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Durham Review (1897), 10 Aug 1899, p. 5

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EU qy RICE. r @©ervice. Buy 1 We npan y ® DOOE Pharm first do an. th ISTEY. OLT L. D. S. LVE ew ing Machines, ARRIAGE Licenses v nice Buggies an d t _ rigs are on the tit saved in treight A KeS now 4213 TRI Bin«der: KS DEFR n Qoods RYAN BUGGIES to et( y _ Calder‘s r west of the #} n( VE HAM BI entral He had time EAST CF Mowers, You These Olé LI | C2AQQG¢ECrt: broidered centre, 60c up. Men‘s Undershirts and Drawers, 2c each. Men‘s Rubberine Collars {stand up) 10¢ each. Men‘s Rabberine ways keep a full line at lowest prices. Call and see our Men‘s and Women‘s Oxfords, Just the thing for hot weaâ€" thes . BUY SHOE DRESSING, 10e and 20¢ a bottle= Office, over Grtant‘s store, Lower Town, FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 5 ft. wide, e yard. Best Table Oil Cloth, 45â€"in wide, 20c yard ; 3â€"in wide, 30¢ yard. Wâ€"inch Cashmere in navyy blue and black, 12%¢ a yard. WWâ€"inch Black and Colored Allâ€"wool Serges, 2¢ yard. Tarten Dress Ginghams, 7¢ and 8e a vard. See them ! Tickets by Land or Water at Lowest Rates. & < For these nasty, peskyflies. You cannot expect your cows to do well with these little worries bothering them all day. ‘I‘ry one or two applications and note the difference. What? a bottle of Red Cross Dysentery Cordial for Diâ€" arrhoea, Dysentery, etc. An effectual remedy for these troublesome complaints. 25 cts. a bottle. Would intimate that she wilzontinue the Furniture and Undertaking B@siness estabâ€" lisheod by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satiafactioa. Try OUF s @ a Horn Fly Oil Keep it in the House . . MacFARLANE & 060 MONEY TO LOAN anc'l'place himself unreservedly in the | doctor‘s hands. The desired result Among these conditions there is provision for the granting of running powers to competing lines while the tariff of rates must be approved by the Governorâ€"inâ€"Council. _ Besides which the railway is denied the power to amalgamate or in any way unite operâ€" ations with a competing line except by permission of the Government. Not The Old Policy. Conditions similar to this were first introduced into the agreement with the Canadian Pacific under which they were given power to build the Crow‘s Nest Pass Railway, and even in this early stage of its existence the country is reaping the benefit of the change, for in one item alone, the freight on East bound grain, it is estiâ€" mated that the farmers of the West will save $Â¥00,000. Another item inâ€" serted by the Government into the conditions governing the granting of these subsidies is the requirement that out of monies received by the railâ€" ways for the transportation of mail, and other Government business they shall rebate an amount equal to 3 per cent. per arnum upon the total amount of the subsidy granted. The discussion of the Railway subâ€" sidies which have been the chiet item of interest in the Commons this week has developed some curious differâ€" ences of opinion among the members, The resolutions under which the sudâ€" sidies were introduced outlined the railway policy which was a radical departure from the old system emâ€" ployed in granting bonuses. Instead of handing over so many hundred thousand dollars without stipulation or condition of any kind, the CGovernâ€" ment attaches to all the aid now to be granted, conditions that will give the country, through the Government, practical control of these lines thus securing to the people many of the advantages of state ownership withâ€" out burdening the country with hunâ€" dreds of millions of dollars of debt. OV OTTANA LM | Tonight The Government‘s choice of a sueâ€" cessor has been received with unâ€" qualified approbation on eyery hand, Hon. Thomas Bain, is the first farmer to become speaker of the House of Commons, but in all the ranks of the legislators on either side of the House none could have been found in every respect more thoroughly qualified. Seed Grain Indebtedness. The question of seed grain indebtedâ€" ness has long been a troublous one with the farmers of the west. The liens held by the Government in this connection have been felt by the farmers to be an annoying, and in many cases a serious incubus upon their property, particularly when the the security has been given, not for seed for their own use, but upon bonds for the benetfit of a neighbor. An agâ€" gravagation of the situation frequently occurred when new comers sought to purchase adandoned homesteads and found that they had not only to pay for improyements but to satisty a (Government lien for seed grain as well. _ Mr. Davis, the energetic memâ€" ber from Saskatchewan, has been actively interesting himself this session to secure a change in the regualations, and in spite of the rush of business which always attends the closing days of the session, he has secured from the Minister of the Interier the promise of a bill dealing with the matter, Not Empty Words Alone. Both Houses of Parliament have passed resolutions of sympathy with their fellow subjects resident in the Transvaal who are struggling for constitutional rights against the unâ€" reasoning petty tyranny ot the half civilized Boers. The incidents attendâ€" ing the passage of these resolutions were significant of the genuine feeling which instigated their introduction, for not only were the speeches unaniâ€" mous and enthusiastic, but the vote was accompanied with such cheers and excitement as are only occasionally witnessed in Parliament together with the singing of the National Anthem in a spirit of fervid loyalty. _ Canada has special reason for a sympathatic interest in the straggle, for she has had race difficulties of her own to overcome, and the best that could be desired for our brethren who are toâ€"day the victims of Paul‘s short sighted folly, is that they may quickly find as complete and satisfactory a solution of the trouble as has brought peace and contentment and prosperity to the Dominion. Nor is hersympathy of the lips only. Canada has time and time again shown her _ practical loyalty to the Empire, and should the occasion arise once more, though there is excellent reason to hope it will not in the present instance, she will again be found where she is most needed. The tone of British newspaper comâ€" ments upon the incident shows that this fact is fully appreciated in the Old Land. Farm Laborers‘ Excursions will be run to Winnipeg and all stations West, Northâ€"West and Southâ€" West to Moosejaw, Estevan, Yorktown, ud Cowan fOr..:.....».....¢* $lO HARVESTERS WANTED From Stations in Ontario, Toronto and West on AUG. 22 ; East of Toâ€" ronto AUG. 24. Ask your nearest agent for pamphlet giving particulars, was not to be achieved however, and for the sixteenth time since the present Parliament was inaugurated, August 19th, 1896, death claimed a victim from the ranks of the Commoners. The deceased gentleman‘s political career has been lengthy and more than unusually active. In the old days of Opposition he was al ways look. ed upon as an agressive, though fair fighter, and since he was raised to the position of First Commoner, his digâ€" nified bearing, impartial judgment and judicial interpretation of the rules of the House, won for him the esteem of all parties. A. H. NOTMAN, A.G.P.A., Toronto,. Hood‘s Pills sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. On retiring, and tomorrow your diâ€" gestive organs will be regulated and Â¥on will be bright, active and ready or nn{ kind of work. This has been the experience of others; it will be yours. HOOD‘S PILLS are If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heartâ€" burn, or Constipation, take a dose of IN MANITOEA & CANADIAN NORTHâ€"WEST a§ That Throbbing Headache Would quickls leare youn, if yon nsed I‘r, King‘s New Life Pills, Thousands of snfferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strang nerves and baild up your health. _ Easy to take. Try them, Only 25c, Money bask if not cured, Soid by our Druggiste, 1 Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Etce. OUR LINES OF VALISES, (GRIPS, ETC. ARE OF THE POPULAR KINDS. Rey. J. L. Campbell, of Chicontimi, Quebec, recently delivered a yery interest« ing lecture on French Evangelization in that Province. R.y. Mr. Campbell was expected in his own pulpit on Sunday last, but a boat connection lailmmg, he telegraphed to Rev, Mr. Moore, Durham, to supply his plac«, which was carried out, Mr. Moore preachâ€" ing yery acceptably. The screech of the threshing engimne is ngain heard on onr line and on Saturday 7 Clark opened the season‘s campaign at the buarn of T, McNiece. Mrs. G, Egremont la«st week. o crmaks <KeS:Nx~. From A // k‘ _ Thoroughâ€" C bred Legâ€" horns. All Prize Winning Stock. Wiifrid Waison, who for the past year has been in business in Detroit with his brother R., is ut present enjoying a well earned holulay on the farm, Mrs. Gadd and daughter Susie spent Snnday with Miss L. Thompson, Miss Green of Ayton is visiting Miss L, Dlasinge. want you to know we handle everyâ€" thing in the Harness line. _ Harness that is durable and fits a horse comâ€" fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. W. Moore and Miss E. Irwin, of Flesherton spent Sunday week with the former‘s parents. P. Lothian and Miss Haas, of Dromore, visited Mr. 1nd Mrs. D. Leith recently. Mr. Jos, Moore attended a meeting of Durham Workmen on Monday evening l«st and reports a good meeting. L ~Call and see for yourself. @~Prices are right. The Wheels We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Full Line of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES. Spring Need J. LIVINGSTONE, Cao Round Bhould call at onee and examine it, and they will be convinced that it is the best and cheapest twine sold. FROST & WOOD PLNMOUTH B FARMERS Dinner Spoiledâ€"Husband Madâ€" Servant Girl Ugly. The ancient clock did its bestâ€"It is old enough to rest. Its going qualities have gone, you wanrnt a (Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them for $3.50. You can save time and for $3.50. You can save time and worry by buying one. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We W. A. McFARLANE WE SUPPLY IT â€"â€"â€" In â€" He: North East Normanby. No. 8 Mowers are selling very fast. Also our Steel Wheel Tiger Rake and our No. 2 Binder is pronounced a favorâ€" ite wherever it goes. At the Old Durham Foundry. and Mrs. M. Moore visited triends for a couple of days Who have not yet seen the C. LEAVENS of & Time Y ais Next to Bank,. In Heavy and Light _ Harness, E@26 CggzgC Eggs! l en | CE Is superior to anything ever shown in Darham before, and at )»rim-s to suit any person‘s pocketâ€"hbook. Our HEAVY HARVESTER MACHINE OIL suits every person. In Buggy Rugs, Lap Rubbers and Whips we lead. Eggs, per doz ... . Hides, per ewt _ .. Calfstis <o01.:¢ +. Sheepskins ... .. Hay, per ton SBtraw, * sa% "4s Potatoes, per Ing Apples, per bag .. THOSE QUALITIES Which make Plymouth Twine indisâ€" pensable for the Government Farm Service â€" greatest strength, perfect evenness, extreme length, freedom from tangles, purityâ€"are absolutely necessary also to the Twine that will do perfect work in every harvest field. The selection of Plymouth for Governâ€" ment service was not made haphazard, but, after the most careful practical test had thoroughly demonstrated it to be the BEST. Plymouth has qualities peculiar to itself, which cause it to work perfectly where other brands fail. PRIDENT PEOPLE PREFER "PLYMOUTH." AT THE SAME TIME WE RECEIVED a large shipment of Hammocks, Grain Cradles, Seythes, Snaths, Harvest Mitts, Clothes Wringers, Carpet Sweepers, Horse Pokes, Hay Forks, Pulleys, Ice Cream Freezers, Ete., Ete. Our stock of weemme _ se Fall Wheat per busi Barley, +* Peas, +* Oats, +4 Dr‘d Hogs, per ewt Hogs, live weight . Lard per lb Tallow* per 1b i» Butter per Ib, Tub .. > CR fRoll Our Last Consignment ~| SCREEN DOORS : PRUDENT PEOPLE PREFER _ PLYMOUT \ see That You Getit! i=" If your dealer does not handle our Twine write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto. Everybody has a pet remedy for such an ailment as a severe headache. You will freeze your head by the direction of some, and blister your feet to please others, but if you want a remedy that will not fail to bring reâ€" liet, it is waiting for you done up in 25 and 10 cent packages. It is a sate, sure and pleasant cure, and contains no antipyrine or other injurious opiates. Jas. R. Gun, Colder‘s Blo¢} Flour per ewt ... Oatmeal per sack Bran per cwt ... Shorts per ewt We Have Infallible â€" . Remedies For Headache Put up only by CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK, then you will be conâ€" vinced that we carry the stock and have right prices. WwWM. BLACK DURHAM MARKKT WINDOWS has just arrived, and we have marked them low enough for every person to have one. DRUGGIST, HARDWAPRPE. bUsne ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Quten, 011. 80 to 00 to 80 to 90 to 63 to 45 to 62 to 21 to 75 to 10 to 10 to 04 to 10 to +) 0 O0 10 04 0 12 7 00 | 80 90 bG 50 62 28 12 15 70 i AGENTS in all principal points in | Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United \States and England. A Hundred good Farms for saleâ€"Aiso a number of fine Hanover Properties. CAPITAL, Authorized.......$2, CAPITAL, Paidup........... 1/ RESERVE FUND taÂ¥n0kn U W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. t‘H*AH,. MILLER «ill 1 4. _ H, MILLER will have been 20 ymru at the business next XMAXS )AV, and he KNOWS HOW to get money at lowest possible rates and with best privileges, That is wl;’ the whole country goes to him. e is lending at 5 per cent, and on large loans fat 4 3â€"4. Go to him if you want to sell; Go to him if you want to buy. He collects notes and accounts, and it beats everyâ€" thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tangles, Snarls and Difficulties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsnits or ill feeling, by the use of a little tact and good judgment. If you are unable to pay 100 cents on the g he will assist you to arrange with your creditors, _ Insolvent Estates satâ€" isfactorily wound up. SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA They Soy it Pays, They all Sty S A general Banking business transacted, Drafts issued and collections made on all points, _ Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at curreat rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings hank deposits of $1.00 and upâ€" wards. â€" Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance, J. KELLY, Agent. Deeds, Mur(gnres, Wills, and other Writings carefully prepared. "Always Prompt. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private, ALL DURMHAM AGENCY. ard Tinware Granite, Steel Ename] cotch & Irish ! ‘ PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons DEAL WITH.... Head Office, Toronto. . H. MILLER, The Hanover Con vey;ncer. ‘. M 7?_2'17292* HANOVER . IT PAYS TO_ BUY THE BEST. oi n mt stirarsine en e $2,000,000 1,000,000 .__600,000 and *%

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