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Durham Review (1897), 17 Aug 1899, p. 3

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ree minutes, then fold stiffly beaten whites > each piece of fruit Enuly. and cook to deep. beiling fat, ‘are, halve and stone aches; arrange in a ide upward ; fill the i powdered sugar, add on juice and set in a ur. . Put half a cup, the fire is a double easpoon{ul of corpâ€" tablespoonful of cold elk of one egg and ruf sugar and beat minutes. Pour the vly into the boilin constantly until 12 mooth. _ Take from we of butter the size ir until dissolved : rfectly smooth, unJ d. Just before carâ€" o the table, add the on to the dressing, pour over the fruit. Horses are now ris. â€" A ration of half pounds a .::: hay is found £ that city. Horses France, following & sugar as a rati0o8 kmen of all kinds, ought to take more good to take when ; effort for a long bydrocarbon, but evating, and it desâ€" o disease. _ Sugar and is a food. Itf e sugar they could ur, add oa soft butter. pronounced a suc« ved that the sight she had been blind years, and totally m m OPERATION. SUG m gre c a careful exâ€" en it was seen _ the â€" grafted nited, and the cht from dark. z; so successful t _ of view, it m â€" the second n much worse one. and nearâ€" A ( That is Â¥saua‘ly women‘s clubs AR every one !% Fransferred to be â€"removed uted. As yet onl eye has x process be wreatly sanâ€" NING es of a blind It involved rabbil‘s eyes girl‘s,. The ere put unâ€" form. _ The »d _ member eye of an iman being, ye was sub= on cut out, pulled over that there ns emkroidery vhich needs is may be loth â€" from t over the ing it with thorougbly 1 y of sugar ng in the but sugar BAG man being 1e hitherto ‘onnection, ke the atâ€" ce a numâ€" ons . wWwere id almost nounced it rag carpel eap rug of s with the i1 1 eye was glass eye. and the e summe; n has just 3, a hollyâ€"= ground of i a design ick velvet her OT XD i and no wounded with two er. It is nough to curtain 1( 10 many r as the is been ugsh the ind nd " bit : _to the nd the _we are the atâ€" n the . Both w â€" the i l w a y3 in Tea ns of the I even | Raas ho |Agricultural SIMPLZE DEVICES FOR COOLING MILK. Not long ago I saw an ingenmious way for keeping milk cool over nigit on the farm, writes Geo. E. Newell. The dairyâ€" man had a large tub of running spring water standing in the short lane that sonneoted the highway and barnyard. It was placed there for the purpose of wateriug milch stock while being drivâ€" sa to and from the pasture. A fence separated the lane from the dwellâ€" ing house yard and drive way, where stood the milk wagon. celibidaaObie‘s ce xadadidt atsidbiaiba dbbtbbiiiâ€" z. Un a tall post in line with the fence, my Yankee friend had swung an oldâ€" fashioned well sweep, heavier perhaps thin the ordinary sweep, and at its tapering end dangled a crossâ€"bar and a pair of iron hooks. These hooks were made to grapple into the handles of the milk can, bholding perhaps 100 lbs of milk, and by depressing the weightâ€" ed end of the sweep, the can with its contents was made to swing clear of the ground and fence and be partly submerged in the tub of running, cold water. In the morning, when ready to be taken to the shipping station, the sweep was simply swung around, lifting the dripping can from the tub, and depositing it in the wagon. The {reshâ€"drawn milk was always first aerâ€" ated before being thus submerged, and its quality the following morning was simply perfect. On another farm I inspected a plan perhaps not quite so unique, but fully as serviceable. The owner, feelâ€" Ing the need of a dairy room, beâ€" thought him of an old cheese house, He renovated this, cutting out asecâ€" tion of the floor, and built therein a plank tank two feet in depth. Then he piped water from a spring 40 rods away, to the old building, letting it run into the pool. He enlarged the winâ€" dow space so as to insure free circulaâ€" tion of air, and placing sliding wire screens in each window. This gave him a cool, airy apartment, proof against prowling cats and fiying insects, in which he could store nis milk with safâ€" ety. The cans of night‘s milk, after primary aeration, were submerged in the tank of running water, and qualâ€" ity retained in an absolutely perfect manner until morning. After testing it through several heated terms, the owner told me that he felt his milk Knowing as I do of scores of fine dairy farms possessing splendid naturâ€" al water privileges that are never proâ€" fitably utilized, I cite the above inâ€" stances as evidences of what can be dome by a little ingenuity and spirit of progress. Running water on a dairy farm is of no practical benefit to the place unless it is utilized. Make proâ€" house was almost a guarantee of lacâ€" teat quality. â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" fesyy per use of it and it becomes a blessing of inestimable value. To those not fayâ€" ored with natural springs, the earth can be tapped and an artificial founâ€" tain created that will answer nearly as well. I have a number â€"»f times seen in successful operation a driven or bored well, with a windmill attachâ€" ment, which pumped the water into an elevated tank, from whence it flowed down grade througch the pipe to the dairy house. A small amount of grain fed to hogs in summer will do them more good thin five times the amount given to them when they can only get dry feed. This is one reason why the condition of the grain pile in summer is the best test whether a farmer is a good manager or not. Corn, however, should not be fed to breeding sows or young pigs unless they have wheat middlings or milk to balance the ration and proâ€" mote growth. The money that would buy corn will buy much more than the sorn itself is worth for feeding to growing pigs, if expended in the purâ€" thase of wheat middlings. With these ind the dish washings from the house a very fair substitute for milk can se prepared. It will, of course, coniain some milk, for there is much soured milk in summer in milk pitchers and »ther small vessels that cannot be put to better use than throwing it in the swill barrel Some of the agricultural papers have much to say against the aswill barrel. It should be empt ied eyâ€" ENee EeP SmReReeaet oo ut idnine c i ary day, and at least once a week be steaned and scalded. Thus treated, the swill barrel will not braed as many flies as the stuff that is put into it would do if it were abolished. DEW. Any one who gets out at work on the fields early in summer will find the leaves of plants and even the surface soil wet with dew which has been deposited during the night, as the soil in spring is much colder than the air. This dew is condensed moisture in the form of steam, which has taken from the air some ammonia and some sarbonic acid gas. It is, therefore, softâ€" ar than rain water, and also richer in manurial elements. If this dew is left uncultivated it evaporates when the sun gets up high enough to shine on it, and all this fertility vanishes into the air. We know farmers who get their teams out to cultivating corn and potatoes . while both the soil and plants are wet with dew. They do a forencon‘s work by 10 or 11 o‘clock, and then take for themselves and teams three to four hours nooning during the heat of the day. This is better thin beginning work late, and then eating hurriedly, and eating the prinâ€" cipal meal of the day without any rest in which to dgest it. One of the main advantages this plan is that it turns some dry soil over the dew, thus saving its fertilizing properties from waste. Lmo Amecc ks SAE TSE ies ut ger is umed less than any other, the ring being thereby less liable to reâ€" ceive ln{u.ry. were doubtless the root of the old oustom of ?lacing the wedâ€" ding ring upon the fourth finger of the left b2an# e ancient supposition that a vein direct from the fourth finger to heart, and the faot that this tl‘x_x- HOGS AT PASTURE wWEDDING RINGS. LAND OF THEE SHAMROCL Svenis That Interest frishmen Throughout the Worldâ€"Chronicled Crief®y for Their Perusal. The search for smuggled small towns in the south is being continued without Mr. J. R. Wigham, M.RA.A. has reâ€" cently exhibited im Dublin a light which can be affixed to lighthouse or buoy, the most powerful yet shown, which will burn for a month unatâ€" tended, and occult regularly as arâ€" ranged. sOME INTERESTING GLEANINGS FROM THE GREEN ISLE A| While a laborer was MAaKING SUIRO excavations in a garden in Thurles, he discovered a number of ancient coins about six feet from the surface. The coins are in a good state of preâ€" servation. Somé of them bear date 1791. Some months ago the same man discovered a few pieces of coin some yards from where he made the preâ€" sent find, and equally deeply embedâ€" ded The negotiations of the tenantry for the purchase of their bholdimgs on the Fosberry estate at Eiddlestowa, Limâ€" erick, have been, it is stated, finally of 4,704,750, according to the census arranged. _ The property comprises some eight bundred and fifty acres, and the tenants number forty includâ€" ing five court tenants. The latter, it is announced, have agreed to buy at seventeen years‘, and the others at sixteen years‘ purchase. Mr. James Weir, who died in Dublin last October, bequeathed £100,800 of his property, which amounted to upâ€" wards of £200,000, to the Dublin hosâ€" pitals, in such shares and proportions as his executors might determine. The executors bhave apportioned this large sum among no fewer than thirtyâ€"six hospitais. . Mr. Weir went l0 Dublin fromy Scotland in 1833, and began life as a junior clerk in a distillery at a salary of £30 a year. a salary of £30 a year. ‘ Tenders are now being sought to furâ€" ther restore the ancient Killaloe catheâ€" dral by raising the tower to its originâ€" al height, according to plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Fuller, This restoration is necessary to erect the peal of bells subscribed for as a memorial to the late Bishop Chester, through whose exertions the old catheâ€" dral was so much restored a few years ago. â€" Also it is intended to place in this new portion of the tower a handâ€" some clock, a memoral to the late Bishop Wynne. On June 29 last a man named NealQ, a small farmer, living near Dunlavin, was attacked by a bull belonging to a farmer near Deering. The bull was grazing on a field through which there was a right of way, and when Neale was passing through the field with a fork â€" in his hand the bull rushâ€" ed; upon him and broke the fork with which the man was defending himâ€" self, and then gored the man so terriâ€" bl-fi that he broke in his chest and ribs. â€" Neale lived for two days, havyâ€" ing suffered terrible agonies. Mr. Brenbeim, wine merchant, Lonâ€" don and Bordeaux, has been awarded £1,000, diamages against the Dublin Hotel Metropole Company for the loss of a leg, owing to the negligence of a thotel secvant. Plaintiff, while stayâ€" ing, at the hotel in March, was about to go to bed, whea the porter said he could use the litt. The portet opened th« door and told plaintiff to step in. The lift, however, was not there, and plaintiff fell down the shoot to the cellar, sustaining injuries which renâ€" dered the amputation of one leg necesâ€" In the Nius Pruis Court, Dublin, durâ€" ing the hearing of a case in which the corporation was defendant, the Lord Chief Justice observed that one of the Queen‘s counsel in the case appeared in court wearing a white waistcoat, in court wearing a White WAiS‘v‘‘»s which was unprofessional, whereupon The Macdermott, Q.C., the leading counsel for the corporation, stood up and endeavored to close the front of 1 LoAE »inuch t d t dik o2 424046 4.4.5.,00 .2Afi ie +/ en his silk gown, underneath which could ‘ be seen an immaculate white waistâ€" coat. "Last week in England," Mr. Rowan, Q.C,, observed, "a judge statâ€" ed that he wouid not hear any counsel who did not appear in bar costume." The Lord Chisf Justiceâ€""And I will not hear any barrister who comes inâ€" ta court wearing anything that is unâ€" rofessional." The Macdermott said ge had not intended to do anything that was unprofessional. He had been in the library, and had hurried down, not having had time to change his cosâ€" tume. â€" Counsel was then banded _ a pin by Mr. O‘Shaughnessy, and amidst considerable laughter the offending ‘garment was effectually hidden from view for the remainder of the hearing, C l se ELE KK VEOW. MR EPC OR and after luncheon The Macdermott appeared in correct Q.C. costume. In China carrier pigeons are proâ€" tected from birds of prey by apparatus consisting of bamboo tubes fastened to the birds‘ bodies. As the pigeon flies the action of the air passng through the tubes produces a shrill whistling sound, which keeps the bird of prey at a distance. CARRIER PIGEONS ARMED. was making some garden in Thurles, number of ancient it from the surface. south of Ireland i+hout much sucâ€" man named Neale, ng near Dunlavin, a bull belonging copper in They Were About to Make a Broth of Their Physician. A celebrated Scotch physician tells a story of a madbouse doctor whose presence of mind alone saved his life. "A great friend of mine was for a considerable time the medical superâ€" intendent of a lunatic asylum near Glasgow. "One day in making his customary rounds he had occasion to visit the patients in the kitchen, who were preâ€" paring the dinner. There were seven of themâ€"all big, sturdy fellows, who were believed to be harmless. The keeper only looked in upon them now and again, feeling that his constant presence was unnecessary. 6 "The doctor unlocked the ironâ€"barâ€" red door of the kitchen and went in among the lunatics. "There were five large boilers conâ€" taining scalding water ready for makâ€" ing the day‘s dinner for the patients. "One of the lunatics pointed at the boilers full of hot watrer, and, laying his hand upon the doctor‘s shoulder, | said: ‘Doctor, you‘ll make a fine pot| of broth,‘ and the words had no sooner" been uttered than the other six madâ€" men shouted in a voice of delight : | ‘Just the thing,‘ and seizing the doeâ€" tor, were in the very act of putting him into one of the large boilers of scalding water, when the doctor had the presence of mind to say, but aot a | second too soon : | "‘Capital broth, but it would taste better if I took my clothes off.‘ I ‘"The madmen with a yell of delight | said ‘yes,‘ and the doctor asked them | to wait a moment while he went and / took his clothes off, but as soon as he , got out of the kitchen he turned the key in the door, and ordered the keepâ€" er to see to the lunatics being put un der restraint. "The doctor‘s presence of mind saved him, it is true, from a terrible death, but he died shortly after raving mad.. The experience had destroyed his reaâ€" A small bottleâ€"nosed whale 11 feet long and 6 feet in circumference bhas been captured off the Essex English, coast, and is now to be seen on the beack at Southened. It was surprised near the shore by some local fisherâ€" men, who managed to take it by tangâ€" ling it up in an old shrimp net. _ Its vitality was so great that it lived for ) hours after capture. The idea of tackling a ton of lively whalse with a shrimp net does not in the least imâ€" press its captors, who, says our corâ€" respondent, "would go for a sea serâ€" pent with a half inch rope." iA story is going the rounds at the‘ expense of one of the best known men of this place. _ We shall not mention his name, but you know him. Oof rather determined mien, he has of late been showing signs of mental agita~ tion. He wears a full beard, but a few days since his wife, miuch to her alarm, found him sharpening a razor. She thought his mind was unhinged and she woent into hysterics. _ Explaâ€" nations followed and it was found that life hbad for him still some charm. He intended to use the razor upon painâ€" ful corns â€" A friend who had used Putnam‘s Corn Extractor with success advised Its use, with the following reâ€" sults: Man quite happy, wife ditto, razor sent away. â€" Use Putman‘s Corn Extractor. The best remedy for an injury is forâ€" gotfulness. Call a woman an angel and she will plead guilty every time. Por Over inty Veara MRS. WINSLOW‘8 SOOTHING sYRUP hu been used b{ mothers for their chilcren teething. soothes the child, softens the gums, nlllxa all pain, wures wind colic, and i« the best remedy for diarrhosm. 25¢. & bot tie. Bold by all druzgists throughout the world. Be s1re and ask for " Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup." " Pharaoh 100. RELILANCEK CIGAR La Toscana, 106. FACTORY, Montreal Wise men are wrong much oftener than fools are right. Loafers and postage stamps are usâ€" ually stuck on corners. $ Gives new life to the Hair. It makes it frow P . and restores the co or NS F C Te A man of letters has but little show in a breach of promise case. O‘KEEFE‘S ‘%%., MALT A â€" wholesome, nourishing preparaâ€" tion which takes the place of tea and coffee cures indigestion, and all comâ€" plaints caused by tea and coffee which are poisonous. * Rocko Health Drink " is absolutely pure and is used at your meals instead of coffee. _A 10¢c. packâ€" age will make 75 cups. Rokco also makes a delicious summer iced drink. For sale by grocers. Ask for it. Never run a policeman down when out for a spin on your wheel. A small boy says the worst nation i earth is vaccination. o o o Evfgoniul and Strengthens. W. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENERAL AGENT WHALE IN SHRIMP NET. * Ne CE . M ERCEDCUIE Sold by all druggists, 50c. a bottle. MADHOUSE COOKS. DISCOVERED AT LAST # IW' Mfluyzflm 24 * / » ig ‘: 5o /.-/ "":"]',: ':'! ib " i4 #;/ A !d‘/ A Cood Story. t e e t m ,,,M & Pn d"w 13 Payne, of Granby , Que® _ Cigar Manufacturer. 11 feet Do you, said the notary, swear that ym:l will tell the truth, the whole truth, andâ€"â€" Oh, how lovely! the fair witness inâ€" terrupted; shall I really be allowed to talk all afternoon if I want tof TOURS IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS The "Scenic Line of the World," the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, offers to tourists in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico, the choicest resorts, and to the transâ€"continental traveller the grandest scenery. ‘Two separate and distinct routes througbh the Rock{ Mountains, all through tickets availâ€" able via either. The direct line to Cripple Creek, the greatest gold camp A me ctr0 Chillee Awain GAFVLM e Es o o e n s e C on earth. Double daily train service with through Pullman palace and tourist pleeping cars, between Denâ€" ver, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, amd Denver and Portland. The best line to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington via the ‘"Ogden Gateâ€" way." Write _S. K. Hooper.I G. P. fi L wol _ 32 O AIC Mluatuata Wway. FFREVC WY IPRT PEET ECS : T. A., Denver, Colorado, for illustrated descriptive pamphiets. The worst that can be said of little vices is that they won‘t stay little. 4 ghe We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Haii‘s Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHEKENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him rerfecuy honorable in all business Lranswctâ€" ons, and financially able to carry out any obli« Eauon made by their firm . Â¥esr & Truax, Wholesale Druggists. Teledo, ©0. Warping, KinNan & MarviN, W holecale Drugeiâ€"te, Toledo, O. EORR ECCE . CERY Ds aop i setsurctlie ank. LUDLL .1 â€"Aibh d Miabatdytad + Sibl Hali‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actâ€" ing directly upon the blood and mucous sUF: faces of the system, Price, 750. per bottl@» Bold by all drurg ats. 'l'esfim‘:)ninls free. No amount of cuiture will make man stop snoring in his sleep. MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Balmoral," Free Bus $%%‘%;: Europeao Plan. Rooms Hotel CarsIaKkQ, EoX YX any up. Opp. G.T.R. Station, Mon:real AVENUE HOUSEâ€" ST. JAMES‘ HOTELâ€"â€"O" 3 8 15. 0°% Railway. Firstâ€"clase Commercial House. â€" Modern imâ€" pmvemcm.u:iknten moderate. Women in politics are about as graceâ€" ful as hens in swimming. wW. P. C. 984 * Hall‘s Family Pills are the best, Every town can have a band. L0p Comma sikst ames‘ RONSTies. Brass Band WHALEY ROYCE & CO., Gatarrn hladlln'!’“‘)t"h}l;l’;t‘ubl‘)‘ cured. Write for circulars &0. 50¢ and $1 per box. The Indian Catarrh Cure Co., 146 St. Jamesâ€"st., Montreal. ONE NIGHT Catarrh Garment *Jdc mehou Cutters! C. W. BUNT & C0 TORONTO Cutting School offers ta all destrous of mequiring a thot in this district to represent large '-‘dy w.nted European firm, pleasing, {r‘mfiublfl . U OE l anl l ran Antracl. ‘l'lll'u P Sm CCC to all desirous of wequiring a thorough knowledge | Cutting and Fitting Gontlemen‘s Garments. Write f particulars. 113 Yonge $t., Toronto. and steady position. Apply, Italian Drug Co., ..A flce Ai"wsv IP Oe omm he Great Magnetio Vegetabl« Discovery of the Chimâ€" os: has nover b::n known to fail. Absolutely pure and harmless. â€" A trial will convince you of its great influâ€" ence. Sent by mail in plain wrapper for 50c. Oriental Ohomioal 0o., Montreal,. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, etc . Catholic Prayer Religious Pictures, Educational Works tions D. 4 se e es Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catal ogue, 500 ‘llul- trations, mailed free. Write us for unyt‘lin( n Music or Musical Instruments. IHALEY ROYCE & CO., â€" Toronto, Can. Affiliated to Queen‘s University. Session b:(inIOO- tober 4th. Four fi‘" for degrees (B. S¢., E. M.) inm Me allurgy and Mining Enginesring. (2) Analytic Chemistry and Assaying, and (3) Mineralogy and Geology. Three years for diplomas. . Shorter special Courses. Graduates have se ‘ar secured employment immediâ€" ately. For calendar apply to Â¥ 0 Aarvewrar micsaias LAW ngat Stocks Te VE i câ€"iln;u;ll'ri‘ht. Write for pamphiot, explainiog fully, F. G. ANDERSON & C0., Stook and investment Brokers, 20 Viotoria 8t., Toronto. $5 Tires â€"Headquarters for â€"Goodrich Singie Tubes, â€" C. & J. Detachable, â€"Morgan & Wright, â€"Bicyole Sundries, Sadâ€" dies, Tubes, &0. SCHOOL OF MININC, KINCSTON. American Tire Co., 164â€"168 King St. W est, TORONTO HER CHANCH. PER PAIR. Double Tubes, give 'ood service â€"Send in earlyâ€"won‘t last long. Pictures, Statuary How‘s This ? WIN LOVE AND AFFECTION. Dealers‘ prices on application Books, Rosarses, Cruâ€" ' PI’GYBI' cifixes, Scapulars, res, Statuary, and Church Ornaments, rks. Mail orders receive prompt attenâ€" D. & J. SADLIER & C0., Montreal. # BEAVER BRAND" Maokintosh never hardens & is guaranteed Waterâ€" proof, Ask for it,take no other, Beaâ€" ver Rubber Clothing Co., Montreal, who wish to improve and have upâ€" toâ€"date methods, write us . e, f'rom "l a day u O . Opp Geo. Carslake & C’m. t‘!qy_n._ of the nose, throat, stomach and It is not necessary to have thousâ€" ands to make money in grain and stocks. Ten to one hundred dollara carefully invested on margin will net you same profit as one to five thousand dollars will if you purâ€" chaseoutright. Write for pamphiet, MciGi1â€"College Avenue. Family Hotel rates $1.50 per day. _ _ _ L GOODWIN, Director. Mills, Mille & Males, Barriaters,etc., removed to Wesley Bldgs., Richâ€" mond St, W.. Toronto. Corn Cure. . Ask your druggis forit. Price10c special advantages ., Toronto. "Write for LUDE L LA Mary, I hope you took good care of my animals while I was away. {ndud I did, ma‘am; only once I forgot to feed the cat. I hope she didn‘t suffert Ohb, no, indeed, ma‘am. She ate the canary and the parrot. Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Oint: ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for syperior oxcol‘}onoo. Their regular use prevent infootiâ€" ous ioeafil. Ask your *gaier to obtain a supply . ste mailed i1 ; application. LADIES WANTEDâ€" ant position. ITALIAN DRUG OO., Montreal of cfllflfll SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rats and Mice. Bold by all Druggists, or 881 Queen W. Toronto. you use it ? If not, do se Brantford Calvanized Steol Windmilis and Towers. 1.., Oteo! Flag Staffs, FARM FOR SALE. 198 ACRES SITUATED in Waterloo Co., Wilmot Tp., Ont. ; ‘-nlo north of New Dundse aud 5 miles wouth of Petorsburg, on G.T.R. ; the land slopes goutly towards wouth and east ; is a rich clay loum, in a good state of « ultivation ; there are 2 mcres of orchard and garden, @bout 28 aores of ood hardwood bush, cedar and rz;mu:o hedse around fiuudlnx. and 200 maple trees bo erinmn farm ; i ard and soft water at house; barp supp with s.%;;n‘ water by hydraulic ram ; power wheel on barn ; un 50 mores of whent, 45 meadow, baiance spring crop } farm u’b‘ hought with or without crop. For terms address I8RAEL ORESSMAN, New Dundee Ont. Send for New Oatalogue. Hobbs Hardware Co. BINDER Boiler Makers! We can give good mechanics steady work, good wages, cool, well Iight-ed.well-heated shop, best modern conveniences. Brantford is a healthy, progressive city. Living cheap. WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. tron and Wood Pumps, Boe Bupplics. CANDA PERMANENT Rope, Lath Yarn, and Eloyoles. Dealers, Ask For Quotations. is TBE CAT WAS ALL RIGHT The Oldest u;d firko-t Canadian Mortâ€" gage Corporation, â€"F. C. CALVEKkT & CO., MANCMESTER, â€" â€" ENGLAND, Paidâ€"up Capital, â€" > $2,600,000 Reserve Fund â€" + > 1,200,000 Head Office â€"Toronto St., Toronto. Branch Officesâ€"Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 8.0 DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Inter DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, with interest coupons attached. uox;u LELâ€"“' on security of rea) estate mortgages Government and Municipal Bonds, ete. Lowest Prices. ALLAN LINE WPmptt PE From Liverpool. From Montreal. 3 August...... ..CALIFORNIAN.... .... 17 August 10 Aug.... «> coers & TAINUL ... cecrea e B4 August 17 AUQ.caee« «6x 6+ PARISIAN........... .31 August 24 AUg .. seee++ /.. _ BAVARIAN.... .. .... _7 Sept 31 Aua...........CALll"UBSlAN 21 ++4 . . . 14 S@pL The new Twin Screw 8. 8. Ravarian, 10,000 tons, will sail from Liverpool A:g‘m "ud from Montreal Sept. T. Cabin Passace â€"$50. Jpwvards. Becond Cabinâ€"§35.00, Return $66.50. BM OSmCA LC C Pcszaw Tandonderry Loan and Savings Company MEVER OTIANG@ESâ€"The Uniformiy Nigh Quality of CALVERT‘S For further particulars apply to J. MERBERT MASON Managing Director, Toronto. ROYAL MAIL sTEAMERS Becond C&DINâ€"©90.00, MPAT Aullos smngoâ€"unsgol London, Glasgow, Londonderry Queenstown, .50. For tickets and all information apply to local agent of FR‘E to every boy tndlirl who sends us the full name and address of five boys or girls (over 14 years oldl and their own address, we wi.l award a handsome bicycle waist set, We require all who are awarded the waist set to distribute 25 pkgs. of our Lemonnade Powder and collect 5¢ per qn. Kach package coutain® ough for ten glasses. Returs the money by express, money order or postal note, we will give you in addition to waist set an elegant bracelot. In order to induce promptâ€" ness, to all who make returns inside twelve days from receipt of goods we will further give a loveâ€" 'l!lflok pin. DOMINION SUPPLY HOUSE, King St. W., Hamilton, Ount. Fitters! Lathe Hands I Are anzious to seoure the address of every lame man and womar im ness comsists in one |:mb being shorter than the other, and w"'“ to every lame p: rson whe will take the trouble to for act us agents. Get one of the Extensions for yourself you will, afte a week, have no trouble to couvince others of its ralue This Exteusion is by far the best of ts nature erer p‘aced on the market the wearer to walk upright, to walk with case and comfort, to wear aay o shoe, and gives them the same appearance as their more fortunate friends. circulars free to all. Ask for terms to agents. Address 110 BAY STREET, = * « Toronte, C LONDON. INCORPORATED *WERY THURSDAY A BOON FOR THE LAME! To represent us in this disâ€" trict, steady wages, pleas on these terms. No sucker, n# packing Will last a lifetime. For Iustrated Oatalogues address AYLMER INON WORKS or J. W. ANBERSON, Ayimer, Ont. On Trial OR THE THE IVEY PATENT EXTENS8ION SNOG TWINE. WE SEND THE I AYLMER sSPRA&Y | PU MP, | Mention this paper ANDERSON, FORCE PUMP CEYLON TEA Interest allowed. for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years 8T. LAWRENCE __ RouTte, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Hicxest GrRADES. TORONTO Stammerers :.: The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, H ARR 's I:B. COP':: Ilkfl Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephone 1720. WILLIAM $T., TORONTO. A :};klzga:rg:;;é“;fia}m:}a:w Grâ€"fomel n.L, Public, r.é,.xfl'm. Hd}u W ANTED. AOEIT}â€"!“&& sex, to handle supsrior Orayon and Water Color Porkraits, m-u '& and Electric Prints .“Drrh“ to artiste and All goods at wholesale prices. paATENTS BELLEYILLE, ONT ALBERT COLLECE, "}}; ”,,,\,,‘,,,,lu klom ate . for one term of 10 weeks. Bend for spec} tion, etc., for one term of 10 woeks of penmanship, ete. W. P1 \ronou'ro SHOW CASE 9 ANELAIDE W.. TORONTO. ‘ llonrhl \:-q and ston R 00 FI KCG and Sheoet Meta! 'o'rko. ROOFING § K, |n Bla Red or Gree n. SLATE srrornoikbe (wes mm Public and High Mchools, Torouro). Ropting Zol\. l’n" Coal Tar, eto. ROOFING TILE h.::g.' Nry Buil ngs, Toronto, deme by our firm) 1 (‘dlt:&l. C nices, ete. Estimamtes ‘xrnhlod for work oon‘l or materiale h1 pygé_';o an‘y part M.Ee lnult;’ :nl l. materials hly‘od te any part of the commbry. FROTT UTC C. DUTHIE & $80N8, Adelaide &Widmer 6te., Teronte. §HOW CASES. YJALL CASE8 WHITE‘$ PHOSPMO SODA Dominion Line sEmer STEAMSHIPE Montreal end Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. Rates of passage :â€"First Cabin, $50 upwards ; econd Oubin, $35 ; Steerage, $22.50 and $23 50 Por further information apply 0 local agents, or 4d 1 mM OF JULY. This Company, after iuym( the 4 per cont monthly coupons maturing August lst, have remai: ing & surplus of 28 por cent After deducting expenses, and wmount carried to the reserve fund there remains to credit of the investors a surplus over dividend of 164 por cent. Any s‘:mm from $50 ugcvar-u received Por investment. . 4# Book free, giving ill particulins > â€" TTTT NTE dulnmnis o# Remmmie . 32¢% Profits for the Month Loon Lake " G‘er wore. Th owne, Chure reasonable te SUMMER SESSION NIMMO & HARRISON, BUSINESS AND SMORTHAND CoLLECE, 1.0.0.F. Building, Oor. Yonge and Oollege 8t« ., Poronte, Thorough and practical instruction in all l\lbjocu per taining to a thorough Business or Bborthand educst10® Thorough pzrrumn for Inland Revenue and Civi vice examinations. zr- entire your, day and wu:: Send postal for fros IaFOFRMAIOD. ___________..._._â€"_â€"» Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern Store Fronts. Mirrors and Plate Glass. â€" For low prices write C000 As COLDâ€" ORTH & AFFHOLDER, Toronto, VEVVmSTt L TD N_E us 1 The Dominion investment Mpln{ Oanada Permanent Ohambors, 18 T« Whe very best oil ery. Outario far (General Stores se 02 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO, CAN. HEALTH RESTORED : mc::-d}o;ta.rvd stomach Bladder, Kidueys, Brain which Saves Invalids and Children, and also Rears aUU" nulull{ Infants whose Ailments and Dobility have T# sisted all other treatmente. It digests when all other Food is rejected, saves 50 times its ost in medicine 9 Invariable Success, 100,000 ears Annua! Cures of Constip® tion, Flatulenay, Dyspep®!®, Indigestion, Consumption, Diabetes, Bronchitis, Intiue enga, Oom Asthma, (Caturrh, Phieg® Diarrho®, Nervous lity, Sleepleasness, Despondency, L aL M innitad} Du Barry‘s oo0 ACRES COOD FARMINC LAND® â€" ARK Eo UOOY PA U S tard Counties. Ti Michigan ! and for Sale. D . YID TORRA NCE & OO., General Agents, 17 St. Smorament St., Montroal ¢ ODEE!‘L'E!!&?%RM, BUSINESS SCHOOL. PEERLESS : MACHINE JO WUnHs TTTCCa fee Tosco, Ogemaw and Orawford C T CCC C _ Aunteal. Datro ) AUKES UCUU "OR T 20A Comnthes oseo, Ogema® and Orawford Counties Title p On Michigan Central, Devroit & Muckinac & Lake Railroads, at priges ianging from $2 to re. These Lands wre Close to Enterprising N , Churches, Schools, ete., and will be soid on m Chie terms. AppÂ¥ *9 _ seu.. Aouc terms. ADPI "* yÂ¥. PIERCE, A‘Fnt, Or J W. CURTIS, 10n sh0G_ 00. woman in Hiporime onl rself and you will, after Procured in all countries . Desi BHote! and Saloon men cannot afford to be without the Automatie Faucet Attachâ€" ment, ## ltp?lfor itself in one week drawâ€" ing beer. No drip, ne waste. You only need ome hand to draw beer with the Automati® but in oase of rush you can hold g!asses im exch hand, as the Automutio i# always ready. The Auumut’ draws the fnest giaas of beer an is used for uny trade, me it puts the kind of bead on the beer that you want. Price $1 80 preâ€"paid â€" 20 204 _0l sdfictes. CARD INDEX The only perfeot system for keep DT The Office Spesialty Mfg. O0., o PmV PCA RECC ing names and 1&'“ Sample trmy OUM®b. ... .>> that ners‘ 1 it 25, 30, 40, 5o & 6ea Een ESTORED ©®3%.X . omaeh, Lungs, Nerves, Liver, Bi006G Brain and Breath by ry's Revalenta Arabica Food, excellent cleanser for 0 weeks Bend for w.P uviin. Prino money refunded if not satisfaé tory. lh-mpn Mig Co., Doronte is made for agricultural machitiie favorite. Mardware, Drug wud West Bay Cl Whittemore . The Old Reilable CBk 18 Toronto St N ow markeb of Toronte, Rears su0 NAQ Limil Ne

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