West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Sep 1899, p. 5

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RICE. iUL'l' "fit LDER H at? jE Licenses. .300on Machines, :1th H, when. Rent Above. These " iNiol .hle and the ight IV m e Hid 0t tt " " [XHIB We Will Do Ali OF COURSE (Mr $1 FIIIN'J/ Lamp a beauty. Pretty Btu/mat Holders 512. JVrre Urn/[wt (new (1mm) P:",". .I Hm Ila/lying Lamp 33.). Nire Hyacinth Glasses 10e. DURHAM. Rheumatism & Dyspepsia Gurad. t',w.sTLrsF.s.--on the advice of a tiivtul tried one bottle of your famous rlu-unmtic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism. flnm wltivhl haye suffered for many yt'"rs. It also cuved me of ',lr',tt,p't1lt from whivhl was suffering amt e time, so wlrut l Feel nuw like a new man. l have tried several remedies fol rheu- lnutiqn, sumo of which did me a. certain :mmunt of good, hut nothing that I hun- taken has (9mm so much fur me as your Phreuoline, and l have Imwh plea: win» in recommending it, [anther suf- For sale by ti. PARKER, Durham. THE - - BIG MOVED CalderBlock e Will IJO All we can In make you feel at home. If you have any parcel or anything you want taken care of we hope you wili make a convenience of our store. We are at your Ber viee----uge us! And invite inspect? of our New Fall Stock. If you see, anything among the host of pretty things we have, and would like to leave some of your spare cash in exchange, why we would be most happy to oblige you. Bat drop in any- way, and bring the little folks. A Few Specialties: E’iacFARLANE 81 Ci) 571 Fir. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA. July 31st, 1890. the Phtwnoline Jferlteine Co., Ltd. ()Huuw. Ont. BEAN dKYD, Come and (iire,e Os ! WEN [XHIBH IDA YS nun-s very truly. iriigned) JAM ES CARROLL, F;ll'ellulll n! Works, Itidean canal. South Grey Show next Tue. day and Wednesday. We are now settled in our New Store in the DRUGGIs'rs AND BooKsELLEm4 ONT. 0N A welcome visitor to the Capital this l week has been Hon. Thos. Greenway, I 1 Manitoba's energetic and popular Pre- i mier. ‘As usual he is full of enthus- iaun over the outlook in his adopted Province, the public affairs of which he has so successfully guided for the past 12 years, and never had he better I reason tor satisfaction with the present and eontidenee " the future. The! harvest, now successfully garnered, is the best in the history of the Province and the third of three successive years, each of which was a record. The lat- est estimates place the output at 60,- 000,000 bushels; from 90 to 95 per cent of this will probably grade No. 1 Hard and the price of grain promises to be at least an average. The improved transportation conditions have come in- to operation in time to give the farmer the fullest possible benefit from this splendid harvest. The reduction of "hree cents a bushel on east.boand l wheat secured by the Government when granting the C. P. R. the char- ter to build the Crow's Nest Pass Rail- way is in itself equivalent to a cash saving of at least three quarters of a million dollars on this year's crop a- lone, while the big reduction in the west bound freight charges will make an appreciable difference in the cost of 1 amultitude of necessaries which the Westerner is compelled to purchase irom the east. The cost of a bushel of wheat. In this connection it is interesting to note an estimate recently prepared by the Superintendent of the Brandon Ex- perimental Farm of the cost oi growing t'11 acre of wheat. Giving all the de- l tails of preparing the soil, sowing, reaping and marketing, withtheintens est on capitol invested and percentage on Wear and tear ot implements, at te- i tal cost ot $7.87 is arrived at, and tak- l he: the yield at the Farm, 2l) bushels i to the acxc as an average, at .51) cents a bushel, which is certainly netan CN- l travagant estimate, the farmer rc- l ceives a clear cash proiiton every acre i oi 350.023. The best railway land has been sold this year at an average of a been sold this year at an average or a ll" traction over three dollars an acre, So 5‘. it will be seen that one season's prolits n will pay the first cost ofthe farm twice T over, and that is about as handsome a l return tor honest toil as any man could u desire or expect. The Western iaruier occupies a position to-day which may well attract the attention and excite the envy of his less fortunate brothers tl in older lands. Neither under the I Stars and Stripes nor in any other part d of the civilized World can results equal t to this be assured and the one duty ot 1 Canadians at this time would appear to be to make known such facts as the l above throughout the world, wherever s desirable aeecssions to our population [ can be found; tor population is the one _ l thing that we lack to-day and the in- ' l diea.ions are that even that need is he- 1 l no; rapidly "urrlioi. ', l The iron Industry. 1 Nor isthe West monopolizing all the l prosperity and development: older annada is getting: its share, and gett- i ing it abundantly. The iron industry l may be quoted as an excellent sample ofthis, for it is advancing with giant strides in the Maritime Provinces, in 1 Ontario, and in Quebec. The biggest development is in Nova Scotia where at Sydney, Cape Breton, the Dominion , Iron and Steel Company has been or- ganized with a capital of $20,000,000, and at North Sydney another strong company is creating extensive works. In Ontario tnrnaces with a. capacity of 18,00) tons are being erected at Mid- land, and in each Province all the ex- isting works are in operation to their fullest capacity night and day. om. cial statistics show that nearly 114.000 tons of pig iron was used in Canada in 1898, 64per cent of which was pro-" duced in the country. In 1897 the l l consumption was little more than half , l of that and the proportion of home pro- - l duced still less, the exact ft,euret' of l home produced pig iron 1seins':' 7.3595 itons in 1898 and 33,254 tons in YH: i The iron and steel rolled Into finished - , product in Canada in 1898 was 101,140 Litons, as against 86,263 tons in 1897; - l 84,018 tons in 1896 and 74,370 tons in lit-$95, an increase of 36 per cent in i three years. - . Kipling's Good Advice. In the contemplation of facts such as the above, one is irresistibly reminded of the following remarks of our friend Kipling:---"" is a great country; a country with a luture. There is a fine hard, bracing climate that puts iron and grit into men's bones, and there are all good things to be got out of the ground if people will work for them. What it wants is more men and more OUR 011W lEHER. at an average or a dollars an acre, so one season's pt0its money. Why dont Englishmen think more of it as a field for English capital and enterprise? Surely there is an ex- cellent opening for the investing and emigrating Briton there. Things dent garbage move quite so fast as in the nite States, bat they are safer, and you are under the flag you know, and among men of the same stock and breed. Send your folks to Canada, and if they cant go themselves, let them send their money -plenty ot it". Beware the Wildcat. If the Dominion hopes to profit to the fullest extent by this advice, and hem efit as it has a right to do by the splen- did conditions now existing, its reputa- tion upon the British monev market must be sterniy andjealously guarded. The British capitalist is a liberal in- vestor when his eoniidenee is once see- ured. but when that eonfidenee has been shaken, the mischief done is or. ten almost irreparable. In the early days of the Klondike boom Canada's reputation suffered not a little by the unprincipled conduct of promoters foist- i ing wildcat schemes on the London ? markets. There has not been so much complaint recently, but that the mis- chief has not been entirely eradicated. is apparent from a statement which re- cently appeared in the London (Eng.) Financial Times, in which a sharehol- der in 'The Klondike Reefs Explora- tion Company" ex oosed the rottenness of that concern. 'l‘he prospectus of the Company issued less than two years ago, placed the capital at 100,000 k"s sterling, ot which 17,000 pounds was subscribed and duly paid up. but the entire amount has vanished, in fact the whole business appears to have drop- ped out of sight. The correspondent declared that he and his fellow share. holders, were indaeed to invest almost entirely through the influence of prom- inent men whose names they saw upon the prospectus, and they very natural- ly and rightly feel aggrieved at the outcome. As the G'lobe's London Cor. respondent very roentiuentl y observed in commenting upon the ease:--"The moral is obvious. No Canadian and cspeeialiy none who has attained a position which gives him importance in the eyes ot strangers personally t1nae- qnainted with him, has a right toeom- promise Canada by allowing his nann- to be used on a prospectus seeking Capital outside oi'the Dominion unless he is eonvinecd by expert advice that the concern has a reasonable, chuncc oi success. to say nothing of being an iv» veelaimable wildcat. Light hearted ignorance in such cases is not an ex- cuso”. Wouhlquielily leave you, it yon used Dr, King‘s New Life Pills, 'i‘m-usnmi» ot tmtfcnvrs Lava pmwtl them. Inuhcllless manic fur sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood umi slung nerves and hmld up yuur health. Easy to lake. Try them. Only 2;5e, Money luck if not cured. Sold luv our Druggish. I Thrasbing is all the go mound here now. Boyde Bron. and Alexander Ile. Duunld have tipped the record and are donut great work. Mrs. J. E. Burrows, of I’ulsiey, n-turu- ed to Mr home. after spending n. [my days with her uther who Was "srtoutily ill. bun who we are pleased to report [nus almost fully recovered. Mr. Alex Bradley, accompanied by his mece. stu Mary, visited Arthur friends last week. Mrs. Sam Orchard. oi your town, is re- newing old acquaintances around her old home. Mr. and Mrs. James Eden enjoyed n week's holiday at Shallow Lake. Mrs D. and Mr. J. Sharpe waited South Bend friends one day last. week. Miss Jane Mmhewa Is enjoying a. well earned rest, after spending a number of months in the city. Miss Mary A. Gordon is Kndsley. uf Holstein, this ruph in tailoring. Mr. Thomas Pollock, Jr., is engaged for a few months with Mr. George Brad- ley, of Arthur. Court of Rewsmn. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuantto "The Ont- ario Voters' Lists Act" by His Honor the Judge ot the County Court ot the County ot Grey, at the Town Hall in the Town of Durham, on Saturday the 30th day of September, A, D. 1899, at ten o'eloek, a n1., to hear and deter- mine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the Town of Durham for 1800. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated at, Durham, the 13th day of September, 1899. That Throbbing Headache ”on: Crawford Murdoch. dEoacr;ytcirwuLI, [ Clerk of Durham. I " wanting Mr. week in his DOES QUALITY Our stock of drug store goods is feirly l We sorely miss thee now John, large in quality and variety, but the t For you were our greatesL joy, quality is the highest obtainable in I oe lost and loved "psi happy one the drug markets. I You “We our pun-mus. boy. That is the basis on which we do busi- ness. Anything we recommend to you we know its composition and mer- its, and if not satisihctory you can return it and we will refund you the money. Patent medicines with un- known composition wc simply refuse to recommend. Bat we do recom- mend our own. We know what they are made from and what they will do. Uns. R. GUN (ll)lll M SHE 0R EXCHANGE HE UNDERSIGNEI) WILL SELL T or vxrhnnge H, :Imruughhred large English Berkx‘hirr Buur for a Yorkshire. Apply to the proprietor. (h Mttle ()atn ll Wanna! . . Will ohm: mum: n horrible Burn. Scam. Cut or Bruiw. Buerilen'., Arnica Salve, the best in the world, wall kill the pair, and promptly held it. Cures 0.41 Sores, Fever Sorts, Ulcers. Dolls. Felons, Corus, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile (me on earth. only25 as“ Imx. Cure gnaw." teed, S shi by mr Drus:vihts. 1 Our Fall, Stock English Guns, Shot Shells, Black and Smokeless Powder Shot, Wadding, Etc. now in. Through a little cute work we managed to secure another shipment of SN DYE R "ill/ir, LES Call at once In Medicines Quality is of the First Importance. Transvaal OUR SW 0% WHIPS Ill SOMHHING HIRE. W f.t.t f.t) 7? 'l) (f) ,c,rs;s:ssss:as.ecsaececececeirec"""'-t A Frightful Blunder (t! fit. It) 'i,ii. MRS-f}; Iijir1e.l3.li,iiiii."T,.,. ITH r ou f I}; __ - _ . "i.t:c.'d.d.,rts:ct:etrc-etttt:-ec-:srttt:'-kw COUNT HARDWARE [rjidtls -at __the all Stock is now complete, and we can supply goods at the best figure in Axes, Saws, Lanterns, Chains, Rope, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc. Come and get one with 20 rounds of before they are all sold. 3 and secure your Knives and Forks at a bargain. SOAP / x; DUHI .' We have them all : m--.--------"". Sunlight, Qumfort, Mottled, Silver Star, and Sunflower. Also the dishwasher's best friend----pearline J AH. ATKINSON. DURHAM Druggist. 'ij"il M, BLACK, DIED AT HOPEVILLE AUGUST 29. 1899. Oh, John you were taken from us. Cut down in thy hnyish bloom. Without a moutent's warning And hurried to the tomb. Sad and lonely is now the home That once was Ray and bright, Since you have gone and left us, To inlmhil the realms of light. Bat what good can this do for him, Who sleeps beneath the sod ? For fairer fur than the brightest flower', Is he in the presence of God. Fot we know he is an angel now. And clothed in tubes of white, And placed upon his beautitul brow, A tutrwtt that is ever bright. We know that thy tvoubles are ended, That now you are with the Nest. " Where the wicked cease from troub- ling. And the wear y are at rest." Then useless it now is to mourn. Our happy dear one is at rest, We know he can never' return From the land of the happy and hlest. There we will strive. to meet thee, Where parting is no more l Oh, with what joy we shall greet thee. On that happy, heavenly shore. Then keep him blessed Jesus, Our secret treasure oh keep, Till we like unto this happy my, In death shall fall fast, asleep. Lucas, Writh & Batsom--At (tom- mercinl Hotel, Pricevilie, every Mon- day from " p. m. to 8 p. m. In Memory of John A. chrthur. Cutlook woman's Than any other THREE business col Ieges in Canada. IT WRITE FOR CITILOGUE ro o Wett Sound. Um. T HAS THE BEST husinvss college e-qnipnwnt. the most complete lumi- m-ss ctrttt'.m'tf and the best husinvs‘s books in Canada. ? ? ? of Cutlery Our Importation More Money OWEN SOUND, ONT. 20 rounds of Ammunition ls .---- INVESTED --_- 1N ~EUPHEMIA MrAmuvn. is gloomy, but chief concern is war/gm , , Cf . Z” . / t/jrrjct / C. A. FLEMING, ONTARIO ARCHIVES "M ' TORONTO $323; RINCI PA L. FARMERS MlllNI BINDER WINE! Should call " once and examine it, and they will be convinced that it is the best and cheapest twine sold. FROST 8: WOOD J. Lllllli(Bf()llli, Spring Need IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. IT--- In Heavy and Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets. Etc. E“§§EPROHTS WOOL TWEEDS ill YARNS GROCERIES (tylhelilugh)iul(glM. til SCOTT. (alllil) BANK AA (lllill)ll CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .8524 CAPITAL, Paid up. . .. . . . .. Lt RESERVE Fl'NI) . . ... l W. F. COWAN. President GEO. P. REID, Manager. Oittavio, Quelwc. l States and England. A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at current mum. SAVINGS BANK. Interetst allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards. Prompt attention and every facility Mfurde-d custmneru living at a distance. J. KELLY, Agent. The Wheels __-'- __ of Mime} thkBgund 't,e't We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Pull Line of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER N0Vl%TIFfi. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. . We can give you Bargains. DURHAM AGENCY. AGEN'rs1inpul prjrtci.e.1 pain“; in Dinner S iied--Hutrund Mad-- Servant tl'.) Ugly. The ancient clock did its beat-d-lt is old enough to rest. Its trome utilities have gone, you want a Ith' Clock & Tem r Saver. We have them for $50. You can save time and worry by buying one. No. 8 Mowers are selling very fast. Also our Steel Wheel Tiger Rake and our No. 2 Binder is pronounced a favor- ite wherever it goes. we SUPPLY IT--- In lle We are prepared to hall- me, your WOOL & ler produce to your matin- sat isfau-l ion. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOW, &e., At the Old Durham Foundrv Who have not yet seen the or best quality. Head Office, Toronto. W. A . McFARLANE C. LEA VENS Matuiiolm Next to Bank. a”: $241101“) 111mm 61mm Un ited itl (I

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