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Durham Review (1897), 10 Aug 1899, p. 1

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ence shows that hundreds of poor eing restored to iness daily, ery where, ; day and night to Iuntely pure and sranteed to eure en Spot for Froceries. i pudrnm..,' y Riders, 8 each eveiy. attractions, ter the fire intica, Nenvuralgia I farms of Kidney 20e per lb. !T‘\ly,e Oe 111.‘ LLES, Secretary . 1899 1. good TEA ific or i Pills. lbs. {,;y $1.00. 2 5C , 30e pér & N \¥¢ oc« Jw:faT:0ne. Suvcoessrvi Garorx Party.â€"At the } hospitable home of Mr. Neil McLean, «3v6 con, Bentinck, the Corinth Baptists on F®aiday last, had a successful eyening Bev. Mr, Burns who has for 7 yearsl been their pastor has endeared himself o all classes and a loyal support from i .all is heartily accorded him. The large mnunaber present were agreeably enterâ€" tained to Bentinck‘s best following «tzich a platform program was carried out. â€" Rev. Mr. Burns acted as chairman I and addresses were given by Rey‘s Mercer, Crawford ; McDermid, Parry Sound; Dr. Smith and others, _ Beâ€" tween, musical selections were renderâ€" ‘ed by the "Camp quartette" composed | of Misses B. McKenzie, E. McFarlane, M. Gun, â€"â€" Osborne, Mrs, Jas,. Gun and Messrs. k. McFarlane and A. Galâ€"| braith, the latter accompanying on his | guitar. Mr. Jas. A, Hunter and Mr.i Galbraith also gave the duett "I belong to the Upper ten" in good style, Two | choir selections were aiso given by some friends from Durham, Miss Nettie Brown leading at the organ. Nearly $40 was taken at tne gate, and the boys in the booth seemed to be worked to death, and brought that sum up to $67. Rey. Mr, Burns leaves his charge in October next, and will then be stationed at South Sydenham and Strathroy. He leaves amid general regrets, the reason for the separation being that his health is not adequate to the demands of his present extensiye field. A. 0. U. W.â€"Organizer Bradley, of the above society, has been around tow n during the last week in the interâ€" ests of the Society and succeeded in securing some new blood for the Order, nine members being initiated on Monâ€" Jlay night and a number more promised for Monday next, Aug. 14. Mr. Bradâ€" ley is one of those men who thoroughly bwlieves he has a good thing to offer to young men especially and presses his claim accordingly, _ Since the separâ€" ation from the United States and the adoption of the graded system this soâ€" ciety has made great progress. _ The Durham brethren had the pleasure of «welcoming at their meeting a load of Mount Forest Workmen, as well as Mi. Â¥rwin, of Flesherton Lodge, and Mr. Jas, Moore, of Colborne Lodge, all of whom they entertained to a lunch at the Middaugh House, A ProxNEER.â€"We had the pleasure of an interview with Mr, Alex, McGilliyray of Bruce Tp. who, 441 years ago sold ot 21, con. 1, N, D. R. Glenelg, to ‘Big‘ Donald McKinnon. He had come here 3 years before that, and his mental and bodily vigor being still good, he can recall interesting reminiscences of that ear.y period, He would greatly enjoy, he says, a pioneer gathering in Durham, better than in Port Eligin where they had one, or Owen Sound, where they propose having one, Mr, McG, has been a strong man in his day and is a typica nioneer. Quarterly Meeting Services will be held in the Methodist church on Sanâ€" day next. _ Love Feast at 10 a,. m. Sermon by the pastor at 11. Sacraâ€" ment of the Lord‘s Supper will be adâ€" ministered immediately after Sermon. Mr. W. J. Young will preach at 7 in the evening. Quarterly Meeting Serâ€" vice at Zion at 3 p. m. instead of 2.30, Service conducted by the pastor. i Our attention has been called to the omission in our report of the exams. of the "Passed Entrance on Leaying" canâ€" didates in Durham,. They are as follows: B. Allan, M. Beaton, L, Hutton, C, Drimmie, W. Firth, C. F. Lawrence E. MeClocklin, R. Taylor, R. Tribe. doubtied, Our snhscnpers wn.ose LCs | Chesley has carried a byâ€"law to g ran are behind should consider this and not |the usual exemption to a "Rake and ask us to carry arrears. Novelty Co." by a vote of 187 to 4. $ * ’The concern is to make all sorts of 4) Mirrs.â€"Such is the rate struck by | wooden novelties, toys, etc. the council on Monday night, for 1899.| _ TLorny‘s Day ALLIANCK.â€"Rev. ° Mr. This is a favorable showing and to the)Jnns(.xn, will address a meeting in the credit of the council. _C. Knapp applied | Baptist church on Friday evening at 8 . i ion to add a third story to |p. m, on the work and objects of the for permussion to add a & Lord‘s Day Alliance. _A full audience his hotel which will be granted under | 1g3 requested. the new fire hy.hl“" Minutes next week ‘l Newabiven firaxtitm _ M» T anmaonsd Dourus Postagr.â€"Since July first the postage on newspapers has been doubtled. â€" Our subscribers whose labels are behind should consider this and not ask us to carry arrears. Mr. John Firth, we regret to learn is in very poor health at present. We hope he may get around to his duties before long. from 1 a. m. to 4 q. m o 0000 ""*| We go to pross sarfier than euat on C es ts account of Civic Holiday on Thursday, pry wm_thfl.‘ is now the cry, spring A comparat ive lull in farming oper erops coming in fast. ations this week before the main rush Western Excursion to Manitoba and | of the spring crop begins. Northwest August 2. . For rates, @1C./ _ Markdale has the prospect of a new apply to Jas. R. Gun. |foundry, and votes August 28 on a byâ€" The Methodist 8. 8, intend picnicing, law to raise $1,500 for road improveâ€" on Thursday, August 17th at the Beaver | ment. The "growing time." Meadow, west of town on Lambton St. / Orangeville tax rate for 1899 is 22 REVIEW & f ’m h Is the place to get all Lssn h ce : uk: P Faasoe tastes s @ Local and District News. : dessseeseeeeeeee s Lucas, Wright and Batson.â€"At Durâ€" @448 usesesesececeecsee2 VOLâ€"XXI. NO. 32. Is the place to get kinds of Printing. _ HMHELMETs.â€"The helmets which were purchased some four years ago by Mr. | Gorsline and refused by the Ii;tigmle of , that day, have been on sale for some ‘ time by the Fire and Light Committee, | but without a purchaser, Mr. Gorsline: | on Monday night moved in council that| ‘this liberty of sale be rescinded, and ‘t.hat the helmets be delivered to the | Firemen. We hope this will be a final and satisfactory settlement of those, ‘ goods, especially to Mr. Gorsline, who | \has had a lot of trouble in getting them | |located. \__ _Mr. Hoffman took a business trip to | magistrate MceCaunell a short time ago. | Mr Neil MeCannel, teacher in Manitoâ€" | ba, bad his school and some of his books | damaged by lightning. _ Haying now over and Fall Wheat cut Spring crops looking well. About Catarrh It is caused by a cold or succession of colds, combined with impure blood. Its symptoms are pain in the head, discharge from the nose, ringing noises in the ears. It is cured by Hood‘s Sarâ€" saparilla which purifiee and enriches the blood, soothes and rebuilds the tissues and relieves all the disagreeable sensations. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Marshall visited at Mr H McLellan‘s Glenelg, at the beginâ€" ning of the week, The night Mr J McQueen‘s horse and buggy were taken away he had to leg it home with the crowd, Mr Geo Lawrence was seen driving lately with two fair ones beside him:; too bad while some cant got one. Sw,. Park Church was crowded to the door Sabbath last. Mr Matheson is giving a series of setmons at flresent, that for next Sunday being on the topic * Christ and the Sabbath." Glad to hear that Mrs Donald MceCanâ€" nel is able to be out again she haying last Saturday visited her daughter, Mrs Jas Gardner. Rev AMr Matheson held a prayer meetâ€" ing at Mr. Sackettis last week which was well attended, Mrand Mrs M McCannel from the colâ€" lege, visited their uncle Mr. D. McCannel. Pleased to see our old teacher Mr. Nichol spending a few days among us reâ€" newing old acqus@intances and taking an interest in the football at Swinton Park on Saturday. ProxeEErs or (GirEy.â€"Owen Sound Times wants a pioneers‘ demonstration for the County of Grey held there. Very good as far as North Grey is conâ€" cerned, but this county is big and any movement to include South Grey pioneers shculd and must be held in Durbam. % Hoop‘s PILLS cure all liver ils, Mailed for 25¢ by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Mr David McIntyre went through here one Monday morning lately, wearing an agrecable smile. Its a girl. Owen Sound is rejoicing over a grant of $67,200 made by the Dominion Govâ€" erament towards a railway line from Owen Sound to Meaford. We may bave missed it, but did any one see a a grant towards a line from Durham i0 the Lakes? We would call the atâ€" tention of the authorities to this great omission. Rey, Mr. Jansen called on some of his old parishioners this week. He has \a meeting in Flesherton, Wednesday ; | Chatsworth, Thursday; Durham, Friday NewsrarER CHANGE,â€"Mr, Leonara H, McNamara, Walkerton has bought out the Bruce Herald from Mr. Telford whose health is failing,. _ We hope the release from duty may bring about Mr. Telford‘s recovery, while we wish for the new proprietor continued prosperity, » â€" Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask Tyonr dm%gist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Comâ€" rlp‘. ‘ake no other, as all Mixtures, pills and mitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 fi" box ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 5, mailed on receipt of price and two 8â€"cent '“m%‘ The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. EW "~No#. 1 and 2 sold and recommended By all responsible Druggists in Canada. Orangeville tax rate for 1899 is 23 mills on the dollar. The levy ‘on proâ€" perty receiving protection by night watchman amounts to 1 11â€"46 mills. We go to press earlier than usual on account of Civic Holiday on Thursday, A comparat ive lull in farming oper ations this week before the main tush Bre ox Haxp»,â€"The town has been canvassed for provisions for the fireâ€" man‘s picnic on Thursday. The 1e« sponse was liberal. Baskets are to be ready Thursday forenoon early. Everyâ€" thing promises well. I" No.land No. 2 sold in Durbham by H. Parker, MacFarlane and Co., and Jas, K. w & @ zn z> Boothville. Miss Tillie White is a guest of Price« | ville friends this week. | _ Miss Lizzie Supernault is home from Toronto for a brief holiday. Miss Grace Gilmour is visiting her home in Hampden this week. Miss Minnie Murdock spent Sunday with her parents in Allan Park. Misses Lena and Phoebe Wolfe are holidaying with friends at Mt, Hope, Mrs. R. Torry and family are home again after several weeks spent at her father‘s. Miss Cameron, of Holstein, is a guest of her friend Miss Mary Marshall, this week. $ Mary and Johnny Ferguson are spendâ€" ing a week or two in Southampton, Mr. Pringle, of Toronto, is assisting Photographer Browne in his studio. Miss Grant. nurse. of Albany, is holiâ€" daying at Mr H. W. Leeson‘s, Varney, Miss Aggie McRae came home last week to spend her holidays with her mother, x i\ir: Malcolm Clark, Principal ‘of Alâ€" liston Public School, has we hear securâ€" ed the principalship of l};gaford. We were sorry to hear that our teachâ€" er Mr. T.Collinean is under the weather, Latest reports, however, are more tavorâ€" able and we hope he may be able to resume teaching at the end of the holhdays. Mrs. H. and Mrs. J. H, McFayden visited Mrs. Dan Muir at Flesherton Station on Monday. Miss Sadie Ector has been engaged to teach a school in Mulmer Co. Dufferin, Born. McLEop.â€"On 7th inst., to Mr, and Mrs. Donald McLeod, North of Grayvel Road, Glenelg, a son. Both well. Mrs C M Culbertson and little daughâ€". ter Reta returned this week to their home in Meaford after a month‘s visit with relatives here and at Mount Hope. Congratulations to Mr Malcolm Clark Aberdeen, on entering the ranks of the benedicts, We extend to Mr, and Mrs. Clark heartiest good wishes. Miss Alice Moffat returned to her home in Toronto Monday, after spendâ€" ing her holidays at Edge Hill, Mr. W. L Dixon, teacher in N. E.‘.Eg remont, had five pupils successful at the late exams, â€" Mr. D. is always to the front being one of the most painstaking of teachers. Messrs. C. H. Moffat and J. W. Firth, and Misses E. Kress, of Durham and Alice Moffat of Toronto, drove to Chesâ€" ley, Elimwood, Hanover and other points last Wednesday, _ They had an enjoyâ€" able time. Miss Nellie Vessie is spending her yacation with Mr, David Watson, of Malton, while her sister Miss Minnie who was called suddenly back to Toronâ€" to, is spending the remamder of her holidays with Mr, and Mrs, Watson, Mrs. Watson hurt her foot yery badly going down cellar lately, Mr, Harold Moffat of the Owen Sound Sun staff wheeled down Saturday, reâ€" turning Sunday evening, spending the intervening time with his many friends in the neighborhood of Edge Hill, Mr. M. Clark and his charming young wife, spent Thursday afternoon of last week with friends on the Avenue, We are pleased to know that Mr, Clark has been engaged as principal of the Meaâ€" ford Public school, No. 3 was in France. _A loaded exâ€" cursion train was standing on the track, and by some mistake in signalâ€" ling, another train moving at 50 miles an hour dashed into it, killing out right 17 persons and wounding 75, many of whom will die. Truly in t he midst of life we are in death. A pecaliarly aggravating catasâ€" trophe was that at Bar Harbour, Maine, also on Sunday, when, amid laughter and merriment, as a boat load of excursionists were crowding from the boat to the dock, the gang g(lit)nk broke in the middle and about 200 were drowned or pushed into the water 15 feet below. Here the strugâ€" gling mass of humanity floundered for a few minutes in the sight of paralyzed spectators, and in spite of frantic efâ€" forts over a score were drowned. _ Last Sunday at Bridgport,{Connectiâ€" cut, a loaded street car left the rails on a trestleâ€"work bridge and toppled over into the water 40 feet below. 36 out of 43 passengers were killed and only two escaped unhurt. The road had only been opened a few days. A GHAPTER OF HORRORS. DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1899. PERSONAL MENTION Thee Awiul Accigenis. Edge Hill Echoes. + & + n 1 Miss Richards, who has spent a couple of weeks pleasantly with her many friends in town, returned to her home in Markdale Tuesday last. Mr. David MacFarlane, Merchant, of Caledon, arrived in Durham, Friday last, to spend a holiday among reâ€" latives, friends and old scenes. Mr. Irwin, of the Chronicle, has the pleasure this week of entertaining his father and sister, who came over last week from near Thorubury. Dr. Landerkin, of Hanover, was reâ€" cently elected District Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge, for Huron District.â€"Ayton Advance, Messrs,. Horace Forsdick and John Dyne, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. Ferguson Grant last week, while on a wheeling tour through this part of Ontario. Mr. Dan. McCoskery, of Toronto, and his sister, Miss Tillie, of Rochester, N. Y., are visiting friends in Town and Glenelg this week. Their many friends ave glad,to see them. @Mr. John Firth, of Brantford, Fand Mrs. Annie Stoyer, of Buffalo, N. Y., were called to the bedside of J their father, Mr, John Firth, of this town, who is very ill at present. Mr. J. D, McLaughlin, Baptist student of Chesley, will preach next Sunday in the Baptist Church, morning and evening, Mr. â€" Alex. McGillivray, of Lovat, Bruce county, and a former resident of Glenelg, paid a short visit to friends in Durbam and Priceville. Rev. C. 8. G. Boone, pastor of the Maitland Street Baptist Church, Lonâ€" don, accompanied by Mrs, Boone and family, are spending their vacation at Mr. C. McDougall‘s. Miss Flo Stewart, of Hamilton, was visiting her cousins, the Smellie‘s, north of town one day last week. Miss Bessie Hall, of Rochester, daughter of Mr. John Hall, Glenelg, came home last week for a two weeks‘ holiday and is visiting friends in Dur. ham and neighborhood. Mrs. John H. McFayden, of Edge Hill. was visiting her cousin, Mrs, Dan. Muir, at Flesherton last week. Misses Florence and Jossie} Richardâ€" son, of Flesherton, spent a few days the beginning of the week at Mr. Chas,. Brown‘s. Miss Middleton, of Embro, a college chum of the former, accomâ€" panied them. BOMR FOR SAE OR EXCHAMGE HE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL T or exchzmge a thoroughbred large English Berkshire Boar for a Yorkshitre. Apply to the proprietor, JAS. ATKINSON, Aug, 9th, 1898. Milkdealer, Mr. Joseph Buinet, accompanied by his sister, Miss Sophia, are holidaying with friends in Brantford. Miss Kate Ector, of Edge Hill, was the guest of Mrs. J, Milligan, Hampâ€" den, one day last week. Miss Jessie Beaton came home Monâ€" day from a six weeks visit with friends in Bruce. Mr. David Kinnie and family spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Elmwood,. AMAOY _ Geveral Second hand Wheels Very Cheap. Also 1 Crescent, 1 Antelope, 2 Clevelands, 1 Cleveland, 1 Cleveland, 1 Cresceunt, 2 Crescents, Special Prices ! WM. LAIDLAW While they last we offer the following new wheels at genuine bargains. All fitted with Dunlop ‘Tires, and guaranteed : regular $55, now $45 regular $50, now 840 regular $50, now $385 regular $55, now 845 regular $50, now $40 regular $45, now $85 regular $45, now 8380 EViEW . now $45 now $40 now $35 We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Coulter & Scott Drills an d Caltivators, Dise and Spade Harâ€" rows, Seufflers, Ete. Also Scotch Wilkinson Ploughs, number Querything for Rarmers ! HARVESTING, ~AMk+r A k: ie Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony]‘" Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel rakes. Also Maxwell!Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS, â€" Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. $RBuggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlinfmakes of PFANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. _ A large stock of New Raymond and Wilâ€" liams Sewing Machines and suppliecs @®R®@® |__ |,.._...L..mman * WareEroorxs â€"Upper,Town, Durham. Westake this opportunity of thariking our customers for past patronage, and we are cog inced that the new system wiklimerit a continuance of § i the same. »fl Diamond Harrows. 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etce. Not genuine unless the words * Wir«krxsox Proven Comraxy " is cast each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in three sections. ...GRANT‘S CULTIVATING, . We beg to inform our Customâ€" _ers and the Public generally _ that we have adopted the Cash _~Bystem, which means Cash or ~_its equivalent, and that our # Motto will be Cash system rge Sales & Small Profits." s SX TtA t TTHN T EY ADOPTED BY TORONTO Call at .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. o > w4 " C. McKINNON. REVIEW 4# WHOLE NO. 1117. Has tion. Telephone connecâ€" Call up No. 6. on

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