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Durham Review (1897), 10 Aug 1899, p. 3

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ts Enormons bondia Bear n Railway Co.. Mon Tite Junction, on th de railway, Que., 33 1â€" ch from main line wx),000 pe allway and Quarry Co. overnment Whllq at e., 66â€"100 miles. | Western County rail via Adelaide and Arkâ€" [edford, or Parkhill, 24 y and Riviere du Lo‘ icton to Wooudstock, ury AL INSURANCEK FUDnA uro ain rallway and Lawâ€" stman to Waterloo, 13 un 11128 rt Bobcaygeon, via Lindâ€" ughter and t yei being C the world H Hill to Uancroft, H D and Bristol branch io Junction railâ€" 1. nine miles. N.8., to St. Peter‘s t1 a fireman in the er is proceeding to ivce of Lord Tennyâ€" westoft po 8., 58 mlies the I. C. R mil®. enburg, NS., to IDIE s County perior, Caplin in in the merâ€" proceeding _ to or some point St. Valentine B., to Stanley way, branch 1, 61â€"2 miles. inson to St. yers of Engâ€" Hurd â€" asks; bridge substâ€" Bri man gardenâ€" nd n t of Mr. and £ Charsfield, consists of HE NAVY battle ships petty officer it Ascension les at W ickâ€" resent as & answers the de to give he navy, in Englishouan w 489 ships, ritish navy. d spent on jear on new age bas ris= ear the Adâ€" »,000 on new he $8,000,000 terations of D raltar. _ engineer n tost shoul«® 4) OO n $1,000,000 50,000 85,000 50,000 s, $260,000,â€" C ".3.”“.- 6.0,.000; 119 20 000 ;. 35 int i8 n What does itional asâ€" se are the need will â€"my. which pat rolling los<a} sum the navy il of Great of insurâ€" pcay Engâ€" ys, which { 1.500.0.0 uded ameâ€" 8 torpedo 35 larger s now in idded the navy will ) torpedoâ€" 8 torpedo $540,000,â€" nintk son 1d enough on â€"their ind pow» . during , Montâ€" on the D $3,750 15,000 15,000 temize® as folâ€" n Ausâ€" ice conâ€" unding 0) on to the it endâ€" ‘s and re are cruis= : 86â€" ew W ca TS . to the to it= CHMILDREN‘s SUMMER FARE. To many mothers the warm season is fraught with dread of digestive treubles for the littleâ€"ones. They feel thet all kinds of intestinal disorders stalk through the land in search of the younglings of the flocks. In this matter preâ€"eminently, is the proverâ€" bial ounce of prevention worth vastly mwe thin many pounds of cure. The best way to keep a child‘s digestive orâ€" gans in good condition is by never alâ€" lowing them to become disordered. In »rder to attain to this longedâ€"for state the mother herself must regulate the thild‘s diet. Jne of the first precautions needed Is a careful investigation of the drinkâ€" ingâ€"water. Country wells and the water supply at fashionable summer resorts are often contaminated. If there is the least uncertainty about the quality of the water it should be boiled thoroughly before it is given to children. All water given to a baby under two years of age must be boiled. The "flat taste" of which some persons complain, may be obviated by pouring the water from one vessei to anoiher for several minutes before drinking it. Bott‘es containing boiled water may be slosely corked and laid in the refrigerâ€" ator closet to become chilled. lced water must be tabooed. wJoubtful milk must be sterilized or Pasteurized before the little folk inâ€" dulge in it. This process is not necesâ€" sary when the liquid is to be taken by children past the teetning ageâ€"atâ€" ways providing the milkâ€"supply to be good, and taken from many cattle rather than from one cow. Fresh vegetables may be eaten by the children who are old enough to bhave a mixed diet. From this diet exâ€" olude cucumbers, new potatoes, radishâ€" es, turnips and cabbage. s The little ones may induige freely in fresh ripe fruit, and should be encourâ€" aged to eat this for dessert in perferâ€" ence to many sweets. Hers is a good bill of fare for chilâ€" rea. For breakfast, boiled hominy or rice served with an abundance of milk or cream, a poached or softâ€"boiled egg, whole wheat muifins or lightly butâ€" tered toast, berries and sugar. For noon, which must be the children‘s dinner hour, mutton broth, rare beet, baked potatoes, green peas, and for dessert, fresh or stewed fruit, withb spongeâ€"cake made the day before. For supper, breadâ€"aniâ€"milk and apple saluce. Suppose you want to begin a collecâ€" tion of lilies this fall. Now is the time to plant, right away. What bulbs will you have ? Here are L. candidum, white as snow ; L. tenuifolium, brilliant scarlet ; L. lancefolium rubrum, white and rose with crimson spots ; L. Kramâ€" eri, rosy pink, and half a dozen othâ€" ers, all good emough for a start, at fifteen cents each. The five species of A YOUNG LADY IN TRENTON REâ€" LEASED FROM SUFFERING. She Suffered Untold Agony From Stomach Trouble _ and _ Sick Meadaches â€" Dr, Williams‘ Pluk PHlis Cured Her, €1x»m the Courier, Trenton, Ont. Some years ago we reported the case of Wm. Pickering, Trenton, being cured of locomotor ataxia. He was not able to move and was confined to his bed for weeks. Upon advice he tried Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills and imâ€" mediately obtained relief. Hoe is still free from the terrible excruciating affection, and enjoys active, robust bealth. We have just learned of anâ€" other positive cure through using Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. It is the case of Miss Cassie Way, who has been an acute sufferer from that common foe of humanity and the foundation for â€" many other ills, _ dyspepsia. For nearly eight years Miss Way of humanity and the foundation for â€" many other ills, _ dyspepsia. For nearly eight years Miss Way suffered untold agonies with sick headache and pains in the stomach. She tried several doctors without any material benefit. A year ago she came tolive with a friend in Trenton, Mrs. W. L. Derbyshire, and was so reduced that she could notsit upan bour. She feared her trouble would drive her crazy. She was advised to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. She replied that she bad used a box before and they had done her no good. . It was urged that she could not hope for relief from one box and she commenced them again. She continued using the Pills throughout the year with the reâ€" sult that she has conpletely recoverâ€" ed her health. Her appetite is good ahe has gained flesh rapidly, and is able to attend to all her household duties. She voluntairly offers this testimony as a tribute of gratitude for the benefit she has derived with the hope that others suffering as she has, may be induced to try this healith reâ€" storing remedy. â€" Mrs. Derbyshire adds her testimony to the correctness of the statement of Miss Way. Allow me toadd that for four or five gyears the editor of this paper has sufâ€" fered from an itching rash that attackâ€" ed all his joints and all the cintments within reach failed to banish it. He took Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills last year and is nearly well. & c % DyspepF®, TReumalislth . Mb‘ neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervous beadache, nervous prostration, kidney trouble and disâ€" eases depending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic er{- gipelas, etc., all disappear before a fair treatment with Dr. Williams‘ Pirk Pilis. They givea healthy glow to(?n e and sallow complexions and build «up and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50c x box or six boxes $2.50, by adâ€" dressing the Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Do not be perâ€" suaded to take some s ibstitute. HOUSEHOL D. Nepvous Dyspepsia. oN GROWING LILIES mss * Auty sn e This year will mark the coming of age of Canada‘s Great Fair and Indusâ€"= trial Exposition, which will be held in Toronto from August 28th to Sept. 9...th' It is just twentyâ€"one years since 1Oâ€" ronto Exhibition was established as an annual institution under the preseht management. During that time it has increased five fold in every direcâ€" tion, and toâ€"day can fairly lay claim to have assumed a national character, Last year upwards of 300,000 people atâ€" tended, and this year such arrangeâ€" ments are being made as will warrant day lilies cost twenly cents a bulb, an unusually fine one, of the deep orange so popular now, costs fifty cents. and a lavender one twentyâ€"{ive cents. But you can do without these at first. A fad for iris is much less expenâ€" sive. Fine named German irises cost fiftyâ€"five cenis a dozen, five cants each ; the Kempf{eri sorts are ten cents, but oh how rich they are in their colâ€" orings and markings! And if you beâ€" gin with only a half dozen, the joy of their first blooming ! e For successful bulb culture out of doors the essentials are a well drainâ€" ed, fertile goil. For lilies, which are to grow on undisturbed year after year, throw out the soil for a depth of two feet, then put in six inches of well rolled cow manure. Then you want a foot of good garden soil, an inch of clean sand on top of it, and then on this you place the buibs. Cover them with sand, and fill up with more good garden soil. Never let manure of any Water will injure the tulip bed more than frost. Select a well drained spot, set them three inches below the surface if the soil is heavy four inches of it is light. The bed should oe mulched after the ground has frozen a little. The crocus will blossom " any old place," unless it stands in water. kind come in contact with bulbs ; it is sure to rot them. t 9n k €GOOD RECIPES. Chicken Frittersâ€"One cup of flour on> teaspoonful baking powder, one half cup of milk, two eggs. B>at eggs thoroughly, add the milk. Then pour on to the flour and baking powder siftâ€" ed together. Bsat thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Cut chicken or veal inâ€" to thin slices or take the small seraps and sprinkle with salt. Dip them inâ€" to the batter and fry in hot fat. Eggs on Toast.â€"Brown a slice of bread nicely over the coals, and while doing this break an egg into boiling water, and let it stand over the fire till the white hardens. Butter the toast, take up the egg with a skimmer, lay it on the toast and serve. Crab Apple Jelly.â€"Wash and cut out any imperfections ; set on the stove and cover with water ; cook slowly unâ€" til soft enough to strain. Then take off and drain through a jelly bag. To every four pints of juice use thres pints of sugar; heat the sugar very warm in the oven. Boil the juice 14 minâ€" utes, stir in the warm sugar, and boil together three minutes,; turn into molds. Brandied Peaches.â€"Put the peaches in boiling water for a few minutes, when the skin will peel off eagily. Make a sirup of half a pound of sugar and half a teacup of water for each pound of peaches. Skim as the scum rises in boiling, then put in the peaches and boil them genily until _ tenderâ€"no longer. Take them out carefully and fill your cans or jars. Remove the sirup from the fire, and add to it half a pint best brandy to every pound of peaches. f Swedish Cake.â€"Cream, one haif cup butter ; slowly add one cup sugar, one half cup milk, the beaten yolks of two eggs, the beaten whites. Sift in one heaping cup flour, one teaspoonful bakâ€" ing powder, and one tablespoonful cinâ€" namon. Jollyâ€"Boys.â€"Sift thoroughly two and one half heaping tablespoonfuls of yelâ€" low corn meal, two heaping tablespoonâ€" fuls of flour, one tablespoonful of sugar, one saltspoon salt, and one teaâ€" spoonfu! baking powder. Bat one eg€ and add to the dry mixture with enough milk to make a drop batter. Stir in quickly one half teaspoonful melted butter. Beat will and drop by teaspoonfuls into smoking hot lard. Now just stop and argue it out yourâ€" self. Did you ever see the time when you improved matters any by worryâ€" ing ? _ Worry is one of the most useâ€" less drains that can be put upon the nervous system, and for that reason, it is not right to oneself. In legal affairs an unjust tax is condemned and it should be the same in the manâ€" igement of oneself. If the energy that is lost in worry were used in climinating the cause for worry, there would not be nearly as much unbapâ€" piness in the world. Iebd on mm 2i8g aptr _ """. _ * * Lkds _: CANADA‘S GREATEST FAIR HIS MESSAGE. Excitement is often ‘the cause of strange telegrams, as well as of other strange ml_.nif_esl.lt‘.loll. 3 A man who bad been one of the pasâ€" sengers on & shipwrecked vessel was rescued almost by a miracle. On arâ€" riving at & place from which he could send a telegraphic moessage, be forâ€" varded the folfowing despatch to his vrothar : I am saved. T.; to break it to my BAD HABIT. the exception of a still larger attenâ€" dance. Many entirely new features will be presented, while the exhibits, with an increased amount given in prizes, totalling $35,000, will undoubtâ€" edly crowd the six hundred thousand dollars worth of buildings to their utâ€" most. The usual brilliant military spectacles will be given, illustrating recent famous feats of arms on land and sea by both England and America, and arrangements have been made for an illustration of wireless telegraphy, wireless â€" telephoning and the imâ€" proved X rays. in short, the Exhibiâ€" tion will be more than ever upâ€"toâ€"date. MONTREAL HOTEL DiRECTORY. N\'\AN\N\/WVWV\WM The * Baimoral," Free Bus }",\"t: Furopean Plan. Rooms H°te| carSlakel from $i d.-;u A‘I)Jpp. GT.R. Station, Mon:real. Geo. Carslake & Co., ?’rup $. AVENUE HOVUSEâ€" . In Norway the average length of life is greater than in any other country on the Globe. 8T. JAMES‘ HOTELâ€"â€" Railway, Firstâ€"class Commercial House. â€" Modern im provementsâ€"Rates moderate. For Over Filty Years MRS, WINSLOW‘S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mothers for their chil â€"ren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, sliays all pain, sares wind colic, aud 1 the best remedy for diarrhosw. 250. a bot te. Sold by all dru.gists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for " Mis. Winsiow‘s Noothing Syrup." Professional etiquette _ prevents French judges and judicial officials from riding in omnibuses. . During the past fiscal year 1,429 vesâ€" sels of 320,876 tons, gross, were built in the United States. LUBV‘S O‘KEEFE‘S "."., MALT It is estimated that one crow will destroy 700,000 insects every year. CLEVELAND FOR THIRD TERM. _ Washington, D.C.,â€". â€"The possibilâ€" ity of his party uniting on Mr. Cleveâ€" land for third term attracts increasâ€" ed attention here, and his nomination, despite its exceptional character, is not an impossibility. Reciprocal trade relations with Canada and the admisâ€" sion into the United States free of duty of that celebrated Canadian product, Puinam s Painless Cory Extractor, on account of its painless action and cerâ€" tairty, would be, a plank in his platâ€" form. Use Putnam‘s Corn Extractor. Musio boxes for bicycles are now manufactured by a firm in Hamburg, Germany. Sure ! safe ! painless ! TOURS IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS The "Scen:c Line of the World," the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, offers to tourists in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico, the choicest resorts, and to the transâ€"eontinental traveller the grandest scenery. _ ITwo separate and distinct routes through the Rocky Mountains, all through tickets 'nvnil- able via either. ‘The direct line to Cripple Creek, the greatest gold camp on earth. Double daily train service with through Pullman palace and tourist pleeping cars, between Denâ€" ver, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and Denver and Portland. The best line to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington via the "Ogden Gateâ€" way." Write S. K. H00per.| G. P. & 8 Wl 7 a2. mrl._iuakaa Fuj& D«n;/;;, C(Tl-o;;dc'): for illustrated descriptive pamphieta. DISCOVERED AT LAST. A â€" wholesome, nourishing prepara~ tion which takes the place of tea and coffee cures indigestion, and all comâ€" plaints caused by tea and coffee which are poisonous. " Rocko Health Drink" is absolutely pure and is used at your meals instead of coffee. _A 10c. packâ€" age will make 75 cups. Rokco also makes a delicious summer iced drink. For sale by grocers. Ask for it. In Manitoba there are 2,M00,000 acres under crops, of which 1,600,000 is wheat. A syndicate is being formed in Cork to insure quick and cheap transport of Irish dairy produce to the English markets. RELIANCE CIGAR La Tosoana, 106 FXGronyY.Montreal Only 1 per cent of the telegrams over seas are concerned with family or pri« vate matters. The rest are commer» ial, journalistio or official. / P on dn ol â€"]T»: w?uu and si};;lqh.lll. W. LLOYD W6OD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT NORWEGIANS LIVE LONGEST. Sold b;-all dâ€"rugg:ts. _ goe. a bottle. m * @ (s Pan: 5, Ein ts .,’7,.,,:‘; 3 Irin L M«i(H1~College Avenue. Family Hotel rates $1.50 per day. # «& Opposite G.4 . R. Depot® ""two blocks from C. P" Gives new life to the Hair. It makes it grow and restores the color. 2e s i N ve un foe W 96 ,, uP .H Do you make much out of your apâ€" ples? asked the visitor. pxe Oh, pretty considerable, answered the farmer ; but I‘ve got a son up in the town who makes more out of the apâ€" ples in a month than I make the whole season. A farmer, is het No; hes a doctor. I‘m talking about green apples now. It was supposed to be the body of Mr. Henry Thomas Shibley a well known barrister of Kingston, Ont., who was drowned on the 2%9th of October, 1808. He had gone on a hunting and fishing expedition to Salmon Lake and a boat partly filled with supplies was washed ashore on the following day. A search was made at once and the lake was dragged for ten days withâ€" out result further than the finding of a portion of the supplies which inâ€" dicated where the boat was capsized and the probable drowning of its ocâ€" cupant. On the 15th of July last, a body was found in Salmon Lake, Frontenac Co., Ont., by some farmers residing in the vicinity, in a state of decomposition which made it absolutely impossible to establish its identity. The parts exposâ€" ed in contact with the water, the face and the hands, were completely denudâ€" Upon the band of the shirt collar were found the initials H. T. S., but these letters were not absolute proof of the identity of the body, but upon finding attached to his watch chain keyâ€"check number 5559 of The Idenâ€" tification and Protective Company of Canada, Limited, whose head office is in the Temple Building, Montreal, Messrs. Macdonnell and Farrell, Barâ€" risters of Kingston, at once communiâ€" cated with The Identification â€" and Protective Company of Canada, and their Manager, Mr. &G. L. Goddard, forâ€" warded them the necessary certMicate THE CORPSE OF A KINGSTON BARâ€" RISTER DROWNED LAST AUTUMN. to establish the identity and enable them to complete the chain of proofs for the collection of the Insurance in the People‘s Life, of Toronto, in fayâ€" or of the deceased sisters who had been unable to recover the amount until the identity of the corpse was established beyond a doubt. Over aquarter of a million of peoâ€" ple have already perished in conseâ€" quence of the famine in Russia. NEARLY NINE MONTBS IN THE WMBR It is calculated that the shareholders of the United Kingdom outnumber the railway employes by about 40,000. wW. P. C. 983 " Pharaoh 108. LADIES WANTEDâ€" ant position. ONE NIGHT FARMS FOR SALEâ€"B Some Great Bar McK. STEW ART, Drawer lfiL! Catholic Prayoer WHERE HE MADE HIS MONEY Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Chur Educational Works. Mail orders receive 2C2 1 Samaes £ an tion. AGENT§â€"Either sex, to handle our superior lins of Crayon and Water Color Portraits, Frames, otc. Solat and Electric Prints supplied to artists and the trade. All goods at wholesale mcu. POWELL & ORTH, Toronto, Out. cl)INOI SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rats and Mice. Sold by all Druggists, or 381 Queen W . Toronte. LAW Recenily Recovered and Identiflied. $5 Tires â€"Headquarters for â€"Coodrich Single Tubes, â€"C. & J, Detachable, â€"Morgan & Wright, â€"Bicyole Sundries, Sadâ€" tdies, Tubes, &c. American Tire Co., 164â€"168 King St. West, TORONTO, from receipt of‘soods we will further give a loveâ€" ‘la stick pin. DOMINION SUl’l’LYH H@USE, King 8s. W., Hamilton, Ont. Double Tubes, give good service â€"Bend in earlyâ€"won‘t last \ong. 'A“TED* _To represent us in this dis trict, steady wages, pleas ITALIAN DRUG CO,, Montreal. Dealers‘ prices on application UERE. MARTODUNULCROZA C1 i D. & J. SADLIER & 00., Montreal, WANTED. â€"BRUCK COUNTYâ€" Barristers,etc., removed to Wesley Bldg«., Richâ€" B:rk;(m. Apply to JAMES 16, Kincardine P.O., Ont. _ mond St, W., Toronto, 99 Payne, of Granby, Que‘ Cigar Manufacturer. , Books, Rosarias, Cruâ€" elfixes, Scapuiars, and Church Oruaments, ers recelve pl:-:mp} l'.t;on- druggis forit. Price10e Corn Oure. Ask your p.lnp-hhlut (Do you use it ? If not, de se. There is a district in Liverpoo!l inâ€" habited by 69,000 people, where intoxâ€" icaling liquor cannot be bought i hi 1 2 neâ€" [vSH Vss N Among the coachmen of DBerlin are seven retired army officers, three pasâ€" tors and sixteen nobles. Carbolic Disinfoctants, Soaps, Oint ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and dipiomas for supe i0r excellence, Their regular use prevect infectiâ€" ous diseases, Ask your *emer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed (r application. Mail‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actâ€" ing directly upon the bood and mucous surâ€" f .ces of the syâ€"tem, Price, Toc. per boitie, Soid by ali dru»g sts. Festimonials free. Hall‘s Family rills are the boest. [ _ _2z ce en emmmmemue s a on m mn s Brass Band Ideal Leather Polish I ue | Wili keep your shoes soft as velvet Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, ate. | Every town can have aband.| MAD®E IN ALL COLORS. Lowentvprlce! ever quoted. Â¥inc catalogue, 500 illusâ€" trations, mailed free. Write us for anything in Music or Musical Instruments WHALEY ROYCE & CO., â€"~ Toronto, Can. LU DE L LA CUTTING SCHOOL.."sJou asd | alogue. C. & D, SCHOOL vu,, Montreai c t rrh_\\'o can cure any form of Oatarrh. Price a a 50c & $1 per box. Write for circular and gestimonials. Roum 6, 146 8t. James 8t., Montreai, Que, Hobbs Hardware Go. BINDER FARM FOR SALE. USE SOMETHINC COOD 1 FARMERS SAVE A PROFiT ON Is the best â€"Had years of hi‘g‘h reputation. . Hardware, Drug and General Stores sell it ALLAN LINE From Liverpool 20 Ju‘ly‘..... 27 July.. .... 3 August.... "PEERLESS " The new Twin Sorew 8. 3. Bavarian, sail from Liverpoo! Ay 24, and from Cubin Pussace â€"§50.00 and upwards Recond Cabinâ€"â€"$35.00, Return $66.50 Bteerageâ€"Liverpool, London, Glasgo Queenstown, $23 5d For further information apply to «QUFEN N Oâ€"Shom The Nation‘s Holiday I 1899 CcaNADA‘$ GREAT Aug. 28 t Sept. 9, ‘99 ALL Upâ€"toâ€"date ATTRACTIONS Elustrated in the World‘s Inventionsâ€"Wireâ€" less Telegraphy, Wireless Telephoning, Improved X Ray«, Famous English and American Batties Depicted. Marvelious Euwrbgsinmené Features, The Best l'uuho heapes: Fair, The Grea Annual Fair on Karth facs. _ ~ AWINE Prices. 1 Rope, Lath Yarn, and | icycles. Deslers, Ask For Quotationa ENTRIES CLOBE AVG. 5th, Excursions on ALL LINES of TRAVEL. Fer Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all partiouâ€" CRAND MILiTARY AND NAVAL SPECTACLES 10 Aug 17 Aug Machine GET GOOD 8T. LAWRENC ROYAL MALL | *T @ZYYVZ a MONTREAL STEAMER®S LIVERPOOL * EVERY THURSDAY om Liverpool. From Mon! C Yuly nucs.. ....PABIGIAN............ 3 A: 7 July.. .... ....LAURENTIAN _........ 10 As 3 August...... ..CALIFORNiAN.... .... 17 A 0 Aug.... .. ..... TAINOLT.... ........ t &A T Rui..c... ...... PARISIAN......+, 31 A H. BOURLIER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto, or . & A. ALLAN, Montrea!, F. C. CALYEKk( & CO., MANCHESTER, â€" â€" ENGLAND PROGERESS OF THE CENTURY INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO CALVYERT‘S NBVER OCHIANGESâ€"The Uniformiy High Quathy of How‘s This ? LONDON Are antious to secure the »ddress of every lame man and woman in Oanade whose peas consista in oue | mb being shorter than the other, and are offering good ”:3 ployment to every lame p: rson who wil} take the trouble to write for ciroulares to act as agents. Get one of the Extensions for yourself aud you will, after wearing a week, have no trouble to convinoe others of its value This Extension is by fur the best of its nature ever p aced on the ®arket, and the wewrer to walk upright, to walk with ease and comfort, to vu&m ol(k: shoe, an« gives them the same appearance as their more fortunute friends. circuiars free to all. Ask for terms to agents. Address _ _ _ _ _ f‘;xvan: G i:n;dv. Londonderry 179 BAY STREET, â€" + + _ TORONTO, CANADA, EXPOSITION AND A BOON FOR THE LAME! TWINE. From Montreal. IAN............ _3 Auguat NTIAN ........ 10 August RNiAN.... .... 17 Augusy UL.... ....._... 28 August IAN........... 31 August Bavarian, 10,000 toas, will and from Montreai Sept. T. upwards. THE IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SHOE CO., 8T. LAWRENOE ROUTE, MONTREAL TO ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ors and Dress Hiceest GrRADES. r oat | PATENTS .}.; | Caveats procursa whohareialad Stammerers :4 Dr. Arpott, Berlin who will convinge you he can cure you The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, Cor. Westâ€"Market & Oolborne 8t., Toronto, Can get you best prices for your Apples, Butter, t â€" 1 Poultry, and other produce, if you ship it to them. 11 drug ‘:u , in 100, 250, $0¢ and $1.00 pack Quo:n o‘lrty uxouo.. 214 wuu::m-u. &.,‘ mEDLni VVEREUEy m";";f"" io-r&. " tion, etc., for one term of 10 weeks. Bend for specit Of peomanship, eto. W.P. DYER, Principal An Effervescing Phosphate, exoellent cleansor for kiduey and stomach, takes ‘ho place of coal tar ': tions in case of headichs, its effeot is immediate HARRIS EGERTON, R. CASE, Regiâ€"tered Soloitor of Notary Public, Ton.h%uudln‘. Toronto, ALBERT COLLECE, @uenaent T9h #uulw.l e T # 122 and 124 Bay 8t., TORONTO ugtory : Newmarke® Dominion Line Rates of passage :â€"First Cabin, $80 upwards ; Secontg Oubin, §35 ; Stecrage, $22 50 and §23 50 For further information apply to local agents, or DAVID TORRA NCE & CO., General Agents, 17 st. Secrament $t., Montremi, T /o _ Burplus over this reguiar dividend distribute® quarterly. Any amount from $50 upwards roseived for investment, This Compuny‘s plan meets the requireâ€" ments of thousands who are seeking a safo and proSt whie investment, and is creating a wldnr.nod u‘tcn' @mong investors in all parts of the Dowinion 00 FREE, giving full partioularsâ€" shows how $100 may beâ€" #RIEE, giving full partioularsâ€" whows how #100 -n‘, beâ€" scome 6100.0% in ten years by allowing surplus profits to compound in safe and conservative speculative invest men ts. The Dominion Investment Mpnv of Torente, Caneda Permanent Chambers, 18 Toronto St Montreal end Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. " Tosco, Ogemew and Crawford Counties Tible per {v-ct,. On Michigan Central, Detrolt & Muackinme a on Lake Ruilroads, at prices ranging from #2 to ber aore. These Lands wre Close to Enterprising Ne &‘o'nu, (hurghes, Schools, ete., and will be sold on reasonmble terms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay Oit, 5-0! Or J W GU HETS; Whituemore. Mic NIMMO & HARRISON, BUBINESS AND SHORTMAND OoLLEOZ, 1.0.0.F. Building, Oor. Yong» and College 8ts., Poronte, Thorough and practical instruotion in all lun{ecu pes taining to a thorough Business or Bhorthand eduoatiog Thorough m on for Inland Revenue and Civil Serâ€" vice examinations. Open entirs year, day and evening Sond postal for free ipformation. Bteol Flag Staffs, Grain CGrinders, lron and Weod Pumps, Brantford @sa2%.e 44 %% .424 %%% TH H PETERBORQUCH % wee« Gas Boiler Makers! We can give good mechanics steady wor: good wages, cool, well lighted, wellâ€"heat shop, best modern conveniences. Brantford is a healthy, progressive city, Living cheap. 5 Ontarlo Canoe Co J. Z. ROGERS, Manager. PETERBOROUCH, CNTARIO, CANADA. G“‘O"‘.‘ %?“ 4%*A&A* HEALTH RESTORD i/ biprase So tes wo«g disordered Stomach, Lungs, Nerves, Liver, Blook BHiadder, Kidueys, Brain and ‘rum by nu Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food, ARRIS *n*2Aemal Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephonel780. which Sares Invalids and Children sessfully Infauts whose Ailments a aisted all other treatmente. . It di Rood is rejected, saves 50 times its 50 Years‘ I m«ofi C 4 -:u. (Jough« o:l'v:‘l!n::lfla DuBarry & Co., Gond for New Catalogue Mention this papor Calvanized Steel Windmilis and YOoW@rs. â€" ...0 WHITE‘S PHOQSPHO SODA 000 ACRES COOD FARMING LANDS â€" A REN A Michigan ! and for Sale. KWV EY Trado Maurks '.i“'.r.d. Oorpy rig h6i Caveats procurea. Write for information, WATEROYS, Brantford, Canada. Per mMonth Paid degularly on inveriments. Boe Bupniise. â€"_ _ BRANTFORD CAN. BUSINESS SCHCOL. WTSwens, ePeniid BC CS $4., 61., bib,, 14s. Sent cartinge h h l.'dnh-‘bofllu.. in timw, 38 .‘f’ WILLIAM $T., TORONTO. Fitters! Lathe Hands 1 EOLD EVERYWHERE. without the Automatic Fancet Attaok ment, a# it p.lu foritself in one week draw» ing beer. No drip, no waste. You only neeg me hand to draw beer with the Automatle . butin gase of rush you can hold glasses each hand, as the Automuttc always ready. The Auto: draws the fnest giass of beer is used for uny trade, asit pul Lholhdolbondonthobooflh: you want. Price $1 50 preâ€"paid« BHote! and Saloon men ommnot afford to be lids and Children, and aiso Rears 540 whose Ailments and Debility have * reatmente. . It digests when all other saves 50 times its cost in medicine $ Invarintke S300ess, 100,008 Lrs Aunual Cures of Constipa tion, Flatu‘ moy, Dyspepsia, umption, Diabetes, Ironchitis, Intiue CARD INDEX The only perfeet system for kesp ing names and addresses “ Sample tray outit... ... The Offiee Bpeciaity Mfg. Oe., wa, Catarrh, Phiegm, Diarthom i::il-u-. Despondeney, ... ured in all countries IToi want. Price $1 h'kifdc seeprrtinln t iL No\ (D eE 25, 130, 40, 50 & 602 BELLEVILLE, ONT ANOE LMCUNIED .) ROYAL MAIL SEND FOR CATALOCUE, limited. Torop erawhere, in t tÂ¥se. . Also | d. and 68. (Limibed T1 Reg Street I

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