West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Sep 1899, p. 8

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(rl, i) S; r , Owen Sound, Um. URI?! '0. CATALOGUE ro IT HAS THE BEST l Than tttt we equipment, the must cm ness “nurse and the In hooks in Canada. at w i A very sudden death took place in Ayton on Monday, when Mr. John Esenbach, an old and highly respect- ed citizen got down from Wenger Bros. delivery Waggon and fell sense- less. Dr. McLean was hurriedly summoned but life was extinct. He leaves a wife and Crown up lamily to mourn his loss. lit sii'j,ifd/,'j"t,'?f-f1t-C, , 'iilii,f" law/{:12 (?irfit?ri, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Mr. David Whitetord. leaves Wed- nesday for his new situation. His umny friends wish him success. Master Smart G. Watt, of Herr worth, called at. his old home en route for London. He will spend a few days here on his return. Messrs. F. Lobsinger and H. Fritz became the proud possessors of a bouncing baby boy each last week. Miss Burnet, of Durham, attended service here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Abel, ot Paisley, and Mrs Abel, of Sault Ste. Marie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Byers this week. Mr. T. Brooks, of Walkerton, paid friends here a short visit Saturday. Miss Maggie Nichol, of Owen Sound, is the guest of Mrs. Jna Young this week. On Wvdtns N in ft f! n More Money " tl XIV llsu'l 'Mary E. and Kittie Alt-Donald Toronto last Wetltwsday. We t girls "ut'Ct's'.u. c. A. FLEMING, Balsam Valley her ,?l,'di2eh"a1'i'1ri2reya'siexsa INVESTED l Brg Departmental Store, = = = DURHAM. ONT. if, 1f4 31'; 'li',1'4",y2h"/h'l,'h'l t'ltll'luX4"lr's'FQleyk'KEllylllfi2ggigx','it y,erzrzx:eize,:,'fi' 3lcPltail, who has been stsained wrist, is able to aiu, but lint ahle to do Hampden. tl u.-.~ Big Departmental Store, Men's Heavy Overalls Braces Tacks at 3e a box Ready-made Pants at 25e a air, p 81.25, selling'ai 75e. CMF --e 3 Neck Ties for 25e. Towelling at 4e 3 yard. Fancy “lawyer Cloth at toe yard. Reversible rapperette at 150. A reduction of just one-halt in all SUMMER Goons. Good Bleach Cotton at 6e a yard. Dress Goods: Lacethrtaiqg 3k yggds long, worth Do OUR WONDERFUL BARGAIN LIST: Int yrm'. UH M's of ago I fellows up y Baird, of L at D. 3lcln Extra value in Skin Ends and Dress Ends in the very Newest Effects at $1.25 and 81.50 a yard. r". basines ada. usiness t complett (IM hte F at 20c a pair. PRINCIPAL Then read what we you know us, and I Hoods at the Lowest of having dealt her credit system. Th E3HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE rli,f,,.ry,_l.yitp_t..._t.p 1.11le, Money? Principal, and say unanimously that they will never go back to the old spun). No bad debts. No mistakes in accounts. All Cash----)'," when we BUY Produce from you, and CASH when we SELL to you. Your purchases must be satisfactory or your money will be cheerfully refunded. A TRIAL PURCHASE will make you a PERMAA ENT CUSTOMER. he firut to Uthuugh ago he can ot Lauris Molntyro‘: Ming hells It' ottes of l,000 Yards 8c anb l0c P_rirprrttrflear at 5c a Yard. g»?- ll e husi mines: colk Ill . A. HUNTER Dr. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hm ter Carl. Mr. Rubi. Hay and Comp. Muss Flora Stewart, from span a few days with Mrs last week. ttttvin at 490 THE I to the n Tucker, g doz. (ups an: egg cups. towel, pail ar E. Hurrisun. set diam set preserve dishvs; Piston, lwdrmnn twt. Mt. Browne, pltotoprapher, from Dur- the groom was supported by Mr. Thus. Harrison, the heide's brother. The 'bride was attired in rich cream bro- i' caded lustre. trimmed with cream silk ribbon and lace, wuile the bridesmaid wore the same. After the usual vows were taken the numerous friends and neighbors numbering '56 sat down to a glorious supper. The bride's cake was one of her own make and deserves credit on the young lady's part. ‘After the wedding supper the entire party enjoyed themselves to their hearts content. The wedding party left on the noon train on Friday for Owen Sound on their wedding trip. The pre- sents were numerous and costly, and proves that the young lady was held in great esteem by all who knew her. Ve wish the newly married couple every success through life. Tue Pneszs'rs: Mr. Joseph Slack, Mono Road, che. net! table spread; Miss Ethel Hogarth, table cloth ', Mr. and Mrs. J. Staples. 1 pair lace curtains; Miss Staples, .ldoa. table napkins; Louise ahd Josephine Jacques. bed spread; Mrs. Thus. Har- rison. bed spread; Will and Susie Jacques. 2 towels; Mr. and Mrs. H., Tucker, 2 towels: Mr. and Mrs. Jacques, ( table cloth: Me. and Mrs. J. Moore.) 2 towels: Mrs. A. Down, set irons; Mrs. McNab, set, irons: Mrs. F. Reenie. fancy tea pot and 2 china tea cups and saucers: Mr. and Mrs. F, Knrstcdt. silver butter dish: Mr. and Mrs. G. Falconer, dinner set', Mr. and Mrs. 1'hislett. set prewrve dishes: Miss EN Falconer, china cream pitcher; Mr. l and Mrs. H. Tucker. hr” Sci of glass-ll Witt'r't Miss Mary Moore. glass syrup} dish: Mrs. l'. McDonald, 1 glass butler ' dish: Miss Jeni-t McDonald. glass pre- i suru‘iibh: m. Atvh. 3lvlhuddd,ciiina,! mousmrln- cup: Mr. J. 'l'urkrw, glassl lllllll‘l' dish: Mrs. l’etcr Muir. t'uut‘yl ~.'Ill and pvm'vr dish: Mr. and Mrs.l ll. 'l'lu-kvr, .ir.. bedroom >01: 3lvs.l lllunplm-y. oilmmcntnl pin Homo“; Mr. llllmpllli‘)’. l'lll‘t'H nut lulrkt'l " 1l,v,irri. Wp,lits 'lurlu‘r. 2 pickle- dishes; Lily Turin-r. y. Irirllt. dish-,; Mrs. iii 'l‘uckrr. 1. i101. l‘lll's "nds;-s, I .1.” l lf CASH BUYING AND CASH SELLING 11.: tine,' cool on: who utter here were.' We have to say and act upon car suggestions. Most " l know Us well as the greatest distributors of all kinds of st Prices in Durham. We have customers who boast new: to years ago. They have seein the error of the old They have tested our a pair I)! 0000 00000! 0000 Mial.l cw extend nun-rim! Ct Dornoch In. bedroom past I) weatlse 1ded T pickle di'shus., ML:S rups and muons. I; doz, pail iuul pypper: Henry wart, from the Rocky, with Mrs. McCallum 's .." “is Slap”; William H. Hats orouto oxhxhition Wm. Graham, Hum and Man- aud Miss Lizzie re, and we are " pin cushion nut basket Ric-Hr dishes Groceries ll ngrat ulation Fall line of Trimmings. -New Veilings. --New Dress Braids. -New Silks. New everything in the way ot TRIMMINGS. which is the largest and most complete in town. 3 Shoe Lasts with Stand for 25e. Don't forget our Lemons at 20e a dozen. 2 Boxes Herring for 250. 3 Cakes Toilet Soap for 8e. Coffee only 200 per lb. worth 40e. BOOT and SHOE Stock i Hone seems to he in tumble as well I 'lil/lf/U, this week. Time will wear all j things ack. I this week 11);? Hamilton.» _.......... I Mr. P. J, Sullivan was In Mnrkdult-nn Saturday evening last, I Mr. and Mrs. John A. (in-than) gave tt brief call M thu parental house in our burg 0n Sunday evening. Mr. Dan. Mclnnis took a business trip to Brussels " furtmght ago. i Miss Annie McMillan spent lust week ' with friends on 10th. 3 Miss Katie Black and cunnimny spent , Sunday with her parents at Pornomi. ' Mr. Jack Beaton is engaged with Mr. I J. J. Black for the thrashing season. Mr. Jack Brawn is ongngo-d with Mr. J. J. Black fur the lln'nalnng swam]. Mr. Gauge Mclluu wears his :muual smile at present. its " girl. all are well. Mrs. Wallace and children, after a pleasant visit with friends, returned to her hmue in b'touitvi1le an Tuesday last. I Mr. A. Mahatma“, of THE I, 1 STAFF. Wits " “Hanna calm l friends in out. burg tvveuitly. Miss May Marlin from sixth last week with her cousins hero. Miss Annie MoQunrriv. of Hat: cul'm-rs, returned to Tux-(mm Inst, to remain. Mr. George Paterson, of Pomona, in company with Miss Grant, teacher of irish Lake and Ida Bunion were guests at the lutter’s palvitis an Sunday wcwli, Mr. A, Mclhmgnll, of THE REVIEW STAFF. Wits " welvouu, (-n.llm- with Miss Alla Putt-mun ut'Flint..\Iich. who who has spent the past, six Weeks at het. grandparents and ullu-r friends here, rc- lurlwd to hm- lmmc (m Saturday. Heir Aunt, Mrs. li, K. llauruwll and little George, m'cmnpunit-d In-r its Cw as Pal, mox‘alun cm tin-11' Wuy to visit, friends in Humillt‘n. Mrs. Wrn. Young, of Rah Itoy, w caller in our town a fortnight ago. Miss Tillie McCuskery, of Rochester, spent at few days with Mis. Hymns last weck. ' Mr. Edwin Eyans, from Rochesten spent a few days with his wife and chil dren and olhor friends of o.twriituctuiu'y, Mr. E. returned on Thursday last. Miss Hazel McGregor., of your town, spent last week with Miss Jessie A. Ben- ton. Intended for last work. Harvest is finished in our burg. Mr. John McQueen. attorupanied by Mrs. McKoclmie and hot- little hay, Hughic. all from Bootlivulle, were callers with friends hereon Sabbath last. Mrs. Halliday spent. her eighty-sixth birthday at Mr. Wm. Smith's Monday. Mesure. Jim Robertson. George Ind Tom McIntosh intend leaving for Duluth this week. Our boys are getting scarce. Miyses Minnie Lamb and Lizzie Boyle, of Glascott. called on Dumocln trieuds last week. Quite a number of our young people intend attending the C. E. Convention in Owen Sound on the 18th. Rev. Mr. Blaek, of Holland Centre and Sydeuham, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sundey lust. Mr, Watt is sfeuding n law days with his sou-m-luw. of Holland, " present. ham, passed through here Salurduy lust leaving some of the proofs of his excel- lent work. ggm “hitch, Jr Hamilton, Sullivan was ONTA Scotch Town. Q? .rriv. of Jlatchlov's 'l'ovonto last, week TORONTO 'mmmu (IEW with mm t Yes Eng‘E 'pri puma: n a 1 iior a fry/gy a} TREK may The many women who take pleasure and oftentimes find profit in doing fancy work, will be pleased to learn that, the Uorticelli Silk Co. announce a new department for October under the caption of “Modern Lace Mukidg” which will be in change of Mrs. Sarah [ Hadley, of New York, whose work has always attracted marked attention. The same issue will likewise contain ideas for simple Christmas needle work, besides new patterns for centerpieces, . doilles. picture frsunes, tea cloths, silk! 1 purses, etc. Those of our readers who] feel an interest. in this class of work l I should send 10 cents for a '?opy or he- l come subscribers at 25 cents per annum (with tig little delay as possible. Ad- :dress, ('orticelli Silk Co., LUL, st. Johns, P. View. am M Mr Richard Allan is working wall Me T McNoice for a law weeks. Miss Lizzie Allan is dress-making with Miro,. Hughes of Durham. JIM, Maggie Allan in rmnuimnc with J C Nichol. of Durham for the winter. Mr null Mrs llnlniwmn, (Hallie E-lt-m M Humiltun are visiting her uh! home and “renal.- in and arouirl Varnry. Corticelli Home Needlework Magazine 1i MvDol’u-ALLiln‘ Durham. nu Thurs- Mr. N. Dnnsnmm-e of Allan Park spent Sunday at home. Mrs. G, Mighton's baby is ill again. Mr. A Noble sundayod with his pat" ents. Miss C. Wells has been spending a. few days at. the parental home. Mrs. T. G. Hutton who was Ill last week is well again. Mr. Tut nhull of Vickers visited with Me. T. Milligan one day last. Week. Miss M. Hopkins is at present learn- ing the dress-making with the Misses Hughes of Durham. " us tite Wand ot Ins splendid healtll.3 InJmuimHu will rm! trumemlmu energy I are not found where Stomach. Liver, Kid. neys and Bowels are out of order. If you l “nut llivr-c qu a'ities and the mot-mas they . ring. use Dr. K'ug's New Life, Pillar. I They duvelop every power of brain 9nd l body. Only 25e ot our drug vtoreu. 6, I Miss Bella Mackenzie of Tom-uh) ls home at present. Mrs. RUM. Welrlret. is out. Mr. Thos Millignn visited Sullivan friends lately. Miss A. Cornish of Normnnlly war, the guest of Miss E Noble Sundwy. ”Kiss EEBENEEEYEl KERGAN rhus, P. Q., or send $1.20 to the Re. cw. and receive the Review and agazine for 1 year, posh-me free. AlA'oNts'it - - Hummus At ll tharitu. of bride's pun-Hts. Hg! on Wt'tinwstlay, Supt. (i, 1899. Fulmmm'. Mono Hum]. to Vina uaup,rh',tw of Mr. lid. Hun ism). day, Sept. 7, 1899; "d/liiliui"iiii",, John McDuugnll, a son. ia', sriiit.BY smszi -. DE'E'EC-IT, M'ICH. IN the rcsvxit of his trpl Bismapek's Iron Nerve. IO-N' sm'ziK' (a? Hutton Hill. MARRIED VARNEY. BORN ..i.. ailing at, pres- ts, J‘Jgrwmml. Ii, mun. Hun-y tt the resi- irF atiiititr agiimgtaitr 'W%liiittt B"atr '2Niilr r,,,,,,! l health eidesi g Our Teas Are Leaders! sryurpiood:sr:i' and Japan 2tw TEA ymmwes toin 'lk pcrt'ptll Pure Spiees, Ground and Whole Flavoring Extracts, true to flaw, .' South Grey, Durham, Snpt. 26 to 27. 3 Canada Central. Ottawa. Sept. ll In 23. I North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 12 to ll. I Gr. Northern. Collingwood Sep 19 to2.2. l, Central, Guelph, Sept. 19:021. l, East G' my. Ftesherton, Sept. 19 and 20. I Nurllu-rv, Wtukerton, Sept. 19 and 20. I Gleuvlg, Markdale, Sept. 21 and 22. l Diff. Central. tihelhuvue, Sept 2thuul 27 l West Well.. Hattiston, Supt, 27um1253. World's Fair. Holsteln. ()cthr 3. I Artemesiu, Pt iveyillo, Oct.10:md ll, PHHBMLINE PILLS Manuraetu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. MlllflllMll Rheumatic flpuik PLEASANT. PURE AND HEALTHFUL The BOAR POR SALE OR [XGHHNGE HE UNDERSIGNED WILL HELL or exchange a Hmmughhrml large - English Bevkshive Bnnr fur a, \urkshim. Apply to the proprietor. THY. ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET ”PARKE/Q's ity g Nlillllii)hllifi Medicines tty (if fi$5333§5553§55§555£535§$ " . 'tr'.s'e.t.t.ttt.t:r.tt.t.t.t:s.t:st.t.t:d.'c' Quart Gem Fruit J Gall. Gem Fruit I STANDARD GRANULATED SUGARmZO lbs FALL FAIRS MRS. A BURNE T Good Geeks I as; JAS. ATKINSON, tr I Guaranteed to cure , Rheunmtism. Sciatica, Lumlmgo. Gout, and Neumlxiu. Brights Disease, Diabetes. Paralysis Couvulsions, “on” Disease, van. M0. A sure cure foe Headache,nizziuess 1'trivitipatiou, Indi- gestion, ISiliuusm-ss mm N‘mt Jars mm Fruu Jars hhafitt BBSI (lilil (ht M18 (Ill ilail. Insure the family's health by using best grade Flour and Coral Baking Powder. aE?f, ii,ite, Egg} ol' the be The Leading Spot for all kinds ot Groceries. . PARKER'S st in the market. W if. J14.M1729r HANOVER. trlwir offitre 5-39“! tttttpr Deeds. Murtguges, \Vills. and rthet, Writings carefully prepared. "Always Prompt. Never Negligent.‘ All businees Strictly Private. A Hundred good Forms for sale, A iso unumlwr of fine Hanover Propel-tics. Go to him if you u ant to sell: Go to him if you want to buy. He collects notes and accounts. and it heats every- thing how he new money out, of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tangles. Hnurln and Difficulties straightened out. settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling, by the use of a little tact and good judgment. If on are unable to [my 100 cents on. the ghe wtil assist, you to arrange with your creditors. lnsulvent Estates sut- isfucturilv wnund up. .(aars (ll l/u' Inmilu’sx marl XMAS El Y, and he KNOWN Ho H' to gr! ','g,'ru" totcettt plmnihll' "ttcr. um! with f privileges'. Thot via-1r]: thc whole country gum to him. ll is (ending at 6 par Nut. and (m ’lll‘gi' loans at 4 5-4. "IE! tlt ll ttt Ilet (Ill tt t) II. ff. JffLLhUt will burr hrro Cf .W'tovr' ttf thr Inmiumw III'J'I XMAS h".',' Y. (Hill ht, KNOWN lily H' to gr! mmwy "f Ioll‘md pnusihlr' I'M/(w 11ml [fir/1 Men, Poor Mm. Grits, 2'oriett and Palm: ILL DEAL WITH.... H l NTE D-FT', VERA I ' Tlil' STWORTHY PF, lt sum; in thiu- mm . own nml "our! , lurk comma,” l your and emu-1 Dht c, STOI catch & Irish ! H, H. MILLER, 65e her dozen 900 pm- dozen, " Id The Hanover 1'otveyancev, PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS I'ln' t. M M HP, nun-nan our -mmu‘es. It Ivan“. Soda tld . ior $l.00. " rbllsinou in t " mainly Att straight bottvie, no Black H rl IE x! Far' ham once I from lo I. m. Secretary D week “MY“! arrangements as com: wit Weekly Glam Woe of thu and hot h to u now subscribe Durham wit outlay. the " The Fauna at their cottttl untidy app" Cnunty Cour where they w A “Rum Tu mat cog ttet “ heal cullec . young work and captured are ulna pri books showi coznnu‘ nun pup: has in " w artietos for an if separated t cr. The Ivor resumed in work still to the pocketa c give to l Boo Guelph- ie " and m India and [I Burmah, ed common not av is not intl , Local {I Ira w ll cubk parents may In {VI ou u a rieud Fergus (A: u " ll u VOL. III ti . subs " 'et'ttttt44 the pr UK A! Hi H lit

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