hogs will not sell. Following is the range of current The price for shippere was well mainâ€" tained. This was also true of good to choice butcher cattle, sbeep, lambs, and calves. The market was a practically unâ€" eventiul one. Just 1,300 hogs came in, and prices are steady at the advance u(‘_’\l_‘kuc.wda_y. ed on Tuesday, the only noticeable dife ference, perhaps, being that inferior cattle was a shade weaker. y in the Leading Marts. Toronto, July 21.â€"Receipts of be tween 5& and 60 loads were too muck for the requirements of the trade at the Western cattle yards this moreâ€" ing, and as a consequence several loadse of the poorer grades of butcher cattir were left unsold. As a matter of fact, the market all round was practically unchanged from the business conditions which prevailâ€" Prices of Grain, Cattle, Cheese. &o MARKETS 0F THE WORLD Milkers and Calves Sheep and Lambs, Cattle ,â€" in store, at GZe, . $125 $515 8 75 those who are s troublese would avo! save money by pri this «reatmen:. Ge Pilis every time an ed to take an imitd remedy {mem a des sake of the extra pI Pink Pilis rure w «Rought the Wholo | the WFown Azabi g* sn MB y . tha to Sha Advices recoived _’i‘or contain pa; which ought to be gold on the page: annals. TBEY OQEFEATE! TALION OF AFi FOUR GALLL Con taer Spors M effeit a s1x mon # t1 Are ~0oums bol: the mfl of t\ trading with Chief of Am â€"Serikinâ€"1‘ud that ho mugh wiped out, as Mrs. 8. B. Wrig has for a number sre sufferer from @read disease she To a reporter wh her to ascertain sure, she said :â€"* Pink Pills 1 owe some years sinc» | At the time I did trouble was, bu: salled in to assen was epilepsy, and ircurable. Afrer ton &« son su tha n o sy in plonus, where I w after an local trea my husbi: Captain MoNâ€"1 ms1 thai time in recruiting for U party were on and bad arrived Mabokko | river wery much swol five carriers had ly a soldier was an alligator, dra and â€" drowned svent the remao party declined i« ton thought it pr wroute back, tell ready crossed to mine men, four mers, thereupon Bardaly had t when the long= Berikinâ€"Duchi to The Emur of Fula®, had for nowned as a 1 ways creating ing continued * ally the eneâ€"my leaving twentyâ€"si teen dead horses *HE STORY OF LADY WHO To H Abe Ruffered Sevore as Mamy as How Reveral â€" Boctor Domett. Â¥rom the Star, 3 The King of . people promplly soldiers quietlly were. With a g horsemen â€" rode started pillaging mear to where a number of i; which bad been by the retreais tered. Several attempted to s our soldiers in goods belongeo were no!t to be The Emi our men, ! vate Jetia The gallas recurned wi eral saddles The beroic def. cuniary | recomyp» Company, and J+ »d to be a serge men will also be four men ol tae drove the horse: near the gate. by one or more . after time the | furiously agains after assanlt wa o xA n Cured i nur d m ns nat ure m ine h UX M MMQ 11 U ndi

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