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Durham Review (1897), 3 Aug 1899, p. 7

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a@lit V EI D& s *. at its wonderful ut they know beâ€" hat i; does everyâ€" for 1t It stands ¢at certain curin @nth century Wli r distrees 272@ alc mptly attended to. IJAKE KRLSS, 10w prepared LY. ; of Sash, he differâ€" ay mC.2ns, becalus® rvine bhas gone t# red there. Drld have not beem quiry into the suge tan Nervimes. Peoâ€" essuty the orga® ontward evidence Is RNealed. Indi= 1# impoverished in bis Old oamt bham Bakery. F o ture hat all orders yE x ctory. "n m h always sheet: ing A&meriâ€" Discovery »t of the reatment . @nte ill medicines. i# treat the orga® Hearse. CHNIE *&C _ tesiimony ured of these : have become ® the skill o# e their ans, and im« allve powers as. that $S \\ug heapet CJRBY \ nerv® «hond to pay for. one month‘s provisâ€" iens, gxBecting to make a living out of the business from the, start. To the amateur poultryman we have this . io â€"s2y:,,Doâ€"not quit. your ‘job and exâ€" .. ~1brgk ito make a, living with penltry the Eirst year ; for if you do, you are cerâ€" *~ tain at the"end of the yéar to ~be among those who swear that there is nothing* in kebping ‘chickeng. . â€"*~ * wHY THEY FAIL. A lot of people rush into the poulâ€" try business without any capital or exâ€" perience, and the consequence isâ€"failâ€" ire. _ They read of the success of »thers ard imagine they can do as well without considering for one moment that they are not equipped for the vrenture. _ Eo many people start out on a scale that is nothing short of ridiculous. _ We have known men to quit jJobw and start in the poultry busiâ€" ness .with hardly enough money on Ihe best way to start in the poultry bus ness on a large scale is to start with only a few, leirn ail you can about chickens, and then try to breed all the good birds you can, take care of witkout crowding, the first year. If, at the end of the year, you are satisfied to go ahead and have enough money on hand to get everything ready for a larger breeding flock, as well as to carry you through the year for the nsecessaries of life, then you mght quit your job and start in ; but remember, that this ftrst:year is what counts. _ You learn whether you have a taste for the business and get @ pretty good idea of raising poultry. The second year you should be able to produce a flock large enough to enâ€" able you to go into it more heavily, and with ordinary success you should make a good living off five hundred We would strongly advise, when woriing to be governed by the folâ€" lowing rules: First, start with the best io be had; second, decide what you desire to breed forâ€"eggs or meat; third. get one variety and stay with It. 1i you breed only one variety you can soon, by adveriising a little and exhibicing your birds, make a reputaâ€" tion on them, and sell a good lot at good prices, while the rest can go to market. _ Do not start with the idea thait you can sell all you breed at fincy prices, for you will not be able to do so for some time. To earn a reâ€" putation for your fowls, you must adâ€" rertise for at least one year before you can expect much return. The poultryman who succeeds in selling all his fowls at good prices, is the man who has spent many years in the poulâ€" try business, and many dollars in adâ€" vertising. ® Bordeaux mixture is now so gensrâ€" ally used in gardening and fruit growâ€" ing that its proper preparation beâ€" comes all important. The surer and simpler ferrocyanide of potassium test is largely superseding that of the knife blase. Ferrocyanide of potasâ€" um comes as a solid. According to a report of the Cornell station, one sunce of ferrocyanide of potassium disâ€" wived in one ounce of water wiil be sufficient for testing many barrels of vordeaux mixture. In making borâ€" deaux it is usual to pour the diluted milk of lime into the diluted copper su‘phate solution. In order to ascerâ€" ta‘n when enough lime has been used, alter pouring a small amount of it inâ€" lo the suiphate solution add a drop of the ferrocyanide solution. If a brick ted color appears where the drop strikes, more lime is needed. _ Conâ€" linue adding the milk of lime until no reddish color will be produced when the ferrocyanide is added. A little surplus lime will do no barm. Ferâ€" rocyanide of potassium is a poison and should be kept out of the reach of children and careless persons. Next to hay and corn, no crop is prized so highly by the dairyman as the grain above mentioned, either ilone or in combination with each other. These crops have three distinct uses. First, as a green soiling crop; secound, wheun cut and cured as hay, and third, when allowed to ripen, cut and threshed, and the resulting grain lad ; while the straw is valuable for bedding or to a small extent for feedâ€" ing purposes. They are the earliest crops io sow in the spring, and follow ry» and wheat in succession for soiling. For this purpose they are only surâ€" passed by clover. _ They are greatly roished by stock of all kinds and have i comparatively high feeding value. VE HOGS PLENTY OF SALT. Hogs should have free access to salt. When on pasture, put in some dry place under a shed where the hogs can get at it whenever wanted. Nome reâ€" sommend _ spading the salt into the soil, especially if it is clay, compelling the hogs to root for it. FARM FURROWS. \ rusty machine is bad; a rusty ‘armer is worse. Keep animals wellâ€"fed, dry and clean, and throw medicine away. Doa‘t scrimp food for man or beast. Better three thriity calves than four starveling runts. . SR ~earel s _‘To read about the right method is good, to see it done is better, but to try and do it is best of all _ . Farmer Slow‘s hired man has been sawing wood and hauling manure all the first part of the season. He hopes to begin the regular spring work Don‘t be content to tell your boys that farming is the noblest of the proâ€" {essions, and the one vocation a man should follow. Make them see that there is something for them in it and they‘ll stay with you. There arse 242 German â€" Baptisi shurches in the Unite? States, with 2,000 members. A GOOD TEST FOR BORDEAUX. BARLEY. OATS AND PEAS. On the Farm. DBESS AND CHARACTELR. AN ESSAYIST DEPLORES FASHION‘s LIMITED SCOPE FOR ORIGINALITY, Though Faultiessly Attired a Parvenu| Will Display Her Vuigarity â€"Justiaâ€" able Economy in Women of Sleuder | Pursesâ€"Tollets That Betray a Desive to Create a Sensation, ‘ The sameness of fashion and the limited scope it yields for the display of individuality and qriginality and taste and character have lately been deplored "by a wellâ€"known essayist; and, no doubt, to the superficial obâ€" server, who . is incapable of penetratâ€" ing beneath the outward uniformity by means of a thousand insignifitant, yet mog\ significant, details and avowâ€" als, this aspect of fashions and modes may seem lamentable. But for: ourâ€"| selves, we believe that,. if ail 'womeng ‘toâ€"morrow ~w@re dM#essed in the same : fashion, (hey would manifest indiyidual | and typical qualities and peculiariâ€" \ies, whigh are.as mych betrayals and avowals as Tin#uaGeâ€"ntore, indeed, tor‘ if language often conc#als our trus sentiments, our dress Surarcely ever | ® do=â€"s. By this we muust not be thought to overlook the iniluence tbat] m-plaged-by thge dre.ssquer and tailâ€" or, and that necestitates a modificaâ€" tion and> guarded application of our philosophy. A parvem4 millionaire‘s wife gors to M. Worth;to be dressed, | and, implicitly following the great | artist‘s advice, wears a dress that is perfection itself, a dress that suppressâ€" es this bad point and aceentuates th:.xti advantageous one, and,‘jn itself is a. work of art. Yet the . vearer of this faultless robe will bet iy her native taste or want of it,. St % will wear a} dress suitable for a recption of Amâ€" bassadors at some ordinary function when an immodest display of magniâ€" ficance is not only out of place, but embarrasses the hostess, and almost "’onv»:ys a rebuke to this‘ lady and her other guests. "he host of the enterâ€" !r:xiumxm, glancing at .the dazzling wollrctign of diamonds that hang about "h:- neck, shoulders and waist of the millionairess, will say to bhimself, in an annoyed undertone, "the woman ought to be taught that it isn‘t necesâ€" sary to carry all her diamonds about with her to an evening party," and the general feeling of ridicule and conâ€" tempi wilil scarcely promote urbanity: an‘eniality. Women of this kind are S#early always kindâ€"hearted and generous and vulgar, and the most beautiful costume in the world will not prevent this latter quality betrayâ€" ing itsolf. Even more subtle, yet non» the less recognizable, is the reâ€" velation of meannessâ€"a quality much more to be distrusted and detested than vulgarity. cONsPICUOUS IN DRESS, Of course, it nesd hardly be said that the justifiable economy of the poor‘woman, which compels her to |consider every shilling, is quite a difâ€" {ereat affair from the meanness of the rich one. There is a class of woâ€" men, often well born and well eduâ€" cated, and without the justification for vulgarity in sprin,ing from bumâ€" ble origin, whose sole ohject in dress is to produce an effect by something unâ€" usual, startling, bizarre. Trvey are not to be confused with the coquette whose inteniion is to provoke and please the oiher sex, and whose dress, full of mystery and seductiveness, and i caprice that is charming and that attracts at first, finally repels by a certlain want of simplicity, which is, owever, in keeping with the wearer the robe. The women whose toiâ€" lets betray a desire to create a senâ€" sation are those, as a rule, to whom nature has not been favorable, and who seek to obtain an attention which ovherwise would be denied ihem. They are, bhowever, often women of fortunse, and this characteristic will invest the least intelligent and attractive with a charm and value in the eyes of the average man, Whatever the fashion, |however quiet and decorous: aqd uno‘b- jectionable, they will contrive to make th:mselves conspicuous by appearâ€" ing at an evening, party with some strange fur about their neck, or in a public park in white satin turban or white velvet jacket heavily trimmed with white fur. _ This kind of costume causes passersâ€"by to look earnestly at such women, and even turn round and make vncomplimentary remarks. No matter, the object has been attainâ€" ed; attention has been arrested, and the wearer of the white satin turban miyy bhave the good luck to appear in the fashion journals. Scarcely less disagreeable than this latter class are the women whose toilets reveal their desire to create an impression of girlâ€" hood, with which happy period they had acquaintance perhaps some thirty years ago. . Now, it is trueâ€"imcrediâ€" ble as it may seemâ€"that there are women of 40 who have the slimness, the unformed figure, the indescribable sort of awkward, even charming, youthfuilness of young girls, and woâ€" men of this type, even if they have a few gray bairs amidst their black or blonde tresses, can wear anything in the way of shapely or unshapely garmeonts without making themselves ridiculous. But the thick, stoutâ€" set, matlroaly person, who has never learned to know herself, and who inâ€" sists upon wearing the iLntantile style of bodice called ‘"bebe," betrays a conâ€" dition of mind which may be in precise consonance with her style of dress, but which is bardly a matter of conâ€" In ti;u;: a; book rather than a chapâ€" ter could be written on this philosophy of dress, for we have said nothing of L L L di is M w.. gratulation. o4 k 124 4024 Whcande 2B hsn *\ ns Pn t the woman whose dress betrays ber the born actress, or of the type whose costume is rather an uniform than a feminine dress, irresistibly calling up to the imagination the feeling of a mistake in sex, or of that most dangerous class of all, the women whose dress, tailormade or flowing, or what not, defines every line and curve of her figure, revealing in the mos: PHILOSOPHY OF DRESS. suggestive fashion what a pretense hl made of concealing. Even the mneat shabby workâ€"aâ€"day dress of the govâ€" erpess, . the facsimile of a thousand other dresses turned out by similar establishments, is pregnant with avowâ€" als of her courage, her selfâ€"respect, or the reverse. Walk behind two women dressed in tailorâ€"made skirts of precisely the same material and cut and cost, watch the way they manâ€" §ag&their skirts, observe the neatness of their shoes and stockings, and, above all the freshness and delicacy and simplicity of their petticoats, and if, after this observation,.you can form no idea of their characters, or, at least, their tastes, avow yourself of no great acuteness. Only observe with lc:xution and on fundamental principles. Because a colored silk petticoat is reâ€" lgarded at the moment as the perfecâ€" ]tion of fashion, and an immense â€"disâ€" play of it as the perfection of manâ€" \ners, do not be misled into thinking |that its wearer shows better taste than ‘her compapion wearing that modest, ‘plain, spotless white petticoat, adornâ€" led with the simplest of embroidéry, and whose edge is now and again reâ€" vealed beneath the hem of her dress. And lastly, there is . perfection in dress, as in every other kind of decoraâ€" tion, the perfection which is due, not |\to the genius of the tailor or diressâ€" maker, but to exquisite taste, to _ a barmony between the soul and dress of which it is the symbol, and, in d dition, it must‘¥e.cofceded, ofâ€"@¢wellâ€" supplied purse. For trues elegance in | dressâ€"all" thos» . perfect accessories d.\‘\'hebr{ is it to be ? Â¥his question Ils 58{&&;5%? Ba‘:u;:mr isturbing the souls of politicians. In 482‘ during the year view of the material alteration in the commercial policy of the country which * would be involved in a change of govâ€"â€"La Toscana, 106. . ernment it is a matter which conâ€" w00 ernment it is a matter which . conâ€"| Michigan expects cerns the general public. Meanwhile est park in the coun the aching corns of the populace cry volved covers 788,5 for a remedy and the government give located in six coun no heedffto th% demand, | Look here!| : C hewe don‘t suffer this neglect to delay the | i mu‘.. ; use of means open.to all and whith ro-‘ * Phflrfi.flh 10.0. moves the most painful and obstinate Wpeaiias corns in two days. Painless, sure act-' The Agriculturai ing corn cure, Putnam‘s Painless COM | ronsag: estimates Extractor. * > I brn dn as tThak CSikaka French Photographer Says . H:ed Exeites HMummu Betngs as Weli as Antmails, Why does the bull so strongly ‘obâ€" ject to a red rag? While the profesâ€" sional physiologists do not, as yet, apâ€" pear to have found any satis{actory explanation of the fact, a French manuiacturer of pnotographic mater= ials professes to have discovered that bulls are by no. means the only memâ€" bers of the animal kingdom, who are excited by anything red. A large numâ€" ber of hands are employed in the manufactory, both male and female, and mogt of the work has hitherto been perâ€" formed in rooms to which all the light that was admitted came through panes of red glass. Hardiy a day passed without some terrific disturbance takâ€" ing place among the work people. Now it was a duel almost to the death beâ€" tween two of the men, now between two of the women ; sometimes the meâ€" lee was general. " Workshop regulaâ€" tions ‘ were absolutely ignored and no amount of fines or other punishments seemed to have any permanent deterâ€" rent effect. This state of affairs was assumed until recently, to be inseparâ€" able from work carried on in uncomâ€" fortable conditions. At length it ocâ€" curred to some bright spirit that the red panes of glass might be at fault and it was decided to try what the efâ€" fect of green panes wouid be. The efâ€" fect was instantaneous. From that day a sudden peace fe.] up n the whole wor‘.« shop that had never been known beâ€" fore. Bickering and fighting ended as if by enchantment, and voice of man or woman was never heard raised above a whisper. When is it to be? This question is disturbing the souls of politicians. In view of the material alteration in the commercial policy of the country which would be involved in a change of govâ€" cerns the general public. Meanwhile the aching corns of the popu‘:c0e cry for a remedy and the goveram~it gi?g no heed to the demaad. Look hera! don‘t suffer this neg‘lect to G»lsy the use of means open to all and which reâ€" moves the most painful and cbstinate corns in two days. Painless, sure actâ€" ing corn cure, Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extractor. DISCOVERED AT LAST. A â€"wholesome, nourishing preparaâ€" tion which takes the place of tea and coffee cures indigestion, and all comâ€" plaints caused by tea and coffee which are poisonous. " Rocko Health Drink " is absolutely pure and is used at your meals instead of coffse. _A 10c. packâ€" age will make 75 cups. Rokfo also I SIns 3 o t o Ee FPRTVY ‘;x?:kes-a Ef;fi(;ious summer iced drink For sale by grocers. Ask for it. Criminals sentenced to death in Utah have a choice between hanging and shooting. A â€" shellfish of the Mediterranean has the power of spinning a ‘viscid silk, which in Sicily is made into a very handsome fabric. The silk is spun by the shellfish for the purpose of atâ€" taching itself to the rocks. This maâ€" terial is gathered at low tide, washed in soap and water, dried, straightened and carded. MAKESâ€" MANâ€"AND BEAST MAD. *A imrala rathor be fortb in a & bavier. ' Llue libben Gular Sea Date of General Elisctisn. Date of Cenaral Eleotion. ‘Tndieh iyiaatnt Soncccneenas SPINNING FISH There were at the end of 1898 2,029,898 miles of telegraph and telephone lines in use in the world. Of these 167,800 miles are electrical connections with submarine cables, transâ€"Atlantic, transâ€" Pacific, etc.; 382,417 miles of lines were for telephones. a used b{ mothers for their chil‘ren teethiug. It sooth the child, softens the gums, dln&‘s all pain, ~ares win colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhosm. 25¢. a bo: tle. Sold by all drucgists throughout the world. B sure and ask for " Mrs. Winsiow‘s Soothing Syrup." For Over Fm.* Years MRS. WINSLOW‘S S00THING SYRUP has bee On the docket of the Criminal Court of Atlanta are the names of twentyâ€" seven undcaught murderers. Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler, Brookâ€" lyn, boasts thit he is of Weish anâ€" cestry. . lc Â¥iss G T.R.Station, Montreal. Geo. Oarsiake & Co., L U B ’S Gives new life to the Y Hair. It makes it grow and restores the eogr * Sold by all druggists, â€"50c. a botfie. O‘KEEFE‘s 4. MALT Hotel Carslake, :XY* s It is announced that bar Iron has gone up about ~58 ‘per cent., steel little more, wire nails 68 per cent. and tinplate 40 perâ€" cent. J The total value of farm anmals in the United States is estimated at 81,â€" $97,010,407, an increase of $108,855,â€" 482 during the year. Michigan expects to bhaye the largâ€" est park in the country. The tract inâ€" volved covers 788,560 acres, and is located in six counties. The Agriculturai Department _ of Kansas estimates that the wheat yield of that State will be only oneâ€" guarter of a full crop. + Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, etc. Every town can have a band. FARMS PRDIMWY | Some Great Bargaing. Apply to JAMES McK. STEWART, Drawer 10, Kincardiae P.0., Ont. TORONTO Cutting School offers special advantages to wl desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen‘s Garments. Write for particulars. 113 Yonge $t., Toronto. CUTTING SCKO0OLâ€"â€"Iief d Par alogue _ C. & D. SCHOOL CO., Montreal. Catholic Prayoer $ Lo;vear.-pncen ever q'uoted Fine cutal ogue, 500 illusâ€" trations, mailed free. Write us for :nyt‘lil‘ in Music or Musical Instruments WHALEY ROYCE & CO., + Toronto, Can. testimunials. Ro l{eii::ivo;x; Pictures, Stetuary, and Casrch Ornament Educational Works. Mail orders receise prompt atte tion. D. & J. SADLIER & CG , Montreal. Garment *""ame saibede Write w * Cutters! C. W. BUNT & C0.,Toronto. We can cure any form of Oatarrh. Price catarrh-wr: & §1 per box. Write for ciroular and testimonials. Room 6, 146 St. James St., Montreal, Que, AGENTSâ€"Either sex, to handle our superior lins of Crayon and Water Color Portrait«, Frames, eto. Solar and Electric Prints supplied to artists and the trade. All goods at wholesaie &)‘ricu. POWELL & ORTH, Torouto, Ont. The * Baimorai," Free Bus $®;,\‘" Brass Band ATENTS Procured in all countries. . Designs, P Trado Marks registered, Copyrights, Caveats procurea, _ Write foriaformation, EGERTON, R. CASE, Registered Solicitor of Patents, Notary Public, f}‘eg.\o Ef‘,“d‘“",'!"mfl": O_IL‘_ couuou SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all Druggists, or 881 Queen W, Toronto. __ _ _ _____ Invigorates and Strensthens. % W. LLOYD WOOD, Torontp, GENKRAL AG@ENT LAW 2,000,00} MILES OF WIRES. $5 Tires â€"C. & J, Dotachaible, â€"Morgan & Wright, â€"Bisyolo Sundries, Sad dios, Tubes, &0. American Tire Co., 164â€"168 King St. West, TORONTO, â€"Headquartors for â€"Coodrich Singls Tubes, @ m "BEAVER BRAND® Mackintosh Double Tubes, give £00d nervice â€"Bend in earlyâ€"wion‘t last \Mng. FOR SALEâ€"BRUCE COUNTYâ€" Dealers‘ prices on application. W ANTED. never hardens & is guaranteed Waterâ€" proof, Ask for it,take no other, Beaâ€" ver Rubber Clothing Co., Montreal, Over Fifty Years MONTRE A L n Eurospean: Wiin. Reom® Mills, Mllis & Hales, Barristers,etc., removed to Wesisy !lldgn.. Richâ€" mond 3t, Y., ‘Foronto. iiELIANCEK CQIGAR +‘ ACTORY, Montréal 93 P."I., of Granby , Que® Cigar Manufacturer. _ is always maintained. (Do you use it ? If not, do so. The lifeboats round the British coast during theâ€"last yhar rescued 628 peoâ€" + “‘.‘ el 9] as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and complctely derange th« whoie ayeâ€" tem when entering it through the musou» surâ€" face. Buch articles shonid néver fe used #xâ€" Beware. of Ointments for Catarrh **~* £that Contain Mercury face. Such articles shonid néever be uw » cept on prescriptions from renutable ;,E‘y‘.fi'(: ans, as th@# damgge they wili do is ten fold to m.’ od you can possibly derive from them. HWail‘s Catarrh Cure, manifactured * by l'l? Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury , and is taken internally, acting directly upon he blood and mucous surfaces of the sys:tem. in buying Hall‘s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, It is taken internally, and made in '“‘o. Ohi6, byF=J:Cheney & Co. Toestâ€" monials hs:“ Bold by gwists, price 75¢. ner bottle. .. Hall‘s Family Pills are time best. 5 LU DE L LA Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaups, Oint ment, Tooth Powders, etc., huve been awarded 100 med als and diplohas for supgrior excellenoe, Whyoir regular use prevent infectiâ€" ous discasos, Ask your demier to obtain a supply. hists mailed tree on application, It seems to me the most profitable dress must be Mother Hubbards. Why sot _ s U RBecause there‘s. noâ€" waist to them.; To UV P NP Cbt or ~eadihiai ind asamaaths NebA 2 d Publi¢ and Migh Schools, Toro w). Rooting l‘flt, l':};l" Conl %‘ir. ete. ROOFING TH,E (Bee New Olry Build ings, Toronto, done by our irm}. Metal Cellings, Cor» nie‘s, ets. Estimate:s !).unhhtd for work complete or for lllx“;fli‘l‘l_hiflj:ft_o «n\ purt of the conntry. Phene 19. matorial® ‘hin:w? to any purt of the conntry. Phene 194 G, DUTHIE& SON8, Adclalde &Widmer $+s., Toronts Calvanized Steel Windmilis and Towors. 11s» Steol Flax Staffs, QGrain CGrindors, iron and Wood Pumps, Boce Supplice. PWE CSR T: @. . ... SE OELAG SLALE, in Sn Red or Gree n. SLATE LACK ROAFRDS (We «upy* Publis and Migh Schoolx, Torogro). Roofing Fpit, Piter Cont "Par: ebs. " on in o 5 Oe S OSnie PS PE Ontario Canoe Co o J. Z. ROGERS, Manager. PETERBOROUCH, ONTARIO, CANADA. tB§8%4%48%0%4%8 180 % % 4404 ¢ ONE NIGHKHT zs tion, etc., for one t« of penmanship, etc. § et Motal Werk § O O F | N Q and Sheet Motal Work @888 8%8484 3244248148 % 2 § THE SEXD FoRr pETERBOROUG“ S ATALOEUE. Brantford ALBERT COLLEGE, We can give good mechanics steady work, good wages, cool, well lighted, wellâ€"heated shop, best modern conveniences. Brantford is a healthy, progressive city Living cheap. < The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mortâ€" gage Corporation, CiRADBA PERMANENI Boliler Makers! ALLAN LINE From Liverpool 20 July ...... 27 July.. .... 3 August.... 10 Aug.... .> Paidâ€"up Capital, â€" â€" $2,600,000 Reserve Fund â€" â€" â€" 1,200,000 Head Officeâ€"Torento 8t., Toronto. Branch Officesâ€"Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, B.0 a n s hP P RERL OV 81 EAMER®S l LIVERPOOL EVERY THURSDAY From Liverpool. From Montreal, 20 July ........ ....PARIBIAN............ 3 Augus® 27 July.. .... ....LAURENTIAN ........ .10 August 3 Auzust...... ..CALIFORNAN.... .... 17 August 10 Aug.... «. ~.....,. TAINUL.... .........2% August 17 Aug...... ...... PARISIAN............31 August The new Twin Screw 8. 8. Bavarian, 10,000 tous, will sail from Liverpoo) Aug. 24, and from Montreal Sept. 7. COabin Passage ~§$50.00 and upwards. Recond Cabinâ€"â€"#35 00, Return $66.50, Steeragzeâ€"Liverpool, London, Glasgow, Londonderry Queenstown, $73 50 For further information apply to DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. DEBENTURKS ISBUED for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 yeurs, with interest coupons @ttached. MONEY LENT on security of real estate mortgages, Government and Municipal Bonds, ete. EyBIWSEM orper KNOWsS PETERBOROUGH F .3 ROVAL MAIL H. BOURLIER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto, or K. & A. ALLAN, Montrea!, Loan and Savings Company INCORPORATD 1855. WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. | 4 0/ Per Month Paid Regularly on invertments. For further particulars apply to J. MERBERT MASON F. C. CALYVERT & CO., MANCHESTER, â€" â€" ENGLAND, Successore AN ECONOMICAL GARB Fitters! Lathse Hardsi BUSINESS SCHOOL, BELLEVILLE, ONT. [T co llEcE’ $36 pn{'l for Board, TuÂ¥ for one term of 10 weeks. _ Bhnt for specimet CALVERT‘S NV ER CHIANG@EBRSâ€"The Uniformly High @uaite # AS A PARTURIEST MEDICINE . THE VALUE OF Managing Director, Toronto. ns iTET PATENET LATENUQIURN OnNVE Ullo: Are anxious to seoure the address of every lame man and woman» in Canade Whose las ness consists in one l:â€"mb being shorter than the other, and are offering good paying «/ ployment to every lame p: rson who will take the trouble to write for ciroulars and c# to wet as agents. Get one of the Extensions for yourself and you will, after wenring w week, have no trouble to convince others of its value lataals + t tap d id ratabrat uds daart d woarichs o rulivadrscdithcsmant This Extebsion is by fur the best of its nature ever placed on the market, and ena! the wearer to walk upright, to walk with ease and oom!ol:I to wear any erdm shoe, and gives them the same appemrance & their more fortunate friends. eiroulars free to all. Ask for terims to ngents. Address _ ___ . ___ _ _ _ _ _ Ganoe cuiare tree to all. Ask 170 BAY STREET, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO W. P. DYiR, Principal. A BOON FOR THE LAME! ‘ BrantroRrd Can. THE IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SHCE CO. LitTED.) $T. LAWRENCE ROUTE, MONTRCEAL TO Corn Oure, Ask your Iruggis forit. Price10s From Montreal, ........ _8 August @++2... .10 August 22+ 2. .. 17 August seaee...24 August CEYLON TEA Stammerers Dr. Arnott, Berlin who will convince you he can oure yon 4 * Cor..Westâ€"Market & Odiborne 8t., Toronto, | Can get you best prices for your Apples, Butter, Fg Poultry, and other produce, if you ship it to them. |‘t/o Surplus over this regular dwld.ad distri buteé quarterly Kny amount from $50 upwards received for | investment. This Company‘s plan meets the rn?w. | ments of thoussnds who are seeking a safe and proMÂ¥ j able investment, and is creating a widespread mwn' | among investors in ail parts of the Dominion. BOO/ FREE, giving full purticularsâ€"shows how *\N may be gome ‘1!'(!,00‘ in ten years by allowing surplus protite t The Dawson Commission Oo., tions in oase 0 Will keop your shoes soft as volvet MADE IN ALL COLORS. ‘ EOLD EVERYWHERE. HARRIS Ideal Leather Polish ‘Ceqaameet + fnumo)’ efran 122 and 124 Bay 84., NORONTO. Fpory®: Newmarkek Do:mminion Line Montreml end Quebec to Liverpool. . Larse and fast Steamers Vancouver, ominion, Scoteman, Cambroman. Rate« of passage :â€" First Oabin upwards ; Second Cabin, $35 ; Steerage, $22.50 and bgom Por further information apply to local agents, or DAYVID TORRA NCK & OO0., General Agents, . 17 St. Baorament 8t., Montreal . L. COFFEE & CO., gome $100,000 in ten years by allowing surplus profte to compound in safe and conservative speculative inves men ts. The Dominion investment Mmfl Toronte, Canada Permanent Chambers, 18 Torouto 8t Tronas Fiyxx .'M ACRES 000D FARMINC LANDSâ€"A REN AQ, Tosco, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title per ‘.-at. On Mich gan Central, Detrol: & Mackinue an coon Lake Railroads, ut prices ranging from nt§ er acre. These Lands wre Close to Enterprising Ne# "owm. (hurghes, Schools, etc., and will be sold on most tewsonable terms. . Apply to R. M. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay Citg’. Mich Or J. W. CURTI8, Whittemore, Mich. Thorough and practical instruction in all nun{.cup. taining to a thorough Business or 8.orthand educatio® Thorough preparat on for Inland Revenue and Civii Sem NIMMO & HARRISON, BUSINESS AND SNORTHAND COLLEGE, 1.0.0.F. Building, Oor. Yonge aud College 8ts., aronte, vice exam{nations. Open eulire year, day and evening Send pestai for free ns::muon SUMMER SESS!ION FARM FOR SALE Hobbs Hardware Co. FARMERSâ€"â€" No Gumâ€"No Heatingâ€"Suves the Muchinery â€"Lasts longer â€"Great Saving to use it Hardware and Genera! Stores sell it for their best Oil. BINDE® lndtpa“on.(!umumpuou Diabetes, LIONCN! enga, Aai- All!-l. Catarrh, Phiegim, D Nervous Debility, Sleepleasness, Despondency Lond ., als M » 1 Gfeser C HEALTH RESTORCD . ZuR muv‘ giuorwlen-d Stomuch, Lunys, Nerves, Liver, Bloo#, Bladder, Kidueys, Brain and Breath by Du Barry‘s Kwtsm Arabioa Food, :. l“;"-? gn,â€"ll}w fit gat:aye Tr Al®® CC Barry‘s i cvsienta B’il'hm“.' in ttes, 3s. 64. and 6# Arenis for Canadas : » T Eaton Co., Limited, Toroas# 10 70 deae Aarann ol d (Limite DuBarry & Co., . L ke ns 12 Accitalion al "PEERLESS " AljEek CY 00 M WHITE‘S PHYSPHO SOBDA Lowest 'I'Wl H E Prices. t Rope, Lath Yarn, and " icyolios. Wholesale only 3 l,o;; l')-l:l'u:c; T;Io_pL WILLIAM $T., Toroxto. NEVER TURN a WHEEL UXLESS YOU asr* Michigan ‘ and for Sale. Roome 4080â€"12 Board of Trade Bullding, TORONTO, ONT. lame man and woma» in Oanade Whose hx u the other, and are offering good paying ke the trouble to write for ciroulars and -‘ ons for yourself and you will, after wenring of its value uature ever p aced on the market, and enab ease and comfort, to wear any ord{r;:: sto as their more fortunate friends. ripitr@ nts» Address s = * TORONTO, CANADA, mm gpger e en o gege o n g north Rapeotally .: * MÂ¥A DQQ h MFAROC® whohare fall CRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHARKTS, Deaâ€"ers, Ask For Quotations without ‘the Automatio Favoet Attaol ment, as ll.».‘{-tontnlf in‘one week dras ing beer. No drip, po waste Â¥ou only nee one hand to draw beer with the Automat _ butin ease of rush you on hold giasséni * ‘eauch hand.as the Automatio alwaye ready. The Automat draws the lnonfl:: of beer n P is used for any 8, w it pus gid) the kind of bead on the beer you want. Price $) 50 pre - money réfunded if not satusfa tory. Ihunlwn MigCo., Doront Hotel an * Saioon men eannot afford to be IT $ FIKE m'Puh, 14 Rue de Castiglion, and memiste, and Sipr~» everywhere, it tiow, h . 144. gfll gai aye fre __Aln ®u CARD NDEX The ouly perfect system for keep ing nemes and acdresses. “ Bample trmy outfit. ... .. .. The Office Sposlaity Mfg. Oo., LONDON Buy e Borur. LEAD, COPPER, BRAS8. 25, 30, 40, 50 & 6on TWINE. gg, Jour L. COrFK® Telephone 1720. to be eured eisp where, write te ROYAL MA STEANEKIPE Kstablished 1848 Hicnuest GRADES. north of hurg, O# and e«88 ; roxrd ig crop or berun® Oub. [JMITE® ATED ard %# €3

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