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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1899, p. 2

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§ â€"x" Â¥% # ILadies and gentliemen who take Milâ€" ler‘s Compound Iron Pills always grow _ younger in appesrance and spirits. I was cured of a bad case of earâ€" ache by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. Mrs. S. Kaulback. I was cured of sensitive lungs by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. zes a petition to the Local Legislature for legislation along the lines set forth, and instructs the City Clerk to write other corporations, with a view to coâ€" operation. 1 was cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. The London City Council unanimousâ€" ly passed Ald. Parnell‘s motion favorâ€" Ing compulsory arbitration of disputes between companies holding public franâ€" chises and their employees. It authorâ€" The Select Knights case came up on Monday, â€" The divisional court sent the appeal and crossâ€"arpeal to â€" the Iighest appeal court. ‘The point of law at issue is the liability of susâ€" pended members of the Select Knights of Canada, now. no longer in existence Mr. James Fraser, a native of Woodâ€" stock, Ont.. has been unanimousty elected to the presidency of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Lonâ€" don, England. This is the highest honor that can be conferred upon any memâ€" ber of the profession, and Mr. Fraser is the first colonist to occupy the position. The Wiarton block known as the Hunter block, occupied by the Wiarton Canadian Printing Co., Paul‘s laundry, Drinkwater‘s tailor shop, volunteer armory and band room, and ‘Town ('!lerk's office, has been destroyed by ire. tively last night, although the Bishop himself is reticent as to his plans and refused to admit anything more than that he was going to Honolulu. He goes in his official capacity in behalf of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. The Messrs. Allan deny the reâ€" port cabled from the other side to the effect that the new steamer Baâ€" varian has been requisitioned by the British Government. Bishop Henry C. Potter is going to the l‘h‘.lqnph!es_. This was learned posiâ€" Lord Strathcona and the Earl of Aberdeen have been appointed Canaâ€" dian members of the Board of Control of the Pacific cable. â€" Australia has three members, and Great Britain three. Lieut.â€"Gen. Lord William Seymour, commander of the Imperial forces at Halifax, has been sworn in by Justice Tascherean as administrator during the absence in the United States of his Excellency the Earl of Minto. Judge Hardy, of the Brant,County Court, has been appointed to the posiâ€" tion of surrogate judge of the same eounty, vacated by the resignation of Judge Jones. The Militia Gazette contains the customary notice that the city corps and several rural corps will carry oat their drill at their respective headquarters this year. The Canadian Export Furniture Company, with a capital of $3,000,â€" 000, has been formed, and will build a large factory at Montreal for the export trade. It is reported from Illoflo that the Tagalogs have arrested Virayan, a general, charging him with being a traitor. Trtbal discord, it is added, is growing. « The shareholders of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, at the anâ€" nual meeting, decided to increase the capitai of the company by one million dollars. Hon. David Mills, who is now on the Pacific Coast, has agreed to speak at Regina, Portage La Prairie, Winnipeg and Port Arthur, on his way back. The death is announced of Mr. Geo. A. Browne, Traffic Manager of the Richelieu.& Ontario Navigation Comâ€" 5;:1;', which took place at Atlantic y. Admiral Dewey has been relleved of the command of the United States ship Olympia, at his own request,and the vesse! will be overhauled at Bosâ€" Joseph Prenoveau, a Montreal labâ€" orer, threw himsel{f from a fifth story window on St. Paul street, dashing his brains out on the pavement. The preparation of the Canadian educational exhibit for the Paris Exâ€" position has been entrusted to the Ontario Education Department. London street railway directors have decided to increase the comâ€" pany‘s capital stock by $50,000, which will bring it up to $400,000. The firm of Brinkmans, of Leith, Bcootland, whiskey brokers, has failed, wit!: liabilities of £550,000. Rev. W. H. Porter, for the past ten years pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Brantford, delivered his fareâ€" we‘l sermon on Sunday. A Doukhobor laborer was caught between the drawheads of two cars at Lethbridge on Saturday and was fatâ€" ally crushed. Arrangements have been made for a loan of 1,200,000 taels for the conâ€" struction of Lung Chau and Nanâ€" Ningâ€"Fu railway. St. Matthew‘s Presgbyterian Church, North Sydney, C. B., was completely destroyed by fire. The population of Ottawa is shown by the assessore returns to be 57. 002, an increase of 1,616 over last year. The treatment of the bubonic plague by inoculation is said to have been sucâ€" cessful at Oporto. A private despatch from Vancouver sys that Mr. Maxwell, M. P., is still very low, but will probably recover. Rev. Wm. Brown. "*" | (From the Ente:prlsu;. Bridgewater, PB 2 BlL. _ Solomon Meldrum, Esq., of Upper | Branch, Lunenburg Co., N.S., is a genâ€" ith, | tleman of Scotch descent, and well led, l known throughout the county. He is an agriculturist of repute and is proâ€" ver | minent in the local affairs of the ::‘}_l | Baptist denomination. Referring to "eL | Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, he says : . "I ~7,. consider them a most wonderful and ast | beneficent revelation in the realm of , medicine. Previous to using these pills ght | some two years ago, I had suffered ?l? f for years from kidney trouble and **~ | rheumatism. Many a time had 1 for | been so bad that I could do nothing onâ€" | but endure the pain and pray for anâ€" | physical â€" deliverance. My â€"advanced | age, being nearly 70 years old, made @ast | a cure look almost impossible, humanly g,:f | considerea, in a case oi such longâ€" | standing. But, thanks to the Lord ors | and Dr. Wiliams‘ Pink Pills, I am here mâ€" | today in excellent health, with ich | scarcely an il! feeling to remind me of | past sufferings. Something over two ian | years mago I read of the wonderiful gx. | cures attending the use of Dr. Wilâ€" the |liams‘ Pink Pills. I thought if these | testimonials are true/it is possgible the "% | pills may benefit even me. I bought *? |wix boxres first, used them strictly as TY | directed, and with the Lord‘s blessing BE | they did me much good. But my ailâ€" | ments were chronic, deep seated, and ed | I am an old man. The cure was not tes | complete, and I got twelve boxes nd | more, with all faith in the result. 8 | 1 only had to use six boxes of the second lot when I _ found mysel{â€" eo. | quite free from _ kidney _ troubles, he | rheumatism and all other bodily ailâ€" mâ€" | ments, except the disability inciâ€" tic | dental to persons of my â€" advanced | age, and even these were in a meaâ€" he | sure relieved. I may add that for nâ€" | & long time before I used the pills he | and when I began their use, I was on | the victim of the most distressing | attacks of sick headache, the sensaâ€" on | tion of senâ€"sickness in extreme vioâ€" | t0§ l(;-nce being not a whit more distresâ€" i. | sing. These attacks came on once I 7 iiletnt P uie it‘ deiecd ARC k 4 Lo i ache is cured, as if by magic. Pain, internal or external, finds a prompt antidote in Nerviline. Try it. Poor Bobby! Puor Papa Bilkins was seated in an easy chair enjoying his paper, while his wife was . busy with fancy work. Bobby, the 4â€". yearâ€"old son of the household, on the floor, was fighting a battle with tin . soldiars. Presently the little fellow | tired of his play, and exclaimed : "Mamma, won‘t you please tell me a | fairy story f" | ‘"I don‘t feel like it toâ€"night, Bobby," ! said Mrs. Bilkins. "Go and get your papa to tell you what detained him | down town so late last night. That | will be a fairy story." | In business comes when thorough satâ€" isfaction is given the public. ‘That‘s why Nerviline sells so rapidly. Toothâ€" ache is cnred, as U ho soee anl i eqnp Others contract the brows and proâ€" duce two furrows between the eyes, Others wrinkle the forehead with frowns. Others perpetually wear a tipâ€"tilton TOSe. It must be remembered that a truly expressive face does not consist of a set of features hung on strings or wires. Do cultivate placid features. The soâ€"called earthquake or tidal waves that â€" are frequently noticed along the coast near Sydney, N. S. W., are found by H. C. Russell to be mostly traceable to low atmospherâ€" ic pressure. Their period, about 26 minutes from crest to crest, is that of earthquake waves. Mr. Russell has proved, however, that only 1 per cent, are produced by earth disturbances, while 60 per cent. are due to _ low ipressure areas, which cause the sea level to rise, with currents along the south and east coasts that meet In Bass strait, producing waves that affect the Sydney and Newcastle tide gauges. Ask for Minerd‘s and take no other pair of eyes will be utterly ruincd by this operation. A girl with a pretty mouth will purse it into the pretftiest bouton, and continue the habit until many lines form about the lips, and the once lovely mouth has to be put into the hands of the beauty doator. Nearly every woman bites or sucks her lips, To Retain One‘s Beauty, Don‘t roll your eyes up into your head as if they were marbles ; a fine pair of eyes will be utterly ruined by this operation. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills â€" cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imitations by insisting _ that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Williams‘ Pink Piils for Pale People. If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent post paid at 50 :cemts a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Trr Williams‘ Medicine Co Ont. who lived at a distance, took the remaining six boxes and stated to me that they did him much good. This I do know, that he looked much fresher and appeared in better spirâ€" its. Believing as I do, that an overâ€" ruling power suggests to mortals all the wise and beneficial thoughts and inventions which operate to improve our race, and allay and cure our suffering, I say again that Ithank the Lord and Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for my prolonged life and present good health. or twice a week. After taking the pills, the attacks became less freâ€" quent and less troublesome and finâ€" ally ceased almost entirely. My son who lived at a distance. took the ESNGLISH ARMY EBLACKING A Nova Scotian Farmer Tells dow Ho Regained Health.{ Hie Suffered for Years From Kidney Words; â€" from Tidal Wavesand Air Px;essure. And will give a brilliant shine that will last. Blacker than the blackest Trouble, Sick Headache and Rheumâ€" atismâ€"Although Advanced in Life He Has Found a Cure, b;: & addre.ésix{g : l-'.â€"he;fll-)‘; Success bi Héalb. Brockville, | _ English student of Shakespeare in | | train nearing Forres to a Sceottish | | elderâ€""This is the locality of the ; \ ‘blasted heath,‘ is it not ?" Elderâ€"| | "I‘m a chief elder 0‘ a Free Kirk, an‘| I‘ll allow nae profanity in my hearâ€",; in‘ If there was a colleesion an‘ ye‘ _ deed wi‘ that word on your lips, . i‘ whaur wad ‘ye be?" I |__Rouge is simply levigated Frenoh | chalk tinged with carmine. Faceâ€"white | is this same chalk without the carâ€" | mine, but finely powdered. Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star.â€" Confucius. |_ i may mention that what a young | woman drinks has an effect for good | or bad on the complexion. If she is | her own friend she will take no wine | or _ rich and heating sauces. | _ Here is a safe face wash : Orange | flower or rose water, five ounces; a idram and a half of Friar‘s balsam. | Put it on at night with a bit of | sponge. Minard‘s Liniment is used by Physicians. A correspondent writing from Clinch county says: " Brother Jones prayed for rain six days on a stretch, and when the rain came he was the first man to be drowned in it. The ways of Providence are past finding out."â€" Atlanta Constitution. To get a bright, black, lasting Does not consist in mines alone. Putâ€" nam‘s Painless Corn Extractor is a boon. It goes right to the root of the trouble, and acts quickly â€" and painlessly. Beware of substitutes. Just a little better than the rest British Honduras is to have its first steam rallroad, the only means of acâ€" cess to the interior of the colony at tpresent being the mumerous rivers and ‘bridleâ€"paths, for there are â€" no roads for vehicles. Many young ladies who were supâ€" posed to be going into decline have been restored to health and vigor by the use of Miller‘s Compound â€" Iron Pills. Filtered rain water should be always used for the face when procurable. Keep a jar of it well corked and some eau de Cologne added. LIP SALVE. Here is a delightful lip salve: One ounce of white wax, two ounces of almond oil and a dram of alkanet; melt together, keeping it in a warm place and stirring occasionally till well eolored, and stir in about five drops of otto of roses. You need not make so much as this at a time. FOR THE COMPLEXION. I should remind you that you cannot have a good complexion if either stomâ€" ach or liver is out of order. Get those right first. Do not depend upon powâ€" der and paint for complexion. The Greek girls are as pretty as any I have seen ; but I have seen a woman look a perfect hag at thirtyâ€"high cheek bones, yellow, wrinkled skin, eyes like a barn ow!‘s, and straggling, thin hair. They begin to paint when very youngâ€"make cheeks and lips like roses, touch the temple veins with blue, and darken the edges of the eyeâ€" lids and eyelashes. They powder plenâ€" fully also. Henece the hagâ€"like appearâ€" ance that begins to come on soon after they are out of their teens. If your hair is falling out use this : Rum, five ounces ; spirits of wine (not the strong), one oune>s , rosewater, four ounces ; tincture of cantharides, one dram, and carbonate of ammonia, one dram. Rub well in, and, after, say, twenty minutes, use the egg wash, finâ€" ishing with filtered rain water. Camphoratel spirits may be used to damp the hair with for _ dandâ€" ruff, and this will also promote its growth. The hair can be washed with lukewarm water and a little borax to soften it, say a teaspoonâ€" ful to a basinful. _ Rub the yolk of a newâ€"laid egg, mixed with a little warm water first, into the roots of the hair. gram, a dram and a hall of purest sulphur, two drams of glycerine of borax, and benzoated _ lard three drams; add a little essence of borâ€" gamot, and mix well. Apply a lit tle to the roots of the hair every night. The following toilet hints are given by Dr. Gordon Stables in the Young Woman: _A tooth, remember, is a far more delicate instrument than many may be aware of. Its strongâ€" est portions are a kind of bone covâ€" ered with enamel; it has a cavity containing pulp, and up through the centre of each root runs a nerve and an artery, the latter to feed the tooth and keep it healthy ; the usedâ€"up or deteriorated biood is reâ€" turned by a vein. As far as beauty is concerned, the ename} is of most Interest. It is most beautiful in the young, but with care may be reâ€" tained ~white for a long period. It is destroyed by powders that scour it, such as that composed of cuttle fish, etec. I commend a mixture of charcoal and prepared chalk, or chalk itself, or charcoal. This lat ter is the best of all tooth Powders for whitening and disinfecting. _A little borax mixed with prepared chalk is very good. It should be rubbed up in a small mortar, with a tiny dust of carmine, enough to give it a pink shade, and a little powdered orris root. lt is elegaunt and safe and beautiful. An ounce oi tincture of myrrh, three to five grains of burst alum, and halfl an ounce of eau de Cologne. Let it settle, aiter shaking it well, and pour off the top. Used on the toothâ€"brush. A hollow _ tooth canâ€" not be too soon stopped. Only a dentist can do this. Gold is the best filling. For Scurf in the Hairâ€"I am in the habit of _ recommending this : Vaseline and lanoline, of each a ADVICE THAT IS WORTH HEEDING Teeth, Hair, and Complexion Preparations. GARE OF THE HUMAN BODY. ENGLISH ARMY BLACKING More Than He Batgained for. Canada‘s Golden Heritage Easier than the easics Primitive British Colony Whaur Wad Ye Be? a dram and a half of purest THE HAIR WUINIAKIV AKLCMIVES® TORONTO shine. | Minard s Liniment the Lumberman‘s Friend Young Widow (three days after her husband‘s death)â€"Ah, he was such a good man I can never forget him. â€" Fliegende Blacetter. Miller‘s Worm Powders for restless ness and peevishness. To Whiten the Neck, When the neck and throat have beâ€" come brown or yellow looking they may be whitened by the persistent apâ€" plication every night of the following paste, spread on a soft rag and wrapâ€" ped pround the neck: Honey, one ounce; lemon juite, one teaspoonful : oll of bitter almonds, six drope ; the whites of two eggs, Add enough fine catmeal to make a smooth paste. Doctors and Suicide. Statistiecs show that the medical profession is more prone to suicide than any other. During the last three years the number of suicides occurring among physicians _ has been respectâ€" Ively 45, 49 and 47 per annum, an avâ€" erage of nearly one to 2,000, or, as the death rate among the physicians is about 25 to 1,000, nearly oneâ€"fiftieth of all the deaths in the profession have been by suicide. For it gives a fine, domestic finish, and not the Chinese glace that is so objectionable to utho-(lcltéV};:e;)plé‘ Unequally Yoked. A word of caution should be adâ€" dressed to women of decided embonâ€" point. They should never indulge in a chemisette of white or light color in the back of their bodice. It is all right in front, but the white and rounded yoke at the back makes them look startlingly roundâ€"shouldered, if there is the least tendency to stoutness. For such women it is an advantagse to be "unequally yoked." There is more Catarrh in this secâ€" tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable, _ For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, _ and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it inâ€" curable,. _ Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, â€" and therefore requires constitutional treatment. _ Hall‘s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. it is taken inâ€" ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of â€" the system. _ They offer one hundred dolâ€" lars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toâ€" ledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. Helpful Children. Never should the mother, through that foolish desire to keep â€" her child as long as possible dependent upon her, or that worse pride which would show itself to be selfâ€"stuffiâ€" cient, refuse the proffered help _ of the child. If she is doing someâ€" thing in which, from the nature of things, he cannot share, let â€" her be careful to substitute some other loving service while declining the one proffered, remembering that love turned away nourishes selfishâ€" ness and proffered help refused beâ€" gets idleness. She may have to say, " No, dear, you cannot help me to dress the baby," but she can add, * You may hand mamma â€" the clothes."â€"Philadelphia Ledger. For imparting a fine, hard finish to cufis, collars, shirts and _ ladies‘ blouses. # Miller‘s ‘Grip Powders Eu‘re‘ Just & littlo better than th> best is Here is a simple, homeâ€"made device for keeping belts, ribbons and stocks smooth and as good as new. Many departmental stores carry the little toy pie rollers, with handles at the ends, which children carry into the kitchen baking days, when they want to help cook make _ the crust. _ Take half a dozen of these little rollers along with you _ this summer, and on them roll your ties or belts, and, lo! ghe "crush" vanâ€" ishes.â€"Plain Dealer. of your papers I tried severa. remedies, but none could reach the spot. I purchased three boxes of your Dodd‘s Kidney PWls and after I had used one box I fellt the disease leaving me. I am now competely cured. I am a contractor here in London, and my friends wil vouch for what I say. Dodd‘s Kidney Pils saved my life." his own case. Then came the cure. Again he was lucky. After trying severa‘ medicines in vain he struck the right one, the only one that is a particle of use in Bright‘s Diseaseâ€" Dodd‘s Kidney PiIs which have never failed yet. Says Mr. Brady himself{: "I have been troubled for three years with Bright‘s Disease and I did not know it until I read the symptoms in one Mr. Brady found out what was the matter with him by chance. He read a list of the symptoms of Bright‘s Disâ€" ease in a paper and at once recognized BulBr:ght‘s Disease and Didnt RNOW itâ€" Rxisted for Three Years Beâ€" fore He Found What it Wasâ€" Then He Found What it Was and Cured it by Dodd‘s Kianey Pills. London, Oct. 9.â€"Mr. G. E. Brady, 229 Taibot street, this city, feels that he is a lucky man. For three years he has been slowly sinking into a quickâ€" sand, deeper and deeper all the time and he not aware of his danger. Mr. Brady hbhad Bright‘s Disease. Bright‘s Disease is generally considâ€" ered incurableâ€"in fact there is only one known cure. It is a Kidney Disâ€" ease, those organs decaying and negâ€" lecting to filter the blood. Well, Mr. Brady never found out what was the matter with him until the disease had run three years and eaten right into his kidneys. He was sunk hopelessly in the quicksand. There was on‘â€"y one thing to save him. Had Bright‘s Disease and Didn‘t Know Plight of a London, Ont., Just what you want is BOSTON L&UNDEY STARCH PBCOSTON LAUNCHRY STARCH DID NOT KNOW &A Long Time A Novel Device. In Sweden yarn is not allowed to be bold if it contains .00009 per cent. of arsenic. _A carpet has been conâ€" demned by the inspectors because it contained oneâ€"thousandth part of a grain of arsenic in sixteen square inâ€" chesâ€"that is, one grain in a piece To PV ar e e sreo Bs ciss of carpet ten feet e:it;;lâ€";e. If written to I will tell you â€" how to be benfited and cured. No money, Adrrexs JOSEPH K. HARRIS, Box F, Windsor, Ont. The frost has ruined thousands â€"of tons of grapee in New York State. Miller‘s Worm Powders cure fever in children. Enterprising young men who want to marry royal princesses are likely to be in demand sbon. There are 71 marriageab‘e young women belonging to reigning famillies, and only 47 princes for them to marry, not countâ€" ing re‘ligious or political impediments. Many of them must, therefore, look forward to marriages below â€" their rank unless they prefer to become o«l maids. One of the Mecklenbergâ€" Strelitz princesses, a sister of the Crown Princess of Montenegro, reâ€" cently married a young man whose sole claim to nobility was a purchased Papal title. By its use, your linen will wear longâ€" er and look n‘cer than by the use of any other. The principal reason that colng are struck and not cast, is the wellâ€" known fact that moiten metals conâ€" tract on cooling. _ ‘Thus counterfelt coins, which are always cast, show fatal variations in size, which auâ€" thentically stamped coins do not. secondly, it is impossible to get the same sharpmess of delineation as in stamping, and, lastly, when _ the stamping machine is once set up, the process of striking coins is inrir%te- ly cheaper and more rapid than that of casting ever could be. as our most potent heart sedative, is the deadly arrow poison of the African cannibals. To CURE A COLO IN ONFE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabâ€" lots. _ All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25¢. E. W. Grove‘s signature is on each box. die Now for our trans Take thou of oru twelve drachme. powders. Take : day. Will it be believe prescription is othe P Fox‘s Lungs. The advisability of physicians‘ preâ€" seriptione being couched in Latin, scays the London Mail, has frequently been que«tioned, but in many cases mediâ€" clnes of the higheat value would be refused by the delicate patient if once their composition WA# known. Many a patient, for instance, would probably £44P at hig doctor prescribâ€" ing to him dynamite as & remedy in heart disease. Dynamite is gimply porous clay satâ€" amite i# °7 ¢ sarrible exploâ€" mm i 0 PrEARSOME MEDICINES, Orushed Cockroaches and pos BOSTON LAUNDRY STARCH TO CONSUMPTIVES Inspecting Yarn in Sweden A Chance for the "Plebs not delay . wno money _ REQUIRED: Why Coins are Struck. Thoe latest out is our translation : _ of â€" orushed cockroaches Arachme«. Divide into 144 T'n.k-g one three times of physicians‘ preâ€" uched in Latin, saY$ has frequent!ly been . many cases mediâ€" wit valug W?!d be s e sls st terrible exploâ€" ." and this same an official mediâ€" 7 C $ d se the above powadered which protects it from impurities bound to i\:‘se from the frequent handling of the naked Write for samples of wrappers and prices to which THE E. B. EDDY co. or send 10c for Co., 1M Queen every locality. â€" A 1 National Paper Cutter, 2 inches, gooa as new. . Price $50.00, a bargain. Cereal Coffee Health Urink, Pure, Wholesome Nourshing. 15c lb., or 2 lbs, for 2%¢c. ROKCO is equal to 40c coffee, Progressive Bakers EDDY‘S ~E€ Stem Winding Watch = * (Lady‘s or Gents), Solid gold + We y, Ring, in Autobarp, Accorâ€" & o /AS i deon, a Vielin erGuitar, for fe a d 2 [Â¥ selling 9 boxes of Dr, Price‘s \ ]' I§ Sarsaparilla Blood Pills at 3 iA SS 6 #Â¥ ct> per box, DONX‘T SENXD ‘\@ 4 4/ MONEY, simply send your NJÂ¥ , name and address_and w« aft) will send you the Pills post paid with our Catalogu« Sell them‘and remit us the payment.and w« will send you the Premium you select. Thes Pills cure impure blood, rheumatism, liver and kidney diseases and all stemach troubles, Pills returnable if not sold Write us at once and mention this paper, PRICE MFG. Co. ROKGCO New life for a quarter. Millers Compound Iron Pills. crushed while crossing the railway track at Rat Portage. "Meet me," she said, "toâ€"morrow night At the garden gate When the sun goes down." And here‘s toâ€"morrow and here am | And there‘s the gate, Aund the «eun‘s gone down. A Fleshy Consumptive John Appelie, a teamster, was badly BRFAD t Je WRAPPERS â€"For Sale by all Grocers FOR SALE ADDRESS 4 HERALD,* Put up their BREAD « it leay s the oven in SE MANUPACTURERS Hull, Canada. lb package to the 1i« ., Toronto. Agents v WÂ¥ 88 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont, F itatre Ri ite W h ut s B 2 3 $ m s 95 Cut thi to i your near expr No 41 1899 ut this ont and r Dundaik, Ont. rry Wateb ¢ vronto, Can send th Mig B niture, steering stack crushed, : worth rifle sho from port to i rent away, ladd: plowed up and scalded corpses who are gaspi: away from hor they love as my parents and chi mignt 1 ready 1 bottom . war the cumsgeh It is considGered when in a nava with its blue ens river or into aA standing in the and giving orders you, O veterans 0 if you are as l03 were to the gov flagship sailing al Christ is the adm from the shrouds, the blue ensign, 4 ward the harbor sides of earth and you, and ye whos red with your ow temp mada squad earth spurs merecy oceans ler than coasts is a flotilla In the confeder most of But whe in the w until th Jack Ta arms im on the 1 Sto rut equir becan th pros; what W t m Bu wh but th n ti miscalou t? and u? h ant New t6 » t0 a t NY Talmage 1 @4 Lt ® > t York, the s DEYV, the AS emet sts, I the m th M d ot kn st

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