West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1899, p. 4

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$31 ll DURHAM REVIEW. The oftieers of the Artemesia Agri. cultural Society may well be gratified at the success attending their exhibit- ion last Wednesdav. The weather was superb, and the exhibits in gener- al show no sign ot deterioration but rather incline towards betterment. The sheep, in numbers, were be- hind some years, bat in quality the judges thought it up to the mark. Wm. Meade is king in Cotswold while Alex. Nair shines in the Leicester classes. J. Spicer in the Fine Wool had close competitors in Jan. Geddes, Arthur Sealey and John Fairbairn. Cattle classes well represented, Fair. bairn'a tine gray bull taking first here as in Holstein. The team shown by the same man took lst prize also. The judging ot the horses in the ring was the most popular feature of the day. and the crowd admired the many Me teams and drivers. The interest reached a climax in the "best lady Driver. " competition; When Mrs. ----nee Miss Hazard) found that The harness exhibit was an exten- sive one Messrs Watson, Pricevilie and McMillan, ot Dromore, dividing the honors. Mr. McMillan deserves great credit noOmly for " excellent artie. les, but for the enterprise he displays in coming 9 miles to show what Drom- ore can do. Secy. Brodie is easily the largest prize taker at the show especially in grain and fruits, with a. good second in J. 1. Graham. The hall in a few points may have been interior to other years, bat the exhibit of fruit and roots was decidedly superior. The roots in the opinion ot many surpassing any local exhibition this year. PRIZE LIST: TIIUROBRED CATTLE DURHAM. Bull, l yr---). Fairbairn. Bull Cali ---Wm. Aldcorn, Arthur Sealey. Milch Cow-D. McMillan. A Muir. 1 yr Hmfer---Wm. Aldeorm Heifer C'tslf--. A, Muir, Wm, Aldeorm no prize, she gave an exhibition ot driving not on the programme, by driving over the grounds in wild fashion, sometimes coming near the crowd. but skilfully contrailling the horse and keeping her seat in the vehicle. The directors we believe were quite gratified at the judging by our townsman Wm. Black and his colleague. . “gamma. C'ow--A Muir, Ist and 2nd. GRADES, Milelt Cow-Arthur Sealey, Donald Campbell. 2nd yr Heiter-- Don. Camp- bell. 2. McMillan. lyr Heifer " J Blakeston, Don. Campbell. Heifer calf-hon. Campbell 1 and 2. 2 yr old 'h'reer--Jag. Sullivan. 1 yr old Steer-Don, Campbell 1 and 2. SHEEP Dugald McLean, as usual has a tine exhibit of footwear with not the slight- est evidence that his hand is losing its cunning. -----(nee Miss Hazard) found that she alone of the three competitors got To directors and Secy. We are in- debted for press favors, and must congratulate them on the success attending their efforts. Aged Ium--Juo Fairborn, James Geddes. Shearling iurn--J Spicer. Arthur Sealy. Pom Lamb-J Spieer, John Fairbairn. Aged Ewes---.) Spleer. J Guides. Shearling Ewes--J Spicer. Arthur sew. Ewe Lamb-A Sealey, Jag Guides. COTS“'OLI). Shading Ilam--Wm. Blends. Rum Lamb-P Muir. Wm. Meade). Aged F,wes--Wm. Meads 1 and 2. Shear- ling Ewes- P Muir, W Meods. Ewe Lamb-Wm Meads, A Muir. LEICESTERS. Aged Ilun--A Muir, Alex McLeod. Shearling lam-A Muir. Ram Lamb --h Muir, W Heads. Aged Ems--. A Muir. Wm Meade. Shearling Ewes --A Muir, Henry Love. Ewe Lumbs ---A Muir. H. Love. Bo,r--Creo Snell. ha Hematock. surrou. (white) Boar-ir" Eckbudt. Geo Snell. Bow-Gro tfnell. Young Pigr--g Spicer. Wifififliffiiiifli’lifi C. Ramage, Geo Snell. Mrs. A McLeod. ' Black FINE WOOL. SWIBE FOWL Editor um Proprietor, tipanurh--Jas Bannock, Mrs A Mer-. Leod. BrtthrmMr--A Muir. White Leghurn---0 McMillan. Brown Leg- Lorn-.1 Geddes. Houan-.A Muir. P13. I'sueli--J H Hand, DMcMIllan. Andalusian...Mrs A McLeod. Black M?uoreas...Chas Watson. Aylrsbury I)meks-0 Melhllan. Other Ducks... ii iii-st. A Gilchrist. Turkeys...D Ile- Millan, Jiro 1lephad. Geese...Arttsar Scale}: Jas Eclilmrdt. Special by C W Rutledge. of Mark- dale. to person taking moat prizes in grain and seeds---] Brodie. DRAUGHT. Span...H Hooper. Hugh McMillan- Brood mare...Jas Patton. H Hooper. 2-yrold Colt...Jno Burnett. 1 yr old Colt...Jas Patton, Jul) Nichoi. Sprmg Colt...D McMillan. Jns Patton, Span .1: Oliver, Cl o, James. Brood liare...1lattiu Bulger, Jan Eckhardt. 2 year-old colt...Jolin McLean. Jno Nichol. 1 yuan-old colt ..Jas Sulllvan, A Gilchrist. Spring Colt...A Carson. M Bulger. Single driver...Dr Hutton, Jus bu.ln'an. Lady driver...Jno Fair- bmrn. Wm. Fletcher. Special by J Patton, Proton, for best spring colt, from any of his stallions...lst D Me- Millan. 2nd Alex McLeod. LADIES WORK. Rug Car t-R Best, Jno McPhail. Woollen gm, doable twist-Wm Meads, Wm Fletcher. Woollen Yarn Single-1‘ Muir, Jno McPhail. Men's Sock‘s - Dugald McLean, R Best. Woollen Stockings Jas Hemstoek. J McPhail. Mitts _P Muir, R Best. Quilt Patehwork..W J Adams, T Cook. Log Cabin (guilt Wm Meads. Quilt Knittml..Jn0 McPhail. CrazY Quiltdjco Watson. Tufted Quiltf. P Muir. Fancy Quilt-W J Adams. Berlin Wool Work, raised,..Wm Meads, Geo Watson. Berlin Wool Work, not raised, ,1: Best, P Muir, Wreath, Any Kind, R Bast. Gent?, Shirt .W P Crossly. Hooked Mat.. Jas Ilcmstock, W J Adams. Crochet Work, Cotton, ,1: Best, W P Crossley. Cruchet Work, Wool..Jas Ilemstock, W P Crossley. Fancy Knitting,Cotton -T C6ok, John McPhail. Fancv Knitting, Wool-Jas IIctnstock, John 1lePhail. Braiding on Cotton-P Muir, w), Adamg. Tinting in Cotton Span...Jnhn Fairbairu, D Campbell Brood LIMP...D Harrow, D McMillan 2 year-old colt...D Black. W Hooper 1 year-old colt-ho Fairbaim, R Best, Spring Colt-Alex McLeod, Hugh Me Millan. Speclal by A Muir to person taking most prizes in fruix=J Brodie. GRAIN Full wheat, Clawson--J Brodie, J I Graham. Fall wheat other variety J Brodie, A Gilchrist. Spring wheat white Russian...A Nair, J Brodie. Spring wheat, white F1fe...J I Graham A Muir. Spring wheat any other kind, J Sulliygn, A gilchrist. Barley (iroweq ..J Brodie, A Gilchrist. Oats Blaek--. J TGraham, A Muir. Peas Large.. J I Graham, J Brodie. Peas Small.. A Mair, J Hemstock. Corn..J Brodie D McLean. Timothy Seed..A Mair P Muir. White Beans..R Best, W P Crossley. Colored Beans..R Best, D McLean. Flaxsced..J Brodie, PMuir Clover Seed..J Brodie, J Sullivan. Coll. ot Grain in Head special by J )chi‘thur. . J Brodie, ..W P Crossly, Jno McPhail. Crazy Patch work. .Wm Meads, W J Adams Embroidery in Ssilk--Jno McPhail, W J Adams. Outline work-lt Best Wm Mcads. Woollen work on Canvas-R Best. Macrame Laee-Jno McPhail. Toilet Set-dt Best, w J Adams. Men's Soeks--Speeial Jno McPhail. woollen Mitts-h Mair. FLOWERS. Hand boaqaet--wm Meads, T Cook Table bouquet. . wm Manda. ...A Muir. J I Graham. Barley 2 rowyl. . A Muir, J Brodie. Oats white ROOTS and YEGE/1ABLEs'. Potatoes, (Elephant)--- w Mwuls, J. McLean. Beauty of Hebron-W Meads J Hemstock, Potatoes, White -A Gil- cluGt, A Butters. Collection Potatoea N' J Adams. i' Watson, Swede. Thus nips J I Graham, A Gilchrist. Turnips any other kind .I l Graham, J Burney. Tin-hips. talilva McMillan, J I Gra.. hum. Mangolds--1' Watson, D Mc- Cormick. Turnip L'eets-P Muir, w Mvads. Beets, long hlood--A Muir. P Muir. Beets, sugar-J Sullivan. A Mc- Leod. Calthage, Oxheart or Wining. staulleV Menus. n Best. Caltlrage any other kind---" McLean. C Watsori. Cauliflower-D McCormick. Potatoe onions-D McCormick. Jus McDonald. Dutch setts-G Watson, J McDonald. Top onions--] Brodie, J H Heard, Black Heed Onions-J Brodie, D Mc- Cormaek. Ptusnips--H Watson, A Muir. Field Carrots-D McLean, A Muir. Shorthorn Cartots-P Muir, J McLean. Table Carrots, long---A Muir, PMuir. Pumpkin, common yellow-- JI Graham, J Brodie. Pumpkins any other kind-d Brodie, c, Watson. Squash---] I Graham. J Brodie. Cele -w J Adams. J Brodie. t'it,,oefi,'t.'il; McCormack. J Brodie. WaterMetom, D McCormnck, TCook. Tomatoes-g I Graham, J Brodie, Coll vegetahles-- J Brodie, J I Graham. FRUIT. Apples. N Bpy_-ir Brodie, C Watson " inter Appleti-J Brodie, J I Graham. Snow 'git-d I Graham, J Brodie. Fall--3 rodie. W Fletcher. Coll. up les-l l Graham,Jns Brodie. Crabs IO) McCormack, Jars Brodie. Plums- J I Graham. A McLeod. Pears---' Evkhardts, J Brodie. Grapes-J Brodie J I Graham. DAIRY PRODUCTS &C. Honey m Comb-H Watson. Honey Extracted -H Watson. Roll Butters. GENERAL PURPOSE. HORSES BUADSTERS P Muir, A Muir, J McLean. Tyb Butter-d McPhail, w Meads, H Hoop- er. Cheese, Home Made-d Eccles. Bread--] McLean, A Muir. Maple Molrvsse-w J Adams, T Cook, Maple Sugar-A Muir. J Heulslock. 5Us Hull Buner special by w Short hill, w Meads. MISS Jennie Coutts and her sister Mrs. Baine spent last week with Owen Sound friends. Atter which Mrs. Baine returned to her home in the city. r Rev. I. G. Barns has left our midst and moved to Strathaven. Many tender links of love and friendship existed between Mr. Burns and this neighborhood which will not soon be forgotton. The good wishes of the Crawford people, follow Mr. Burns in his new home and sphere of work. G Watson. Single Harness-Ar' Watson c, McMillan. Men's Boots, calf--D Mc- Lean. Men's Boots, kip-rp. McLean. Woruen's Boots, calf-D McLean. Coll. Boots and S'hoes---D M (Lean The Misses Stewart, of the Rocky spent a cougle ot days last week at Mr. Dougal MeDonald's and took in the Harvest Home at Crawford. Miss McLean, of South Bentinck, visited friends on the 9th. Con. last week. She plso attended the Harvest Home ip good PO‘QPWY; " y , Tii/ hind 1itss Mary .Melntosh whiled away last Friday evening pltyontJyyyis. McDonald’s. . Horse shoes-D G McLean Lumber Wngsron---d H Heard. Democrat~J H Heard. Team Harness-C MgMillzm. J UDu'ES. Horse Classes: . . Marsh, Markdale, Wm. Black, Durham. --- __ _ Cattle, Sheep& Swine: Henry Tuck- er Mark Willis. Poultry: T. J. Shepard. Ladies' Work: Mrs. W. II. Basket, Miss A. A. Bunting. The carpenters are at Mr. Dugald McDonald's _tinishjng up his) gables}. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Irilarui, ot Keppel, visited at Mr. Donald Mellae's last week. Our good old mother eaath, was almost clad once more in her snowy mantle but our young winter did not long remain. It has left beautiful weather in its place. On Sep. 29th another of our Craw- ford people was laid in their last rest- ing place in the person ol Mrs. Joseph King. Mrs. King was for some time past troubled with cancer. which terminated her earthly career. She leayes behind to mourn her departure a husband and 3 children. who have the sympathy of thie community. Who were the lads from the South who took their girls to see the decor- ations of the Crawford Church after Harvest Home. The treat of this season was the Harvest Home giyen by the Crawford Presbyterian Church on Sep. 29th. In spite of cold, sleet and darkness a large crowd assembled who all express their pleasure at being present. A good supper of fowl, cakes and pies in abundance, was partaken of' in the Methodist Church, alter which they crossed over to the Presbyterian Church which was tastefully decorated and which indicate the taste of Craw- ford ladies. Every thing was beauti- ful and suitable for the occasion. A good programe, ot speeches, recitations and singing was rendered after which allwcnt home saying they were glad they went. Proceeds amounted to t31 which will be used in making the church comtortable for the winter. Mr. Wtn. Smith left for a few weeks vislt to Chathatn and Tilhury Friday last. Mrs. M. (huneron left, for Chicago the same day. We had quite a snow storm here Saturday last. Hut expect some tine weather now. The ladies of the w. F. M. S. held their annual Thank Oituring meeLing in Latona Church Monday lust. The ltd- ies have always done Well in the past and have done well this year to as their collection amounted to $27.00. Mrs. Little and Mrs. McGill from Chats- worth attended the meeting. Miss Phoebe Wolfe from Durham spent a few days with Mrs. H. Alexan- der lately. Miss Maggie Mclntosh has gone back to the Queen City after spending some weeks with her parents of this place. Mrs. Gilchrist, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welch this week. Cluldren's day services were conduc- ted by our pastor Rev. Mr. Graham on Sunday last. We forgot, to say in our last budget that our old tailor Mr. H. lioness spent a. few days in and around Dornoch. Henry is doing a rushing business up at Gore Bay. Miss Maggie McDonald left for Buffalo last Thursday after spending the summer months at her home here. Mr. Ralph Parsons. of Rat Portage, is visiting his sistei Mrs. Graham this week. Mr. Tom and Jim Campbell also Tom McIntosh left last Thursday for Duluth. Miss Minnie. Buchanan returned home fr om the Queen City last week. Mr. Robert Hay who is always mak. ing improvemehts has lately erected a fine driving shed. A new dwelling house will be the next. Miss Alice Cortett from Toronto is spending a few weeks with her parents 3IANUFACiU1lEs I "tended for last week. Crawford Dornoch. 0.- qi.-------- UN I AKIO ARCHIVES , TORONTO I Durham, Oct. 9, 1899. "Always Prompt. Never Negligent.' All business Strictly Private. A'ieh Meu, Poor Mm, Grits, T arias and Patrons, ALL DEAL WITH.... H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyance" If you are unable to pay 100 ('HILS on the 8 he w1ll assist you to arrange with your creditors. Itisolvent, Estates sat. isfactorilv wound up. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, and other Writings carefully prepared. William Deana has: returned from Tor. onto. He and one of Ins sisters is going: lo Marquette, In Michigan soon, whore some of the family live. The MeLoch church party had there Sacrament on Sundny lst0ct. Mr. Ken- nie preaching the sermon once per month, While they were at the services a number of boys were out side on the street eilving them. Them things should not be allowed. Mr. Joseph McArdle is busy correspon. ding with friends in Mammal about his cousin Miss Duncan an aged lady who was a passenger m: the illfubed Steamer "Scotsman 't which was wrecked at Belle Isle. Miss Duncan was coming home from England where she was on a visit and she fell of a ladder onto the rocks going into the second boot and got her shoulder dislocated and other injuries. She is in a critical condition. Mr. Me- Ardle is one other nearest relations and on old sehoolmate. Peter Whittle an old resident of Dan- dalk,whohas been living in Proton for some time in rather poor circumstances shed on Friday 6th and buried on 7th. m had to get assistance from the Proton Council. Mr. Ronnie has brought two large loads of his furniture moving here into the old white house and he expects tn be living here soon. Ton To All Whom it May Concern PPLICATION FOR A TRANSFER of the Tavem License held b Martha Gunn has been receivex from Samuel Beattie. A meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for South Grey will be held " Kirchner’s Hotel, Hanover. on Friday, 20th inst. to consider such ap- Get on to the REVIEW List for 1900 and get the balance of this year for nothing. $1.00 pays up to Jan. let 1901. Let your neighbor know. I cotch & Irish ! NOTICE I PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. THOS. A. HARRIS, Hapeville. 2’. ' miller HANOVER. LICENSE Ixspncrou. Lucas, Writh & Batsom-At Cotn.. nwn-inl Hate. Pvicvville. every Mun- doy from " p. III. to S p. In. BOAR fill $llf (Ill Millie mm tIll Ill " it Iligt HE L'NDERSIGNED WILL SELL T or exchange a thoroughbred huge English Berkshire Boar for, a, Yorkshiw. Apply to the proprietor. VINEGARS from 30c per gall. Pure Spices. Ground and Whole. Flavoring Extracts, trut to flavor, Spring and Summer Goods . of Massey-Harris Binders. Mowers. As usual a Full Line Disc Barrows, Rakes, Etc. You know what these Goods are-the best in the market. Buy no other '. Our Teas Are Leaders! 'u.ericlr,',iiii. v - not 2 5 and Japan 2 5c TEA-s-the best in the market. itlt.rt (a; f/Girl,',",:.: .....90c 'l'gt'2.'l. STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR-"N “I . Two earloads of Tudhope HUGHES to llllll Id ----select. We have very nice Buggies and Q. Democrats. Prices ot rigs are on the rise but our stock was bought early, and a good profit saved in freight alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full carload toselect from. See our Farm TRUCK. These are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Turnip Sowars, Scuiilevs, l’loughs. Barrows, Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5'1. Issuer of lARRIAGE I LOWER TOWN n Implement Warerooms. WM CAI F WA11'E?..cf..r? VERAL BRIGHT AN!) HON- est persons to represent us as Managers in this and close by cmmtieu. Salary $900 a, year and expense‘:. Straight, brnv-tHe, no murv. no less salary. Position permanent. Our reference. any hunk in uuytouu, Itis mainly union work conducted " In are. Rp- forenva. Enclose silt-addressed stumped or,ttulope. Tm: “mum”! Comm“: Dept. s, Chicago. tt . PARKER'S tty it We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! JAS, ATKINSON. “if! H. PARKE R'S The Leading Spot for all kinds at Groceries. I years that (lesimlelv farm. Lot ll) and ll, Cott.1, ti. ".it., (ilenelg. Farm is well watered, frame barn and othey out huildings. Good brick houn- half a mile front school. Pmsession given at any time. Terms reasonable. Apply in proprietor of Central Hotel. Dulham. for particulars. Farm and Hotel to Rent THE RUB BUY HOTEL (this year unlicensed) is also oNered in connection. License is expected ttettt year. Rent arranged au-mmlingly. Apply tMg Above. Dated Sept. 12, 1809. 'tt navenise in We I)gtlit REVIEW l Best Proof VINMAR, 50e per gall. Whole Mixed Bpioe. 25e r lb. PURE CREAM 'll'1'A7ht' 30e lb. O RENT FOP. THREE UR FIVE Issuer of lARRlAGE Licenses. CAL DE R :---zo lbs. for SUI). tor 2sil Black TBig; “no sad See DO NOT When You " only For sale by Ill Heavy hen'v Mk your I’m sun- in t l huv math": mull!" " als, a ttl which I “ha. what I furl :r friend tr rheuuuui my sun-m hom Wltt Feels. DURh'j- 'vi. Rheumatism For Ro PINUL BM illllr2 l Carr’s Our Toni, Sea each. _ a dozen. l Glass Berry pies to mud Pepper Do inch Granite [Ame Size Bowie, 25e 1 58 only f , Sim CHEAP ! HE SELI a. good an and Smut We ulwa Starling I Boots and " " w tn " ff vet Glass 1 " it W (N thr (M

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