West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Aug 1899, p. 8

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§+6 J x" Â¥ way company when they come along, they boom a town site in the imâ€" mediate neighborhood which means a few paltry dollars to the railway corporation, in some cases ruin to the merchants in the old town, and a genâ€" eral feeling of dissatisfaction and unâ€" certainty in the surrounding district as the strike between the two places goes on, one with the advantage of being first established and the other with the influence of an immense corâ€" ‘ Pontion at its back which results in a year or two‘s delay in the general ‘ development of the surrounding counâ€" try which is a very potent factor in a ; 4 L2 m . ie called Grand Forks which has bright promises in store, having as its supâ€" port . valuable ranches, valuable mineral prospects and a smelter which is in course of construction. Adjoining Grand Forks is a railway town known as Columbia. Here is an example of the injustice shown by the railway companies to vested interests in this western country. Because the i man who hbas penetrated into the heart of this rough country, and has‘ done all in his power to open it up and invested capital in a place that may become something or nothing, will not divide his property with the railâ€" i i1wentyâ€"eight miles from (ireenâ€" wood we passed through a little town LWreenwood through Idaho and Washâ€" ington to Bossburgh which is distant from Greenwood sixtyâ€"fives miles, and over that distance we had to take a stage, paying S8 for tare and were obliged to walk up the mountain sides of which there was not a few,. mInc @W( * mnau my first experience in B. C, on the Crow‘s Nest Road and certainly to a tenderfoot it was not a pleasant one. A great deal has been said reâ€" garding the atrocities on the Crow‘s Nest during its construction. _ The greater part of which I am sorry to say is true. _ The grievances were caused _ mainly by persons being placed in positions through a red tape connection, that was far in advance of their ability. ‘This is an evil frequentâ€" ly met with in this countre ind mM oom. The igh and ra resent a de Twentvâ€"eight A Sketchy Account of Western ing Camps by an old South Grey Boy. U U ‘MCCHOE, L1Ndt was far in advance of ir ability. â€" This is an evil frequentâ€" met with in this country. ast February I left the Crow‘s Nest l came to Nelson via. Kootenay, which there is a number of nicely ipped steam boats. This town is metropolis of the Kootenays, and mises to be the best town in B. T.; igh it has never experienced a m. The mountains here are very I had my first MINING 1N B. COLUMBIA miners eye tl Is because they ‘s among which 11 rugged, and at this season desolate appearance, but to s cye they are precions 3-3?&4333@%323@@33%3@33@33E:-DEEEXL JOK &A ontain valuable the Silver King. ticket precious ceb ®°CeS 10 corâ€" ) will spr ults | and situ: eral ‘ the least MDâ€" i ‘The G n & | Forks, is very Minâ€" SV MHdGPddnt»asrasiPindadiah 2L S 0 . | for any person to think other th: A | mines equal to any yet opened t | be opened in this section of the | try, as shown by the big ledges ~| ed up and the wonderfual improv | in values found with sinking. ) As a matter of fact the Bou | Creek country is all right. Al _ quires is proper development ds well underway to commence '!lll]lllb(‘l‘ of capitalists are bee | interested. It must be borne in that the Boundary is as yet in i !t‘uncy. No great depth in any mines bas as yet been attained. 'th(-y all _ show improvement | depth. _ ‘The ore is low grade | strietly "a smelter proposition, | large bodies are encountered ; ‘ great amount of it is concentratin _ When we consider the numb | mines just opening up, the railwa most completed through the cou ) and the first smelter in course of | struction whict® will not ma. L2C." M Origredhinten ie 44 xc dls . LA @1 1(100 0 be the only one, a half dozen we may expect will be required to handle all the ore of the dir}erent companies, it is obvious that southern B,. é)a has a great future in store. Large towns will spring up and grow into cities, and situated as it is, Eholt will not be the least among the greatest. 1 f (Enpenbnd t n anis a Lab dn l l the main line which is Eholt, therefore cannot be tapped at other point. Among the most im ant of these mines having shipy ore are the B. C., Oro Devoro, S Winder, Ironsides, Knot Hill, Br lyn and the Emma and a score more of others that have long pas the prospect stage. On the north side of the railway Pass Creek, within from one to miles trom Eholt are many valua prospects. It would be Uunrensimn Arriving at Greenwood we found a | vyery busy litle town with a populâ€" ation of perhaps 1,500 and situated in the deep valley of the Boundary Creek, every body hopeful and fall of business with their fortunes in sight. Real estate was changing â€" hands rapidly at exorbitant prices and at fat profits to the realâ€"estaters. Mining | property was also in good demand 'and changed hands at good ‘ignures. | This state of affairs has continued up | to the present, with the usual depresâ€" | sion caused by the miners being in the ‘*‘hills" at this season of the year. ’ (Greenwood â€" has many fin» buildâ€"| | ings, costing all the way from $10,000 | to, £30,000. _ Strong companies â€"are miske nBialcsy .l la o% F hig} mining country. This is should receive the atte Canadian government. Granby â€" smelter, near Grand is expected to be treating ore by 1C1 tFy to isholt as they ‘ than even the higth ain line which is )re cannot be tapp runfieg ul . mE o captatiste are." becouggit | onty fast o BCOE capitalists are bg!(:om!n;: weeks at the parental ho It mus", be b()l'n(,: lll. ml."d | _ _A jolly crowd from T ndary is as yet in its inâ€" | last Saturday night at great depth in any of the | q pj report lots of fun, : yet been attained. BUf | _ Migs Agnes Renwick how imprm'ement with | visited Mrs. D, l\lclnty]-u e _ore is low grade and | week, SMAIAF mimmactie _ C t ~Sufmicibrhcalt 4 d 4 3 A will not by any means e, a half dozen we may > r;(_:guired to handle ail m milfiucc. liidiibtrabnalth ds 84 0(1 to any yet opened up will 1 this section of the counâ€" n by the big ledges openâ€" e wonderfual improvement Ne dmbon /C Oe ce iss "2Y IS 10W grade and melter proposition," but are encountered and a ufhde. 5.0 .. t ,__ W "6 All Itf reâ€" levelopment which to commence, as 1 oncentrating, the number of , the railway al1â€" " and a score or have long passed sinking., _ t the Boundary lâ€"site situated at â€"~E. K. and the to Summit and e prineipal camp rict. The mines consequently be m one to four nany valuable e unreasonable other than that pened up will m of the counâ€" y any means is is an evil that attention of our Iill, Brook are so much i@st point on Eholt, and ied at any most importâ€" ng .shipping evoro, Stem country, conâ€" up \ _ Charlie Ferguson j gaged with Henry | | harvest, Charlie is | Balsam Valley, | _ _A number of cattle pound last week and 'the night. â€" Who th knows, wWHAT WE HEAR : A terrible rush up the 19th, The oats are raised up aga there is a different track now, No cushion on the stone yet says they don‘t need any, This week will w ing in this vicinit seem well pleased No more panâ€"cak has ploughed all the mant, and â€" sulul.ci_y enr Lutz. Tha of Slzr‘“‘.\', our Drog S und $1.00, | at Midway fortv | Garden vegetable | SUCCCSS at Greanu ano could ed a way a bo‘tle of Co‘;smnpz on taki :s Anuother preat und that too by "Discase fiastens asd for sevon 1 severest teste, by everest teste, but her vit imdermined and death se For three months she cong ind cotuld not sleain | Sz years of difficulti succeeded in at trai the world to th wealth of British ( The amount of work recorded in the Kettle River mining district which is only a portion of the Boundary, since January 1st on «* Wildecats " and prosâ€" pects. represents $65,500, and the Midâ€" way division about the same. â€" So sir, you may look torward to an empire of mines shringing up in southern B. C. A considerable amount of timber, such as fir. spruce and cedar, is found in the valleys of the Boundary district, quite sufficient for al| building purposes for some time hence, All Kinsels 0 Farins aomelighil l ahe t s mememietme 200 me hn ouent mnas January Ist, with a plant of 500 tons capacity daily, but that will only be a small amount of the ore ready for treatâ€" ment within sixmonths. The B. C. alone has $1,000.000 worth of ore in sight, and the Ironside is said to be worth more than the Le Roy of Rossâ€" land before they shipped, and many of the mines mentioned above will" be equally as good, Discovered by a Wom Y in récover of Dr. Kin: " C)saround Grand Forks and way forty miles further west. vegetables are grown with fair at Greenwood and at Eholt also. aP ie d 73&'"1{??.. “m»"é\; ‘epmrene "HP fil': $ c With d Balsam Valley alttracting the 0) Aire ~ valina uin produce is gt wound Grand Forks va VY & woman discovery has bee a lady in this , {iis clutche. U esars she withst ~Z C130AÂ¥ mis been made lady in this conntry, is clutches tupon her i‘s she withstood its er vital organs were uth seemed imminent, ie conglied incessantly, she finally discoverâ€" Â¥, by purchasing of us ‘s New Diâ€"covery for was so nmuck relieved &« thai slra slept ali bottles. has been abâ€" trameis Mrs. Luther W. C. Hnmmnick & Co., Trisl boitles free at tegnlar sgize 50e ind ottle guaranteed. _ 4 lng the attention of _ valuable â€" mineral olumbin. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO W. McKinxox Eholt, J a plant of 500 tons that will only be a ore ready for treatâ€" grown | § [ a®« In â€" Heavy and Light _ Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Ete. #9 NELLLADLIG HARXNIGSS, We want you to know we handle everyâ€" thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse comâ€" fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. druggists Spring Need All doectors told Renick West Jefferson, O0., after months from Rectal Fistuin, nnless a costly operation w but he cured himselt with Bucklen‘s Arnica Salve. ti cure on Earth, and the best World, _ 25 cents a box, Canada Central, Ottawa, Sept. 11 to 23. North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 12 to 14. Gr. Northern, Collingwood Sep 19 to 22, Central, Guelph, Sept. 19 to 21. East Grey, Flesherton, Sept. 19 and 20. Northerr, Walkerton, Sept. 19 and 20. Glenelg, Markdale, Sept, 21 and 22, Daiff. Central. Shelburne, Sept 26 and 27 West Well., Hatriston, Sept, 27 and 28. World‘s Fair, Holstein, October 3. Artemesia, Priceville, Oct. 10 and 11, South Grey, Durham, Sept. 26 Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 28 to Western, London, Sept. 7 to 16 | ~VWwN AS THE JOHN DUGGaAX [ K Stand, in the Village of Dornoch, | with waggon and paint shop in ; connection, enjoying a good patronage,. i A comfortable dwelling house attached, | For particulars apply at the Hotel, Dorâ€" [ noch, or to J. J, Sullivan, lot No, 1, i concession 3, Glenelg. | JEREMIAH J. SULLIVAN, ; Dornoch, Aug. 28, ‘09, ifi is l " 92 ®. proucc weuknoss, nervousness, a feeling ,“‘ un Gliests:snd a whote tysin of symptori~ 7. They vaPt . :mo~ for business, marsied rr‘ aife ank social bappinees, . No IWRLlG! $@ whethor cansed by qy8 tobiis in youth Fakl witurgl Workpo®d Ar 6c chial peas uiks 2 Ct Blacksmith Shop to Rent Wdned Snvarcicd Is successfully used mon thly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask 'xyour dru%'lst for Cook‘s Cottoa Roet Comâ€" rn‘. ake no other, as all Mixtures, pills and mitations are dangerous. Price, No,. 1, $1 l\" r box ; No. 2, 10 degrees strongwer.$3 ner box. No, 1 or b,mu!lcd on receipt of price :4i twn ®.cont stamps. The Cook Oonpans sonidso f a‘%los. land 2 sold and recen.l.snue. ud responsible Drugpists in Can.. ‘miding alongside, these three Mac‘s will be side by side: McKechnie, MceArâ€" thur, McLachlan. Can Durhamites at a distance keep track of the changes in our good town? ANOTHER MovEe.â€"W;o understand Mr. Frank Lenahan of the Shewell Fuarniture establishment has made arâ€" rangements for new quarters near the bridge on west side of Garafraxa streetâ€" THe THrEE Mac‘sâ€"Mr. 2. MeAi thur has decided to remove down town and m a few weeks will have his business and residence in the large new building built this summer by Mr. 8. McCracken, when McKechnies move into their new building alongside. these three Mac‘s will be side by side: McKechnie. MeArâ€" ISs RF Parker, MncJq Gur, Pring ists IT ~â€"~â€"â€" NOWN as THE He Fools The Surgeons Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound SLIABLE HARNESS ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Fand No. 2 sold in Durhim by _ MneFarlane and Co , and Jas SUPPL y . LEAVENS £9 FALL FAIRS FA+ , Aug. 28 to Sept, 0 mick Hamilton, of after sufferimg 18 stuia, he would die on was performed, with five boxes of ve. tihe surest Pi‘e : best Salve in the OX, _ Sold by our pt. 26 to 27 A1 50ur Teas Are Leaders | : =4 sooi tEa i| A 14 Windsor Sall al $1.00 Per Bore] and Japan 25¢ TEAâ€"â€"the ure Spices, For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. BEwWARE or Try our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney ana Liver Pills. THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Terms moderate, â€" Arrangements for sales, as to dates,. &¢. must be made at The Review office, Durham. Corresâ€" pondence addressed there or to Hure- ville P. 0. will be promptly attended to. Terms on applications to D. MePHAIL, Hopeville P. O, or to C. RAMAGE, Durham. Residenceâ€"HOPEVILLE. D. McPHMHAIL HE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL T or exchange a thoroughbred large _ English Berkshire Boar for a Yorkshite. _ Apply to the proprietor, BOM FM SAE OR EXCHMGE Take the lead everywhere, We are working day and night to supply the demand, Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily, ._PARKER‘S s . They are absolutely pure and healthfal., _ Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles, t MRS. A BURNET 1 Quart Gem Fruit Jars ; Gall. Gem Fruit Jars ;‘;fiiiiiiiiiéiiiéiifiiiig STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR ie “’ Ceeeoeseccecescecccccscece SPuRiOUS imita Tions. Qood Gooks POJ 1§X Ki\ | + JAS. ATKINSON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. McKechnie‘s Best and Coral Always on Hong Insure the famil best grade Flour Powder. C4p2* . _ PARKERS The Leading Spot for all kinds of Groceries. «Pake «MA WA a2J e f()!‘ best in the market Best Proof VINEGAR Whole Mixed Spice, 2. PURE CREAM TAR"7 “r ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSPWORTAY PER sous in this state to manage our business in their ows and nemby counties. It is mainly oflice sork conducted at home, Selary strmight £000 a year and expensesâ€"definate, bonafide, no move, no less srlury. Monuthls #75. References. Enc.ose selfâ€"addressed stan ped enyel wpe, Herbert E. Hess, IP‘rest,, Deyt. M. Chieazo, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, and other Writings carefully prepared, "Always Prompt. Never Negligent.‘ All business Strictly Private, If you are unable to pay 100 cen the $ he will assist you to arrange your creditors, _ Insolvent Estat isfactorily wound up. family‘s health by using A Hundred good Farms for sale Aiso a number of fine Hanover Properties. Go to him if you want to sell: Go to him if yonu want to buy. _ He collects notes and accounts, and it beats everyâ€" thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tangles, Snarls and Difficulties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits or il] feeling, by the use of a little tact and good judgment. H. H. MILLER will have been 20 years at the business next XMAXR %A Y, and he KNOWS HOW to get money atlowest possible rates and with 'Zvat privileges, _ That is why the whole country goes to him. li:- is lending at 5 per cent., and on _’lII‘!/(‘ loans at 4 34. They Soy it Pays, They oll Soy $o PR PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons ALL DEAL WITH.... DRUG sTorRF 10e per dozei. 90e per dozen. H. H. MILLER, cotch & Irish ! and Coral Bakiné 1tÂ¥ â€" x ArAG AR, 50e per gall. Spice, 25¢ per Ib. M 'I‘AR’I‘AIE:eROc Ib. ===20 lbs. for $1.00. The Hanover Conveyvancer, ‘. [)YNiUer HANQOVER. 25c. â€" Black 100 cents on ange with Estates satâ€" 14* v#me pressed that his would always h cause. Mr, Galt fial, but the pres Me replied very ; considerable fe made. less when great heartiness we meet again,‘ and good wishes and the meeting by prayer by Mr the same way by ness general pressed at th swero extend field he ente with #4P W made dress eldor Mr. Iry mus their u net an This on ind tfin« it W M numero A Dernmar Boy | cent copy of the Bla braska, contains the: The groom is a son of | A. Munro of this tor congratulations : ** My ro and Miss Mabel 8 married in Omaha, A ing, August 9th ac t officiating minister, Kavidge, The bride i our fellow townsman, perfield, and is a very Rccomplished young known in this commun is city salesman for t pressed Yeast C€o., an and energetic young m couple will make their near Walout Hill, The tends congratulations â€" VWn n th T C W AL® PIAl SSI mimunit 4 statement made the premiums for Those choosing f either apple trees those preferring 1 lily buibs or tulip | bers please make s Secretary Gorslin« n 1 A OE WICI Hay n« ermment is $1804; Vement â€"sidewal progress this week portion of the Ca Kress and Bean h in place. The ~33i next week it is exp 30 cents will tal Weekly Globe to . halance of this yea send hoth to the en new subscribers. ham office Monda from 10 a, m. to 4 Mr. John A. Bla al good orders for he having taken a ble business. Towx CorNou, â€" nignt. Mr, Gorsli up but failed. Lucas, Wright J Glenelg minutes financial statemer 1d Business | M sA488%4 8 4 : Local and dasss tss d M he "N" ee Laidlaw‘s ad all x 4 V ralbraith 1 YOL.â€" iend ippropri ling, . w the com "God be * ~ hk were e which h Turnbu Mr Mars Wh ulip bui Mi ition style We p nc Shou mes Ls

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