" ITS LIC S r SL011 Irish ! ll ll 0-H w w W W il) m J, u 30 FAREWELL T0 MR. G'Armrt.u'ru.-Last Wednesday night in view of Mr. A. Gal Ion-slith‘s departure for the west the fol]: awn“: morning, a mnnlwr of his friends is city salvsumn for the Omaha Com- pressed Yeast Co., and is a well-to-do and energetic young man. The happy couple will make their home in Omaha near Walnut Hill. The Republican 0x- tends congratulations along with the nuuwrous friends of the bride in this community." was must appropriate. vetuletvd some tine selectiuns. Miss Frankie Black and 5 Jessic- Laidlaw tendered two solos in _ their usual good style while Misses Ihus, net and Mel’urlnnt- gnu- " tin" duett.i This aver. " ptvstmtatiott was unulc mi him of n purse with money. a Prvsby- ttt1tttl Book of Praise as a i-mnimler of musical associations with the choir, and " handsome Bible. Mr. I'. Rulimge unulc- the presentation. and brief ad- tlresses Wen- gin-n by lnsp. Catuphell. elder Geo. Tmmludl. Supt. Thus. Allan, Mr. Irwin. of the Chvonichs. Mr. Mills. and It. McFarlane. t'lmirlmulvr. All re- ferred to the many valued traits in Mr. G's character. socially. musically & oth- "rwise, their appreciation of his will- '." â€19.3; help lll anything connected with .' turth and his public-spirited- ness generally. While regrets were ex- pressed at the separation all good wishes were extended to him in whatever new field he entered upon and the hope ex- pressed that his nnny brilliant qualities would always he found helping a good cause. Mr. Galbraith knew of the soc- ial, hut the presentation was a surprise, He replied very appropriately and with considerable feeling. which was not made . less when the company sang with great heartiness "God be with you till we meet again.†Hearty handshakes and good wishes were extended by all and the meeting which had been opened by player by Mr. Tumbull and closed In the name my by Mr Masha" broke up, A Drum.“ llm' MattrtIrur.--A re- cent copy of the Blair Republican, Ne. 1rraska, contains the following notice. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Munro of this town. We extend cottgt"atulations I 66 Mr. Lauder A. Mun. ro and Miss Mabel Happenfield were married in Omaha, Wednesday even- ing, August Hill at the home ot the omciatittg minister. Rev. Charles w. Savidge. The bride is a daughter of ourfellow tuwnslmm. Mr. D. A. Sap- attealield, and is a very enterprising and Accomplished young lady and well known in this community. The groom is city salesnmn for the Omaha Com- pressed Yeast, Co., and is a well-to-do owmg morning, a number of " friends in the. Presbyterian Church got up a lit- tle social and literary evening in his honor. Though hurriedly arranged for It was very successful. The choir. as was most appropriate. rendered some emu-mum mmlx- fnrnwrly toncerninq the pra-miums for mmnlu-rs this fall. Thus!) choosing fruit treks "my have "ither npplv tYee,. or plum trees, and those preferring bulbs can take either lily bulbs or tulip bulls. Will all menr hers please make selections and inform Secretary Gorsiine of same? " night "Nil Cement sidewalk construction is in progress this week in front of the new portion of the Calder Block. Messrs. Krona and Bean have got new awnings in place. Thrs .. Big 4 " will he tnoved next week it is vxpvcted. I'rrum' l ernment gr is 8IMP If). Mr. John A. Black has secured sever- al good orders for grave stones Utely, he having taken an agency in the mar- ble business. 30 cents will take the REVIEW and Weekly Globe to any tuidtetm for the balance of this year. For $1.75 we will send both to the end of the century to new snbscrilwrs. Lucas. Wright & Batson.--At Dur- ham onice Mondays and Cottrt Days, from 10 a. m. to , p. m. uhled and TOWN t'ocsuaL.---No quurum Monday uignt. Mr. Gorsliue tried to get one up hut failed. t Local and District News. ' Ju--" â€In: LAiIlLan in]. this week. “In-m4; minute-s thrs week n n-gular lilmm'inl stat-nt. Business -_ Ill ll ll 1r0L,--XX1, N0 36 'uuartv.-The Annual gov- ml to the Library this year New books have lately been nurv will be. As the long ll Men's Letter Paper I Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- ness paper at Moderate Prices. Are you oat? ll ll 'ul Such-t): it lwcnlues nun-what elaborate the " fi prov llt'lH n Dirt-t HI “VII A“! swhould ll Hull lot uhst “IV Ill ill it .i:m.n_;. Ni., A A fine map illt'atiisi,r “'alkerton Monday on a visit, to the â€â€œf ‘filh‘f “WI“ I."'? “r the “WM Intl, ‘ fornter's mother and returned in the “NIH“ lumsessmns H inclulul. " ell‘ . . . tlonetlie (ilolie. easily the nlo~t inl'llten- (NH-mug. Miss June :u'r'mnpmned truur Misti paper in t'ituada.' I home, , Hm: D. New DEAD. -tVord "achlid Mrs. Boyd. (nee Mabel Sullterlaml), l Hanover “ll Monday that the ller. D, niece of Mrs. James Burt. ('tllllt' up last Duff had died at ('(idnrvillp the We“: week from S'tratfovd to spend a month _ ions evening. Soun- weeks ago he went , or so on the farm. She has just passed 1on a visit to his sister, who resides in ‘, througlt it “Tint: hospital experience. f that village, and while there occupied ', Mr. John Firth, who was so seriously i, the pulpit HI the Presbyterian church l ill two weeks ago that. his life was de- land was taken sick during the service. spaired of, is recovering nicely and IMr. Duff was a graduate of Knox Coll. returning appetite gives hope of com. lege, Toronto, and has had charge of plete recovery. It must, he very grati- ‘.\Vest Bentinckatul Brant Presbyterian fying to De. Freel to see. his patient i, congregations for over' thirty years. The , making such progress towards renewed l people among whom he labored admired life. [and loved him for his many rare. quah- Dr. Hugh McNeil, Chicago, was home lies ot heart and nnnd. Previous to tak. last week on a vistt to his many friends ring up the to'? at Maleonrhe had lah- in South Grey and Dufferin. He was i ored as a '""'s"P'"yy" BI itish COIlllIl’ arranging for a monument to the mem- I “Win" w“ the first Presbyterian cry of his deceased father, the luat filial (missionary to that counttry.--Post dutv devolving uncn him. He return- M r. Alexander Skene. who taught five years in S. S. No. 6, Saugeen, and also for a like. period of time in No. 13, Bruce, and who is now in charge of an industrial school in the North West, paid " hurried visit losolne of his old friends in the town and vicinity last week. Although it is some twelve years since he left this country his mime is still fresh in the homes of the sections in which he. taught. We doubt if any othet teacher in a rural district in Bruce made the same number of scholars as did Mr. Skene. From No. ti, Sanger", we have but to mention such names as that, of w. H. McKech- nic. J. Pollock, 1).)luir. A, J. and A. ll. 1lcGillivt'ay. A. Campbell ; and from No. 13% Brut-e P. McKenzie. T. McKen~ ziv. Chas. Canuwon, D. McKinnon, A. Nelson. and many others, almost all of whom will say that they owe much to tlw influence of Mr. Skellc. Besides giving information to his scholars, where most teachers of to-day stop, he gave inspiration; his personaliiy was bound to tell on the character of those whom he taught. His many friends here are pleased to hear that he still meeting with great success.---) Elgin Times. Following is the report of Latcna school for the month of August. 1' THE POST oirFrcte,-. Last Satan-gay it l was freely given out on the. tweets that cur. J. J. Smith was to be our next post- Hnnster. Un enquiry, Mr. Smith knew lunthiug of the appointment although fvont otlwr murces we learn he is likely gm he the next, incumbent. 1Vhateyer funny he done in the future. it is very un- ‘likt-ly that. it rlmuge will he made for unm- tio', perhaps not until next year. 4th elass--May Cameron 3rd Sn-- Mary McKnight. 3rd J ts-lam" Dar- gavel, Wm Coftield. 2nd Sr-Maggie Murdoch, Neil Campbell. 2nd Jr.- Jessie Stewart. Pt 2nd--Idella McAl- Ian. Sr lst-Annie Stewart. Jr Ist-- Frla Hawker. - Normal Schools Overflowing. lt is said that the Education Depart- ment has been obliged to refuse the applications of nearly four hundred students who wished to attend the pro- vincial Normal schools at Toronto and Ottawathis year. Yhere are already enough applications in to MI the Not- mal schools for a. year to come, even after allowance has been made for for the 100 students that can be accom- modated at the new London Normal school, which will be opened in Jana. ary next. . . "Tue Gunwxxu Tim: Ix C'.taugu"--. This is the title of a most, attractive lit. le luznklul issued by tleloho. Toronto. Th" mutt-Hts. illustrations, Mu. are nd- mirably fitted to imprvss thy veader, ei. ther foreign or nntiyu hot-n with the im- portancn of our country and the possi- hilitis-s that yt-t h" in tho itntuediatt. fu- turu. Very wrsely if nit-ant for oldlmid tliutrihutiou, only hiutuitlPi' spovts are il- llhll'tltt‘tl. as the lwlivl' tlwrv is deeply rootml that Canada. an it. hum! of snow and are, is only fitted to: turvliug. tobog- itynit.tsi. _.&c.,. A t'ine [Imp illur1tytittg CHEAP REAuIxc,.--We will send the REVIEW and Weekly Globe from date to January l, 1900, to any addrpaa on this continent for 30 cents. Send along your name or the name of a friend to. d? y, and pay earliest opportunity. Ct-Suu-,.----"-' and Weekly Globe to January 1, 19(1), 30 centg. To January I, 1901, $1.75 to new sub- scrihers. Mr. H. "am. for many years station agent at Holstein, has been prqnoted to a similar position at Nilqerton. Holstein Methodist and Epworth Lea. gue circles will miss him. Lardlaw's sale is a great chance to get extra value for your money, Congratulations to neighbor Wm. Sharpun quitting the ranks of single t,iessedness.--To Mr. & Mrs. Sharp best of good wishes. J. F. GRANT, Teacher. HONOR ROLL 'iiii?,tttliii, .0- Dr. Hugh McNeil, Chicago, was home last week on a visit to his many friends in South Grey and Dulforin. He was arranging for a monument to the mem- ory of his deceased father, the hint. filial duty devolving upcn him. He return- ed this week and leaves his Review Inh- el reading "June 01." Me. Archibald Galbraith, eldest sun of Mr. John Galbraith, left here yester- day for Durham, from which place he will take the train for Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, U. H., where he purpogos follow- ing dentistry. For nearly three years Archie has been engaged in teaching in ti. S. No. 10, Bentinck, where. he made many friends. He leaves hero with the best wishes of a host of friends-Chats. worth News. Mr. N. J. McArthur', winner. of the medal in the Collegiate Shorts and also winner of the oratory contest at, the Collegiate in 1890, winner of the medal for orntory at Toronto University m 1894 and general all round athlete and orator ofthe staff ot the state Normal srhool in Minnesota, is at present in town renewing old acquaintances and having a look at the old school and sur- roundings. He attended the summer session at Harvard University and was very prominent in sports there baring made a 50 yard dash in Gh. seconds which is faster than 100 yards would he in 10 seconds. as the start, counts a lot. He leaves on the Athabasca. Saturday " ternoon.-0, S. Hun TUDENTS PREPARED FOR ALL s grades of Teachers' Certificates for entrance to the various l'niver- sities and C'olleees, and are iven a good English education vhlfadl in all industrial and commercial pursuits. COLLFGVIVMNE "iii A full Stall of Specialists in all Departments. FORM I Examination 44 Certificates ART SCHOOL " 250 $6 PARTS FORM II " and Part Matriculation 45 III FORM (Second Class) 36 IV FORM (First Class) 11 For Annual Announcements, Board- ing Lists or other information, apply to D. R, DOBIE, W. H. JENKINS, other frivnds. A clever daughter Off - - -..-. _..-_._ -....- _. Mrs. Smith's, Ada. dam-ml berm-0 royal-f ty some years ngn. i' ONE THING CERTAIN. Mrs. Kihnvr and children visited;" ----e----r Walkerton Monday on a visit, to tlwlMiss Hattie Moft'at is a Durham Girl fornier's mother and returned in thug --- evening, Miss Jane 'wtrompanied them ( " The Hamilton Spectator announce: Mrs. Smith, Toronto, r brother, Mr. John (bulls. other frivmls. A clever Misses McKenzie. of Montreal, left, fm home last Thursday. They were accompanied by their grmnlfnther, Rev. Mr. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Graham left by train Wednesday morning for the city. Misses Annie and Maggie McKenzie went to Toronto last, week returning on Friday. Miss Emma Swallow left Tuesday morning for Toronto, where she will remain for some time. Miss Many Gordon and Mr. A. w. Hunter left Monday and Miss Maggie McKenzie. Tuesday. for the U. Sound Coll. lust. Mrs. Rogers. Waterloo Avenue, neice of Mr. John Coutts, is visiting friends in Bentinck. Mr. Munro Sutherland came up on Saturday last for a. brief visit to friends and old scenes. He left on Tuesday. Miss Maggie Caldwell returned from Toronto Saturday last. and will attend the Model school here. Miss Park, of Durham. is visiting Miss o'Connor.--Bruee Herald. Principal Allan and his two sons took in the Toronto Fair last week. Reeve McKenzie, Proton was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hunter are taking In Toronto show this week. Record, I 899 l DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1899, Secretary. RE-OPENS SEPT. l, 1899 PERSONAL MENTION HE _ tt ,4: visiting her Vickvrs, and daughter of Principal. “HE ! was an Owen Sound girl." Now we wish to give the Sun a. little more light by reminding it that, Miss Molfal. is a Durham girl by birth, that here she re- ceived the foundations of her education at Principal Allan's academy. and the writer is pleased to have laid it brick in what has proved a. fine superstruc- ture. Congratulations to Miss Moffat. ., The Hamilton SIM-cmmr "tltlolliH'"ts with its customary i-niussnl non-Yo“ says the Strnti'm-(l J'wavou, b6 that Miss lint- tie 3loffat, a gtnuluate of the Iinnnilun Sehuul l f Pythigugy has scclllcd a posi- tion as Pvuwipn0of Valium-stun Public Schuoi. The phrase "colossal nerve†refers to the use by the Spectator of the word HIamilton ' instead of .. On- tario Nulmal C'ollege," and the two papers have smne Emotions sparring over the name. The Owen Sound Sun quotes the sparring and heads it with our first heading above, and claims in " second heading that they may " call the College what, they will Miss Motfat At acongregational meeting of the above body held on Monday last, Rev. Mr. Farguharson, Claude, received a call to the work here. Four other candidates were in the iield and on the first ballot Mr. F. almost tied all the others. On the second ballot, he had a large majority of the votes cast, and by a standing vote his election was made unanimous The spirit of the meeting was an excellent one and highly commented by Moderator Campbell, as though iirst choices dif- fered all seemed heartily ready to fall in with the choice of the majority. This spirit was practically shown at the signing of tie call subsequently when almost without exception, the names of those present were atlixed. Those not present will have an oppor- tunity of signing, either at Mr. Thos. Smith’s harness shop during this week or at the morning and evening ser- vices next Sunday. Messrs. R. Mae- Farlane, Sn, and Geo. 'l‘urnbull Wel'e appointed to support the call at the meeting of Saugeen Presbytery next Tuesday, and Inspector Campbell will represent the congregation at the i'trst meeting ot the Orangeville Presbytery in which Mr. Farquharson is at pre- sent. Of course it will not be knownlfor some time whether or not Mr. F. will accept the call. DURHAM I)lll2ll%l© MAKE A CHOW. Owing to increased sabseriptions since the meeting, the congregation will likely feel warranted in making the call 9510“), there being no manse to offer. Should Mr. Farqaharson ac- cept he may rely on a very warm reception and hearty support by the Presbyterian church here. An elec- tion of elders was completed the same day, so that .the chqrch starts ont'with a new session and a new minister. The session now comprises Messrs. A. Derby and T. Milligan, Bentinck; C. L. Grant and T. Allan, Durham; Jno. Bell and Wm. Young, Glenelg, all capable and worthy men. “1°" Several Second hand Wheels Very Cheap. 2 C'levelandsr, 1 Cleveland, 1 Cleveland, 1 Crescent. 2 Crescents, Also c, 1 Crescent. 1 Antelope, Prices , Special c, W M. LAIDLAW While they last we offer the following new wheels at genuine bargains. All fitted with Dunlop Tires, and guaranteed: tiilttijtttt regular $55. now $.45 regular $50. now 8to regular $50. now 5535 regular $55. now 845 regular $50, now bio regular SM, now $35 regular 545. now $30 liiuns sewitrg itailiia Gd supplies. HARVESTING, C-ti. tsa'..,. [6»: Degerin%c " Ideal " and " Pony,“ Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel m es. Also Maxwell'.Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. WARERoons -Upper Town, Durham. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " Wmmxmx l’mtruu COMPANY " is cast an each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Coulter * We take this opportunity ot thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. everything for Farmers f " alter 86 Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade 11.11-- rows, Seattle? Etc. Also Scott: h Diamond Harruws. ....GRANT’S CULTIVATING, arge Saies & Small Profits." "7, b" V 'yr, Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlif.tnalws of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES., A lame stock of New Raymond and Wil- A coll give ' the a car : t Hot S mung [il g “mm-M We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash system A coupon is given in every package. Wc give a book telling you our reason for giving the coupons. Just let us whisper in your ear: this is not a poor tea! Try it and if not satisfactory bring it back and get your money returned. 6" a In 1hMMMhhhMhMihWYh'iiiit'iiii (MW “Vina: , M.1We1'1'? 1lPPP1' II III I' PPP? I I I I I I " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ADOPTED BY N., G. di; J. McKECHNIE. And get a package of his Aroma Tea. . McKechnie. Biack or mixed. It sells at 25c, 35c, Mk, and 50c. d. McKlNNON. You’re a Reader of Review! WHOLE NO. 1121. Are you a Subscriber , Send in your name tor db trial trip to end at the year toronly 25e. To the end of the century for 81.25. co