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Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1899, p. 1

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ane Â¥\ 0t for ceries. pr" \f ange $1.00) M 244. ~\\ it Lo TT / wb Ab 1b tb rbs Next TnURsbay.â€"August 10â€"Civic Holidayâ€"Great Picnic in aid of the Firemen. These ate the facts and we think our citizens at any rate will need no coaching to prepare for this event in right hearty style. Weather being favorable, there can not fail to be a successful day. The variety presented is quite unusual. The Firemen themâ€" selves are preparing and rehearsing for their interesting exbibition on the grounds, and the musical and sportive features promise to be good. Be there by all means. Andrew MeEwen, of Sullivan, one day not long ago drew money from McDonald‘s bank. â€" The same night he was aroused from his slumbers by a * + on the side of the house and nolss _ in time to see a hooked pod au\o.k"b- Jus thrnugh the \\'indow, i auouna t'h:;:&\m* up a short .. 10e “"d th.e forms of two ‘U6" making a rapila c‘Xft % h the yara. The supposition is en e n;#* geed to obtain typt the hook was l.em,,. . Wire I Mr. McEwen pants, which Â¥ere "OHâ€" ing qst a great distance from tee windgyw, the night operators no don!)t hoping tL4t the pockets would contain money. â€" From every indication the wouldâ€"be robbers travelled on bikes. It is to be ;poped that the perpetrators af snch ants will ho de tected and made It is to be ;hoped that the of such acts will be de& to suffer for their deeds, BuxessaAx.â€"The Beaten Garden Party was an immense success, Evyery one "wen{ |n" to bave a good time, and of wourse got it, Provisions held out, but the booth was sold out. _ Proceeds $39.â€" . â€"A second one is being held toâ€"night to finish the provisions, wWhich were {furnished by only 3 or 4 families, Rev, Burns and â€" MceGregor and Mr. Geo, Binnie were speakers, _ Durham sent t wo loads, Hovsars FimiisxG Ur.â€"The family of Mr, Kranz, one of the managets of the new Furniture Factory, moved into Mr. Laidlaw‘s house on Mill street last week,. With the present "move" on, there will soon be a cry out for new residences. _ The cery will soon be answered, as a number contemplate building. STtRCCK It Ric#u.â€"In a letter to Mr, H. Parker, Mr. John L. McKenzie, Mine Centre, telle of his success in seliâ€" ing out a mining propetty in which he and his brother Dr. McKenzie were interested. They expect to clear over #20,000, We ertend congratulations to our former towneimmen, Tuax«®.â€"Our thanks are due to Mr. John Robertson for a peck of fine new potatoes and some fine table onions, to Mr, Leeson for a dish of splendid large shelled peas, to Mr. Arrowsmith, garâ€" dener, _ for some nice gooseberries., These amenities make us almost forget we are not living on a farm, Cow Kirirr».â€"Mr. Alex. McDonald, Pomona, had a cow killed by lightning a week ago Tuesday, Mra, McDonald bad a narrow escape, the lightning came down the stoveâ€"pipe and sent the lide fAying one of them striking her, but happily she was not injured. Tar Hrack Farmrsa.â€"While raising the stack at the noew Portiand Cement Works, Hanover. a guy rope broke as it was almost raised and killed two horses, the drivers narrowly escaping. It is, we learn from the Post, #0 feet high and 8 ft in diameter, Good health is worth more than anyâ€" thing else «o you, and every bottle of Mood‘s Sarsaparillia centains good health. Mr. Bean has ordered an exteonsiye stock which he will open up in hise new store in the Calder Block before August in out. If you want the best fic, Cigur in the imarket, ask for the *Clasaic‘ at Parker‘s Lueas, Wright and Batson.â€"At Durâ€" ham office Mondays and Court Days from 10 a, m. to 4 p. m. Dancing in the Show HMaull, under able managers, to good music, Aug. 14. The Flesherton Advance and Chesley Enterprise are holidaying this week. REVIEW # Local and District News. VOL.â€"XXI. NO. 31. Is the place to get alli kinds of Printing. | â€"Chatsworth _ Two CEext Sramrs to sE Rev.â€"The l color of the domestic rate postage stamp, as prescribed by the universal postal !\mimn. is red, and it Is intended to disâ€" | continue the issue of the ordinary two |\ g¢ent purple colored stamps as soon as } the present sapply on hand is exhausted. | This will be sometime this month, There } after the depart ment will issue two cent | stamps in red, first, however, surchargâ€" ( ing down to two cents the unissued rem \ nant of three cent stamps in red now in | possession of the department, and as |soon as the supply of such surcharged â€" threes is exhausted, the issue of two cent | stamps in red will begin. Amowr CExmExt.â€"Mr. Arch, Blue, a mining expert and statistician in the employ of the Crown Land‘s Departâ€" ment was here last Saturday and in company â€" with Mr, Neil MeKechnie made an examination of some of the marl beds in the vicinity and expressed surprise, â€" Mr, McKechnie informs us, that Durbam people had not before discovered whiat a valuable sourece of wealth was at their feet, What he saw of the district has greatly interested him, and be intends to return at an early date, and will likely issue & bufletin giving officially, the results of his investigations, _ With the imprimaâ€" tur of such an officer and expert capitaiists will no doubt be found who will invest in the development work necessatry to establish an industry which for many years to come will be a profitable and useful undertaking, We hope to see the "Durham Cement Works" materialize before long, _ MHoxon,.â€"Miss Nellie Moran, of Durâ€" ham Public School has the honor of standing highest in the county in the recent Leaving examination, haying taken 42 maerks, In addition to those mentioned last week as having pupils passed, we should mention the name of Mr, Greaves, No, 10, Egremont, who has a grist every year, and Mr J, W. Shatp, Holstein, who bad two for escks examination and all passed., _ * | GaARDEN Party.â€"The members and frieads of the Baptist Church, Corinth, will hold a Garden Party at the resiâ€" dence of Mr Neil McLean. 3rd Con Berâ€" tinck, on Ftiday evening, August 4th. Rev‘s McGregor, Durham, Graham of Dornoch, and Mercer of Crawford will be present and the committee are makâ€" ing other arrangements to make this partty a_ great success, Admission 15 cents and 10 cents. HoRrTICULTURAL.â€"A special meeting of the Executive of this society was held in the Library building on Monday night. It was decided to continue to members the Fall distribution of bulbs or, if desired, fruit trees,. It was also decided to have no Floral Exhibition in the Town Hall this September, While we can scarcely blame the society for this stepâ€"for the town has never seemâ€" ed to appreciate their effortsâ€"we yet regret very sincerely its discontinuâ€" ance,. _It was got up as a work of art. and was much in advance of the Fall Show display, and it had a distinctly refining and educating influence which we will be sorry to see go. Harp Lixxs.â€"The editor of the Coldâ€" water Planet thus sumimarizes his misâ€" fortunes: "A person in this country no sooner gets through shovelling coal and carrying out ashes than he has to «prinkâ€" le his gras«a and push the lawn nioWér. The more coal he shovels the more asbea he carries, and the more water he squirts the harder he pushes the lawn mower," It may not be generally known that persons, who from carelessnesa or any other cause, take mail from the post office that belongs to another, and fail to return the same, are liahle to a fine or imprisonment, This applies to newsâ€" papers thus taken from a post office as well as any other mail matter. , Lacrosse ard CUricket matches are l _ PERSONAL MENTION planned for Firemen‘s Picnic, Aug. 10, | ~~~â€"â€"â€"mmmmammmmmmananmmaramrmmimamarrmzrmie | _ Corinth Baptists have a garden party j The Firemen‘s Picnic and Civic Holiâ€" [at Mr, Neil McLean‘s 3 con. on Fridey | day next Thursday, Aug. 10; Aug. 4, |_Banker Kelly came home last week _ _Onour last page is an interesting |ADG4 is again on duty, There was no rain here and. only a moderate wind. Suniove Kick.â€"Wbhile Mr. aond Mrs. Black and Mr. Blue were out driving a few days ago in their phaecton, the horse kicked out and struck Mr. Black on the forehead, making some ugly cuts. Mr. Black was sitting in front and thus got the blow. He is feeling it atill, but is able to he around. Don‘t forget the Concert in the Town Hall on night of Civic Holiday, August 10th. It will be Arst class. We beg io acknowledge rectipt of Presa badgye for the Race Meeting at Chateworth on August %th. Sronx« at Toroxto.â€"On Sqturday last a regular hurricane blew over lake Ontario, causing the less of one life at Toronto, and come damage tn shipping. On our last page is an interesting letter on the cement question taken from Toronto W orld. PDurhd The ReviEw will be sent to any adâ€" dress in America till January lst, 1900 for 40 cents. Send us in your name or the name of a ftiend, | FrExcu Missio® WoORK.â€"Rev, J, L.| Campbell, Chicoutimi, lectured in the Pres, Chuarch last Wednesday evonin,z‘ to a rather small audience, on the, Mission work being carried on in Lower Canada, The Rev, gentlewan is conâ€" versant with his subject from personal experience, and described at length‘ and very interestingly the methods. employed. â€" He has much good to say , of the people when left 19 t.he.msel)fos.: and it is yery seldom the miss!0DB41CS, , colporteurs and teachers are vreceive! > otherwise than with kindness. He has‘ no faith (of course) in the shrine of St.| Anne where miraculous cures are being’ performed just now. He has never yel: seen a broken arm healed, and asserts‘ that in some pervous diseases the senâ€" sational suvtromndings may produce something like a eure. | Mrs. John Aldred, on whom a serious operation was performed last week, is we are pleased to say recovering nicely. The success of such surgical operations increases faith in modern discoveries of medical science, and in this case has gratified the whole community in the prolongation of a valuable life, Mr. John Cameron, traveller for the McLean Journals, came home Saturday last for a brief noliday., â€" For the past three weeks he has been at Rostrevor in Muskoka, where Mrs, McLhean is spending the summer, and had a deâ€" lightful time in that romantic health resott. Mr,. Blue, the goyernment expert in mines etc,, while in town last week disâ€" covered in Mi. Wm, Black, our hard. ware man, an old comtrade of boyhood days, they haying worked together in a printing office. Heremained over the week end a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Black, Mr, Black tells a good color story by recalling that a Mr. Grey and a Mr. Green were associated with the Black and Blue of those days. _ Rerv. Mr. Jansen, who comes here about August 11, is not, as we stated last week employed by the Lord‘s Day Alliance, but comes as a purely volunâ€" tary worker, having devoted two weeks to the cause without remunerâ€" ation. Rey. Mr, Dunlop, at one time ministerp to the Baptist congregation in this place, preached two eloquent gospel sermons in his old church on Sunday last, _ Quite a number of old friends were out to hear him. He is now se‘tled in Stayner where he has done good work, Rev. Mr, Moore, Burnbrae, (in Kingsâ€" ton Presbytery) will preach in the Presbyterian pulpit again on Sunday next. Mri. Moore was at one time stationed atAllenford and Elsinore, which stations under hiscare were raised from Mission stations to the status _ of selfâ€"supporting _ congregaâ€" tions. ‘} Missâ€"Mattie Moffat, O, Sound, is at present visiting friends in Glenelg, Durâ€" ham and Bentinck, and is looking well after a severe term in th* Normal College, from WDBi¢h she bus graduated with higb honore, Mr, Bradley, organizer for the A. O. U. W. is in town this week, in the interests of the local lodge. He has been doing great work in Brantford lately where hbe initinted sixtyâ€"siz inl une night. Rer. Mr. Daniel, a native Persian, will preach on Nebbath uest at the Rocky, and will lecture on Tuerday night, appearing in his native robes. Mr, an¢ Mre. Malcolm MeKinnon, of Chesley, were guests of Â¥r. and Mrsâ€" John A. Black, over the week end, Mr. McKinnon is a brother of Mrs. Black. her neice, Mroe. J. Milligan, Ham:pden. Mr Kd Crawford, Chicugo, and Mr C A, Bean, South Bend, Indiana, visited the latter‘s brother, Mr W H Bean, of the Big 4, recently Mr. Jos. Firth, of Edge Hill, has moved into his new brick residence. We hope Mr. and Mre. Firth may long enjoy its comforts, Mre, H. McFayden, of Edge Hill, is epending a few days this week with Roy Gordon wheeled to Harrington last Friday to visit his grandparents. Miss Gartney, Toronto, is a guest of her friend Misa Margaret COrawford this week, Mre, Galvin, of Hamilton, is visiting her nephew, Mr. Duncan Suetlie, nerth of town this week. DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1899. m 1 egaâ€" _ We are pleased to hear that Mr Meâ€" Kenzie, Sr.,â€"* A. D.‘â€"is kept hbustâ€" t in ling at the tailoring, while * Allan *‘ Me. 4is~ | Rarlane is also making bis pr‘ie and has f‘l)'(;(}l"an interes}t in mining property which in a may some fine day give him a lift also. the: _ Here is the item : ack, _ Dr McKengie and Albert Bone, of i\l‘ry Mine Centre, accompanied by Daniel lack | Dimpson, of Buffalo, N Y, vieited Fort (Frances last week to complete the final â€"â€".\ detaile for the sale of 779P, 764P and adâ€" 765P to Buffalo capitalists represented 1900 by Mr, Simpson. _ The deal was com. > opr pleted for a cousideration of $389,000, | Dr McKenzie and Mr Bone returning _ 3,, bo Mine Centre and Mr Simpson proâ€" * * | ceeding to his home in Buffalo,with the the‘c’leedsx for the three locations in hig NN& | pocket. l We have a local elsewhere referring to the suceess of J. W. and Dr. David McKenszie of Mine Centre, as mining prospectors. _ We have heard fuarther since having had a copy of a Minnesota ‘ paper published near there, banded ty ‘ns. It contaias & geport of the sale I which we reâ€"produce. _ The brothers ‘ will muke $22,000 out of the $80,000 â€"sule, and in common with all their late fellowâ€"townsmen we congratulate them on the shrewdness and businress ability which hbas brought them such good luck We understand Mr Simpson has now gone East to complete all arrangements for immediately beginning active develâ€" opment work." The property s sltuated on the south side of Seine liyer, abott Six miles aâ€" bove Sturgeon Fails, aitd las the repuâ€" tation of being among the best of the gold mining proposit‘ons in that rich district. It was discovered about five years ago, during the time of the first rush of prospectors and gold seckers to the Seine Ruver digtr‘ct, The principal laad on this Prt;perty is from 15 t; 80 feet in Width, the ore from which giyes most satisféet@ry assays and seldom or uever fails to show the coler in the pan. portance is to be attended to. ‘The Invitation is to the young men of the Party as well as to the older ones. THOS. CLARK, H. H. MILLER, IAlso A MEETING OF THE BENTINCK Reform Association will be held at the Corinth School House, on Tuesday, August 8th, 1899, .(:rening at 1.30 p. m. _A full atâ€" tendance of Bentinck Reformers is urgently requested as business of imâ€" Prices ! 1 Clevelani, 1 CNIGON‘. 2 Cressonts, 1 Antelepe, 2 Cleovelands, reguler $55, now $485 1 Cleveland. regular 850. now R40 Special DURKAM BOYS SEL A ME Th McKertie Bros. in Luck. JAOQU _ Several Second hand heels Very Cheap. WH. LAaIDLAW While they last we offer the following new wheels at genuine bargains. All fitted with Dunlop ‘Tires, and guaranteed : pavtabe siatnin 4 President. $30,000. regular $55, now $45 reguiar $45, now $30 regular $50, now $385 reguiar $45, now $35 EViEW. Secretary. | Wareroornsâ€"Upper Town, Durham. liams Sewing Machines and supplies. Deerini " Ideal " and " Ponyy‘ Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel rakes. Also Maxwell#Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS, â€" Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. _ Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Dherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. _ A large stock of New Raymond and Wilâ€" Wilkinson Ploughs, number s 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " Wim«kixsox Puoven Comrpaxy " is cast on each piece. _ Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in three sections. ./ We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scott Drills and Caltivators, Dise and Spade Harâ€" rows, Seuffiers, Ete. Arso Seotch Qverything for rarmers ! We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." N. C. & J. McKechnie. Diamond Harrows. HARVESTING,. As#, We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generallg that we have adopted the Cas System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash system ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. REVIEW 4# . McKINNON. WHOLE NO. 1116. Has Telephone connecâ€" tion. Call up No. 6. $

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