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Durham Review (1897), 28 Sep 1899, p. 6

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'rtl I} T"' -. - - M.» h" Excavatzmw on the right. bank off the Narenta. ‘ln Herzegovina, nearl Caijina. have resulted in the (Meow! ery of an exceedingly well-preserved; and extensive Roman camp. which} arehturologiata my must have beenl erected during the reign of Nero, A. D. ', G4 to 68, and existed till about the! tiny: of the Emperor Theodoslus, who! died A. D. 395, when the camp evl-I (burly was destroyed by fire, as is: proved by the prwcncza of numerouai pieczw of charcoal and other unmis-j takuhlu sigrur of euntlagration. As! far as can be seen at present the; camp 38 100 meters long and 80 broad. l Most of the walls and arched pas-1 sages can still be traced. . Harper's Bazar says tho Diet ot Hesse has introduced a tax on unmarried men, they being com. pelled to par 26 per cent. mon- taxes than their married brethren. and It is said that the et. tect of this resolution by the Gov- ernment is being watched with mt Interest by the maiden: of new, who are “donating an epidemic of proposals. Fm hunting comes high in Bri- tain. Some interesting particulars relating to the first cost of thesport were given by Lord Bathurst. There are now 221 pack: ot fox houndaln the United K1ntNoert--1t?0 In England, 26 In Scotland and " In Irelandmnd these packs could of 8.000 couples In Itri.a that ever-rcearr'mg wes- tiun ml the remurrlage of widows has again popped up, the eastern fathers suddenly realizing that by giving the widows a second chance the opportun- itiA-s or matting rid of their unmarried daughters is being considerably nar- rowad. English statistics show that one out of every five widows seizes the opportunity to a second time stand boron- the altar of Hyman. It is said that :n the United States the female population is very little larger than the male, for the surpltw women of New England arr lutlnncvd hy the men of tho mining oJmmunitlos of the far Wrath Conan Doyle is a methodical worker and a hard Worker. He pastes up over his mantel shelf a llst of the things he intend“- to do in the coming six moaning my! he stoke to his task unt 1 " m done. He must be a great disappointment to his old teacher. When he had finished school the teacher called the boy up before him and said, solemnly: "Doyle. I have known you now tor mven vents. nnd disappointment to hla old teacher. When he had finished school the teacher called the boy up before him and said, solemnly: .. Doyle, I have knnvrn you now tor seven years. and I know you thoroughly. I am going to say something that you will remem- ber in after life. Doyle, you will never come to any good." Among the many international trcieutitie and learned gatherings that have,becn arranged to take plucP in Paris next year In connec- tion with the exhibition not the least interesting and Important promises to be the international congress on the history of reli. giuus. which it has now been decid- ed to meet in the French capital from Sept. 3rd to 9th. 1900. The Italian Government now is- sum a new kind of “travellers' passes," good on all railways and steamboat lines. and ineWding hotel expenses. first and second class. on payment or a certain lump sum. varying according to class and tlme. St. Helena ls one of the places where the weather falls as a topie of conversation. For 33:3 days last year the southeast trade wind blew Itendily and there were only nine days of calm. A new law will go into operation in New York on Sept. 18th. which will make it practically impossible for any qualified citizen to escape Jury duty except tor urgent reason. There is urgent need in the City or Mexico for more foundries and machine shops, capable of doing first-class work in reasonably prompt time. The great amount of building and improvement going on and the number ot establish- ments. large and small, now using machinery, frequently with inex. perienced labor, makes a supply and rainw- business of great propor- t ns. Cuba usually given the world each year about 31,000 tons of tobacco. This year's crop will not come up to that figure. The new crop is now coming Into tho market and is sell- ing for a fair price. The Prince.- od Ween In mid to he the most fastidious of all royal- ties as regards her dress. Whatover ls nude tor her in the we; ot (Ire-u must never look as 'though the (atria have been in human fingers or than: needle»; and cotton have been em- ployed in the building of them. The other' day a friend asked him when it lt a man begins to feel old. He replied at once: "I'il tell you when. It la when he is a sophomore In collage." A Phi.'adalphia book clerk tell: od a richly dressed wanna who came into his atom the other day inquir- ing for "A Day in a Harem." After a period of search she was given "Dae- ld Harm" which aha took with the understanding that she could return it it " was not an book she wanted. Theodore Timon, who spends his time between Paris and London, has Joret norm of his atrtoars for repartee. Mia. Susan B. Anthony, who has Just returned from the (bureau ot Women in London, said that shown: much ‘1an with the marked change in public sentiment toward woman suffrage in England since her visit there sixteen years ago. . rri'ili L' " r, #53 a: By more than a million dollars the amount of money in circulation in- creased during August. The amount in crieulation in July was 325.490.378. while the figure for August. was $26.- 636.795. or this more than a third or $8,903,032. was in Dominion one and two dollar notes. DAT LET’S PERFECT COFFEE linard's Linimeut Cure- Dual”? The western notion that the great majority of the exiles to Siberia are sent thither as poiitical offenders, which has been much encouraged by our novelists, and by the compilers of our "penny dreadful” novelettes, is not confirmed by the official Russian reports. Out of the 298,512 dispatched to Satratrhalin, writes the St. Peters- burg correspondent of a Swiss daily, about half had been condemned for ordinary crimes, but only 1,704 of the whole number for political offenses. The other half of the exiles were sent out by the State, at the request of their own communes, and at least 30 per cent. of the “compulsory emi- grants" have been settled in Siberian villages and small towns, where, it is hoped, they may do better than in their own native rmriahetc-aondon News. People who (11-0 run down, weak or "8??qu will Cmd renewed health and \twugth thrbugh tho fair use of Dr., Williams‘ Pink Pills. They mulch and build up tho blood and stimulate tired and jaded nerves. Substitutes should always be refused, as they never cured anyone. The genuine pills may ho had from all dealers in medicine. or from the Dr. WUliams' Moldiloilne Ctr., Bnmkvflle. mm, at 50c a. box. or six boxes tor $2.50. Surprising Siberian Exile Statistica- All code hooks carried on warshhs have lenden backs, to make them sink it lost overboard. The letters in the book. moreover, are printed with a peculiar Ink. which fades away when it comes in contact with the water. To make things still more safe, the letters are changed every few months by the navy department. Even their angel's official cede is changed. Trader-Dont you want to sell that horse ? Farmer-Nam I keep him extra to haul broken down automobiles back to greatly in strength and was able to do my own housework. I could eat my meals with relish. I sleep and am still constantly gaining in strength. My triov,ds were sunmfsed at my speedy mnery alter beginning the use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I believe that but tor them I would um be alive today. lwl’l be glad if my testimony is the 1110mm of pointing to some other snfferor the road to health. mam 1 touk had to be administered by my Ir'as:<ts During this time 1 stFred great paid]. especially in the hip 301nm, :u.d one side Was paralyzed from the shoulder to the toot., The doctors could not. tell mo what my trouble was; and the medioixne they gave did me no good. I became des- pondeut and thought _I would surely 1gonttnoatosearor lot-emu. Month and Wholly Unublo to Move-Food Had to be Admlnutorod to nor a to a tmittt-Tttt_1 Word- of Praise- ‘(me the Tribune, Deeerouto, Onto 3 Mrs. Wm. Doxtater. whose hus- band works on the Rathbun farm. Deseronto, is well known in the town and surrounding country, her home having always been in this vicin- ity. Mrs. Doxtater has passed through " more than usually trying illness, and as it was said she us- eribctl her cure to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a reporter ot the Tribune was sent to investi- gate the case. It appears that Mrs. Doxtatero illness dates from the birth of n child on Feb. 15th. 1899, when the attending physi- cians round it necessary to admin. ister chloroform. The shock was greater than she could stand and the result was partial paralysis, during which her lite was (impaired ot. Mrs. noxtuter gives the parti- culars as follows: "Previous to the birth of my child. 1 had enjoyed vary good health, but following this my health gave way entirely. I was in bed for over a month, and had two doctors attending me. I was so weak that I could not, turn, myuull in bed and had to be moved] like a child. The little nourish- ment 1 took had to be administered! If you give it a trial you will be one more customer. tor it is an ideal coffee and always the same. of hounds, and they laces-nave the employment ot 100.000 horses of the valuo ot £35,000.000. involving an. out- lay of $25,000.000 per anmun tor their maintenance. The British Consul at Naples gives in his last report an Interesting ac- come ot the island ot Procida. In the Bay or Naples, which he describes as a place of commercial Importance altogether out of proportlon to its limited area. It is about two mlles long by one mile broad, and carrles the enormous population of 14.000 souls. Its sailors are the best lathe Bay of Naples and Its little harbor is usually thronged with salllluz ves- sels. which do the coastmg trade ot Italy and the neighboring islands. The plateau in the centre of the u. lanzl produces excellent wine and fruit. Some or the people manufac- ture very tine gut from silkworm. Says h, Williams” Pink Pills Saved Her Life. Code Books on Warships. GRATEFUL WOMAN Home Useful Yet. After several hours of gayety the brldegroom takes his bride to their new home, and they begin a life of true domesticity. They continue to be seen occasionally in society, but generally etyuteroning some young friends, or chatting with their con- temporaries. or quietly and content. edly moving through the dance, al. waya, invariably. with each other.- New York Herald. Refreshments are served, never omitting chocolate, which. from time immemorlal, . has been the nuptial beverage. so generally recognized that when a friend wishes to ask the date of a marriage, the question takes the form of "When will choco- late be served T' It is not thought Vanderbilt's dent!) _wtll kill the scheme for a The bride then retires to make a ehange in another special feature of her array, the bridal garters, which are elegant affairs, ornamented with white satin rosettes and orange blossoms and suspended from the waist by strands upon strands of white satin ribbons. Each garter is enclosrxi in a pretty box and pre- sented to her most intimate girl friend. The strands of ribbon are cut into pieces and distributed among tho other guests. Then, simply at. tired in the wedding gown. sometimes even this laid aside for another, the bride and the bridegroom lead the dance, and the festivities take the {arm of those um] to such occas- ons. Vanderbilt tramredntGGiiii" “In; The bride than strips to pieces the orange blossom of her crown, and also those which deck her gown more or less elaborately, according to the number ot her guests, and a spray is presented to each. The tun then grows lively over counting tho bios- some. those lull blown signifying years, the halt blown months and the buds days which will intervene before the recipient‘s marriage. A fashionable time for the mar. riage ceremony is from midnight up to two o'clock in the morning. The bridegroom, with his immediate re- latives and friends, proceeds to the home ot tho bride, and from there . wedding; procession is formed to the church. Carriages are rarely used, tho party, if living in town, making tho short journey on foot, the bride walking with her godfather, the bridegroom with his godmother. The ceremony over, they return to the bride's home, whereupon she lifts the veil from her head and throws it over that of her nearest girl friend, who cute it into bits and distributes it among the unmarried guests. DISTRIBUTING ORANGE BLOSSOMS alone that all the arts of construc- tkm are expended in house gowns. lingorm and negllgem. A popular male! is u camlrx'iu prim-cm, the trout " rum-.9 of luce and drawn work round neck and gmsnmer t/ght fitting or flowing angel sleeves. A number of bliCT'utt enter into the outfit. ouch a marvel of exquisite work, according; to the purse or dethncss of fingers of tho bride. Porto R'can brides do not waste much time or money upon many i1t.2"'cii gowns or thaw tor public display. iss to please the eye of the husband PROVIDING THE HOME. In tho Irreparatictrr; tor mtxrriuge tlw bridegroom in; expctml to provide a home accord m; to hiss means, more or loss completely equzpped with household linen and all necwsities tor housekeeping. This in virtue of the sentiment that tho bride must bring to him nothing but horse]! and her trotrsseau. In tum country of fine tweUlewomen this mouweau is some- thing remarkable in variety and mm- cutfun. often of such (hintiuess that many American brides might L'rivy than. I'. Under these conditions the suscep- l tiblo young American who succumbs 1 to the Witching glanees or asweet. soft-eyed senorita finds the paths of love anything but (lower strewn. It requires heroic measures to break $htiough the human walls of brist- ling duennus and scowling matrOns that guard the approaches to her shy young heart. After an engagement is annuuncle tho ewn1r.t".oiui are changed. Hence- i'urth they c-iin skint-e only W.th caeh other. For centuries it has Ewen de- emed to he a fiugrs'.it breach of pro- priety for an arrurntrnl or murrimi Woman to stay through the maze» of the (lance with any other than her fiauc;~ or husband. However, the chap- manage continua; until marriage. C'r,urtwh'p must N) cmnluctexl under tho parental and), numbers of the hmwohold remaining; in the room (lur- i,ng," tho Visits of men, and rarely can the sweet, loving: nothinzs he breathed without reaching other care than those for which they are iintendmi. Snmetimcs the Argus watehturno,s is relaxed tor a few moments, which are improved to the utmost, it can be im- agined. but are liable to be broken into unexpectedly and frequently by tho rerupulous and anxiously reghon- sible parent or matron in charge. Young, women are always sur- rounded with a suitable guard of chaperone by day and night. After reaching a Name ot social rendez- vous. the young folks are allowed some liberty to promenade. dance and chat together while those charged.wlth guardianship sit near and take note or the irroprietim. The attention or an innmorato to the object of his devotions must not be ton ardent nor too continuous; he must not dance with her more than twice. nor hover near long TUitlt Inna), um llvvv. n..." - U enough to excite comment. which is prone to be prompt and free. -- . .. ___ata_'..--., an". “Hanan. portunlties are afforded to create an attachment without the full knowledge and consent or the heads of the family. The only occasions upon which this may happen are the larger social gatherings. such as Mardi Gras balls and dances at the Casinos Espanol, which occur several times a year. riage engagement without the con- currence or the elders ot the fam- ily to be contracted in Porto Itieo. The constant surveillance maintain- ed over the girls or the household and their continued subjection to parental authority, even after reach. ing years ot maturity. is a success- tul barrier to anything sensational in contracting a lite pdrtqtsrlship. No association is tolerated that may lead to a mesalliance. and few op' portunities are afforded to create an attachment without the full knowledge and consent ot the heads of the family. The only occasions upon which this may happen are the larger social gatherings. such on Mnrdi Grns balls and dances at SERVING CHOCOLATE. TORONTO The M'srhsr-E should call it rather a left-handed compliment your beau gale you._ to Mr. J. A. Green, add ifrC'iCE Irving, of Toronto, becomes General Manager for Western Canada. William Meade, of Gananoque, was acquitted at the Broelrvilt.e Angina ot the eharge of being cancerned m The 19th annual convention ot the Farmers' National Association will meet. lu Boston from Oct. 3rd to 10th, and James V. Robertson, Dominion Dairy Commissioner, and C. C.James. Deputy Minister ot Agriculture, will both deliver addresses. -The' Iratd--rt wot. mum. Dinnis be Mb-handed. Mm". mum! Mr. C. G. Shutter, of Toronto, has been appointed Winnipeg Superin- genggnt _of Jheyiatreet's, in_suecesaion the G. T. R. strike riots. Gordon Empey is on trial on the charge of taming a ballot in the lust bye- election for the Commons. . Gentleman (to his new couchmau) --Why, John, this is the first day you are working for me, and you are drynk already. coachman--icxeuae me, air; this In the drunk from my Mat plaee,whieh I left ,etrterdar-F1iegende Blunt”. Minn-(fa Linunent Bahama Neumlzia. It never fails to relieve and euro promptly. CHARLES WHOTTBN. Port Mulgrave. J. C. RICHARDS & UO. Dear sirs,--Your MINARD’S LIN!- MENT is our remedy for sore throat. colds and all ordinary ailments. in the evening of December 81st, 1897, and to another on about lf, o'elock in the morning of Jan. lst. 1898. The one born last was bet. ter developed than the first one. Miller’s Worm Powders are a won derful medicine for ailments of chil dren. “They say," said the sweet thing behind the creamberg, "that ice cream produan thinness."_ _ "I ted sorry for my pocket," mur. mured the young man; "it will take lt until next year to recuperate." The Deutsche Mediz'mul Zeitung cites from the Progres Medical the case of a Jersey woman who gave birth to a daughter at 10 o'clock DALLEY’S PERFECT CGFFEB a trial and ya will be delighted by Its rich, mellow, fragrant aroma. His brother, Andrew Brown. is most anxious to hear of him, as he has news of great importance tor him. Address Information to Edward Brown, 8 Preemie; Building, Church street. Brighton, Sussex. Eng. Mi. Browh ls between 40 and 42 wrap! lute. . _ h . _ Wanted, information of Edward Brown, who left the Warren Farm Suhums. mar Brighton, Sussex, Empy land, in May, 1871. Mr. Arthur Dewar, the recently ei- ected member for South Edinburgh, addressed his constituents, strongly condemning Mr. Chambtsrlain'a atti.. tude in the Transvaal crisis. He main- tained that war was neither Just nor expedient. There was a disposition in this country not to interfere with the Minister in charge lest they embar- rassed him, hut that rule had its lim- itations and exceptions. The vast ma- jority of our wars had been hideous mistakes, and yet a Minister was in charge of every one. He had no sympathy with President Kruger and his Government in their short-sight- ed policy of refusing to let honest, re- spectable men have a vote, but at the same time he was not prepared to shoot men who refused to give the vote. They had no right, according to international law, to interfere for the franchise, or to regulate domes- tic grievances. It was an axiom of in.. ternationnf law that if men sought tho hospitality of a foreign country they must abide by the laws as they found them. While he had the utmost sympathy with the Uitlianders, he ask- ed the Government to exercise a Little more patience before embark- ing upon a war which shouili shake the foundations of this Empire to its very root. gMa3ttrttr up“ and“. The roar-es ot the opaieeoent glass industlyy in this country he: been no marked that glam is now sent abroad to compete with the fine foreign work of that kind, which is done principally in Belgium. There are three plants in this eountrr-oae at New Rochelle. N. J., another at Kokomo. Ill., and a third at Ottawa. Ill. The Parisian who founded the plant at New Ito- chelle went to Kokomo ten years ago. This man was dependent upon his chemist for the work the establish- ment turned out, and when the chem- ist died the secret of the processes sur- vied in his student. Jerome M. Fran- coise. a Belgian. The young man in the course of time induced local eapit- al‘s“; to back him in buying the plant. The enterprise succeeded so well that two years ago some of the beautiful colored gins; was sold in Dresden. Since then the export trade has grown constantly. Now four earlonds are On their way to Europe, one going to Germany, two to Paris, and one to Florence. The Success that has attend- ed this industry is particularly gritty ifylmg because it has been said so tre- quently that, while the United States‘ may excel in machine work of many kinds. products of an artistic charm» ter still belong to Europe. This prob- ably is true in certain lines. but tho element of art ls forcing its way into the workmanship of this country. and has before it an almost limitless field. --Buttalo Extreur. . Immune of own-cont Twins Born tn Different Years. GROWTH or A NIW INDUSTRY. Two Canadians to Speak. Speech by Mr. Dewar. M. P INFORMATION WANTED. " you like good coffee, ttive Getting Flat. Bits Excuse. A reverend gentleman addressing a whoa! concert recently was trying to enforc3 the idea that the hearts of the little oned? were slum] and [main] re- gulating. Taking his watch and ho!d- mg it up he said: " Now, here is my watch. suppose it don't keep stood time. now going: too fast and now too slow, what aha.” I do with it ?" rg tbell it," shouted a youngster. Some are poor and adulterated Some are all cotfee of a poor qua] ltr, but Less judgment than Wit. is more sail than ballast. The readers of this paper will be pleamd to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its swam. and that is ('atarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ii the only Ixmftim cure now known to the medical fraternity. (‘atnrrh being a constitutional disease. requires 5 mnstltntional treatment. Hull’s Cat; urrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby do- Htroylng the foundation ot the dis- ease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and hang-ting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails; tn cure. Send for list of testi- mnnfn yt Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., 'Doledm it. l Paris hairdresser undertakes to grow a good crop of hair on the bledest head by mechanical means. His apparatus consists of a flexible plate of oonvenlent shape to tit the top of the head. This is pressed dawn and the air from beneath is exhausted. The cupping process thus applied is suppOsed to stimu- late the growth of the roots. New We for a quarter. Miller's Com pound Iron Pills. hind and above the ears. The size of a man's head is determined by running a measure around it just above the eyebrows to the back of the head. passing over the occfpita! bone."- S‘inux City Journal. Said by drug-gin. 75c. Haws Family Pills are the best bs a blend of the highest. classes grown in tho world. 33163? “I EA" 310 a.” Witt no ml to “you who will not " ma: .lu “tapers” uow humanlq urnunglom thfhes are not all alike. I" OP PERFUMED Royal “wonder Illa. Growing Hair by Suction. to More Than One Way. 3100 Rewaxd $100. iFRlii1i SAMPLE I!" Cereal Coffee health drink. Pure. whole- some. nourishing. 15ctts. ort lhu.for25c and is r'iliril, to we Calms. Rokoo in mod At your men 8 instead of To: and Come. In ale " all grocers. Or send 10c for ample 54 lb with? to Rokco Mfg Cat.. 150 Queen street Rh,, oronto. Mum}. wantod throughout In I t ‘miudim Branches and agencies in all cities and towns in Canada. int-in? from the frequent tsaetdthttr of the naked on . ..ROKCO. which promote it from input!“ bound to THE E, & EDDY CO., " Sit-m M hiding " atch _ © 1Lau.vV Hl' Gentry. Nllld gold "k5 ' “human Alitnharp. Aunt- ‘ dmm. " Violin orGuitar, for ME _ , selling " iroxes of llr. Prim-K Qp ’ Sarsiumrillu Blond Pills m 3t) 'ss w Ct) l . t'tr. 1w box, nus-'1‘ was]: P. EL) I ' MONEY. simply st'ttrl your \‘l‘l/ name and uddr- and we ' r will Maul you llu-l’ill~ Irost paid with our Catalogue. Srll thcuOnd remit Uri the [mymom and We will send you the Premium you "elect. These Pills euro impure Mood. rhcuruatUnt. liver and kidncy diseases and all titomuch troubles. Pills returnable if not sold “Tue us at once and mention this purer. P'lC I MFG. Co. [if 19> my / Progressive Bakers EBDY’S Iron in tho blood is necessary. MII, ler's Compound Iron Pills contain that element in the most assimilable form. -Braertreet's says lumbering Oper- ations will be brisker next season. Ono Ontario firm that sent 200 mm Into the woods last year is engaging 300 for next mum's work. The stuttering wheelman often bunks a cook In China when a man writes a. let- ter he does not drop it in. a mail box. as we do here, but takes it to a letter shop, where he makes a. bargain with the keeper of the shop to have " carried for him. " costs a great deal to have a letter earrkd, and not many people can afford to write them. Write for samples of wrapper- uld price- to ISSUE No 39 ttttm BREAD [mun-m. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. Hull. Canada. Mailing of Letter- ln China. WRAPPERS Put up their BREAD tu, " leaves the oven in tttt Bay Street. Toronto. Ont. Fcdr who principal . its. you l was of “I. 600 l lune. 478 n - divorces um - -in 1 "recs. " h Dome F Gwen. in date of ly, ”one! a l, -orce, an h the (urn W ot dit hem " rx at lurpn gut in on mlnst l country I ture, win M cho wrongs " and oulr: In that My comm " marrizx Mtaatda of Que tttth. "Now," there "ri them all my div " that C' i now. 1 ali tht It is “We Whic com] [and tho Gem and um cub: noth this an i ts' G of h tion Bequ to 18 would Utah more {ulna ma! "mes Thirty- lnd rd til thv 1882 xx: It: any] I." the In; an brick I from tt new pr mi n: them. and tt and 1 life, a mighr mam; camp“ Ind s Ind ' od as poly" MUN It. 'Po that ”.350 III)‘ " ty', tio In the 1 home f chy t' wives (at am cumin; dunk; one gu‘ “mind the chi “i Chart large 1 God ht while with F agrotog the pa torn " tree in you: dis of oct the Some att the we he: Corinth divoro. ”Mia for om one ltr and I one of not Bur the int mum“ don. I the t'r me em two hunk-s [Her 2 that l now. t I'omm her lit the ca poeles I com Bos of t tunes. to Man Intolm-z I pun; Froud~ the Mu curtain Craig” Wuhingwn h Chi! ditwou of national in tolledly as dit “It 1. Mattht tore Gott hull Illa Itut llFut fury Ttr 'tutt' no m one I ma ha! upd aw ot' " 000006 tu Ir " FU n tt Talmage thi XI 9000

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