West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Sep 1899, p. 4

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ie ht y Apt DURHAM REVIEW. Speckled Trout.--0pen season, May 2nd to Sept. u. both days inclusive. Fishing through ice prohibited. co only may he caught in one day. by one person: lblhs. weight only may he taken in one day by one person. 5 inches in length or less must he return- ed to the Water. Herbert D. Mereweather. Deputy Game Warden for the county of Wel- lington. has furnished the press with the following digest of game and tish laws, fur the guidance of the public, who are requested to out the same out and keep It for leference: 2--sir Chas. Tapper arrived in Mon treal on Monday. Manitoba's wheat crop is now canin- ated at 50 million bushels and not a bushel louched with treat. The marketing of this immense crop is begun, and the question of trans- portati, n is an all important one. The C P. R. is making immense efforts to keep up with the growth of the west by constantly adding to its roiling suck. but with all its efforts delay takes plueeaud much ot it finds the seaboard over American lines. Transportation assumes a new inter- est this your owing to the wise action of the Laurier Government at the time ut’gruntim; the Crow's Nest franchise. Not only did they keep control ol the pass, they, tor the privilege given,de- "landed and secured a rebate of 3 cts. per hundred pounds on the produce of the Manitoba tanner. and also got more favorable terms tor necessary eastern importation; -------_----- -The situation in South Africa is "ill " serious." According to des- patches a peaceful solution is one day possible, the next announces that the detiant attitude oi the Boers makes war certain. The real truth seemsto be that both sides want war, the Boer because he thinks he can again beat the Poriton,aanrl the average Briton wants war because he sees in the shiltiness of Kruger and the Boer diplomats trouble and injustice for British residents and a danger to British prestige. Here is a Digest of the Ontario Game and Fish Law. The value ot this rebate can be easily seen by a simple calculation. Making a reasonable allowance for seed and home consumption, the saving will be over $600,000 some say over 870U000, but taking the less sum and allowing half as mach more of benefit on export- ation of rough grains and from the re- duction on importations. there will be nearly one million dollars ofa saving by this Wise legislation. This sum di. vided among the 35,000 farmers of the North West representsa neat little sav- ing, all due to wise action on the part of the government. --The evidence in the Waterloo election trial reveals a most disgrace ful state of affairs. It shows that a considerable portion ol the electorate take an interest in politics simply for what there is "in it." The idea that principle should rule or that their manhood is at stake seems never to giVethem a thought. Until the law recognizes bribery by punishing the briber and the bribed, we will have no abatement of the malady. Men will take risksjand every candidate for public oftiee who is not willing to in; Mt out it uniair means are necess- ary to elect him, is no iriend of his country. This should be the decision “fen-11'; honest man and patriot and Le should impress it on his workers. It i, aggravating the case to say the other tcllows are as bad. The attitude that should be assumed by politicians should be to look inward before look. ing outward. Let us have clean vie, tories or none. To allow this poison among the electorateis poisoning the stream oi'National life at its source. -llon. Geo. E. Foster and Mr. J, P. Whitney addressed a large meeting in Massey Hall on Monday evening. The former smashed into Sir 1tiehard's fig- ures, being especially severe on the statement that Canada had progressed as much in the last 3 years as it had done since Confederation. Mr. Whit- ney found his topic in corruption. Any- way both gentlemen have to admit that Canada has seen no such growing time as the present. Thursday, Sept. 2:, 1899. is. -Open seam)", June. 16th to I 14th of following year, both days POINTERS FOR SPORTSIEN. A BIO SAVING. Wigs 0.. The reading of reports followed and guise of those were very interesting Fur instance. the committee "n North.. Wet supplies reported that they had met in llurristou- on August 28th and re-pneked the bales of eluthing from the different, auxiliaries. They sent in all eleven bales valued at titi27 Ot), freight on tins to the North-West being, $24.09. The committee u-purted a marked im- provement in the quality and quatuity “f clothing contributed this year. Sev. only-nine gutsd. heavy quilts Were sent inclusive. Hook and line only may be used to catch. When under 10 inches long must be returned to the water. Fish may not be taken by nets, traps. without license. and may not be killed by explosives. In the "fret noon the devotional exer- cises were conducted by Mrs. Young, of Clifford. and Mrs. Cuslmie, of Dromore. Mrs. Morrison delivered the president's address and there was a reply by Miss Adie. of Clifford. An excellent paper on "Our Missionary Heritage" was read by Mrs. Hanna. ot Mount Forest. Ducks. --Open season. Sept. lst to Dec. 15th. both days iuclusive. Geene.- Open season, Sept. 15th to May lst in following Fear. Muskrats--0pen season, Jan. Ist to May Ist, both days inclusive. Their houses must not be destroyed or in- jured at any time. Nuskratsmay be destroyed at any time by owner of property and also when there is th prob- ability of their injuring dams or des. troying etubtuikmentts. Eorgs.--uf game birds may not be taken, destroyed or had in possession at any time. The. morning session opened about, eleven o'clock with Mrs. Morrison. of Cedarville, the president, in the chair. Devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Gun, ot Durham, and Greenly. of Holstein. After the reading of minutes the election of officers was proceeded with, Miss Allan of Holstein, and Mrs, Ray. of Mount Forest acting as scruti‘ neers. The following officers were elec- ted for the ensuing year: President. Mrs. Morrison. Cedarvilie; lst vice-pre- sident. Mrs. Young. Clifford; 2nd vice. president, Mrs. Hanna. Mount Forest: secretary, Miss Young. Clifford; treas' urer. Mrs. Harvey, Harriston: secretary of supplies. Mrs. Glenney. Harriston'. secretary of Missionary Tidings, Miss Paulm. Arthur; auditors, Mrs. McMur- chy and Mrs. Brishin. Barrister), Traps-dots, Stun-es, gins, baited, etc., may not be set at any time for any of above game or fish. If found set may be destroyed by any person. Time.---Between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise no game bird may be killed. Hunting and fishing on Sunday prohibited. Tvespassing,---No person may enter growing grain or permit his dogs to Jo so without owner's permission, or hunt, or shoot upon number’s land after be- ing not illetl by owner not, to tlo so. HERBERT D. MEREWEATHER, Deputy Game Warden, Wellington County. Grouse, Pheasants, Partrisure.-0peu season, Sept. 1.3m to Dec. 15th. both days inclusive. May not be sold till Sept. 15th, woo, no matter when killed-l Hatvs.-Upen season. Sept. limb, to Dec. 15th. both days inclusive. Rab- bits, pulled cotton tails, may be destroy- ed at any time. Otter and Heaver.-M9pen season. Nov. lat to April lst in following year. both days inclusive. May nut, he killed be,, fore Nov. lst, 1900. w. Woodcock. Snipe. 1tuail.--0pen sea.- won, Sept. 15th to Dec. 15th, both days inclusive. May not be sold till Sept. 15th, 1900. Hail. Plover.--Open season, Sept. 15th to Dec. lah, both day: inclusive. sur,11.P. Olivia, of Dan-Mona, Spain spends his Winters an Aim-n, ti, U. Weak tiervem had waved severe pmus in the buek or his head. ‘m using Electcie hunters, Atuerioa's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pnm soon for: him. lie mys this grand medlciue ix what his Country needs AllAtuerica knows that u. cure-s liver and kiJuey trouble, purities the blood, tum-s up the stomach. strength- ens the nerves, plus vim, vigor and new lifeiuto every muscle, nerve and organ of the Lady. If weak. tired or ailing you mod it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by our Druggists. ' 1 The annual meeting of the Saugeeu l’resbyterial w. F. M. H. was held on Tuesday in the Presbyterian church at Holstein. The meeting was highly suc- ('esful [here belng a large number of delegates present morning. afteluoon and evening sessions beng held. The auxiliary at Holstein uuule elaborate prvparations for the meeting, having the church beautifully decorated and all other arrangements! complete. The mis. sionary society delegates and members of the Presbytery were entertained at lunch in the basement, of the church and this department of the day's pro- ceedings was in the hands of capable ladies who pleased everybody. Annual Meeting of the Society held at Holstein on Tuesday-Pres/ry Meeting held the Same Day. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Spain's Greatest Need - l 1 Tit in. among the other things. The secretary’s report was general in character and mentioned that240 copies of the Mis- sionary Tidings me taken by the mem- bers of the society who tind the public- ation very interesting. The treasurer reported that nearly $600 in money was raised during the year for missionary purposes, Holstein auxilary contribut- ing the largest amount. The amounts Contributed by the different auxiliaries were as follows: Arthur. 849.21; Cedar- ville. $13; Clitrcwd, $313.38; Cotswold, 8ril'li: Durham. ,ict25.5o;Drotio'e, $48; Goraie, $27: Guthrie church, Harriston, $61.71: Knox cluuch, Harriston. $33.05; Holstein, $78.09: Mount Forest, $111.75; Moot-elicit]. $25.11); Palmerston, $39.00: Rummy, $21.00; Guthrie Mission Band $15.21): Clifford Mission Band. 82.00; Mt' Fort-st Mission Band. $17.00 The re- ports were adopted. Then there Was prayer by Mrs. Aull of Palmerston. An interesting question drawer was conducted by JuissA'toiitrh, Durham, and Mrs. Hanna, ot Mount Forest. During the afternoon , oral solos were rendered by Mrs. Miller, of Holstein, and Misses McCulloch and Scott. of Mount Forest. A resolution of sympathy with Mrs. Morrison in the death of her brother was unanimously passed. The meeting of 1900 will be held in Arthur. At the eveuingtueetmg there was an address by Rev. Mr. Wilkie, returned mission. James Wilson has resumed his old; place in Wallace's store. All will be i glad. Oar burg has to regret this week.the departure of Mr and Mrs Wm. Groat, who have moved to Mt Forest. We are sorry to lose old friends bat feel our loss will be their gain. The moderator reported that Durham congregation desired to extend a call to Rev. Mr. Fnrqulmrson, of Claude, Ont. The call was Signed by 161 members and 80 adherents [now considerably increas- ed]. The salary guaranteed was 8950 pernnulnn but this imu' be raised to $1,000. Messrs. Turnhull, McFarlane and Young appeared on lwlmlf of Dur- ham congregation in support of the call which was sustained by presbylery. Provisional arrangements were made for Rev. Mr. Fumuharsou's induction in (any he should accept. Rev. D. L. Ciunplwll, of Drvmore, will plosidv and inuurl, Rev. 3lv.McCullogh will preach, flvv. J. M. Miller, of Holstein. will ad- dross the minislrr null Rev. w. G, llun. nn, of Mount Fortrsl,the lu-oplmihlt. Forvst Confederate Mrs Robt Williamson and daughter Valmar are the guests of Mr and Mrs John Horsburgh. my. Among those from a distance were l Mr and Mrs Danbrook, Attwood, Jas, Rin and his mother and sister Ray. Mr and Mrs Adam Rin, Mr and Mrs Jas. Brothers and Mr and Mrs John Wil- liamson from Newbridge, Miss Kate Smith, Toronto, and Miss Lizzie and John Laughton and Miss Wells, Drom- PRESBYTERY MEETING. Sungeen Presbytery also met In Hol- stein on Tuesday, its sessions being held in the Methodist church. Rev. D. L. Campbell of Dromore, was elected moderator for the ensuing six months. Among those taking in London tair are Mrs Marg. Brown, Miss Tena Orch- ard, Miss L. Mickleboro and Mrs Wm, Main. Holstein. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized Sop mm at 5 p. m, in the Meth- odist Church, Holstein, when Miss Jennie Doupe, second daughter of Mr Adam Doupe, became the wife of Mr. James Danbrook, merchant, of New- bridge. Rev. Mr. Magwood perform- the ceremony. The bride was very handsomely attired in white muslin with Veil and white asters and carried a bouquet of white asters and mignon- ette. Miss Annie Danbrook, Sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and was also neatly attired in white muslin and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas. Master Pomeroy Magwood, dressed in blue trimmed with white, acted as page while Herbert Doupe, brother of the bride, assisted the groom through the trying ordeal. Afterthe ceremon- y a dainty 'dejeuner ' was served at the residence of the bride's father when about 80 guests refreshed the inner man. The following is a list of lhe presents --Groom's gift to bride-a gold watch, to bridesmaid a gold ring set with stones, Choir's gift, large parlor lamp, ()ther presents I parlor lamp, hall lamp, 2 sets of salad dishes and nap- kins, P. silver cake baskets, 1 pair of embroidered pillowshams and toilet cover to match, tablecloth, 1; dozen ot table napkins, P. jam pots, 2 breakfast cruets, molasses pitcher, 2 glass fruit dishes, 1 set polishing irons, china tea set, sil pickle cruet, sil 1eoffee pot, doz. sil teaspoons, 2 sil sugar spoons, 2 sil butter knives, 2 china Irdit dishes, 1 cheese dish, water set, 2 set tab. mats, pr toilet bottles, sil napkin ring, 4 pair towels, photo album, ancy pin cash. ion, china cake dish, fancy water pitcher, jewellry box, set collar, cuff and glove boxes, china cup & saucer. silk embroidered centre piece, pr. salt and pepper Sifters, spread and pillow Shams, fancy flower vase, pr Japanese yases. card receiver, glass pickle dish, silver bon bon dish and 1 hand painted picture, framed. The bride and groom left Thursday morning for London, thence to their new home having with them the best wishesof all. Jennie will be very much missed in choir and every part of church work, as she was always willing to lend a helping hand. "diR"iaWRrTrRR3 TORONTO South Grey, Durham, Sept. 26 to 27. Canada, Central. Ottawa, Sept. 11 to 23. Crlenelg, Markdale, Sept. 21 and 22. Gr. Northern. Collingivood Sep 19 to 22. Duff. Central. Fs'ltelhurne, Sept 26 and 27 West Well., Harrisyon, Sept. '27 and 23. \Vorld’s Fair. Holstein. Octuher 3. Artemesiu, Priceville. Oct. 4 and 5. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. l ' Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Waltham or Elgin Watch in Nickle Screw Case. We have Seven- teen Jeweled Walthnms at, prices never offered hefore. Note.--At Durham, Mondays 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and Court, Days. At Price- vnlle. Mondays " p. m. to S p. m. Omce, over Grant's store. Lower Town OFFI CE --N ef nt " Black. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Pills. Deeds, Mortgages, Leums. Agreements. Ma. correctly prepared. Estates of deceased persons looked after. and Executors' and Ad- tuinitgtrtxtorti' Accnunts prepared and puma. Surrogate Court Business. Probme of Wills, Letters of Adauiuiotutiou and Guardiunship Obtained. Searches madam Registry Omce and Titles reported on. OFFICES-Oman Sound, Mnrkdale and Durham ”can" Fugue, CONVIYANCER, ac. omee----L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgnges at low, at rules of interwar. Valuations made "Y acotuyetenttui0 careful Valuulor. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS: NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS. Money to Lozunianpnny and Private Funds. Lowltates. EusyTvrms. LUCAS,'WRIGHT a BATSON. " est persona to represent us as Managers in this and close by cnnntlen. Salary B900 3. you and oxpomes. Stninht. born-nae. no more. no less salarv. Position permnuent. Otae referenco, any bank in any town. Itig mainly ottieo work conducted It heme. Ro- ference. Enclose selfmddrensed stamped envelope. Tm; DoammtCosrPAtt Dept. 8, Chicago. tf WePi?cet2?Hy,.r BRIGHT AND HON- but nnrnnn- tn run-nan“. m: In Mun-nan- I B LUCAS W " WRIGHT C A BATSON Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. J. P. TELFGRD, All Charges Moderate G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. arm'ster, Jfotary, 80n- veyancer, etc” etc...” W. S. DAVIDSON. Sti5 BILL! FALL FAIRS l DURHAM. ONT. (Over the Bunk. an: we Tvelu'Urabeu Aaams' Wagons. A Full Line of the Best Pianos,jh As Usual a Full Line BUGG Turnip Sowers, seuffierts, Plougbs. Barrows, Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. 15;qu nf uumunn I Spring and Summer Goods know what these Goods are-the best in rise bat our stock was tostmi"iii'r'i.7,' alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards WAGONS! a fall earload toselect from. are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. Undenakinx and Embulming on latent grin clples at reachable when 'drT'tte only Inn-clan Ila-urn. Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business eslab- lished byher father in Durham in 1853 and will endeavor to give all old and new custom era the same entire satisfaction. Furniture of the Best. Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. Remember the "end-posits tht Market. Durham. MISS SHEWEL fil AND WAGONS-m WE MISS SHEWE L L We have been moving lately and have not had tinn to tell you about our stock. Listen now! --rroLL LINE ore-- iite Two carioadu of Tudllope IlUGGIDi ti. select. We have very nice Buggies and. Democrats. Prices of rim, are. on tln l I years that desirable turn, 1 and 11, l'on. 1, s. li.lt., ,Farm is well watered, l'rmm- I other out buildings. Good Irri ihnlf " tuile from school. p, given at any time. Terms I‘m Apply to proprietor of Ueuttun Durham, for particulars. éFarm and Hotel to men: THE ROB ROY HOTEL mm yum unlicensed) is also offered in mum-rum: License is expected next year. llmn arranged accordingly. Apply NN allun’v. Dated Sept. 12, 1899. "If of Massey-Harris Binders, 1hnvtr, Disc Barrows, Rakes, Etc. Trot the market. Buy no other '. Organs and Sewing Machines. crats. Prices of rigs aid on rm f! and a good profit saved in freight Dr. T. tl. HOLT 14.3.5 O RENT FOR THREE HR FIN DENTISTRY. Bee our Farm TRUCK. Thou Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses. CALDER“ burn um " Imus: ’ussessim “(pliable mi Hotel “magma OF COC Nice ff, Um Pretty I} DURHA V.. Rheumatism TU tl, friend l rheunm my Mil"; flow wi ff It i whit-I what math: tMMout have I your I t5tu'e it fen. For sale by H. THE M to ma went will t stun vice Gald If you see I host of pen god would li your spare why we woo oblige you. ll t'tl “ill ofo WI", 'al Come Mac. ‘er( Will 'e w out Wc li am

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