West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Aug 1899, p. 8

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«* OTICE is hereby given that I have N transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters‘ List Act, the copâ€" ies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all perâ€" sons appearing by the last revised asâ€" sessment roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for Memâ€" bers of the Legislatiue Assembly and at Municipal Elections: and that the said list was first posted up at my office at Durham, on the 8th day of Aug. 1899 and remains there for inspecâ€" tion. Electors are called n‘pon to exâ€" amine the said list, and if any omisâ€" sions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedâ€" ings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Clerk of Durham. Dated this 8th day August, 1899. It is with great pleasure we refer to thismatter. As the constancy ‘of purâ€" pose displayed by our worthy repreâ€" sentative while his opponents or his partr were in power is especially comâ€" mendable. â€"It reflects credit too on the Liberal government, who after all these years, recognizing the justice of the claim, settle it, Not once or twice has it been shown that Dr. Landerkin remembers his romises whether giyen to friend or roe, and tries faithfully to fulfit them. Municipality of the Town of Dur ‘;I(:l"l, County of Grey. The wheel of time brought the overâ€" throw of 1896, and the Liaberals found many old scores and old claims awaiting action or adjustment, _ Amoung these was the Volunteer claim of Geo. Mc-l Donald of this town and others, and though in this case the amount is very small, yet in the aggregate, their estiâ€"| mates every year have been swelled by f delayed claims, which in the amplitude | of power had been pigeonâ€"holed and} forgotten, or waiting to be attended to | "tomorrow." | The settlement of this particular i claim has been deferred under Liberal | auspices, by the illness of the )linistt'l" of Militia during last session, the deputy Minister not venturing to "pass" such antiquated claims, The claim orignally | allowed by law was 50 cts a day, but | Dr. Landetkin has urged that "he be' allowed 81 a du?‘ in liew of interest for Ims 42 days illness, and has at jlast| succeeded in securing it, Mr. MceDonald | having received the check last week, ' Several times in Dr. Landerkin‘s career he pressed this claim on the Conâ€" servative Government, _ but _ the Conservative party, including Dr. Sproule of East Grey, who must have been personally cognizant of the justice of the claims, invariably succee&ed in shelving it while Conservatives at home no doubt thought Dr. Lankerkin was trying to make political capital rather than believing in the merits of the case. It is ancient history now, this claim, Away â€" back in 1879, the volunteer militia of those days met in camp at Garrison Common, Toronto. While there on duty for their country, some of the volunteers contracted typhord fever, and it was proved that the cause ¢f the attack was bad water and unsaniâ€" tary surroundings, both preventible evils. Naturally, the sufferers and their friends looked to the government of the day for some compensation for a loss occasioned througfieno fault of their own, and the matter was brought up in parliament while yet the matter was fresh in men‘s minds, but for some reason or no reason nothing was done, a simple act of justice was shelved and the men had to foot their own bills. DR. LANDERKIN SECURES A SETTLEâ€" MENT OF AN OLD CLAIM. AFER TWENTY YHARS. Geo. McDonald Righted. DURMHAM‘S BIG DEPARTMENTAL STORE. 100,000 Pounds Butter Wanted We Carg the Largest Stock of Goods in Durham, and after you have received your money for your Produce, all weask you to do is to allow us to show you what we have for sale. It‘s no trouble for us to show goods. We refund your money for all goods not satisfactory. And then buy your Goods for Cash wherever you can bu%' the cheapest. This is sound business advice and we think you will agree with us. â€"BUTTR BOXES SUPPLIED FREE OF CHARGE Our Customers are all Highly Pleased. This is the only store in Durham that pays all Cash for Produce. The oldâ€"fashioned way of trading Butter for Goods is out of date. Bring in your Butter to us and get the Spot Cash for it. _ We will pay you the highest cash price for it at all times. _ We commenced paying All Cash for Produce on the 1st of May, 1899, and we are pleased _*<s> to say that the venture has proved a wonderful success. SA# M â€"â€"â€"â€"oarcce VYOTERS‘ LIST. Groree RussELL, GET YOUR MONEY FOR YOUR BUTTER The Kinetoscope conducted by Weir and Alexander in Louise hall last week Miss Maggie McQuarrie was renewâ€" ing old acquaintances for a few days lately. The home of Mrs. N. McKinnon is enlivened at present by the presence of Miss Maggie, from Toronto. We are very sorry to state that Mr. Thompson Boyde is at present down with inflammation, but hope that a speedy recovery may soon follow. The Milne family is at present enâ€" joying a visit from Miss Jessie, of Southampton, also Mr. and Mrs. John Milne and daughter, of North Dakota, and a lady friend from same part. A couple of lady friends livan visited at Mr. Wm. week. Quite a number from this part atâ€" tended the garden party at Mr. Neil MclLean‘s on Friday night. _ Some went with their sisters, some went with test girls, and some no girl at all, but all returning home highly pleased with the entertainment. Mr. A. Gillis, of Williamsford, was a welcome visitor at Mr. Alex. Coutts lately. Mrs. H. Nichol, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents at prosent. Miss Jessie Milne was a guest of Miss Mary McDonald on Sunday. Mrs. N. MceDougall has been enjoyâ€" ing a visit from her daughters, Mrs. Vanatta, Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Mary, of Hamilton, for a couple of weeks, and last Saturday were joined by their husbands and on Monday all returned to their home except Miss Mary, who will remain for a couple of months. _ Mr. Alex, Ellison has purchased a fine | young horse from Chas, McKinnon of | Durham. |_â€" Fall wheat threshing is now on hand. and threshing machines may be heard in every direction, _ The turnout of | wheat is small this year, as most of the | wheat is more or less shrunken. Robt. Crozier‘s horse ran away a few days ago, throwing him out and hurting his shoulder slightly. _ McLean‘s ran | away on Sunday last, but Sandy proved | to be more fleet footed than the horse, ‘se he overtook him before he did much , damage. Rev. Mr. McDermaid, of Parry Sound, pard a friendly visit to our pastor, Mr. Mercer, for a few days lately and occupied the pulpit Sunday. Berry picking and visitation has been the order of the day of late. A load of the youth and beauty atâ€" tended the garden party at Corinth and reported a good time. The burg now boasts of a full gang of framers. They completed their first job last Thursday. and by the noise they made coming home, it is generally supposed that they all put in a good time, the help of engineer Kearney and Dick Moran, John Love has bought a new traction engine, and with the help of Alex. Ellison intends to make the work conâ€" siderably lighter for the other fellows, Mr. Robt. Barclay returned to Owen Sound on Saturday, A few of the boys from around here attended the picric at Quinn‘s grove. A good time. Two of our young men left here early in the morning to drive a few miles to do a days wori They reached there shortly after dinner ‘and worked a couple of hours and then started for home, but failed to reach it until near morning,. One of them has since made a trip in that direction. _ What will it be, a wedding or an elopement. The long talked of hoeâ€"down came off _ on %hursday, and was _ proâ€" nounced a success. Joe McNally has bought a new Cornâ€" wall engine, and is now prepared to do a bg fall‘s tln:eshing_. having secured J . A.. EU N TTEER, ~â€"â€"A#PKh FOQOR â€" CASH RfProâ€" Wattersville. Crawford y friends from Sulâ€" Mr. Wm. Orr‘s iast +4 4â€"â€"â€".._._ , Miss Annie Morrison is home from } city to remain for a time. Mrs. John S. Black, Pomona, is a come visitor in our town at tim Miss McCracken, teacher, 'fx:om Aberâ€" deen was a caller with friends at Latchlor‘s Corners this and last week. Miss Flora McQuarrie of ‘Toronto, is holidaying at the old homestead at present. Miss May Martin arrived home the Queen City, to romain for a We are pleased to see her so hal hearty. Mrs. Will Henrick and children, (nee Miss Mary Lizzie McMillen, from Torâ€" onto, is on a visit to the old homestead Mr, D. MeMillan‘s. Mr, Henrick arrived on Friday evening to spend a few days, but Mrs. Henrick will remain for a time. Miss Elnora Patterson, from Wiarton, is enjoying her yacation with Miss Alla Paterson and other friends in this section. R. J. Black returned home on Friday [ evening after a fortnight‘s trip to Toronto and Ste. Anne de Beaupre, near Quebec, we are pleased to learn that Mr. Black enjoyed is trip so well as he speaks in glowing terms of the institution at Ste Aunne. ‘ Mr. John Murchison from â€" Markdale was the guest of Miss â€"â€"â€" of this burg‘ on Saturday evening and Sunday last. _ | Mrs. Wallace, (nee Miss Annie Beaton) , formerly of this burg, but now of Stouffâ€" ville, and two children Winnie and Har-l vey, are visiiing their numereus friendsf in this place. i Mr and ars John scDonald were away | for a few days to the huckleberry marsh | and came home well pleased with their| day‘s werk, | M meDonald Will meleod spent a day. at Ventry lately. They report heavy crops in Proton and R says he will go back in the fall for a good feed of ‘pair, They are nâ€"lookiag well. ; Mr mcPhail, of Priceville, wheeled to : A meDougall‘s Saturday night. He says | we are behind with the harvest, | Mr and Mrs Thos Henderson were vis-i iting at Dan Ferguson‘s, on Saturday and | took in service at the Park, | Mrs meDonald and her daugbter Tena spent a few days in Goderich lately, The ladies from this part attended & quilting bee at Dromore, wiss vcFayden found the button, Mr _ John arclLean, Teeswater, visited his brother Alex and other friends here last week. Though late we must refer to the honâ€" or earned by our Orange Lodge No 1136 fu securing 1st prise at Ower Sound on July 12. out of 75 lodges for their uniform and good appearance, for their music and marching. Mr Vint Hill is music teachâ€" er and Mr J Mason General master of Swinton Park Lodge. . Alex Ferguson has bought the Rock farm,â€"â€"Archie melean hbas rented xrs. Bell‘s farm, Mr, t. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain spends his winters at Aiken, S, C, Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. _ On using Electme Bitters, America‘s greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon lett him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthâ€" ens the neryes, puts vim, yigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body, If weak, tired or ailing you need it. _ Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by our Druggists. 1 was a good suceess, everything ap-l Mr. Alex. McMillan and able gang are pearing very real. bustling up the Black and Murchison Mr. H. McKinnon paid a vist to bridge. Mr. H. McKinnon paid a visit to Normanby friends last week. Spain‘s Greatest Need. Sceotch Town. Brownsville. +4 cagm s n + 0+ TORONTO 14, is a welâ€" at time of home from for a while. so hale and the & We ost Inspeclion of our TEA3 S. Scort GROCERIES TWEEDS & YARNS â€"PROFITS WOOL , An Erterprising Firm. * There are few men more wide awake | and enterprising than our druggists who | spare ro pains to secure the best of everyâ€" | thing in their line for their many customâ€" | ers. They now haye the Agencey for Dr. King‘s New Discovery, which surely cures Consamption, Coughs and Colds, ! This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing so much excitement all over 1 .t.he ?ountry, by its many stalt,lin;_z crea, I0 ubsointeiy cures Asthma, Bronchitic. Nausea and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Langs. You can test it before buying, by calling at the drug store and get a trial Bottle Free, or regular size for 50c and $1,00, Guaranteed to cure, or 1 price refunded. 1 Nr. Jos. McCulloch is spending | his holidays at his home. _ Joe has now reâ€" tired from the teaching profession, and will on his return enter the Medical! College. joicing over the girl in their home. Mrs. Juo. Fraser has gone to Hamilton on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Turnbull, who is now in rather poor health. Mrs. Joseph Corbett left on the Slst inst for Gravenhurst, to spend a | few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. Armâ€" strong, A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Barn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen‘s Arnica Salye, the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly beal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts a box. Cure guaran. teed, Sold by our Druggists. 1 Vickers. Its not often threshers are so chummy as our boys Johnie and Angus, for they often go south in the one vehicle. _ Conâ€" gratulations boys. Messrs. A. Morrison and R. McDonald have also commenced thrashing, while the whistle from the Haley Brow‘. engine is daily heard. Aogus McInues is in the O‘Neil Bros. All the boys and bachelors will noa doubt be lonely again after the holidays. Mr. John J. Bi; thrashing. Fis new satisfaction, We can give you Bargains Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Smith are reâ€" DRY GOODS, CROCKERY BOOTS & SHOFS, &e., Of best quality. We are prepared to hanâ€" dle your \VlOOL & other produce to your entire satisfaction. t# 6@ the arrival of a bright baby Black has commenced ew outfit is giving good employ of the LT,â€"COL, W. M. GARTSHORE, President. a+ Ranag A*hamisf,,, «it CCTUZOZAAAATOCUIHS DCLLEr Chan ever, Hippodrome, Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, J mperial Japs, Famous I"ui)y Riders, World_Renowed Gymmnasts and Aerial Artists ;fu.l'ore. Fireworks each evenâ€" ing, " British and Americans in Samoa," and al ring and platform attractions. Special excursion trains will leave London each evening after the fireâ€" works. _ Grounds will be beautifully iluminated. : Kend for Prize Lists and Programmes. Entries close September 6th, Space allotted on receipt Exhibits will be unsurpassed, attractions better tha Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, J mperial Japs World Renowed Gymmnasts and Aerial Artists alore, ing, " British and Americans in Samoa," and a.fi ring ar The Western Fair, London Windsor Soll of $113 Per Borel. Ws Tt )o( > ~oujey nbA yz iz sz S â€" F7 â€" use 2 cad. good TEA Our Teas Are Leaders! ;@& TA and Japan 250 ‘TEAâ€"â€"the best in the market, â€" VINEGARS from 30c per gall. Pure Spices, Ground and Whole. Flavoring Extracts, true to flavor. H. PARKER‘S s : 12, Con. 7, Glenelg, containing 100 acres more or less. The farm is in a good state of cultivation, 80 acres cleared, is well watered and excellently wdagbed for both stock and graiu raising, School on the lot, church 14 miles distant. Apply on the premises to Wa. Baxks, or to proprietor, C. McARTHUR, Durham. D. McPHAIL Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales, as to dates. &c. must be made at The Review office, Durham. Corresâ€" pondence addressed there or to H(Hae- ville P. O. will be promptly attended to. Terms on applications to D. MePHAIL, Hopeville P. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durham. Residenceâ€"HOPEVILLE. The Undersigned offers for sale Lot FARM FOR SALE. Cegseesssecscsececccccecedl 42332332332223 23333333 3 1 Quart Gem Fruit Jars 4 Gall. Gem Fruit Jars STANDARD GRANULATED SUGARâ€"=â€"20 lbs. for $1.00. MRS. A. BURNET Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Qood Gooks McKechnie‘s Best ond Goral Alwoys on Hont. SEPT. 7TH Insure the family‘s health by using best grade Flour and Coral Baking Powder. &Â¥ â€" > x pace allotted on receipt of entry, , attractions better than ever, The Leading Spot for all kinds of Groceries. . _ PARKERS â€" For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. I have tried several remedies for rheuâ€" matism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that 1 have taken has done so much for me as your Phrenoline, and I hayve much pleaâ€" z;ure in recommending it to other sufâ€" ers, Best Proof VINEGAR, 50e per gall. Whole Mixed Spice, 25¢ lper 1b. PURE CREAM TARTAR, 30c Ib. Khoumatism & Dyspepsia Cursd. which I was suffering at the time, so what I feel now like a new man., 571 St. Parrickx Str®Eer, OTrawa, July 31st, 1896. To the Phrenoline Mediwine Co., Ltd, Ottarwa, Ont. GENTLEMEX.â€"On the advice of a friend tried one bottle of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, and to my sur%rise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I haye suffered for many years. It also cured me of dys?lepsiu, from which I was suffering at the time, so Yours very trul ours very truly, (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau canal. DRUG sSTORE 90e per dozen. boe per dozen. I6TH, 1899. . NELLES, wole sls * REVTITEV

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