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Durham Review (1897), 24 Aug 1899, p. 8

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»a€ *% it f. i Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King‘s New Life Pills. _ Every pill is a sugarâ€"coated globnle of health, that changes weakness immto strength, listlessness into energy, brainâ€"{ag iuto mental power. _ They‘re wonderful in bnilding up the bealth. Only 25¢ per box. Sold ty our drauggist«, 8 Seott was remanded to jail until next Thursday. The case was not gone into and the accused refused to elect until then. Mr. H. G. Tucker appeared for the prisoner, and Mr. A. . MacKay for the Crown.â€"Sun. In about 15 ininutes Constable Graâ€" ham made his appearance and took charge of Seott. nr.i Lemon put her hand in the prisoner‘s coat pocket and pualled out Mr. Elias Lemon‘s gold watch and a wallet containing about £165 was found on the floor at the head ot the stairs where. the scuffle bad taken place. Not until the constable came was Mr. Lemon able to see the offender‘s face, as the man managed to sereen it from view during the whole tussle. He was taken to the police cells and lodged there for the remainder of the night. Mr. Lemon had left his wallet in the hip pocket of his trousers, hangâ€" ing at the head of the bed and his watch in his vest. time gone to (. T. R. Agent Dench‘s and had telephoned for the police. She also did some tall screaming on the street and awakened the whole neighborhood, many of whom hustled out to see what was wrong. Seott had torn down the ballustrade for quite a distance in his extraâ€" ordinary attempt to get away and even atter big Elias sat on him and ehoked him, it was 15 minutes before he coulid be sufficiently suabdued to permit of one man holding him. One ot the ladies had in the meanâ€" to Elias Lemon‘s room and tried to open the door but the man inside held the door. Mr. John Lemon then came up and tried to force the door. He was unable to do so for a time and then the man suddenly Jjumped out and made a break for liberty, but Mr. John Lemon grappled with him and the two went to the floor together at the head of the stairs. The intruder made frantic efforts to escape and had nearly succeeded when Mr. Elias Lemon made his appearance. He had been sleeping the sleep of the just and had slept through the whole affair unâ€" til he made his appearance just at an opportune moment. cer on Thursday mcrning on a cMrge otf housebreaking and stealing, preâ€" terred against him by Mr. Elias Lemon, traveller, Stephen st. It appears that Scott entered the house of Mr. John Lemon, Stephen st., about four o‘clock on Thursday mornâ€" ing. Mrs. Beaer, ot Philadelphia, who is visiting at the house, heard a man coming up the stairs and she called Mrs. Lemon who was sleeping with her. They screamed and went Robt. Seott, tinsmith, of Chatsworth, appeared before his honor P. M. Spenâ€" Owen Sound Lady and Chatsworth Burglar. A SMART CAPIURE e n e @ ols at on him and | _ Mrs John Wilson from Trayerston ninutes before | was a welcome visitor with old friends y S'J!lluc‘l to | in the neighborhood last week. ing him. | _ MrJno. Murchison and company from in the meanâ€" | Markdale were callers on Wednesday -'\Re_"t Del!(;h‘s I lits'. Juhn MAE 4 HHAAELIMHE B sase e n e t Geo. Heury has bought a new binder from McKnnou and is pieased with it. Mrs, Co<. Cameron, of Varney, bas Hauaving been forced to re«t weeks we return with a tew inter+st. Smaill hoe downs and balls are quite ccmmon of late, Angus and Jack went south at the beginning of last week, Miss Mary Wilson from the 10th gave a bricf visit to friends here last week. The bridge men have quit for a week, Mr _ R. McePherson and family have moved to Miss J. Murchison‘s residence. Miss Stone is an employe at Batchlor Corners. Miss Sarah Mcelnnis fro House spent Sunday with our town, This week will leave the Miss Flora MeQuarrie h: the city. Was Nellie A. to Campbell‘s since the evening she met the captain?>â€" Where did Bob and Lizzie g0o.â€"Was the capâ€" tain tired walking.â€"Who was hiding in the oats? ask Sandy Campbell.â€" Hone will soon be lonesome. Our sympathy Jack. Boothville. Master Willie and Miss Florence McKechnie who were spending their holâ€" idays with their uncle, Mr D Graham reâ€" turned home to Balsam Vallevy. Miss Maggie Steward who was holiâ€" daying with old friends here left last week for Boothville to remain a few days and will then go to Hornings Mills to remain with her sister, + Miss Elnora Patterson who spent a fortnight vacation pleasantly with her many friends here, treturned home to Wiarton last week. Rev Mr McGregor from Durham was a caller amongst friends in this burg last week. We understand the church people of Zion are once more to be plunged. into debt, the trustees of tne church having come to the conclusion that the place needs something done to it. They have agreed to spend about fifty dollars, the cost of painting it. _ We think that it did need something, but it could have been done for quite a little less money, «â€"â€"@ @ 4 â€"_â€"_. Mr, Cameron MclIntosh is \'isitigg his cousins, the Greenwoods, i Une or two buggies left here on Sunâ€" day morning, the occupants intending to drive to the Sound. They had a fine time, but oh my, the roads were dusty. Quite a few attended the garden party at Edge Hill on the 18th inst., and we believe all had a good time. The people of this district will be through the most of their harvesting this week. We are baving lovely wenâ€" ther, a little too hot though sometimes. home to Balsam Valley, Nellie A. to Campbell‘s since the Henry‘s Corner. vill leave the bharvest small. McQuarrie has returned to Sceotch Town. Innis from the Knapp Zion. to re«t for a few her mother i items of far as Mrs Geo,. Ledingham |s3|;onding a few weeks with her son in Ingersoll. The hum of the threshing machine is heard again, The Mcintosh boys threshed for Mr. Miss Jessie Stewart has returned home from Rochester latelv, Mr Jim Ellison accempanied by one of our fair ones, Sundayed in Durham a week ago, Mr John Hay spent Friday evening at the residence of Mr M. Cameron. Why not go furtber south, Jim? What willâ€"come next? when one of our boys drove ten miles after ten o‘clock at night to see a littleâ€"Dolly. Not so bad, Jack. Miss May Skene returned home last Suturday after spending three weeks with her brother in Sydenham. Mr Alex, Skene of File Hills, N. W. T. preached in Latona Church Sunday last, and intends lecturing on his work in the west on Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs John Scott of Orangeâ€" ville spent a few days with the Smith & Hay families. Miss Jessie McDougall is visiting friends in Keady and Chatsworth, U P PE ETT MORTITRT CTE IEMUIO noch in your paper of late, we thought to let the people know Dornoch is still liying. . Miss Jennie A. Little. of Chatsworth, is ‘visiting old friends in and around Dornoch. _ Mroand Miss Campbell, of Swinton Park, have returned home after visiting their aunts, the Misses MceDougalls‘, | Brave Men Fall. ' Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of sppetite, poisons in the blood, backachs, nervonsness, herdache and tired, listless, runâ€"down feeling. _ But there‘s no need to feel ltke that, Listen to J, W. Gardner, Idavilie, Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are pnst the thing for a wan when he is all run down, and don‘t care whether he lives or dies, _ It all run down, and don‘t care whether he lives or dies. â€" It did more to give me new »trength and good appetite than anything 1 could take. I can now eat anything and hbave a new lease on life," Ouly 50 cents at our drug stores. Every bottle guarantecd, 3 Everyone im the thick of harvest this week. Crops are good «nd everyone tkankful. Clark‘s new steam engine has been at work ind the yvield is satistactory. Mrs. Wm. Hunter and s+on, Wiiliam, visited the : former‘s dangliter, Mrs. Mather, in Bentinck last week. It is reported that the swale John wears as he comes through the ewomp is a very pleasant one. Mre. ‘Thomas 8. Brown was viriting relatives round the Corners lant week aud this. Mrs. Sam Patterson, who has been in poor bealth for some time, is improving slbwly. Misse Agnes Henry came home last week from Buffalo, to spend a boliday amoung olo scenes und friends. She looks as it Buffulo air agreed with ner. As we have seen no mention of Dorâ€" Though lste we may imention that Mrs. leter Brown, of Holstein, was visiting ber sou, David Hanmnmiton, aud other iriends on the North Line. Mrs. John Allan was visiting last week at her daughter‘s, Mrs. Walter Hastic. been visiting her purents for a few days lust week. Dornoch. thick of harvest this good _ «nd â€" everyone ew steam engine has ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BENNER â€"In Owen Sound, on Satur day, August 20th, 1899, Barbara Camâ€" eron, hc?oved wife of Alex. Benner, aged 43 years. DRENNENâ€"CAMPBELLâ€"At Buffalo, N. Y., on Tuesday, the 15th August, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, 30 Melville Place, by‘ the Rev. Pattyson, Mr. David Drennen, of Batavia, N. Y., to Miss Bella Campbell, daughter of Mr. J. Campâ€" bell, of Swinton Park,]Proton Tn, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, and cther Writings carefully prepared. "Always Prompt. Never Negligent.‘ All business Strictly Private. Go to him if you want to sell; Go to him if you want to buy. _ He collects notes and accounts, and it beats everyâ€" thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as wort hless. _ BUSINESS Tangles, Snarls and Difficulties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsnits or. ill feeling. by the use of a little tact and good judgment. If you are unable to pay 100 cents on the $ he will assist you to arrange with your creditors, _ Insolvent Estates sat. isfactorily wound up. A Hundred good Farms for saleâ€"Aiso a number of fine Hanover Properties, H. H. MILLER will have been 20 years at the business nert XMAS DAY, and he KNOWS HOW to get money at lowest possible rates and with best privileges, That is why the whole country goes to him. I/r is lending at 5 per cent, and on large loans at 4 3â€"4. They Say it Pays, They ol Soy $o PROTESTANTS " and CATHOLICS, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons ALL DEAL WITH.... Red Hot From The Gun. Wns the tball that hn G. 3. Steadman of Newark, Mich.. in the Civil War,. Jt caused horrible Ulcers thst no treatment belped ftor 20 yenrs. _ Then Bucklen‘s Arâ€" vies Salve cured _ him, Cures â€" Cuts, Bruiâ€"es, Burns, Boile, Felons, Corns, Shin Eruption. Best Pile cure on earth. â€" 25¢ Miss Annie and Aggie Milne, of Chesley, is spending a week at their home at present. Mrs. Hector McDonald attended the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Wim. Mair, of Peabody, last Saturday. Our bountital harvest is being quickâ€" ly stored away for another year. The boys say the Masseyâ€"Harris did tine work and can‘t be Weat. We were much pleased to have with us at Crawford church last Sabâ€" bath our old friend, Mr. David Mceâ€" Nicol. Mr. Tom McCaslin, of Toronto, a short visit to his parents latel v. Mrs. H. Nichol, of Hamilton, has reâ€" turned to her home, after spending a few pleasant weeks at her home. l Crawford [ . Miss Mary McDonald, of Durham, | is home to her father‘s, Mr. Hugh ‘Meâ€" Donald, on a few weeks holiday. Mr. Richard McClement is home from Milton for a few days. Miss Mary McDonald left last week for Shallow Lake, where she has been engaged as teacher for the remainder of this year. A load of the Milne family spent an evening at Mrs. McKinnon‘s last week and no doubt had a pleasant time. K Their Business Booming | Probably no one thing has taued +ach | a geveral reyival of trade at our drug i retore: as theit giying nway to their wany | customers of :o many free trial bottles of I Dr. King‘s New Discovery for Consump â€" i vion. Their trade is simply enormous in | this very valuable remedy, from the fact that it always cures aud neyer disappoints Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung digeascs are quickly cured, You can test it before buyieg by getting a trial betsle free, large size 50c, and $1,00. Every botile warrante d. a Miss Charlotte Smith returned to the city after a sM&rt stay with her parents. Wmm Smith Saturday last. It was not very hot, was it? Mr Dayid Crozier, one of our cldest pioneets, departed this life on the 13th of August, He leaves one son and one daughter to mourn his loss, . H. MILLER, The Hanover (?un\'ey:'mcvr. MARKLIED DIED # % 7{2'1’Zler HANOVER . * + <m=+e s ~You§ * , paid Special excursion trains will leave London works. ~ Grounds will be beantifully iNuminated Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. LT.â€"COL, W, M. GARTSHORE, President, Entries close September 6th, Space allotted on recei Exhibits will be unsuarpassed, attractions better th Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Jaj World_Renowed Gymnasts and Aerial Artists galore ing, " British and Americans in Samoa," and all ring The Western Fair, London Windsor Sall o $1.00 P Borel. and Japan 25c TEA Our ‘Teas Are Leaders! : «+sA tEA VINEGARS from 30c per gall. Pure Spices Ground and Whole. Flavoring Extracts, true to flavor câ€" i¢ a\>P zsys : SeFarsir ir ie y irsreayr ) Residenceâ€"HOPEVILLE. D. McPHAIL _ PaTrrotic PrivaTE Post Carposâ€"J C Wilson & Co. the extensive Paper Makâ€" ers and Wholesale Stationers of Mantre« al and Lachute, send us advanced proofs of their two new Patriotic Private Post Cards, which they are about to issue, They are very neatly lithographed in colors, and will no doubt be yery popuâ€" lar, and have a large sale, especially the Canadian design, which represents Canâ€" ada, a pretty maiden in a blanket snowâ€" shoe outfit, with a pair of snowshoes in her right hand, boliding the Canadian Flag in her left, the Beaver at her feet, a wreath of Autumn leaves entwining the words "The Maple Leat for ever," the rising sun in the background, and at the bottom the motto, "Patria Amamus." This card we consider the best producâ€" tion of its kind yet issued. The other is from the celebrated painting by Maud Eart, the Bullâ€"dog standing on the Union ‘ Jack, with the words "What we have we‘ll hold." They will be for sale at all l the Booksellers, or in quantity from the Publishers. . _ PARKER‘S s . AK 3y 1 Quart Gem Fruit Jars 4 Gall. Gem Fruit Jars STANDARD GRANULATED SUGARâ€"â€"â€"20 Ibs. for $1.00. MRS. A. BURNET Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Qood Gooks | AA McKechnie‘s Best ond Coral AMays on Hont. SEPT. 7TH The Leading Spot for â€"â€" all kinds ot Groceries. Insure the family‘s health by using best grade Flour and Coral Baking Powder. e 0 w A Cl e ci3h W , attractions better than ever CS *_for s5c. . Black the best in the market. leave London each . _ PARKERS +>«+« . ... .. Gde per «dlogzen, «... ...... 00e per dozen. Best Preof VINEGAR, 50c per gall Whole Mixed Spice, 25¢ ger Ib. PURE CREAM TARTAR, 30e 1b. For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. ‘Almost a MIRACLE boy had taken only half a bottle he was able to get on his brcycle and rde like any other boy around the block, I certainly feel thet 1 cannot say too much in Jnram- of your maedicine, and shall do all I can to make knowo its value to others, Yours very sincerely, GENTLEMEX,â€"I hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your yaluable rheumatic remedy, Pbtvn«iinv. my son Gordon, who is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inflammatory rhewâ€" matisim for the past two yenrs ; was so bad at times that be had to be carried about on a mattrass; was attended bÂ¥ two city doctors appawently withoun the slightest benefit ; spent 10 days at Caledonia Springs, came home wit{n no marked inwmvemeut ; took three bottles of a Homeopathic remedy now being extensiyely advertised, which did not relieve him in the least. 1 was beâ€" ginning to give up all hope of his recovâ€" ery, when by chance I mentioned the case to a friend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a trial, I did so, with the result that when my i t NCmy EETUICPE ralore, Fireworks each even l ring and platform aut ractions OÂ¥rrraw a, Sept, 9th, 1896. To the Phrenoline Medicine Co,., Ltd. Ottarwa. seipt of ent ry. DRUG sSTORE (Signed) _ REUBEN CLARK. evening after the I6TH, 1899, â€" A. NELLES, rllippusi}.“!"“" SP('l;emry, Riders, a7 dispense the contents of hasket«, _ This was su “'llllllhlih‘ll{‘(l. and the tea pared tby Mr«. T. MeGire, w»exver seen at a picnic, and Memonade â€" disappeared it been good also, _ While more sedate enjoyed a gan the others took to baseball program of races, etc., for was carried out, under the chiefly of R. MacFarlanc hours sped happily on, th haved well and the return thoroughly enjoyed, the Druggist Jas. R. Gun had awork than play in the ru trips to and fro, 1 sOON whom childre elders h 1 NeWM lomg vher athe ApJ Prexic,â€" Th To McGin‘s ssibl on this distimet position of po since I8M3â€"36 ve Banner S1X Several of ourcexcha bheen naming differen being the oldest in +« Buchanan, of William Quebe nations 6 ARDaIN eaatiful lectric lig wre Thurs metter tha ilal ] egle Pend Lucas, ham offi from 10 ; The Hood aken 1A y t\ Postn irth h L%4%% 2 6 4 4 4 ‘: Local and D LAQ& OA OA 6 t 4 Business Men‘s uitd ic half to 1« 1j h FOLD Nob th M M Win drea 1 YOL.â€"X M Wright & e Mondax We pr ness Prices s} IC M M uld 17

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