West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Sep 1899, p. 1

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IQ! Ill : G He coll - b; Up w tit w w tis W W W w W u, A Two more victims in Toronto last week from "ucoping coal gm. They won- warned and one of them laughing replied she knew all about it. Nobody, we believe now blows it out: the mis- chief lies in turning it otf and then turning the tap hack again. Let it stay term-d. This tap in the morning was three quarters open. wen- wax replied s} we helie, chief lit 30 cents will take the REVIEW and Weekly Globe to any address for the balance of this year. For $1.50 we will send both to the end of the century to new subscribem. As IsTic.itFSPylNi; PAtu'iAGri.--hi'e rc- received just lately itom Mr. Neil Mc- Cannel, linden. Manitoba, " package showing the. work of his pupils in Map- ilrawing and writing. The work "etlects, great, credit on Mr. McCanuel and his pupils. At the Brandon Fair there is an educational Jepavrment, and for A6 best collection of copy books." Neil's young workers took 3rd prize last year, and captured lst prize this year. There are also prizes for the best exercise books showing daily work, and other cognate matter. Mr. McCannel intends to get a. substitute this fall and make a. tour of the province, which we hope to see reflected in the REVIEW. Wheat bye. The Hera gress under his learn he is not 1 ism though at hope Messrs l EVERY BOY m ALrKE,--'Werw there 'tny marks about him hy which he could ire described?' asked the detective. Yes, vztgerly replied the father of the run- -u\uy buy; ‘his tmnsers were nearly warn through at the knees and he had in mu- of his pockets, us I heard my wife say a day or two ago, a knife with " hrokon blade, a pistol cartridge that had hut-n iii-ml off. a mat ch, some of the. wltecls ul' an old watch, a leather shoe.- strina. a broken key, a hunch of twine. - "menu!” E A CALL To Bmmrrttm.--rtem, A. B. The Fergus " Canadian," has a fling ; Drumm Presbyterian Ministelof Port at their county town, Guelph. for ita Elgin, has accepted a. positioi u Dis. untidy appearance, and wants the J trict Inspector for the Sun saintrs and County Council to move to Fergus I Loan Co. in the counties of OM and where they will he appreciated. 1 Brant. : A Wotto To Tux-z WIsE.---Six Year old i Sacramental services will he held the. Etta Ferguson, of Hurristun, nearly _ last Sunday of September in Burns' met her death last week playing with i'chureh, Rocky &augeem Prejnmtmy utatches Het clothing was ablaze and Remit-es Fridnyand Saturday. The Rev she and hot. father are now in the hosp- luv. Matheson ot Pricpville will assist ital, the lulu-r fruln injuries received in _ the pastor, Rev. Mr, Graham. 1 "al?"'." his rhild. . . ', A Walkerton bicyclist was Aned for l M. l'. A. A-""-""."' ronnnlt'tvo riding on the sidewalks and uppeitled Inna "li'"') ll, [we-pnrutmn fur Iv".",- In the County Judge, who prmnply III-MIA} I s v-n;v‘.;_; m-xttnslmw nlghtlm aid 'contivtned the fine and loaded htm with 'I' itll vital-l "tty ”mu-Imm- tln- young llt'U- _ costs. ' has been finely saved in his neighbor- hood, and yields 30 to 35 bushels per. acre. If any of our teachers, pupils or friends will call, we shall be pleased to show them the work of the W.estern " weans." THF, IowErts.---Last Thursday even- ing Mr. Wellesley E. Bailey, Spry. and Supt. of the Leper Mission to India and the East, gave an address to about a hundred m the Presbyterian Church. As Mr. Bailey has had 30 years experi- ence with the lepers and in work for the lepers, be does not speak from hear- say, but tells". simple, winning tale of the poor sufferers, and the means used to ameliorate their hopeless woes. His lecture was much enjoyed. There are about half a million of these outcasts in India and perhaps as many more in Burmah. China, &c. Contrary to the common notion. Mr. Bailey says Lepro- of an effort to org ple on Y M C A Smut- ahlr. outsulle bit of red ck wrote in his .hstinguishm cy. The work of the mission has so far resulted in great bleSSings. but the work still to he done appeals stongly to the pockets of those able and willing to give to a good cause. Miss Lily Watt, Guelph. is agent for this part and will mun information or "eeire'ieontHtr unan- for the work. ham ofBee Mondays and Court Days, from Ion. m. to 4 p. m. Secretary Davidson is kept busy this week receiving entries and making all arrangements for the show next week. ed. Watch for annm Editor Glendinniu; Ho-mhl last, week had bye. The Herald has grass under his care, I fearnhe is not to rat " is not infectious. though communi- cable, and that children of Icprous parents may be saved from the disease if separated from their parents in infan- Fergus tax rate is 19.h mills. Durham will be crowded next Wed. nesday. the 27th. Will you be there? itring, a In mm or tht end, some Hi1) Business Men’s Letter Paper! ' Local and District News. ' tmm~uud Lucas. Wright a Btttgon.--At Dur- me of his pockets, as I 'e say a day or two ago, " roken blade, a pistol cum 1 bvett fired oft, a match, 1 ecls 0f an old watch, a le ing, a broken key. a lmnc n or three white pebbles; (l. some hand-hills from tl show V0U---XXI. N0. 38. Ghutdintting of the Dundalk st, wvek bade his readers good ' Herald has made steady pro- vr his car», and we are glad to snot to retire from journal- .th at present unplaced. We saws Blacklock and Gibson m-t hy successors. t.-An energetic committee t Ill preparation for Wed- ing "ext/Show nighthn aid In organize the young pon- I' A lines for the winter. utuide talent is being Recur- Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- ness paper at Moderate Prices. Are you out? cen Rey, a hunch m twine. white pehhles, a piece of mud-Mlle from the last biey- lump of 10nd pencil and a talk.' And the detective memorandum lsoolc--s No minor mark ttmoUHC't'ttl6 “R Mr. U. McArlhur who has foe ttvie years past deen doing business at the old Dalglish store moves this week into the fine large new store built. by Mr. McCracken this summer. Here with the able assnslnncu of his nephew, Alex. lie will he in it position to display his Hoods to best advantage and will be de- lighted to receive all old friends. \V’Enmxu BELLs.---Congratulations are in order again this week. Today, Wednesday, we believe, wedloek's bonds are being thrown around Mr. fhou. Swallow and Miss hiupevnatt1U on Mr. Wttt. Livingstone and Miss Corbett of Vickers. Best. of good wishes. CI(b'ay, With thisdisease upstairs last week and downstairs this uvek, in the Middaugh House block, the Chronic-11- will be sure" lv infected.” Tue FAIrts.-All the lesser fairs are now tnurehingalonit in procession and the mammoth squash, the log cabin quilt, the wool tidy crochet, the grade heifer 2 years old, the red lemonade fiend, the every timc-you-hit-the-old- lady-you-a-prime-cigar' man and other attractions and atrocities will on- Wtio Is THE Ginr,.--The following advertisement appeared in the Toronto yitat. of Monday: "Gentlemen, if you want a sweet little wife with money, address box 98, Walkerton, Ont," It is generally well known that, if a man were in search of a "sweet little wife " he could not strike a better place than walkerton, hut we didn't know that any of our girls were so tiusr, with money as all this. Gee whizz! what a. snap. LATrur-The owner of box 98 must be a. young widow, for after the above item was in type the following ad. appeared in another Toronto paper l .. Young. refined widow with 825,000 wishes to correspond with young gen- tleman of good family, with a view to matrimony. Address Box 98, Walker- ton, ont."---).--. The editor of the Bruce Herald referring to the same incident. takes the precaution to men- tion that his box is 452! gum attention to the exclusion of election frauds, Dreyfus, the Boers, etc. Meantime we will make the usual mistakes in the prize lists, and blame the secretary, but. corrections will be made in future issues-Ex. A yiH..tsoNAt',I.ic Qtusutv.----A (-()rreS< purulent of the Woodstock Times has propoumled " question which many people have probably turned over in their minds: bb If my fruit trees over- "hung my neighbors’ garden have they "it tight to the fruit, or can I go onto "their ground to gather it ?" We give the Times' reply-whether It is accord- ing to law or not we do not know: "The answer "yes" must go to the first question, and "no" to the second. If your fruit trees overhang your neigh- bor's fence, that neighbor has a right to the fruit, and as regards the second question about going onto the neigh- bor's property in order to pick the fruit, it might just be said that the whole matter rests with the neighbor. He may be courteous enough to allow you to do this, but otherwise, you stand the chance of being sued for tremolo if C,1U'iii7ii'nir7illa"TitiiG Iii-per- A LEssos.---Foe keeping her pre- mises in an unsanitary condition, the inspector had Mrs. Krohn. of Neustadt, lu-fm'u P. M. Ryan on Manda... She was given " severe lwsson and allowed to Ko with paying costs ~Ayton Ad- Vance. Hoes MoviNo.--Mr. J. McKechnie shipped a. car load of hogs to Totonto on Monday. The firm keeps branching out. Wedding bells are ringing M, Vamey, and it is reported one of our heightést young ladies will be transplanted to Dornoch. -. FALL Atmzm.--Messra George and Mich. Kress and'John Livingstone left Monday for Owen Sound when they have been called on jury duty. C'LtrBBtNo.--REvlew and Weekly Globe to Ianunro l, 1900, 30 mu. To January l, 1901. $1.50 to now sub- scribers. Anniversary services are. to be held in Varney Methodist church kph 80. ittttttrit THE BIG 4,--Mr, Bean was astir Mon- daymorning before daylight and had the hulk of his goods down to his new store before the rain stopped operations. He will he found now comfortably and adequately housed between the fine stores of Messrs Morlock and Kress. with Miss Cassie McDonald as an oblig- ing assistant. By the omision of a "4" in last weeks ad. we made him offer "New Goods at Big Prices" which must haveheenthe means of bringing him some extra. trade for which we will charge nothing. DURHAM MArurETs.--This winter farm- ers will find Durham markets up to date Messrs Hunter and Sparling are both in readiness to do business, and with two such active men on the streets, giving honest weight and baking only a living margin, the returns to farmers should be satisfactory. Moreover with new blood infused into Lower town business blocks and the general air of prosperity pervading our' good town, bargains may he looked for in many lines and profit- able dealing in all. It doesn't pay to take liberties with Her Majesty's mail or the regulations pertaining thereto. A Galt lady has learned this at a cost of $10. A letter posted at the Galt office a. few days ago bore a used stamp. The epistle Was forwarded to the inspector for ex- amination and action. The stamp was so plainly cancelled that the letter was opened and thus the name of the sender obtained. Assistant Inspector Maloney interviewed the writer. She did not deny her guilt and without the slight- est hesitation paid the .10 fine required by luv for the ttmt deuce. Tuesday's dailies have an item where ; PY" _ r. My PFV _ 'm' r . one llsumnil and Robe. Gray, wall} . Mits.Mar'y "I"." of 1)'.wn ps spend- known hero, haveheen arrested. whitei “If: {his week with her friend, Mrs. J. acting in self defence against an attack i Milligan at Hampden, of one McIlroy last week. they inflicted i Miss Tenn, Nowell. of the Rocky. vis- injuries which may prove fatal. nc-l. ited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. llroy is a big powerful man: of 230 lbs. :John Stewart, at, Bunessan last, week. with a bad reputation. They will he} Miss Annie Vessie, of Paris, is spend- admitted to hail and we hope will be, ing a couple of weeks with her parents, able to show justification. ”UP. and Mrs. John Vessie, north of - -- -. -- ithe town. Acct. ofJas. McGirr, amount $8.00 rel, Mr. Dan. Firth. of Edge Hill, lost, a OwenGaynor, not entertained. ivulunhle tttat'1' last, week. Councillor Spnrling gaye notice. that) Miss Carri!) Sullivan, of Flesheeton, he would introduce a hy-hiss, at nexti‘visitml friends in town last week. regular meeting to prohibit cows nur‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ilobt. Adams. of Hols. ning at, hu ge. . i Loin, took in the Owen Sound show last Council adjourned till Thursday Itth l week. Thursday Sept. Itth 1899 Council resumed. All present. Checks were issued as follows. J. L. Browne, expenses re abutment wall at bridge $87.75; Thos. Daniels, stone $10.50; Ed. Walsh. stone $10.00: N. 1vhitmore, stone $4.50; C, Ramage printing, Tax Rec. 82.50 Sidewalk de- hontnres $1.00. Spar-l'ng -- Moore -- Permission be granteJ G. T. R. to oxtend their track m't'oss Lambton street to Furniture Factory. Carried. East G my Show at Floshm'tnn yostert day was v0ry successful. South Grey Teachers' Association meets in Hanover. October 5th and oth, Mr. J. L. Brown is president. Our many highland readers will on- joy the gaelic sermon we present them this week through the kindness of Hev, Mr. Matheson. _ Council adjourned till Thursday 141h inst. Sparling - Hunter - That Lucas, Wright and Batson is hereby instructed to appeal against the decision of the arbitrators in the Burner case.--Carried Cheeks were issued as follows. Clerk', Salary. $17.50: N. G. & J, Mc- Keehnie lumber, tre. $14.87; C. Brown, work $6.40; Jas. Carson services as Constahle $18.00: Jas. Carson, keep of tramps to Aug. 9th $3.80; G. Meikle, work $1.00; II, Burner, work, $3.00: tas. D. Gun, keep of ()wvn Gaynor, 8G.oir, John Mitchell. gravel $2.00: Jas. McGirr drain hoxou. $2.10; A. S. Hunter, 14 hour's work ditching $1.10: Clerrk chari- ty to Mrs. Burt, $5.25: James Carson, It. R. ticket to Toronto $3.25; Total $86.57. hrtu'lintt--Moore.-rhat Mayor, Liv- ingstone and Hunter be a com. to invea. tigate the case of Mrs. Burt, xeported to he in destitute circumstsneea.-Carried. Livingstone-Hunter-That Board of works act as a committee to meet with trustees of Church to form estimate as to cost &c. Carried. Petition was read from J. L. Brown and lllothers asking for a crossing at intersection of Mill street with Gara- fraxa. owing to increased traffic. Refund was made to Edge Estate. of $3.00 taxes on Lot 15 and l6 Elgin and Kincardine Street. Minutes of meeting Sept. 11th. Full Council. . Petition presented asking for opening of Queen Street, in front of Methodist church signed by c. L. Grant and 62 others. DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1899. TOWN COUNCIL. til tirtgittt), l Mr. and Mrs. Bassart, of Ste. Sault Marie, are visiting at, Mr. Co1lier's and l, other friends at the Avenue. _, Miss Minnie Lewis. cf Mt. Forest paid i " fiying visit to her friends Misses Cul- l bertson and Orchard on Saturday. Mr, Jnn. A. Black paid a business II in Ito Chesley and neigltbovhood last, Fri- _ day and Saturday. Mrs. w, B. Vollett is visiting Mus. Fitzgerald. of London, and relatives there, and took in the exhibition last week. Mrs. Stover left last week for Buffalo, her father, M P. John Firth, being much better having made a surprising re- covery from a most severe illness. Mr. Ben. Williams, arrived home from the West Thursday night, after an absence of about three months. He speaks very highly of that glowing country. . Miss Amy Meredith, teacher, in the Fleeherton public school, spent tiatur" day and Sunday at her home in town. She was accompanied by Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Miss Mary McGillivray, \Vest Ben.. tinck, leftlast week for British Colum- bia, there to be united to the man of her choice, a Mr. Long of that pro- vince. Long may her happiness endure. Mr. A. C. McDonald, writinglfrom Napinlm, Man. date Sept 4th extols the heavy crops just lately gathered from that fine section of country. thrashing is in full blast. A. C. is enjoying it. and will enjoy the Review this Week. Mr. Pat. Morrison and his sister, Lizzie, of Edge Hill, took in the Tor- onto fair and report having a good time. Mr. Wendel Beitz, of Mildmay, at one time tenant, of the Central Hotel here, has leased the Walker Hom e, in Walk.. ermn. Mr. and Mrs. w, J. Young and Miss Tillie McC'oskety, from near Rob Roy, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mil- ligan at Hampden one day last week. Clerk Russpll left last week foe Clove- land where he is spending a holiday with his daughter, Mes. (Dr.)Ed. Lauder Mrs. Gibson and daughter of Toronto were guests of Mrs. John Milligan at Ilnmpden last week. Miss Armstrong, of Toronto. is visit- ing her friend. Miss Maggie McDonald. this week. Miss Gertie, Meredith, teacher, of Orchardville, spent, Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Robert Ectov, of Edge Hill. is l'pending a month with friends in Bolton. Miss Janet timellie, of Bunessan, was visiting Mrs. A. Morton at Rocky Sau- geeu last, week. Mr. Arthur, McUlncklin was at Lon- don last, week, returning Friday. Miss Flopenee Woods, of Palmerston iS'the guest of Miss Ida Williams. Mr. S. Orchard visited the London Exhibitor) the latter part of last week Miss Newton from Penuslyvania is the guest of Mrs. H. Sparling, Rillnillill Miss Sadie Carson is visiting in Owen Sound. _ meson] and Wednesday 26 : a : 27 _.............. " E xnleo iN WW‘“$QM Rey Mr J ansen was in town yesterday --.Rash in the Entries.--- PERSONAL MENTION NEXT WEEK. SOUTH GREY I Bell, Dohetty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINE. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil- liams Sewing [whines and supplies. .. " m.___---._ Iv__-_ m-.__ n._L-__ ©. Mcxluuou. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words “WILKINSON PLOUGII COMPANY " is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. Deerin§c " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Waamooms--Upper Town. Durham. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Hank rows, Seattiers, We. Also Scotch Diamond Harrows. averjthing for Farmers ! We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. ADOPTED BY N,, C. dk J. McKechnie. "Large Sales & Small Profits." CULTIVATING, HARVESTING, Cash system We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ONTARIO ARCHIvt-té TORONTO 'lGitiiqiGiliiGGGh"ih1iGt'Gi'GGiiGiiiii a; [Akbar- N., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. You're a Reader of Review] WHOLE N0. 1123. _ Are you 3 _ Send in your Q trialtrip.to em Q for only 25c. _ of the century Are you a Butmsriber , Send in your name tor 1 trial trip.to end at the year for only 25e. To the end of the century for 81.00.

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