West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Aug 1899, p. 4

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##> 4 br? Th Ir earth with water, the current would have been carried away and the damage averted." â€"A lumunous sensation was sprang upon the world last week by the anâ€" nouncement that the Czar was conâ€" templating resigning, owing to superâ€" stitioustteelings at the want of a male heir‘! It is provoking in a diplomatic way that his cousin, Prince George and heir to the empire whkich is the great riyval to his own should be blessed with fine healthy boys, while the Czar‘s three olive branches are all â€"A writer in the current number of the Scientifican American proposes to protect cities from electrical storms by the tollowing device, which obâ€" servation bas led him c¢o believe will be effectual: *"Partial, if not full, protection to cities and towns can be obtained by the erection on the west and southwest of large copper or other metal conductors, strung upon steol or iron poles, and at intervals sunk deep into the earthâ€"where water can be reachedâ€"these heavy â€" electric conductors â€" preferably of copper. When an electrical storm strikes these conductors, it will be taken up, as is often the case in telegraph lines, where I hbhave known dozens of poles to be torn to pieces by one flash of lightning, while it made of steel and occasionably connected deep into the girls. _A French Minister M. Delecasse actually went in haste it is alleged, to dissuade him from his intention. â€"A cable to the (ilobe from Engâ€" land gives an opinion that the Canâ€" adian parliament were competent to deal with the representation of the House as they proposed in the redisâ€" tribution fbill and which the Conser vative leaders affected to deny. It is signed by Edward Blake, R. B. Halâ€" dane, Canadian Agent under the late government, W. H. Asquith, formerâ€" ly Home Secretary, Edward Carson, a member of the last Salisbury govâ€" ernment, and and Robert Cecil, son of Lord Salisbury. The Senate, howâ€" ever, thisks otherwise, and there‘s the rub. We are helpless. Eho Duvhamn Review, â€"Chicago bas an immense new Post office about ready for opening. IP‘res, MceKinley is to be there. To give it more eclat a Washington ofticial was sent to Ottaws to secure the Goy. General and Sir Wilfrid. The latter has told the official plainly *that neitner of them can go, as the unfriendly tone of their press would make it undignified for them to apâ€" pear. Brother Jonathan! be civil or our boys won‘t play in your yard. â€"â€"Sir Chas. Tupper is off to England and will be back about the first week in September. | â€"Sir Julian Pauncefote, British Ambastador to Washington, and proâ€" minent ats the Peace Conference has been elevated to the Peerage as Lord Pauncetote. â€"The eyes of the world are now turned toward France where the tamous reyision of the Dreyfus case is in progress. The prisoner stoutly and pathetically pleads innocent, and he will likely gofree. _ Will the army accept this slap? Were it not for the big shew next year they wouldn‘t, but they musn‘t stem the golden stream they expect to flow Parisâ€" wards â€"â€"The parliamentary enquiry in the West Huron election case reveals the fact that forged ballots were used. If we cannot keep the ballot box sacred, far better that we return to open voting. â€"Owen Sound on August 25 votes on two byâ€"laws, one of z18,000 for adâ€" ditional sechool accommodation, the other tor £4,000 to extend the waterâ€" works system. It is the * growing time." â€"Mr. Thos. Bain, M, P. for Wentâ€" worth, who has received the position of Speaker owing to the death of Sir James kEdgar, takes the position with the hearty good will of both sides of the House. He has been about 27 years in parliament, and has been trequently chosen chairman in " Comâ€" mittee of the whole." His manageâ€" ment in this position has always been creditable. next vear Thursday, Aug. 10, 1899. "! _ Everyone in this vicinity were highly t | pleased to see the familiar face of one of r our grayel boys on the line once wore, in 1 | the person of Mr,. Dan MceCoskery, of the | Massey Harrs Works of Toronto, He | arrived here on Sat, night accompanied 1| by his sister Miss Tillie McCoskery of ; | Rochester N: Y. He returned on Monday | leaying his sister to spend a few weeks * | with old friends around here. Several from around here attended the anvual 8. 8. picuic of the Lawrence settlement held in Mr. W. Ector‘s grove last Friday. The crowd seemed to enjoy themselves well and returned kome well pleased with the afternoon outing. ion is inexhaustible and can be deyelopâ€" ed with comparatively small cost, Such is the outlook at this moment for New Ontario, and in no part of our broad Dominton is the prospect brighter. Mrs, Nichol of Normanby is at present visiting her son Mr. Thos, Nichol, of the Corners. The Central Algoma Railway 1 unning north from Sault Ste Marie towards the Michipicoten Riyer and the main linetof the C. P. R, another of the enterprises to receive, state assistance will open up a territory rich in mineral and lumber, and give the fast growing industries of the Sault ready access to the base of supplies for their raw material. The other great desideratum,â€"the motive power to carry on these industries,â€"uis unlimited, for the water power found every where throughout the entire sectâ€" Mr. W. Wilson of the Queen city, spent Sunday with his Uncle, Mr, Thos, Gray of Bunessan. Mr. Ben recently. The crops around this part are ripening fast and harvesting will soon be the order of the season. Mrs, Mitchell, of Toronto, formerly Miss Mary Firth, is spending a few weeks with her parents of Lake Cottage, Miss Anoie MeArthnr of Toronte spent Sunday with her parents in this part. It has been already pointed out in these articles that while the mineral reâ€" sources of Western Algoma are so exâ€" tensiye and valuable they do not include the whole of its riches, There are many thousands of acres of excellent farming country, the possibilities of which have been thoroughly demonstrated by the hardy pioneer settlers, who in the face of tremendous discouragementâ€"the reâ€" sult of lack of transportation facilities â€"have turned the solitary wilderness into a fruitful field. It is through this country, the possibilities of which are only now beginuning to be realized that the Ontario and Rainy River Railway will run, giving the miner the means of taking in his machinery, the farmer the facilities forcartying his products to the mining camps. and the producer of man ufactured and natural supplies on the outside easy access to a new and rapidly increasing market. The action of the Federal Government in puiting the sum of $896,000 in the list of railway subsidies for the Ontario and Rainy River Railway has placed the imâ€" mediate and rapid construction of that line beyond peradyenture, and the reâ€" sult must necessarily be the rapid develâ€" opment of a very large section of some of the most promising mineral territory of the Dominion. The Legislatiye Tour of last month could not have been betâ€" ter timed for it has afforded an opportâ€" unity to the press to make known the actual conditions existing in that counâ€" try, conditions which jpustify the expend iture of public money in its development so long as the principle prevails of rendâ€" ering aid of this kind. In addition to the gold mines which in the near future should be numbered by hundreds, there are iton deposits, second to none in the world in extent and value, particularly in the Atikâ€"Okan discrict; there are silvyer deposits that have been thoroughly tested and are once more, in the improved condition of the market, paying handsomely, beâ€" besides which copper and other valuable deposits of lesser extent are being unâ€" earthed in various parts of the section. The history of the gold mining indust ry in Algoma is instructive and signifâ€" icant. _ In 1892 the total output of the precious metal was only $36,900 while in the next two years it was considerably less, but in 1805 it rose to over $50.000, in 18906 to $122,000 and last year to $275,000, while this year the total is expected to reach the very creditable fignure of $600,000, The nulls at present running aggregate 200 stamps ayeraging two and a half tons a day each, or over 200,000 tons per anuum so that the actual out~ put recorded is considerably iess than the yvalue of the ore mined, the differâ€" ence remaining in the dumps awaiting the procsss of reduction. It is further estimated that the mines give employâ€" ment to 1,650 men whose wages amount to probably a million dollars per annum. The lack of transportation facilities has hitherto seriously handicapped the minâ€" er in the work of taking in machinery, but with the construction of a railway the needed facilities will be available and many claims that bhave hitherto been unprofitable will be rapidly opened up and become dividend paying. Some Useful Expenditures. Firth spent a week in Toronto NEW ONTARIO. Rob Roy. + +4 +. Com, \â€" Rev. Mr. Whitefield preached his | farewell setmon in the Disciple church | here on Sunday lust. Mr, Geo,. Lothiin and others from | Dromore attendedservice here on Sunâ€" | day evening last. \_â€"_The home of Mr. and Mrs, Blakestone ' was blessed with a fine big boy on Sunâ€" day last, _ Also Mr. and Mrs,. Donald | MCLeod of Lonesome Valley of a son. S8uth Grey, Durham, Sept. 2 to 27. North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 12 to 14. Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, Western, London, Sept. 7 to 16. James Danbrook of Newbridge spent Sabbath at Adam Doupe‘s. Arthut Isaac, of Guelph, formerly of this place, is renewing old acquaintances Mrs, Robertson of Toronto who has been visiting at her father‘s Mr. David Allen for the past two or three montbs returned home on Monday. Herbert Keith is in Allenford visiting his sister Mrs. W m. MeMitchell. Mrs, Arch Vance, of Moorsbore, and Mrs. Haffman, of Muskoka are visiting the former‘s daughter Mrs, Wimw. Main. Lueas, Wright & Batson.â€"At Comâ€" mercial Hotel, Priceville, every Monâ€" day from 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. Mrs Tyndall, of Arthur, is visititing her aunt Mrs. Robt. Micklebotro. The Faurmers around this place are only generally through hayimg. Fall wheat and barley are cut and mostly in the barns. Some of the Toronto people whose homes were formerly in this place took advantage of the cheap excursions on Friday last. _ Among them were Mr. Wm. McDohald formerly of this place, Miss McDonald, the Misses Mclntyre, daughters of Vet. Mcintyre, of this town, Misses McQuarrie of the north line Glenelg, Mr, â€"Malcolm Sinclair, of Yeoevil, attended gaelic service in the Presby terian church here on Rabbath last. All parties desiring to hear a good sermon in their native language the gaelic, will do well to come to Price« ville Presbyterian church every Sabbath morning at 10:30, where the tev, Mr. Matheson preaches in that ancient language,. No sorvice in the Methodist church last Sunday, on acconnt of Rev, Mr, Humphreys having quarterly meeting at Proton. The McLachlan bain on the North line is nearing completion. All the sick people ate getting better. Mr, John McLeod, teacher, resigned his charge and is going to college when it opens. Presbyterian Sunday School piemic on Wednesday â€" first, in Mr. John Mathers bush,. _A good time expected. Agus mar sin sios. Miss Gertie McLeod, who was visiting friends in Galt, returned last week. The Great English Remedy. AW | Ssold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. 01-2? reliâ€" able medicine discovered. Siz f)ackages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Toâ€" basco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, siz will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. . Befor. Af". ‘ood‘s Phosphodine, E* Wood‘s Phosphodive is sold in Durbam by Jas. K.*Gun MacFarlane & Co., and H. Parker, Druggists. ure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont FALL FAIRS Priceville < $ 4 Holstein TORONTO ++ .mm;}&"": Jeweled Waltham or Elgin Watch in Nickle Screw Case. _ We have Sevenâ€" teen Jeweled Walthams at prices never offered before. Note,â€"At Durham, Mondays 10 a,. m. to 4 p. m. and Court Days. At Priceâ€" ville, Mondays 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. OFFICESâ€"Owen Sound, Markdale and Durham. ion s d Agency promptly attended to. | i i i CC Mess “?l«l,;!ac&o&;m!.umgsgei p;“e:;tmy Aproumonts, |A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, &c. correctly prepared. ostates of deceased | o us % persons looked after, and Rxecutors‘ and Adâ€" ; Turnip Sowers, Scuffiers, Plougbs, Harrows, Hay Forks, etc. mmmrmr{ Azcc‘fi' ie wepxe:g‘\‘, l:ndof l'?fifid" all in stock Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have Surrogate Court Business, al . Is, 5o 3 s 1 . 5 3gm;m dols»\dmlllmsll;::il:l;n }:::gm(;;uggg:sfls the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and tained. Senrches s » + Titles reported on. | other good Stock Companies. v d private Funds to Loan on | £ Mor(t/go;mgg::{lo?vnzst }‘ubes of interesg. Valuations LOTS OF MONEY to Loan.at 5,3- Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses. made by a competent and careful Valuator. | LO“'ER TO“.\, o C( ‘m} =â€" â€"} A2ll Charges Moderate Implement Warerooms. WM lAI e M M B NMe Ww PNIM TT C M WTYG WOW TV e r n BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, + v <g v umw‘ * c r NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS. & < Money to Loanâ€"Company and Private| } ’ Funds. Low Rates, Easy Terms. J The Busy Farmer @ * h | & t Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leascs, A}.:memeuta. &c, correctly prt;pnred. Estates of deceased persons looked after, and Rxecutors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probare of Wills, Letters of Administration aud Guardiunship Obtained. Searches made in kegistry Ofhce and Titles reported on, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, nOaTRY PUBLIC, COWNYEYANCER, ac. OMceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. OFFICRâ€"Melntyre Block, LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON. Success comes to those who persevere. If you take Hood‘s Sarsaparilla faithâ€" fully and persistently, you will surely be benefited. A pleasant little gathering was held at Mr. Isaac‘s last week at which were present some North Line friends. Spring crop harvest is coming in fast, and there is a promise of a bountiful harvest. Mrs. John Snell had the pleasure of entertaining relatives last week. Miss Jane Little, of Hampden, was a guest of Miss Mary Scott last week. â€" The Misses Hay left for Toronto last Saturday., The night previous a pleaâ€" sant " at home" was spent as a send off 1 B LUCAS W H WRIGHT C A BATSON Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. Y G. LEFROY McCAUL. arrister, NYotary, veyancer, Qtc., Qtc W. S. DAVIDSON. $5 B/ILL ! VV i_ll now bu_y a Sev Drcmore. DURHAM, Oxr. (Over the Bank, BUGGIES AND WACONS as a preparation for the battle of life, The business Course at this Institution is complete in every detail and emâ€" braces all the subjects which will be of use io you in real life and is far in adâ€" vance of any similiar course in Canada. Also an unequalled Shorthand and Typewriting course, If interested write for Catalogue to eC ul COs e ty Pisc Harrows, Rakes, Ete. « You know what these Goods areâ€"the best in the market. Buy no other ! Owen Sound, Ont. C e PRtEtmtet 2 REWCW â€" OR 1im 8 & rise but our stock was bought early, and a good protit saved alone. _ Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full carload toselect from. See our Farm TRUCK are the Celcbrated Adams‘ Wagons. As Usual a Full Line pring and Summer Qoods YOUNG PEOPLE Should cousider the advantage of a Course at the / qâ€"WORTHERN attima AaAM LA OwWEN soUND, ONT. e Agent HAVING NO TRAVELLERS the farmer gets the benefit The Peter Hamilton Implements : Binders Mowers, Horse Rakes, Seed Drills, Spring ‘ Cultivators, Gang Ploughs, Seuffiers, Ploughs and Harrows. C. A. FLEMING, We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now ! R. MacFARLANE, Sr of the saving of CARRIAGES of c Wants the best and wants it at once. _ To meet these two conditions he will examine and buy, For several good Fire and Companies. Money to loan Two carloads of Tudhope BUGGIES t« *â€"â€"â€"select. _ We have very nice Buggies an d Democrats. Prices of rigs are on the was bought early, and a good profit saved in freight PruxcoiraL [ expenses. BUGGIES and every description at fine prices, 00@ Fire and Life Insurance Money to loan at lowest rates. â€" ODBEBN‘TISTRY. OFF[(‘E FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durbam â€" Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. â€" Residence first door west of thi Post Office, Durham. THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BUL] will be for service at the Central W« Durham, for the season of 1899, Dr. T. G. KHKOLT L. D. S. Bull For Service. Masseyâ€"Harris Binders, Mowers, CALDEFR is Spring Tooth Seuffiers, Long GEO. RYAX. 1: and These t« broidered Men‘s Zhe each. {stand up) Culfs, 20c What? a J Cross Dysentery C arrhoea, Dysente effectual _ remed: troublesome comq; a bottle. ways keep a f1 Call and see o Oxfords, Just thes . BUY 3 and 2006 a hbot 5e yard. Best wide, 20¢ vard ; 7 with lace fringe, 371 spring rollers, comple each. BARRISTER. SoLICITOR iN SL NOTARY PUBLIC, COM Office, over Giant For these n You cannot ex to do well w worries botheri1 T‘ry one or two ; note the differe The Bi 36â€"inch Cashmere black, 12%¢ a yard. 40â€"inch Black and Berges, 2¢ yard. Tarten Dress Gin a varnd. See them ! a yane Tickets by Land «1 at Lowest Rates. New Goo 10¢ each Keep it i the Hous Try our Horn FI Would intimate that s Furniture and Undertal lished by her father in | will endeavor to give all @rs the same entire sati«f Furniture of t Undertaking and Emba 4 ciples at #Â¥ The only Arsielass Opaque Win Boots & Sho 10â€"in Buggy Duste MacFARLA s DO N Remember the star Market. Di FLOOR OIL « MISS S PICTURE FRAMIN MONEY T Tea: MITISS ® 10¢ . pair Ti centre, We Undershirt Men‘s B UTPPER I lust the 1 CY sHol A LW A Y S Granit POR( Mâ€"in M NP

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