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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1899, p. 5

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«q4 Ufe ‘KERS B33 9;:1 AA vet Gozen per dozen Ot x STORE 20 lbs. for $1.00. Spot for Grocsries. good TEA ‘roods lachines, teylex ! 1b. Oc Redt Black censes. 11 time s and n the ‘eight These wers, You 1b. gall. year tion. Rent nove. IVI s1on ble. 1st 10 to ’l‘Big“@@ Boots and Shoes. Come and See us in Our New Store. D0 NOT BUY A LAMP When Yonu Want For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. Meavry Wool shawls l have tried several remedies for rhenâ€" malism, so«.ne of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I have taken has done so much for me as your Phrenaline, and I have mach pleaâ€" sure in recommending it to other sufâ€" It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I wes suffering at the time, so what I feel mow like a new man. To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd. Oftarca, Ont. (GENTLEMEN.â€"On the advice of a friend tried one bottle of your faanous rhenmatic remedy, Phtrenoline, and to my surprice it cured me of rhenmatism, from which I haye suffered for many vears. DURKA&M, Kheuratism & Dyspepsia Cumd. For Roughened Skin PINOL .BALSAM BABYS 1 COUG | CR Our Tor‘ Elixir Yours very traly, (Nigned) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman . of Works, Rideau canal only (Glass Table Setts, 25¢ each. 308 only Glass Berry Bowls, 10c each. Nappies to match, 30e a dozen. 30 only Imitation Cut (ilass Berry Bowls, 20c. Napâ€" pies to mateh, 40c dozen. Salt and Pepper Dusters, 5¢ each. â€" 10â€" inch (Granite Pie Plates,. 10c each. Large Size White Granite Wash Bowls, 25¢ each. Word in vart‘s â€" Cough â€" Cure Season: MacFARLANE & HE SELLS CHEAP !! a good and warm pair of Boots and Srors, come and see us. We always keep a full line of Sterling Brothers‘ Handâ€"made A thoroughly tested and effsoetnal remedyâ€"â€"25¢ bottle. Wilt give speedy relief. For the ehildren we keep a specially prepared Reversible, full size, for cold weather, at $1.35, $2 and $3 ea. Pleasant to take and every timeâ€"â€"25¢ o This changeable weather always brings a seige of colds which should be atâ€" tended to. _ Carelessness very oiten leads to chronic trouble which may â€"be eased, but seldom cured. A guaranteed remedy at 50c bcottle. It you are predisposed to colis a bottle of 571 St. ParTrioK StrEer, OTraAwaA,. July 31st, 1896 Until you see ours. We have them cheap. and Chapped Hands ow FROST CREAM is just what vyou need. «& uh Dr:ucatsts axp BooKsEnueErs At 5Je will prove the best prevention. _ But if already afflicted tryâ€"â€"â€"â€" neerginoemmimine emmennerennem rurmon smm on anniem c onane sw Cuoer‘s Bloc. e and cures 25¢ bottle. Y3 o. wfi ONT. 5U as the Department made lots of changes and change was rest, their ocâ€" cupation was endurable! As to savin time he gave examples of misdirecteg effort, and one way of wasting time was uyini to follow the methods of others without developing their own. Another was spending time in finding fault, Of course the rroper avrrangeâ€" ment of subjects and allotment of time to each was a sphere in which time could be saved. Mr. Dixon‘s paper was pregnant with suggestive material and enjoyed. The paper of the day evidently was that by Eler. Brough, of Owen S{)und. So good was it that the association W. L. Dixon was down for " Sowing Time," which was meant for * Saving Time," though Mr. irwin thought the copy looked like "Loving Time," and Mr. D. made such a facetious opening that for a while it was * Laugiu.oy Time." _ Teachers were indeed seed sowersâ€"a continual spring time with them, hence a continual busy time, but Dr. Mearns in a brief address, opâ€" posed frequent changes in the curriâ€" culum, thought teachers should have a stronger representation on the Eduâ€" catlonal Council, condemned excessive home work for pupii, and pinching salaries for teachers. a trenchant inanuer he pointed out characteristies of his subject, such as sympathy, _ coâ€"operation, _ vigilance, patience, cheeidfulouess, etc. _A tine disâ€" cussion followed, and Mr. 8. is to be complimented on the interest his paper evoked, No authoritative dictum howâ€" ever is yet laid down to "Would you prohibit talking in school?" Misses Kerr and Derby, Messrs, Allan, Dixon, Campbell and others discussed it, Mr, W. J. Sharp *"Temperance and Hygiene" said the aim of educatrion was to form character, and school training shauld level its heaviest blows agninst drunkenness, _ a â€" great _ destroyer of character, No tippler, of course, should be allowed a place in our schools. â€" He outlined methods of teaching the subâ€" ject, and gave important points that pupils should note in its effect on body and mind, and the practical wisdom disâ€" played by athletes and others in shunâ€" uing liquor, ‘"*The dull pupil" said Miss Ida Irwin, "Was a rare geim for our polishing," and referred to the well known fact that famous men bad frequently been dull boys, The world had lost much by wrong treatment of â€" slow pupils, so there was necessity for us being "up and doing." The discussion by Miss Seott and others brought out some good points one of which was that patience ef the tescherâ€"with a dull boy is repaid. L Dr. Taylor, an old teacher, welcomed the teachers to Hanover in a brief address. He was followed by Dr. Landerkin, M. P., who spoke on the importance aud responsibility of the teacher‘s work, He favored the tesching of Agriculuure as well as a knowledge of langnages. ‘"‘The man who is master of two Janâ€" guages, lives two lives and has two souls," Me pointed out the necessity of parents going hand in hand with the teachers, (of whom Canada has reason to be proud,) if the best results are to be secured, _A stimulus to better work would be better salaries. Prin. Jenkins, of 0. 8. Coll. : ‘"The Study of »a Leat." put the inst undet an ebligation by giving an address on a «tudy which giyes F interesting employment,. â€" The le its make up, its Tunctions, its he was finely gaealt with, Can our re: decids which they would rathe without flowers or foliage ? BHe some apt quotations which in the of his address were much enjoyed. i Nofi stinsis mt tval tdctairatt 6 4. "Conyversation muketh a ready man,." Live schools can unly be maintained by growing teachers, Miss Lydia Kerr, *"Primary Manageâ€" ment," wants the best teacher for Lae littie ones, abounding in sympathy, providing tor the constant aclivities of the child, loying the work, anu neaching the churld through its emotional Lature, In the discussion which followed, taken pari in by Miss Anderson and several yentleman, it was brought out that Maiss Ker cured o gui chewmng _ by making tue culprit wearit on bis nose tor a time ! Rev, Mi. Craigre gas pertiment maikllers to the teaches, In the afternoon, Miss McCoy spoke on ""The Auavantages of Heading Good Literature" anu urgeu that we should vBeware of the man of one book," W hat is read should be tailked over for Of the work done we can only give a partial report. _ A marked feature was the increased part taken by the ladies on the program, and discussions were freely taken part in. f The Thursday morning session conâ€" sisted chiefly of routine work. Mr, Mills gave a full report of the weeting ol the O, E. A. in Toronto in April 1898, The pomts there awelt upon as imporâ€" tant were: History should not be on itutrance ; Arithmetic should be laught from lines, magnitude etc., not from pebbles and spiunts; no certificate to Issue unuder 21 years ; training terim in model school to be one year, A comumittee on drawing and writing books for juniors was appointed, they to bring in resolution, but this matter was left over, L Splendid weather for once and not an umbrella needed, Such were the someâ€" what unusual conditions favoring the Annual Conyention in Hanover on Thursday and Friday:last. Hanover was a new depart:l!‘e, but miamee 2@ L 0. 1 South Grgy Teacherg‘ Associdtion ANNUAL MEETING IN HANOVER FRIDAY. ive a brief talk on o the pleasure of . 8. Coll. Inst., put the institute in able _ pupils leat in uty rders gave light do The Children‘s Day Services last Sale bath, we believe, was a success and was highly appreciated by both old and yo“nst Mr and Mrs McLean of Ballinafad visâ€" ited their old friends, Rey Mrand Mrs Campbell. Mr McAlpin of Knox College was the guest of Rev D L Campbell a few days last werk. _ We all enjoyed his aldress at the Prayer Meeting on Thursday evening. . Mr W lissife of Egerton souas vally # OD fricuas o. .\lmm.a_,'. Mr J Hastie who has been this sumâ€" mer preéaching in Coboconk and Kinâ€" mount bas returned home. We underâ€" stand he is going to resume his studies in Knox College, Toronto. J Garson Mrs Highland of Toronto is spending a few days with her parents Mrand Mrs Thrashing is the order of the day, D Becles‘ new steamer is cleaning out eyerything before it. Mr J Wilson paid Dundalk an extendâ€" ed visit last week. Rev Mr Lawrence of English Settleâ€" ment and Ilderton was the guest of Mr. J M Findlay last week. In the absence of Mr Campbell he took charge of the prayer meeting in Russell Hall on Thusday evening and also ably filled Amos Church Pulpit on Sunday. _ Rev Mr Campbell was serving communion in Durham. Air Henry Pitt of Sault Ste Marie yvisâ€" ited his sisier Mrs 8 Boakes last week. muchu suomd know that Ur. dumg‘s Luite Pilis, the wouderful Stomach luver lemedy, giyes a splendid appe sounu «igestion «ud a regular bouny i thai imsares perfect health aua s energy, Only 25¢, ai our urug stores, Intended for last week. M D Christie of Builfalo formerly of this piace paid his uncle Mr G Bruce a visit for a few days last week. Is envied by a‘l poor dyspeptics who Stomauch and Liver are out of order. â€" A The Hanover doctors and clergy got a good mark for attendance. The citiâ€" zens will barely pass, while ye editor got a goose egyg, Considerable anxiety was expressed when it was known that diphtheria has been prevalent all summer, We were pleased to meet with many old friends. Mr. J. W. Brown did the honors of the chair very successfully. ‘God Save the Queen" closed the Sessions. Thursday evening a first class concert wirs held, with 0. A. Smiley as the star. The music by the local talent was very highly spoken of,. A healthy treasury truly with $159 on hand, as shown by auditor D. McDonâ€" ald‘s report. Ingh tiime the public should know this, Absence from convention, poor playâ€" yrounds, badly heated rooms were all hindrances to successful work. â€" Mr. B‘s paper has waited a year, but it was still tresh and vigorous. The next meeting is to be in Flesherâ€" ton at the call of the executive. Officers are : Mr. Slaughter, Flesheiâ€" ton,. President ; Miss Kerr. Viceâ€"Presiâ€" dent ; Air. T. Allan,. Becretary ; Messrs, Redforda, Mills, Dixon, Misses A. Clark and Irwin. Death has again visited us and taken any utilitarian idea was the true theory of education. The teacher of questionâ€" able moral character was a curse to a school. _ The teaching of morals was inâ€" tended not so much to keep children out of hell as to keep hell out of the children! He defended changes of text books as an evidence of progressive ideas at headquariers, and thouglt it high time the public should know this. Absence from convention. boor niuv W. J. Blakeston showed up "Diffiâ€" culties in the Profession," insisting that the development of the mind and not Miss M. Scott spoke con amore on "Literatare." She has a warm and enâ€" thusiastic admiration for the subject which must be highly infectious among her pupils, and placed great importance on memorizing the choice thoughts of the masters of English poetry. Inspector Campbeil had a copy for each teacher of a leaflet filled with words wrongly pronounced, and faulty sentences which he had collected quietâ€" ly from the teachers of the county in the past few years. In this lookingâ€" glass the company gazed while Mr. C. gave cornect pronounciations as he had secured them, from eminent authorities. He urged a study of the vowel sounds, not only of the English, but of other languages, urged attention to syllabiâ€" cation, and set a high standard which teachers at least ought to neach. Any teacher asking him for a ""recommend" or applying for a *sit" were not likely to get either. uit + sn Arbitcdiis c 0B 1 .3 ol sc c aa d c id a un of Republics" down fine, and though intelligently presented the giving of such a lengthy paper on such a subject was a mistake in judgment. Rev. Mr. Bray took an interest in the sessions and made a brief address. He also deplored the madequate returns, #inancially, of the profession. J. R. McNichol had the strange subâ€" ject "The American Constitution" with which he seems perfectly familiar, and for parts of which he bas unbounded admiration. In a vigorous torrent of words he tore through Legislatures and Executives, and hbhad the unpatriotic idea (of which Inspector Campbell showed the fallacy) that the American Senate was the ablest Legislative body the world had ever seen!! Mr. Mcâ€" Nllchul has the how and the why of ie in\ pevemcuuc l 2l 2s ue ‘ ! EWV ETVRTT ETRTVE CHTe CV UR "the promulgation of the constitution _ 1005 EPVUEAPEURELL a "" °+ 2 Cuischman gave some excellent hints and devices for teaching the »Bimple Rules." A chart he made to facilitate mental operations is no doubt in many note books. iâ€"lOrariesâ€"more useful than maps. It was a meaty paper. NMr. Deutschman gave some excellent hints and devices for teaching tha have decided to have it priated in pamphlet form. It was on **‘Composiâ€" tion" and was an elaborate treatment of a difficult subject in its phases of wriiter and spoken language, embracâ€" ing the efforts of the beginner up to the crltivation of style. Style had its origin in chatacter and can be acquired by mssociation with the best minds in Literature, As an aid to Composition he strongly urged the establishment of Libeartesâ€"more useful than mana " is The Appetite of a Goat DPromore. mom e ue s n oo NOTES. ablt reat ~ew and tibe All SOME OF OUR SNAPS : CALL EARLY AND SECURE ONE Jus! Received 0 Lorge Shipment of Sivervare o Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Waltham or Elgin Watch in Nickle Screw Case, _ We have Sevenâ€" teen Jeweled _ Walthams atsâ€" prices never offered before. We are Now in a Position to give you the best bargains that can be got in our line of business. â€" Our selves are well stocked with all kinds of Hardware _ which we are still selling at the old prices. Walter Lothian Orchardville visited his home and attended service here on Sunday. _ _ LQhy Mr. R. Renwick Jr. who has been spending a couple of months in North Dakota returned home last week lookâ€" ing well after his trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. Isarac visited their daughter Mrs. H. Baird. Lauriston, last week. Miss Mary Scott visited friends in Hampden last week. 1 T P i eP v T Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper, was observed here on Sunday last a large number were present, two new names were, _ added making the communion roll number 171 active and 17 unactive. Mr. and Mrs. G. Binnie, Glenelg, attended Service here on Sunday. ___ Thrashing is almost a thing of the past around here now the grain in all cases has turned out well and the farâ€" mers are smuling at the well filled granaries as the fruits of their sumâ€" mer‘s toil as the quality as well as the quanity is all that could be expected. xOTHER was held was proved by the large crowd that gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to her. Service was conduetâ€" ed at the house and grave by the Rev Mr Magwood of Holstein. She waslaid to rest in Amos Church grave yard. Look out for the great Fax Concert in Russell Hall on October 26th. away another of the aged ones in the person of Mrs Hopkins who died on Sepâ€" tember 28th at the ripe old age of 89 years. _ The high esteem in which she JASR.GUN Coldgr‘s Which are a sure cure for Colds, Chills, Headathes, Etce. You should keep a box of these in the house and when you feel a cold commyg on check it at once. If you don‘t, it will be sure to cost you double or more, than a box of our valuâ€" able Capsules will, which are only 25 cents. 6P CASULESâ€"> Have you one? If so, we can cure it for you. During this very changeable weaâ€" ther we are having everyâ€" body almost is suffering from a cold "Eacept those who use our y COLDS $5 BIL_L ! i CARLOAD of the best Canadian and American Coal Oil just arrived. Bring along your cans and get them filled. ALL and See our _ Potato Drags. Put up by . ... DRUGGIST.... HARDWARPE T V°j PUCeUZ0 10L TY CUduIUs J FPCSCNIUS. iverybody should stock their kitchen with Graniteware at the present prices. A large shipment otf Buggy Rugs, Buggy L};ts, Lap Rubâ€" bers, Robes, Horse Blankets, Circingles, Whips, &e. to hand. Very suitable for Wedding Presents. Everybody should hok se in sB OE cA W LN S o mt C in L C BoXk x Duton DURHAM, Oxt. Of our "Snyder Rifles" with 20 rounds Ammunition before they are all sold. WM. BLACK. Table Knives..... .. Hammers...... ...... Curry Combs......... Lamp Chimneys .... . Horse Brushes .... ... Lamps.....,...,.:..., OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Residence first door west of the Post Office, Durham., Office, over Grant‘s store, LowerTown BARRISTER. j SoLICITOR in SUPREME Ccourt. NOTARY PUBLIC, CcOMMISSIONER, ETC. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at low+st rates of interest. Valuations made by a competent and careful Valuator. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leascs, Agreements, &e. correctly prepared. _ Estates of deceased persons looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts preprared and passed. Surrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Letters of Administration nud Guardiunship Obtained. Searches made in Registry Oftice and Titles reported on. NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, ac. OMficeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURKHAM. LOAMS arranged without delay, _ Collections prowptly made. Insurance effected. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest, Officeâ€"one door north of $. Scott‘s, Durham. Loan and Insurance Agent, Conveyâ€" ancer, Commissioner, &c. Note,.â€"At Durham, Mondays 10 a, m. to 4 p.m. and Court Days. At Priceâ€" ville, Mondays 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. OFFICESâ€"Owen Sound, Markdale and Durbam BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS. Money to Loanâ€"Company and Private Funds, Low Rates. Easy Terms. Rgtee%eeee%¢e%%e%e e %® + OFFICKâ€"Mclntyre Block, LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON. I B LUCAS W H WR.GHT C A BATSON Dr. T. G. MHOLT L. D. 8 J. P. TELFORD, Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. DENTISTRY W. L. McKENZIE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN arrister, Notary, Gonâ€" veyancer, Otc., gtc..... W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. Charges Moderate Of the Best FURNTURE (Over the Bank. TORONTO 15 _ Dinner Spoiledâ€"Husband Madâ€" _ Bervant GPi(:'l Ugly. The ancient ___clock did its bestâ€"It is old enough to rest. Its going qualities have gone, you want a Evood Clock & 'I‘emper Baver. We have them for $3.50. You can save time and worry by buying one. We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Full Line of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES, @aACall and see for yourself. @~Prices are right. W. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank, Co Round The Wheels savings hank deposits of $1.00 and np wards. Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance, !,c KELLY, Ag'(‘ll‘. A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at current rates. SAVINGS BANK AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, _ Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England, CAPITAL, Authorized CAPITAL, Paid up.... RESERVE FUNXD .. . S. SCOTT. STANDARD BANK OFf CANAD! We osk Inspection of our Tr§. GROCERIES TWEEDS & YARNS PROFITS I [ â€"â€"= In Heavty; and Light _ Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Ete. DURHAM AGENC WOOL want you to know we handle everyâ€" thing in the Harness line. _ Harness that is durable and fits a horse comâ€" fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. J. LIVINGSTONE, Spring Need FROST & WOOD Should call at onee and examine it, and they will be convinced that it is the best and cheapest twine sold. PLYMOUTH BINDR TWINE! FARME RS We can give you Bargains IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We Head Office, Toronto. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY BOOTS & SHOES, &c., W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Of best quality, We are prepared to hanâ€" dle your WOOL & other produce to your entire satisfaction. WE SUPPLY ITâ€"â€"â€" in e No, 8 Mowers are selling very fast. Also our Steel Wheel Tiger Rake and our No. 2 Binder is pronounced a favorâ€" ite wherever it goes, At the Old Durham Foundry C. LEAVENS Who have not yet seen the of & Time Interest allowed on Cagg*t 37°33$ $2,000,000 1,000,000 .__600,000

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